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School of Mathematics and Statistics University of New South Wales


M12 T11 T14 W12

M13 T12 T15 W15

MATH2501 Linear Algebra

SESSION 2, 2019 TEST 2 Version A

Student’s Surname Initials Student Number

Questions: 4 Pages: 2 Total marks: 18 Time allowed: 40 minutes

Q1 [5 marks] Find the projection of e1 ∈ R4 onto the subspace

   

 1 1 
   
1  −1

W = span   ,   .

 1 1  
−1 1
 

Q2 [5 marks] Find QR factorisation of the matrix

5 17
A= .
12 7

Q3 [3 marks] Let V = (V, +, ·, R) and W = (W, +, ·, R) be vector spaces and let T : V → W be a

linear map.
a) Give definition of the null space null T of the map T .
b) Let V = P2 (R) and W = R2 . Consider the subspace (you do not have to proof that it is a
subspace). n o
V = p ∈ P2 (R) : p(1) = 0 and p(−1) = 0 ⊆ P2 (R).
Find a linear map T such that
V = null T.
You do not have to show that the map T is linear.

Q4 [5 marks] Let V = (V, +, ·, R) be a vector space and let B = v1 , v2 , v3 ⊆ V be a basis.
a) Define what it means that the triple (a1 , a2 , a3 ) ∈ R3 is the coordinate vector of x ∈ V with
respect to the basis B.

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School of Mathematics and Statistics University of New South Wales

b) Find the coordinate vector of v1 with respect to the basis B.

c) Define what it means that a matrix A ∈ M3,3 (R) is the matrix of the linear map T : V → V
with respect to the basis B.

d) Let
 
0 1 0
A = 1 0 0 .
 

0 0 0
be the matrix of the map T with respect to the basis B. Find T (v1 ) in terms of B.

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