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Nama Febronia martina Dua Lehang

NIM 112225045

The first written guide for birth plans was introduced in 1980 as a means for birthing
people to document their choices in the child birthing experience. The birth plan offers an
opportunity for the patient and the provider to discuss the birthing process and determine how
to safely accommodate patient preferences. This document was designed to assist expectant
parents in the communication of their wishes and expectations for birth with each other, their
providers, and hospital staff, higligting the importance of shared decision making and informed
consent in preparation for birth. This communication tool between the birth person and birth
team can also help develop realistic borth expections. More recently, the WHO has recognized
that medical intervention in birth may negatively affect the birthing person’s experience on the
basis of the fact that most patients desire physiological labor and birth. The organization states
that birth plans need to be individualized according to needs and preferences. Based on the
journal of midwifes and women's health published a simple template that can be used to help
determine birth preferences. Husbands or partners of pregnant women need to be included in
filling out this template. The content of this preference also varies depending on the level of
risk or health of the pregnant woman and the health of her fetus.
The results of the level of satisfaction using this preference vary widely, but the highest
level of satisfaction is pregnant women who use birth plans. The reason they use a pregnancy
plan is that the birth plan encourages open interviews between pregnant women and service
providers, aspects of the birth experience, are very educational because they provide
opportunities to overcome their problems, increase a sense of autonomy and encourage joint
decision making. Literarur studies found that if birth expectations are met with a mature birth
plan, it will result in a high level of satisfaction for the pregnant woman. It is also interesting
that in addition to the level of satisfaction, the use of birth plans also has a negative impact
where it was found that some respondents stated that birth plans were restrictive and too
detailed, increasing maternal anxiety, interruption in care and negative emotions in the form of
disappointment when birth plans were not followed by service providers.
Rencana kelahiran adalah garis besar tertulis tentang apa yang di inginkan ibu hamil yang
terjadi selama persalinan sehingga dokter kandungan atau Bidan mengetahui keinginan untuk
persalinan dan melahirkan. Rencana kelahiran yang dibahas dalam artikel ini memuat mengenai
defenisi, konten, efek dan praktik terbaik juga dibahas latar belakang perlu adanya rencana
kelahiran, template rencana kelahiran, manfaat dari rencana kelahiran berdasarkan study
literratur review serta dampak negative dari rencana kelahiran. Secara garis besar rencana
kelahiran memang sangat penting bagi seorang penyedia layanan dan juga bagi ibu hamil dalam
mempersiapkan persalinannya sampai dengan perwatan bayi. Template yang dibuat oleh AJOG
sudah sangat lengkap dan benar-benar memberikan kebebasan pada ibu hamil memilih rencana
perawatan kelahirannya seperti apa namun pada data demografi tidak di bahas karena
kekurangan data sehingga diharapkan pada studi selanjutnya dapat membahas data demografis
yang luas untuk membantu memahami bagaimana rencana kelahiran yang dipandang dari segi
demografis. Kekurangan juga ditemukan dalam template ini dimana tidak ada item yang
menjelaskan jenis resiko yang ada pada ibu dan solusi alternatif atau pilihan yang baik saat
kelahiran dengan demikian akan membantu menyiapkan ibu dalam memberi keputusan.
Semoga template birth plane ini bisa diimplementasikan di wialayah kerja masing-masing
dengan harapan semua masalah dapat teratasi dan meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan pada ibu
hamil saat melahirkan.

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