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1. Write a reply email to your friend, Emily.

To: “Alison Chan” <>

From: “Emily Lee” <>
Subject: I need your help!

Dear Alison,

I’ve been feeling depressed over the past few weeks and I don’t know what to do about it. I
hope you can give me some advice.

One reason why I’m so unhappy is that my parents are extremely strict. They think I should
spend every single minute on doing something meaningful, e.g. studying, practicing piano etc.
Social media websites like Instagram are a complete waste of time to them. They deleted all
apps on the computer except Zoom and Microsoft Office (e.g. Word / PowerPoint). They even
don’t let me have my own Whatsapp! My school friends were chatting on Whatsapp and I’m
completely left out.

Besides, I am afraid that I don’t have a lot of friends at my new secondary school. This year, I
am starting school in a new country in Semester 2. As a shy person, it was difficult for me to
make friends in a short time. And now as we have classes in different rooms, I am worried that
I would forget my housemates’ names. How embarrassing that would be.

I know I should be more active, but I feel uncomfortable talking to people I don’t know well –
I don’t know how to start a new chat!

I really don’t know what to do. Can you help me?


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