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So if there’s one thing it takes for a man to get his mojo back and 

become the Alpha Male... it’s boosting testosterone.

So in this short, but powerful handbook... I’m going to give you the
rules to ramping up your testosterone levels naturally so you can 

reclaim your manhood and feel like YOU again. 

Does that sound good?

Let’s get going then! 

Mastering The Art Of Boosting 

Testosterone Naturally (And Becoming The

Have you ever truly mastered something before…

Maybe you’ve mastered fixing up muscle cars, practicing law, musical
virtuosity, or how to close a business deal…

No matter what it is, mastery feels great, doesn’t it?

With that said, as long as you’re breathing you’ve got a great 

opportunity to become a certified savant in any given field…

So let me push a little challenge your way…

Do you have what it takes to master the art of boosting testosterone?

And I don’t mean with some expensive prescription, anabolic steroids,

or a handful of blue pills that could land you in the hospital due to a 

4-hour hard-on that a cold shower can’t even take care of…

I mean, naturally. 

Here’s the deal…

You’re reading this, so it’s my guess that you have what it takes…


All you need to do is read, implement, and master…

And you’ll become the alpha.

Here are 7 ways to master the art of boosting testosterone
naturally and become the Alpha Male... 

Sleep More

Frankly, it couldn’t get any easier than this…

The more sleep you get, the better your testosterone levels will be.

For example, a study recorded in Sleep gathered up a group of
healthy guys, slapped a wristband on them which indicated how long
they had slept the night before and tested their testosterone levels first
thing in the morning.

The results showed that the guys who slept for 4 hours had bleary-eyed
testosterone levels, hovering between 200-300 ng/dl…

But the guys who slept for 8 hours had between 500-700 ng/dl when
they woke up…

The reason is that most of your testosterone is produced while you

sleep, so the more you sleep, the more time your T-factory has to 

produce the goods…

Now, this doesn’t mean you’ll be sleeping in until 2 pm like a hormonal
teenager that doesn’t know what to think about sunlight anymore… I
mean, you’re a man, not a boy.

But you do need to put a priority on getting a healthy amount of sleep
every night, whether you choose to go to bed a little earlier than you
normally would, or you set your alarm clock an hour later than the

I don’t have to baby you on this one…

Just find a way to get 8 hours of sleep. It’s not hard. Make it happen.

But hey, before you go to sleep…

Have Sex

Sleep may be the easiest way to master the art of boosting 

testosterone, but having sex is definitely the most fun.

A study published in Physiology and Behavior measured the salivary
testosterone concentrations of male and female couples before and 

after having sex for 11 nights…

Researchers then compared those testosterone levels to 11 other nights
when the couples opted to end date night actually wearing their 

pajama pants…

The results were about as straightforward as can be…

Testosterone levels were higher in both the man and the woman after a
night of sensuous passion.

Boosting testosterone never sounded so good. Get some erotic 

exercise in with your wife before bed…

And speaking of “exercise”…

Lift Weights

Hitting the gym is a full proof way to produce more testosterone…

As long as you keep a few things in mind…

First off, any workout that extends above 45 minutes is going to flood
your body with cortisol – the anti-androgen that ruins testosterone 


So when you hit the gym, you want to keep your workouts somewhere
between 30-40 minutes for maximum T-production.

Second, when you’re there you don’t want to waste time on exercises
that have little to no influence on your testosterone levels…

You want all of your movements in the gym to include multiple muscle
groups for maximal testosterone production…

For the top of the line training techniques specifically for men over
40 click here.

But hey, if you can’t make it to the gym don’t think I forgot about you…


Run Sprints

Just like you don’t want to lollygag in the gym for 45+ minutes, you
also don’t want to pound the pavement for 2 hours while you train for
a half marathon…

The most effective running protocol for elevating your T-levels is the
short and sweet sprinting secret that most guys have never even consid-
ered as a means of boosting testosterone…

A recent exercise test at the University of North Carolina discovered
that when men sprint “all out” for 30-seconds, their growth hormone in-
creases by 530%…

Plus, if you practice nasal breathing (inhaling through your nose and
exhaling through your mouth) while running sprints, you’ll increase ni-
tric oxide production – a vasodilator compound that increases blood
flow in your body and as a result, will give you harder erections and im-
prove your ability to please your wife in the bedroom (you can circle
back to the benefits of sex for boosting testosterone if you’d like).

To boost your testosterone levels by over 500% while only running
sprints for 8-minutes twice a week, check this out.  

And while you’re out running sprints…

Get Some Sun

Every time you’re out in the sun, you’re quietly mastering the art
of boosting testosterone…

According to a study published in Oxford’s Clinical Endocrinology, vita-
min D levels and testosterone levels are positively linked to one an-

This study recruited 2,299 men to test whether there was a relationship
between sun exposure (sunlight contains vitamin D) and testosterone
levels in men…

Over the course of the entire seasonal study, researchers found that tes-
tosterone levels were at their peak during the spring and summer
months and fell during the winter months.

So when you’re running sprints or working out in the yard, or watching
your son’s baseball game, don’t cover yourself up with a sweatshirt
and long pants…

Soak in as much sun as you can and skyrocket your testosterone lev-

However, when it’s finally time to head inside, you need to…

Eat Up

The old adage that says, “You are what you eat,” is actually true in
this case…

Your food choices decide whether you’ll look like an anabolic action
figure or a catabolic cream puff from this day forward…

One of the perks that come along with boosting testosterone is that
you’re required to eat plenty of fats and carbohydrates…

That means you can fill your plate with bacon, eggs, beef, potatoes,
white rice, and plenty of other T-boosting foods that I have listed out
for you here.

On a true man’s diet, your macronutrient breakdown will look like this:
40% calories from fat, 40% calories from carbohydrates, 20% calories
from protein.

For the swift diet trick to boost your growth hormone by 2,000% in 24
hours click here.

Now that you’re fueled up, go…

Win At Something

According to a publication in hormonal behavior, men who “win” in
competition experience a massive leap in testosterone levels…

And even though winning itself isn’t subjective, what you win at, can be

Or in other words, it doesn’t matter what you win at if you want to
boost your testosterone levels… You just need to win.
So maybe winning looks like fixing up the garage this afternoon, or
closing a business deal, maybe it looks like winning in a game of
pickup basketball or even a game of chess…

Winning could be as simple as crossing everything off your checklist
for the day…

The point is that you need to find a way to win and get that genuine
feeling of accomplishment and success…

And speaking of winning, you can win higher testosterone levels every
day by taking these…

Next Steps

Mastering the art of boosting testosterone naturally is simple…

And it won’t take you a long time to become a certified stud…


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