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Kimberlite Terminology and Classification

B. H. Scott Smith, T. E. Nowicki, J. K. Russell, K. J. Webb, R. H. Mitchell, C. M.

Hetman, M. Harder, E. M. W. Skinner, and Jv. A. Robey

Description, classification and interpretation of kimberlites and related rocks, and communi-
cation of that information, underpin the development of three-dimensional geological models
used in generating reliable diamond resource estimates. A rationalisation of kimberlite
terminology and classification is presented in a practical, systematic framework or scheme. The
scheme has five stages and is based on progressively increasing levels of interpretation building
upon a series of descriptors that are applied independently of, and prior to, genetic classifications.
Stage 1 of the scheme is rock description (alteration, structure, texture, components) and involves
only limited genetic interpretation. The components are ascribed to three classes: compound
clasts (kimberlitic, mantle, crustal), crystals, in particular olivine, and interstitial matrix
(groundmass, interclast cement or clastic matrix). Kimberlitic compound clasts include
magmaclasts (e.g. solidified melt-bearing pyroclasts), lithic clasts (e.g. autoliths) and accretion-
ary clasts. Where possible, subsequent stages involve classification and higher levels of
interpretation, based on increasing degrees of genetic inference. Stage 2 is the petrogenetic

B. H. Scott Smith (&)

Scott-Smith Petrology Inc., 2555 Edgemont Boulevard,
North Vancouver, BC V7R 2M9, Canada
T. E. Nowicki  K. J. Webb  C. M. Hetman  M. Harder
Mineral Services Canada Inc., 501–88 Lonsdale Avenue,
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2E6, Canada
B. H. Scott Smith  J. K. Russell
Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of British Columbia, 6339 Stores Road,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
R. H. Mitchell
Department of Geology, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road,
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1, Canada
C. M. Hetman
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., 22–1066 West Hastings Street,
Vancouver, BC V6E 3X2, Canada
M. Harder
Tetra Tech Inc, Vancouver, BC, Canada
E. M. W. Skinner
Rhodes University, 94 Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa
Jv. A. Robey
Rockwise Consulting CC, Kimberley, South Africa

D. G. Pearson et al. (eds.), Proceedings of 10th International Kimberlite Conference, 1

Volume 2, Special Issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India,
DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1173-0_1, Ó Springer India 2013
2 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

classification into parental magma type and mineralogical type. Stage 3a is the broad textural-
genetic classification into coherent kimberlite and volcaniclastic kimberlite. In Stage 3b,
coherent kimberlite is further subdivided into intrusive kimberlite or extrusive kimberlite, and
volcaniclastic kimberlite into pyroclastic kimberlite, resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite and
epiclastic volcanic kimberlite. Pyroclastic kimberlites can be assigned into two main classes:
Kimberley type (formerly tuffisitic kimberlite) and Fort à la Corne-type (formerly pyroclastic
kimberlite). Stage 4 incorporates an assessment of the spatial relationship to and the morphology
of the kimberlite body from which the rocks under investigation derive. Stage 5 involves more
detailed genetic interpretation with more specific classification based on the mode of formation.


Kimberlite Terminology Classification Nomenclature Diamond Exploration
Evaluation Mining

mainly on observations and requires only limited genetic

Introduction interpretation, whereas Stages 2–5, when possible, involve
classification into specific rock types based on increasing
Reliable evaluation and mining of primary diamond
degrees of genetic inference. Stage 1 is considered to be the
deposits is founded on a good understanding of the geology
most critical part of the nomenclature scheme because it
of kimberlites and related rocks. Description, classification
provides the evidence, or foundation, for the interpretations
and interpretation of these rocks, and communication of that
undertaken in Stages 2–5. Importantly, Stage 1 also pro-
information, underpin the development of three-dimen-
vides the basic information required for the definition and
sional (3D) geological models. Such models are essential in
internal subdivision of potential primary diamond deposits
generating accurate diamond resource estimates. Current
into different lithological units and phases that can be used
kimberlite terminology has evolved over more than four
in the development of economically relevant geological
decades (Dawson 1971, 1980; Hawthorne 1975; Clement
models (Fig. 1). Lithological units are subdivisions of rocks
and Skinner 1985; Mitchell 1986, 1995; Field and Scott
which have unifying characteristics that are distinct from
Smith 1998; Cas et al. 2008, 2009). Problematic aspects of
adjacent rocks. A phase of kimberlite, or other parental
terminology result from: (i) kimberlites and related rocks
magma type (e.g. lamproite), comprises the near surface
having attributes not adequately addressed by standard
emplacement products derived from a single batch of
igneous petrological or volcanological terminology; and (ii)
magma. Different magma batches typically have different
the inconsistent use and misuse of some terms. Here we
diamond contents, and internal variability within emplace-
present an improved, rationalised and staged approach to
ment products of single magma batches can result from
kimberlite terminology and classification. The practical and
contrasting intrusive, volcanic and post-emplacement pro-
systematic framework, or scheme, is intended to assist in
cesses. One phase of kimberlite may comprise one or more
the description, recognition and understanding of the com-
lithological units, lithofacies, facies and/or facies associa-
plex and unusual rocks encountered during diamond
tions, thus the terms are not synonymous. Stages 2–5 permit
exploration and mining. One goal of our approach is, as far
a greater understanding of any potential primary diamond
as possible, to align kimberlite terms with those of main-
deposit and higher degrees of confidence in geological
stream geology, while maintaining terminology that is
models based on Stage 1, resulting in improved predictions
applicable to the economics of primary diamond deposits.
of diamond distribution.
The terminology is based on a 300-term Glossary (Scott
The concept encompassed in Table 1 is partly inspired by
Smith et al. in press) which is intended to be used as a
the approach of McPhie et al. (1993) and has some simi-
companion document during the application of this scheme.
larities to Cas et al. (2008, 2009). However, there are key
differences between our scheme for kimberlite nomenclature
Key Principles and Objectives and these approaches. Most critically, McPhie et al. (1993)
and Cas et al. (2008, 2009) begin with an initial textural
The five-stage scheme (Table 1; after Scott Smith et al. subdivision into coherent or volcaniclastic facies (or ‘‘frag-
2008a, b, 2012) involves progressive investigation and mental’’ in the case of Cas et al. 2008, 2009) and the
interpretation. Stage 1, the descriptive stage, is based descriptive terminology used for each of these facies is
Table 1 A systematic framework (scheme) for the description, classification and interpretation of kimberlites

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3a Stage 3b Stage 4 Stage 5


Petrogenetic Intrusive / Volcanic Genetic / Process

Rock Description Textural-Genetic Classification
Classification Spatial Context Interpretation
Alteration: Intrusive: e.g. intra-crater ICK sheet; e.g. composite flow-
intensity; distribution; mineralogy; Coherent: [descriptors] intrusive coherent kimberlite (ICK) non-volcanic HK plug; sub- differentiated hypabyssal
imposed textures; preservation; [descriptors] or hypabyssal kimberlite (HK) volcanic root zone-fill sheet; intrusive plug
timing; xenolith reaction coherent
kimberlite (CK) Extrusive: e.g. intra-crater ECK; e.g. fountain-fed clastogenic
Parental Magma Type: [descriptors] extrusive coherent kimberlite (ECK) extra-crater ECK lava lake; effusive lava flow
Structure: e.g. kimberlite; lamproite;
e.g. massive; inhomogeneous; melnoite; alnoite; olivine Kimberley-type:
Pyroclastic: e.g. pipe-fill KPK;
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification

layered; flow zoned; laminated; melilitite e.g. fluidised; column

[descriptors] pyroclastic [descriptors] Kimberley-type subsurface diatreme-fill
cross-bedded; jointed collapse
kimberlite (PK) or pyroclastic kimberlite (KPK) KPK; crater-fill KPK
Texture: [descriptors] kimberlitic Fort à la Corne-type: e.g. vent-proximal FPK,
component distribution; shape; [standard pyroclastic e.g. spatter; fallout; base
[descriptors] Fort à la Corne-type intra-crater FPK; crater rim
size distribution (e.g. well sorted; rock name] surge; pyroclastic flow
Volcaniclastic: pyroclastic kimberlite (FPK) FPK; distal extra-crater FPK
inequigranular); packing; support [descriptors]
(e.g. clast or matrix supported) Mineralogical Resedimented Volcaniclastic:
volcaniclastic e.g. pipe-fill RVK; intra- e.g. grain flow; debris flow;
Classification: [descriptors] resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK) or
kimberlite (VK) crater kimberlitic sediments; mass flow; lacustrine;
Components: e.g. monticellite; [descriptors] resedimented kimberlitic reworked crater rim; alluvial
compound clasts (e.g. xenoliths, phlogopite; carbonate distal extra-crater RVK
[standard sedimentary rock name] fan; turbidite
magmaclasts, autoliths,
accretionary clasts); crystals Epiclastic Volcanic: e.g. pipe-proximal EVK;
(e.g. olivine macrocrysts, crustal e.g. lithified crater rim
[descriptors] epiclastic volcanic kimberlite (EVK) or [descriptors] epiclastic volcanic
xenocrysts); interstitial matrix scarp slope mass wasting
epiclastic kimberlitic [standard sedimentary rock name] kimberlitic sediment
Example names: uniform, Example names: olivine Example names: Example names: macrocryst-poor ICK; uniform macrocrystic Example names: steep Example names: graded,
xenolith-poor, medium-grained, macrocryst-rich carbonate xenolith-poor, flow HK; flow banded crystal-poor ECK; thickly bedded PK; massive discordant HK sheet; olivine pyrocryst-rich FPK
olivine macrocryst-rich rock; phlogopite monticellite zoned, variably unsorted very macroxenolith-rich KPK; graded xenolith-poor diatreme-fill massive fallout deposit; kimberlitic
massive, xenolith-rich, fine to kimberlite; leucite lamproite; macrocrystic CK; olivine pyrocryst-rich FPK; cross-bedded very fine-grained xenolith-rich KPK; crater-fill lacustrine mudstone; clast
medium-grained, olivine-poor rock; olivine macrocryst-poor xenolith-rich, well crystal-dominated RVK; well sorted resedimented kimberlitic mega-graded olivine supported, very xenolith-rich
cross-bedded microcrystic rock phlogopite orangeite bedded VK sandstone; poorly sorted EVK; bedded kimberlitic lapilli tuff pyrocryst-dominated FPK RVK mass flow deposit

Dashed and dotted lines indicate potential for gradations between rock types. In Stages 3–5, the scheme focuses on kimberlites (shown in red from Stage 2) but the term can be replaced by
another parental magma type such as lamproite. The descriptors shown in green can vary according to the stage or purpose of the investigation or the rock name
4 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

0 100 200 m
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the internal geology of different summary terms are coloured to match this figure). The geometry of
types of kimberlite pipes (from Scott Smith 2008a; based on three- different internal kimberlite units within each pipe type is distinct
dimensional geological models developed for Canadian diamond (shown by variable colours or shades of colour separated by dashed
resource estimations reconstructed to the time of emplacement). Such lines for internal contacts). a Concentric funnel-shaped nested craters
geological models are the maps used to predict the volume and with one feeder. Internal contacts have dips of *30–60° and are either
diamond content of a body. Based on the textural-genetic classifica- gradational or sharp. b Horizontal layers or wedge-shaped units.
tions of Stage 3 in Table 1: green = Fort à la Corne-type pyroclastic Internal contacts have dips of *0–45° and may be sharp or
kimberlite; brown = Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite; gradational. c Asymmetric units have internal contacts which are
blue = coherent kimberlite; yellow = transitional textures from Kim- sharp and steep with dips of *60–90°. Single units can be vertically
berley-type pyroclastic kimberlite to coherent kimberlite; extensive. Coherent kimberlite also occurs in associated intrusive
grey = resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite. Illustrations of type sheets. Extra-crater deposits as shown are seldom preserved
examples of some of these rock types are shown in Fig. 2 (in which

different. Further description of the body or rock depends genetic classification. The term ‘‘coherent’’ was originally
upon this initial facies assignment (e.g. coherent vs. volca- coined for volcanic–subvolcanic settings and includes
niclastic) and if this is changed after additional investigation, both intrusive and extrusive rocks, which can be difficult
the original descriptors need to be replaced. Our experience to differentiate. Conventionally, the term ‘‘coherent’’ is
is that the subdivision of kimberlite into either coherent or applied to a rock until further subdivision into intrusive
volcaniclastic commonly requires detailed investigation and, (in the case of kimberlite usually hypabyssal) and
in some instances, may not be possible with any acceptable extrusive (lava) can be made. This designation is partic-
degree of confidence. On this basis, the textural-genetic ularly relevant to kimberlites where most pipes encom-
classification in our scheme is considered at a later stage in pass volcanic–subvolcanic settings. Historically, however,
the rock naming process (Table 1). The scheme presented the term ‘‘coherent’’ has not been widely applied to
here builds upon a series of descriptors (Stage 1) that are kimberlites, because most occurrences have been inter-
applied independently of, and prior to, textural-genetic preted as intrusive, and therefore described as hypabyssal.
classifications (Stage 3). This order is aimed at reducing Most hypabyssal rocks (e.g. diabase) are coherent and the
incorrect textural-genetic assignments that can be very term ‘‘coherent’’ is implicit in previous, and current,
misleading, especially with respect to predictions of internal usage of hypabyssal kimberlite. The term ‘‘coherent’’
geology (Fig. 1) and diamond distribution. includes but, importantly, is not synonymous with hyp-
Coherent and volcaniclastic are the standard textural abyssal. Documented examples of extrusive kimberlite
subdivisions of volcanic rocks (e.g. McPhie et al. 1993) lavas are not common, either because of lack of forma-
and are assigned in Stage 3a as part of the textural- tion or lack of preservation or both.
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 5

The Scheme components that are relevant in the prediction of diamond

distributions, in particular olivine, other mantle-derived
The scheme (Table 1) is applied to rock bodies, lithological xenocrysts and all types of xenoliths. The descriptors can be
units and samples derived from them. Typically, the scheme changed and/or carried forward into rock names assigned
is applied progressively, with an overall broadening of the during subsequent stages as appropriate to the investigation
scale of observation (i.e. incorporation of smaller and larger (shown in green in Table 1 and Fig. 2).
scale observations), increased sample density, greater inte- Although the Stage 1 descriptors overlap with those of
gration of other data and higher levels of interpretation as Cas et al. (2008, 2009), there are some key distinctions
investigations proceed from Stages 1 to 5. Stages 1–3 are which are listed below.
typically applied to a sample or unit but Stages 4 and 5
commonly rely on much larger scale information and con- (i) The size and abundance descriptors for crystals and
text. The scheme focuses on the most common primary magmaclasts as well as xenoliths (and autoliths)
source of diamonds, kimberlites, but it is applicable to rocks given in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 are kimberlite specific
generated from other parental magma types (e.g. lamproites and thus more relevant to the economics of diamond
or orangeites). Examples illustrating the application of the deposits.
scheme shown in Table 1 are presented in Fig. 2. There are, (ii) A single set of non-genetic size descriptors for crystals
however, some rock types associated with kimberlite pipes is presented (Table 4) that can be applied irrespective
and sheets which contain little or no kimberlitic constituents of the textural-genetic classification, in particular prior
(e.g. country rock breccias, sedimentary rocks including to classification as either coherent or volcaniclastic.
non-volcanic epiclastic rocks) that are not covered by this This is an essential requirement for an applied
scheme. nomenclature scheme designed to be practical. Stan-
dard size classes are generally different for igneous
versus volcanic rocks and volcaniclastic versus
Stage 1: Rock Description coherent rocks.
(iii) The term ‘‘magmaclast’’ is retained (Fig. 3, Tables 4
Stage 1 of the scheme is rock description (alteration, and 5) to prevent the premature misinterpretation of
structure, texture, components; Table 1) and involves certain components (melt segregations vs. pyroclasts).
mainly observation with only limited genetic interpreta- The original suggested use of ‘‘magmaclast’’ (Field
tion. The sequence in which the descriptions are consid- and Scott Smith 1998) is now modified; magmaclasts
ered broadly reflects a progressive decrease in the scale of must contain solidified melt thus excluding crystals
observation from megascopic through macroscopic to which are devoid of magmatic selvages (see pyrocryst
microscopic. For example, alteration is discussed first in Fig. 3e and crystals below).
because it is commonly a readily recognisable megascopic (iv) A 25 % cut-off for crystal abundance subdivisions
and macroscopic feature. The interstitial matrix is (Table 5) is avoided, because this value is the average
presented last, because it is difficult to discern and mode for olivine macrocryst abundance in typical
microscopic examination is usually required to determine hypabyssal kimberlites (see crystals below and Fig. 4a,
its character. c (ii)); thus different abundance descriptors are not
Although Stage 1 is primarily descriptive, it does require assigned to rocks with very similar olivine contents on
a broad understanding of these rock types, particularly in either side of the mode.
terms of identifying the primary components and their (v) The previous use of the term ‘‘breccia’’ to describe
replacement products. The observations are summarised as kimberlites with [15 % xenoliths (Clement and Skin-
a descriptive rock name which highlights the significant and ner 1985) is discontinued and replaced with descriptors
characteristic features of that rock (see example names in based on specific xenolith sizes and abundances
Stage 1 in Table 1 and Fig. 2). The descriptors used in the (Tables 2, 3). The term breccia can be used as a general
name can be selected according to the objectives of the task term to describe certain rock types associated with
at hand and could vary for different parts of the same kimberlite bodies which are not included in this
investigation. For many economic investigations, the fea- scheme. The most widespread types are country rock
tures that distinguish different phases of kimberlite within a breccias which are dominated by angular fragments of
single body (Fig. 1) are useful characteristics to include in country rock that occur in situ or close to in situ. The
the descriptive rock name. Importantly, for investigations breccias form by kimberlite-related volcanic, subvol-
aimed at the economic assessment of kimberlites, regardless canic and/or intrusive processes. Kimberlitic constitu-
of whether the textural-genetic classification of the host ents are typically a minor component or not detectable.
rock is understood, Stage 1 should emphasise the The interclast areas can be composed of a mineral
6 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

(a) Snap Lake Mine (b)Tuzo, Gahcho Kué 47.4m (c) Fort à la Corne 175 (d) Fort à laCorne 140 140.2m

cm cm cm cm
very xenolith-poor micro to small macroxenolith-rich very xenolith-poor very xenolith-poor
Rock very fine to very coarse olivine-rich very fine to coarse olivine-poor very fine to coarse olivine-rich super fine to fine olivine-rich
Stage 1 Description fine to ultra coarse magmaclast-rich
uniform rock massive rock massive rock graded rock
very xenolith-poor micro to small macroxenolith-rich very xenolith-poor very xenolith-poor
Stage 2 Petrogenetic very fine to very coarse olivine-rich very fine to coarse olivine-poor very fine to coarse olivine-rich super fine to fine olivine-rich
Classification fine to ultra coarse magmaclast-rich
monticellite kimberlite kimberlite monticellite kimberlite kimberlite
very xenolith-poor micro to small macroxenolith-rich very xenolith-poor very xenolith-poor
very fine to very coarse olivine-rich very fine to coarse olivine-poor very fine to coarse olivine-rich super fine to fine olivine-rich
Stage 3a fine to ultra coarse magmaclast-rich
Textural-Genetic coherent monticellite kimberlite volcaniclastic kimberlite volcaniclastic monticellite kimberlite volcaniclastic kimberlite
Classification v-x-poor mix-smax-rich v-x-poor vf-c ol-rich v-x-poor
vf-vc ol-rich vf-c ol-poor f-uc melt-bearing pyroclast-rich sf-f ol-pyrocryst-rich
Stage 3b intrusive coherent Kimberley-type pyroclastic Fort à la Corne-type pyroclastic Fort à la Corne-type pyroclastic
monticellite kimberlite kimberlite monticellite kimberlite kimberlite
v-x-poor mix-smax-rich v-x-poor vf-c ol-rich v-x-poor
Intrusive / Volcanic vf-vc ol-rich vf-c ol-poor f-uc melt-bearing pyroclast-rich sf-f ol-pyrocryst-rich
Stage 4 Spatial Context ICK KPK FPK FPK
inclined intrusive sheet diatreme-fill vent-proximal crater-fill crater-fill
v-x-poor mix-smax-rich v-x-poor vf-c ol-rich v-x-poor
Stage 5 Genetic / Process vf-vc ol-rich vf-c ol-poor f-uc melt-bearing pyroclast-rich sf-f ol-pyrocryst-rich
Interpretation HK KPK FPK FPK
uniform hypabyssal sheet massive fluidised deposit massive spatter deposit graded fallout deposit

uniform olivine macrocrystic massive olivine macrocryst- massive olivine macrocrystic graded olivine microcrystic
Summary HK inclined sheet poor KPKx diatreme-fill FPK crater-fill FPK crater-fill

Fig. 2 Examples illustrating application of the scheme shown in listed first because they are typically larger and more easily discerned.
Table 1, focusing on the components that are economically relevant in The descriptors can be retained or modified as appropriate to
the prediction of diamond distributions (i.e. olivine and xenoliths). The subsequent stages of the investigation (as shown in green in Stages
figure shows the macroscopic constituents traced in polished slabs of 3a and b in Table 1). In Stage 2, the petrogenetic rock name (red text)
four rock samples from Scott Smith and Smith (2009). These rocks replaces ‘‘rock’’ from Stage 1, combining the petrogenetic classifica-
display minimal alteration resulting from weathering; the textures are tion and, when possible, the mineralogical classification (usually
well preserved and the original mineralogy is evident. Different requiring petrographic observations in thin section). A mineralogical
component types are represented by different colours. Green = olivine classification for samples b and d is not possible because of the lack of
crystals or their pseudomorphs (31, 11, 21 and 6 modal % in a, b, resolvable crystalline groundmass and is omitted. In Stage 3a, initial
c and d, respectively); white (a, c) = solidified former melt (crystal- broad textural subdivisions are added (black text). In Stage 3b, the
line groundmass in a shown in Fig. 5 of Mogg et al. 2003; descriptor terms are retained but abbreviated to make the rock name
cryptocrystalline/glassy groundmass in c similar to Fig. 5 of Scott much more manageable (from Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5; ol = olivine).
Smith 2008a); red = country rock xenoliths and xenocrysts (30 and More detailed observations and interpretations result in the following
\1 modal % in b and d, respectively); brown (b) = interclast matrix changes: replacement of the term magmaclast by melt-bearing
(Fig. 7b of Hetman et al. 2004); purple (c) and grey (d) = microscopic pyroclast (after Fig. 3d) in sample c; and the more specific textural-
components not traced (for c cf. Fig. 3 of Scott Smith 2008a; for d see genetic rock name (black text) for all samples. In Stage 4, terms
Figs. 7b, 8a of Berryman et al. 2004) and later interclast cement describing the spatial context of the rock (black italicised text) are
(carbonate cement in c shown in Fig. 3b of Scott Smith 2008a; applied to the abbreviated textural-genetic rock name from Stage 3
serpentine-like cement in d shown in Fig. 8c of Berryman et al. 2004). (black and red upper case letters, from Table 1). In Stage 5, data from
Thin orange borders on all constituents in b schematically show the previous Stages are integrated to propose a high-level genetic
thin selvages observed in thin section (as shown in Fig. 7b of Hetman interpretation (black italicised text). This stage typically requires
et al. 2004). Rock names are only applied to a sample when the incorporation of information from a broader context than the specific
evidence allows and the naming format is flexible. Here the staged sample or portion of the body being classified (e.g. for a McBean et al.
approach to the terminology reflects an overall increasing level of 2003; for b Hetman et al. 2004; for d Scott Smith and Smith 2009).
investigation. The observations were made on the illustrated polished The pertinent information for each sample is summarised in the bottom
slabs and augmented with drillcore and thin section examination. row and coloured to match Fig. 1 to illustrate how the scheme is
Stage 1 observations are summarised in a descriptive rock name applicable to the development of three-dimensional geological models
(green text; cf. example names of Stage 1 in Table 1). Xenoliths are required for evaluation and diamond resource estimation

cement (e.g. carbonate), a fine-grained clastic matrix rock to country rock breccias to xenolith-dominated
(e.g. pulverised country rock), minor volcaniclastic or kimberlite. Xenoliths are displaced from their source
coherent kimberlite or can remain void. There can be a and incorporated into kimberlites mainly during ascent
gradational change in rock type from fractured country and emplacement.
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 7

Table 2 Size descriptors for lithic compound clasts, in particular Table 4 Size descriptors for crystals and magmaclasts (similarly for
xenoliths; for autoliths substitute [autolith] for [xenolith] (similarly for accretionary clasts; for lithic clast size descriptors see Table 2). See
autoclasts, epiclasts; for crystal, magmaclast and accretionary clast also Fig. 4b
size descriptors see Table 4)
Size range (mm) Descriptor Abbreviation
Size range Modifier Descriptor Abbreviation \0.125 ultra fine uf
\16 mm – micro [xenolith] mix 0.125–0.25 super fine sf
16–64 mm small macro [xenolith] smax [0.25–0.5 very very fine vvf
[64–256 mm medium mmax [0.5–1 very fine vf
[256–1024 mm large lmax [1–2 fine f
[1.0–4.1 m small mega [xenolith] smex [2–4 medium m
[4.1–16.4 m medium mmex [4–8 coarse c
[ 16.4 m large lmex [8–16 very coarse vc
[16 ultra coarse uc

Table 3 Abundance descriptors for lithic compound clasts, in par-

ticular xenoliths; for autoliths substitute [autolith] for [xenolith] Table 5 Abundance descriptors for crystals; for magmaclasts sub-
(similarly for autoclasts, epiclasts; for crystal, magmaclast and stitute [magmaclast] for [crystal] (similarly for accretionary clasts; for
accretionary clast abundance descriptors see Table 5) lithic clast abundance descriptors see Table 3). See also Fig. 4a
Percentage range Descriptor Abbreviation Percentage range Descriptor
0 [xenolith]-free x-free 0 [crystal]-free
[0–5 very [xenolith]-poor v-x-poor [0–5 very [crystal]-poor
[5–15 [xenolith]-poor x-poor [5–15 [crystal]-poor
[15–50 [xenolith]-rich x-rich (or Kx) [15–50 [crystal]-rich
[50–75 very [xenolith]-rich v-x-rich (or Kxx) [50–75 very [crystal]-rich
[75 [xenolith]-dominated x-dominated (or Kxxx) [75 [crystal]-dominated

Given the importance of Stage 1, this stage is discussed

below in more detail than the subsequent stages. of emplacement, kimberlite magmas are extremely rich in
Alteration. Unlike many other mineral deposits, the juvenile volatiles, in particular CO2 and H2O); (ii) post-
description of alteration products is not the primary emplacement or post-depositional hydrothermal processes
objective of most investigations of kimberlites and related associated with external fluids from later degassing mag-
rocks. The overriding intention, especially during the mas or meteoric water heated by magmatic activity; and
evaluation of primary diamond deposits, is to determine (iii) weathering in response to surface processes and
the original nature of the rocks as reflected by the external fluids such as groundwater (e.g. clay mineralisa-
‘‘Example names’’ in Table 1. Alteration affects the ability tion of previously deuterically serpentinised olivine), the
to determine the original structure, texture and components severity of which depends on the climate. In this scheme,
(Table 1, Stage 1). Thus, some description and under- alteration also includes departures from the usual primary
standing of rock components resulting from alteration is groundmass mineralogy of kimberlites (e.g. introduction of
necessary to establish the degree of confidence in the clinopyroxene) that result from interactions between the
description, classification and interpretation of the original hot host magma and country rock whether as xenoliths or
nature of the kimberlite rock, and in turn the confidence in situ at a kimberlite to country rock contact.
level of the geological model. Where relevant, the Structure and texture. Structure and texture pertain to the
descriptive rock names can be modified by adding alter- physical characteristics or appearance of a rock and can be
ation terms that convey, for example, intensity (e.g. subtle, summarised using standard descriptors in most instances
complete), distribution (e.g. pervasive, local vein-like) and (see examples in Stage 1 of Table 1). Structure encom-
mineralogy (e.g. carbonatised). Mineral replacement in passes the megascopic features or internal organisation of
kimberlites occurs mainly by: (i) pre- or syn-emplacement the rock. Texture summarises the small-scale arrangement
deuteric alteration processes involving internal magmatic of, and relationships among, the components of a rock or
fluids (e.g. deuteric replacement of olivine by serpentine part thereof. Structure and texture are important observa-
and/or carbonate which is widespread because, at the time tions used in Stages 2–4 (Table 1).
8 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

(a) (b) (c)

Compound Clasts Crystals
Interstitial Matrix

kimberlitic xenoliths xenocrysts phenocrysts

microphenocrysts interclast
mantle crustal/ olivine other groundmass
clasts mantle crustal/
surficial mesostasis cement clastic
olivine other

Kimberlitic Compound Clasts

magmaclasts lithic clasts accretionary clasts

melt-bearing pyroclasts melt segregations autoclasts autoliths epiclasts pyroclastic sedimentary

fluidal fragmentation/segregation brittle fragmentation aggregation


non-discrete1 discrete2

phenocrysts crystal pyroclasts non-pyroclastic crystals

magma lithified lithified unlithified
source source source source

pyrocrysts3 other crystal pyroclasts

(excludes pyrocrysts)

liberated pyrocrysts4

brittle liberation by
separation fragmentation surface processes

Fig. 3 Conceptual framework for the description of kimberlite com- crystals separated from a former host melt, a former lithified source or
ponents. The components are ascribed to three main classes a compound derived from a former unlithified source; (3) crystals separated by
clasts, b crystals, and c interstitial matrix (listed in order of decreasing pyroclastic emplacement processes from the original host kimberlite
size). Further subdivision is based on composition and origin (d and e). melt but not necessarily from exsolved magmatic fluids; (4) pyrocryst
Notes for e: (1) occur within solidification products of original host melt that has been completely separated from the original host kimberlite
(includes crystals in magmaclasts); (2) kimberlitic and non-kimberlitic magma including both melt and exsolved magmatic fluids

Components (Fig. 3). The components of a rock or unit magmaclasts, lithic kimberlitic clasts and accretionary
are the most critical part of any rock description (Stage 1 in clasts, Fig. 3d). The term ‘‘clast’’ is used in the broadest
Table 1 and Fig. 2). They can be ascribed to three classes or sense to include the products of different processes of for-
groups: (a) compound clasts, (b) crystals and (c) interstitial mation: brittle fragmentation or failure of country rocks or
matrix (listed in order of decreasing size), each of which is consolidated kimberlite (e.g. crustal xenoliths in Fig. 3a;
further subdivided as shown in Fig. 3. Although many lithic kimberlitic clasts in Fig. 3d); fluidal fragmentation/
standard descriptors can be used there are some kimberlite- segregation (e.g. magmaclasts in Fig. 3d) and particle
specific aspects to describing components. aggregation (e.g. accretionary clasts in Fig. 3d).
Compound clasts (Fig. 3a, d). Compound clasts are Xenoliths are fragments of pre-existing genetically
components of a rock or unit that comprise assemblages of unrelated wall rock incorporated during ascent or
crystals. They are subdivided into two main types (Fig. 3a) emplacement of kimberlite magma and its volcanic prod-
based on composition: xenoliths (accidental non-kimberlitic ucts. Xenoliths are subdivided according to their origin:
inclusions) and kimberlitic compound clasts (composed mantle (e.g. peridotite, eclogite) and crustal/surficial
entirely or partly of kimberlitic constituents; which include (Fig. 3a). The total and relative abundance, distribution,
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 9

character and degree of alteration or metamorphism of include autoclasts, autoliths and epiclasts (Fig. 3d). Volca-
xenoliths can be extremely useful in distinguishing different nic autoclasts are fragments formed non-explosively by the
phases of kimberlite. Broad size and abundance descriptors movement of the cooled and solidified portions of the em-
for xenoliths are provided in Tables 2 and 3, respectively, placing kimberlite magma (commonly lava) and occurring
and can be applied based on simple visual estimates. Crustal within the same magma. Autoclasts have not been docu-
xenoliths (e.g. granitoid or gneissic basement, sediments, mented in kimberlites, either because of lack of formation
non-kimberlitic volcanics) are most common and their of lava or lack of preservation or both. Autoliths are acci-
incorporation into, and ‘dilution’ of, kimberlite is an dental inclusions of pre-existing lithified kimberlite of any
important aspect of the economic assessment of primary type (i.e. clasts of an earlier phase of kimberlite). They
diamond deposits, generally requiring detailed studies and typically differ texturally and/or mineralogically from the
acquisition of quantitative abundance data (e.g. Fig. 2b). enclosing host kimberlite (e.g. an autolith of coherent
Importantly, the xenolith size and abundance of a relatively kimberlite in a volcaniclastic kimberlite or vice versa).
small sample may be different from that of the larger scale Autoliths are seldom abundant but can be useful in under-
intersection or unit from which it derives; the selection of standing the geological history of a kimberlite body and in
petrographic samples to examine the nature of the host distinguishing phases of kimberlite. Kimberlitic epiclasts
kimberlite typically avoids xenoliths. Such larger scale data are fragments created from any type of pre-existing kim-
are commonly integrated in the higher levels of interpre- berlitic rocks exposed to surface processes such as chemical
tation such as in Stages 4 and 5. When relevant, the internal and/or physical weathering. Lithic kimberlitic compound
nature of compound clasts can be described using the clasts are described using the same size and abundance
descriptors suggested for alteration, structure and texture descriptors as for xenoliths given in Tables 2 and 3.
discussed above and for crystals and interstitial matrix Accretionary clasts are aggregates of fine-grained parti-
discussed below. cles including volcanic kimberlitic and non-volcanic con-
Magmaclasts are the most widespread and common type stituents formed by any process. The recognition of
of kimberlitic compound clast (Fig. 3d). ‘‘Magmaclast’’ is a accretionary clasts can provide important evidence towards
general descriptive term for a physically distinct, fluidal- interpreting a rock as extrusive, and in determining the
shaped clast of solidified kimberlite magma formed prior to environment and process of formation. They typically form
and during final emplacement by any process (e.g. Fig. 2c). in subaerial environments and are spherical to subspherical
Magmaclasts form by fluidal fragmentation/segregation in shape, but they could also form subsurface. There are two
processes typically during near-surface emplacement events main types of accretionary clasts found in volcaniclastic
prior to solidification. The general term ‘‘magmaclast’’ is rocks: pyroclastic and sedimentary, which form by volcanic
replaced by more specific terms if more detailed interpre- eruption or by non-volcanic resedimentation processes,
tation allows for further classification (Figs. 3d, 2c). They respectively. The abundance, size and shape of accretionary
include: (i) solidified melt-bearing pyroclasts formed by clasts are most similar to those of crystals and magmaclasts,
fragmentation and subsequent rapid cooling of fluidal and thus the descriptors in Tables 4 and 5 can be applied.
kimberlite magma; and (ii) solidified melt segregations The term ‘‘accretionary clast’’ is more general than
which are discrete bodies of melt formed by segregationary ‘‘accretionary lapilli’’ (which have a restricted size range)
processes within coherent kimberlite magmas. Melt segre- and can be applied regardless of clast size or interpreted
gations are widespread, in some instances common, and are pyroclastic versus sedimentary origin. An accretionary clast
a reflection of the particular properties of kimberlite mag- with a relatively large crystal/lithic kernel can be described
mas (low viscosity, high volatiles). Segregations of melt in as an ‘‘armoured clast’’.
melt are one variety of melt segregation comprising discrete Crystals (Fig. 3b, e). For practical purposes, descriptors
segregationary patches within a coherent melt. Segregations for crystals apply primarily to those that are observable with
of melt in fluid are the specific variety of melt segregation the unaided eye or under the binocular microscope; char-
comprising bodies of segregated or immiscible melt set in a acterisation of the very fine-grained minerals occurring in
matrix representing the crystallisation products of a vola- the interstitial matrix (discussed below; Fig. 3c) usually
tile-rich fluid host. Confusion of melt segregations with requires microscopic examination and may be incorporated
pyroclasts is misleading, sometimes with economic conse- into rock descriptions (e.g. Fig. 2d). Descriptors for crystals
quences. Magmaclasts can range widely in abundance and are applied to any crystals within kimberlites regardless of
might be the dominant constituent of a rock. Size and their context, including crystals occurring within magma-
abundance descriptors are the same as for crystals, as pre- clasts and pyroclastic accretionary clasts. Those occurring
sented in Tables 4 and 5. within lithic clasts (xenoliths and autoliths) and within
Lithic kimberlitic compound clasts are formed by the sedimentary accretionary clasts should be considered and
brittle fragmentation of lithified kimberlitic rocks and described separately.
10 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

(a) Abundance (b) Size 0 1 2


0% = [crystal]-free 0.5 mm

> 0% - 5% = very [crystal]-poor

very fine

5% 1 mm

> 5% - 15% = [crystal]-poor

2 mm


4 mm
> 15% - 50% = [crystal]-rich


8 mm

> 50% - 75% = very [crystal]-rich

very coarse

16 mm

ultra coarse

> 75% = [crystal]-dominated

(c) Examples 0 1 2

(i) vf+f olivine-poor (ii) vf+f+m+c olivine-rich (iii) f<m+c olivine-rich

Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 11

b Fig. 4 Diagrammatic guide to the abundance and size descriptors for ascent and near surface magmatic and volcanic emplacement
crystals in kimberlite (Fig. 3b); for magmaclasts, substitute [magma- processes. The abundances of the depicted olivines are: (i) 7 %; (ii)
clast] for [crystal] (similarly for accretionary clasts). The black circles 25 %; (iii) 39 % where (ii) is a diagrammatic representation of a
mimic the characteristic round shape of olivine macrocrysts and many typical macrocrystic hypabyssal kimberlite which has the potential to
magmaclasts. Only crystals that are observable with the naked eye be of economic interest (cf. Fig. 2a). This schematic hypabyssal
([*0.5 mm, i.e. macrocrysts and relatively coarse-grained micro- kimberlite represents a typical pre-eruption kimberlite magma which
crysts) are depicted. a Crystal abundance classes are shown inside the can be used as a benchmark to assess the degree of modification to the
white bars (from Table 5). Between the white bars, each figure olivine size and abundances during the emplacement of such magmas.
illustrates the cut-offs between the abundance classes using a range of For example, rocks (i) and (iii) could be different emplacement
crystal sizes. b Figures illustrate the crystal size classes from very fine products of such a magma which have undergone flow differentiation
to ultra coarse from Table 4. Each figure includes a range of crystal within a hypabyssal sheet, sorting during deposition from a pyroclastic
sizes within each class. The finer size classes given in Table 4 not eruption column (cf. Fig. 2d) or sorting during resedimentation. The
illustrated here are usually interstitial matrix (Fig. 3c). For reference, very brief rock descriptors usefully summarise the differences in
the abundances of crystals within each of these figures are: very macroscopically observable olivine crystal content between these
fine = 11 %; fine = 18 %; medium = 32 %; coarse = 31 %; very samples and can be used to predict diamond distributions within, and
coarse = 54 %; ultra coarse = 69 %. c Schematic example rocks are between, phases of kimberlite. The degree of economic interest
illustrated with abbreviated olivine size and abundance descriptors increases from (i) to (ii) to (iii) reflected in the increased abundance
(from Tables 4 and 5). It is implicit in the use of any size terms and size of the olivine macrocrysts (fine-medium and coarse-grained
[1 mm (f upwards) for olivine that they are macrocrysts. These olivine), assuming that they are predominantly mantle derived
observations provide key lines of evidence to understanding mantle,

Olivine is the dominant and essential crystal type in only under the microscope (e.g. Fig. 2d). Mitchell (1995,
kimberlites forming *50 modal % of a typical hypabyssal p. 5) proposed the term ‘‘microcryst’’ with a cut-off of
kimberlite and is the critical component in the interpretation 0.5 mm which is here modified to 1 mm as discussed above
of the geology, diamond prospectivity and economic for macrocrysts.
potential of kimberlites and related rocks. Further interpretation of crystals includes their para-
Olivine crystals can be subdivided using two approaches: genesis and origin (e.g. phenocrysts versus xenocrysts; and
(i) non-genetically and descriptively based only on the for the latter, mantle or crustal origin, Fig. 3b), and it is
crystal size; and (ii) paragenetically based on interpretations important to distinguish between them where possible. Two
of the origin of the crystals. Olivine crystals can be main olivine parageneses are recognised in kimberlite: (i)
described based on their size as macrocrysts ([1 mm) and that which has crystallised from the kimberlite melt and
microcrysts (\1 mm) (e.g. Summary in Fig. 2). ‘‘Macro- therefore can be termed phenocrystic (or microphenocry-
cryst’’ is a non-genetic term used to describe large ([1 mm; stic); and (ii) that which is derived by disaggregation of
no upper size cut-off), generally anhedral crystals that mantle-derived peridotite and therefore of xenocrystic ori-
commonly can be seen with the unaided eye (e.g. Fig. 2a– gin. Olivine xenocrysts are typically anhedral and range
c). The term ‘‘macrocryst’’ is widely used as proposed by from 0.5 mm to in excess of 10 mm. They are commonly
Clement et al. (1984) with a lower size cut-off of 0.5 mm. characterised by internal deformation and the presence of
Here the cut-off is adjusted to 1 mm for the following inclusions of other mantle-derived minerals, and can have
practical reasons: (i) crystals less than 1 mm are less visible overgrowths of olivine that crystallised from the kimberlite
to the unaided eye and are thus difficult to identify and melt (Brett et al. 2009). Xenocrystic olivine is of primary
quantify; (ii) increasing the lower cut-off size enhances the importance for economic assessment of kimberlites as it
economic relevance of crystals termed macrocrysts (e.g. a provides an indication of the amount of mantle material
rock dominated by very fine-grained olivine ranging from incorporated in the magma and hence the potential quantity
0.5 to 1 mm would, based on the previous use of the term of associated diamond (when the sampled mantle contains
‘‘macrocryst’’, be described as very olivine macrocryst-rich, diamond). Olivine crystals formed primarily by crystalli-
and yet would have a very low potential for hosting sig- sation from the kimberlite melt (i.e. phenocrystic) are typ-
nificant concentrations of commercially relevant dia- ically finer grained (\*0.5–1 mm) than the dominant
monds); and (iii) increasing the cut-off size significantly xenocryst population and commonly show euhedral grain
reduces the extent to which relatively coarse-grained shapes. They can contain cores of xenocrystic olivine (Brett
([0.5 mm) phenocrystic olivine (i.e. predominantly crys- et al. 2009). Because these crystals are primarily formed
tallised from the kimberlite melt) would be classified as from the kimberlite magma, they are not directly relevant to
macrocrystic, thereby further enhancing the relevance of diamond content. The chosen size cut-off between macro-
macrocrysts to the economic assessment of kimberlites (see crysts and microcrysts usefully distinguishes between
below). The term ‘‘microcryst’’ is a non-genetic term used olivine crystals that are predominantly of xenocrystic origin
to describe small (\1 mm) crystals that are not clearly and those that are predominantly phenocrystic. However,
recognisable with the unaided eye and reliably discernible there are overlaps in the size distributions of these olivine
12 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

types and size cut-offs should not be used as the primary the abundance ranges are different from those suggested by
means of distinguishing between different olivine parage- Cas et al. (2008, 2009). The abundance descriptors in
neses. Similarly, to avoid inappropriate genetic implica- Table 5 can be applied to the general crystal content in
tions, we recommend that the term ‘‘megacryst’’ not be used cases where crystal mineralogy has not been determined,
as a size descriptor (even though they are typically very but it is preferable to apply them to specific crystal types, in
large, and originally defined as [10 mm). Application of which case the term ‘‘crystal’’ (in parentheses in Table 5) is
the term to kimberlites should be restricted to its petroge- replaced by the crystal type in question (e.g. olivine-rich or
netic sense (e.g. Mitchell 1995, p. 6). For descriptive pur- olivine macrocryst-rich; but it is implicit in the use of any
poses, prior to detailed investigations showing that any size terms [1 mm for olivine that they are macrocrysts).
crystal forms part of the megacryst suite, it is recommended The term ‘‘olivine macrocrystic’’ can be used to describe
that they are termed ‘‘macrocrysts’’ with appropriate size kimberlite with 15–50 % olivine macrocrysts (i.e. it is
descriptor modifiers (Table 4; e.g. ultra coarse ilmenite synonymous with ‘‘olivine macrocryst-rich’’) as per Clem-
macrocryst). ent et al. (1984) and Field and Scott Smith (1998), but with
In addition to olivine, many kimberlites contain other an upper abundant limit added (e.g. Summary in Fig. 2a, c).
less common but distinctive macrocrysts which are xeno- Similarly, the term ‘‘olivine microcrystic’’ can be used to
crysts of mantle-derived minerals (e.g. pyrope garnet, describe kimberlite with 15–50 % olivine microcrysts (e.g.
magnesian ilmenite, chrome spinel, chrome diopside). The Summary in Fig. 2d). The term ‘‘bearing’’ is useful to
macrocryst suite includes the crystals commonly referred to indicate the presence of a component without any specific
as ‘‘kimberlite indicator minerals’’ by diamond explora- abundance connotation (e.g. ilmenite macrocryst-bearing).
tionists. These minerals provide important data regarding Crystals can be further subdivided into two broad
the nature of the mantle through which the kimberlite groups: non-discrete and discrete (Fig. 3e). This is an
magma passed which is relevant to the assessment of the important distinction in determining the textural-genetic
diamond potential of kimberlites. Features such as the type, classification and genetic processes. Non-discrete crystals
total and relative proportions, colour, size, replacement and (phenocrysts, xenocrysts) are those partially or completely
reaction of macrocrysts can be useful in distinguishing enclosed within the solidification products of the original
phases of kimberlite. host kimberlite melt, usually groundmass (includes mag-
A wide variety of crustal/surficial xenocrysts can be maclasts). ‘‘Discrete crystal’’ is a term used to describe a
present in kimberlite commonly reflecting the mineralogy separate crystal. The term can be used without knowledge
of the country rock or surficial materials (e.g. feldspar and of the process leading to its separation. Discrete crystals
mica from granite, quartz sand grains which were uncon- include crystal pyroclasts and non-pyroclastic crystals sep-
solidated at the time of incorporation). arated from a former host melt, a former lithified source or
Non-genetic descriptors for the size and abundance of derived from a former unlithified source (Fig. 3e). Discrete
crystals in kimberlites are provided in Tables 4 and 5 crystal pyroclasts include: (i) crystals separated from the
(illustrated in Fig. 4), respectively, and can be applied host kimberlite melt during emplacement before solidifi-
regardless of the nature or origin of the rock (e.g. Stage 1 in cation; and (ii) crystals separated from pre-existing lithified
Table 1 and Fig. 2). The size subdivisions (Table 4) have sources such as earlier phases of kimberlite or from unre-
been modified from those of Field and Scott Smith (1998) to lated sources such as xenoliths or country rock. The new
be more consistent with the widely used grain size scale of term ‘‘pyrocryst’’ (Fig. 3e) describes a crystal pyroclast
Wentworth (1922). Thus, the size ranges are largely con- completely separated during pyroclastic emplacement pro-
sistent with those of Cas et al. (2008, 2009). Where cesses from the original host kimberlite melt before solid-
appropriate and useful, size descriptors can be applied to ification. Pyrocrysts, dominantly olivine, can be common in
multiple components in the same rock (e.g. very fine- certain pyroclastic kimberlites (e.g. Fig. 2d) because the
grained quartz-bearing, medium-grained olivine-rich rock). abundant olivine crystals carried in the magmas are readily
The key ranges of crystal abundance and associated separated from the volatile-rich, low-viscosity melt. Pyro-
descriptors presented in Table 5 have been defined such crysts may be generated subsurface and occur within ex-
that: (i) the categories are sufficiently broad to be appro- solved magmatic fluids. A liberated pyrocryst (Fig. 3e) is
priate and meaningful even for simple visual estimates one which is completely separated (generally above the vent
(Fig. 4); (ii) the average mode for olivine macrocryst at the Earth’s surface) from its host kimberlite magma
abundance (20–25 %) in coherent kimberlites lies in the (including both melt and exsolved magmatic fluids) before
middle of an abundance category thereby avoiding the use solidification. Other crystal pyroclasts form predominantly
of different abundance descriptors for rocks having similar from lithified sources including country rock and kimber-
olivine contents on either side of the mode; and (iii) they are litic rocks by brittle fragmentation or disaggregation during
useful from an economic perspective (e.g. Fig. 4c). Thus, explosive volcanic eruptions.
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 13

Non-pyroclastic crystals (Fig. 3e) are crystals liberated This stage requires identification of the primary minerals
from pre-existing rocks or unlithified deposits by surface (phenocrysts, groundmass), for which microscope-based
processes (including resedimentation, weathering and petrography is usually necessary to reach an acceptable
erosion). degree of confidence. Where primary minerals have been
Interstitial matrix (Fig. 3c). Interstitial matrix is the replaced, regardless of the process, the original mineralogy
material occurring between crystals (Fig. 3b) and/or com- can in many cases be determined petrographically based on
pound clasts (Fig. 3a), the nature of which is important in features such as relict grain shapes. Where the parental
determining textural-genetic classifications (Stage 3) and magma type can be determined, the term ‘‘rock’’ from Stage
genetic processes (Stage 5). Groundmass describes the melt 1 is replaced, for example, with kimberlite (as shown in red
solidification products (microphenocrysts, microcrystalline in Stage 2 of Table 1 and Fig. 2). The scheme focuses on
or cryptocrystalline or amorphous/glassy groundmass and/ kimberlites but the term ‘‘kimberlite’’ can be replaced by
or mesostasis) which form relatively rapidly from the late- another parental magma type such as lamproite. The min-
stage melt between any pre-existing phenocrysts and other eralogical classification subdivides rocks of one parental
entrained solids, typically during or immediately after final magma type. Rocks are given compound names using the
emplacement. The mesostasis is the final fraction of melt to original main constituent minerals listed in increasing order
crystallise or solidify between existing crystals or the last- of modal abundance (after Skinner and Clement 1979;
formed interstitial mineral or minerals. Groundmass and Mitchell 1995). For the purposes of mineralogical classifi-
mesostasis occur in coherent kimberlite and within mag- cation of kimberlites, olivine is ignored because its presence
maclasts, the nature of which, where crystalline, is impor- is implicit in classification of a rock as kimberlite. The
tant in establishing the parental magma type and addition of a modifier describing the olivine abundance (e.g.
mineralogical classification (Stage 2). olivine-poor from Table 5; Fig. 2) provides information on
The term ‘‘interclast matrix’’ is used here to describe any the olivine content. The resulting terms are combined into a
material, clastic or crystalline, that occurs between mag- petrogenetic rock name (see example names for Stage 2 in
maclasts, crystals or other clast types. There are two main Table 1 and Fig. 2).
types of interclast matrix: clastic material and crystalline
cement. Cement in volcaniclastic rocks comprises chemi-
cally precipitated infill minerals (from magmatic or non- Stage 3: Textural-Genetic Classification
magmatic fluids) and is distinct from a clastic matrix.
Clastic interclast matrix can be composed of fine volcanic Stage 3, the textural-genetic classification, is the second
and/or extraneous components, including finely commi- subdivision of a parental magma type, the other being the
nuted country rock or surficial sediments. It can also include mineralogical classification discussed above. Stage 3 con-
fine particles produced by post-eruption processes such as sists of two sub-stages that require increasing information
abrasion during reworking. Where relevant, the size and and interpretation (Table 1). If Stage 3 is not possible based
abundance of microscopic crystals and coarser cement- on available information, the scheme should not be applied
forming grains within the interstitial matrix can be descri- further than Stages 1 and/or 2. Textural-genetic rock names
bed using Tables 4 and 5. summarise the results of Stage 3, or of Stage 3a if 3b cannot
be achieved and if useful, a series of descriptive prefixes
can be added from Stages 1 and/or 2 (see example names in
Stage 2: Petrogenetic Classification Table 1 and Fig. 2). If more appropriate, standard volca-
nological and sedimentological rock names can be used.
Stage 2 is the petrogenetic classification of parental magma Stage 3a. This stage is the broad textural-genetic clas-
type and the further subdivision into mineralogical types. sification into coherent and volcaniclastic. The term
The parental magma type and mineralogical subdivision are ‘‘coherent’’ is applied to rocks formed entirely by the direct
of prime economic significance: (i) to confirm that the rock solidification of a significant volume of magma. The term
is kimberlite or other related rock (e.g. lamproite) with ‘‘coherent kimberlite’’ should be used instead of ‘‘magmatic
potential to contain diamonds; and (ii) to identify different kimberlite’’ (latter suggested by Field and Scott Smith
phases of kimberlite intrusion or eruption within a particular 1998). This is consistent with standard volcanological ter-
body (Fig. 1). Parental magma type is based on typomor- minology and avoids confusion with other usages of the
phic and characteristic primary magmatic mineral assem- term magmatic (e.g. magmatic volatile). Coherent kimber-
blages (minerals whose occurrence, crystal structure and lites are characterised by an interstitial matrix that com-
composition are a direct consequence of crystallisation from prises a continuous crystalline or quenched groundmass,
a particular magma type) summarised in petrographic-based representing the solidification products of former kimberlite
definitions (Woolley et al. 1996; Scott Smith et al. in press). melt. The groundmass of these rocks can contain variable
14 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

extra- volcanic pipe extra-

crater crater
crater rim crater rim

crater crater crater

zone zone zone

diatreme irregular diatreme

zone intrusion zone



subvolcanic sheet
intrusive sheet feeder root
feeder system system zone
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5 Diagrammatic guide to terminology for kimberlite body diatreme zone is used irrespective of the nature of the infill (compare
morphology and pipe zones. Body outlines a, b and c are after both diatreme zones in this figure with contrasting types of infill shown
Fig. 1 (from Scott Smith 2008b). In particular note that the term in Fig. 1)

proportions of magmatic fluid segregations (late-stage pat- texture has many meanings and thus can be confusing.
ches of the final minerals to crystallise from pockets of Primary volcanic and sedimentary processes combine to
residual volatile-rich fluids). Coherent kimberlite includes generate diverse volcaniclastic deposits and rocks. Volca-
rocks composed of the crystallisation products of abundant niclastic kimberlites commonly contain melt-bearing pyro-
discrete segregations of melt in a continuous volatile-rich clasts and/or pyrocrysts (±xenoliths and crystals from wall
fluid host. Although not widespread, this textural type rocks and surficial deposits) set in an interclast cement (e.g.
reflects the volatile-rich properties of kimberlite magmas Fig. 2c, d) or clastic matrix of fine-grained particles. Less
and the close to in-situ separation of those volatiles from the commonly observed diagnostic constituents of volcani-
melt during emplacement. This textural type of kimberlite clastic kimberlites include epiclasts and both pyroclastic
forms without the magma undergoing fragmentation. and sedimentary accretionary clasts. Incorrect application of
Coherent kimberlites that display residual evidence for a the term volcaniclastic kimberlite can result from misin-
pyroclastic origin are termed ‘‘clastogenic’’. These can terpretation of patchy or domainal textures resulting from
result from processes such as welding, agglutination and alteration of coherent rocks.
coalescence of spatter. An interpreted original pyroclastic Stage 3b. This stage involves more detailed classification
origin of such rocks could be accounted for at the genetic of the type of coherent or volcaniclastic rock, where there is
stage (Stage 5) of the scheme (e.g. clastogenic lava lake). sufficient evidence to do so.
Incorrect application of the term ‘‘coherent kimberlite’’ to Coherent kimberlite. Coherent kimberlite can be subdi-
rocks can result from the lack of recognition of pyroclastic vided into intrusive or extrusive types (Table 1). In most
or volcaniclastic features, in some instances as a conse- cases, this designation requires knowledge of the context
quence of alteration. and contact relationships. Most extrusive coherent rocks are
The term ‘‘volcaniclastic’’ is applied to rocks composed lavas. ‘‘Hypabyssal’’ refers to an intrusive body formed at a
of a substantial proportion of volcanic particles with no shallow, but undefined, depth below the Earth’s surface and
implied clast-forming, transport and depositional process or is commonly applied to rocks forming volumetrically minor
environment. The term ‘‘volcaniclastic’’ is preferred to intrusions (e.g. plugs, sheets; Fig. 5); this usage is consis-
‘‘fragmental’’ as used synonymously by Cas et al. (2008, tent with that of igneous petrological nomenclature. The
2009). The term ‘‘fragmental’’ as applied to a rock or term ‘‘coherent’’ is implicit in usage of ‘‘hypabyssal’’.
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 15

Intrusive coherent rocks also occur as higher level late-stage requires larger scale observations and is typically based on
intrusions of kimberlite into broadly coeval volcaniclastic drilling and/or mapping information. Kimberlite bodies
deposits. In this case the term ‘‘hypabyssal’’ might not include volcanic pipes and sheet-like or tabular bodies.
apply. Most tabular kimberlite bodies are intrusive sheets (Fig. 5c)
Volcaniclastic kimberlite. As shown in Table 1, volca- which can be described as vertical, horizontal or inclined
niclastic kimberlite is subdivided into pyroclastic kimberlite and referred to as dykes and sills when determined to be
(formed from explosive volcanic eruptions, deposited or discordant or concordant, respectively. Other sheet-like
emplaced by primary pyroclastic processes and displaying bodies could occur and include extrusive coherent kimber-
no evidence for resedimentation), resedimented volcani- lite sheets or lavas (possible examples are poorly docu-
clastic kimberlite (formed by sedimentary re-deposition of mented) as well as tabular extra-crater deposits of
unconsolidated pyroclastic and other surface materials) and volcaniclastic kimberlite. For pipe-like bodies, simple
epiclastic volcanic kimberlite (consolidation of detritus descriptors such as steep-sided, flared, inclined or irregular
containing epiclasts derived from exposed lithified volcanic can be added. General descriptors (e.g. upper, middle, lower
kimberlite by surface processes). Pyroclastic kimberlite can zones) can be used to describe different parts of pipes.
be subdivided into two classes with newly recommended Where relevant, pipes can also be subdivided into different
names based on their type areas: Kimberley-type pyro- more specific pipe zones: crater, diatreme and root (Fig. 5).
clastic kimberlite (formerly tuffisitic kimberlite) and Fort à Diatreme zone describes the steep-sided portion of a pipe
la Corne-type pyroclastic kimberlite (formerly pyroclastic that can occur below a crater (Fig. 5b) and, where present,
kimberlite, e.g. Scott Smith 2008a, b). Each class encom- above a root zone (Fig. 5c). These terms should only be
passes a variety of textural rock types characterised by a set used in a strictly descriptive sense to designate the mor-
of unifying textural and component features. Fort à la phology and relative vertical location of the portion of the
Corne-type pyroclastic kimberlites (e.g. Fig. 2c, d) are in body being described. Pipe zone terms should not be used to
many aspects comparable to certain basaltic pyroclastic denote a specific process of formation or type of infill
rocks but many display kimberlite-specific characteristics. material. Thus, in contrast to previous usage (e.g. diatreme-
One example is the common occurrence of discrete crystals facies of Clement and Skinner 1985), the term diatreme is
interpreted to be liberated olivine pyrocrysts (Fig. 3e). The not restricted to Kimberley-type pipes or their infill. The
Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlites are distinctive and term diatreme can be applied to any steep-sided pipe zone
have been well described in many kimberlite bodies (e.g. irrespective of the nature of the infill. Example terms
Fig. 2b; Table 1 of Hetman 2008; Mitchell et al. 2009). describing both the pipe zone and nature of the infill include
Their occurrence has been repeated in time and space and in diatreme-fill resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite and
different settings, They are typically spatially separate from diatreme-fill Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite (which
Fort à la Corne-type pyroclastic kimberlites and have no describe parts of Fig. 1b and c, respectively; see also
counterparts formed from other, more common magma example names in Stage 4 of Table 1 and Fig. 2).
types. The differences between the two classes of pyro-
clastic kimberlite are very relevant to the economic evalu-
ation of kimberlites (e.g. Fig. 1a, c). Resedimented Stage 5: Genetic/Process Interpretation
volcaniclastic kimberlites contain pyroclastic components
and typically comprise an admixture of non-kimberlitic Stage 5 involves advanced interpretation of the rock for-
extraneous material in addition to fine particles produced by mation process by integrating the information obtained in
abrasion. The interclast matrix of resedimented volcani- Stages 1–4 and, in most cases, relies on increased sample
clastic kimberlites is commonly clastic but cement can also density and level of investigation. The results are combined
occur. Epiclastic volcanic kimberlites are not commonly into a genetic rock name (e.g. Stage 5 in Table 1 and
found. If no volcanic constituents are present or recognised Fig. 2). Interpretations are based on well-established intru-
among the kimberlitic constituents (e.g. the kimberlitic sive and volcanic processes and products described in var-
epiclasts could be derived from exposed hypabyssal kim- ious standard texts, many of which also apply to kimberlite
berlite), then the rock is termed an epiclastic kimberlite. bodies. The unusual characteristics of kimberlite magmas,
however, result in certain apparently unique kimberlite-
specific rock types. Also, most kimberlite studies focus on
Stage 4: Intrusive/Volcanic Spatial Context subsurface rocks which can be expected to involve pro-
cesses and products that are not well known. In many cases,
Stage 4 incorporates an assessment of the spatial relation- the interpretations made in Stage 5 are subjective, consid-
ship to, and the morphology of, the kimberlite body from ered to be lower confidence than those made in previous
which the rocks under investigation derive (Fig. 5). This stages or can reveal more than one potentially valid
16 B. H. Scott Smith et al.

scenario. However, such interpretations can be important in thanked for innumerable discussions that led to many of the concepts
the prediction of diamond distribution and hence for included in this paper. Russell Eley is acknowledged for the idea of the
term pyrocryst to provide an excellent solution to a long-term termi-
improving confidence in diamond resource estimates. nology problem. This paper has benefited from discussions with Steve
Sparks and his research group, participants of the 2006 Kimberlite
Emplacement Workshop, and other members of the now disbanded
IAVCEI Kimberlite Terminology Working Group (Ray Cas, Richard
Application Brown, Matthew Field). Stuart Smith is thanked for professional
assistance in drafting of tables and figures. Helpful comments by
The primary aim of the scheme presented here is to assist reviewer Richard Brown and guest editor Bruce Kjarsgaard are
gratefully acknowledged. Thanks to guest editor Graham Pearson for
with the description and interpretation of kimberlites, and his support and assistance in the publication process.
communication of that information, during the diamond
resource estimation process. However, we believe this
approach to be generally valid, practical and usefully appli- References
cable to academic studies of kimberlites as well. Figure 2
illustrates the application of the scheme to four rock samples
Berryman AK, Scott Smith BH, Jellicoe B (2004) Geology and
focussing on the components that are economically relevant diamond distribution of the 140/141 kimberlite, Fort à la Corne,
in the prediction of diamond distributions (i.e. olivine and central Saskatchewan, Canada. In: Proceedings of the 8th interna-
xenoliths). Application of the scheme outlined here (Table 1, tional kimberlite conference. Lithos, vol 76, pp 99–114
Fig. 2) can conclude with the formulation of the 3D geo- Brett RC, Russell JK, Moss S (2009) Origin of olivine in kimberlite:
phenocryst or imposter? In: Proceedings of the 9th international
logical models required for kimberlite delineation, evalua- kimberlite conference. Lithos, vol 112S, pp 201–212
tion, diamond resource estimation and mining (e.g. those Cas RAF, Porritt L, Pittari A, Hayman P (2008) A new approach to
summarised in Fig. 1). It is very important that each stage of kimberlite facies terminology using a revised general approach to
the scheme is applied only when sufficient evidence is the nomenclature of all volcanic rocks and deposits: descriptive to
genetic. J Volcanol Geoth Res 174:226–240
available. Critically, the focus is on important descriptive Cas RAF, Porritt L, Pittari A, Hayman P (2009) A practical guide to
criteria that permit reliable and relevant application at an terminology for kimberlite facies: a systematic progression from
early stage of investigation and potentially by geologists that descriptive to genetic, including a pocket guide. Lithos 112 (Suppl
are not necessarily kimberlite experts. The level to which the 1):183–190
Clement CR, Skinner EMW (1985) A textural-genetic classification of
scheme can be applied, and thus the degree of confidence in kimberlites. Trans Geol Soc S Afr 88:403–409
the outcome, depends on: the nature of the rocks, the expe- Clement CR, Skinner EMW, Scott Smith BH (1984) Kimberlite
rience of the investigator with these rock types and the degree redefined. J Geol 92:223–228
of detail in the investigation. Understanding the different and Dawson JB (1971) Advances in kimberlite geology. Earth Sci Rev
varying degrees of confidence in the conclusions is impor- Dawson JB (1980) Kimberlites and their xenoliths. Springer, Berlin,
tant, particularly in the economic application of the results. p 252
The degree of confidence reflects: (i) the accuracy of the Field M, Scott Smith BH (1998) Textural and genetic classification
recognition of primary features and constituents in Stage 1; schemes for kimberlite: a new perspective. Extended abstracts, 7th
international kimberlite conference, Cape Town, pp 214–216
and (ii) the validity of the interpretation of that evidence in Hawthorne JB (1975) Model of a kimberlite pipe. Phys Chem Earth
Stages 2–5. It is important to note that units or phases of 9:1–15
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diamond resource estimations (Fig. 1), can be established on a distinctive textural variety of kimberlite. J Volcanol Geoth
Res 174:57–67
using Stage 1 and without much of the further investigation Hetman CM, Scott Smith BH, Paul JL, Winter FW (2004). Geology of
or interpretation in Stages 2–5. Geologists should however the Gahcho Kué kimberlite pipes, NWT, Canada: root to diatreme
strive to make further interpretations where possible. Valid magmatic transition zones. In: Proceedings of the 8th international
interpretations will significantly improve the degrees of kimberlite conference. Lithos, vol 76, pp 51–74
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confidence in the geological models as well as in the pre- the morphology of the Snap Lake kimberlite dyke. 8th
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Abstract #258, p 5
Acknowledgments Discussions over several decades with many McPhie J, Doyle M, Allen R (1993) Volcanic textures. Centre of ore
colleagues in particular pioneers, Barry Hawthorne, Roger Clement deposit and exploration studies, University of Tasmania, p 196
and the late Barry Dawson have provided a foundation to this con- Mitchell RH (1986) Kimberlites: mineralogy, geochemistry and
tribution. Jocelyn McPhie is gratefully acknowledged for sound advice petrology. Plenum Publishing, New York, p 442
and encouragement especially during early parts of the development of Mitchell RH (1995) Kimberlites, orangeites, and related rocks. Plenum
this scheme and for expert teachings over the years. Jocelyn’s thor- Press, New York, p 410
ough, detailed and constructive comments as reviewer of this and an Mitchell RH, Skinner EMW, Scott Smith BH (2009) Tuffisitic
earlier manuscript were very much appreciated and significantly kimberlites: mineralogical characteristics relevant to their forma-
improved this paper and the scheme. Many colleagues and clients are tion. Lithos 112 Suppl 1):452–464
Kimberlite Terminology and Classification 17

Mogg T, Kopylova M, Scott Smith B, Kirkley M (2003) Petrology of the international kimberlite conference, Extended Abstract No. 10IKC-
Snap Lake kimberlite, NWT, Canada. 8th international kimberlite A-226, p 5
conference, Victoria, Canada, Extended Abstract #67, p 5 Scott Smith BH, Nowicki TE, Russell JK, Webb KJ, Mitchell RH,
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istics relevant to emplacement. J Volcanol Geoth Res 174:9–19 glossary of kimberlite and related terms
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ewan, Canada: geology, emplacement and economics. J Geol Soc kimberlite emplacement. In: Proceedings of the 9th international
India 71:11–55 kimberlite conference. Lithos vol 112 (Suppl 1):10–22
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