Houserules Old2

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Extra Freebie Points: +15 for each of: Backstory, C1, Picture

Flaw Limit: 13 points instead of 7

-Favored Ability (1,3,6, or 10 Point merit): A favored ability functions as a
caste ability for all purposes.
Can take an attribute favored instead, counts as two abilities for cost.

-Languages (x Point merit): You can speak a number of languages = 2^x, where x is
the points you have spent on it. So if you have spent no points, you speak but one
language. If you spend 3 points, you know 2^3=8 languages.

-Hedge Magic: All listed costs are -1. When you take this merit you can take one
path of sorcery and reduce it's costs by a further 1.

-Companion merit: This merit allows you to take a supernatural creature as an

ally. The merit "unlocks" them as an option, then dots in ally (or whatever
background makes sense) determines their "level.":
-Night Person companion (2 Point merit): You have a friend or ally who
happens to be a vampire, mage, wraith, changeling, werewolf, or othersupernatural
creature. Although you may call upon her in time of need, she also has the right to
call upon you (after all, you are friends).

-Terrestrial companion (3 Point merit): You have a friend or ally who

happens to be a Terrestrial (Dragon Blooded) exalt. Although you may call upon her
in time of need, she also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are

-Celestial companion (5 Point merit): You have a friend or ally who happens
to be a Celestial exalt. Although you may call upon her in time of need, she also
has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends).


-Familiar (p293-295) - all familiars get Spirit-Tied Pet at 1 dot of the background

-Requisitions (M20, p321): Rather than being supplied by "The Technocracy",

supplies are instead supplied by either your crew - yourself, your allies, etc.
Allies typically can supply one "flavor" of item depending on their background -
Werewolves might provide fetishes, Mages provide Devices, Vampires might supply
Thaumaturgical items, Alchemists make potions, etc.

Each ally can provide one dot's worth of gear. Each type of magic item that
you yourself can create also provide two dot's worth of gear.

Example: You get 5 dots of Requisitions. You have the sorcery Argent
Miracle Binding (make Fetishes) and know a charm that lets you made Devices, and
have one ally that is an alchemist, and another that is an enchanter.. This means
you can have 4 dots worth of Fetsihes and Devices, 1 dot of alchemical items, or 1
dot of enchanted items.

-Resources - operates on a 1-10 scale instead of a 1-5:

0: The clothes on your back...and those are drenched in blood from that vampire
you just took down. His clothes were nice, but they both slashed to shreds AND
drenched in blood. He did have a few dollars in a pocket though, so if you get
lucky maybe you can get some replacement clothes and have enough left to buy a nice
boxcutter or something to help whittle down a stake to help in the next fight...
1: You've learned the knack of getting the occasional bit of day labor so that
you can afford a few basic necessities. You could even afford a bus ticket to the
next town over where you heard there were some rogue fae causing trouble...but then
cold iron is supposed to be good against them, and if you walked there you could
afford to go in with your old revolver fully loaded...
2: Sufficient - You can maintain semi-regular work and so can manage a
reasonably nice apartment. Of course, vampires only come out at night, so that
makes taking the extra night shift more difficult lately, and without that you're
not sure you'll quite cover rent...
3: You've got a regular job - maybe even one where you can work from home. Not
much left after the bills are taken care of, especially since you spent your meagre
savings on that beater truck...but you don't want to take the Corolla into battle -
you haven't even paid off the car note yet...
4: Moderate -
6: Comfortable -
8: Wealthy -
10: Filthy Rich -

OR just make it twice as expensive if you don't want to have to "work a day job"
for the level of wealth?


Anyone can potentially take a number of points of Alchemical charms up to their

Essence+1. No individual charm can be higher level than half of your Essence
(round up, min 1). Cannot take the Augmentation of (Caste) charms, as you do not
possess an alchemical caste. Any charms necessitate cyborg augmentations as
described, and as non-Alchemicals cannot enter Dormancy, both installation and
removal of charm arrays can prove both painful and messy. User can purchase
submodules as usual. For non-exalts, use the "Celestial Exalted Power Equivalence"
chart (pg54) to determine effective Essence. Weaker supernatural denizens and
mortals have an effective Essence of 0.

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