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Technical University

of Cotopaxi
Campus Pujilí
Writing Skill practice
Pedagogy of national and foreign languages career

Pamela Chicaiza
Mauricio Vilaña
Fernanda Ullaguari
Nelly Silva
Teacher: Amparo Romero
Encebollado Ecuatoriano


1 kg. Albacore
1 kg. Yucca
2 Tablespoons of oil
2 Tomatoes chopped
in cubes
1 Sweet chili chopped in small cubes
1 Red onion chopped in cubes
1 Ground peruvian chili
2 Ground cumin
8 Cups water
5 Cilantro or coriander branches
The encebollado is representative of the
national gastronomy and was chosen in the
ranking of the 100 best soups in the world.
First, we peel the yucca and cut it into medium
size sticks and cook it in a pot with salt and let it
cook until it is soft and turn off the fire. Next, in a
deep pot fry the onion with the tomatoes and
the Peruvian chili, season with cumin and salt.
Add the water and the cilantro sprigs in the
same pot where you made the refried mixture.
When the water begins to boil, add the albacore
and cook over medium heat for about 15
minutes. Then, remove the fish from the broth
and set aside. Strain the broth where the fish
was cooked (do not remove it completely) to
add the crushed yucca and the albacore in
pieces. Finally, serve in a deep dish and sprinkle
with cilantro before serving.

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