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Oasis Filters

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the Course Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:

Palicte, Carl David A.

Javier, Jasper R.
Espeña, Joesenn Paul C.
Tan, Rachelle S.
Torres, Jhoanna Mae A.

Submitted to:
Mr. Anderson Ray C. Arcadio



I. Introduction
II. Nature and description of the product
- Product Description
III. Value Proposition
- Value Proposition Mapping
- Value Proposition Statement
IV. Marketing Aspects
- Generic Strategies
- Marketing Mix Strategies
V. Technical Aspects
- Product Development Flow
- List of Materials
VI. Financial Aspect
- Projected Demand Schedule
- Projected Sales Schedule
- Projected Income Statement
VII. Capsule Resume
VIII. References


I. Introduction
People of the Philippines, out of its population of 109 million people, 57 million
people (52% of the population) lack access to a reliable, safety managed source of water,
and 43 million people (39%) lack access to safely managed household sanitation
facilities. Despite its growing economy, the Philippines faces significant challenges in
terms of water and sanitation access ( The country is rapidly urbanizing, and
its growing cities struggle to provide new residents with adequate water and sanitation

Inadequate and intermittent water supply in Metro Manila and in other parts of
the country can have serious health consequences. When water is scarce, people are
often forced to rely on drinking water sources that may not be safe. They may also lack
sufficient water for basic hygiene – to wash themselves and their clothes, and to prevent
infection including from foodborne and waterborne diseases. Low or negative water
pressure in pipes due to short supply can attract contaminants that will put water quality
at risk when the supply is restored (WHO).


II. Nature and Description of the product

Title of the product: Oasis Filter

Product Description:
Oasis Filter is a portable water bottle filter created from a 1.5-coke bottle. It
includes four layers of filters to make sure the water is clean and safe to use and
to provide high quality water, Oasis filter is Filtration can save your household
money because at a lower price you have a Portable Water filter that could be used
in any circumstance.

Date of Product released/launched:

May 2023

Purpose of the product:

Providing clean drinking water is the goal of the Oasis Filter. Water purification and
safe water for households in rural and urban regions, especially for those without
access to clean water. The purification process reduces the concentration of
contaminants including suspended particles like Escherichia coli, Vibrio/diarrhea,
and Shigella.

Target Market:
Our target market offers families and individuals who cannot provide clean and
safe water along with those who like hiking and traveling, especially for families
who live in rural areas and do not have access to clean water. We offer Oasis Water
Filters, which can provide clean and safe water at a reasonable and affordable price


III. Value Proposition Statement

This section of the research report provides a value proposition map and statement
of the product

Value Proposition Map


Value Proposition Statement

“Love the taste of Purity”

Offering affordable Oasis Water bottle Filter is the most convenient way of getting clean
and safe water. Oasis filter is Filtration can save your household money because at a lower
price you have a Portable Water filter that could be used in any circumstance.


IV. Marketing Aspects

Generic Strategy
The main generic strategy of Oasis Filter is to demonstrate that it is the best water filter
for you. Such a solution has the benefit of working exceptionally well with all sorts of tap water.
By removing contaminants and other impurities from tap water, it raises the purity level of the
water. You and your family will have a clean source of drinking water as a result.

Differentiation Strategy
The primary goal of product differentiation is to distinguish the Oasis Filter from its
competitors and generate a brand identity for itself in order to increase sales and build a loyal
client base. The company should be able to differentiate itself by its distinct and unrivaled quality
products and services. The Oasis Filter can distinguish itself by utilizing its one-of-a-kind
manufacturing method or processes, which can be used to develop a product that is not available
anywhere else in the country. This will assist them sell their items because they have a
competitive advantage in terms of quality, efficacy, and uniqueness.

Cost Management
The strategies to have low cost or budget clicked for the customers is that we will ensure
the materials price and quality to last the product, and all the materials that will be used we will
costing it for the lower price as long as we can so that our costumers will encourage them to buy
the Oasis portable water filter.


The main generic strategy of Oasis filters . in this firm, Oasis filters focus on the
increasingly health-conscious market. A health-conscious market that defines the product
features to meet their demands without risking their health. We want to help any health-
conscious person who is looking for clean, purified drinking water. By knowing their individual
needs and providing specialized services, our water station business will establish itself as a
reliable source of high-quality drinking water, as well as the price range, production quality, and
demographics targeted. This strategy also serves to build the strong bong loyalty amongst the
customers and have a less attractive competitors in market segment.

As a result of this circumstance, we offer continuing development and innovation to all of our
customers, ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of fulfilling the increasing
expectations of health-conscious individuals and generating long-term growth and success.

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