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Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (in German) (ETIT)


Please upload this form UNMODIFIED to your campus application.

First Name: Rudolph Joël Kayodé

Family Name: DIDAVI

Gender: Male


bereits früher für diesen Studiengang beworben?: Nein

Nationality: BJ

University Code: other

University Information: Université Africaine de Technologie et de Management GASA FORMATION

University Website:

Name of bachelor Programme: Réseaux Informatiques et Télécommunications

Bachelor Studies: other

Other Bachelor Studies: Génie Electrique et Informatique

Degree Certificate uploaded?: Y

Grade Scale Maximum: 20

Grade Scale Pass: 10

Degree Grade: 15

English Proficiency: other

Other English Proficiency:

Referral By: daad

Other Referral:

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