Hrm4223-1e - I23024769 - Hepshibah Jeyabalan

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Question 1

Recruitment Process
External Recruitment From other organization/company/institute or fresh graduate people
this process is applicable, step by step selection many vacancies are filled from outsiders.
Even when a company own candidates if transferred or promoted elsewhere in the company
there comes a vacant position, which should be filled externally The process below shows
how groups of candidates are created from different sources. It is impossible to gather all
candidates from a different category and experience using only one source. These sources
have proven to be very useful and effective for finding the right number of people who are
able. These are the steps Requisition: Whenever recruitment is needed the respective
department informs the HR Operations about their vacancy position and thus the HR starts
their activities. Timing: The HR Operations department usually gets 60 days to recruit and
select a candidate. This time is not specified by the respective department in which a vacancy
has been opened. Time period is totally controlled by the HR Operations. Types of Contact:
Qualification needed to perform the job is provided to the HR operation by the respective
department to make the recruitment process more efficient. 4) Recruitment budget:
allocates a fixed amount of recruitment budget every year. Division wise this budget is
allocated. 5) Sources of candidates: Always prefers recruiting online. They have their own
website where applicants send their CV‟s.

Selection Process
Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in
an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. It is an attempt
to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to do and what the
organization requires. Knows the process of selecting qualified individuals to fill vacancies
in the organization. In other words, the organization will not have much chance of success if
it fails to choose the people with the necessary qualifications because the main goal is to hire
the best person and it is a fundamental principle in equal employment opportunities laws. He
says is the process of choosing from the group of applicants who will be appointed by the
institution based on specific regulatory requirements. Finally explained it End result of a
constructive recruitment is having suitable competent candidates from the pool of people.
Next step is selecting the most productive and suitable person according to the requirements
of the job vacancy it can be done by assessing the candidates by various tools or measures
and making a rational choice or decision followed by an offer of employment. The basic aim
of selection as stated by is to fill the vacant vacancies with personnel who meet the job
related competencies, self-motivated and directed or inclined towards success, consistent,
efficient towards goals, system and organization, contribute well and quick learner directed
towards self-development. In the study, he stated that the goals and objectives of the selection
process lie in the following: Gather as much relevant information to analyse the facts.
Organize and evaluate the information to make the rational choice. Assess each candidates in
order to choose the best person for the job Forecast performance of a candidate on the job and
its compatibility with the firm. Provide knowledge to applicants so that they can judge
whether or not they are ready to accept an offer of employment considering the hardships and
opportunities. The importance of choice lies in three aspects and mentioned it as follows
Performance At first, our own performance depends in part of our own subordinates.
Employees with right skills will do a better job for any company and for the owner.
Employees without these requisite skills or who are abrasive would not perform effectively
and the company performance will suffer to a great extent. So there is a time to screen out
undesirables and to choose the better and perfect candidate that can effectively contribute to
company success. Cost: Second, it is important because it is costly to recruit and hire
employees so cost- benefit ratio have to be considered while hiring of employees in order to
avoid any unnecessary wastage of money and the valuable resources .The total cost of hiring
a manager could easily be 10 times as high as once one add search fees, interviewing time,
reference checking, and travel and moving expenses. Legal Obligations: Thirdly it is
important because of the two legal implications of incompetent hiring. Firstly equal
employment law requires non-discriminatory selection procedures for selected groups.
Secondly, courts will find the employer liable when employees with criminal records or other
problems use access to customers’ homes to commit crimes. Lawyers call hiring workers
with such backgrounds, without proper safeguards, negligent hiring. So the negligent hiring
highlights the need to think through what the job human requirements are. So in order to
avoid the concept of negligent hiring, it is necessary to make a systematic effort in order to
gain relevant information about the applicant and verify all the documentation. We come to
mention the steps related to the selection process and I have noticed in many studies a great
agreement between these steps and there may be slight differences based on the nature of the
work of each organization and the environment in which it works
Initial or preliminary interview: This initial interview is usually quite short and has as its
objective the elimination of the obviously unqualified. In many instances it is a standing
interview conducted at a desk or railing. Application Blank: One of the general principles of
hiring procedures is to assign each step information objectives that can be best obtained by
the methods of that particular step. Factual information should be obtained by means of an
application blank. We should not automatically assume that all information written on the
blank by the applicant is correct. References: The purpose of the reference check is to obtain
information about past behaviour of applicants and to verify the accuracy of information
given on the application blank. Psychological Tests: The next step in the procedure outlined
above is that of testing. Most of the larger companies that can afford to have a more detailed
and accurate selection procedure do utilize some form of employment testing. It is the smaller
company that frequently does not bother with tests, but places great reliance upon the
interview. Interviewing: Interviewing is probably the most widely used single method of
selection. A substantial amount of subjectivity, and therefore/ unreliability, is to be expected
from interviewing when used as a tool of evaluation. For any applicant to be hired or offered
employment in any organization, the applicant must attend and the interviews are divided into
two types: Directed interviews in this style of interview, direct questions requiring definite
answers are used. This style is especially appropriate for school leavers, for applicants with
complicated job histories and when there is a suggestion that “facts” are in dispute. Non-
Directed interviews Open questions that allow the candidate to choose an answer should
always be relied on. It is the best way of searching or developing a candidate’s views on any
subject. Prompting is a useful technique. Another technique is for the interviewer to keep
silent, thus building pressure on the interviewee, who usually cannot resist the need to fill the
vacuum by continuing to talk, trying to establish his/her. The last step will be Approval by
the Supervisor: Following the outlined procedure, we should now be of the opinion that a
candidate who has successfully completed all steps thus far should be hired. At this point in
the process, a third interview is conducted. The information objectives of this interview may
well overlap those of the preceding one. We now come to mention some of the factors that
have an impact on the recruitment process, there are some common factors that have effect on
every organization’s selection process. These factors are: Organizational Hierarchy: This
has an obvious effect on selection process. At first the selection process for entry level
employees and for upper level employees are not the same. The higher the job post is the
more critical the selection process. Speed of Decision Making: Making a correct decision in
a very short time is very difficult. Employee Pool: The greater the number of employee for
the selection, the number of choices organization gets to select the right person for a vacant
position is better.

Question 2
 Recruitment is the activity that establishes the relationship between the employer and the
applicant. Recruitment aims to create jobs for a large number of employees. The recruitment
process is simple and applicants just need to submit the application without too much demand
from the company. Human resource departments only need to select the appropriate
application and receive the candidate, so the process does not take much time and expense by
the candidates themselves
To apply for a job by submission, candidates must fill out a full application form including,
job title, grade/level, reporting lines, key responsibilities and tasks The personal requirements
for the job are explained in the person specification Includes required experience,
qualifications, competencies or personal attributes (e.g. Strong verbal communication). There
are also forms of recruiting through the internet. Nowadays with the development of the
internet, anything can be accomplished online and recruited. To keep up with the world trend,
companies are also beginning to use online recruiting. This way the candidates can fill in the
profiles available on the network and send mail to the HR department. It does not take too
much time to apply as before. In addition, recent graduates or those who need a job can
receive job postings via the company’s official website or other social-friendly sites that the
company is involved in.

Selection is the process of recruiting qualified personnel and matching vacant positions.

Unlike recruitment, selection will reject all unsuitable candidates. This is a complicated and
time consuming process. It also costs a lot of companies to offer reasonable prices to invite
candidates suitable for vacant positions. Often, the selection process will occur after
recruitment because after reviewing the recruitment application, the candidate does not find
the right candidate for the position they are looking for, they will plan directly to recruit the
candidate well suited
Question 3
Question 4

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Name Signature: Date:

J Hepshibah 18/07/2023

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