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Ramos, Raphaella E.

Grade 11 HE-A


Helping somebody who's not as privileged as you is never wrong especially when you can do
something about it. In a community with a considerable amount of street children and privileged
teenagers, one can always help the other one. As a leader of a group called Elysian with
numerous activities that have already been done in the past 3 years in different places around
the region, having the same thing in our own community is nothing to us knowing that in
exchange of this good deed is the heart warming smile of those children. As what you have
heard, our group is planning to organize a concert as a fund raising activity for the street
children in our community, but an unexpected news reached us that the elders disapprove of
this activity because they are worried that this would eat much of our time for school and what
we are planning to do is a job for adults. We deeply appreciate that concern but on behalf of our
group Elysian, I would like to say that you have nothing to worry about because this is not new
to us anymore.

As already mentioned, our group has already been in moved for over 3 years now and I can
proudly say that Elysian has a great teamwork in a point that we only have experienced a dash
dilemma in those years. Helping is our main goal and what we are doing, moreover we have
noticed that we focused a lot in different places around the region but we have nothing done like
that along with our own community therefore our group came up with an idea to organize a
concert as a fund raising activity for the street children. As we pass by everyday, we have
noticed a lot of street children begging for small amount of money and food thereupon we are
making our best to provide something whenever we see someone. From that circumstances, we
conceive to make a much greater contribution or help for those children and we think this the
right time for that. As what the Indian lawyer says who wrote a lot of books, "Be the change that
you wish to see in the world" (Gandhi, 1989) and as the other well-known author says "Be the
reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in
people" (Bennette, 2016) is the reason why we still keep going even if it is hard. We all know
that you are worried that it will affect our study and worried if we can really do this because this
is a job for adults, but we also want to prove to everyone that age does not matter when it
comes to helping each other. And as a group leader, I will promise that I will take responsibility
for all of this, not to mention that all our members are great in managing and time management.

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, we Elysian is planning to organize a concert
as a fund raising activity for the street children in our community. And we would like to address
everyone, especially the elders that even though we are still young we are still able to do the
jobs that the majority of you think it's only for adults and hopefully our experiences in the past 3
years, will help everyone to realize what our group is fighting for here. Still, we are thankful for
your concern for us and we sincerely appreciate that. We have already come up with a great
arrangement for the whole activity that comes with a lot of fun incentives. To fully support this
action, there are already few people that are willing to sponsor and give a huge amount of
money to subsidize the fund raising and a well-known band is also willing to perform in that
concert. A campaign like this will benefit a lot of street children out there and will give them
Ramos, Raphaella E. Grade 11 HE-A

hopes. And like what Raven Daviens, an author of a book called "Between Here and There"
says "hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness" because as we all
know, in the midst of darkness, light always persists. We would like to see the smile of those
children who have deprived their freedom to be happy and enjoy their youth like what others do.
We want them to feel that they are not alone and they are not different from others. To
experience all of those in a very young age is really heartbreaking so we would like to invoke
you to just support and help us to make this fund raising activity a success for the sake of those

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