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Version 7.2.

PVsyst - Simulation report

Stand alone system


Variant: Nueva variante de simulación
Stand alone system with batteries
System power: 42.1 kWp

Eliezer Vasquez
Variant: Nueva variante de simulación

PVsyst V7.2.8
VC0, Simulation date:
16/07/23 18:46
with v7.2.8

Project summary
Geographical Site Situation Project settings
CCNN NUEVA LIBERTAD Latitude -2.35 °S Albedo 0.20
Peru Longitude -74.15 °W
Altitude 141 m
Time zone UTC-5

Meteo data
Meteonorm 8.0 (2010-2014), Sat=100% - Sintético

System summary
Stand alone system Stand alone system with batteries

PV Field Orientation User's needs

Fixed plane Daily household consumers
Tilt/Azimuth 13 / -30 ° Constant over the year
Average 119 kWh/Day

System information
PV Array Battery pack
Nb. of modules 72 units Technology Lithium-ion, LFP
Pnom total 42.1 kWp Nb. of units 63 units
Voltage 48 V
Capacity 3188 Ah

Results summary
Available Energy 65179 kWh/year Specific production 1547 kWh/kWp/year Perf. Ratio PR 54.59 %
Used Energy 43046 kWh/year Solar Fraction SF 98.96 %

Table of contents
Project and results summary 2
General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses 3
Detailed User's needs 4
Main results 5
Loss diagram 6
Special graphs 7

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Variant: Nueva variante de simulación

PVsyst V7.2.8
VC0, Simulation date:
16/07/23 18:46
with v7.2.8

General parameters
Stand alone system Stand alone system with batteries

PV Field Orientation
Orientation Sheds configuration Models used
Fixed plane No 3D scene defined Transposition Perez
Tilt/Azimuth 13 / -30 ° Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm
Circumsolar separate

User's needs
Daily household consumers
Constant over the year
Average 119 kWh/Day

PV Array Characteristics
PV module Battery
Manufacturer Jinkosolar Manufacturer Pylontech
Model JKM585M-7RL4-V Model US2000B_50Ah
(Original PVsyst database) Technology Lithium-ion, LFP
Unit Nom. Power 585 Wp Nb. of units 63 in parallel
Number of PV modules 72 units Discharging min. SOC 10.0 %
Nominal (STC) 42.1 kWp Stored energy 137.7 kWh
Modules 12 Strings x 6 In series Battery Pack Characteristics
At operating cond. (50°C) Voltage 48 V
Pmpp 38.4 kWp Nominal Capacity 3188 Ah (C10)
U mpp 242 V Temperature Fixed 20 °C
I mpp 159 A

Controller Battery Management control

Universal controller Threshold commands as SOC calculation
Technology MPPT converter Charging SOC = 0.96 / 0.80
Temp coeff. -5.0 mV/°C/Elem. Discharging SOC = 0.10 / 0.35
Maxi and EURO efficiencies 97.0 / 95.0 %

Total PV power
Nominal (STC) 42 kWp
Total 72 modules
Module area 197 m²

Array losses
Thermal Loss factor DC wiring losses Serie Diode Loss
Module temperature according to irradiance Global array res. 25 mΩ Voltage drop 0.7 V
Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC Loss Fraction 0.3 % at STC
Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s

Module Quality Loss Module mismatch losses Strings Mismatch loss

Loss Fraction -0.8 % Loss Fraction 2.0 % at MPP Loss Fraction 0.1 %

IAM loss factor

Incidence effect (IAM): Fresnel AR coating, n(glass)=1.526, n(AR)=1.290

0° 30° 50° 60° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90°

1.000 0.999 0.987 0.962 0.892 0.816 0.681 0.440 0.000

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Variant: Nueva variante de simulación

PVsyst V7.2.8
VC0, Simulation date:
16/07/23 18:46
with v7.2.8

Detailed User's needs

Daily household consumers, Constant over the year, average = 119 kWh/day
Annual values Hourly distribution

Number Power Use Energy

W Hour/day Wh/day
1 11593W/lamp10.0 115930
ALUMBRADO 1 270W/app 12.0 3240
Total daily energy 119170Wh/day

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Variant: Nueva variante de simulación

PVsyst V7.2.8
VC0, Simulation date:
16/07/23 18:46
with v7.2.8

Main results
System Production
Available Energy 65179 kWh/year Specific production 1547 kWh/kWp/year
Used Energy 43046 kWh/year Performance Ratio PR 54.59 %
Excess (unused) 21001 kWh/year Solar Fraction SF 98.96 %
Loss of Load Battery aging (State of Wear)
Time Fraction 1.7 % Cycles SOW 97.6 %
Missing Energy 451 kWh/year Static SOW 80.0 %
Battery lifetime 5.0 years

Normalized productions (per installed kWp) Performance Ratio PR

Balances and main results

GlobHor GlobEff E_Avail EUnused E_Miss E_User E_Load SolFrac

kWh/m² kWh/m² kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh ratio
January 161.3 142.8 5072 1384 105.4 3589 3694 0.971
February 142.4 131.6 4658 1272 50.2 3287 3337 0.985
March 162.9 156.6 5540 1813 81.5 3613 3694 0.978
April 169.1 170.5 6082 2423 0.0 3575 3575 1.000
May 165.8 174.0 6218 2403 0.0 3694 3694 1.000
June 152.2 160.6 5771 2084 0.0 3575 3575 1.000
July 161.0 168.5 6043 2258 0.0 3694 3694 1.000
August 160.7 163.6 5811 2046 50.8 3644 3694 0.986
September 164.8 161.5 5738 2064 0.0 3575 3575 1.000
October 148.1 140.0 4988 1227 20.0 3674 3694 0.995
November 131.9 120.9 4329 773 57.9 3517 3575 0.984
December 155.0 137.9 4930 1253 85.3 3609 3694 0.977
Year 1875.4 1828.4 65179 21001 451.1 43046 43497 0.990

GlobHor Global horizontal irradiation E_User Energy supplied to the user
GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings E_Load Energy need of the user (Load)
E_Avail Available Solar Energy SolFrac Solar fraction (EUsed / ELoad)
EUnused Unused energy (battery full)
E_Miss Missing energy

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Variant: Nueva variante de simulación

PVsyst V7.2.8
VC0, Simulation date:
16/07/23 18:46
with v7.2.8

Loss diagram
1875 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation

-0.18% Global incident in coll. plane

-2.33% IAM factor on global

1828 kWh/m² * 197 m² coll. Effective irradiation on collectors

efficiency at STC = 21.40% PV conversion

77026 kWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

-0.64% PV loss due to irradiance level

-9.56% PV loss due to temperature

+0.75% Module quality loss

-2.10% Mismatch loss, modules and strings

-1.36% Ohmic wiring loss

-31.19% Unused energy (battery full)

46339 kWh Effective energy at the output of the array

-4.62% Converter Loss during operation (efficiency)

-0.01% Converter Loss over nominal conv. power

-0.04% Converter Loss due to power threshold
0.00% Converter Loss over nominal conv. voltage
0.00% Converter Loss due to voltage threshold
44178 kWh Converter losses (effic, overload)
Direct use Stored Battery Storage
1.04% 54.4% 45.6%
-0.06% Battery Stored Energy balance
451.1 kWh
-2.28% Battery efficiency loss
-1.63% Charge/Disch. Current Efficiency Loss
-0.20% Battery Self-discharge Current
43046 kWh Energy supplied to the user

43497 kWh Energy need of the user (Load)

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Variant: Nueva variante de simulación

PVsyst V7.2.8
VC0, Simulation date:
16/07/23 18:46
with v7.2.8

Special graphs
Diagrama entrada/salida diaria

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