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Self-Identity is essential to establishing social relationships and even a more mature

relationship with your family. This activity aims to help you explore and start determining
your self-identity.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where do you focus your attention for personal development more on your strengths
or your weaknesses?

- I focus more on my weaknesses rather than my strengths because I know I have

a lot of it. I think I have to focus more in order to learn what kind of strengths I
have as a person. For me, weaknesses are the root of strengths. If I focus myself
on healing or accepting that I do have them, I’ll eventually find myself.

2. Why is it so? How come you chose to focus on this?

- Because I know I have a lot of weaknesses or insecurities that I need to work on,
so that’s why instead of focusing on the other one, I focused my mind to heal
myself, slowly but surely.

3. Are you still seeking self-identity, or do you already know "who you truly are"?

- I do. For me, I think that’s one of the reasons why we are here in this world, to
seek who we truly are and as a teenager I am just starting to find or be more
curious about seeking my self-identity and what I am.

4. If you know your self-identity, what helped you do so?

- I still do not know my self-identity, I am still finding my ideal self, trying and
improving my self image as well as my self esteem. It is slow but i think i do not
have to compete to other people in order to find who i truly am.

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