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08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

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Nano water research in Brazil

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To cite this article use: Folladori, G., Batista, S., Invernizzi, N., Robles, E. Nano water research in Brazil. J. Nano Sc. Tech, 4(2016)D75

Research in nanotechnology applied to water in Brazil1 1/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

One of the world’s biggest risks is the shortage of potable water for millions of people. Access to water is a socioeconomic
problem because, even in areas where the resource is abundant, important poor sectors of the population have no access,
or it is restricted; besides, in many cases water scarcity is related to overuse or private control of reserves by the
agricultural or industrial sector. Access to water is also an administrative political problem, given the waste and leakages
in the distribution and service facilities. Nevertheless, access to water is also a technical problem, as over-exploitation, as
well as storage, purification and distribution systems depend on technical procedures that can be increasingly improved.
This article reviews the research in nanotechnology applied to water in Brazil.

Guillermo Foladori

Sandra Maria Batista Silveira

Noela Invernizzi

Eduardo Robles Belmont

Research in nano-water in Brazil

Many universities and public and private research centers research on nanotechnologies in Brazil, and some do it on
nano-water. The first plan of development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Brazil (Multi-Year Plan 2004-2007)
includes the program Desenvolvimento da Nanociencia e da Nanotecnologia (Development of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology), which highlights the potential of nanotechnologies for environmental remediation (GT, 2003).
Later, in the National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2012-2015 the environmental issue is
proposed as a purpose; and the development of sensors and systems for environmental monitoring and the treatment
of effluents and waste are defined as priority areas (MCTI, 2012). In the following we summarize the main
information available regarding research on nano-water.

Scientific Publications

The report of the research project NMP-DeLA funded by the European Union in its 7th Framework Programme
(VVAA, 2013) identified between 2000 and 2013 360 scientific articles that were registered in the Web of Science
and related to nanotechnology and water, with at least one author with residence in Brazil. Four universities, all from
the State of Sao Paulo, were seat for 58% of the articles, which is not surprising, being the State with the biggest and
best universities in the country. Only a university in the northeast region (Federal University of Ceará) was a
significant seat for publications on nano-water, with 10 scientific articles in the period, although they represent only
2.8% of the total 360 about nano-water (VVAA, 2013).

Research projects on nano-water

The federal agency CNPq2,which is the most important source of funding for scientific research in Brazil, launched
seven calls for research projects specifically on nanotechnology between 2006 and 2012, from which approximately
225 projects were funded. 11 of them (5% of the total) were on nano-water. Table 1 shows the different calls for
projects, the total of projects funded and the ones related to nano-water, as well as the titles of the latter3.

From the title and abstracts of the projects we identified the potentially main application or function, distinguishing
those researches directed to purifying water, desalination, remediation or monitoring.

Table 1. CNPq calls for research projects on nanotechnology and data for nano-water 2006-2012 2/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

Project title and potential

Funded application.
Funded for
for Purification = P
CNq call Nanotechnology
Nano - Desalinization = D
water Remediation = R
Monitoring = O

Call MCTI/CNPq No. 16/2012-expansion and 13 0

consolidation of national competences in
nanotechnology / Young Researchers

Call MCTI/CNPq No. 16/2012 - expansion and 11 0

consolidation of national competences in
nanotechnology / Senior Researchers

Call MCTI/CNPq No. 21/2011 - Support for 9 1 Unidentified title. R

the implementation of joint research projects,
development and innovation in
nanotechnology in the context of international
cooperation Brazil-Mexico.

Call MCTI/CNPq No. 17/2011. n/a 1 Creating a network of aquatic

nanotoxicology in the central west
region. O

Call MCTI/CNPq No. 74/2010 Formation of 17 1 Processing and characterization of

cooperative networks of research and surfaces functionalized with
development of Nanoscience and antimicrobial nanoparticles for
Nanotechnology. water treatment. P 3/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

Project title and potential

Funded application.
Funded for
for Purification = P
CNq call Nanotechnology
Nano - Desalinization = D
water Remediation = R
Monitoring = O

Call MCT/CNPq No. 62/2008 - support for 175 6 Development of Nanostructured

basic research in Nanosciences, preferably Materials applied to Electro-
geared to foster innovation and promote catalysis of Oxygen Reduction
technological applications/ Young Researchers Reaction for the purpose of Power
Generation and Environmental
Remediation (wastewater
treatment). R
TiO2 modification with Metals
and Oxides for the development of
Photo-Reactor Prototypes for
Water Purification. R
Adsorption processes and
environmental catalysis for
decontamination of textile
wastewater: a comparative study
between conventional treatments
and systems with use of
nanostructured materials. R
Synthesis and structural studies
of metal oxide-based
nanostructured catalysts for the
degradation of pollutant
compounds. R
Magnetic Material
Development for Spilled Oil
Removal in a Water Environment
using Glycerin Generated in
Biodiesel Production. R
Development and application of
advanced materials for the
degradation of organic pollutants.

42-2006 Call MCT/CNPq n. 42-2006 - n/a 2 Development of colloids of

National Nanotechnology Program - Young encapsulated magnetic
Researchers nanoparticles to be applied for
water decontamination. R
Nano-sponges for
environmental applications. R

Source: CNPq Results of Calls for Research and Curricula of researchers (; taken from (VVAA, 2013) and direct information from MCTI (Annex 2).

Note: Only calls for research specific to nanotechnology were considered. Only those projects whose title or description in the abstract related to nanotechnology applications in
water were considered (Projects with multiple applications without explicit reference to nano-water were not included, for example: development of sensors with multiple
applications, which could eventually be used in monitoring water pollution). 4/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

The Table shows that most projects (9 out of 11) relate to remediation of bodies or courses of water. It should be
noted that other funded researches on nanomaterials, sensors, membranes, etcetera, of multiple uses, can be applied to
water decontamination and production of potable water and not be registered in table 1.

CNPq research groups in nano-water

The NMP-DeLA project funded by the European Union conducted a search in the database of the CNPq about
research groups on nanotechnology applications to water; the data were updated in May 2016 by the authors of this
article. The following search terms were used: water + nano; nano + adsorption; nano + membranes; nano +
photocatalysis; nano + bactericide; nano sensors + water; nano + desalination (Annex 1)4.

17 research groups active in the following areas were identified: desalination, water purification, environmental
remediation and sensors/monitoring. Although some technologies can be used for more than one purpose (for
example, membranes for environmental remediation or water purification), according to information released by the
groups themselves, 12 of them prioritize some of these research areas, and five groups declare to be working in more
than one area. If we take the different areas, which means that some groups participate more than once, as shown in
Figure 1, widely prevalent in Brazil are the research groups engaged in environmental remediation (14 groups),
especially for research on recovery of effluents contaminated by heavy metals and organic compounds. Three groups
run research on water desalination, five on sensors and monitoring of water quality, and one on water purification.

Figure 1. Action areas of research groups in nano-water. Source: own elaboration based on Annex 1.

In terms of its location in the country, 10 groups are located in the southeastern region of the country, which
historically concentrates S&T activities; five are in the northeast region, one in the southern region, and one in the
central-west region (Figure 2). No groups were identified in the northern region. It is interesting to note that from the
three groups researching on water desalination, two are located in the Northeast which is a region endemically
affected by droughts, but that has brackish groundwater as well as a long ocean coastline. Research on remediation of
contaminated water, although mostly represented in the Southeast by eight research groups, is developed in several
regions of the country. 5/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

Figure 2. Research Groups of CNPq by geographic region. Source: own elaboration based on Annex 1.

Finally, research on nano-water is developed in public research institutions. Only one research group is located at a
private university, while 14 groups are based in state or federal public universities, and two in public research centers.


In recent years nanotechnologies have drawn attention for their potential application to different economic sectors,
including water remediation, purification and desalination.

Research on nanotechnology and water in Brazil represents a marginal percentage in relation to studies performed in
nanotechnology in the country. Research on nano-water is developed, except one case, in public institutions, and most
are aimed at environmental remediation. Considering the large number of researchers in nanotechnology in Brazil, as
well as the available infrastructure (Invernizzi, 2010), it is possible to think of public policies specifically aimed at
expanding research on nano-water to purification and desalination. It should be noted, however, that there is no clear
policy in the country in terms of risks to health and/or the environment of the nanoparticles used, which is essential
for research in nano-water to be carried out in a sustainable manner. More detailed studies about ongoing researches
may shed light on the extent to which they incorporate risk analysis in their research, something that was not detected
in the abstracts of the research projects.


GT. (2003). Desenvolvimento da nanociência e da nanotecnologia. Proposta do Grupo de Trabalho criado pela
Portaria MCT no 252 como subsídio ao Programa de Desenvolvimento da Nanociência e da Nanotecnologia do PPA
2004-2007. GT Nanotecnologia (Grupo de Trabalho em nanociência e nanotecnologia). Ministério da Ciência e
Tecnologia. Brasil. Retrieved from

Invernizzi, N. (2010). Science Policy and Social Inclusion: Advances and Limits of Brazilian Nanotechnology Policy.
In Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society (Vol. Vol II: The Challenges of Equity, Equality and Development, pp.
291–307). New York: Springer.

MCTI. (2012). Estratégia Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação 2012 – 2015. Balanço das Atividades
Estruturantes. 2011. Retrieved February 8, 2016, from

VVAA. (2013). Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies deploymen in Latin
American countries (No. Grant agreement No: 608740). 7th Framework Programme. European Union. Retrieved

ANNEX 1 6/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

CNPq Research Groups in nano-water

Show 5 entries Search:

Sensors and Leader/
Research group Desalination Purification Remediation Institution
monitoring contact

1. Biotechnology Effluent Federal Versiane

and Materials treatment of University of Albis
Science Applied mineral Ouro Preto Leão;
to Mineral exploitation: (UFOP), Anderson
Technology and sulfate, Ouro Preto, Dias
the Environment manganese and MG
Bioleaching of
metal sulfides

2. Plasma Water treatment Technological

physics applied by ozone Institute of
to new materials technology for Aeronautics -
processes environmental ITA, São José
purposes dos Campos,

3. Photonic Sensors for One of the Federal Petrus D

Nano-devices detecting research areas University of Amorim
Architecture pollutants lists: Pernambuco, Santa
Group One of the development of Recife, PE Cruz
projects sensors and Oliveir
developed by dosimeters
the researcher based on
refers to the molecular
development of nanotechnology
nanosensors for to control and
detecting monitor the
micropollutants environment, in
in water and particular to
advanced monitor heavy
treatment metals in
processes to effluents
remove them. 7/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

Sensors and Leader/

Research group Desalination Purification Remediation Institution
monitoring contact

4. Laboratory of Sorbent Federal Jorge

Mineral and materials to University of Rubio
Environmental remove Rio Grande
Technology. contaminants; do Sul
nanotechnology (UFRGS),
applied to Porto Alegre,
treatment of RS
water and
heavy metals
and organic

5. RECAT- Active and Fluminense Fabio

Reactors, selective Federal Barboza
Kinetics and catalysts for the University Passos;
Catalysis removal of (UFF), Rio de Rosenir
Laboratory nitrates in Janeiro RJ Rita de
contaminated Cassia
water using the Moreira
catalytic da Silva
 Previous Next 

Source: (VVAA, 2013 updated by 12/2015)


Research projects on nano water funded by the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation) 2004-2012


Purifi- Desali-
Project Coordi- Univ. / in Reme- Moni-
No. UF Call Years Total
nator Institute, etc. diation cation nation toring
title Brazil


in 463

Nano- 4 2 0 1 07

97 Nano-sponges Flávia UFOP/UFMG MG Call MCT/CNPq n. 49 250 2007… X 8/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

for Cristina 42-2006 – National

environmental Camilo Program of Nanotec.
applications Moura Young Researchers5

Development of
colloids of 42-2006 Call
encapsulated MCT/CNPq n. 42-
Dr. Cauê
magnetic 2006 – National 2006-
133 Ribeiro de UFSCar SP 59 000 X
nanoparticles to Program of 2009
be applied for Nanotechnology –
water Young Researchers

Use of
materials in Call MCT/CNPq n.
advanced 62-2008 – Young
treatment Rinaldo dos Researchers
257 (adsorption and Santos IFCE CE (Nanotechnology) 107 301 X
environmental Araújo Special Program for
catalysis) of Nanoscience and
textile and Nanotechnology

modification Call MCT/CNPq n.
with metals and 62-2008 – Young
oxides for the Alberto Researchers
289 Development of Adriano UEMS MS (Nanotechnology) 119 234 X
Photo-Reactor Cavalheiro Special Program for
Prototypes for Nanoscience and
Water Nanotechnology

Development Call MCT/CNPq n.

and application 62-2008 – Young
of advanced Mauro Researchers
University of 2008 –
418 materials for the Coelho dos SP (Nanotechnology) 90 4006 X
ABC – 2010
degradation of Santos Special Program for
organic Nanoscience and
pollutants Nanotechnology

UFRN, in
Processing and partnership
characterization with other
of surfaces institutions Call MCT/CNPq n.
functionalized Wilson and research 74-2010 – 2011-
467 RN 323 280 X
with Acchar centers: Nanoscience and 2012
antimicrobial (UFSC, Nanotechnology7
nanoparticles for UNAERP,
water treatment. TMS-
business, etc.)

Creating a
network of
aquatic Call 2012-
493 Koppe UNb DF 296 933 X
nanotoxicology MCTI/CNPq17/20118 2015
in the central
west region. 9/15
08/09/2017 Journal Nano Science and Technology » Nano water research in Brazil

Source: Own elaboration from MCTI-unpublished document-


1Translated from Spanish by Magdalena Silva

2ConselhoNacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. National Council of Technological and Scientific

3Calls and titles of projects were translated to English.

4In all cases the term nanotechnology was also extensively used due to a defect in the database. The terms were
searched in Portuguese.

5Callto support projects presented by young researchers to finance research and development activities in
nanoscience and nanotechnology. Source:

6The researcher’s curriculum lists the value of 76 000 real.

7Callfor public selection of proposals to support the formation of cooperative research and development networks in
nanosciences and nanotechnology.

8Support for the creation of cooperative research and development networks in nanosciences and nanotechnology and


Guillermo Foladori Ph.D.

Academic Unit on Development Studies. Autonomous University of Zacatecas. E-mail:

Sandra Maria Batista Silveira Ph.D.

Department of Social Work of the Federal University of Pernambuco

Noela Invernizzi Ph.D.

Post-graduate program in Public Policy. Federal University of Parana, Brazil.

Eduardo Robles Belmont Ph.D

Network Laboratory. Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems. National Autonomous University of

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