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1. What do you understand by biomass resource?

Biomass is organic, meaning it is made of material that comes from living organisms, such as
plants and animals. The most common biomass materials used for energy are plants, wood, and
2. List out biomass resource available?

dedicated energy crops, agricultural crop residues, forestry residues, algae, wood processing
residues, municipal waste, and wet waste (crop wastes, forest residues, purpose-grown grasses,
woody energy crops, algae, industrial wastes, sorted municipal solid waste [MSW], urban wood
3. List out biomass resources available in your region
· Agricultural Crop ,ALGAE, treated sewage water from municipal waste

4)Biomass Plantation is generating additional income to farmers. Justify

Explanation: Biogas is seen as a blessing to farmers for the following reasons:

Farmers can generate clean home fuel from the wastes such as animal waste, dry leaves,
and dried plants, among other things.

The used slurry can further be utilized as manure in the fields to boost the fertility of the

A biogas generator or biogas may also be used to create electricity, which can then be
utilized to power modern farm machinery, allowing farmers to save both time and

5)What are the benefits of biomass energy to society?

Some of the advantages of biomass energy are:

• Biomass is always and widely available as a renewable source of energy. ...

• It is carbon neutral. ...
• It reduces the overreliance of fossil fuels. ...
• Is less expensive than fossil fuels. ...
• Biomass production adds a revenue source for manufacturers. ...
• Less garbage in landfills.

6) How biomass is expressed for selling to industries

Direct combustion is the most common method for converting biomass to useful
energy. All biomass can be burned directly for heating buildings and water, for providing
industrial process heat, and for generating electricity in steam turbines. Thermochemical
conversion of biomass includes pyrolysis and gasification.
7) A Farmer grows biomass trees in 1acre of land which yields 300kg quarterly, Estimate
the volume of biomass produced from his plant annually. Express in terms of tonnes.

300 kg / 1,000 = 0.3 tonnes

Now, let's calculate the annual yield. Since there are 4 quarters in a year:

Annual yield = Quarterly yield * Number of quarters

= 0.3 tonnes * 4

= 1.2 tonnes

8) A group of farmers plants biomass resource and additionally generate 1500 kg bi-
monthly. Estimate the quantum of biomass resources produced in their whole farms for
using their save in biomass industry.

12 / 2 = 6

6 * 1500 kg = 9000 kg.

Total annual biomass yield = Yield from acre of land + Additional bi-monthly yield

= 1200 kg + 9000 kg

= 10200 kg Therefore, the group of farmers produces a total of 10200 kg (or 10.2 tonnes) of
biomass resources annually across their whole farms.

9) A bio power plant generates 2500 units in a day through the machine installed in their
premises for running 16 hours a day estimate the quantity of electricity produced per month
in terms of mega units.

Average electricity production per hour = Daily production / Hours of operation

= 2500 units / 16 hours

= 156.25 units/hour

Monthly electricity production = Average production per hour * Hours in a day * Days in a month

= 156.25 units/hour * 24 hours * 30 days

= 112,500 units

Monthly electricity production in mega units = Monthly electricity production / 1,000,000

= 112,500 units / 1,000,000

= 0.1125 mega units

10) . A 100 kW bio power plant installed at Madurai through village community society
running for 6 hrs a day from 6PM – 6AM to meet the electricity demand of the village
community. Estimate the electricity produced by the industry and how much KW of load
can be connected.

Electricity produced per day = Power generation capacity * Hours of operation = 100 kW * 12
hours = 1200 kWh

total power consumption equal to or less than the power capacity of the plant.

the bio power plant produces 1200 kWh (or 1.2 MWh) of electricity per day and can support a
maximum load of 100 kW.

11) A bio power industry is selling electricity at the rate of Rs.7.5/- Per unit for only 12 hrs a
day. The Grid supply is available at Rs:6/- per unit. There are 2 consumers one with 100KW
requires power for 24 hrs per day . And another consumer requiring power only 10 hrs a
day. Identify the power scheme suitable for them.

Bio Power Industry cost: Rs 7.5/- per unit for 12 hours = Rs 7.5/- * 12 = Rs 90/- per day
Grid Supply cost: Rs 6/- per unit for 24 hours = Rs 6/- * 24 = Rs 144/- per day
In this case, the Grid Supply is more cost-effective as it costs Rs 144/- per day compared to the
bio power industry's cost of Rs 90/- per day.

Bio Power Industry cost: Rs 7.5/- per unit for 10 hours = Rs 7.5/- * 10 = Rs 75/- per day
Grid Supply cost: Rs 6/- per unit for 10 hours = Rs 6/- * 10 = Rs 60/- per day
In this case, the Grid Supply is still more cost-effective as it costs Rs 60/- per day compared to the
bio power industry's cost of Rs 75/- per day.

12) What are the gas emissions that are termed as harmful gas emission from bio power
The most significant gases contributing to climate change are water vapour (H2O), carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), ozone and dinitrogen oxide (N2O)

13. Bio farming results in deforestation. Justify your answer.

Bio farming refers to the practice of using organic and sustainable methods in agriculture,
focusing on maintaining soil health, biodiversity, and minimizing the use of synthetic inputs like
pesticides and fertilizers.
Proper planning, monitoring, and regulation are necessary to prevent the negative impacts of bio
farming on deforestation and promote a more sustainable approach to agriculture.

14. List out the major contributors of states in India with respect to bio power industry.
Maharastra,tamilnadu,Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh,Punjab,Gujarat
15. Write any two bio power plant available in the country with its specifications

Punjab Biomass Power Limited (PBPL):

Location: Muktsar, Punjab

Capacity: 12 MW
Biomass Source: Rice straw and wheat straw
Technology: Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) boiler with a steam turbine
Operational Since: 2014

Malwa Biomass Power Plant:

Location: Mansa, Punjab
Capacity: 8 MW
Biomass Source: Rice husk and other agricultural residues
Technology: Stoker-fired boiler with a steam turbine
Operational Since: 2011

16. Abbreviate MNRE and who is the minister holding charge in India
MNRE stands for the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

17. Write total installed capacity of bio power generation in India.

the total installed capacity of bio power generation in India was approximately 10,770 megawatts
18. Why do we say extraction of bio fuels is costly?

Generally, biofuels are more expensive to produce than fossil fuels on a per-unit energy basis.
This is due to the fact that biofuels are derived from renewable resources, such as crops and waste
materials, which are more expensive to grow and process than fossil fuels.

19. What do you understand by GHG emissions? List a few

Greenhouse gas emissions (abbreviated as GHG emissions) from human activities strengthen the
greenhouse effect, contributing to climate change
20. Deforestation in tribal areas for bio power plants is discouraged. Justify
deforestation is killing Indigenous people by destroying the land they depend on for their survival.
When their land is stolen, people are forced from their forest homes. They're reduced from self-
sufficiency to living on the sides of roads and/or depending on government handouts.

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