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In an era of globalization, an increasing number of Chinese students are pursuing higher

education overseas, with Malaysian universities emerging as popular study destinations.

However, the crucial question remains: Can international students secure satisfactory jobs after

graduation? This article delves into the experiences and insights of three Chinese students who

graduated from Malaysian universities, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities they

encountered in their job search. Through interviews with Student A, who achieved career success

in Singapore, Student B, who navigates the competitive job market in Hong Kong, and Student C,

who faces the difficulties of finding employment, we aim to provide valuable guidance to

graduating international students. Additionally, we will explore the strengths of Universiti Sains

Malaysia as a study destination and its career support services for international students.

Student A: Excelling in a Multinational Company

Student A, a graduate with a Master's degree in International Business from Monash University

Malaysia, currently holds an executive position as the Marketing Director for the Asia Pacific

region in a leading multinational company in Singapore. His success in securing an executive

role showcases his expertise in the job search process and subsequent career development.

According to Student A, studying in Malaysia allowed him to understand the local business

environment and strengthen his communication skills, both of which were crucial in his career

journey. He emphasizes the importance of building a wide network of contacts, continuously

improving skills, and gaining practical experience for international students seeking job

opportunities. Throughout their studies, Student A acquired essential international experience,

honed their communication skills, and fostered cultural competence by engaging with students

from various backgrounds. This exposure proved invaluable as they secured an executive

position with a multinational company in Singapore (Wu et al., 2015). While working in

Singapore, they encountered minimal cultural differences and language barriers due to the

similarities between the two countries. By actively adapting to the company's working style and

continuously improving their professional skills, they successfully integrated into the

multicultural environment. Student A emphasizes the importance of being well-prepared,

building a diverse network, and continuously improving skills when searching for job

opportunities. His study abroad experience has greatly influenced their career, particularly in

handling multinational operations and interacting with clients from diverse cultures. Student A's

story showcases the potential for international students to excel in multinational companies. By

leveraging their academic qualifications, actively engaging in networking opportunities,

continuously improving skills, and gaining practical experience, they can overcome challenges

and achieve fulfilling careers. The experiences and insights shared by Student A serve as a

source of motivation and guidance for international students aspiring to make their mark in the

global job market (Su & Harrison, 2016).

Student B: Navigating the Hospitality Industry

Student B pursued a Bachelor's degree in Hotel Management at Taylor's University Malaysia. He

currently works as a front desk clerk in a well-known 5-star hotel in Hong Kong. Although his

current role may be considered ordinary, Student B's exemplary performance during his

internship and his ability to work effectively in a team demonstrate his potential for growth in the

competitive hospitality industry. He attributes his success to active participation in campus

activities, including joining the International Student Association, which enhanced his

organizational and leadership skills. Student B advises international students to make use of

campus recruitment and alumni networks, prepare early for interviews, and gain knowledge

about companies and industries beforehand. Working in Hong Kong provided an opportunity to

collaborate with people from diverse cultures, fostering an environment of learning and

innovation. The fast-paced and evolving nature of the market posed a challenge, demanding

constant adaptation and creativity. The Hospitality Management program at Taylor's University

equipped Student B with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate these challenges and

achieve success in their career. Student B highlights the significance of participating in extra-

curricular activities and societies during university years, which helped enhance their

understanding of the industry and develop organizational and leadership skills. Student B advice

for international students seeking job opportunities includes utilizing campus recruitment

platforms, early preparation for interviews, and researching companies and industries in advance

(Jiang et al., 2020).

Student C: Facing Challenges as a Freelancer

Student C, a graduate of UCSI Malaysia with a degree in Media, faces the challenges of finding

suitable employment. As a freelancer working on short videos, he highlights the need to

continuously improve skills and creativity to expand the reach of his work and secure a stable

income. Although he has not yet found a regular job, Student C's passion for self-learning and

dedication to becoming a professional short video creator demonstrate his proactive approach to

career development. He encourages international students to actively participate in relevant

activities, gain practical experience through internships and part-time jobs, and join industry

associations or societies to network with professionals. While considering returning to their

home country of China, Student C recognizes the potential opportunities and challenges present

in a rapidly developing market. Student C believe that immersing themselves in a new culture

and lifestyle would positively impact their professional and personal growth

Considering the option of returning to their home country of China, Student C acknowledges the

potential opportunities and challenges in a rapidly developing market. China's media and

entertainment industry has been growing at a remarkable pace, offering numerous possibilities

for talented individuals like Student C. However, they are aware that entering a new market

comes with its own set of challenges, such as understanding the cultural nuances, adapting to

different work environments, and establishing a professional network from scratch. Student C

believes that immersing themselves in a new culture and lifestyle would positively impact their

professional and personal growth. They are excited about the prospect of broadening their

horizons, learning from a diverse range of experiences, and expanding their creativity by

incorporating different perspectives into their work. Student C's journey as a freelancer

highlights the importance of continuous improvement, networking, practical experience, and

adaptability in overcoming challenges and pursuing a successful career in the dynamic field of

media and short video creation (Beech, 2015).


The journey of international students in finding satisfactory jobs after graduation is a

multifaceted process that requires determination, adaptability, and continuous improvement. The

interviews with Student A, Student B, and Student C provide valuable insights into the

challenges and opportunities faced by international students in their job search. From building a

wide network of contacts to honing practical skills and staying updated with industry trends, the

experiences and advice shared by these students serve as a guiding light for aspiring graduates. It

is crucial for international students to leverage the strengths of their study destinations, such as

Malaysia, and take advantage of the career support and services offered by universities. With

perseverance and a proactive mindset, international students can overcome obstacles and find

fulfilling careers that align with their aspirations.



Beech, S. E. (2015). International student mobility: The role of social networks. Social &

Cultural Geography, 16(3), 332-350.

Jiang, Q., Yuen, M., & Horta, H. (2020). Factors influencing life satisfaction of international

students in Mainland China. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,

42, 393-413.

Su, M., & Harrison, L. M. (2016). Being wholesaled: An investigation of Chinese international

students’ higher education experiences. Journal of International Students, 6(4), 905-919.

Wu, H. P., Garza, E., & Guzman, N. (2015). International student’s challenge and adjustment to

college. Education Research International, 2015.

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