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Matrix Inverse You need to remember that the Inverse may not exist: This matrix does not have an a-(} r 00 348 imase ‘an nxn (square) matric ke invari tan oni if there is another nxn attic say B, such that AE Man ‘Such matrix Bis BeEMnn ABS BA=In* caledthelmeneota = AT =B bn by Proc asumertat Bethe ( nt *) a ba, bap pit) Now, we test: az~(j ay ( ‘condo by ) ba Finding Matrix Inverse Minter Rectan igs ons Stans) Example! Bere) [Exuraneiminsion 2250 10 ‘smal = [oaof2 oa oo 2|-t 24 Uae” Sommancvofnaesee/ 1 0 of. 2 ever, FF = [o1ofi2 0 0 Incase of 2 matics there ica direct formulaand a cleect tes forinvertibity fen ay) MA¥KA invert and oni t AS ( " ) ess a Met A= aut ~ oun £0 Insuenease At wea ‘There a semi-ivect analogue of this formula fr larger matrices ‘We wit cuss when we wil study determinant tern this Example 2 1a 12zsfioo a-(2a4 234}o10 345, sasfoon Wi ee Matrix Transpose A=(ax) and AT = (bj) AEMmn + AT= Mam Acs, bie = Kj, F= 1...) K=1,...,m ou 110 A=|1 2] > AT= 5 92-1 Properties of Matrix Operations “Transpose and Addition Transpose ane Mullion by Scalar ma : (A4B) = ATL BT, ADEM ay Cs Transpose and Matrix Multiplication Inyserse and Multiplication by Scalar (AB) = BP-AT, Ae Mop, BEMm (44) T= 2144, ACM ACC Matric Inverse and Matrix Multiplication ‘Transpose and Matrix Invserse (ey (8)", Aen (AB)-"= B44, AM, BeMan perensprere at, Special Matrices AE Mn Symmetric Matrix Skew-symmetric matrix Example oo 123 023 ‘00 8 Find old a 7 oo4 es oot oo1 ooo 000 ARN AM = (ty +N) = S Chalks N" = Chats + ChyaN + Cha? = Ty +2022 x N+ 1011 x 2021 x N? «eo 2021, Reference to Binomial Theorem in Binomial Formula (a+8)"= Scher tot be Chg ae eae cea ‘Theorem: Binomial Formula (for square matrices) holds if matrices commute! A,BE My, AB= BA Definition Vector space isa set of objects equipped with two operations: ‘addition’ and “multiplication by scalar" ('scaling’ that are subject to vector space axioms (Wt F) voastststeston F=R or C__ Fieldofscalars $:VxKV3V re ae “muripcation by scalar" ule or combing abcVioatbey mmomunmwstsne NER ae Vey ae Y marmnencatineanaiesnaer FAVE ag vets HEV LRG Vector space axioms: A(ua) = (Aya, YaeV, Ver atb=bta, va,beV gmmtsorvoycensusparcuns eso ott seni youn sae (a+b) +e=a+(b+c), Vab,ceV la=a, YaeV "Scaling by!" axiom ‘essociativty: you ean carry out ‘alton in ary order Aa+b)=Aat+Ab, VAEF, vabeV SOEV: atO=a, YacV vacV, 3-acV: a+(-a)=0 (Q+u)a=Aatpa, VAweR, YaeV Primary Examples of Vector Spaces rep atau Nac supa Primary Example 1; =7Feete=" n-tuples (tnt) nen Feflnnler, eF, sekitonrule: (6h) +(H, rubisiconts a, Primary Example 3: Space of mXn matrices Mat®)={A= (oa) en en €F then onan menon bys In this course, you can assume without proof that every primary example is a confirmed vector space satisfying every axiom, Primary Example 2: Polynomials of degree n or less ‘There are infinitely many examples of vector spaces, Within them we single out a few special ‘examples primary examples Special feature of primary vector spaces ithe fact that they are not ‘embedded into alarger vector space (A048) RO) =foa tort tons, CF 50m Pla) = op Fare tent ey2 and gle) = byt Bet Ba addition rule: (p+ a)l a) + a: (ag + by) + (a + bi) +... + (+ bee Sear (ea) = Ante) = Aay + Aare t+ Ange Primary Example 4: Space of piece-wise continuous functions Colot)= (Fl8|-+8, Ff pnceise continuous} addtionue (+90) =) +02) f,9¢ Glad] mytpicton’” —anay=Mte) Fe Glad AEF ‘Tuaisonectthe mr att andthe mot ‘rampisont on sot fow ocesacne Vector Subspaces Uniike primary vector spaces, vector subspaces ARE embedded into a larger KNOWN vector space, often a primary vector space. Ths sa significant advantage. (V,+15F) known larger vector space ‘Asubset of a vector space Vis a vector subspace if this subset with addition and multiplication-by-scalar "borrowed from this larger vector space is a vector space in its own right, Le, satisfy all of the vector space axioms W CV sector sub-space iff (W,+.5F) isavectorspace Subspace Theorem: Zi S GAH vere ee ans WV levector sub-space if The advantage of working with vector subspaces lies in the Subspace 1 OW nonempty Theorem. You do not have to check every axiom if you use this theorem. Instead, you only check that the subset ) AWEW, VACR, YacW closedwrtscaling 5 closed with respect to addition and multiplication-by-scalar. (2) atbeW YabeW — closed wrt addition Examplel wert We {xeRt: 42-32 +20} xeR: x convaton fr arte abi" (21,22, 24,24) By Subspace Theorem: xyeW > day —Sey+2y=0 and 4y,— Sy) +H X+¥= (ti +o,22+ potatos tet) Aa + 14) ~ 8(es + a) + (2a + My) = Ar + 4 — Bes —Byy +4 = (401 — 829 + 24) + (Ayr — 8y +44) = 0+0 =o =Gaew> condition (3) satisfied (0,0,0,0): 4-0-3-040=...=0 + condition () satisfied 7 ee Ax = (Ari, Ara, Ats, 04) 4(r,) — 300) + (ni) = (421 — 825 +24) = Example 2 wort w {xeR!: 21=0 or zs =o} x = (1,0,0,0) y = (0,0,1,0) = xeW and yew ‘on the other hand: x+y = (1,0,1,0) ¢W condition (2) failed By Subspace Theorem: W is not a subspace Note: conditions (1) and (3) are satisfied in this example O¢W truestatement Matrix Nullspace, Matrix Col(umn) space, Span We associate two types of subspaces with every rectangular ‘matinc Matrix Nullspace and Matrix Column) space Ae Moo(F) mC and mutta = fer cS FY wd ot= {yer fon se ‘Theorem: Matrix nullspace and Matrix Col-space are vector subspaces. ‘The proof ofthis result is base lonthe Subspace Theorem We can describe matric col space alternatively using the language of span and linear combinations. A=( nf fe [a Je aemeennes ext umden gen ema columns of matrix EF and x= (020.0084) A= rim} nnae b ot 2 cee ‘The advantage of SPAN language is that can be usedin the context OF ANY vector space nat spacinealy the vector space of tuples (48) ads s}SY Sactoroneecar spe spins (as toot Aote Me net} Theorem: Span ofset Sis vector subspace of V Most ofthe vector subspaces you worked with in Mathematics 16 falls into one of the categories: null space of a matrix or col space of a matrix span, more ‘general.

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