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J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

DOI 10.1007/s11051-016-3344-y


Inventory of nanotechnology companies in Mexico

Richard Appelbaum . Edgar Zayago Lau . Guillermo Foladori .
Rachel Parker . Laura Liliana Villa Vazquez . Eduardo Robles Belmont .
Edgar Ramón Arteaga Figueroa

Received: 12 November 2015 / Accepted: 19 January 2016

 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract This study presents an inventory of 139 Keywords Production networks  Technology 
nanotechnology companies in Mexico, identifying Technological change  Developing countries 
their geographic distribution, economic sector classi- Innovation  Nanotechnology  Mexico  Value chain
fication, and position in the nanotechnology value
chain. We find that the principal economic sector of
nanotechnology-engaged firms involves the manufac- Introduction
ture of chemical products, which largely serve as
means of production (primary or intermediate mate- This study presents the results of research on the
rials; instruments and equipment) for industrial pro- nanotechnology value chain in Mexico. We identify
cesses. The methodology used in this analysis could be 139 companies that work with nanotechnology in
replicated in other countries without major modifi Mexico, allocating each firm to an economic sector

R. Appelbaum (&) G. Foladori  L. L. V. Vazquez  E. R. A. Figueroa

MacArthur Foundation Chair in Sociology and Global & Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico
International Studies Co-PI, Center for Nanotechnology
and Society, Social Science and Media Studies 2103, R. Parker
University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, Research Programs, Canadian Institute for Advanced
CA 93106, USA Research, Toronto, ON, Canada
URL: L. L. V. Vazquez
appelbaum.html Postdoctoral Fellow of the Multidisciplinary Graduate
Programs., Center for Research and Advanced Studies of
E. Zayago Lau the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV, Ciudad
Multidisciplinary Graduate Programs, Center for Research de Mexico), Mexico City, Mexico
and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic
Institute (CINVESTAV, Zacatenco)., Mexico City, E. R. Belmont
Mexico Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and
Systems (IIMAS), UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
E. Zayago Lau  G. Foladori  E. R. A. Figueroa
Unidad Académica en Estudios del Desarrollo,
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Latin American
Nanotechnology & Society Network (ReLANS),
Zacatecas, Mexico

43 Page 2 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

based on its principal product, using the United between 2000 and 2014 was estimated to reach $100
Nations’ International Standard Industrial Classifi- billion, with private spending more than twice that
cation of All Economic Activities (ISIT). The results amount ($150 billion) (Cientifica 2011). Lux
of this classification show that most nanotech-related Research, a firm that specializes in tracking global
firms are involved in the production of chemical investments in nanotechnology, estimated the global
substances and products that occupy an intermediate market for nanotech-related products at $731 billion in
role in the nanotechnology value chain. We then seek 2012, and—even more bullishly—projected $4.4
to determine whether the resulting products are trillion by 2018 (Flynn 2014).3 Yet to date, the results
intended to be used by industry or as final consumer of public investments in nanotechnology have been
goods. relatively modest. Among the products that rely
In the following discussion, we first provide an nanotechnology for primary or intermediate compo-
inventory of nanotechnology companies and products nents are self-cleaning glass, water-resistant coatings,
in different countries and regions, before turning to a nanoporous filtration, ultra-light (and ultra-strong)
brief discussion of the state of nanotechnology in carbon-based materials, smart textiles, and controlled
Mexico. We then explain the methodology used in our drug delivery systems.
analysis of Mexican nanotech firms, followed by a The first companies that sold nanotechnology
presentation of the results. We conclude with a products began to operate in the second half of the
discussion of Mexico’s role in this emerging 1990s. Zyvex, for example, begin in 1997 in the
technology. United States and it specialized in the development of
nano-materials for various industrial sectors (Zyvex
2015). Nanotex opened its doors in 1998, manufac-
Nanotechnology: a global race to be first turing textiles with chemical-physical properties sim-
ilar to the skin of some animals, which permitted their
The US National Nanotechnology Initiative defines products to repel dust and moisture (Nanotex 2015).
nanotechnology as ‘‘the understanding and control of Nanotechnology’s rapid market growth did not begin
matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and until the 21st century.
100 nm (nm), where unique phenomena enable novel The first public global inventory of nanotechnology
applications not feasible when working with bulk products was created in 2005 by the Woodrow Wilson
materials or even with single atoms or molecules’’ (US International Center for Scholars (WWICS) in Wash-
NNI 2015a).1 It is predicted to be a disruptive ington D.C. This inventory, now in its second version,
technology, with significant changes in computing, has more than 1800 products registered on a publicly
medicine, and materials—not to mention jobs and as searchable database.4 The WWICS project partnered
yet largely unknown risks to health and the with the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied
environment. Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (ICTAS-
Nanotechnology is also believed to hold great VT), enabling it to greatly improve the reliability and
commercial potential, which is why an estimated 60 functionality of its original database (WWICS 2015).
countries are investing public funds, with the U.S. Nanowerk, based in the U.S and Germany, is
leading the way.2 Global government spending another firm that maintains a website disseminating
information about the development of nanotechnol-
ogy.5 Its databases include a global registry of
Lux Research (a private firm that tracks nanotechnology) nanotech companies, classified alphabetically accord-
offers a more succinct definition: ‘‘the purposeful engineering of
matter at scales of less than 100 nm to achieve size-dependent
ing to the country where they are located in the
properties and functions’’ (Holman et al. 2007, Fig. 1.2). A network ( 2015). The United States
nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Human hair averages
roughly 100,000 nanometers thick, while a DNA molecule is 3
2–3 nanometers in width. These figures are cited uncritically in the 2014 report of the
2 U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technol-
The 2016 budget request from the U.S. National Nanotech-
ogy (PCAST 2014, pp. 23 and 41).
nology Initiative was $1.5 billion, down from a peak of $1.9 4
billion in 2010, which would bring total U.S. since the inception See
of the NNI in 2001 to $22 billion (US NNI 2015b). See

J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43 Page 3 of 13 43

leads with 1025 companies, Germany follows with 2012). The procedure is similar to the one used in
210, then the United Kingdom with 143, Japan with Denmark or in Canada. The inventory has more than
54, Switzerland with 46, and all other countries with 40 registrations.
still fewer companies. There are also regional and state databases. In
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Research and Canada, the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta
Education also maintains an inventory of institutions have maintained inventories for several years.
involved in the development of nanotechnology in Nonetheless, the inventory of Alberta is specific to
Germany, including research institutions, laboratories, manufacturing entities. The inventory NanoAlberta
universities, government agencies, non-governmental uses a geo-referenced map to illustrate the location of
organizations, museums, and companies. According more than 90 businesses and factories in the province
to the information available on their website, there are (NanoAlberta 2015).7 In the United States, there are
830 medium and small nanotech companies, and 273 also state inventories, as in the case of California
large nanotech corporations. The registries are classi- (Frederick 2014)8 and Massachusetts (
fied according to the sector of application (automotive, 2014).9
chemical/materials, construction, energy, equipment,
health, etc.) and the technological disciplines that they
complement (biotechnology, optics, chemicals, etc.) Mexico: nanotech as a national priority
(MFIyE 2015).
The government of Canada also maintains a As with the majority of countries, Mexico places
national directory of nanotechnology companies nanotechnology as a priority area of development in its
administered by the Ministry of Industry (Industry plans of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Fo-
Canada—IC). This registry is voluntary and functions ladori and Invernizzi 2013). Nonetheless, there does
as a mechanism for connecting interested parties. The not exist a government organization specific to
directory contains two sub-directories: the first is orienting and programing this field of technology, in
organized in 3 subdivisions corresponding to users, contrast with those that occur in many other countries,
producers and service provider; the second is subdi- with the forerunners such as United States, China,
vided according to the functions of different nano- Germany, and Japan, or even Brazil and Argentina in
materials (IC 2015). Latin America. There have been, however, federal and
Denmark also maintains a publicly available state investments that show the intention to promote
searchable database of nanotech products. ‘‘Nan- these technologies. Three types of investment have
odatabase’’ is sponsored by the Danish Consumer been highlighted: specialized laboratories, research
Counsel, the Danish Ecological Counsel, and the networks, and industrial parks.
Department of Environmental Engineering (DTU
Specialized Laboratories The Center for the
Environment). Its inventory is based on self-reporting:
Investigation of Advanced Materials (CIMAV)
to register a product a form is filled out online, where
is the headquarters of the National Laboratory of
the name of the product and the general facts of the
Nanotechnology (NaNoTeCh). This laboratory
company, in addition to a photo of the product is
opened its doors in 2006 and is financed by the
included (Nanodatabase 2015). As of October 2015,
National Counsel of Science and Technology
2139 products had been identified.6
(CONACyT). NaNoTeCh is in Chihuahua and
In Argentina, the Argentinian Nanotechnology
has among its objectives supporting national
Foundation (FAN) maintains a catalog that offers
institutions and corporations in the development
information about companies, equipment, suppliers,
of nanotech applications, materials, and research
and services of the production chain of nanotechnol-
(CIMAV 2015). The National Laboratory of
ogy in the country. The method of incorporating new
registries into the catalog is accomplished by filling
out a form and sending photos of the products (FAN 7
See, for example,
6 9
See See

43 Page 4 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

Research in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology advantages (González-Hernández 2011a). The

(LINAN), located in the Potosi Institute for CNNL entered into operations in 2008 and has
Scientific and Technological Investigation (IPI- an incubator specialized in the development of
CyT), has a portfolio of clients that encompass nano-materials for commercialization.
public and private research institutions, as well
In spite of the investment and development of
as national and foreign companies. This labora-
nanotechnology in diverse institutions, Mexico lacks a
tory, located in San Luis Potosı́, provides
nanotech registry that identifies what is being inves-
services of analysis and characterization of
tigated, what is produced, or what is being sold.
high-quality nano-materials (LINAN 2015).
Nonetheless, as a member of the Organization for
CONACyT’s directory of national laboratories
Cooperation and Economic Development (OCED),
also includes the National Laboratory of Nano-
which has launched pilot surveys and nanotech
Fabrication (NANOFAB), with headquarters in
registration initiatives in various countries, Mexico
the Center of Nanotechnology and Nanosciences
has incorporated into its system of economic statistics
of the National Autonomous University of
surveys some specifics about nanotechnology since
Mexico (UNAM) in Ensenada, Baja California.
NANOFAB was created in August of 2014 and
In 2012, the National Institute of Statistics and
began operations at the beginning of 2015; it is
Geography (INEGI) presented the results of the first
made up of three clean rooms of 200 square
survey on nanotechnology.10 The sample unit was
meters and has the fundamental objective of
companies or nonprofits with twenty or more employ-
developing primarily electronic, medical, auto-
ees dedicated to industrial, mercantile, or provision of
motive, and petroleum applications (NANOFAB
services (INEGI 2014). The survey offered general
figures, estimating that 188 companies work in
Research Networks The Network of nanotechnology in Mexico, which would place the
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, created in country in eighth place of OCED member countries
2009, is a network comprised natural science (OECD 2015). The facts of the sample are confiden-
researchers and engineers; it also includes some tial, so it is not known which companies were
new companies. It’s primary objective is to surveyed, nor the productive branch, nor the resulting
analyze Mexico’s capacity for engaging in nanotech product.
cutting-edge nanotech research, linking In 2012, some of the present researchers developed
researchers together to solve specific problems an inventory based on information derived from web
(RNyN 2015). In 2014 CONACyT announced, searches (Záyago Lau et al. 2013). This research
the creation of the International Network of identified 101 nanotechnology companies in Mexico
Bionanotechnology intended to have a signifi- and classified them according to the economic sector
cant impact on Biomedicine, Nutrition, and of the nanotechnology product in the market. This
Biosecurity. The institution’s headquarters are investigation constituted the foundation from which
at UNAM; it is administered by UNAM’s we now present a more exhaustive and detailed
Coordination of Scientific Investigation and investigation. We located 38 additional companies as
Center of Nanotechnology and Nanosciences consequence of employing a more precise methodol-
(CONACYT 2014). ogy, a larger research time frame and the tangible
dynamism of the nanotechnology sector. Although the
Industrial Parks The third type of investment has
topic of nanotechnology development in Mexico has
been the creation of scientific-industrial parks
been explored to some extent (Foladori and Záyago
specialized in nanotechnology. A key project of
Lau 2007; Bernal and Juanico 2009; Záyago Lau and
the Mexican Government is the Cluster of
Foladori 2010; Foladori et al. 2012; Záyago Lau and
Nanotechnology of Nuevo Leon (CNNL), which
groups together an important number of nano
companies. The CNNL functions under the triple 10
Encuesta sobre Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico y
helix model, linking academics, companies, Módulo sobre Actividades de Biotecnologı́a y Nanotecnologı́a
and the government to generate competitive (ESIDET).

J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43 Page 5 of 13 43

Foladori 2012; Záyago Lau 2013; Delgado-Ramos accessory facts, the list was validated according to the
2014; Foladori et al. 2015), no research to date has following criteria:
presented a comprehensive methodology to identify
• The company explicitly described, on its webpage,
nanotech companies, nor allocated them in a nan-
the application or use of nanotechnology12; and/or
otechnology value chain, nor analyzed if the product
• The product’s advertisements clearly described the
was an industrial intermediary or a final consumption
use of nanotechnology; and/or
• Representatives of the company validated the use
of nanotechnology in articles, interviews, or public
The results of this investigation identified 139
We applied four different methods through four phases companies. The information was ordered in a matrix
of the present investigation. We began by developing a that included the name of the company, its geographic
comprehensive inventory of nanotech companies in location (state and city), relationship to foreign
Mexico, after which we allocated each company to an firm(s), if appropriate, the size of the company
economic sector. We then located each company’s (number of employees),14 domestic or foreign manu-
products in a nanotechnology value chain, and sought facturing, web reference or publication source, and the
to determine whether the products were destined to be date of registry.15 It is very difficult to know the total
intermediates in industrial production or final con- number of nanotechnology companies in Mexico at
sumer goods. any given moment, so for this reason, the inventory
presented here is neither claimed to be exhaustive nor
Comprehensive inventory of nanotech companies statistically representative.16 Nonetheless, it signifies
the only large and systematic inventory that can give
The identification of nanotechnology companies general indicators about the orientation of develop-
required a systematic search and the use of validation ment of nanotechnology to this date.
criteria for data obtained during the seven-month Since this inventory was done based on products on
period September 2014 through March 2015.11 In the the market, it excluded, for instance, companies that
large majority of cases, the companies produced only do nanotechnology research and development, and
one product employing nanotechnology. The initial may have patents—or have financed a nanotech-
information was compiled from different sources: related research project—but lack an identifiable
searches on the Web (the following search words were
used: nano ? Mexico, producto (product) ? Mex-
ico ? nano*, empresa (company) ? Mex-
ico ? nano), scientific articles and releases, 12
Three methods were used to find information on the
presentations and meetings, forums and congresses, company’s webpage: (1) a Google search using keywords
interviews with researchers, review of Mexico’s (nanotechnology, nano, nano-particles, nano-material; example
principal periodicals (e.g., La Journada, Reforma, nano site: www.(nombre/ruta).com; (2) a search on the website
Milenio, El Universal) and news websites (CNN- when it was available; and (3) a manual search in the catalogs of
products online or from a downloadable format.
español, Unotv, MVS-Noticias, etc.), media adver- 13
There was no technical information concerning the actual
tisements, companies located in specialized parks, and nano-particles or nanotechnological components of the products
joint projects between researchers and companies (for provided in any of the sources available to us for our product
example, those funded by CONACYT). Once a inventory. The procedure used to register a product is explained
preliminary list was established that identified the in the ‘‘Methodology’’ section.
name of the company, the product on the market, the The criteria used was based on the number of employees:
micro (1–9), small (10–49), medium (50–249) and large (250?).
geographic area, the information reference, and the 15
The source of the information is accessible on the webpage of
the Latinoamericana de Nanoteócnologı́a y Sociedad
The quantity of products and nanotechnology companies (ReLANS).
with a presence in the market can change daily; hence it is For example, the INEGI (2014) study came up with an
important to be specific about the time period covered. estimate of 188 firms in 2012.

43 Page 6 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

product on the market.17 Since our analysis is • Class: 2023—Manufacture of soap and detergents,
restricted to companies with an identifiable product cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and
on the market, it necessarily results in an underesti- toilet preparations
mation of companies that are doing R&D (and may
soon have a product to sell).
Location in the of nanotechnology value chain22
Allocation of company to an economic sector
Building on existing efforts to map nanotech-related
firms according to their roles in value chains (Fred-
This was accomplished through a manual classifica-
erick and Stacey 2014; Lux Research 2004), we
tion procedure, utilizing the United Nations ISIC
identified the following stages:
(International Standard Industrial Classification of All
Economic Activities18), a system used by the majority 1. Primary nano-materials: particles or structures
of countries and international organizations to classify with one, two, or three nanoscale dimensions
economic sectors (UN 2008). The appropriate four- 2. Nano-intermediaries: altering the composition,
level classification was determined for the 139 firms functionality, or otherwise adapting the primary
we had previously identified, utilizing search cate- material to make it applicable for other industrial
gories on United Nations ISIC registry website.19 processes or final consumer products
The ISIC classifies firm according to four levels— 3. Nano-enabled final products: incorporate primary
Section, Division, Group, and Class. The broadest nano materials and/or nano-intermediaries into
level involves 21 sections and includes both goods and products that will not undergo new physical–
services. Manufacturing (which includes the firms in chemical transformation (final products can be
this study) is designated by Section letter C, and destined either as means of production for indus-
includes activities that result in the physical transfor- trial use, or for the consumer market)
mation of materials to obtain a product (ONU 2006, 4. Nano-tools, equipment, and machines: for mea-
p. 29).20 To take one illustrative example, a cosmetic suring, analyzing, and producing nano-materials
product that had nanotechnology-developed inputs and nano-structures, or their application to other
would be classified as C202321: productive processes
• Section: C—Manufacturing The concepts shown below in Table 1 were to
• Division: 20—Manufacture of chemicals and manually classify nanotechnology products according
chemical products to their appropriate stage in the value chain, based on
• Group: 202—Manufacture of other chemical the product description that the firm provided:
Determination of final product as industrial
intermediary or final consumption good

17 Final products can be destined either as inputs into

Companies that launch a products could be conducting R&D,
but this information was not possible to corroborate. new processes for further accumulation of capital
In Spanish, Clasificación Industrial Internacional Uniforme (productive consumption)—that is, as means of pro-
de todas las actividades económicas (CIIU). See http://unstats. duction; or they can be destined for individual consumption by people. This information is useful to
The search is available online at: understanding the nature of the revolution in nan-
cr/registry/regs.asp?Lg=1. otechnology in the process of accumulation of capital.
Companies engaged in nanotechnology-related research and When technology is applied to the means of produc-
development, but lacking registered products, were classified as
belong to Section M (‘‘professional and scientific activities’’). tion it can directly accelerate the development of new
Institutions of education and public labs were not included, only
private companies. 22
As noted previously, in the case of those firms that lacked
This class includes (among many others) beauty and makeup an identifiable product, we also registered available information
preparations. ( on the firm’s nanotech R&D, which is useful for understanding
27&Lg=1&Co=2023&qryWords=2023). the future trajectory of nanotechnology in Mexico.

J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43 Page 7 of 13 43

Table 1 Key concepts to identify nanotechnology products in the value chain

R&D Primary Intermediary Final Nano-enabled Measurement and manipulative
nano-materials nano-materials products nano-related instruments

Companies that do not sell Nano-particles Coverings Sports clothing Equipment and tools dedicated
products but do research Nano-fibers Catalyzers Home goods to the analysis, development,
on nanotechnology production and application of
Nano-tubes Sensors and NEMS Construction products
Companies with patents nano-materials and nano-
Nano-cables Generators and Electronics and structured materials
Companies with energy storers computers
agreements with
particles Pharmaceutical Personal care products
Universities and Research
Nano-caps transporters Food and agricultural
Centers on R&D on
nanotech Nano-film Circuit integrators products
Nano-compounds Medical products
Source with the exception of the R&D column, the rest of the information was taken from Stacey Fredrick, California in the Nano-
Economy (

materials and thereby serve as a lever of economic Mexico City, with 66 companies and Nuevo Leon,
growth. When nanotechnology is applied for products with 30, make up 69 % of the total. Additionally, the
destined for final consumption, on the other hand, map indicates the presence of nanotechnology firms
while the consumer may benefit, accelerated economic along the border with the United States, and in central
growth will not result. western Mexico. There are various factory companies
The determination of the final destination of a nano- on the border, and in the state of Jalisco, there is a
enabled product is not simple, because the same strong center for research and production of electron-
product can serve as a means of production or as a ics. It is possible this reflects an orientation of these
means of consumption. Flour, for example, can be nanotechnology firms toward the electronic industry,
used as a means of production by bakeries and other which in turn may be export oriented.
industrial food producers, thereby creating jobs and The states with industrial development—Nuevo
generating wealth; it can also be purchased for Leon and the State of Mexico, concentrated near
domestic use at home. While the consumer may Mexico City, and Jalisco—account for 82 % of the
benefit, no new jobs or wealth result. In our analysis, nanotechnology companies, along with the main
products generated during initial stages of the value universities and research centers. In contrast, the
chain (primary- and intermediary- nano-products) as states that are not involved in manufacturing, which
well as nano-related instruments clearly serve as includes the poorest states, not surprisingly also lack
means of production. The challenge is to classify final companies with nanotechnology manufacturing pro-
products as either destined as means of production or cesses. In the case of Yucatan and Quintana Roo, the
final consumption, particularly when some products only states in the south that appear to have nanotech-
can have dual use. related activity, we only find one company in each
State, which means that the major portion of the
nanotechnology activity is within the center-north of
Results and discussion Mexico. This strongly suggests that nanotechnology
has only deepened the gap between the more and less
Based on the address of the companies’ headquarters, developed zones.
the 139 firms tend to be spatially concentrated in Not all of the 139 companies have domestic
Mexico City and its neighboring states, as well as in production. In many cases, it is difficult to determine
the northern state of Nuevo Leon (Fig. 1)23: if the final product embodies nanotechnology that was
domestically produced or manufactured overseas,
23 although in some cases the distinction is clear. In
In some cases, it is possible that the center of production is at
a different address that the headquarters; but in general, the slightly more than half of the cases (74 companies), it
principal office coincides with that of production. was possible to establish national production, and in

43 Page 8 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

Fig. 1 Geographic distribution of nanotechnology companies in Mexico. Source current study

nearly a third nanotech production was manufactured are the manufacturing of machines and equipment (14
overseas and commercialized in Mexico (Table 2). firms), and the manufacturing of pharmaceutical
The 139 manufacturing companies can be grouped products, medical chemical substances, and botanic
according to their nano-related product(s), as classi- products of pharmaceutical use (21 firms). These four
fied by the United Nations ISIC system, previously divisions cover more than three-quarters of the total
discussed.24 The resulting economic distribution cov- nanotechnology manufacturing industry in Mexico.
ers only six out of 24 ISIC manufacturing divisions. The distribution suggests that many firms are oriented
Figure 2 shows the ISIC code (two digits) between toward basic science, as represented by the chemical
parentheses for each manufacturing division, followed products and in the manufacturing of products of
by the number of companies represented. The manu- information, electronics, and optics.
facturing of chemical products and substances Providing a list of Mexican companies is an
accounts for by far largest share (60 firms), three intricate task, as in many cases, the information about
times the number of the next-largest category (infor- company ownership was not publicly available. This
mation, electronic, and optic products, 20 firms). Next prevented us from establishing the actual nationality
of all companies. However, there are some firms in
each division where we were able to determine
It must be emphasized that since the classification was based Mexican ownership. In the division ‘‘manufacture of
exclusively on the nanotechnology-related product, the eco-
chemical products,’’ one example is COMEX, which is
nomic classification does not necessarily reflect that of the
company itself, since a company may have other products (with headquartered in Mexico City and manufactures
different classifications) that are not related to nanotechnology. Marine Coating AF-53. The product is a biocide that

J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43 Page 9 of 13 43

Table 2 Distribution of Manufacturing companies Number of firms Percentage

nanotechnology companies
in Mexico National 74 53.2
Manufactured overseas and commercialized in Mexico 44 31.7
No information indicating place of production 21 15.1
Total 139 100.0
Source current study

Fig. 2 Nanotechnology Divisions with< 6

manufacturing companies in businesses, 20
Mexico according to ISIC
Manufacture of
division. Source current
study equipment (27), 6
Manufacture of other
mineral products
(non-metallic) (23), 7 Manufacture of
chemical products
Manufacture of and substances (20),
pharmaceutical 60
products, medical
chemical substances,
and botanic products
of pharmaceutical use
(21), 12
Manufacture of Manufacture of
machinery and products of
equipment information,
(28), 14 electronics, and
optics (26), 20

stops biological organisms, such as fungus, from wealthiest men in the world) manufactures cables
growing in any surface (Comex 2015). In the division coated with nano-materials (Castañeda 2009).
‘‘information, electronic and optical products,’’ The location of products in the nanotechnology
Vamsa manufactures a vacuum chamber to manipu- value chain of nanotechnologies reflects Mexico’s
late a wide array of nano-materials (Vamsa 2015). dependence on external imports of primary nano-
This product is aimed at the highly specialized materials (produced by only 15 % of the Mexican
scientific market. In the division of ‘‘machinery and firms) as well as Measurement and Manipulative
equipment,’’ Vago industrial manufactures a set of Nano-Related Instruments (produced by only 4 % of
mechanical seals with carbon nano-tubes (Vago the Mexican firms) (Fig. 3). Slightly more than half
2015). Rubio Pharma, headquartered in Mexico City, (52 %) are final nano-enabled products, many of
is advancing in the development of nanobiotechno- which most likely incorporate imported primary or
logical drugs for human use (RubioPharma 2015). intermediary nano-materials.
This company is part of a larger conglomerate: Rubio In Table 3, we provided a more fine-grained
Coorporativo, which has presence in a wide array of analysis of the Mexico’s nanotechnology value chain,
sectors, from pharmaceuticals to specialized manu- breaking down primary nano-materials into five
facturing (RubioPharma 2015). Fabritek, in the divi- subgroups, nano-intermediaries into four groups, and
sion ‘‘other non-metallic mineral products,’’ final products into five groups.25
manufactures a non-porous panel called Alucone for
the construction industry; the surface keeps a long-
lasting bright and novel appearance, especially after 25
This grouping does not indicate a clear inclination toward a
each cleaning session (Fabritek 2015). Another
determined type of nano-material or of intermediary products
important company, Condumex, subsidiary of the and will have to wait for an increase of production with
Carso Group (owned by Carlos Slim, one of the nanotechnology to determine the degree of specialization.

43 Page 10 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

Nanomaterials (15%) Nanointermediaries (30%) Fiinal Products (52%)

Measurement and Manipulative Nano-Related Instruments (4%)

Fig. 3 Percentage distribution of companies in the nanotechnology value chain. Source current study

Table 3 Nanotechnology companies according to their location in the value chain

Primary nano- No. Nano- No. Final products No. Tools and No. All
materials intermediaries equipment companies

Carbon 3 Circuits 14 Clothing, sports and home 17 Analysis 5

Inorganic 1 Coverings 11 Personal care and food 17
Metallic 9 Composites 15 Construction industry 21
Polymers 7 Electronic 1 Health 9
Semi-metallic 1 Transport 8
Total (number) 21 41 72 5 139
Total (%) 15.1 29.5 51.8 3.6 100.0
Source current study

In the first stage of the value chain, Primary nano- the case with Recubritec, Nanodepot, Protec, Altana,
materials/nano-structures, 21 companies were identi- Vinssa, Leyvitec, Flextronics, Kodak, Toshiba, Fei y
fied. Those that work with metallic nano-materials are Circuit Check.
the largest group with (9 firms), followed by polymeric There are 72 products in the final stage of the value
structures (7 firms); the remaining groups have 3 or chain. The majority are in sectors of construction and
fewer firms each. Principle firms in this stage include industry, followed by personal care products, food and
Paxair, TCM watches, Tenaris Tamsa, and Dupont; agriculture, clothing, spots, and home goods. In the
the principal nano-materials identified are titanium sector of construction and industry, we find various
dioxide, gold, magnesium hydroxide, and carbon large companies. Cemex, a multinational Mexican
nano-tubes. corporation, one of the largest in the world to produce
41 companies are engaged in the second stage of the products for the construction industry, has its base in
nanotechnology value chain, the production of nano- Monterrey, produces, and markets a concrete called
intermediaries. Three nano intermediary products Fortium ICF which permits economizing in costs of
account for all but one firm: composites (15 firms), maintenance and energy (Cemex 2015). Vitromex,
circuits (14 firms), and coverings (11 firms). (One firm located in Saltillo, Coahuila, manufactures various
made electronic components.) Comex, for example, nanotechnology products, but most prominently a line
makes an anti-vegetative and ‘‘self-polishing’’ paint of ceramic antibacterial floors with nano-particles of
(Comex 2015). The company Empower Circle Mexico silver and zirconium (Vitromex 2015). Global Pro-
(Trunano) imports a coating that protects against vents, based in Monterrey, is a company that makes
stains, vandalism, and wear-and-tear which is coined nano-membranes specialized for filtration of water for
‘‘Graffiti Armor’’ (Empowercircle 2015). More than residential, commercial or industrial use (Global-
half of the companies that produce nano-intermedi- proventus 2015). In the sector of personal care, food,
aries manufacture abroad and sell in Mexico. This is and agricultural products, we find Mexican companies

J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43 Page 11 of 13 43

Table 4 Companies Number of firms

according to producing
means of production or final Produce means of production
consumer goods
Nano-materials 21
Nano-intermediaries 41
Final products (construction and industry, transport) About 29
Tools and equipment 5
Subtotal 96 (69 %)
Produce consumer goods
Final products (clothing, sporting goods, About 43
personal care, food, and health)
Subtotal 43 (31 %)
Total 139
Source current study

like Sigma, Xigns, Gresmex, and Nanonutrition and Once the companies are distributed on the value
also companies based abroad such as Avon, Sanki, chain, it is illustrative to examine the extent to which
Vitamist (representative of Mayor Labs), Kellogs and the final product provides a new (nano-enabled) means
others. Sigma, for examples, uses lighter weight of production for future industrial processes, or is
functional containers and nano-particles to package destined for the consumer market. As noted previ-
products that deteriorate with contact with oxygen ously, some products can be dual use, and so this
(Clusternano 2010). The company Avon, based in distinction is not always clear-cut. Nonetheless, the
New York City, manufactures cosmetics with differ- distinction can provide a useful approximation for the
ent types of nano-particles (Avon 2011). Vitamist, extent to which nanotechnology is changing produc-
represented in Mexico by the American company tion itself, or mainly contributing to new, nano-
Mayor Labs, offers vitamins in nano-spray, with the enhanced consumer products. Table 4 groups the
objective of increasing absorption once they are companies according to whether their products are
applied inside the mouth (Vitamist 2015). means of production or final consumer goods.
We have also registered 21 companies that, while 96 companies create products that contribute to the
currently lacking products on the market, are doing means of production (69 % of the total), while 43
R&D in nanotechnology based on registered patents or (31 %) produce final consumer goods. Companies that
financed research projects. As this information is produce means of production include Viakable, which
incomplete, we have not included in the value chain. manufactures nano-coated industrial cables; Poli-
But some examples are illustrative of the places and meros nacionales, a company that produces nano-
topics of research. Nine of the 21 companies that are materials for the industry; Sony, a company that
conducting R&D are concentrated in Nuevo León. manufactures OLEDS for screens; or Kaltex, among
Frida Forjados, for example, is a company that whose products highlights a nano-fiber bacteria that
investigates nano-materials and applications in the prevents bad orders. Companies that produce con-
Nuevo León Nanotechnology Cluster (Bárcenas sumer goods include 3 M, which markets goods for
2010). The company Copamex does research with dental and medical use; Whirpool and Mabe, which
the task of developing fireproof nano-materials to manufacture and market white products that contain
apply to carton or paper (González-Hernández and nano-materials; and Ten Pac, which makes industrial
Jesús 2011b). Cementos Chihuahua, located in the city footwear.
of Chihuahua outside of Nuevo León, is studying the
physical characteristics of cement enabled by nano-
materials (silicon oxide) (Cervantes et al. 2013). There Conclusions
are other companies in R&D located in other states,
such as Mezfer, Resymat, Celanese and Casematic, all Mexico has been investing in nanotechnology since
of which have nanotechnology patents. the 1990s. During the first decade of the twenty-first

43 Page 12 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2016)18:43

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