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Clothing Recommendation Blog Rubric

Category 3 2 1 0
Includes all
 At least 8 blog
 4 different
outfits for
each season
 4 different
outfits for 4
 Pictures or
artwork for
each outfit
 Detailed
description of Lacks 3 or more
why each Lacks 1 required Lacks 2 required
Content required
outfit was element. elements.
 Where can
each clothing
item be
purchased? Be
sure to include
the website
link from an
online store.
 The price of
each clothing
 The average
sales tax
amount for
your state.
 The total price
of the outfit.
The content is The content is The content is The content is
organized organized organized not organized
logically and logically and logically but not logically or
very effectively. effectively. effectively. effectively.
Language Students Students Students somewhat Students do not
Proficiency demonstrate a clear demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
clothes and colors clothes and colors clothes and colors clothes and colors
vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and
have less than 3 have 3-5 grammar have 6-8 grammar have more than 9
grammar mistakes. mistakes. mistakes. grammar mistakes.
The blog is very The blog is The blog is The blog is not
Creativity creative, unique, creative, unique, somewhat creative, creative, unique,
and original and original unique, or original and original

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