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Identifying Alternatives

Part I : Defining the opportunity

1) Define the opportunity.

The opportunity in this case is to create a website that provides a convenient and
comprehensive solution for individuals looking to purchase construction materials and
access services for building their dream homes. By offering a wide range of materials,
competitive pricing, personalized assistance, and additional services, the website can cater
to the needs of customers and differentiate itself in the market.

2) Draft an opportunity statement.

Solving the problem of limited access to construction materials and lack of comprehensive
services, and seizing the opportunity to create a website that provides a convenient and
comprehensive solution can bring several benefits :

 increased revenue

 cost savings

 improved efficiency

 enhanced customer experience

 increased brand visibility

 maximized worker productivity.

Part II : Identifying objectives & metrics

1) Identify relevant business objectives.

The key business objectives that are most relevant to the opportunity of creating a website
that provides construction materials and services for building dream homes include revenue
growth, cost reduction, efficiency improvement, customer satisfaction, brand visibility, and
data-driven decision making. By focusing on these objectives, the organization can achieve
its strategic and fiscal goals and contribute to its growth and success.

i. Revenue Growth: Increasing revenue is a key business objective for most organizations. By
offering a wide range of construction materials and services, the website can attract a larger
customer base and generate more revenue.

ii. Cost Reduction: Cost reduction is another important business objective. By establishing
partnerships with trusted suppliers and manufacturers, the website can negotiate better
prices for its products. This can result in cost savings for the business, which can be passed on
to customers in the form of competitive pricing.

iii. Efficiency Improvement: Improving efficiency is a key business objective that can lead to
increased profitability. By implementing an efficient procurement process for construction
materials, the website can reduce the time and effort required for inventory management,
shop fabrication, field servicing, and material handling. This can result in improved workflows
and profitability.

iv. Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is a critical business objective that can lead to
increased loyalty and repeat business. By providing personalized assistance and additional
services such as project management, custom home building, remodelling, and renovation,
the website can enhance the customer experience. This can lead to increased customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

v. Brand Visibility: Increasing brand visibility is another important business objective. By

establishing a strong online presence and implementing effective online marketing strategies,
the website can increase brand visibility and attract customers from different locations. This
can contribute to the growth and success of the business.

vi. Data-Driven Decision Making: Data-driven decision making is becoming increasingly

important for businesses. By leveraging the wealth of digital insights available and embracing
the power of business intelligence, the website can make informed decisions with confidence.
This can lead to commercial growth, evolution, and a healthier bottom line.

2) Prioritize your objectives.

To narrow down the list of key business objectives for the organization, it is important to
consider the needs and interests of the stakeholders. Based on the prioritization, here are
some key business objectives that are most relevant to the opportunity and are likely to be
important to the stakeholders:

i. Customer Satisfaction: Customers are a key stakeholder group for the organization. Providing
personalized assistance and additional services such as project management, custom home
building, remodelling, and renovation can enhance the customer experience and lead to
increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

ii. Revenue Growth: Revenue growth is an important objective for the organization, as it can lead
to increased profitability and shareholder value. By offering a wide range of construction
materials and services, the website can attract a larger customer base and generate more

iii. Efficiency Improvement: Efficiency improvement is another important objective for the
organization, as it can lead to improved workflows and profitability. By implementing an
efficient procurement process for construction materials, the website can reduce the time and
effort required for inventory management, shop fabrication, field servicing, and material

iv. Brand Visibility: Increasing brand visibility is another important objective for the organization.
By establishing a strong online presence and implementing effective online marketing
strategies, the website can increase brand visibility and attract customers from different
locations. This can contribute to the growth and success of the business.

3) Identify metrics for each objective.

To measure the impact of the key business objectives for the organization, the following
metrics can be used:

i. Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS),
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES) can be used to measure
the level of satisfaction customers have with the products, services, or overall experience
provided by the website.

ii. Revenue Growth: Metrics such as sales revenue, profit margin, and customer lifetime value
can be used to measure the impact of revenue growth.

iii. Efficiency Improvement: Metrics such as cycle time, lead time, and inventory turnover can be
used to measure the impact of efficiency improvement.

iv. Brand Visibility: Metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, and search engine
rankings can be used to measure the impact of brand visibility.
Part III : Generating alternatives

1) Generate a list of alternatives.

Alternatives Description
Expand the range of products and services The organization can consider expanding the
range of products and services offered on the
website to attract a larger customer base and
increase revenue. This can include offering more
specialized construction materials and services,
such as green building materials or energy-
efficient home design
Improve the website's user experience The organization can consider improving the
website's user experience to enhance customer
satisfaction and increase brand visibility. This can
include optimizing the website's design and
functionality, providing personalized
recommendations, and implementing effective
online marketing strategies
Streamline the procurement process The organization can consider streamlining the
procurement process for construction materials
to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This can
include establishing partnerships with trusted
suppliers and manufacturers, implementing an
effective material management system, and
optimizing the supply chain
Collaborate with local contractors and The organization can consider collaborating with
construction companies local contractors and construction companies to
expand its network and generate referrals. This
can include establishing partnerships with key
players in the real estate industry and offering
joint services to customers
Status quo The status quo option refers to the current state
of affairs or the existing situation.

2) Narrow your list of alternatives.

Option 1: Enhance the Website's User Experience: This can include optimizing the website's
design and functionality, providing personalized recommendations, and implementing
effective online marketing strategies.

Option 2: Streamline the Procurement Process: It involves establishing partnerships with

trusted suppliers and manufacturers, implementing an effective material management
system, and optimizing the supply chain.

Option 3: Collaborate with Local Contractors and Construction Companies: This option
involves collaborating with external stakeholders to expand the network and generate
referrals. The organization can increase its customer base and revenue.

Option 4: Status quo option: The status quo option would be to continue with the current
approach of purchasing construction materials from physical stores and accessing services
from different providers.

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