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ZXA10 C300

GPON Optical Access Convergence

Routine Maintenance Manual

Version 1.2

NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Tel: (86) 755 26771900
Fax: (86) 755 26770801

Copyright © 2010 ZTE CORPORATION.

The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of
this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPO-
RATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations.

All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION
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This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are dis-
claimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-in-
fringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the
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ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject
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the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein.

ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.

Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information.

The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

1.0 16/08/2010 First Ediotion

Serial Number: SJ-20100920135708-001


Preface.............................................................. I
Declaration of RoHS Compliance ....................... I
Daily Maintenance .............................................1
Power Voltage Check....................................................... 1
Equipment Room Temperature Check ................................ 2
Air Conditioner Check...................................................... 2
Dust-Proof Measures Check ............................................. 3
Fan Running Status Check ............................................... 3
SCXL/SCXM/SCTM Card Running Status Check ................... 3
GPON Office-End Card Running Status Check ..................... 4
Ethernet Uplink Card Running Status................................. 9
CES Card Running Status Check ......................................22
Backplane Running Status Check .....................................27
CICG/CICK Card Running Status Check ............................28
PRWG Card Running Status Check ...................................29
RTDM Card Running Status Check....................................29
FTGH Card Running Status Check ....................................30
NM Channel Check.........................................................35
Current Alarm Query......................................................36
Weekly Maintenance ....................................... 39
Virus Check ..................................................................39
Alarm Record Management .............................................39
Monthly Maintenance Items ............................ 43
Cabinet Cleaning ...........................................................43
Power and Ground Cables Check......................................44
Uploading Version..........................................................44
Database Backup...........................................................45
Operation Log Management ............................................46
Disk Cleanup ................................................................47
Ground Resistance Test ..................................................47
NetNumen Routine Maintenance ..................... 49

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ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Daily Maintenance ........................................................49

Monitoring Alarm in Real Time .....................................49
Monitoring NMS Performance ......................................50
Viewing Database Resource ........................................51
Monthly Maintenance .....................................................52
Backing up Database .................................................53
Backing up Log .........................................................55
Figures ............................................................ 57
Tables ............................................................. 59

II Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Purpose This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the
maintenance of the ZXA10 C300 GPON Optical Access Conver-
gence Equipment .
Intended This document is intended for engineers and technicians who per-
Audience form maintenance activities on the ZXA10 C300 GPON Optical Ac-
cess Convergence Equipment .
Prerequisite Skill To use this document effectively, users should have a general un-
and Knowledge derstanding of network technology. Familiarity with the following
is helpful:
� The ZXA10 C300 system and its various components
� Maintenance procedures
� Local operating procedures
What Is in This This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Daily Maintenance Describes the equipment daily

maintenance methods.

Chapter 2, Weekly Maintenance Describes the equipment weekly

maintenance methods.

Chapter 3, Monthly Maintenance Describes the equipment monthly

maintenance methods.

Chapter 4, NetNumen Routine Describes the NetNumen routine

Maintenance maintenance, includes daily
maintenance methods and
monthly maintenance methods.

Related The following documentation is related to this manual:

� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Documentation Guide
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Feature Description
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Product Description
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Hardware Description
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Hardware Installation Manual
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Configuration Manual (CLI)
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Configuration Manual (NetNumen)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION I

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-

ment Alarms Manual
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Command Manual (Volume I)
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Command Manual (Volume II)
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Command Manual (Volume III)
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Command Manual (Volume IV)
� ZXA10 C300 (V1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence Equip-
ment Command Manual (Volume V)
Conventions ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.


Typeface Meaning

Italics References to other Manuals and


"Quotes" Links on screens.

Bold Menus, menu options, function

names, input fields, radio button
names, check boxes, drop-down
lists, dialog box names, window

CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons

on screens and company name.

Constant width Text that you type, program code,

files and directory names, and
function names.

[ ] Optional parameters

{ } Mandatory parameters

I Select one of the parameters that

are delimited by it.

Note: Provides additional

information about a certain topic.

Checkpoint: Indicates that a

particular step needs to be
Checkpoint: checked before proceeding

Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint

to make things easier or more
Tip: productive for the reader.

Mouse Operation Conventions are as follows:

II Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION



Typeface Meaning

Click Refers to clicking the primary

mouse button (usually the left
mouse button) once.

Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the

primary mouse button (usually
the left mouse button) twice.

Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary

mouse button (usually the right
mouse button) once.

Drag Refers to pressing and holding

a mouse button and moving the

How to Get in The following sections provide information on how to obtain sup-
Touch port for the documentation and the software.
Customer Support
If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions
regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at support@zt You can also call our customer support center at
(86) 755 26771900.
Documentation Support
ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the qual
ity and usefulness of this document. For further questions,
comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can
contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax
your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26770801. You
can also browse our website at,
which contains various interesting subjects like documentat
ion, knowledge base, forum and service request.
Declaration of To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility
RoHS Compliance to the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declara-
tion that ZXA10 C300 manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION is in
compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parlia-
ment - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect
to the following substances:
� Lead (Pb)
� Mercury (Hg)
� Cadmium (Cd)
� Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))
� PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB’s)
� PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE’s)

This declaration is issued based on our current level of knowledge.

Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTE CORPORATION
makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in
connection with the use of this information.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION III

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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IV Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Declaration of RoHS

To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility

to the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declara-
tion that ZXA10 C300 manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION are in
compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parlia-
ment - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect
to the following substances:
� Lead (Pb)
� Mercury (Hg)
� Cadmium (Cd)
� Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))
� PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB’s)
� PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE’s)

The ZXA10 C300 manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION meet

the requirements of EU 2002/95/EC; however, some assemblies
are customized to client specifications. Addition of specialized,
customer-specified materials or processes which do not meet the
requirements of EU 2002/95/EC may negate RoHS compliance of the
assembly. To guarantee compliance of the assembly, the need for
compliant product must be communicated to ZTE CORPORATION in
written form. This declaration is issued based on our current level
of knowledge. Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTE
CORPORATION makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes
no liability in connection with the use of this information.

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ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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II Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1

Daily Maintenance

This topic includes the following:

� Power Voltage Check
� Equipment Room Temperature Check
� Air-conditioner Running Status Check
� Dust-Proof Measures Check
� Fan Running Status Check
� SCXL Card Running Status Check
� GPON Office-End Card Running Status Check
� GPON Ethernet Card Running Status
� Interface Card Running Status Check
� Backplane Running Status Check
� NM Channel Check
� Current Alarm Query
Table of Contents
Power Voltage Check........................................................... 1
Equipment Room Temperature Check .................................... 2
Air Conditioner Check.......................................................... 2
Dust-Proof Measures Check ................................................. 3
Fan Running Status Check ................................................... 3
SCXL/SCXM/SCTM Card Running Status Check ....................... 3
GPON Office-End Card Running Status Check ......................... 4
Ethernet Uplink Card Running Status..................................... 9
CES Card Running Status Check ..........................................22
Backplane Running Status Check .........................................27
CICG/CICK Card Running Status Check ................................28
PRWG Card Running Status Check .......................................29
RTDM Card Running Status Check........................................29
FTGH Card Running Status Check ........................................30
NM Channel Check.............................................................35
Current Alarm Query..........................................................36

Power Voltage Check

Meter Multimeter

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Procedure Measure the AC and DC voltages of the input power with a multi-
meter and keep a record.
Power Supply � ZXA10 C300 uses -48 V AC power. The equipment room should
be equipped with an AC/DC switching device. The DC voltage
ranges from –57 V to –38 V.
� ZXA10 C300 uses –60 V DC power. The equipment room should
be equipped with an AC/DC switching device. The DC voltage
ranges from –72 V to –48 V.
� To ensure continuous work after blackout, some corresponding
measures must be taken, such as generator or storage battery.
� The noise level index of DC power voltage should meet the re-
quirements of the former Post and Telecommunication Ministry.
� DC power should have over-voltage/over-circuit protection or
Handling Check the input power in time if the test result is abnormal or the
parameters are out of the range.

Equipment Room
Temperature Check
Meter Thermomete
Procedure Check the temperature reading on the thermometer equipped in
the equipment room every day and keep a record.
Result Temperature to guarantee performance: –5 °C – 45 °C
Handling � It is suggested to install an air-conditioner in the equipment
room for stable operation of the equipment.
� If the equipment room is installed with air-conditioner, check
whether it works normally. Adjust the temperature in the range
of 18℃ – 26℃.
� If the air-conditioner works abnormally, contact manufacturer
to fix it soon.

Air Conditioner Check

Method � If air conditioner is installed in an attended engine room, main-
tenance personnel must check every day whether it works ac-
cording to the set temperature or humidity. If it is faulty, con-
tact technical support for troubleshooting in time.
� If air conditioner is installed in an unattended engine room or
outdoor, maintenance personnel must check its running status
monthly and keep records.
Normal Result Air conditioner works normally according to the set temperature
or humidity.

2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Handling If air conditioner is faulty, contact air conditioner maintenance per-

sonnel to fix it.

Dust-Proof Measures Check

Method Observe the dust density in equipment room.
Result The concentration of dust particles with diameter over 5 μm should
be ≤ 3 × 104 particles/m3. The dust particles are non-conductive,
non-magnetic and non-corrosive. Since it is hard to measure the
concentration of dust particles, the maintenance personnel can
only observe with their naked eyes. Make sure that the device is
free from dust and pollution.
Handling It is recommended that the door and windows of the equipment
room be installed with dust-proof seals. Sealed double-layer glass
windows are recommended. Those who enter the equipment room
should wear frocks and change shoes so as not to bring dust. In
addition, keep the equipment room far from intense electromag-
netic field and free from any strongly corrosive materials to avoid
any harmful dust. For the existing dust, remove it with vacuum.

Fan Running Status Check

Procedure If the ZXA10 C300 is installed in an attended equipment room,
the maintenance personnel need check the running status of the
fans every day. If it is installed in an unattended equipment room
or outdoors, the maintenance personnel need check the running
status of the fans at least once a month, and keep a record.
Result Fan works properly.
Handling If the fan is faulty, check whether the power cable to the fan tray is
connected properly. Or, replace the fan tray. If the fault persists,
contact the maintenance personnel for troubleshooting.

Running Status Check
Indicator The indicators on the SCXL/SCXM/SCTM panel are RUN, M/S, and
HDD. The RST button is used for resetting the card.
Table 1 lists the indicators on the SCXL/SCXM/SCTM card.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


Indicator Color Description

RUN Green, Flashing slowly Indicates that the

card works properly
and the card type
configuration is

Green, ON Indicates that the card

is not configured.

Red, Flashing slowly Indicates wrong slot

or mismatched card

Green, Flashing Indicates that the

quickly standby card is
obtaining data.

M/S Green Active card indicator.

If the indicator is ON,
the card is active. If
the indicator is OFF,
the card is standby.

HDD Red Indicates that the

main control card is
operating the flash.
Card plug-in/plug-out
is not allowed.

GPON Office-End Card

Running Status Check
ZXA10 C300 uses the following office-end cards:
� GTGO card
� GTGQ card
GTGO Card The indicators on the GTGO panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3,
ACT4, ACT5, ACT6, ACT7, and ACT8. The RST button is used for
resetting the card.
Table 2 lists the indicators on the GTGO panel.

4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
Yellow, ON software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

The card software

version does not
match that of the
Yellow, Flashing
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GPON optical

interface is not
Green, ON connected.
No. 3 GPON optical
interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT5 Green, OFF No. 5 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 5 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 5 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT6 Green, OFF No. 6 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 6 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 6 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT7 Green, OFF No. 7 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 7 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 7 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT8 Green, OFF No. 8 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No.8 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 8 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

GTGQ Card The indicators on the GTGQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3,
and ACT4. The RST button is used for resetting the card.
Table 3 lists the indicators on the GTGQ panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

Green, ON test, but the data
from the main control
and switching or the

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

Network management
server is not available.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from the network
management server.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

Red, ON Card hardware failure

The card is plugged in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

Card is running
leading program, or
downloading software
Yellow, ON version from main
control card, or
cannot run without
legal version.

The software version

of card does not
Yellow, Flashing match that of
slowly main control card.
Auto-update is not
configured on card.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GPON optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GPON optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GPON optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

Ethernet Uplink Card

Running Status
ZXA10 C300 uses the following Ethernet uplink cards:
� XUTQ card
� HDTT card
� GUFQ card
� GUTQ card
� GUSQ card
� HUTQ card
� HUGQ card
XUTQ Card The indicators on XUTQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and
Table 4 lists the indicators on the XUTQ panel.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 9

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

HDTT Card The indicators on HDTT panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ACT4,
ACT5, ACT6, ACT7, ACT8, ACT9, and ACT10.
Table 4 lists the indicators on the HDTT panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT5 Green, OFF No. 5 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 5 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 5 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT6 Green, OFF No. 6 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 6 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 6 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT7 Green, OFF No. 7 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 7 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 7 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT8 Green, OFF No. 8 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 8 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 8 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT9 Green, OFF No. 9 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 9 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 9 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT10 Green, OFF No. 10 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 10 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 10 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

GUFQ Card The indicators on GUFQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and
Table 6 lists the indicators on the GUFQ panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

GUTQ Card The indicators on GUTQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and
Table 7 lists the indicators on the GUTQ panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN Green/Red Card running status

If the green LED
flashes slowly, it
indicates that the card
is working properly.
If the red LED is ON,
it indicates that the
card is faulty.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GE electrical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GE electrical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GE electrical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GE electrical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GE electrical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GE electrical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GE electrical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GE electrical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GE electrical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GE electrical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GE electrical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GE electrical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

GUSQ Card The indicators on GUSQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and
Table 8 lists the indicators on the GUSQ panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN Green, Flashing slowly The card runs


Red, Flashing slowly The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 17

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

HUTQ Card The indicators on HUTQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and
Table 4 lists the indicators on the HUTQ panel.

18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 10GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 10GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 10GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

HUGQ Card The indicators on HUGQ panel are RUN, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and
Table 4 lists the indicators on the HUGQ panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 FE optical

interface 1 is sending
and receiving the data

CES Card Running Status

ZXA10 C300 uses the following interface cards:
� CTLA card
� CTBB card
� CTTB card
� CTUB card
CTLA Card The indicators on the CTLA panel are MOD, RUN, TX1, RX1, TX2,
and RX2. The RST button is used for resetting the card.
Table 11 lists the indicators on the CTLA panel.


Indicator Indicator Description

The card is not

OFF powered ON or the
CPU is not started.

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
RUN Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
Red, ON For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Indicator Description

on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
Yellow, ON software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

The card software

version does not
match that of the
Yellow, Flashing
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

If the green LED is

ON, it indicates that
the card is active;
MOD Green, ON
otherwise, the card is
standby and the GE
uplink port is disabled.

The optical module

is enabled, sending
Two Green LEDs, ON
and receiving data

The optical module

Two Green LEDs, OFF is disabled or is not
The optical port loses
signals, frames, or an
alarm is generated in
the multiplex section.

The remote end is


CTBB Card The indicators on the CTBB panel are RUN and ALM. The RST but-
ton is used for resetting the card.
Table 12 lists the indicators on the CTBB panel.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 23

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
Yellow, ON software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

The card software

version does not
match that of the
Yellow, Flashing
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ALM OFF No branch is

configured on the

Green, ON The branch is normal.

Red, ON High-order alarm

occurs on the service
line from the TAA to
2M card.

Yellow, ON An alarm is raised

on the E1 line of the
configured branch.

CTTB Card The indicators on the CTTB panel are RUN and ALM. The RST button
is used for resetting the card.
Table 13 lists the indicators on the CTTB panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 25

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
Yellow, ON software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

The card software

version does not
match that of the
Yellow, Flashing
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

ALM OFF No branch is

configured on the

Green, ON The branch is normal.

Red, ON High-order alarm

occurs on the service
line from the TAA to
2M card.

Yellow, ON The TU low-order

alarm and T1 line
alarm are raised
on the configured

CTUB Card The indicators on the CTUB panel are RUN and ALM. The RST but-
ton is used for resetting the card.
Table 14 lists the indicators on the CTUB panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
Yellow, ON software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

The card software

version does not
match that of the
Yellow, Flashing
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

ALM OFF No branch is

configured on the

Green, ON The branch is normal.

Red, ON High-order alarm

occurs on the service
line from the TAA to
2M card.

Yellow, ON An alarm is raised

on the E1 line of the
configured branch.

Backplane Running Status

Figure 1 shows the 21-inch backplane.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 27

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


CICG/CICK Card Running

Status Check
There is only a RUN indicator on the CICG/CICK panel, as listed in
Table 15.


Indicator Indicator Description

RUN OFF The card is not

powered ON or the
CPU is not started.

Green, ON The card passes self

test, but has not
downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

Green, Flashing The card is

quickly downloading data
from main control
card or the NMS.

Green, Flashing slowly The card runs


Red, ON The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,

28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Indicator Description

self-checking fails,
the software runs
on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

Red, Flashing slowly The card is inserted in

the wrong slot.

Yellow, ON The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

Yellow, Flashing The card software

slowly version does not
match that of the
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

PRWG Card Running Status

The indicators on the PRWG panel are PWR and RUN.
Table 16 lists the indicators on the PRWG panel.


Indicator Color Description

PWR Green, ON An external power

supply is connected to
the device.

RUN Green, ON The card runs


RTDM Card Running Status

There is only a RUN indicator on the RTDM panel, as listed in Table

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


Indicator Indicator Description

The card is not

OFF powered ON or the
CPU is not started.

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
RUN Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

The card is running

the leading program,
or downloading the
Yellow, ON software version from
the main control card,
or can cannot run
without legal version.

The card software

version does not
match that of the
Yellow, Flashing
main control card or
auto-update is not
configured on the

FTGH Card Running Status

The indicators on FTGH panel are RUN, ACT1–ACT4, ACT5–ACT8,
ACT9–ACT12, and ACT13–ACT16. The RST button is used for re-
setting the card.

30 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Table 18 lists the indicators on the FTGH panel.


Indicator Color Description

RUN The card is not

powered ON.
The card does not
The CPU is not

The card passes self

test, but has not
Green, ON downloaded data
from the main control
card or the NMS.

The card is
Green, Flashing downloading data
quickly from main control
card or the NMS.

The card runs

Green, Flashing slowly

The card hardware

is severely faulty.
For example,
self-checking fails,
the software runs
Red, ON on an incompatible
hardware version, or
the NMS carries out
the reboot command
in normal running

The card is inserted in

Red, Flashing slowly
the wrong slot.

Yellow, ON The card is running

the boot program.
It is downloading
the software version
from the control and
switching card or it
fails to run due to no
legal version.

Yellow, Flashing The card is

slowly every two incompatible with
seconds the software version
on the control and
switching card.
Version auto-update
is not configured on
the card.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 31

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT1 Green, OFF No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 1 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT2 Green, OFF No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 2 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT3 Green, OFF No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 3 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT4 Green, OFF No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 4 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT5 Green, OFF No. 5 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 5 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 5 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT6 Green, OFF No. 6 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 6 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 6 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT7 Green, OFF No. 7 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 7 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 7 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT8 Green, OFF No. 8 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 8 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 8 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 33

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

Indicator Color Description

ACT9 Green, OFF No. 9 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 9 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 9 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT10 Green, OFF No. 10 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 10 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 10 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT11 Green, OFF No. 11 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 11 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 11 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT12 Green, OFF No. 12 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 12 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 12 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance

Indicator Color Description

ACT13 Green, OFF No. 13 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 13 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 13 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT14 Green, OFF No. 14 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 14 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 14 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT15 Green, OFF No. 15 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 15 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 15 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

ACT16 Green, OFF No. 16 GE/FE optical

interface is not

Green, ON No. 16 GE/FE optical

interface is connected

Green, Flashing No. 16 GE/FE optical

interface 1 is sending
or receiving the data

NM Channel Check
Procedure In hyper terminal terminal, carry out ping command to pin NE IP
address to test whether the communication between NE and NM
is normal.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 35

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

If it is physically connected, carry out SNMP ping command to

check whether the logical link between NE and NM is normal.
Result It is successful to pint NMS IP address with Ping and SNMP ping
Handling If the communication between NE and NM is not normal, check the
status of the following devices:
� NE
� NM
� Network between NE and NM

Current Alarm Query

Procedure 1. In NMS interface, select the relevant NE. Click View > Fault
Management. In the prompted menu, select Query > View

Current Alarms. Click on the toolbar. The Query Cur-

rent Alarm interface pops up, as shown in Figure 2.


2. Click OK to view all alarm information of the current NE, as

shown in Figure 3.

36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 Daily Maintenance


3. Double-click one item to view the alarm details, as shown in

Figure 4.


4. Keep the alarm records in details and contact technical person-

nel to locate and troubleshoot the fault.
Result There is no abnormal alarm.
Handling Keep the alarm records in details.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 37

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2

Weekly Maintenance

This topic includes the following:

� Virus Check
� Alarm Record Management
Table of Contents
Virus Check ......................................................................39
Alarm Record Management .................................................39

Virus Check
Method Fully scan the NM PC regularly each week.
Result No virus or virus is killed.
Handling If virus cannot be killed, update the antivirus library or antivirus
software in time. It is recommended to use such antivirus software
as Norton Antivirus or McAfee as this kind of software has the
functions of timing virus killing and updating. Meanwhile, prevent
virus on background PC. Do not use floppy drive or CD-ROM to read
or write disks that have nothing to do with maintenance work. If
it is necessary to read disks, make sure that the floppy disks or
CDs are not infected by virus.

Alarm Record Management

Procedure The outdated alarm records in NM data can be deleted as needed.
� In NMS interface, select the relevant NE. Click View > Fault
Managment. The Realtime Alarms interface appears, as
shown in Figure 5.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


� In the Realtime Alarms interface, select Query > View His-

tory Alarms. Click on the toolbar. The Query History

Alarm interface appears, as shown in Figure 6.


� Click OK to view all history alarms, as shown in Figure 7.

40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 Weekly Maintenance


� For those cleared alarm information and notification, press

Delete to delete them.
Result The outdated alarm records are deleted successfully.
Handling � Check whether NM or NMS works properly.
� Check whether NE works properly.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 41

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3

Monthly Maintenance

Table 19 lists the monthly maintenance items.


Category Maintenance Item

Cleaning Cabinet
Hardware Check
Checking Power and Ground

Backing up Version

Data Management Backing up NM Data

Log Management

Disk Cleanup on Maintenance

Maintenance Console Management Console

Ground Resistance Test Testing Ground Resistance

– Users can add other maintenance items as required.

Table of Contents
Cabinet Cleaning ...............................................................43
Power and Ground Cables Check..........................................44
Uploading Version..............................................................44
Database Backup...............................................................45
Operation Log Management ................................................46
Disk Cleanup ....................................................................47
Ground Resistance Test ......................................................47

Cabinet Cleaning
Procedure Observe the inside and outside surface of the cabinet.
Result The cabinet is clean without dust, stains and foreign matter.
Handling Clean the surface of the cabinet with absolute alcohol. Be cautious
not to pollute the cards or components inside. Disassemble the
dust-proof nets at the bottom and side of the cabinet. Wash them

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 43

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

with neutral detergent. Dry them thoroughly. Check whether any

foreign matter remains in the cabinet. If any, remove it. For any
problem which is difficult to handle, report the relevant depart-
ment in time.

Power and Ground Cables

Procedure Check whether the power cable and ground wires are connected
properly and are free of rust.
Result Both power cables and ground wires are in proper connection and
are free of rust.
Handling If there is anything wrong with a power cable or ground cable,
reconnect or replace it.

Uploading Version
Short Description Perform this procedure to upload version.
Prerequisites � Start NMS and log into NMS client.
� In-band or out-of-band NM is configured.
� NE can ping NMS physically.
� NE basic configuration and physical configuration are com-
� C:\ftpdir\uni exists in FTP server.
Context To upload version, perform the following steps:
Steps 1. In Rack interface, right-click the main control card to select
System Management > Version Management, as shown in
Figure 8. In the prompted Version Management interface,
click Upload To NMS.
2. In the Upload Version interface, click Test to test the inter-
connectivity between NE and NMS.
3. Select the version file to be uploaded and click Start. Close
the dialog box after uploading.

44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Monthly Maintenance Items


4. The version is saved under C:\ftpdir\uni\version\c220.


Result Uploading version is completed.

Database Backup
In NMS interface, select View > Policy Management. In the
prompted Policy Management interface, select Operation >
Create Policy. The Created Policy interface appears, as shown
in Figure 9.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 45

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


Input a policy name. Select SystemManagement_NMS Data-

base Backup Policy from the Action Templet drop-down list.
Click Next. The Condition Templet appears. Set the start time
and other parameters. Click Next. In the pop-up interface, click
The backup NM data are saved under D:\dbbackup by default.

Operation Log Management

Procedure In NMS interface, select View > Log Management. The Log
Management interface displays the operation start time and end
time. Select one or more logs and Press Delete to delete the
selected logs, as shown in Figure 10. Click OK.


46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 Monthly Maintenance Items

Result The deleted operation log does not appear in the current window.

Disk Cleanup
Method Enter WINDOWS Resource Manager and right-click each driver. In
the prompted menu, select Property to display each disk usage.
Release unnecessary backup files or transfer backup files to other
storage medium.
Click the Tools tab and click Defragment Now to start defrag-
ment disk.
Normal Result The free space in each drive should be 50% of the total capacity.

Ground Resistance Test

Procedure Test ground resistance in equipment room with ground resistance
Result � For device with over 10000 ONTs, the ground resistance value
should be less than or equivalent to 1 Ω.
� For device with 2000 to 10000 ONTs, the ground resistance
should be less than or equivalent to 3 Ω.
� For device with under 2000 ONTs, the ground resistance value
should be less than or equivalent to 5 Ω.
� If users adopt three kinds of grounding cables jointly due to
limited conditions, the grounding resistance should be less
than 1 Ω.
Handling If the ground resistance value is too high, check the grounding
cable and stake.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 47

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4

NetNumen Routine

Table of Contents
Daily Maintenance ............................................................49
Monthly Maintenance .........................................................52

Daily Maintenance
This topic includes the following:
� Monitoring Alarm in Real Time
� Monitoring NM Server Performance

Monitoring Alarm in Real Time

Short Description Perform
Prerequisites � Start NMS.
� Create NE.
Context To monitor alarm in real time, perform the following steps:
Steps 1. In NMS interface, select View > Fault Management. The
Realtime Alarms interface appears, as shown in Figure 11.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 49

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


2. In the Realtime Alarms interface, the system alarms can be

monitored in real time.

Result It is successful to monitor alarms in real time.

Monitoring NMS Performance

Short Description Perform this procedure to monitor NMS performance.
Prerequisites � Start NMS.
� Create NE.
Context To monitor NMS performance, perform the following steps:
Steps 1. In NMS, click View > System Management. The System
Management appears. In the left column, right-click Self
Office 100001. In the pop-up menu, select Server Per-
formance. The Windows XP Application Server Perfor-
mance 100001 appears, as shown in Figure 12.

50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 NetNumen Routine Maintenance


2. Monitor the current NMS server performance.


Result It is successful to monitor NMS server performance.

Viewing Database Resource

Short Description Perform this procedure to view database resource.
Prerequisites � Start NMS.
� Create NE.
Context To view database resource, perform the following steps:
Steps 1. In NMS interface, click the server icon. Select
View > System Management. Right-click the
SQLServer@ and select Database
Login. The Database Login interface appears, as shown in
Figure 13.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 51

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


2. Input the password and click OK. The message Database Login
Successfully appears.

3. Right-click SQLServer@ and select

View Database Resources. The View Database Re-
sources SQLServer@ interface ap-
pears, as shown in Figure 14. In this interface, the database
resources can be viewed.




Result The database resources can be viewed successfully.

Monthly Maintenance
The topic includes the following:
� Backing up NM Database

52 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 NetNumen Routine Maintenance

� Backing up Log

Backing up Database
Short Description Perform this procedure to back up database.
Prerequisites � Start NMS.
� Create NE.
� Start database server.
Context To back up database, perform the following steps:
Steps 1. In NMS interface, select View > Policy Management to enter
Policy Management interface.
2. In the left column of the Policy Management interface, right-
click Periodic Policy. The Create Policy interface appears.
3. In the Create Policy interface, input Policy Name. In the
Action Templet drop-down list, select SystemManage-
ment_NMS Database Backup Policy, as shown in Figure
15. Click Next.


4. Set the start time of the policy triggered at the first time, as
shown in Figure 16. Click Next.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 53

ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual


5. In the Action Templet interface, no parameter is needed.

Click Finish.
6. To back up database, Right-click the policy name in the Policy
Management interface. In the pop-up menu, select Execute
Instantly, as shown in Figure 17.



Result Database backup is completed.

54 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 NetNumen Routine Maintenance

Backing up Log
Short Description Perform this procedure to back up log.
Prerequisites Start NMS and perform management on NE.
Context To back up log, perform the following steps:
Steps 1. Enter NM main interface. Click View > Log Management.
The Log Management interface appears, where operation log,
security log and system log can be viewed.

2. Click button on the tool bar. The Save interface pops up,
as shown in Figure 18.


3. Input file name. Select file type for the export file from the
drop-down list. Click Save to export file.

Result Log backup is completed.

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ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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56 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Figure 1 21-Inch Backplane ................................................28

Figure 2 Query Current Alarm .............................................36
Figure 3 View Current Alarms..............................................37
Figure 4 Alarm Details........................................................37
Figure 5 Realtime Alarms....................................................40
Figure 6 Query History Alarm ..............................................40
Figure 7 View History Alarms ..............................................41
Figure 8 Version Upload......................................................45
Figure 9 Create Policy ........................................................46
Figure 10 Log Management.................................................46
Figure 11 Realtime Alarms ..................................................50
Figure 12 Server Performance .............................................51
Figure 13 Database Login ...................................................52
Figure 14 View Database Resources
SQLServer@ ..........................52
Figure 15 Create Policy.......................................................53
Figure 16 Create Policy-Start Time.......................................54
Figure 17 Policy Management ..............................................54
Figure 18 Save Interface ....................................................55

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ZXA10 C300 Routine Maintenance Manual

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58 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 1 Typographical Conventions ........................................ II

Table 2 Mouse Operation Conventions ..................................III
Table 1 SCXL/SCXM/SCTM Indicators .................................... 4
Table 2 GTGO Indicators ...................................................... 5
Table 3 GTGO Indicators ...................................................... 7
Table 4 XUTQ Indicators .....................................................10
Table 5 HDTT Indicators......................................................11
Table 6 GUFQ Indicators .....................................................14
Table 7 GUTQ Indicators .....................................................16
Table 8 GUSQ Indicators.....................................................17
Table 9 HUTQ Indicators .....................................................19
Table 10 HUGQ Indicators ...................................................20
Table 11 Indicators On the CTLA Panel..................................22
Table 12 CTBB Indicators ....................................................24
Table 13 CTTB Indicators ....................................................25
Table 14 CTUB Indicators....................................................26
Table 15 Indicator On the CICG/CICK Panel...........................28
Table 16 PRWG Indicators...................................................29
Table 17 Indicator On the RTDM Panel ..................................30
Table 18 FTGH Indicators....................................................31
Table 19 Monthly Maintenance Items....................................43

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