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‘Desperate’ has written this letter to an advice column.

Write a helpful reply no less

than 150 words.

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am thinking of going on diet because I am overweight. My friends always call

me mother penguin because usually either I sit at the desk or eat. I love eating a lot,
and I can’t live without fast food. I know I should do some exercise, but I always feel

Recently, I always quarrel with my mum. She says that I should finish my
homework before playing computer games and go to bed before midnight. Then I
will feel less tired too. However it is hard for me. Please help!


Dear Desperate,

I understand that you want to go on a diet because you feel overweight, and your friends call
you names. You enjoy eating a lot, especially fast food, and find it difficult to live without it.
You also feel tired all the time and have arguments with your mom. She wants you to finish
homework before playing computer games and go to bed early, but it's hard for you.

To address your weight concerns, try making small changes to your eating habits. Start by
eating healthier foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You can still enjoy your
favorite foods occasionally, but try to eat them in moderation. Remember to drink plenty of
water too.

Regarding exercise, you don't have to do anything intense. Start with simple activities like
walking or dancing to your favorite songs. Find something you enjoy, and it will feel less
like a chore.

To feel less tired, try to follow your mom's advice and finish your homework before playing
computer games. Establish a regular sleep schedule and try to go to bed earlier. A good
night's sleep will help you feel more refreshed and energized.

Communication with your mom is important. Talk to her about your feelings and concerns.
Try to understand her perspective as well. Together, you can find a compromise that works
for both of you.

Remember, change takes time, so be patient with yourself. Seek support from friends,
family, or a trusted adult who can offer guidance and encouragement.

Take care,
Agony Aunt
Dear Desperate,

I understand your desire to go on a diet due to feeling overweight and being called names by
your friends. It's tough to give up fast food, which you love, and you often feel tired, making
exercise difficult. You also have frequent arguments with your mom about finishing
homework and going to bed early. Making small changes in your eating habits, such as
choosing healthier foods and drinking water, can help with weight concerns. Start with
simple exercises like walking or dancing to boost your energy levels. Try following your
mom's advice on homework and sleep to feel less tired. Communicate openly with your
mom, seeking a compromise. Patience and support from loved ones will make the journey

Take care,

[Your Name]

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