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Project: Memory box & Letter to future self

Week 1 (April 17–21): Homework

Pt. 1: Memory box — You must create a “memory box” with 5–10 meaningful objects or things to remind
you of the past year (in or out of school). You can use an old shoe box or any sort of small box. If you’d like
to decorate it and make it pretty, you can, but you don’t have to.
Some examples of objects you could include are:
● Pictures of you/your friends/your family
● A piece of art you made
● A poem you enjoy
● A small gift from a friend
● Something from a vacation or holiday
● A CD/album you really enjoyed this year
● Any everyday object that will remind you of this year somehow
Pt. 2: Letter to future self — You must write a letter to your future self. This is a letter to read once you
graduate college, so address it to yourself some years in the future. The letter should be at least one full
page long, front and back. Please write your letter only in English. While creating your letter, think both
about your time here at Bao Loc High School for the Gifted, as well as your future.
Some ideas of what to think about while writing your letter concerning your time in HS:
● How do you think high school went for you, overall? How are you feeling about leaving so soon?
● Did you make any new friends during your time at this? Who are they? Did your opinion of someone
change? Do you think you'll keep in touch with your high school friends and classmates throughout
college and beyond?
● What has been your biggest success while in high school? And your biggest regret?
● What’s your favorite memory from your time in high school? Do you have a least favorite memory?
● Did you achieve a dream of yours at this school? How does it feel to have achieved your dream?
● What’s your favorite song/band/TV show/movie currently? (Music taste changes a lot as you get
…and for the future:
● What do you think college will be like? Do you have any expectations? Do you feel ready for
college? Do you foresee any challenges?
● Besides college, what are some of your future goals? When and how do you think you will achieve
● Do you think you will have changed by the time you read your letter? How will you have changed?
● What do you think the rest of your time in high school or your time in college will be like? Do you
have any expectations?
● If you could give your future self some advice, what would you tell them?

Week 2 (April 24–28): Show and tell (in class)

Next week in class, each student will present something from their memory box to their classmates. Each
student can choose one of the following options:

i.) Present one of the objects in your memory box. Show the class what it is, and explain why you chose to
include it in your memory box. Tell us why it is meaningful to you.
ii.) Read your letter (or a substantial part of your letter) aloud for the rest of the class to listen.

Please arrive at class on time and be ready to speak for around 2–4 minutes.

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