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Telemetry, analysis and wireless data communications for a measuring


Conference Paper · May 2014

DOI: 10.1109/ELEKTRO.2014.6847885


1 851

11 authors, including:

Vasilios Zarikas Theofilos Chrysikos

University of Thessaly University of Patras


Kostas Anagnostou Charalampos Liolios

University of Thessaly Technological Educational Institute of Lamia


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Telemetry, Analysis and Wireless Data
Communications for a Measuring Station
Vasilios Zarikas1, Theofilos Chrysikos2, K.E. Anagnostou1, Stavros Kotsopoulos2, P. Avlakiotis1, C. Liolios1, T.
Latsos1, G. Perantzakis1, A. Lygdis1, D. Antoniou1, Asimakis Lykourgiotis2

1 ATEI of Central Greece, Department of Electrical Engineering, Lamia, Greece,

2 University of Patras, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Patras, Greece,

Abstract—The present work describes the telemetric wireless measurements in order to extract statistically significant
communication system of a measuring station, implemented at inferences.
the hot water source place. The telemetric unit of the measuring
station collects continuously data of various physicochemical
factors. The integrated systems is able to continuously measure,
process and transmit via a radio transmitter data regarding
radon, OPR, conductivity, water temperature and PH. An
Data System Communica
additional unit receives and stores data in convenient form for Sensors logger manager tions
data analysis. The second part of the work presents a statistical
study of the transmitted data with a novel general linear model
analysis that selects the best fitting polynomial model for future
prediction. Power
220V Power
Keywords—component: Telemetric communication system,
Path Loss models, Measuring station, Hydrogeology Engineering, Grid Inverters –
Pv DC Power
Modeling/Statistics ) accumulators

This work describes the first outputs from a research
concerning a measuring station collecting continuously data of
physicochemical characteristics from ground thermal waters.
Fig. 1. The measuring station with its telemetric sytem
This research project is a major research program that has
received so far two national and EU research grants. A quite general platform, has been built responsible for the
The present work reports a) the novel telemetric module of collection, pretreatment, broadband transmission and storage of
the measuring station and b) a novel statistical analysis of the data. This platform includes an independent source of energy
transmitted data based on a new best for prediction fitting via photovoltaic elements and a power management electronic
model technique. The physical layer concerns the simultaneous module, see Fig. 1
measurement of natural parameters and indicators of thermal -
metallic sources of Thermopylae hot water springs. Some of II. TELEMETRIC SYSTEM AND OUTDOOR PATH LOSS
the measured parameters are the concentration levels of radon MODELS
in water, the water temperature to study the flow rate and depth
variations, PH to study the acidity variations, Redox potential The data collection measuring station, transmits the digital
to study the biologic load variations, and electrical conductivity data through a wireless radio network (using the radio modem).
to study the salinity variations. The receiver main unit for data processing has been placed in
the campus of Technological Educational Institute (ATEI) of
The main objective of the whole project is to develop an Central Greece, Lamia, Greece. A functional and a schematic
innovative apparatus i.e. a collection of equipments; hardware representation of Thermopylae data collection station can be
and software modules capable to perform environmental seen in Figures 1.
measurements and collect maintain and transmit data. The
whole dataset of the measurements will be available in the In order to find the best location for placing Thermopylae
local authorities, decision policy makers and the scientific measuring station for optimal operation, we have also
community in general. A secondary objective is to perform a considered the following tasks: data sampling frequency
modern statistical analysis of the data derived from distance between the two stations (transmitting and receiving),

978-1-4799-3721-9/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 122

access in energy networks, access in telecommunications
networks, easy access to the station and security. PL = 32.45 + 20 log10 f ( MHz ) + 20 log10 d (km) (1)
For the Line of Sight [LOS] wireless system a study was
performed in order to find out the link budget parameterization
according to the peculiarities of the geographical area that is The Free Space model can be applied to any given
going to operate. The used operating frequency of the system propagation topology as no distance or frequency limitations
was arranged by the Regulatory Authority Hellenic exist. The model assumes an inverse-square law for the
Telecommunications and Post Commission. In this task, both attenuation of received power over distance.
the software package ArcGIS and the software of the RF
wireless channel characterization that is developed by the The Log-Distance path loss model is yet another theoretical
research team of the Wireless Telecommunications laboratory (semi-empirical) [2] model that can be employed for open-rural
of the University of Patras, was used. The digital geographical areas and provide results that take into consideration, in a more
data was taken from the Greek Geographical Military Service. sophisticated manner than the Free Space model, attenuation
Moreover, an investigation was performed on the Fresnel caused by geographical irregularities and intrinsic channel
Zones of the involved physical and/or technical objects that are characteristics such as shadow fading [9]. Both models are
located on the LOS line. Moreover, the interference level was suitable [1] for open areas unlike other models which are more
investigated within the framework of maximization of Carrier – practical for urban areas, such as the Hata and Okumura model
to – Interference (CIR). The status of the wireless channel [11]-[12].
characterization was studied on theoretical basis and the The mathematical expression of the Log-Distance path loss
theoretical reliability was tested by performing a scenario of model is given by [3]:
outdoor measurements using the portable broadband measuring
device Narda Selective Radiation Meter – SRM 3006. The
measurement experimental scenario followed the guidelines of ⎛d ⎞
the recommendation ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ 61566, IEC 61566 [26-02- Ltotal = PL(d 0 ) + N log10 ⎜ ⎟ + X σ (2)
1999]. Based on this analysis, the main technical ⎝ d0 ⎠
characteristics of the transmitter output, receiver input and
antennae electrical & electromagnetic characteristics was Where PL( d 0 ) is the path loss at the reference distance,
usually taken as (theoretical) free-space loss at 100 m, for
Path loss modeling in outdoor propagation topologies outdoor propagation scenarios, N is the path loss distance
requires, in order to provide reliable predictions of the local exponent and Xs is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean
mean value of the received signal power, knowledge of the and standard deviation of σ dB. N and σ are derived from
geographical irregularities and intrinsic channel characteristics experimental data. During our work a coverage probability of
[1]-[3]. By incorporating these phenomena into the 95% was assumed and thus:
mathematical formulae of path loss models, their impact on
signal propagation is estimated and taken into consideration,
thus providing a more reliable prediction of signal reception at Χσ = z × σ (dB) = 1.645 × σ (dB) (3)
various locations throughout the topology in question (local
mean values). Validation of these models via extended on-site In the case examined in this work, the path loss exponent
measurements allows for these predictions to be error-checked assumes a value of 2 so as to express the free-space distance-
as proven in various published works [4]-[8]. dependent attenuation phenomena without incorporating any
Path loss can be considered as a sum of two independent other losses. The zero-mean Gaussian variable is employed to
processes: the distance-dependent path loss which is a express the ‘excess path loss’ and is set, in this paper, to a
deterministic loss due to free space propagation (provided by value of 12 dB so as to reflect both obstacle-based losses and
the idealistic Friis equation) [9], and the ‘excess path loss’, losses due to terrain irregularities.
defined by Jakes as “the difference (in decibels) between the By assuming a distance of nearly 38 km separating the
computed value of the received signal strength in free space transmitter and the receiver, Fig. 2 is produced where the
and the actual measured value of the local mean received average path loss (in dB) is estimated by Free Space and Log-
signal” [10]. distance models.
In this work two fundamental path loss models will It can be seen that the free space model is much more
employed in order to predict the local mean value for distances idealistic and generic in terms of path loss calculation whereas
beyond 20 km concerning the transmitter-receiver (T-R) the log-distance model incorporates Jakes’ excess path loss.
separation: the Free Space and the Log-Distance model.
In order to validate the robustness of path loss models, it is
As already mentioned, the Free Space model assumes that imperative to produce empirical data via extended sets of
no obstacles or other terrain irregularities meddle with the measurements and compare estimated values of local mean
signal path. The model does not consider any antenna height strength of the received signal provided by the model versus
for either transmitter or receiver and idealistic propagation in empirical data derived from the set of measurements. Such
three-dimensional plane is considered. The average path loss measurements have been conducted in both urban and open
(in dB) is provided by the following formula [10]:

topologies [1]-[9] and it has been deemed that the free space interval will contain. If the first value (how sure) is equal to
model is suitable for LOS (Line-of-Sight) open areas, whereas 50%, then the tolerance interval is the same as the prediction
the Log-Distance model can be employed in both open and interval. If it is set to a higher value then the tolerance interval
urban scenarios, as well as in suburban topologies, due to the is wider.
zero-mean Gaussian variable that allows for a more reliable
prediction, taking into consideration the site-specific conditions The most popular statistical criteria in model selection for
every time in its mathematical formula. applications [13], are designed to the target: find the model,
which "best", under some criteria, fits the data. However, these
Free Space vs. Log-distance path loss model for open/rural areas criteria are, in principle, functions of the residual sum of
squares [14]. Nevertheless, these best fitting studies are applied
for prediction too, although these “distance” criteria have not
designed for this purpose.
120 In the present data analysis a new method for best for
prediction fitting model is followed [15],[16],[17],[18]. The
path loss (dB)

100 derived models of the transmitted physicochemical parameters

are therefore models optimized for future prediction. They are
80 capable to best predict on the average the future value, which
lie on a certain interval with some probability. This is achieved
60 since the method we have followed is using beta expected
Free Space tolerance regions. While the ordinary regression oriented
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
prediction is based on the extrapolation or interpolation of the
distance (km) best model fitting the data, the proposed method is based on a
probabilistic reasoning and provides that model which best
Fig. 2. Path loss as a function of the distance predicts next value within experimental region.

Path loss modeling is necessary in order to provide reliable It should be mentioned that the cross validation method
estimations for the average signal strength in distances up to 40 [19] should not be confused with the technique in use. In this
km, such as the one in this case study, separating the base method the framework is completely different since the
station and the receiver. algorithm tests how well a polynomial performs for prediction
using a portion of data. On the other hand, the used algorithm
utilizes all data and selects the best polynomial for prediction.
The well known general linear model (GLM), can be
III. ANALYSIS expressed as
First it is necessary to give a brief remind of the three
distinct intervals that appear in statistical analysis of data. For
Y = Xθ + σ ε (4)
the problem of fitting a parameter to a model, the accuracy or
precision may be described as a confidence interval, a
prediction interval or a tolerance interval which are quite where Y∈ ℜ
is the observed vector of responses,
distinct. n×( p +1)
X∈ ℜ is a matrix of known constants based on the p
Information coming from confidence intervals concerns
input variables, θ ∈ℜ
( p +1)×1
how well the best-fit parameter determined by regression has
θ is a vector of unknown
been estimated. If one analyzes many samples from a Gaussian parameters that the least squared will determine and
distribution it is expected that about 95 % of those intervals to ε ∈ ℜn×1 is an unobserved random vector of errors, σ2>0
include the true value of the population best fit parameter. The unknown and with ℜ
k ×l
being the set of k × l matrices. The
important feature is that confidence intervals provide unobserved random vector of errors ε satisfies
information regarding the likely location of the true population
Prediction intervals are quite different since they inform E(ε ) = 0, E(ε ε ') = I n (5)
where next data point sampled is expected to be found.
Considering many samples (Gaussian distribution), it is with 0 ∈ℜnx1 a vector of zeros and In= diag(1,1,…) is the unit
expected next value to lie within that prediction interval in 95% matrix. It is a common assumption, when statistical inference is
of the samples. The crucial point is that the prediction interval performed, that errors follow a normal distribution.
refers to the distribution of values, not the uncertainty in
determining the population parameter.
However the richest interval is the tolerance interval. It is ε ~ N(0, I n ) (6)
defined with the help of two different percentages. The first
ratio determines “how sure” it is required the value to be and The algorithm we are a going to follow in the present work
the second percentage expresses what fraction of the values the is based on the concrete method described in [15][16][17][18].
In simple steps it consists of three steps.

The first step is to read transmitted data X=T concern time 
Y = − 274.4 − 192.8t + (12)
intervals. The time interval that will be analyzed has to be
normalized in the range [-1,1]. Next transmitted data Y that +192.8t 2 + 489t 3 − 155.5t 4 − 364.2t 5
concern PH, Radon, Redox and conductivity are inserted in the
algorithm in the form of matrix. This is the model which according to the proposed
prediction criterion (based on tolerance regions framework)
The second step is to evaluate vector θ with the estimators “best” predicts the future observation, see Fig. 3. However, this
of GLM model of p-th order polynomial. For every p=0 to k is not the model according to the traditional distance RMS
we should evaluate criterion. The latter criterion selects the seventh order
polynomial. Most of the methods which use a distance criterion
θˆ = (T' Τ)-1 T' Υ (7) for choosing the most appropriate polynomial have a tendency
to peak the largest possible order polynomial. It is obvious that
The third step is to evaluate the length Lp at the point to
even for this very simple case the proposed method suggests a
non trivial difference. If the designer of an experiment wills to
peak a polynomial that best fits data, as far prediction is
L p (t o ) = concerned, then the discussed method gives distinctive and
2t n-p;1-β/2 (n-p)-1/2 s p1/2 {( I-T'op (T'T+T'opTop )-1 Top )-1}1/2 correct results.
The applied algorithm differs nontrivially from all other
where methods that best fit the data with a distance criterion.
Furthermore, it was demonstrated that it suggests in many
cases different models than those derived with the ordinary
s p = RSS = (Y-T θˆ)' (Y-T θˆ) (9) method. (6)
In summary, the numerical study of the methodology
with the point to being the point that gives maximum value as reveals that the selected polynomial model according to the
follows best prediction criterion does not have as inherit property to
peak the largest order polynomial as the best model. This is a
well known problem associated with methods using distance
Max[T'op (T' Τ) -1 Τop ] with − 1 ≤ t ≤ 1 (10) criteria (RMS). Furthermore, the analysis shows that for data
with large dispersion, the proposed method peaks always a
polynomial of different order from this suggested by an RMS
Then, choosing the minimum of the stored maximum criterion.
“lengths”, we find the corresponding p value which is the
degree of the response function for the best predictive model.
In order to compare with the ordinary best fitting model 0
finally we also evaluate RMS for the best fitted polynomial of
p-th order -50

Redox Potential

RSS (11) -150


The best fit model according to the conventional method is the -250
one with the minimum RMS.
For all measured quantities we have applied the method for
evaluating the best for prediction polynomial for several -350
-1.0 - 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
different time durations. Results reveal that for many datasets
Normalised Time
the best fitting for prediction polynomial is different from the
one suggested in the ordinary method
As an example we present the best fitting model for the
case of Redox potential for a randomly chosen time interval of Fig. 3. Two days data for Redox Potential ans their best fitting model for
two days. A detailed analysis based on the explained algorithm, prediction.
using as models, up to 7th order polynomials, provides
interesting results. Based on the procedure, the value
min{ max [L p (x)] }= 135 for p = 5 is estimated and IV. COCLUSIONS
hence the corresponding best model for future prediction is the In the present work first results are reported concerning the
fifth order polynomial: integrated measuring station placed at Thermopylae, Greece. In
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