Ben Daoud2020

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Development of Water Resources Vulnerability Indicators:

Integrated Management Support Tools*

Mohamed BEN- DAOUD† Ahmed SAYAD

Moulay Ismail University Regional Center of Educational and
Faculty of Sciences, Meknes. Training professions; Fez-Morocco

ABSTRACT indicators in the city of Meknes through the provision of

geographic information systems.
The Integrated Water Resources Management concerns the To map the vulnerability of surface water to pollution, we used
management of water in all-natural water reservoirs in an integrated three parameters, namely, distance to the hydrographic system,
manner, that is to say, taking into account the impacts of water use topography, and soil type [2].
on human activities and vice versa. In the city of Meknes, the
problem of the degradation of water quality is a significant
responsibility for authorities and all water stakeholders. The
wastewater sector, mostly responsible for water pollution, records
Surface water vulnerability map.
significant delays. The present work aims to develop water The map was obtained by the superposition of three parameters
resources vulnerability indicators in the city of Meknes through the considered in the development of the surface water vulnerability.
use of geographic information systems. The developed indicators Three vulnerability classes were considered (Low, Medium, and
concern the quality of water resources, the vulnerability of surface High).
and groundwater pollution. Groundwater vulnerability map.
The method used to map groundwater vulnerability to pollution by
KEYWORDS: IWRM; Meknes; Vulnerability indicators; GIS; phytosanitary products is the DRASTIC method. It is a method of
water assessment and vulnerability mapping of groundwater, which takes
into account most of the hydrogeological factors that influence and
ACM Reference format: control the flow of groundwater [3]. This method uses the sum of
Mohamed Ben- Daoud, Ahmed Sayad, 2020. Development of Water Resources
Vulnerability Indicators: Integrated Management Support Tools In Proceedings of
the products of the seven following parameters (1): (D) Depth of
International conference Geo-IT and Water Resources 2020 (GEOIT4W-2020). Al- the water table, (R) net recharge (A) lithology of the aquifer, (S)
Hoceima, Morocco,. © 2020 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN type of soil (T) Topography, (I) lithology of the unsaturated zone,
and (C) hydraulic conductivity or permeability of the aquifer [4].
The coupling of this method with GIS raster mode allows
INTRODUCTION calculating vulnerability indices through the sum of vulnerability
In Morocco, water resources are not immune to diverse scores multiplied by their respective weights [5].
pressures. They are increasingly rare, and some areas are already
affected by progressive exploitation of reserves, jeopardizing their Groundwater pollution by nitrates
sustainability and causing damage to their quality and the To determine the indicator of groundwater pollution by nitrates, we
environment [1]. Their quality is also threatened by the gradual carried out an interpolation using GIS measurements of nitrates in
accumulation of contaminants from human activities in reservoirs. groundwater. Note that the data used to determine this indicator are
Indeed to deal with the said problems, this work designs a only limited surveys, analyses collected from the hydraulic basin
framework for integrated water resources management. It has the agency of Sebou.
specific objective of developing water resources vulnerability
Surface water quality
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed The evaluation of the surface water quality is conducted by the
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full water quality assessment scheme (SEQ-water). The evaluation is
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). made vis-à-vis each of the alterations, as five quality classes
GEOIT4W-2020, March 11–12, 2020, Al-Hoceima, Morocco. © 2020 Association ranging from blue, for the best to red, for the worst. The quality
for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7578-8/20/03…$15.00
classes are defined by the thresholds established for each parameter
4thconference of SAWIS on GeoIT 11, 12 March 2020, Morocco. M. Ben-Daoud et al.

of each of the alterations. The water quality assessment scheme

(SEQ-Water) is based on the concept of a weighted quality index
that is calculated for each parameter [6]. Indeed, the values of the
ranges set by the new grids to evaluate the quality of water are
transformed into unitless numbers ranging from (0) for a very poor
to (100) for excellent quality. The parameter index is obtained by
weighting, while the alteration index is obtained by averaging the
weighted values of the parameters characterizing the said
alteration. Each quality class is defined by a set of threshold values
that different parameters of different alterations should not exceed.
To determine the overall quality, we have adopted an approach that
determines quality through the index of the weakest alteration
index. The quality class obtained is that of the alteration with the
lowest index [6].


In terms of results, the map of the surface water vulnerability

Figure 2: Overall quality of the surface water
indicator shows three potential water contamination classes: low,
medium, and high These show a high pollution load discharged into the waters of the
wadi from anthropogenic, domestic, industrial, and agricultural
activities [8]. The vulnerability mapping performed using the
DRASTIC method reveals a medium to a high tendency to
pollution vulnerability (Figure.3).

Figure1: Surface water vulnerability map

Generally, areas with steep slopes and close to hydrographic

systems, that have a high potential vulnerability to surface water
contamination by pesticides, are the areas where both the
vulnerability of surface water and pest pressure are the most
important [7]. Figure 3: Groundwater vulnerability map
They are the main areas of truck farming that are subject to 100%
phytosanitary treatment for reasons of pest vulnerability. The water Similar results were found by Sadkaoui et al. [9], across the Basin
quality assessment system allowed us to assess the overall water of Meknes-Fez. Indeed, three vulnerability classes were identified
quality at each station, taking into account five alterations. Overall, (low, medium, and high). The most dominant class is the medium
the water quality is very good at the source level. class by 85%. The DRASTIC method was able to identify the
From the lover towards the downstream of the wadi, the quality of recharge areas as the most vulnerable of the territory. The latter are
the waters deteriorates gradually with a poor to very poor quality located in territories of agricultural use, which constitutes a risk to
downstream of the Boufekrane and Meknes Agglomerations. groundwater sources intended for drinking water supply [10] [11].
Moreover, the risk posed by polluting activities in highly
vulnerable areas has been verified in many works in different
4thconference of SAWIS on GeoIT 11, 12 March 2020, Morocco. M. Ben-Daoud et al.

worldwide contexts [12]; [13]. In the study area, nitrates contents This work aimed at developing water resources vulnerability
in groundwater samples vary across the 35 points taken from a indicators. They are an aid to decision support, especially for
minimum of 27 mg/l and a maximum of 148 mg/l. Among these 35 managers and policymakers in the field of water resources, and
points, 15 have values below the potability threshold of 50 mg / l; tools to geographically represent vulnerable localities and
16 have the values between 50 and 100 mg/l, and 4 points have contaminated or potentially at-risk areas across the city of Meknes.
values of 100 and 150 mg/l. The confrontation of nitrates analysis Indeed, maps of indicators developed in this work can be updated
results with other data on farming practices shows that the high every time to observe the evolution of water contamination risk in
values of nitrates are distributed in zones of pumping irrigation the city of Meknes.
from the water table [14];[15].
The results of this work constitute support for decision-making, CONCLUSION
especially for farmers and resource managers, on the other hand, In conclusion, this work aimed to develop indicators of the
taking into account technical proposals for the use of materials vulnerability of water resources; these constitute support for
which are less dangerous for the environment and health and decision-making, especially for managers and decision-makers in
acceptance of product use standards in terms of dose for each the field of water resources. Tools allowing to represent
molecule [16]. Nitrates values exceeding the potability threshold of geographically, on the scale of the city of Meknes, the vulnerable
50 mg/l reflect the intensity of agricultural practices. However, this localities, thus the zones contaminated or potentially at risk of
contamination is not widespread, and values are variable from one contamination by various pollutants.
point to another. The dispersion of irrigated plots can explain it in Indeed, the indicator maps developed in this work can be updated
space and also by the underground heterogeneity that determines all the time, to observe the evolution of the risks of water
the vulnerability of the water table to hydric pollution. From contamination in the city of Meknes.
measured analyzes at the groundwater level, it seems that nitrates
generated by agricultural pollution pose the most severe problem
for the water table in the study area [17]. REFERENCES

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