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Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Chinese indigenous blue-shelled chickens

inferred from whole genomic region of the SLCO1B3 gene

Seyed Benyamin Dalirsefat, Xianggui Dong, and Xuemei Deng1

National Engineering Laboratory for Animal Breeding and Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Breeding, and
Reproduction of the Ministry of Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China

ABSTRACT In total, 246 individuals from 8 Chinese between-group variations of the total genetic variation.
indigenous blue- and brown-shelled chicken populations As expected, FST and Reynolds’ genetic distance were
(Yimeng Blue, Wulong Blue, Lindian Blue, Dongxiang greatest between White Leghorn and Chinese chicken
Blue, Lushi Blue, Jingmen Blue, Dongxiang Brown, and populations, with average values of 0.40 and 0.55, re-
Lushi Brown) were genotyped for 21 SNP markers from spectively. The first and second principal coordinates
the SLCO1B3 gene to evaluate phylogenetic relation- explained approximately 92% of the total variation and
ships. As a representative of nonblue-shelled breeds, supported the clustering of the populations according to
White Leghorn was included in the study for refer- their eggshell color type and historical origins. STRUC-
ence. A high proportion of SNP polymorphism was ob- TURE analysis showed a considerable source of vari-
served in Chinese chicken populations, ranging from ation among populations for the clustering into blue-
89% in Jingmen Blue to 100% in most populations, shelled and nonblue-shelled chicken populations. The
with a mean of 95% across all populations. The White low estimation of genetic differentiation (FST ) between
Leghorn breed showed the lowest polymorphism, ac- Chinese chicken populations is possibly due to a com-
counting for 43% of total SNPs. The mean expected mon historical origin and high gene flow. Remarkably
heterozygosity varied from 0.11 in Dongxiang Blue to similar population classifications were obtained with all
0.46 in Yimeng Blue. Analysis of molecular variation methods used in the study. Aligning endogenous avian
(AMOVA) for 2 groups of Chinese chickens based on retroviral (EAV)–HP insertion sequences showed no dif-
eggshell color type revealed 52% within-group and 43% ference among the blue-shelled chickens.
Key words: blue-shelled chicken, SLCO1B3 gene, EAV–HP insertion, SNP marker, phylogenetic analysis
2015 Poultry Science 94:1776–1786

INTRODUCTION phenotypic quality to their mates. Morales et al.

(2006) suggested that egg color may not only indicate
Eggshell color is both of biological interest and of female value, but also the quality of the eggs them-
economic importance, and the nature of the shell pig- selves and of the resulting offspring. Blue–green eggshell
ments in various avian species and biochemical and color in chickens is produced by an autosomal dominant
physiological processes involved in pigment formation trait called oocyan, and eggs laid by oocyan homozy-
and its deposition in and on the shell have been dis- gotes are a darker blue than those from heterozygotes
cussed since the 19th century (Wicke, 1858; Sorby, 1875; (Punnett, 1933).
Krukenberg, 1883; Lang and Wells, 1987). Because it is SLCO1B3 codes a membrane transporter OATP1B3,
an important aspect of egg quality in many countries, which is considered a liver specific transporter and is
shell color has been emphasized in the sales, promotion, highly expressed in liver, where it transports a wide
and marketing strategies of egg retailers. range of substrates, including bile salts (Popovic et al.,
Recently, avian egg color has been explained as 2010; Hagenbuch and Gui, 2008). Wang et al. (2013)
mainly serving crypsis or mimetism (Underwood and suggested that, as blue eggshell is colored mainly by
Sealy, 2002). Blue–green colors in avian eggs have deposition of biliverdin, which is one component of bile
also been proposed as post-mating signals of female salts, expression of SLCO1B3 in the uterus could en-
hance transportation of biliverdin to the eggshell. They
also found that SLCO1B3 is expressed in the shell

C 2015 Poultry Science Association Inc. gland of blue-shelled chickens and not in the glands of
Received December 6, 2014.
Accepted April 14, 2015. brown- or white-shelled chickens, supporting an es-
Corresponding author: deng@cau.edu.cn sential role of the gene in pigmentation of blue eggs.


Figure 1. Geographical locations of the 6 indigenous chicken populations sampled in China

Recently, in 2 independent studies, an endogenous avian one of the more interesting approaches for genotyping
retroviral (EAV)–HP insertion has been discovered (Vignal et al., 2002). The usefulness of SNP in analyses
in 2 Chinese (Dongxiang and Lushi), an American of population diversity and structure has been demon-
(Mapuche fowl), and a European (Araucana) blue- strated in several studies (McKay et al., 2008; Lin et al.,
shelled chicken breeds, associated with the over- 2010; Edea et al., 2013). Furthermore, with the progress
expression of SLCO1B3, strongly suggesting this is a of sequencing technology, whole-genome/gene sequenc-
causative mutation for the blue eggshell phenotype ing has become available for characterizing genetic
(Wang et al., 2013; Wragg et al., 2013). In addition, diversity among farm animals (Yang et al., 2013). This
conserved EAV–HP integration sites and sequences is an improvement on using microsatellites and microar-
have been found in South American and European rays because it can detect both SNP and structural
blue-shelled chickens, distinct from those of the Asian variations. The present study was undertaken to an-
chicken, which implies independent integration events alyze the molecular phylogenetic analysis of 8 Chinese
in the blue-shelled chickens from the 2 groups of the 3 indigenous blue- and brown-shelled chickens by using
continents and provides an example of parallel evolu- SNP markers inferred from resequencing the whole ge-
tion at the molecular level. nomic region of SLCO1B3 and its inserted EAV–HP
China has a wide variety of indigenous poultry, with sequence information.
108 native chicken breeds (Chen et al., 2004), many
of which have valuable genetic features. Most of these
chickens are local and fancy breeds characterized by
medium to low performance and are usually maintained Sample Collection and DNA Extraction
in small populations. The native chicken varieties in-
clude some blue-shelled breeds; Dongxiang and Lushi Eight Chinese indigenous blue- and brown-shelled
are 2 indigenous blue-shelled chicken breeds reported chicken populations were used in the study. All sam-
in recent studies (Zhao et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2013). ples were collected from breed conservation farms in the
However, the origin of some local blue-shelled chickens related regions in China (Figure 1). The breeds were Yi-
in China remains unclear. meng Blue from Shandong Province (N = 45), Wulong
Phylogenetic analysis and breed characterization re- Blue (N = 45) from Chongqing Municipality, Lindian
quires basic knowledge of genetic variations that can Blue (N = 40) from Heilongjiang Province, Jingmen
be effectively measured within and between popula- Blue (N = 42) from Hubei Province, Dongxiang Blue
tions. In recent years, analysis of SNP markers has (N = 28) and Dongxiang Brown (N = 29) from Jiangxi
become the standard approach for diversity analy- Province, and Lushi Blue (N = 29) and Lushi Brown
sis and genome-wide studies. Because of their abun- (N = 30) from Henan Province. As a representative of
dance in the genome, genetic stability, and amenity a nonblue and brown eggshell breed, White Leghorn
to high-throughput automated analysis, SNP represent (N = 30) was also included for reference. Although the

populations are termed as blue-shelled chicken breeds, 12 ng genomic DNA. Assay data were analyzed using
the eggshell color trait has not been fixed. Histor- Sequenom TYPER software (v3.4).
ically, Dongxiang and Lushi chickens have been se-
lected for blue eggshell. The other populations have Statistical Analysis
not been systematically bred until now, so some appear-
ance traits, eggshell color, and feather color do not show Genetic diversity Total number of alleles, number
homogeneity. of effective alleles, allele frequencies, observed (Ho) and
Total genomic DNA was extracted from blood using expected (He) heterozygosity (Nei, 1973), Shannon’s in-
a TIANamp blood DNA kit. The DNA concentration formation index, and fixation index for each popula-
and its purity were examined using spectrophotometric tion across the loci were estimated using the programs
analysis based on absorbance at 260 and 280 nm and Arlequin (Excoffier et al., 2005) and GenAlEx 6.501
agarose gel electrophoresis analysis. (Peakall and Smouse, 2012). The fixation index F (also
called the inbreeding coefficient) can take values rang-
Diagnostic Genotyping Test of EAV–HP ing from −1 to +1. Values close to zero are expected
Insertion under random mating, while substantial positive values
indicate inbreeding or undetected null alleles. Negative
The retrovirus insertion was genotyped by multi- values indicate excess of heterozygosity due to nega-
plex PCR using 3 primers (test-nor-up, test-no-down, tive assortative mating or selection for heterozygotes.
and test-eav) introduced by Wang et al. (2013). The Deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE;
PCR amplifications were performed in a total volume heterozygote deficiency) was assessed by performing a
of 20 μL containing 10 μL 2XTaq PCRMix (TIANGEN chi-square test with the PowerMarker program (Liu and
Biotech Beijing Co., Ltd.), 0.25 μM each primer, and Muse, 2005) for each marker and population.
50 to 100 ng genomic DNA in the following conditions: Analyses of molecular variance Analyses of
95◦ C for 5 min, followed by 36 cycles of 95◦ C for 30 molecular variance (AMOVA) were carried out on 3
s, 56◦ C for 30 s, 72◦ C for 20 s, and a final extension data sets using the program GenAlEx 6.501 (Peakall
at 72◦ C for 5 min. The PCR products were separated and Smouse, 2012). The first analysis included data
by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis, and the length of only for 8 Chinese chicken populations in one group;
target fragments were 340 bp for test-nor-up and test- the second data set consisted of the Chinese chickens
nor-down, and 425 bp for test-nor-up and test-eav. grouped by the 2 eggshell color types, and a third anal-
ysis was performed for all 9 populations in three groups
Resequencing of EAV–HP Insertion (i.e., 6 Chinese blue eggshell, 2 Chinese brown eggshell,
and White Leghorn chicken populations).
The EAV–HP insertion (approximately 4.2 kb) up- Genetic differentiation The Wright (1978) fixa-
stream of SLCO1B3 was amplified using the method tion indices were estimated according to Weir and
described by Wang et al. (2013). With the exception Cockerham (1984) using the program GenAlEx 6.501
of the Dongxiang Blue, which has been previously se- (Peakall and Smouse, 2012). The significance of fixation
quenced by Wang et al. (2013; GenBank Accession indices and pairwise population differentiation values
No.: JF837512), we sequenced the EAV–HP insertion were determined by permutation tests with 1,000 per-
of all blue-shelled chicken populations (GenBank Acces- mutations.
sion No.: KP256532, KP276576, KP276577, KP276578, Relationships among the populations Reynolds’
and KP276579 for Yimeng Blue, Wulong Blue, Lindian genetic distance (Reynolds et al., 1983) between differ-
Blue, Lushi Blue, and Jingmen Blue, respectively). ent pairs of chicken populations was calculated using
PowerMarker (Liu and Muse, 2005). The unweighted
MassARRAY Analysis pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA;
Sneath and Sokal, 1973) algorithm was used to con-
Twenty-one SNPs found by resequencing of struct the dendrogram from Reynolds’ matrices using
SLCO1B3 (Wang et al., 2013) were used to analyze the same software. The generated tree was visualized
the genetic variants of SLCO1B3 in the 9 populations. in Mega tree explorer (Tamura et al., 2011). Gene flow
SNP markers were genotyped using an iPLEX SE- between populations, defined as the number of repro-
QUENOM MassARRAY platform (Sequenom, CA). ductively successful migrants per generation (Nm), was
This genotyping system uses single-base extension calculated using the program GenAlEx 6.501 (Peakall
reactions to create allele-specific products that are and Smouse, 2012). The estimate was based on the re-
separated automatically and scored in a matrix- lationship FST = 1/(4Nm + 1), where N is the effective
assisted laser desorption ionization/time-of-flight mass population size, m is the migration rate, and FST is cal-
spectrometer. Primer design was performed using Mas- culated as the mean over loci.
sARRAY Assay Design software (v3.1) according to Principal coordinate analysis A principal coordi-
Sequenom’s instructions. Multiplex PCR amplification nate analysis (PCoA) was carried out to illustrate the
of amplicons containing SNP of interest was performed relationships among the populations using the program
using HotStart Taq Polymerase (Qiagen, CA) with GenAlEx 6.501 (Peakall and Smouse, 2012) based on
Table 1. Genetic variability within chicken populations1 .

SNP (%) not

Polymorphic in HWE
Population N Na (SE) Ne (SE) Hob (SE) Hex (SE) I (SE) markers (%) (P ≤ 0.05) F (SE)
Yimeng Blue 45 2.0 (0.00) 1.9 (0.03) 0.75 (0.03) 0.46 (0.01) 0.65 (0.01) 100 95 −0.61 (0.04)
Wulong Blue 45 2.0 (0.00) 1.5 (0.03) 0.39 (0.03) 0.31 (0.02) 0.48 (0.03) 100 29 −0.25 (0.02)
Lindian Blue 40 2.0 (0.00) 1.8 (0.03) 0.72 (0.03) 0.45 (0.01) 0.64 (0.01) 100 90 −0.58 (0.04)
Dongxiang Blue 28 1.9 (0.07) 1.1 (0.01) 0.12 (0.01) 0.11 (0.01) 0.21 (0.02) 90 0 −0.07 (0.00)
Dongxiang Brown 29 1.9 (0.07) 1.3 (0.04) 0.07 (0.02) 0.22 (0.02) 0.37 (0.03) 90 84 0.75 (0.05)
Lushi Blue 29 2.0 (0.05) 1.3 (0.03) 0.30 (0.02) 0.25 (0.02) 0.40 (0.03) 95 0 −0.19 (0.01)
Lushi Brown 30 2.0 (0.00) 1.4 (0.08) 0.21 (0.04) 0.23 (0.04) 0.36 (0.05) 100 19 0.11 (0.07)
Jingmen Blue 42 1.9 (0.08) 1.3 (0.03) 0.27 (0.02) 0.22 (0.02) 0.37 (0.03) 86 0 −0.18 (0.00)
White Leghorn 30 1.4 (0.11) 1.4 (0.10) 0.15 (0.04) 0.19 (0.05) 0.27 (0.07) 43 0 0.22 (0.01)
Mean 1.9 (0.06) 1.4 (0.08) 0.33 (0.02) 0.27 (0.01) 0.42 (0.02) 89 35 −0.12 (0.03)
Na = No. different alleles, Ne = No. effective alleles, Hob = Observed heterozygosity, Hex = Expected heterozygosity, I = Shannon’s
information index, and F = Fixation index.

an algorithm published by Orlóci (1978). Two methods Alignment Search Tool program of the National Center
of PCoA were carried out to determine population re- for Biotechnology Information.
lationships based on the FST matrix and the covariance
matrix, with data standardization by using a multivari- RESULTS
ate technique that allows one to find and plot the major
patterns within a multivariate data set (e.g., multiple We used fixation indices (FST , FIS , and FIT ) as pri-
loci and multiple samples). mary metrics for empirically estimating and testing
Structure analysis For the analysis of popula- the magnitude of genetic divergence among popula-
tion structure, a model-based clustering method us- tions (Table S1). The fixation coefficients of subpopu-
ing genotype data consisting of unlinked markers was lations within the total population (FST ) when all pop-
implemented with the program STRUCTURE 2.3.4 ulations were analyzed for the 21 loci varied from 0.12
(Pritchard et al., 2000, 2010). This program can de- (SNP1B3˙4) to 0.54 (SNP1B3˙6), with a mean of 0.41
termine the existence of population structure, ascer- (P < 0.001). All loci contributed significantly to this
tain distinct genetic populations, assign individuals to differentiation. The average overall deficit of heterozy-
populations, and identify migrants and admixed indi- gotes across populations (FIT ) was 0.29 (P < 0.001) and
viduals. It is assumed that within populations the loci the mean FIS was −0.22 (P > 0.05) within populations.
are at HWE and linkage equilibrium. In the present All loci showed significant excess of heterozygotes.
study, a Monte Carlo Markov chain algorithm was used Numbers of different and effective alleles, ratio of
to estimate allele frequencies in each of the K popula- polymorphic markers, Shannon’s information index, ge-
tions and the degree of admixture for each individual. netic variability within the different chicken popula-
The true number of clusters (K) was inferred by the tions, fixation index, and departures from HWE are
program STRUCTURE HARVESTER (Earl and von- shown in Table 1. Among Chinese chicken populations,
Holdt, 2012) implementing the Evanno (2005) method, the proportion of polymorphic SNP ranged from 86% in
using 10 independent runs with 100,000 iterations fol- Jingmen Blue to 100% in Yimeng Blue, Wulong Blue,
lowing a burn-in period of 20,000, under an admixture Lindian Blue, and Lushi Brown, with a mean of 95%.
ancestry and correlated allele frequency model with K The White Leghorn breed showed the lowest proportion
ranging from 2 to 10. The estimated cluster member- of polymorphism (43% polymorphic loci). The mean ex-
ship coefficient matrices of multiple runs were used as pected heterozygosity over all loci for each population
the input file for finding optimal alignments of R repli- varied from 0.11 (0.01) in Dongxiang Blue to 0.46 (0.01)
cate cluster analyses of the same data using the pro- in Yimeng Blue. The highest observed heterozygosity
gram CLUMPP (Jakobsson and Rosenberg, 2007). The was similarly found in the same population (0.75 ± 0.03
most frequent solution for each K was taken as the most in Yimeng Blue), whereas Dongxiang Brown showed
probable clustering and visualized using DISTRUCT the lowest observed heterozygosity (0.07 ± 0.02). The
software (Rosenberg, 2004). mean values of observed and expected heterozygosities
EAV–HP insertion data analysis Because the in White Leghorn were 0.15 (0.04) and 0.19 (0.05), re-
EAV–HP insertion does not occur in White Leghorn, 2 spectively. Three populations showed an overall sig-
blue-shelled chicken breeds from South America (Chile, nificant deficit of heterozygotes, while 6 populations
Mapuche fowl) and Europe (France, Araucana) re- showed an excess of heterozygous genotypes with re-
ported by Wragg et al. (2013) were included in this spect to the expected value. Effective number of alle-
analysis as outgroups. Multiple alignment of the EAV– les and Shannon’s information index ranged from 1.1
HP insertion sequences of all blue-shelled chickens un- (0.01) and 0.21 (0.02) in Dongxiang Blue to 1.9 (0.03)
der study and Mapuche/Araucana (GenBank Accession and 0.65 (0.01) in Yimeng Blue, respectively. The high-
No.: KC632578) was done using the online Basic Local est and the least values of fixation index (F; inbreeding

Table 2. Analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) analysis results using different data sets of Chinese chicken populations
and White Leghorn.

Data set Variance component (%)

Among population
Among groups Among populations within groups Within groups
Only Chinese chickens in one group − 29 − 71
Chinese chickens based on 2 eggshell 43 − 5 52
color groups
All 9 populations in 3 groups
(Chinese Blue eggshell, Brown eggshell, 44 − 5 51
and White Leghorn group)

Table 3. Pairwise genetic differentiation (FST ) and gene flow (Nm; in parenthesis) values between the 9 chicken populations
(below diagonal) and Reynolds’ genetic distance (above diagonal).

Population Yimeng Wulong Lindian Dongxiang Dongxiang Lushi Lushi Jingmen White
Blue Blue Blue Blue Brown Blue Brown Blue Leghorn
Yimeng Blue 0.088 0.008 0.28 0.35 0.15 0.37 0.17 0.42
Wulong Blue 0.0461 0.073 0.095 0.57 0.023 0.60 0.03 0.64
Lindian Blue 0.004 0.0381 0.26 0.39 0.13 0.41 0.15 0.47
(64) (6.4)
Dongxiang Blue 0.161 0.051 0.151 0.76 0.05 0.78 0.041 0.81
(1.3) (4.8) (1.5)
Dongxiang Brown 0.211 0.401 0.241 0.621 0.64 0.16 0.66 0.37
(0.95) (0.38) (0.78) (0.16)
Lushi Blue 0.081 0.012 0.071 0.025 0.471 0.67 0.002 0.70
(2.9) (21) (3.4) (9.6) (0.29)
Lushi Brown 0.231 0.431 0.261 0.651 0.0841 0.50 1
0.69 0.24
(0.85) (0.33) (0.72) (0.14) (2.7) (0.25)
Jingmen Blue 0.0921 0.016 0.0811 0.021 0.491 0.001 0.531 0.72
(2.5) (15) (2.8) (12) (0.26) (340) (0.23)
White Leghorn 0.271 0.471 0.301 0.681 0.231 0.541 0.141 0.56 1

(0.69) (0.29) (0.58) (0.12) (0.85) (0.22) (1.6) (0.20)

0.001 < P < 0.01, significance levels were obtained after 1,000 permutations.

coefficient) were observed in Dongxiang Brown (0.75 ± differentiated populations. Among Chinese chicken
0.05) and Yimeng Blue (−0.61 ± 0.04), respectively, populations, the lowest FST (0.001) and Reynolds’ ge-
with an average of −0.12 (0.03) across all populations. netic distance (0.002) were both found between Lushi
All polymorphic SNP were in HWE (P ≤ 0.05) in Blue and Jingmen Blue populations, whereas the high-
Dongxiang Blue, Lushi Blue, Jingmen Blue, and White est values (0.65 and 0.78, respectively) were both found
Leghorn. However, in the other 5 populations, from 19% between Dongxiang Blue and Lushi Brown populations.
(in Lushi Brown) to 95% (in Yimeng Blue) of SNP As expected, average pairwise FST (0.40) and Reynolds’
markers significantly deviated from HWE (P ≤ 0.05). genetic distance (0.55) between White Leghorn and
For further analysis, we used AMOVA to examine Chinese chicken populations were higher than those
the partitioning of genetic variation (Table 2). When between Chinese chickens, with average values of 0.21
the 8 Chinese chicken populations were analyzed as one and 0.31, respectively. However, average FST (0.42) and
group, most of the population variance (71%) could be Reynolds’ genetic distance (0.57) values between all
explained by within-group variability. Analysis of the 8 pairs of blue- and brown-shelled chickens were higher
Chinese chicken populations grouped based on eggshell than those averages between White Leghorn and Chi-
color types (Chinese blue eggshell and Chinese brown nese chickens (0.40 and 0.55, respectively). Interest-
eggshell) showed that within-group genetic differences ingly, when comparing White Leghorn and Chinese
accounted for 52% of the total variation, with 43% vari- chicken populations, the lowest values of both FST (0.23
ation among groups. When White Leghorn chickens and 0.14) and Reynolds’s genetic distance (0.37 and
were included in the analysis, the percentages of vari- 0.24) were found between White Leghorn and 2 brown-
ance components were very close to the second data shelled types of Chinese chickens. However, some pairs
set. of blue-shelled types did not show significant differen-
To evaluate genetic differentiation and similarity tiation (P > 0.05, Table 3).
among populations, pairwise population FST estimates We also estimated gene flow (Nm) between each pop-
and Reynolds’s genetic distance were examined for ulation pair (Table 3) to examine the possible move-
each pair of chicken populations (Table 3). For most ment of individuals and genes in space, which affects
pairs, the FST values indicated statistically significant many important ecological and evolutionary properties
differences (0.001 < P < 0.01), revealing significantly of populations. The Nm value across Chinese chickens
Lushi Blue mediately positioned between these 2 subclusters. In
Jingmen Blue the second major cluster, Dongxiang Brown and Lushi
Wulong Blue Brown formed a relatively close group separated from
Dongxiang Blue White Leghorn.
Yimeng Blue Since matrices such as the pairwise FST matrix for
Lindian Blue 9 populations or 318 individual chickens can be dif-
White Leghorn ficult to read and interpret, PCoA was used to vi-
Dongxiang Brown sualize the patterns of genetic relationship. Analy-
Lushi Brown sis of principal coordinates based on the FST matrix
for 21 markers in the 9 chicken populations is illus-
0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 trated in Figure 3(a). PCoA obviously discriminated
blue-shelled chickens from other chicken populations,
Figure 2. Unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean with the first and second principal coordinates explain-
(UPGMA)-based phylogenic tree showing the genetic relationships
among the 8 Chinese chicken populations and White Leghorn using ing 83 and 8.7%, respectively, of the total variation.
Reynolds et al. (1983) genetic distance. Figure 3(b) shows PCoA results based on a genetic dis-
tance matrix for 318 individuals and a covariance ma-
trix with data standardization of the 9 chicken pop-
ranged from 0.14 (between Dongxiang Blue and Lushi ulations. This PCoA also apparently separated Chi-
Brown) to 340 (between Lushi Blue and Jingmen Blue). nese blue-shelled chickens from brown-shelled chickens
Between Chinese chickens and White Leghorn, Nm var- and White Leghorn, with the first and second princi-
ied from 0.12 to 1.6. As expected, the mean number pal coordinates explaining 75 and 7.2%, respectively,
of migrants per generation (Nm) across all Chinese of the total variation. The third principal component
chicken populations (18) was much higher than that accounted for approximately 4.1% of the variation,
between White Leghorn and Chinese chickens (0.56), and slightly separated the White Leghorn population
while the average estimated gene flow across all popu- from the brown-shelled chickens, with some overlap-
lations was 14. All Nm values between Chinese chicken ping. PCoA analysis confirmed the results of the pop-
populations with the same eggshell color were above ulation structure and dendrogram analysis.
1.0, whereas values between populations with different The program STRUCTURE was used to investigate
eggshell colors were below 1.0. In addition, the Nm val- population structure as well as inferring the presence
ues between White Leghorn and Chinese populations of distinct populations, assigning individuals to popu-
(except Lushi Brown) were below 1.0. lations, studying hybrid zones and identifying migrants
We also used a tree-structured graph to visualize the and admixed individuals. The graphic results of the
result of hierarchical clustering and the phylogenetic clustering analysis for K = 2 to 7 are illustrated in Fig-
relationships among the 9 chicken populations, based ure 4. Results of the Bayesian clustering approach for
on Reynolds’ genetic distance (Reynolds et al., 1983; K = 2 to 10 are presented in Table S2 and Figure S1,
Figure 2). As expected, the populations clearly sep- and show that K = 7 was optimal, capturing the major
arated into 2 major clusters, including all blue- structure proportion present in the data (Figure S2).
shelled chickens in the first major cluster and brown- With K = 2, most blue-shelled chicken populations
shelled chickens together with White Leghorn in the appeared clearly differentiated from other chickens,
second major cluster. Within Chinese blue-shelled and the Yimeng Blue with Lindian Blue populations
chicken populations, Lindian Blue and Yimeng Blue showed intermediate results (Figure 4 and Table S3).
formed a closely related subcluster. Lushi Blue and At this K value, 7 populations clustered with more
Jingmen Blue also formed a very closely related sub- than 76% of membership coefficients, while more than
cluster. Dongxiang Blue and Wulong Blue were inter- 54% of individuals from Yimeng Blue and Lindian Blue

Figure 3. First and second principal coordinates analyses (PCoA) results in the 8 Chinese chicken populations and White Leghorn clustered-
based on populations (a) and individuals (b).

Figure 4. STRUCTURE clustering of Chinese indigenous blue- and brown-shelled chickens in reference to the White Leghorn. Each individual
is represented by a single vertical segments showing estimated membership coefficients of each individual to the inferred K cluster, with K = 2
to 7. Black color line separated the populations indicated below the figure.

clustered in the related group (data not shown). This 2013) as an outgroup, compared with the host sequence,
result is in good agreement with results from UPGMA Gallus gallus OATP1B3 (SLCO1B3) gene (GenBank
dendrogram and PCoA. With K = 3, a relatively high Accession No.: JN020139) is illustrated in Figure S3.
heterogeneity of membership coefficients was observed Complete sequences of the EAV–HP insertions re-
within blue-shelled chicken populations, particularly in vealed 100% identity among Chinese blue-shelled chick-
comparison with nonblue-shelled chickens. Differenti- ens except for the Dongxiang breed (GenBank Acces-
ation within Chinese blue-shelled chicken populations sion No.: JF837512; Wang et al., 2013). However, the
was first observed at K = 3, with over 50% of Wulong EAV–HP sequences of the all oocyan Chinese chickens
Blue, Dongxiang Blue, Lushi Blue, and Jingmen Blue were 98% identical to Mapuche/Araucana sequences.
assigned to the same cluster, and 62% of the Yimeng Comparing sequences of the complete insertion in the
Blue and 61% of Lindian Blue sharing the same cluster. homozygote oocyan chickens illustrated identical host
However, there was no clear differentiation among blue- integration sites at Gga1:67,324,647 for all the Chinese
shelled chicken populations at these inferred clusters breeds, but a difference at Gga1:67,324,624 for the Ma-
and they did not cluster according to their traditional puche/Araucana chickens. In addition, the target-site
classifications or geographical distribution. duplications were identical in all the Chinese breeds (3 -
Similar to K = 3, 3 clusters were formed at K = 4, but GAGGAG-5 ) but different in the Mapuche/Araucana
with a lower proportion of individuals in each cluster. (3 -CCTTCA-5 ) chickens (Figure S3).
At this K value, White Leghorn as an outgroup chicken
started to differentiate from brown-shelled chickens.
At K = 5 and 6, the same clusters that formed at
K = 4 were observed, with approximately close mem- We evaluated the molecular phylogenetic relation-
bership coefficient. Finally, at K = 7, Wulong Blue and ships among 8 Chinese indigenous blue- and brown-
Dongxiang Blue separated from Lushi Blue and Jing- shelled chickens, with White Leghorn as an outgroup,
men Blue to form different clusters. by using SNP markers inferred from resequencing the
Since EAV–HP insertion is the causative mutation whole genomic region of SLCO1B3 and its inserted
for the blue-shelled phenotype (Wang et al., 2013), we EAV–HP sequence.
sequenced and aligned the EAV–HP insertion of the All SNP loci identified in the whole SLCO1B3 gene of
populations to examine potential polymorphism. Multi- Chinese chicken populations exhibited a high degree of
ple sequence alignment from upstream and downstream polymorphism (average 95%), whereas White Leghorn
parts of the EAV–HP integration site, corresponding to showed the lowest level (43%; Table 1). Genetic vari-
the 6 blue-shelled chicken populations (GenBank Acces- ability was highest in Yimeng Blue chicken (0.46 ±
sion No.: KP256532, KP276576, KP276577, KP276578, 0.01), while Dongxiang Blue demonstrated the lowest
KP276579, and JF837512 for Yimeng Blue, Wulong genetic variability (0.11 ± 0.01). The relatively higher
Blue, Lindian Blue, Lushi Blue, Jingmen Blue, and genetic diversity observed in the Yimeng Blue popula-
Dongxiang Blue, respectively) and Mapuche/Araucana tion and Lindian could be due to lack of inbreeding
(GenBank Accession No.: KC632578; Wragg et al., (F = −0.61 and −0.58, respectively) and controlled
mating practices. The genetic variability of White (Table 3) revealed closer relationships between Chinese
Leghorn (0.19 ± 0.05) was lower than for Chinese chicken populations than between White Leghorn and
chickens except Dongxiang Blue (0.11 ± 0.01). The Chinese chickens. This is in good agreement with an
lower genetic variability in White Leghorn is in har- AFLP-based fingerprinting study (Gao et al., 2008),
mony with the results of Leroy et al. (2012), who which indicated higher genetic similarity among indige-
observed lower genetic diversity in white egg layers nous chicken breeds in China compared with that be-
compared with 24 other African local and commercial tween Recessive White breed and indigenous Chinese
breeds. This may correspond to the somewhat wider chicken breeds. A low level of differentiation was also
genetic range of founder breeds in local chickens than observed between each pair of the Chinese populations
in white egg layers and to the lower number of breed- according to their eggshell color types, which could be
ing generations (Crawford, 1990). The observed het- attributed to common ancestry, admixture of the pop-
erozygosity values were less than expected in Dongxiang ulation, and lack of selection pressure in these pop-
Brown, Lushi Brown, and White Leghorn, causing F > ulations. On the other hand, the average FST among
0, which could indicate an inbreeding system of mat- Chinese populations across loci observed in this study
ing (Templeton and Read, 1994) in these populations. (0.35; Table S1) was higher than that reported between
In contrast, higher observed heterozygosity than ex- 5 closely related lines of Japanese native chickens (FST
pected in the remaining populations might indicate an = 0.15; Tadano et al., 2012), 15 Chinese indigenous
isolate-breaking effect (opposite of the Wahlund effect). chicken breeds (FST = 0.16; Chen et al., 2008), and
Among all chicken populations, the average observed 78 Chinese indigenous chicken breeds (FST = 0.11, Qu
and expected heterozygosity values were lower in this et al., 2006), but lower than that between local Italian
SNP-based study (Table 1) than when estimated using breeds of chickens (FST = 0.44; Zanetti et al., 2007).
microsatellite markers in several studies, including 52 However, the range of pairwise FST between all popula-
European chicken breeds (Hillel et al., 2003), 12 Chinese tions in the present study (from 0.001 to 0.68; Table 3)
indigenous chicken breeds (Granevitze et al., 2007), 15 was more extensive than that between 5 closely related
Chinese indigenous chicken breeds (Chen et al., 2008), lines of Japanese native chickens, the Nagoya breed
6 Italian local chicken breeds (Zanetti et al., 2007), (from 0.022 to 0.25), assessed based on microsatellite
10 Egyptian chicken strains (Eltanany et al., 2011), 5 polymorphisms (Tadano et al., 2012).
Japanese native chicken breeds (Tadano et al., 2012), 23 The average FIS value over loci (−0.22 ± 0.02; Table
African local breeds (Leroy et al., 2012), and 18 African S1), which indicates the degree of departure from ran-
native chicken breeds (Berima et al., 2013). By con- dom mating, was significantly negative in this study,
trast, lower values of heterozygosity (0.19 ± 0.02) have similar to that of all commercial crosses and 2 Nagoya
been described for Italian native chickens using Ampli- lines of Japanese native chickens (−0.14; Tadano et al.,
fied Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers 2012), reflecting excess heterozygosity. In contrast, Ital-
(De Marchi et al., 2006). The average expected het- ian chicken breeds (0.042; Zanetti et al., 2007) and 15
erozygosity within populations (0.27 ± 0.01) in this Chinese indigenous chicken breeds (0.02; Chen et al.,
study was very close to the value reported for layer 2008) had positive and higher values of FIS , indicating
lines (0.27), but lower than for broiler lines (0.53) of heterozygosity deficiency and departures from random
commercial breeds analyzed by using 17 microsatellites mating as a result of inbreeding within populations. As
(Crooijmans et al., 1996). However, the observed het- Edea et al. (2013) suggested, the absence of any sig-
erozygosity values of Yimeng Blue (0.75 ± 0.03) and nificant inbreeding effects may be a reflection of the
Lindian Blue (0.72 ± 0.03) were substantially higher high gene flow between the populations, as supported
than those of all chicken breeds reported in the stud- by high Nm values (Table S1), the large population from
ies noted above. The differences in the results may which the samples were drawn, and the fact that related
be explained by differences in locations, sample sizes, individuals were purposely avoided.
experimental chickens, application of different molec- In AMOVA analysis, when only Chinese populations
ular markers (particularly the multi-allelic nature of were analyzed as one group, 29% of the total genetic
microsatellite markers), and wider distribution of mi- variation corresponded to differences between popula-
crosatellite and AFLP markers throughout the genome. tions and the remaining 71% was the result of varia-
Five populations showed significant deviation from tion between individuals within populations. De Marchi
HWE (P ≤ 0.05) ranging from 19% in Lushi Brown to et al. (2006) used the Gst index (Nei, 1973) to estimate
95% in Yimeng Blue. This significant violation may be the percentage of the total variation in Veneto chicken
explained by sampling errors (including the Wahlund breeds and reported a value of 0.40 for Gst across loci,
effect), misclassification of genotypes, measuring 2 or indicating that 40% of the total gene diversity was ob-
more systems as a single system, population substruc- served between breeds, while the remaining 60% was ac-
ture, failure to detect rare alleles and the inclusion of counted for by the within-breed component of variation.
nonexisting alleles, or if inbreeding has occurred in the As expected, within-individual variation diminished to
populations as a whole. 52% when Chinese populations were grouped based
As expected, estimates of pairwise population dif- on 2 eggshell color types, while differences between
ferentiation (FST ) and Reynolds’ genetic distance groups increased to 43%, and 5% of total variation also

corresponded to the between-population within-group in this study, Yimeng Blue and Lindian Blue chick-
variation. This is apparently a result of higher genetic ens together formed a subcluster which is supported
similarity between each eggshell color type group, which by extremely low genetic distance (0.008) and genetic
is in agreement with low genetic distance between pop- differentiation (FST = 0.004) with a considerably high
ulations within these 2 groups (Table 3). When White value of gene flow (Nm = 64) between the 2 populations
Leghorn chickens were included in the analysis, the pro- (Table 3). Furthermore, there was high genetic variabil-
portion of variation component was not influenced and ity and low inbreeding coefficients (Table 2) in both
showed a very close proportion to those of the second populations. This hypothesis was also confirmed by
data set. PCoA and STRUCTURE results, as the populations
The number of migrants per generation (Nm) val- did not separate from K = 2 to 7.
ues showed relatively high influence of gene flow and As expected, Dongxiang Brown and Lushi Brown
genetic drift between populations with same eggshell chickens grouped in a different subcluster from all
color. Among populations, Lushi Blue and Jingmen blue-shelled chickens. These 2 populations have same
Blue showed a substantial value of gene flow, which origin as Dongxiang Blue and Lushi Blue, but a
is consistent with the geographical locations of these 2 different oocyan genotype resulting to a different phe-
populations (Figure 1). However, a relatively high de- notype. Divergence between chicken populations with
gree of gene flow between Lindian Blue and Yimeng different types of eggshell color is obviously due to the
Blue seems to contradict their geographical distribution SLCO1B3 gene controlling eggshell pigmentation. Sub-
in 2 distinct provinces in China. The similarity of these stantial SNP dissimilarities between blue eggshell and
2 blue-shelled chicken populations may be explained by brown eggshell types within same population may ex-
the famous historical events of human mass immigra- plain why the brown-shelled chickens formed a different
tion from Shandong province to the northeast of China cluster at lower K values.
since 1644 in the Qing Dynasty. Genetic variation will White Leghorn chicken as an outgroup population
give rise to considerable differentiation where Nm < 1 was expected to form a fully separate cluster from the
but not where Nm > 1 (Slatkin, 1987). In the present Chinese chickens, but it clustered with brown-shelled
study, the estimated number of migrants (Nm) between chickens. STRUCTURE and PCoA results further sup-
populations within each group based on eggshell color ported this result, which may be due to more SNPs in
type was significantly higher than an earlier estimate the SLCO1B3 gene of White Leghorn being shared with
for 15 Chinese indigenous chicken breeds using 29 mi- brown-shelled rather than blue-shelled types.
crosatellite markers (Chen et al., 2008), and implies In our study, the STRUCTURE analysis clustered in-
substantial gene flow between these populations, re- dividuals into separate populations or groups of closely
sulting in low measures of genetic differentiation and related populations, and suggested that the blue-shelled
inbreeding. populations are mixture populations (Figure 4). The
The UPGMA tree based on Reynolds’ genetic dis- obvious mixed nature of these populations is consis-
tances (Figure 2) clearly distinguished the blue-shelled tent with the high estimates of gene flow between them
populations from the brown-shelled populations, which (Table 3).
further confirmed the results obtained from PCoA and Aligning EAV–HP insertions of Chinese blue-shelled
STRUCTURE-based clustering. In the UPGMA tree, chickens in this study revealed no polymorphism,
Lushi Blue and Jingmen Blue chickens clustered to- whereas Wragg et al. (2013) identified 5 polymorphisms
gether and were supported by a low value of FST through aligning their EAV–HP sequence of Dongxiang
and high value of gene flow (Table 3), indicating a (GenBank Accession No.: KC632577) to that of Wang
close genetic relationship between the 2 populations. et al. (2013; GenBank Accession No.: JF837512), re-
In a lower level of relationship, these 2 populations to- sulting in a sequence divergence of 0.1%. It is notewor-
gether with Wulong Blue and Dongxiang Blue located thy that our EAV–HP sequences of 5 Chinese chick-
in a sub-cluster. A possible explanation is that Henan ens were fully identical to that of Dongxiang sequenced
(Lushi chickens), Hubei (Jingmen chickens), Chongqing by Wragg et al. (2013), but not to that sequenced by
(Wulong chickens), and Jiangxi (Dongxiang chickens) Wang et al. (2013). In addition, different host inte-
Provinces are geographically close to each other, rais- gration sites and DNA sequences have been identified
ing the possibility of interbreeding. The high gene flow for the Chinese chickens and Mapuche/Araucana fowls
and low FST values between these populations (Table 3) (Wragg et al., 2013). With the knowledge of distinct ge-
supported this close clustering of the populations. The 4 nomic insertion sites, our results agree with recent stud-
populations did not separate during the STRUCTURE ies (Wragg et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013) and clearly
runs from K = 2 to 6. This close genetic association indicate the independent acquisition of the oocyan phe-
may arise from a common genetic background or migra- notype in native Asian and South American chickens.
tion. Considering the geographical distribution of the As cited by Wragg et al. (2013), according to histor-
populations, one would have expected a higher level of ical evidence, the oocyan phenotype has been present
differentiation between the Yimeng Blue (from Shan- since at least 500 years ago in the Dongxiang chicken in
dong Province) and Lindian Blue (from Heilongjiang Asia (Gao et al., 2008), and since the late 19th century
Province). Instead, based on results from all analyses with a wide geographic distribution in South America
(Castello, 1924). The lack of divergence in the Long Table S2. Output of the Evanno method results.
terminal repeat (LTR) sequences of the EAV–HP in- Yellow highlight shows the largest value in the Delta K
sertions within the Chinese breeds and the Mapuche column.
fowl supports a relatively recent integration event on Table S3. Proportion of analyzed chicken popula-
both continents (Wragg et al., 2013). tions in each cluster (K = 7).
In conclusion, the present study confirms that SNP Figure S1. Plot of mean likelihood L(K) and vari-
information derived from the whole genomic region ance per K value from STRUCTURE on a dataset con-
of the SLCO1B3 gene is able to discriminate blue- taining 318 individuals genotyped for 21 polymorphic
shelled from nonblue-shelled chickens, and distinguish SNP loci.
populations within each group. Relatively low genetic Figure S2. Evanno et al. (2005) plots for detecting
diversity was observed in the 8 Chinese indigenous the number of K groups that best fit the data
chicken populations. The populations that contribute to Figure S3. Partial schematic diagram of LTR se-
each eggshell color type are threatened by uncontrolled quence alignment in six Chinese blue eggshell and Ma-
breeding between them, and therefore are at risk to puche/Araucana chickens. Forward strand multiple se-
become genetically uniform in the future. As Ibeagha- quence alignment of the host (Gallus gallus OATP1B3)
Awemu and Erhardt (2005) suggested, this unfortunate sequence upstream (a) and downstream (b) of each in-
situation can be avoided by putting in place effective tegration site is highlighted in green, with the LTR se-
breeding measures and management practices aimed at quence of the EAV–HP highlighted in yellow, and the
controlling high genetic exchanges between the popula- target site duplication highlighted in red.
tions and preserving the typical/special characteristics
of each population. An initial step towards achieving
these goals might be to geographically define the breeds REFERENCES
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