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Interdisciplinary elucidation

of concepts, metaphors,
theories and problems
concerning INFORMATION

Interdisciplinary elucidation of concepts,
metaphors, theories and problems concerning

Elucidación interdisciplinar de conceptos, metáforas,

teorías y problemas en torno a la INFORMACIÓN

The glossariumBITri, planned as a central activity El glossariumBITri, concebido como uno de los ejes para
for the interdisciplinary study of information, el estudio interdisciplinar de la información desarrollado
developed by BITrum group in cooperation with por el grupo BITrum en cooperación con la Universidad
the University of Santa Elena (Ecuador), Estatal Península de Santa Elena, pretende servir de
essentially aims at serving as a tool for the instrumento para el esclarecimiento conceptual, teórico
clarification of concepts, theories and problems y de problemas en torno a la información. Tratando de
concerning information. Intending to embrace the abarcar el máximo de puntos de vista relevantes
most relevant points of view with respect to respecto a la información, su desarrollo es
information, it is interdisciplinarily developed by a interdisciplinar contando con la participación de
board of experts coming from a wide variety of expertos de reconocido prestigio en muy diversas áreas
scientific fields. The glossariumBITri kindly invites científicas. El glossariumBITri invita cordialmente al
the scientific community to make contributions of conjunto de la comunidad científica a realizar
any kind aimed at clarifying in the field of contribuciones que busquen el esclarecimiento en el
information studies. ámbito de los estudios informacionales.

Editorial Coordination | Coordinación Manuel Liz (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

José María Díaz Nafría, University of Santa Elena, Ecuador; Rosa Macarro (University of Extremadura, Spain)
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany Alfredo Marcos (University of Valladolid, Spain)
Mario Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, University of Barcelona, Spain Estela Mastromatteo (Universidad Central de Venezuela)
Francisco Salto Alemany, University of León, Spain José Méndez (University of Salamanca, Spain)
Jorge Morato (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
José Antonio Moreiro (Universidad Carlos III, Spain)
Walter Orozco (University of Santa Elena, Ecuador)
Correction team | Equipo de corrección
Tomás Ortiz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Basil Al Hadithi, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Julio Ostalé (UNED, Spain)
Rosa Macarro, University of Extremadura, Spain
Mario Pérez-Montoro (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Mercedes Osorio, I.E.S. Ramiro de Maeztu, Madrid, Spain
Carmen Requena (University of León, Spain)
Anthony Hoffmann, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA
Gemma Robles (University of León, Spain)
Blanca Rodríguez (University of León, Spain)
Shendry Rosero (University of Santa Elena, Ecuador)
Editorial board | Equipo de redacción Francisco Salto (University of León, Spain)
Juan Miguel Aguado (University of Murcia, Spain) Lydia Sánchez (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Carlos Aguilar (University of Barcelona, Spain) Sonia Sánchez-Cuadrado (Universidad Carlos III, Spain)
Søren Brier (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark) Jérôme Segal (Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative
Mark Burgin (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) Research in the Social Sciences, Austria)
Basil Al Hadithi (Technical University of Madrid, Spain) Washington Torres (University of Santa Elena, Ecuador)
Juan Ramón Álvarez (University of León, Spain) Margarita Vázquez (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain)
Balu Athreya (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Rainer Zimmermann (Munich University of Applied
Leticia Barrionuevo (University of León, Spain) Sciences, Germany; Clare Hall-Cambridge, UK)
Luis Emilio Bruni (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Manuel Campos (University of Barcelona)
Rafael Capurro (Institut für Digitale Ethik, Germany) Coolaborators | Colaboradores
María Herminia Cornejo (University of Santa Elena, Ecuador) Yorgos Andreadakis (Universidad Carlos III, Spain)
Emilia Curras (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) Sylvia Burset (University of Barcelona, Spain)
José Maria Díaz (University of Santa Elena, Ecuador; Munich Anabel Fraga (Universidad Carlos III, Spain)
University of Applied Sciences, Germany) Mehrad Golkhosravi (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
Jesús Ezquerro (Basque Country University, Spain)
Juan Carlos Fernández Molina (University of Granada, Spain) Interactive-gB | gB-interactivo
Peter Fleissner (Technische Universität Wien, Austria) Christian
Fuchs (University of Westminster, United Kingdom) Xosé Antón
García-Sampedro (I.E.S. Bernaldo Quirós, Mieres) Roberto
Gejman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Igor Gurevich (Russian Academy of Sciences, Rusia) Contacto | Contact
Wolfgang Hofkirchner (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
Marcelo León (University of Santa Elena, Ecuador)

Edita | Edited by: Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador, 2016 ISBN: 978-9942-8548-3-4
Diseño | Design: J.M. Díaz Nafría, M. Ortiz Osorio

El glossariumBITri está protegido por una licencia de Reconocimiento - No Comercial - Sin

Obra Derivada 3.0 Ecuador de Creative Commons. Se permite la reproducción, distribución y
comunicación pública, siempre y cuando se cite adecuadamente la obra y sus responsables.

The glossariumBITri is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-Sin Derivadas

3.0 Ecuador License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 EC). Public reproduction, distribution and
communications is allowed whenever the work and its authors are properly quoted.

Introduction to the first edition ..................................................................................... v 
Introduction to the present edition ............................................................................. vii 
Methodological notes ...................................................................................................ix 
Methodology: pluralism and rightness .......................................................................................... ix 
Abbreviations and article organisation ......................................................................................... ix 
Editorial Team .............................................................................................................xi 
Coordinators ..................................................................................................................................... xi 
Editors ............................................................................................................................................... xi 
Other authors ................................................................................................................................. xiii 
Language and style correction ...................................................................................................... xiii 
Abbreviations and Acronyms ..................................................................................... xiv 
Abbreviations of authors and editors’ names ............................................................................ xiv 
Other abbreviations and acronyms used in the glossariumBITri........................................... xiv 
INTERDISCIPLINARY GLOSSARY ............................................................. 15
Table of contents of English articles .............................................................. 221


Introduction to the first edi-

“Concepts lead us to make investigations; are the expression of
our interest, and direct our interest.”
Ludwig WITGENSTEIN, Philosophise Untersuchungen

“Information is a difference which makes a difference.”

Gregory BATESON, Steps to an ecology of mind

Terms included in this glossary recap some of the main

concepts, theories, problems and metaphors concern-
ing INFORMATION in all spheres of knowledge.
This is the first edition of an ambitious enterprise cov-
ering at its completion all relevant notions relating to
INFORMATION in any scientific context. As such,
this glossariumBITri is part of the broader project
Ramon Llull´s tree of science
BITrum, which is committed to the mutual under-
standing of all disciplines devoted to information
across fields of knowledge and practice.
This glossary pretends to make explicit the conflicts and agreements among use and meaning
of terms related to information phenomena. Information is approached from opposing para-
digms and also from competing and cooperating disciplines. Both in science and in ordinary
life, conceptual, ethical, technical and societal problems regard information in an essential way.
This glossary does not endorse or presuppose any paradigm or any theory, but rather locates
into a public, explicit and commonly understandable space some of the crucial assumptions
dividing informational concepts, theories, problems and metaphors. Moreover, we purport to
embrace all distinct paradigms with a critical and comprehensive attitude.
The glossary is the result of an original methodology, which places any entrance under the re-
sponsibility of its editor. Authors possibly distinct from the editor contribute to different articles
with texts, comments or discussions. Since authors come from many distinct fields of
knowledge, each article should reflect many perspectival but rigorous approaches.


The glossary is an open work: the number and contents of all its entrances are updated and
submitted to revision by editors and authors. For this reason, this first edition is only a first step
in the active development of this collaborative methodology. Any interested reader wishing to
contribute, may contact the general editors.
This glossary is most indebted to the enthusiasm and work of José María Díaz Nafría. The
editorial team, authors and correctors thank the Universidad de León and Caja España for their
support to this initiative.

Francisco Salto Alemany

León (Spain), November 2010

vi glossariumBITri

Introduction to the present

“There have always been thinkers to believe that the
fields of human knowledge betrays a fundamental
unity. In modern times people ready to discuss this
unity have come under grave suspicion. Surely, the crit-
ics argue, no man is so presumptuous as to imagine
that he can comprehend more than a tiny fraction of
the scope of contemporary science. [...] And yet there
are still men prepared to pursue the path of unity, and
to discuss problems in an inter-disciplinary fashion:
that is, without regard to the specialised viewpoint of
any one branch of science.”
Stafford BEER (Cybernetics and Manage-
ment, 1959)

Four years after appearing the first book edition of the glossariumBITri (gB), it faces now a new
phase of development, in which this new book version represents a milestone. The first devel-
opment phase, 2008-2010, was clearly marked by an intensive cooperative work to stand up the
clarification enterprise in which the gB is embarked on. Right after such phase, the gB was
nurtured through valuable inputs covering essential aspects as semiotics, computation, com-
plexity, etc., by distinguished researchers who have certainly enriched not only this book but
the working team who is now before a more ambitious horizon.
Besides some improvements in previous articles, the most important additions to the previous
edition, incorporated herewith, corresponds to the articles developed in the areas of algorithmic
theory, complexity theory, General Theory of Information and Cybersemiotics that we heartily
thank to the cherished contributions of Mark Burgin and Søren Brier. Nevertheless, the flesh
of the glossariumBITri has been enriched as well through entries, which do not show up in this
book since they are still under review or discussion, but they surely will in the next edition. They
are, of course, available in the interactive-gB. For this dressing up the naked bones of the gB,
we warmly thank the contributions provided by Balu Athreya, Igor Gurevich, Basil Al-Hadithi,
Agustín Jiménez, Alexis Rocha, Daniel Gómez, Carlos Sarmiento. The incorporation of some
of the topics which are now available, either in this book or in the interactive-gB was simply a
must (as algorithmic information), others represent an initiation into fields we have to deepen
(as information in biological sciences). But nonetheless, if we take into account all the concepts
we have not weaved yet into the network of clarified concepts, metaphors, theories and prob-
lems, then we can clearly state that we are at the very beginning. By simply looking into the
interactive-gB’s list of open voices, which are still empty, or into the number of voice proposals
we have not open yet, it is easy to conclude we are before a large and of course open enterprise.

glossariumBITri vii

One could argue the situation is not as different as before; then why are we saying we are now
facing a different horizon? This is entangled with the current rearrangement of BITrum’s activ-
ities. On the one hand, we have more coherently organised the different endeavours we have
been pushing along the years in order to bring about a more effective cooperation among
BITrum’s members and other stakeholders; on the other hand, gB has been structured in three
branches: a) interactive-gB, b) gB-journal, and c) book editions. Through a rationalisation of
efforts, this new gB landscape obviously offers a multiplied effect regarding impact, dissemina-
tion and educational applications. To cope with the new challenges gB team has been enlarged
and put besides other three BITrum’s operating units: (i) domusBITae devoted to the deployment
of telematic tools for the facilitation of the distributed and interdisciplinary community of re-
searchers and educators cooperating in the development of information studies. (ii) PRIMER,
oriented to the promotion, development and underpinning of interdisciplinary studies; and (iii)
a Research Unit, integrated by the teams working on specific scientific projects.
Through this reorganisation, gB offers a more coherent platform for the clarification and theo-
retical enterprise BITrum has been aiming at since its beginnings, linking its development to
BITrum’s information environment (dB), educational activities (PRIMER) and research pro-
jects. Such interplay – albeit the autonomy of the respective operations – represents a nurturing
flow that will provide a new life to the clarification goals of the gB in connection to real prob-
lems and the education of scientist to tackle them.
The activities deployed since 2014 under support of Ecuadorian institutions, in both research
and education, constitute a powerful balloon to lift up our scientific enterprise. This book in
itself represents a sign of it. It is a result of the cooperation agreement signed in 2014 between
the University of the Peninsula of Santa Elena (UPSE) and BITrum, which targets at several
collaborative activities concerning: the development and co-management – together with the
University of León – of the glossariumBITri open journal; the development of educational pro-
grams; the cooperation in interdisciplinary research projects. Furthermore, the Ecuadorian Na-
tional Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) is
supporting in the field of interdisciplinary information studies – through the Prometeo Pro-
gramme –: the development of theoretical work and practical applications, the training of re-
searchers, the development of scientific networks, etc. On one side, BITrum warmly thanks this
support to the interdisciplinary study of information provided by the UPSE and SENESCYT;
on the other side, we offer our deep commitment to contribute to the great scientific and edu-
cational effort Ecuador is doing since the constitution of 2008. We are convinced that the trans-
disciplinary capabilities of the information studies offers a toehold for the intense integration of
knowledge we nowadays need for coping with the complex challenges our societies that are
facing regarding the coverage of basic needs, environment, peace, inequality, urban manage-
ment, climate change, democratic issues, waste reduction… We can use the language of infor-
mation to refer to the physical, biological, societal, technological reality, to address theoretical
and practical issues. Then we have a fantastical tool for weaving the scientific enterprise in a
more integrated fashion.
José María Díaz Nafría
Santa Elena (Ecuador), February 2015

viii glossariumBITri

Methodological notes
Methodology: pluralism and rightness
The glossariumBITri is conceived as a cooperative work in the following sense: each voice has a
responsible editor who regulates, animates and organize the discussion of the term and the
different contributions provided by the rest of the authors. It is furthermore an open work in a
very particular sense: it is electronically accessible and opened to gather new contributions and
discussions at any voice. Hence, subsequent editions will constantly increase the extension and
deepness of the different entries.
Furthemore the glossariumBITri interdisciplinary insofar it gather scientists from different
knowledge areas in which the informational notions play a central role. Moreover, basic con-
cepts are trans-disciplinary, as far as they cross different disciplines and fields of knowledge and
action. The glossariumBITri does not assume an informational paradigm above others, but it
endeavors to expose all coherently without hiding the theoretical and practical conflicts.
According to the conceived methodology for glossariumBITri’s elaboration, all editorial team
members can participate in any article under the assumption of certain commitments:
― All members of the writing team –which is always open to whomever may be interested–
are potential authors of ENTRIES for each proposed voice. Thus, each voice may gather
several independent entries, or related through debates or criticism to previous contribu-
― The EDITOR (one per voice) is committed to allocate each entry –with sufficient quality–
in the final article in a structured way and without redundancy. At the same time, the editor
can ask authors for further clarification or deepening here and there, improving the text,
providing references, etc.
― For each article, there is a DISCUSSION space where members can make comments, crit-
ics, suggestions, questions to the given entries.
― The COORDINATORS overview the elaboration of the glossariumBITri as a whole and
coordinate the development of different tasks related to its development: management and
development of the edition system, content review, correction request, layout, call organi-
zation, dissemination, etc.

Abbreviations and article organisation

As one can see in the adjacent example, right after the voice the usual designation in Spanish,
French and German is shown between brackets, preceded by the initials S., F. and G. respec-

glossariumBITri ix
Immediately after, the scientific or discipli-
nary usage contexts, in which the article is
developed, is indicated between square
brackets. The goal has been to point out the
field better suited to the usage of the term.
Thereby there are voices of specific usage
for certain theories (e.g., self-re-creation de-
fined in the context of the Unified Theory
of Information). On the other hand, “trans-
disciplinary” has been used in the soft sense
of crossing different disciplines (e.g., [trans-
disciplinary, system theory]).
As subindex going along the list of usage
contexts, the object type to which the article
refers to is highlighted. It can be: concept
(e.g., autopoiesis), metaphor (e.g., infor-
mation flow), theory (e.g., channel theory),
theorem (e.g., fundamental theorems of Shannon), discipline (e.g., hermeneutics), problem (e.g., fo-
toblogs and adolescents), or resource (e.g., semantic web).
In case the article is large, the titles of the sections, in which the article is divided, are enumerated
right after the heading.
The article structure has been freely determined by the corresponding editors, striving for a
systemization of the entries provided by authors or participants in discussions.
For citation and bibliographic reference listing and style adapted to ISO 690 standard has been
The authorship in indicated at the bottom of each article through abbreviations specified in
the section devoted to the editorial team. “ed” denotes editor, “tr” translator. If only an abbre-
viation is indicated at the article bottom this means the corresponding author has not received
–or incorporated yet– contributions of other authors.
Additionally other abbreviations and acronyms referred to right after the authors and editors’
abbreviation list.

x glossariumBITri

Editorial Team
José María Díaz Nafría (Senescyt–UPSE, Ecuador),
Francisco Salto Alemany (Universidad de León, Spain),
Mario Pérez-Montoro (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain),

The following list recaps for each editor the set of articles he is in charge of (in the introductory
section devoted to glossariumBITri’s methodology the particular role of the editors as to the
interdisciplinary elaboration of articles is specified). This list does not reflect the contributions
of editors to other voices as authors.
Juan Miguel Aguado (Universidad de Murcia): Autopoiesis, Communication; Constructivism;
Cybernetic; Endogenous information; Observation
Carlos Aguilar (Universidad de Barcelona): Audio-visual content; Situational logic
Basil M. Al Hadithi (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid): Automatic regulation; Control Theory;
Feedback; Fuzzy logic
Juan Ramón Álvarez (Universidad de León): Biosemiotics; Memetics
Leticia Barrionuevo (Universidad de León): Open Access; Repository
Søren Brier (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark): Cybersemiosis
Luis Emilio Bruni (Aalborg University, Denmark): Symbol, Biosemiosis
Mark Burgin (University of California Los Angeles, USA): General Theory of Information, Algo-
rithmic Information Theory, Kolmogorov Complexity, Super-recursive
Manuel Campos (Universitat de Barcelona): Correlation; Regularity; Representation; Situation
semantics; Situation theory (ST); Truth value
Rafael Capurro (Institut für Digitale Ethik, Germany): Angeletics; Automatic Identification (Ra-
dio-Frequency Identification, RFID); Hermeneutics; Human Enhancements Technologies
(HET); ICT implants; Information Ethics; Intercultural information ethics; Interpretation;
Message; Roboethics; Surveillance society
María Herminia Cornejo (UPSE, Ecuador), Oceanography and information
Emilia Curras (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Informacionism
José María Díaz Nafría (Senescyt-UPSE, Ecuador; Munich University of Applied Sciences, Ger-
many; Universidad de León, Spain): Alphabet; Code; Communication channel; Context; Dialogic

glossariumBITri xi

vs. Discursive; Disinformation; Encoder and Decoder; Fundamental Shannon's Theorems;

Holographic Principle; Noise; Sign; Signal
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (Mälardalen University, Sweden): Info-computationalism
Jesús Ezquerro (Universidad del País Vasco): Cognition; Natural Psicology
Juan Carlos Fernández Molina (Universidad de Granada): Information Rights
Peter Fleissner (Technische Universität Wien, Austria): Commodification; Input vs Output [Sys-
tem Theory]; Reversibility vs. Non-reversibility; System theory
Anto Florio (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam): Intentional Content
Christian Fuchs (University of Westminster, UK): Critical Theory of Information, Communica-
tion, Media, Technology
Xosé Antón García-Sampedro (I.E.S. Bernaldo Quirós, Mieres): Information Aesthetics
Roberto Gejman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): Difference; Record
Igor Gurevich (Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rusia) Infor-
mation as heterogeneity
Wolfgang Hofkirchner (Technische Universität Wien, Austria): Capurro's Trilemma; Emer-
gentism; Information Society; Self-re-creation [UTI]; Self-reproduction [UTI]; Self-restructur-
ing [UTI]; Structural information [UTI]; Unified Theory of Information (UTI)
Manuel Liz (Universidad de La Laguna): Content; Informational Content; Mental Content;
Mind; Non-informational access; Referential ability; Semantic content
Rosa Macarro (Universidad de Extremadura): Receiver, Sender, Source
Alfredo Marcos (Universidad de Valladolid): Information Measurement; Information as relation
Estela Mastromatteo (Universidad Central de Venezuela): Digital divide; Information Literacy;
Information Technologies
José Méndez (Universidad de Salamanca): Contradiction
Jorge Morato (Universidad Carlos III): Information Retrieval; Web social/Social Web; Topic
José Antonio Moreiro (Universidad Carlos III): Indexing language; Folksonomy; Taxonomy
Walter Orozco (Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador), Data Bases
Tomás Ortiz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Cerebral oscillations
Julio Ostalé (Universitat de Barcelona): Barwise, K. Jon; Channel theory; Information Flow; In-
formation Reports
Mario Pérez-Montoro (Universitat de Barcelona): Data; Dretske, Fred; Information architecture;
Information management; Information visualization; Knowledge; Knowledge management;
Propositional content; Usability
Carmen Requena (Universidad de León): Emotion; Motor information
Gemma Robles (Universidad de Salamanca): Consistency; Paraconsistency
Blanca Rodríguez (Universidad de León): Document; Documental content analysis; Library

xii glossariumBITri

Shendry Rosero (UPSE, Ecuador), Telematic Networks

Francisco Salto (Universidad de León): Incompleteness; Infomorphism; Infon; Modal logic;
Net; Tautology; Turing's Halting Theorem
Lydia Sánchez (Universitat de Barcelona): Fotoblogs and Teenagers; Image; Incremental infor-
mation [ST]
Sonia Sánchez-Cuadrado (Universidad Carlos III): Knowledge Organization; Knowledge Or-
ganization System; Ontology; Semantic Web; Thesaurus
Jérôme Segal (Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences, Austria): Claude
Elwood Shannon
Washington Torres (UPSE, Ecuador), Telecommunication politics
Margarita Vázquez (Universidad de La Laguna): Paradox; Surprise; System; Temporal Logics;
Rainer Zimmermann (Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Clare Hall-Cambridge,
UK) Network; Space

Other authors
The following authors (not included in the former list) have contributions to the articles spec-
ified bellow:
Yorgos Andreadakis (Universidad Carlos III): Semantic Web, Social Web
Sylvia Burset (Universitat de Barcelona): Image, Fotoblogs and Teenagers, Information Aesthe-
Eva Carbonero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): Folksonomy
Anabel Fraga (Universidad Carlos III): Folksonomy, Semantic Web, Social Web
Mehrad Golkhosravi (Universitat de Barcelona): Data; Dretske, Fred; Information Architecture;
Information Management; Information Visualization; Knowledge; Knowledge Management;
Propositional Content; Usability

Language and style correction

The following were in charge of enhancing grammar and style correctness:
Basil M. Alhadithi (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) (inglés)
Anthony Hoffmann (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, EE.UU.) (inglés)
Rosa Macarro (Universidad de Extremadura) (inglés, español)
Mercedes Osorio (I.E.S. Ramiro de Maeztu, Madrid) (inglés)

glossariumBITri xiii

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations of authors and editors’ names
Abbreviations used at the footing of each article for the identification of the contributors.
AF Anto Florio JFM J.C. Fernández Molina MPM Mario Pérez-Montoro
AFV Anabel Fraga Vázquez JE Jesús Ezquerro MV Margarita Vázquez
BA Balu Athreya JGS J. A. García-Sampedro PF Peter Fleissner
BH Basil M. Al Hadithi JM José Méndez PM Pedro Marijuán
BR Blanca Rodríguez JMA Juan Miguel Aguado RC Rafael Capurro
CA Carlos Aguilar JMD José Maria Díaz RG Roberto Gejman
CF Christian Fuchs JML Jorge Morato Lara RM Rosa Macarro
CR Carmen Requena JO Julio Ostalé RZ Rainer Zimmermann
EC Eva Carbonero JRA Juan Ramón Álvarez SB Søren Brier
ECP Emilia Curras Puente JS Jérôme Segal SBB Sylvia Burset Burillo
EM Estela Mastromatteo LB Leticia Barrionuevo SR Shendry Rosero
FS Francisco Salto LEB Luis Emilio Bruni SSC S. Sánchez-Cuadrado
FV Freddy Villao LS Lydia Sánchez TO Tomás Ortiz
GR Gemma Robles MB Mark Burgin WH Wolfgang Hofkirchner
GD Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic MC Manuel Campos WO Walter Orozco
IG Igor Gurevich MG Mehrad Golkhosravi WT Washington Torres
JAM José Antonio Moreiro ML Manuel Liz YA Yorgos Andreadakis

Other abbreviations and acronyms used in the glossariumBITri

AIT Algorithmic Information Theory
EHEA Europeo Higher Education Area
FIS Foundations of Information Science
GTI General Theory of Information
ICT Information and Communication Technologies
INFOLIT Information Literacy
LIS Library and Information Science
MTC Mathematical Theory of Communication
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
ST Situational Theory
UTI Unified Theory of Information

xiv glossariumBITri
formación algorítmica, F. information algorithmique,
― BURGIN, M. (2010). Theory of Information: Fundamen-
G. algorithmische Information) [transdisciplinary, tality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore: World Sci-
ICT] concept, theory entific Publishing.
― CHAITIN, G. J. (1966). "On the length of pro-
Algorithmic information reflects aspects and grams for computing finite binary sequences". Jour-
properties of information related to algo- nal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 13,
rithms (s. also →Algorithmic Information Theory, 547-569.
and →Axiomatics for Algorithmic Information). ― KOLMOGOROFF, A. N. (1965). Three ap-
proaches to the quantitative definition of ‘infor-
Many information processes, such as network mation'. Problems of Information Transmission, Vol. 1,
messaging or computer information pro- Num. 1, 3-11.
cessing, have algorithmic nature as they are ― SOLOMONOFF, R. J. (1960). A Preliminary Re-
performed according to various algorithms. port on a General Theory of Inductive Inference.
Report V-131, Zator Co., Cambridge, Ma. Feb 4,
Two kinds of algorithmic information are 1960.
considered: (1) algorithmic information neces- ― SOLOMONOFF, R. J. (1964). A formal theory of
inductive inference. Inf. Control, Vol. 7, 1-22 (I part),
sary to build a constructive object by a given 224-254 (II part).
system of algorithms and (2) algorithmic in-
formation in an object, e.g., message, which al- (MB)
lows making simpler construction of another
object. The most popular measure of algorith- ALGORITHMIC INFORMATION
mic information of the first type is absolute Kol- THEORY (S. Teoría Algorítmica de la Infor-
mogorov or algorithmic complexity. The most pop- mación, F. Théorie Algorithmique de la Information,
ular measure of algorithmic information of the G. Algorithmische Informationstheorie) [Infor-
second type is relative Kolmogorov or algorithmic mation Theory, Computer Science, Coding
complexity (→Kolmogorov complexity). theory, Complexity theory] theory
According to the classes of algorithms used Contents.— 1) Symbolic objects and symbols; 2) Recon-
for information acquisition, processing and structive sense of algorithmic information; 3) Versions of al-
utilization, three types of algorithmic infor- gorithmic information measures; 4) Algorithmic vs common
mation have been separated and studied: sense information: object vs carrier of information; 5) Timely
and semiotic aspects of algorithmic information with respect
― subrecursive algorithmic information, to other information meanings.
― recursive algorithmic information (→Kol- Algorithmic information theory is based on
mogorov complexity), and the concept of Kolmogorov or algorithmic
― super-recursive algorithmic information complexity of objects, which provides means
(→Super-recursive Kolmogorov complexity). to measure the intrinsic information related to
objects via their algorithmic description length
(s. also →algorithmic information). As it is gener-
ally assumed, this measure was introduced and

glossariumBITri 17

studied by three authors: Ray Solomonoff have mathematical structure. The main ques-
(1964), Andrey Kolmogorov (1965) and tion is how much information we need to re-
Gregory Chaitin (1966). Algorithmic ap- construct (compute) a given string (word).
proach explicates an important property of in- Thus, the traditional approach in algorithmic
formation, connecting information to means information theory treats only symbolic infor-
used for accessing and utilizing information. mation. This question relates information to
Information is considered not as some inher- complexity because measure of necessary in-
ent property of different objects but is related formation appears here as a measure of com-
to algorithms that use, extract or produce this plexity of the string reconstruction.
information. In this context, a system (person)
2. Reconstructive sense of algorithmic in-
with more powerful algorithms for infor-
formation. Reconstruction/computation of a
mation extraction and management can get
string of symbols is an action that is realized
more information from the same carrier and
as a process. Its complexity depends on means
use this information in a better way than a sys-
that are used for reconstruction. To make this
tem that has weaker algorithms and more lim-
idea precise a concept of an algorithm is used.
ited abilities. This correlates with the conven-
Namely, strings are reconstructed (built) by al-
tional understanding of information. For in-
gorithms. Algorithms are working in the do-
stance, system (person) that (who) has a code
main of strings and this domain usually con-
C can read codified in C texts, while those who
sists of all finite strings in some alphabet. In
do not have this code cannot read such texts.
this context, an algorithm (it is also possible to
As a result, efficiency or complexity of algorithms
say, automaton or computer) takes one string
becomes a measure of information in contrast
of symbols z and eventually produces another
to the traditional approach when information
string x, as represented in the following figure.
is treated as uncertainty or diversity. Efficiency
is a clue problem and a pivotal characteristic
of any activity. Consequently, measures of ef-
ficiency and complexity provide means for
measuring information as a dynamic essence. The input string is a carrier of information
Algorithmic information theory has been ap- about the output string, i.e., string that we are
plied to a wide range of areas, including the- going to reconstruct/compute. It is possible
ory of computation, combinatorics, medicine, to consider the input string z as the program
biology, neurophisiology, physics, economics, that has been given to the algorithm/machine
hardware and software engineering, probabil- for computing x. This program provides in-
ity theory, statistics, inductive reasoning, and formation about x for an algorithm (compu-
machine learning. ting device). In such a way, researchers come
to information size (complexity) of a string of
1. Symbolic objects and systems. Objects symbols, which is the theory's fundamental
considered in algorithmic information theory concept. Note that very often, information
are strings of symbols because the most habitual content of a string is called Kolmogorov com-
representation of information uses symbols plexity. Namely, the information content C(x)
and it is possible to represent other structures of a string x is the minimum quantity of infor-
codifying them by strings of symbols. It is nat- mation needed to reconstruct this string. In
ural to interpret such strings as words or texts the conventional approach, such quantity of
in some language. It means that information is input information is measured by the size of
presented and processed in the symbolic form information carrier and as carriers are strings
and all systems are represented by their symbolic of symbols the volume of a string z is the
(semiotic) models (symbol). Exact models length l(z) of this string. Thus, the length of

18 glossariumBITri

the shortest program for calculating the out- according to the algorithmic information the-
put string x gives the measure of information ory, random sequences have maximum com-
needed to reconstruct/compute this string. plexity as by definition, a random sequence
can have no generating algorithm shorter than
3. Versions of algorithmic information
simply listing the sequence. It means that in-
measures. Although this is the most popular
formation content of random sequences is
information measure in algorithmic infor-
mation theory, other versions of algorithmic
measures of information have been intro- Physicists were the first who attracted atten-
duced. The most known of then are: uniform tion to this peculiarity. For instance, Richard
complexity KR(x), prefix complexity or prefix-free Feynman (1999) wrote:
complexity K(x), monotone complexity Km(x), con-
"How can a random string contain any infor-
ditional Kolmogorov complexity CD(x), time-bounded
mation, let alone the maximum amount? Surely we
Kolmogorov complexity Ct(x), space-bounded Kolmo-
must be using the wrong definition of 'infor-
gorov complexity Cs(x), and resource-bounded Kolmo-
gorov complexity Ct,s(x). In addition, algorithmic
information theory has been extended to infi- To eliminate these contradictions and discrep-
nite processes, infinite words (Chaitin, 1976; ancies that are prevalent in algorithmic infor-
1977), super-recursive algorithms (Burgin, 1995; mation theory and to solve the problem of
2005; Schmidhuber, 2002) and quantum com- correct understanding the meaning of the
putations (Svozil, 1996; Vitanyi, 1999; 2001). function C(x), it is more adequate to consider
Each new development of algorithmic infor- C(x) and all its versions as measures of information
mation theory has been connected to consid- about x or the information size of x with the spe-
ering different classes of algorithms as means cial goal to build or reconstruct x. It means
for information acquisition, processing and that in reality, x is not the carrier of information
utilization. At first, only subrecursive classes measured by C(x), but the object of this infor-
(i.e., subclasses of the class of all Turing ma- mation. Thus, it becomes not surprising that
chines, such as the class of all delimiting Tu- people, or a machine, need more information
ring machines) were used for this purpose. about a random sequence of letters to recon-
Later more powerful, super-recursive algo- struct it than about a masterpiece, such as a
rithms, such as inductive Turing machines were poem by Dante or a novel by Cervantes.
applied to the study of algorithmic infor- 5. Timely and semiotic aspects of algorith-
mation (s. also algorithmic information). mic information with respect to other in-
Existence of a variety of approaches and algo- formation meanings. In order to reconcile
rithmic measures of information caused a ne- the common sense of information with the
cessity for a unifying approach. This approach one provided by the algorithmic information
theory, the timely distinction introduced by
called axiomatic information theory was intro-
Weizsäcker (1984) between potential and actual
duced and developed by Burgin (1982; 1990;
information is also fruitful (Lyre, 2002). In our
2005; 2010).
case, while the aforementioned carrier (z in the
4. Algorithmic vs common sense infor- figure above) represents potential information
mation: object vs carrier of information. (i.e. the possibility to reconstruct x), the object
An essential problem with algorithmic com- of information x represents actual information
plexity as a measure of information is related when the algorithmic system has effectively
to its information theoretical interpretation. It reconstructed it. By abstracting the algorith-
is generally assumed that the algorithmic com- mic resources and therefore addressing to an
plexity of a binary string x measures the alleged optimal means, the specificity of z with
amount of information in the string x. Thus, respect to a given algorithmic system is lost

glossariumBITri 19

and only the objective of reconstruction, x, Although it would not be formulated as such,
prevails. To this respect algorithmic infor- it is commonly clear that z has a syntactical
mation can be seen as actual information. On value, whereas x has a semantic one.
the contrary, the information concept pro-
vided by the Mathematical Theory of Commu-
nication (MTC), information entropy, exclu- ― BURGIN, M. (1982). “Generalized Kolmogorov
sively refers to the degree of uncertainty at the complexity and duality in theory of computations”.
Soviet Math. Dokl., v.25, No. 3, pp. 19–23
recipient before being informed, thus abstract- ― BURGIN, M. (1990). “Generalized Kolmogorov
ing the specific outcome. This shows that in- Complexity and other Dual Complexity Measures”.
formation entropy has a fundamental poten- Cybernetics, No. 4, pp. 21–29
tial character complementary to algorithmic ― BURGIN, M. Super-recursive algorithms, Monographs
in computer science, Springer, 2005
information. ― BURGIN, Mark (2010). Theory of Information: Funda-
The semiotic distinction between syntactic mentality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore: World
Scientific Publishing
and semantic aspects offers as well some in- ― CHAITIN, Gregory J. (1969). "On the Simplicity
sights to distinguish algorithmic information and Speed of Programs for Computing Infinite Sets
from other senses of information. As argued of Natural Numbers". Journal of the ACM 16: 407.
by Lyre (2002) algorithmic information – un- ― CHAITIN, G.J. Algorithmic Information Theory, Cam-
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987
like Shannon’s information – reflects, at the ― KOLMOGOROV, A.N. (1965). "Three Ap-
same time, semantic and syntactic aspects: proaches to the Quantitative Definition of Infor-
“The algorithmic information content mation". Problems Inform. Transmission, Vol.1, Num.1,
measures actual information under both syn- pp. 1–7.
― LYRE, H. (2002). Inforsmationstheorie. Munich: Wil-
tactic and sematic aspects” (Lyre 2002, p. 38). helm Fink Verlag
In our context, x can be regarded as the se- ― SOLOMONOFF, Ray (March 1964). "A Formal
mantic value of the algorithmic information or Theory of Inductive Inference Part I". Information
process (note x may be a set of operations and Control, Vol. 7, Num. 7, pp. 1–22.
with a particular effect on the environment, ― SOLOMONOFF, Ray (June 1964). "A Formal The-
ory of Inductive Inference Part II". Information and
for instance, a manufacturing process, there- Control, Vol. 7, Num. 2, pp. 224–254.
fore it reflects not only semantics but also ― WEIZSÄCKER, C.F. (1985). Aufbau der Physik. Mu-
pragmatics), whereas z represents its syntacti- nich: Hanser.
cal value. In the invariant form of algorithmic (MB –ed.-; MB, JMD)
information, z corresponds to the minimal
syntactics to address the object semantics rep-
resented by x. On the contrary, is well known ALPHABET (S. alfabeto, F. alphabet, G. alpha-
that MTC programmatically restrict infor- bet) [transdisciplinary, ICT] concept, resource
mation to its syntactic dimension. The term (from Latin alphabētum, and this from
These same distinctions are to some extent Greek ἄλφα, alfa, and βῆτα, beta) has been origi-
also used in the common senses of infor- nally used to refer to the writing system whose
mation. When we consider that we need infor- symbols (letter) are in relative correspondence
mation, this is regarded in its potential value. with phonemes of the spoken language, in con-
While when we say that we have the infor- trast to those writings in which the corre-
mation someone need, this is regarded in its spondence is established withmorphemes or syl-
actual value, though what we factually have is lables. However, the usage has been extended
some z that might eventually be shared and we to refer to the set of symbols employed in a
suppose the third party has the algorithmic communication system. This is the sense nor-
means (as we do) to reconstruct some x, which mally used in communication theory and par-
for some reason might be cherished. Then ticularly in the model of information transmis-
having z is practically equivalent to having x. sion (especially in its syntactic level, such as in

20 glossariumBITri

the case of MTC), labelling the finite set of ― OSLIN, G.P. (1992). The story of telecommunications.
Macon GA (EE.UU.): Mercer University Press.
symbols or messages that make up the →code ― SEGAL, J. (2003). Le Zéro et le Un. Histoire de la
which must be known for both the emitter and notion scientifique d'information, Paris: Syllepse.
receiver. ― SHANNON, C. E. (1948), “A Mathematical Theory
of Communication”. The Bell System Technical Journal,
There are two fundamental features to charac- Vol. 27 (July, October), pp. 379–423, 623–656.
terise the alphabet with regard to its performance
in communication efficiency: 1) its adequacy to the con- (JMD)
straints of the communication channel (e.g.,
that the stroke could be continuous or not, or ANGELETICS (S. angelética, F. angeletique, G.
that the spectral content had to be limited to a Angeletik) [Communication theory, Infor-
given range); 2) thedifferentiability of its compo- mation ethics] concept
nent symbols. The former because it will just
Contents.— 1) What is angeletics?, 2) To what extent
be effective whatever succeeds in crossing the is this a new science?, 3) A transparent society?, 4) A time
channel; the latter because depending on it the of empty angels, 5) From hermeneutics to angeletics, 6) Con-
reception in noisy environments will be better clusion
or worse. Indeed, Kotelnikov (1959) proved
that the detection error probability is a func- 1. What is angeletics? It is the name of a field
tion of such differences (measured in terms of of philosophic and scientific research. Why is
energy with respect to the noise spectral den- it called like that? The word 'angeletics' derives
sity). from Greek angelia, meaning message. We use
it when we refer to angels or divine messen-
Concerning alphabets coming from natural gers. There is a long tradition in theology and
languages, they exhibit relevant features re- religious studies called angelology. Angeletics
garding an efficient coding for transmission is different from angelology, its purpose being
through artificial channels: 1) the statistical fre- to study the phenomenon of messages and
quency of each symbol, and 2) the statistical de- messengers within the boundaries of the condi-
pendence between a symbol and its adjacent tion humaine, i.e. having as its primary object
ones (i.e., the transmission probability of a human communication. This does not imply
symbol j when the previous was i or a given that studies relating to messages and messen-
sequence). The observation -by Alfred Vail- of gers in religion or the natural sciences are ex-
the first feature in the development of the cluded. Since the Internet, digital messages
Morse code played a major role in the success and messengers are playing an important role
of Morse Telegraph (Oslin 1992) and proba- in social communication.
bly, it played an important heuristic role in the
forging of the concept of information meas- 2. To what extent is it a new science? It is
ure, especially in Hartley and Shannon work evident that the social phenomenon of mes-
(Lundheim 2002, Segal 2003). The last one ac- sages and messengers is a vast, old and com-
counts for both features in his famous "Math- plex phenomenon. The industrial revolution
ematical Theory of Communication" in order has attributed a lot of value to the marketing
to determine the entropy (or information amount) theory, that is, the study of propagating mes-
of a source (Shannon 1948). sages to obtain economic benefits. Moreover,
when we go back to the cultural revolution
References caused by the invention of the press we can
― KOTELNIKOV, V.A. (1959). The Theory of Optimum perceive the influence of this technique in the
Noise Immunity. Russia 1956, EE.UU.: McGraw Hill. worldwide dissemination of political, religious
― LUNDHEIM, L. (2002). “On Shannon and "Shan- and economic messages in modern times. We
non's Formula"”, Telektronikk (special issue on "In-
formation theory and its applications") vol. 98, no.
should not forget the history of the technique
1-2002, pp. 20-29. and organization of the post offices and, last

glossariumBITri 21

but not least, the history and theory of rela- Marshall McLuhan: "The medium is the mes-
tions between the states based on embassies sage". The question then is exactly to what ex-
and ambassadors. tent the Internet creates a new angeletic space
giving rise to new synergies of messages and
3. A transparent society? The technical rev-
messengers beyond the hierarchical and abso-
olution of the printing press creates a new sit-
lute or pseudo-absolute character of sacred
uation that is both informative and angeletic.
messages or their political substitutes. If, ac-
Immanuel Kant sees in the non-censored dis-
cording to Sloterdijk (1983), mass media have
tribution of scientific research through the
a cynical structure, the question arises now
press the medium in which the ideals and mes-
about the "fantasmatic" character of the new
sages of Enlightenment can spread and indi-
media (Zizek 1997, Capurro 1999a).
rectly influence public politics. Since then new
political and (pseudo)-scientific messages ap- Based on that, we now reach what we call
peared seeking to occupy the place of religious →information ethics, aimed at explaining the
messages and messengers with catastrophic possible theoretical and practical horizons in
consequences for society and nature, making order to maintain, organize and create new
full use as, for instance, in the case of Nazi forms of common life. This current praxeo-
Germany, of radio-diffusion. The peak of logical horizon explored by the information
mass media, through its one-to-many struc- ethics is given in a world where, on the one
ture, opened the debate about the task of cre- hand, the classic parameters of time and place
ating a public space free of pressure structures, are questioned as determining factors for the
where the force of the arguments and reason- creation and diffusion of messages; on the
ing of the players has precedence. This was the other hand, the local structures of political
ideal proclaimed by philosophers like Jürgen power up to now controlling such a phenom-
Habermas. According to Habermas, Kant enon are now paradoxically in the inverse sit-
could not foresee the transformation of the uation. The great economic and social (r-)evo-
public space dominated by mass media lutions are founded less on the prevalence of
(Capurro, 1996a). Italian philosopher Gianni media to produce material objects, as Karl
Vattimo, in his turn, criticized the Haber- Marx thought, than on the media to communi-
masian transparent society, with emphasis on cate messages. The latter are the basis of the
its utopian aspect and leveler of differences, so former (Capurro, 1995, 1999).
that a "weaker" or less transparent structure
5. From hermeneutics to angeletics. Lastly,
permits different kinds of cultural mixes that
I would like to mention the relationship be-
are more clearly reflected today in the decen-
tween angeletics and hermeneutics (Capurro,
tralizing character of the Internet (Vattimo
2000b). Hermeneutics was one of the main
schools of philosophical thought in the 20th
4. A time of empty angels. German philoso- century. Apart from the disputes between
pher Peter Sloterdijk has pointed out that we schools (positivism, Marxism, critical rational-
live in a "time of empty angels" or "mediatic ism, analytical philosophy, scientific theory,
nihilism", in which we forget what message is etc.), we can say that one of the great results
to be sent while the messengers of transmis- of the study on the 20th century has been the
sion media multiply: "This is the very disange- awareness of the interpretative nature of hu-
lium of current times" (Sloterdijk 1997). The man knowledge. This is valid both for Karl
word disangelium (por bad news) stands out, in Popper, for example, who presented a charac-
contrast to euangelium, for the empty nature of terization of scientific knowledge as being an
the messages disseminated by the mass media, eminently conjectural knowledge, subject to
culminating in the widely-known words of empirical falsifications, or for the "hermeneu-
tic circle" explained by Hans-Georg Gadamer

22 glossariumBITri

with basis on Heideggerian analytics. Each in- ― CAPURRO, R. (1999a). Beyond the Digital. [Online]
terpretation presupposes a process of message <> [Retrived:
transmission. Hermes is first and foremost a ― CAPURRO, R. (2000b). Hermeneutik im Vorblick.
messenger and, consequently, an interpreter [Online] <
and translator. This message-bearing nature of mwww.html>[Retrived: 30/10/2009]
knowledge and communication is exactly an- ― FLUSSER, V. (1996). Kommunikologie. Mannheim.
― SERRES, M. (1993). La légende des Anges. Paris.
geletics aims to analyze. Of course, this is just ― SLOTERDIJK, P. (1997). Kantilenen der Zeit. In:
as complex and far-reaching a task as herme- Lettre International, 36, p. 71-77.
neutics was in the last century. ― SLOTERDIJK, P. (1983). Kritik der zynischen Ver-
nunft. Frankfurt a.M.
6. Conclusions. A s angeletics is a message ― VATTIMO, G. (1989). La società trasparente. Milán.
theory, it is in itself only a message aiming to ― ZIZEK, S. (1997). Die Pest der Phantasmen. Viena.
create common knowledge, which might be-
come a key-science for the newly-born cen-
tury. Its issues relate to the origin, purpose and
content of messages, power structures, tech- AUDIO-VISUAL CONTENT (S. contenido
niques and means of diffusion, ways of life, audiovisual, F. contenus audiovisuels, G. audiovisue-
history of messages and messengers, coding ller Inhalte) [transdisciplinary, ICT] concept
and interpreting, and psychological-, political- The audio-visual content has a double relation
, economical-, aesthetical-, ethical- and reli- with information. As physical objects they can
gious aspects. In other words, a new scientific be observed as carriers of information about
cosmos. We are far away from such a science their own nature and given the transmitted
of messages and messengers as well as from its content, can also be considered as information
philosophical foundations. carriers, in the terms of the Unified Theory of
References information. UNESCO’s Memory of the
For further author's developments concerning angelet-
World Program recognizes that documents,
ics, see: CAPURRO, R. (2000a). "Further readings". En including audiovisual documents, have two
What is angeletics?. [Online] components: the information content and the
<> [Accessed: carrier on which it resides.
30/10/2009]. With regard to the impact of this theoret-
ical proposal, see: "Impact", Ibidem. The value of information often depends on
how easily it can be found, retrieved, accessed,
― CAPURRO, R. (1995). Leben im Informationszeitalter. filtered and managed. An incommensurable
Berlin: Akademie Verlag. [Online] <> [Retrived: 30/10/2009] amount of audiovisual information is becom-
― CAPURRO, R. (1996). On the Genealogy of Infor- ing available in digital form, in digital archives,
mation. In: K. Kornwachs, K. Jacoby (Eds.). Infor- on the World Wide Web, in broadcast
mation. New Questions to a Multidisciplinary Concept. Ber- DataStream and in personal and professional
lin, p. 259-270. [Online] < > [Retrived:
databases, and this amount is only growing. In
30/10/2009] spite of the fact that users have increasing ac-
― CAPURRO, R. (1996a). Informationsethik nach cess to these resources, identifying and man-
Kant und Habermas. In: A. Schramm, (Ed.). Philoso- aging them efficiently is becoming more diffi-
phie in Österreich. Viena, p. 307-310. [Online] cult, because of the growing volume. The
<> [Retrived:
30/10/2009] question of identifying content is not just re-
― CAPURRO, R. (1999). Ich bin ein Weltbürger aus stricted to database retrieval applications such
Sinope. Vernetzung als Lebenskunst. In: P. Bittner, as digital libraries, but extends to areas like
J. Woinowski. (Eds.). Mensch - Informatisierung - Gesell- broadcast channel selection, multimedia edit-
schaft. Münster, p. 1-19. [Online] <> [Retrived: 30/10/2009]
ing, and multimedia directory services.
Furthermore, images are rich in contents,
while in many applications text may not be

glossariumBITri 23

rich enough to describe images in an effective ― Information about low level features in the
way. To overcome these difficulties, in the content (colors, textures, sound timbres,
early 1990s, content-based image retrieval melody description).
emerged as a promising means for describing ― Conceptual information of the reality cap-
and retrieving images. Content-based image tured by the content (objects and events, in-
retrieval systems describe images by their own teractions among objects).
visual content, such as color, texture, and ob-
― Information about how to browse the con-
jects’ shape information rather than text. In
tent in an efficient way (summaries, varia-
1996 MPEG recognize the need to identify
tions, spatial and frequency sub bands,).
multimedia content, and started a work item
formally called ‘Multimedia Content Descrip- ― Information about collections of objects.
tion Interface', better known as MPEG-7. ― Information about the interaction of the
user with the content (user preferences, us-
The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
age history).
is a working group of ISO/IEC (formally
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11) in charge of References
“development of international standards for ― EC (1999). Principles and guidelines for the Com-
compression, decompression, processing, and munity's audiovisual policy in the digital age.
coded representation of moving pictures, au- [Online] European Commission. <http://eu-
dio, and their combination, in order to satisfy
ual_and_media/l24223_en.htm> [Consulted:
a wide variety of applications”. 03/12/09].
This standard includes the description of ― EDMONDSON, R (2004) Audiovisual Archiving:
Philosophy and Principles. CI/2004/WS/2. [On-
physical characteristics of the image but line]
MPEG-7 also includes Descriptors that define <
the syntax and the semantics of the image. The /136477e.pdf> [Accesed: 18/03/2010]
specific structure, semantics and relationships ― KOENEN, R., PEREIRA, F. (2000). MPEG-7: A
among the components of the content are col- standardized description of audiovisual content. Sig-
nal Processing: Image Communication, 16 (1), pp. 5-
lect in Description Schemes. There are two 13
different schema types: Descriptors and De- ― ISO/IEC (2004). MPEG-7 Overview (version 10).
scription Schemes. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11(N6828) [Online]
According to this philosophy, the MPEG-7 7/mpeg-7.htm> [Accesed: 18/03/2010]
descriptors of the audio-visual content may in- ― ISO/IEC (2009) The MPEG vision. ISO/IEC JTC
clude all the items that the standard considers 1/SC 29/WG 11 (N10412) [Online]
as informative: dex.htm> [Accesed: 18/03/2010]
― Information describing the creation and ― SOKORA, T (2001). The MPEG-7 Visual Standard
for Content Description—An Overview. IEEE
production processes of the content (direc- Transactions on Circuits and systems for Video
tor, title, short feature movie). Technology, Vol. 11. Nº 6, June 2001.
― Information related to the usage of the con- (CA)
tent (copyright pointers, usage history,
broadcast schedule).
AUTOPOIESIS (S. autopoiesis, F. autopoïèse,
― Information of the storage features of the
G. Autopoiesis) [system theory, cibernetics, the-
content (storage format, encoding).
ory of social systems] concept
― Structural information on spatial, temporal
or spatio-temporal components of the con- (αυτο-ποιησις, ‘auto (self)-creation’), neologism
tent (scene cuts, segmentation in regions, introduced in 1971 by the Chilean biologists
region motion tracking). Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela to
designate the organisation of living systems in

24 glossariumBITri

terms of a fundamental dialectic between a connection between differences. Therefore,

structure and function. Although the term there would not be strictly a transmission of
emerged in biology, afterwards it came to be information between emitter and receiver; in-
used in other sciences as well. Its use by the stead, the first one makes a suggestion for the
sociologist Niklas Luhmann is worth pointing selection of the second one, so that the infor-
out. It can be said that the →UTI takes and mation for both is different, although, in any
reproduces the concept in more differentiated case, it is constituted through communication
categories (→self-restructuring, self-reproduction pro-cesses.
and self-recreation). References
For Maturana and Varela, autopoiesis is a fun- ― MATURANA, H. y VARELA, F. (1980), Autopoie-
damental condition for the existence of living sis and cognition: the realization of the living, Dor-
beings in the continuous production of them- drecht, Reidel.
― MATURANA, H. y VARELA, F. (1996), El árbol
selves. According to Maturana (Transfor-
del conocimiento. Las bases biológicas del conoci-
mation in coexistence), “living beings are net- miento humano, Madrid, Debate.
works of molecular production in which the ― LUHMANN, N. (1989). Essays on self-refer-
produced molecules generate, through their ence,New York, Columbia University Press.
interactions, the same network that creates (JMA –ed.-; JMD)
them”. Autopoietic systems are those that
show a network of processes or operations
that characterise them and which have the ca- AXIOMATICS FOR ALGORITHMIC
pacity to create or destroy elements of the INFORMATION (S. Axiomatica de la Infor-
same system as a response to the disturbances mación Algorítmica, F. Axiomatique de l'information
of the medium. Within them, even if the sys- algorithmique, G. Axiomatik für die algorithmische
tem changes structurally, the network that Information) [AIT, Complexity theory, Com-
characterises them would remain invariable puter science, Coding theory] theory
during its whole existence, maintaining its Contents.— 1) Direct information sizes; 2) Dual com-
identity. plexity measures; 3) Origin and advantages of the axiomatic
approach to algorithmic information
For Luhmann, autopoiesis means a new theo-
retical paradigm, which, if applied to social The existence of a variety of algorithmic
systems, has a self-referential nature that does measures of information brought forth a ne-
not restrict itself to the structural level; the na- cessity for a unifying approach (→Algorithmic
ture itself constructs the elements that make it information theory, and Algorithmic information).
up. So, whereas in biological systems self-ref- This approach has been called axiomatic infor-
erence corresponds to self-reproduction, in mation theory.
social (or psychic) systems, it is constituted
through meaning (Sinn), which, in its turn, is Algorithmic information measures infor-
produced by the “processing differences” mation that is necessary to construct (build) a
which permit to “select” from the “meaning constructive object by means of some system
offer” (Mitteilung). According to the Luh- of algorithm A. That is why algorithmic infor-
mannian interpretation, “communication” mation is dual to a static complexity measure
(Kommunikation) melts the difference be- (static direct information size) a of a constructive
tween “information” (Information), the object x and is called by the name (A, α)- infor-
“meaning offer” (Mitteilung) and “under- mation size of x. Dual information size is con-
standing” (Verstehen) (in which each part dif- structed from direct information size by the
ferentiates the other two and leads them to- minimization operation. For instance, a natu-
wards a unity), where the information is but a ral direct information size for algorithms/pro-
selection within the “meaning offer” through grams is the length of their description (sym-
bolic representation), and the same is true for

glossariumBITri 25

data. It is possible to measure length in such they reflect information necessary to compute
natural units of information as bits and bytes. (construct) a given object. These measures
When taking the dual to this measure in the give much more opportunities to estimate in-
class of recursive algorithms, we obtain Kol- formation size of words and infinite strings
mogorov complexity or recursive information than conventional types of information size
size (Kolmogorov complexity). (Kolmogorov complexity).
The axiomatic description of dual information Let A = {Ai ; i  I} be a class of algorithms,
size uses axiomatic descriptions of direct com- A be an algorithm that works with elements
plexity measures suggested by Blum (1967; from I as inputs and : I  N be a direct
1967a) and further developed by Burgin (1982; static information size of algorithms from a
2005; 2010). class A that satisfies axioms from (Blum, 1967)
1. Direct information sizes. All kinds of direct or (Burgin, 2005, Ch.5). Elements of I are usu-
information sizes are divided into three classes: ally treated as programs for the algorithm A.
1) Direct static information size depends only on The dual to  complexity measure or
an algorithm/program that is measured. (A, ) – information size Ao of an object
Direct static information size usually re- (word) x with respect to the algorithm A is
flects information in the algorithm/pro- the function from the codomain (the set of all
gram representation. The length of a text outputs) Y of A that is defined as
(of an algorithm) measures information in
bits. If we say that a memory has the capac- Ao(x) = min {(p); p  I and A(p) = x}
ity 1 gigabytes, it means that it is possible to When there is no such p that A(p) = x, the
store 8×109 bits of information in this value of Ao at x is undefined.
When there is no such p that A(p) = x, the
2) Direct functional information size depends both
value of Ao at x is undefined.
on an algorithm/program that is measured
and on the input. Examples of a direct When the class A has universal algorithms,
functional information size are such popu- the invariance theorem is proved stating
lar measures as time of a computation or that Uo(x) where U is a universal algorithm
space used in a computation. in the class A is an optimal – in some sense –
3) Direct Processual information size depends on measure in the class of all measures Ao(x)
an algorithm/program, its realization, and with A from the class A (Burgin, 2010). This
on the input. Examples of a direct proces- allows one to take Uo(x) as an axiomatic com-
sual information size are time that it takes plexity measure (axiomatic information size)
to process given input or the number of in the class A.
data transactions between memories of dif-
ferent type used in this process. 3. Origin and advantages of the axiomatic
approach to algorithmic information. An
2. Dual complexity measures. Information axiomatic approach to algorithmic infor-
size, or algorithmic complexity, can be defined mation theory was introduced by Burgin in a
for different classes of algorithms, resulting in paper presented for publication by Kolmogo-
different measures. However, all these rov (Burgin 1982) and further developed in
measures are constructed by a similar tech- the paper (Burgin, 1990) and in books (Burgin
nique. As a result, it is possible to axiomatize 2005; 2010). The axiomatic approach encom-
this approach. The result of this axiomatiza- passes other approaches in the algorithmic in-
tion is called dual complexity measures (Burgin, formation theory. It is possible to treat differ-
2005). As before, we are going to call these ent measures of algorithmic information as
measures by the name dual information size as particular cases of axiomatically defined

26 glossariumBITri

measures of algorithmic information. Instead

of proving similar theorems, such as the basic
invariance theorem, for each particular meas-
ure, it is possible to easily deduce all such re-
sults from one corresponding theorem proved
in the axiomatic setting. This is a general ad-
vantage of the axiomatic approach in mathe-
― BLUM, M. (1967). On the Size of Machines. Infor-
mation and Control, v. 11, pp. 257–265
― BLUM M. (1967a). A Machine-independent Theory
of Complexity of Recursive Functions. Journal of the
ACM, v. 14, No.2, pp. 322–336
― BURGIN, M. (1982). Generalized Kolmogorov
complexity and duality in theory of computations.
Soviet Math. Dokl., v.25, No. 3, pp. 19–23
― BURGIN, M. (1990). Generalized Kolmogorov
Complexity and other Dual Complexity Measures.
Cybernetics, No. 4, pp. 21–29
― BURGIN, M. (2005). Super-recursive algorithms. Mono-
graphs in computer science, Heidelberg: Springer.
― BURGIN, Mark (2010). Theory of Information: Funda-
mentality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore: World
Scientific Publishing.

glossariumBITri 27
CHANNEL THEORY (S. teoría de canales, F. It does not matter what a, b, F, G are. It might
théorie des canaux, G. Kanaltheorie) [logic, seman- be the case that a, b are objects and F, G are
tics, computer science] theory properties (as in monary predicate logic); per-
Contents.— 1) Formulation of the subject matter, 2) In-
haps a, b are situations whereas F, G are situa-
formation flow in a distributed system, 3) Information chan- tion types (as in situation theory); maybe a, b
nels, 4) Information flow: the ideal case, 5) Information are different instants a system goes by, while
flow: the practical case, 6) Fallibility in the flow of infor- F, G are system descriptions in the form of tu-
mation, 7) Two versions of the theory. ples consisting of numbers (as in mathematical
modelling). The point is that every part of a
Channel Theory (also known as the Theory of
distributed system consists of a collection of
Information Channels, the Theory of Infor-
tokens {a1, a2,...} as well as a collection of
mation Flow or simply IF-Theory) is a logico-
types {F1, F2,...}; both collections relate to
mathematical theory that models the flow of
each other by means of a classificatory rela-
information among components of a so-called
tion, giving rise to items of the form "a is F".
"distributed system". Barwise and Seligman
(1997) is the standard source. There are previ- This account of information reports goes back
ous versions of the theory that are acknowl- to Dretske (1981). It was partially developed
edged by the same name; in the last section we in the theory of situations of Barwise and
will deal with that problem. Perry (1983), which Devlin (1991) updates. In
situation theory, regularities betweenF and G
1. Formulation of the subject matter. There
were studied under the name of "constraints",
is a fundamental question that channel theory
but physical connections between a and b were
tries to answer: "How is it possible for one
hardly taken into account. Restrictions serve
thing to carry information about another?"
to explain appropriately the relativity of infor-
(Barwise and Seligman 1997: xi). Since entities
mation flow, while the combination of re-
convey information about each other as far as
strictions and connections seems to be the key
they are classified by abstract states, and more-
to understand his fallibility.
over the conveyed information depends also
on certain background of connections (be- 2. Information flow in a distributed sys-
tween things) and regularities (between ab- tem. Even though information is not defined,
stract states), any answer to a particular in- it is assumed as something that "flows" among
stance of the previous question has to fit the the components of a system. Such compo-
following scheme (Barwise and Seligman nents may be distant from one another in time
1997: 13). and space; furthermore, they can be very dif-
ferent one to each other. That is why it is said
Information report:
that the system is "distributed" (in computer
The fact that a is in the abstract state F carries science this term has another meaning). Ex-
the information that b is in the abstract state G ample: all the noticeboards, travel tickets and
with respect to certain relationships that link a trains that make up a railway network form to-
and b on the one hand, F and G on the other. gether a distributed system.

glossariumBITri 29

There are systematic correlations among com- whole" informational relationship. It is built
ponents in every distributed system. They are up by two functions f = (f+,f–) that go in oppo-
"regularities" that support the system's infor- site directions (see diagram) and fulfill the fol-
mation flow, which in turn can be modelled by lowing condition: f–(a)R1t if and only if aR2f+(t)
different theoretical constructs we call "infor- for all a in A2 and t in T1. This implies that the
mation channels". image of type t says in A2 what t says in A1.
There are four principles of information flow.
They lead the mathematical development of
the theory.
4) Information flow results from regularities
in a distributed system.
Vertical lines represent classificatory relations;
5) Information flow crucially involves both horizontal arrows are functions. Since the di-
types and their particulars. rection of f+determines that of f we can also
6) It is by virtue of regularities among connec- write:
tions that information about some compo-
nents of a distributed system carries infor-
mation about other components.
7) The regularities of a given distributed sys- We do not consider subscripts in R1 and R2
tem are relative to its analysis in terms of whenever it does not give rise to misunder-
information channels. standing. In the diagrams we can do without
the expressions R1 and R2.
Let us see how to formalize the concepts of
distributed system and information channel in Barwise and Seligman (1997: 34, 76) define an
such a way that they match the above four information channel as a collection of info-
principles. morphisms that share the same codomain. We
can also say that a channel consists of a set
3. Information channels. Parts of a distrib- {A1,...,An} of classifications that represent the
uted system are modelled as classifications. A parts of the distributed system, a classification
classification A is a structure (A,T,R) where A C (the core) that represents the system as a
and T are non-empty sets of tokens and types hole, and a set of infomorphisms {f1,...,fn} that
respectively, and R is a relation from A to T. go from each of the parts onto C. Classifica-
There might be tokens classified by several tions in {A1,...,An} can be repeated. Tokens in
types, as well as types that classify several to- C are the connections of the system: of every
kens. If a is in A and t is inT, then eRt means c in C it is said that it connects the tokens to
that a is of type t. which c is related by means of {f1,...,fn}. Parts
A classification provides the vocabulary (via {A1,...,An} inform about each other as long as
T) and the context (via R) whereby it is possi- they all are parts of C.
ble to speak about each component of the sys- Every channel models those conditions that
tem. Typically, different tokens of a classifica- make the information flow possible in a dis-
tion can be seen as the same physical system tributed system, which in turn can be mod-
across different time points; types would be elled by different information channels. A dis-
state descriptions of the system. tributed system D is a collection of elements
Two classifications A1=(A1,T1,R1) and informing about each other. Formally, D con-
A2=(A2,T2,R2) can be related one to another sists of an indexed class cla(D) of classifica-
by means of an infomorphism f from A1 to A2, tions together with a class inf(D) of infomor-
where A1 is the domain and A2 the codomain phisms whose domains and codomains are all
of f. Intuitively, an infomorphism is a "part-to- in cla(D).

30 glossariumBITri

An information channel K covers a distributed Tokens of [A1+A2] are ordered pairs that com-
system D if and only if cla(D) are the classifi- bine all the tokens in A1 and A2. The type set
cations of the channel and for every info- of [A1+A2] is the disjoint union generated by
morphism f in inf(D) there are infomorphisms types in A1 and A2. A token is of certain type
from both the domain and codomain of f to if any of its components was of that type. In-
the core of K such that the diagram formed by fomorphisms from the parts to the sum and
these three infomorphisms commutes. The from the sum to the core are defined so that
underlying idea is that all classifications in the the diagram commutes.
distributed system are informational parts of
4. Information flow: the ideal case. Infor-
the core whose channel covers the system. In
mation channels tell us why the information
Barwise and Seligman (1997: 89-97) it is
flows within a distributed system; which are
shown how to construct an information chan-
the conditions of possibility of information.
nel out of a distributed system.
The logical apparatus we present in this sec-
An information channel with four compo- tion and the next one is suitable for studying
nents could be e.g. a flashlight of which we how that information flows.
consider the bulb (A1), the switch (A2), the bat-
Every classification A is equipped with its own
teries (A3) and the case (A4). The correspon-
"theory", namely the class of regularities
ding diagram:
among types that are supported by the tokens.
How to formalize this idea of regularity that
depends on the idea of classification? IfT1, T2
are subsets of T, then a token a of A satisfies
the pair (T1,T2) if and only if aRt for all t in T1
implies aRt for some t in T2. Every pair (T1,T2)
satisfied by some token is a regularity.

Information flows across the channel: switch The theory Th(A) generated by A is a structure
being ON and battery being charged inform (T,) consisting of the set T of types in A to-
that the bulb is lite unless the case is broken; gether with a consequence relation  com-
battery working properly informs that the bulb prised by all regularities in A. Given a theory,
can be either lite or unlite, etc. we write T1T2 and say that T1 implies T2
whenever (T1,T2) is a regularity of the theory.
It is possible to simplify a channel so that it Relation  obey the logical properties of iden-
contains only two classifications and one info- tity, monotony and cut that characterize de-
morphism. In order to do that we get together ductive inference.
its parts A1, A2, A3... in a sole classification by
means of a "sum" that generates the classifica- Once we have the concepts of classification,
tion [A1+A2+A3...] where all the information theory, infomorphism and information chan-
that the parts of the channel previously con- nel, it is feasible to try out a first analysis of
tained separately is now contained in a single information flow. Let be given a channel K
classification. In the case of a channel with wherein two classifications A1 and A2 inform
two parts: one about another in virtue of their informa-
tional memebership C. The diagram looks like

glossariumBITri 31

In general, for all infomorphism f from A to B

Initial proposal: Let a1 be of type t1 in A1 and there are two rules Intro-f and Elim-f for mov-
a2 of type t2 in A2. Then a1's being of type t1 ing regularities from A to B and from B to A
in A1 informs that a2 is of type t2 in A2, rel- respectively. Intro-f translates T1–f T2–f in A
atively to the channel K, if and only if a1 and into T1  T2 in B. Elim-f translates T1fT2f in
a2are connected through some token in C B into T1  T2 in A. By means of Intro-f, va-
and moreoverf+(t1) implies f+(t2) in the teory lidity is preserved, while non-validity is not; by
Th(C) (Barwise and Seligman 1997: 35). means of Elim-f, non-validity is preserved,
while validity is not. Closer analysis of rules
This first analysis bears in mind regularities in Intro-f and Elim-f suggests that we should
C instead of regularities among the parts of generalize the concept of theory in order to
the system. This is because we have adopted a cover logical systems that are possibly un-
viewpoint external to this system, assuming as sound or incomplete.
well that we are given complete information
about its regularities. We have idetified that in- In the car example, as we apply Intro-f1 to the
formation with Th(C). But in practice it is un- theory Th(A1) we get a consistent theory that
likely, if not impossible, that we know all these might not be complete, and as we apply Elim-
regularities. That's why it is convenient to re- f2 to that theory we get a third one (this time
vise the previous analysis: we have to assume over A2) that might be unsound or incomplete
an internal viewpoint with respect to the sys- or both.
tem, wherein we are so to speak considering A local logic L = (A,, N) consists of a clas-
just a part of the system; from observation of sification A, a binary relation => on type sets
that part -together with our incomplete and from A satisfying identity, monotony and cut,
fallible knowledge of the system as a whole- as well as a subset N of "normal" tokens from
we have to extract information about other A satisfying all pairs (T1,T2) such that T1T2.
parts of the system. How to do this? By means Logic L is sound if every token is normal; it is
of local logics. complete if for every pair (T1,T2) satisfied by
5. Information flow: the practical case. every normal token, it is true that T1T2. The
Given a classification A, its theory Th(A) is sound and complete local logic of A is Log(A),
sound and complete. But we can consider log- which is but a generalization of Th(A).
ical systems associated to A that are neither If we have in the previous diagram a local logic
sound nor complete. It is precisely what local L(A1) associated to A1, we can define the logic
logics are all about. Motivation for considering f1[L(A1)] generated by Intro-f1 from L(A1) and
such systems comes from the study of situa- associated to C, as well as the logic f2–
tions in which we have the theory of a "prox- [f1[L(A1)]] generated by Elim-f2 from the for-
imal" classification A1 but we want to reason mer logic and associated to A2. The last logic
about a "distal" classification A2 from what we might be unsound or incomplete, but it is all
know about A1. Example: we drive a car and we have to reason about A2 from the starting
the proximal classification consists of the point of the local logic L(A1). In general, it can
speedometer, counting machine, gasoline indi- be proved that every local logic associated to a
cator, and so on, whereas the distal classifica- classification is the local logic induced by
tion is the engine.

32 glossariumBITri

some binary channel, i.e. for every classifica- Basic proposal: Given a channel with only one
tion A2 and local logic associated to it there infomorphism, its distributed logic is the in-
exists a classificationA1 and a channel linking verse image of the local logic associated to
both classifications such that the local logic as- the core (Barwise and Seligman 1997: 183).
sociated to A2 is of the form f2–[f1[Log(A1)]].
This proposal is somehow less explicit than
Does this fact bear any relation at all with our the previous one in that it does not mention
logical model of information flow? Let us sup- the "information report" of the first section.
pose there is a channel equipped with two However, it is obviously coherent with such a
components, as in the former diagram, but scheme. To see it you only have to work out
this time we do not have Log(C) for the core the basic proposal having into account the
C. What we have is a local logic L on C that concepts involved in the sum of classifica-
might be either unsound or incomplete. tions.
Hence C can be seen as the distant classifica-
6. Fallibility in the flow of information.
tion of a new channel whose core is C' and
Whether a pair of types (T1,T2) is a regularity
whose "proximal" classification O (for ob-
or not, with respect to a distributed system,
server) supports the logic Log(O), which is the
depends on the information channel we use to
logic the observer uses to reason C. It turns
model the very system (recall principle 4). And
out that L on Cequals to g2–1[g1[Log(O)]]
this in turn depends on the analysis we adopt,
as well as the tokens and types being assumed.
As soon as we fix a distributed system, chang-
ing the channel might imply a change in the
regularities we are to accept, hence a change in
the flow of information our logical model cap-

As we take L instead of Th(C) we overcome A way of restricting the number of regularities

the initial proposal because we assume now in a channel K is to "refine" it by means of a
that our knowledge about C is incomplete and channel K' that has the same parts as K yet a
fallible, for it is the knowledge of an observer different core C' that lies between C and the
that tries to acquire information about parts in such a way that the following diagram
A2from direct access to A1. But we still have commutes.
to define the flow of information on the basis
of regularities taking place among parts of the
system, not on the basis (as in the initial pro-
posal) of regularities among images of types
within the core of the channel. In order to
move forward we have to simplify the channel
by means of the sum operation until we get a
channel made up by a single component A and A straightforward case is that where functions
a single infomorphism f (otherwise we should in r are identities and C' contains more tokens
have regularities within each part of the system than C. From this case it should be obvious
instead of regularities among those parts). At that, the more refined a channel, the more re-
this point we use the rule Elim-f for getting f– liable the information it supports, since the
1(L), a local logic on A that happens to be the
number of connections between tokens of dif-
"distributed logic" or logic that codifies the in- ferent parts of the system increases. With re-
formation flow of the channel. In other words: spect to the types: by Intro-r every regularity
in K' is a regularity in K as well; now, by Elim-
r not every regularity in K is a regularity in K'.

glossariumBITri 33

This means that whenever a regularity inK fails spaces (Barr 1979; Pratt 1999). Algebraic con-
(because of exceptions) we do not have to structions over Chu spaces provide the se-
seek alternative logics but alternative channels. mantics of the theory. Barwise (1997) investi-
gate linkages to modal logic, whereas Barwise
Suppose that A1 classifies the switch of a flash-
(1999) is an application of the theory to the
light at different times, whereas A2 classifies
study of non-monotonic reasoning. Seligman
the bulb of the very same flashlight again at
(2009), in turn, is an attempt of merging the
those times. If C does not take into account
second version of channel theory with Shan-
connections with the battery, it is a regularity
non's statistical theory of signal transmission
that the image of the type "on" implies the im-
and codification (1948).
age of the type "lite". As soon as a flashlight
with a discharged battery plays the role of a Pérez-Montoro (2000, 2007) takes the view-
counterexample to that regularity, we do not point of information content in his compre-
have to seek a new logic (e.g. non-monotonic), hensive survey of Shannon, Dretske, situation
rather we should try to define a new core C' theory and the first version of channel theory.
that takes into account the battery as a relevant Restall (2005) deals with the first version of
component of the flashlight, thus the new the theory from a logical perspective. Some re-
channel would not admit as a regularity that cent surveys of information theories, like
the image of "on" implies the image of "lite". Devlin (2001) or Bremer and Cohnitz (2004),
devote a separate chapter to the second ver-
7. Two versions of the theory. There are two
sion of channel theory.
versions of channel theory. The second one is
a development of the first one, which in turn Related resources
stems from situation theory. Both versions ― Ontologos:
originate in the collaborative work of Jon Bar- ― The Information Flow Framework:
wise and Jerry Seligman during the 1990s.

First version. The first published paper is Bar- References

wise (1992). There it is suggested that situation ― BARR, M. (1979). *-Autonomous Categories, with an
theory cannot explain fallibility in the infor- Appendix by Po Hsiang Chu. Lecture Notes in Mathe-
mation flow because it considers relationships matics 752. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
between types of situations without paying at- ― BARWISE, J. (1992). “Information links in domain
theory”. In: BROOKES, S. et al. (eds.). Mathematical
tention to relationships between concrete sit- Foundations of Programming Semantics, Lecture Notes in
uations. Such relations are introduced and the Computer Science 598, pp. 168–192. Berlin / Hei-
resulting model is analyzed. Barwise (1993) is delberg / New York: Springer-Verlag.
a much more sophisticated exposition. Selig- ― BARWISE, J. (1993). “Constraints, channels and the
man (1990, 1991a, 1991b) had developed very flow of information”. In: ACZEL, P. et al. (eds.).
Situation Theory and Its Applications. Volume 3, CSLI
similar ideas to those of Barwise inde- Lecture Notes 37, pp. 3–27. Stanford: CSLI Publica-
pendently. From collaboration of these two tions.
authors arise the technical paper Barwise and ― BARWISE, J. (1997). “Information and Impossibili-
Seligman (1993) and the more philosophical ties”. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Vol. 38(4),
pp. 488–515.
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the theory was summarized in the survey pa- non-monotonicity”. In: MOSS, L. S. et al. (eds.).
per Moss and Seligman (1994). Logic, Language and Computation. Volume 2, CSLI Lec-
ture Notes 96, pp. 1–20. Stanford: CSLI Publica-
Second version. The first and still standard refer- tions.
ence is Barwise and Seligman (1997), where ― BARWISE, J. & PERRY, J. (1983). Situations and At-
the previous version of the theory is reformu- titudes. Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books / The MIT
lated in the mathematical framework of cate- ― BARWISE, J. & SELIGMAN, J. (1993). “Imperfect
gory theory, in particular the theory of Chu Information Flow”. In: VARDI, M. (ed.). Proceedings.

34 glossariumBITri

Eight Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Theories of Information, pp. 193–233. Berlin / Heidel-
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ciety Press. ― SHANNON, C. E. (1948). “A Mathematical Theory
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language, pp. 331–364. Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview. (JO)
― BARWISE, J. & SELIGMAN, J. (1997). Information
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― DEVLIN, K. (1991). Logic and Information. Cam- Code is a system of signs and rules for con-
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[Online] Helsinki (Finland): European School of
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― DRETSKE, F. (1981). Knowledge and the Flow of Infor- encoding is the process by which information
mation. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
― MOSS, L. S. & SELIGMAN, J. (1994). “Classifica- is converted into symbols (usually belonging
tion domains and information links: a brief survey”. to an →alphabet) being communicated, stored
In: VAN EIJCK, J. & VISSER, A. (eds.). Logic and or processed; whereas decoding is the reverse
Information Flow, pp. 112–124. Cambridge, MA / process which reconverts code symbols into
London: The MIT Press.
― PÉREZ-MONTORO, M. (2000). El fenómeno de la
information understandable or useful to the
información. Una aproximación conceptual al flujo informa- receiver (→encoder and decoder)
tivo. Madrid: Trotta.
― PÉREZ-MONTORO, M. (2007). The Phenomenon of
Notice that from this point of view the code
Information. A Conceptual Approach to Information Flow. is supposed to be simultaneously known by
Medford, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. [English the sender (or source) and the receiver (or des-
translation of Pérez-Montoro (2000).] tination), which explains the inter-comprehen-
― PRATT, V. (1999). Chu Spaces. [Online] Coimbra sion between them (in case it involves inten-
(Portugal): School on Category Theory and Applica-
tions. < tion) or interoperability (if the information is
bra.pdf> [Consulted: 18/12/2009] understood only at a pragmatic or operational
― RESTALL, G. (2005). “Logics, situations and chan- level). Therefore, this point of view deals with
nels”. Journal of Cognitive Science, Vol. 6, pp. 125–150. a traditional relation to →reversibility, which
[Publisher in 2006. A previous version entitled
“Notes on Situation Theory and Channel Theory”
would explain neither the emergence nor the
was available online in 1996 at author’s web page] dynamics of code. An improvement of this
― SELIGMAN, J. (1990). Perspectives: A Relativistic Ap- perspective can be found in Foerster´s criti-
proach to the Theory of Information. PhD Thesis. Centre cism of cybernetics of the first order, which is
for Cognitive Studies. Edinburgh: University of Ed- intended to be improved in cybernetics of the
― SELIGMAN, J. (1991a). “Perspectives in Situation second order as means of explaining self-ref-
Theory”. In: COOPER, R. et al. (eds.). Situation The- erential and autopoietic processes (→cybernet-
ory and Its Applications. Volume 1, CSLI Lecture Notes ics, autopoiesis; Foerster 1984).
22, pp. 147–191. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
― SELIGMAN, J. (1991b). “Physical situations and in- In semiotics, a code -as system of signs- is a sys-
formation flow”. In: BARWISE, J. et al. (eds.). Situa- tem of correlations or correlational rules be-
tion Theory and Its Applications. Volume 2, CSLI Lec- tween the coding system (system of signifiers
ture Notes 26, pp. 257–292. Stanford: CSLI Publica-
or syntactic space or expression space) and a
― SELIGMAN, J. (2009). “Channels: From Logic to codified system (system of meanings or se-
Probability”. In: SOMMARUGA, G. (ed.). Formal mantic space or content space). In words of
Umberto Eco: the code “associates a vehicle-

glossariumBITri 35

of-the-sign (or signifier) with some-thing that trieval and exchange of information, coordi-
is called its meaning or sense” (Eco 1973). nation, and management). This enables new
groups to enter business and markets and de-
stroys others, but also empowers individuals
― ASHBY, W.R. (1957). An introduction to cybernetics. to improve their organizational and network-
London: Chapman and Hall. ing competence. On the other hand, new dig-
― ECO, U. (1973), "Social Life as Sign System". In D.
ROBEY, Structuralism, an Introduction. Oxford: Ox- ital technologies allow for the commercializa-
ford University Press. tion of more and more human activities (in
― FOERSTER, H. von (1981). Observing systems. Sea- particular cultural ones). While digital tele-
side, CA: Intersystems Publications. phone services enable business to create new
― MORRIS, C.W. (1985). Fundamentos de la teoría de los
signos. Barcelona: Paidós.
profitable markets and open up new spheres
― SHANNON, C. E., “A Mathematical Theory of of investment, by a tricky interplay of Tech-
Communication”. The Bell System Technical Jour-nal, nology and the Law information goods can be
Vol. 27, pp. 379–423, 623–656, July, October, 1948. transformed into new commodities. In the
(JMD) manner of a time machine Information Tech-
nology allows for freezing language, sound,
movements (talking, singing, making music,
COMMODIFICATION (S. mercantilización, dancing, writing etc.) on a carrier and for re-
F. marchandisation, G. Ökonomisierung) [political animating them at different points in time and
economy, moral] concept space. In principle, Information and Commu-
On a general level the concept “commodifica- nication Technology would also allow to copy
tion” (C) denotes the transformation of mere the information and to distribute it on a global
goods (use values) into "commodities" (Ger- scale. There would be an abundance of infor-
man: "Waren") by selling and buying them on mation goods, because they do not disappear
a market. Commodities carry both, use value when they are consumed. But this would not
and exchange value. As use values they are be profitable. Therefore legal measures (Intel-
useful things for anybody (in any type of soci- lectual Property Rights) were creatively in-
ety) and represent concrete labour. As ex- vented to secure markets of commodified in-
change values they embody a certain amount formation goods. By adding prices to infor-
of abstract labour (in market economies only). mation goods and services artificial shortage is
C is closely related to the more general con- created and can be directly and indirectly (by
cept of "commercialization" (Z), which is not building up the infrastructure needed) ex-
only true for physical or energetic objects, but ploited by private companies.
also for services. The essential difference be- Lawrence Lessig (2004) rightly stresses that C
tween C and Z is that only commodities con- and Z restrict the universal access to cultural
tribute to the surplus product which is the ba- products. Further cultural development and
sis for capital investment (on the physical creativity could be severely hampered.
level) and for surplus value (on the value
level). Without surplus product in a closed References
economy there cannot be any profit. ― FLEISSNER, P. (2006). "Commodification, infor-
mation, value and profit ". Poiesis & Praxis: Interna-
Information societies are characterized by tional Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Sci-
three new technologies, the computer, the In- ence, February, Vol. 1, pp. 39 – 53. online publication
ternet and Mobile Communication. The eco-
nomically essential features are on the one ― LESSIG, L. (2004). Free Culture. How Big Media Uses
Technology and The Law To Lock Down Culture and Con-
hand that those technologies allow to reduce trol Creativity. New York: The Penguin Press.
the transaction cost of business and private in-
dividuals (all activities of identification, re- (PF)

36 glossariumBITri

COMMUNICATION (S. comunicación, F. cesses, supports the foundations of the inter-

communication, G. Kommunikation, Verbindung, actional dimension of information and com-
Mitteilung) [transdisciplinary] concept munication, which in turn makes possible
Contents.— 1) Three dimensions of a complex phenom-
their role in the meaning sphere.
enon (a. the organizational dimension, b. the interactional b) The interactional dimension. To exist,
dimension, c. the meaning dimension), 2) The ‘information- for a living being, is to be related to somebody.
alist’ conception of communication, 3) The socio-cultural No living organism can develop efficiently far
conception of communication.
from ‘the others’, to such an extent, that the
1. Three dimensions of a complex phe- net of relations between an organism and its
nomenon. It is possible to weave, from the environment, between an organism and other
perspective of complexity, a continuity line organisms, becomes a prerequisite for life.
among the three epistemological dimensions That relational condition is shared by every
of communication: organizational dimension, living thing, not only by human beings. On the
interactional dimension and meaning dimen- basis of its organizational condition, and as far
sion. as any living organization is a refined example
of a complex organization, communication
a) The organizational dimension. Commu-
comes to be the interactional logics among liv-
nication and information enter the heart of
ing beings.
contemporary epistemology together with
Shannon and Weaver’s Mathematical Theory It is necessary, however, to distinguish be-
of Communication, von Bertalanffy’s General tween the conception of communication as in-
Systems Theory and Wiener’s Cybernetics. teractional logics among living beings (behav-
The organizational and adaptive dimension of ioural coordination) and that of communica-
the concept of communication is posed by tion as a meaning practice. While certain con-
Norbert Wiener as follows: sensus around ‘behavioural ecology’ can be
observed in the first conception, there is no
“Information is a name for the content of
clear consensus in the latter. Thus, for in-
what is exchanged with the outer world as we
stance, Pradier (1985) and Mac Roberts (1980)
adjust to it, and make our adjustment felt upon
emphasize the need of intentionality as re-
it. The process of receiving and of using infor-
quirement for referring to communication in
mation is the process of our adjusting to the
a natural sense. To some extent, these and
contingencies of the outer environment, and
other authors presume self-consciousness as a
of our living effectively within that environ-
communicational prerequisite which, in the
ment. To live effectively is to live with ade-
end, restricts communication to the human
quate information. Thus, communication and
domain. They obviate, in that perspective,
control belong to the essence of man's inner
those contributions from ethology (Lorenz,
life, even as they belong to his life in society”
1972; Tinbergen, 1979; y von Frisch, 1957)
(Wiener, Cybernetics and Society, 1954:18)
and zoo-semiotics (Sebeok, 1972), which
Information is that way linked to the idea of point, in one way or another, to an evolution-
order (in the sense of organizational regulari- ary line between communication in the biolog-
ties) as well as conceived as a product of that ical sense and communication in those mean-
very organizational order. If information is the ing oriented interactions that characterize hu-
matter of complex organizational logics, com- mans.
munication is then the process par excellence
From a different point of view, and keeping a
of that same organizational dynamics. That
convenient distance from Neo-Darwinian so-
very concept of information, as well as the or-
cio-biological assumptions, the Chilean biolo-
ganizational relevance of communication pro-
gists Maturana and Varela (1996) depart from
the biological basis of the social phenomenon

glossariumBITri 37

to depict communication as a kind of recur- would be the process through which the so-
sive behaviour: communication is a behaviour cially conscious self emerges.
specialised in behavioural coordination. Pre-
Since communication constitutes the sphere
cisely due to that condition of being a behav-
where interactions –which constructivism
iour that coordinates behaviours, the above
deals with at the epistemological level- take
mentioned authors state that any social form
place, Meads’ idea takes communication as the
(human or not) is based on communicative be-
prerequisite for human being both in its indi-
haviour, since behavioural coordination
vidual and social dimension. In addition, by
comes to be the phenomenic expression and
conceiving those internal processes (obviated
the prerequisite of society.
by behaviourism under the black box para-
c) The meaning dimension. The conceptual digm) as intrinsically social, Mead’s theory be-
frame of Symbolic Interactionism constitutes comes the driving force for all those perspec-
the point of departure for the evolutionary tives focusing attention on subjects and pro-
change of constructivism: from epistemologi- cesses, in opposition to those views which -
cal and psychological constructivism to social like functionalism- emphasize structures and
constructivism. That process is marked by the normative regularities.
contributions of Palo Alto Group (Watzlawick
Assuming Mead’s proposal on communica-
et alt., 1981), Goffman’s interactional micro-
tion as the core principle for both societal and
sociology (Goffman, 1970) and Garfinkel’s
individual constitution, Habermas (1987:134)
Ethnomethodology (Garfinkel, 1967). That
develops his foundation of sociological
constructivist current of sociological thought
thought in the terms of a theory of communi-
progressively moves its focus from cognitive
cation. From Mead on (together with the con-
processes to the symbolic processes, and lies
tributions of the Linguistic Turn in philoso-
at the base of those communication studies
phy), thinking the human subject becomes
posing an alternative to the ‘black box’ para-
thinking inter-subjective communication. The
digms (which obviate the observation of
process of objectivizing the self that symbolic
mind-behaviour and society-action correla-
interactionism elucidates comes to be in this
sense a socio-linguistic version of the episte-
Especially, George Herbert Mead posed the mological reflection on the nature of the ob-
interactional perspective as a critical answer to server.
behaviourism and its stimulus-response
Together with the interactional conception,
model, putting the stress in the relevance of
how the bond between the individual and the
individual’s internal experience and in the
social system is conceived also changes. None
symbolic nature of inter-individual interac-
of them can be thought of as external to each
tions. The influence of Mead’s view can be
other, since it is language, cognitive patterns,
even tracked in Habermas’ Theory of Com-
rules and values of community the point of
municative Action (1987) and in Berger and
reference for the subject to give sense to any
Luckmann’s phenomenological-constructivist
action. In its turn, social action has a sense
thesis on the social construction of reality
which is simultaneously ‘subjective’ (the at-
tributed sense) and ‘objective’, reified, exter-
In his well known Mind, Self and Society (1970), nalized in the expressions, patterns and norms
Mead posed a theory for the social constitu- of relations. Thus, to understand how a sub-
tion of the self as a sphere where the individual ject builds an image of the self involves (in the
develops self-consciousness on the basis of his perspective of social relations but also in the
or her capacity to adopt the other’s point of perspective of language use) his or her inter-
view. That kind of externalized reflexivity actions with others, as well as the meaning and

38 glossariumBITri

value systems and the rules that organize be- emitter and receiver. The receiver can show
haviours and relations. the emitter, through verbal and non verbal sig-
nals, how he or she interprets the message.
2. The ‘informationalist’ conception of
And the emitter can adjust his or her message
communication. On the basis of the sym-
taking the place of the receiver, thus facilitat-
bolic conception of communication and under
ing that receiver's interpretation adapts to the
the powerful influence of Shannon and
preferred original meaning. In the role taking
Weaver’s model, the process of human com-
function, the emitter imagines the message
munication is generally defined as a kind of
from the receiver’s viewpoint, considering if
symbolic action in which an emitter (or sender)
the receiver will be able to understand it as it
intentionally decides to start the process of
will be intendedly formulated, or if some mod-
sending a →message to a receiver through a
ification is instead required.
→communication channel in order to express a
given meaning. The emitter codifies the mean- 3. The socio-cultural conception of com-
ing via symbols, →signs or concrete represen- munication. Up to now we have character-
tations, which may be verbal or non verbal, ized communication as a kind of information
and are attached to common interpretations transmission. That idea of communication as
the receptor also knows (→code). The receiver information transmission has been the domi-
receives and identifies the signals, and using nant model for theoretical considerations on
his or her knowledge of attributed conven- the communicative actions. However, com-
tional meanings, the receiver changes his or munication is related also to other functions.
her attitudinal behaviour. Some authors (Carey, 1989; Van Zoonen,
1994; Radford 2005) underline that the term
In that process both emitter and receiver con-
communication (Lat. Communicatio) is related to
stantly and simultaneously exchange their
communion, having in common, sharing, and
roles, using a wide variety of variables from
participating. From this viewpoint, communi-
the context that make possible an appropriate
cation shows a clear socializing function, since
interpretation of the message. Communicative
it contributes to building and developing com-
processes are, in this view, essentially transac-
munity through shared rituals, narratives, be-
tional, simultaneous and interactive. Both the
liefs and values.
emitter and the receiver are involved in a pro-
cess of mutual cooperation in the construction References
of the message. ― ABRIL, G. (1997). Teoría general de la información. Ma-
In any case, cognitive, psychological, social or drid: Cátedra.
― AGUADO, J.M. (2003). Comunicación y cognición. Sevi-
cultural interferences can often affect the cor- lla: Comunicación Social Ediciones.
rect interpretation of the message by the recip- ― BERGER, P. y LUCKMANN, T. (1979). La cons-
ient. Nevertheless, the absolute coincidence is trucción social de la realidad, Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
usually not a requirement to produce commu- CASSIRER, E. (1998). Filosofía de las formas simbólicas.
Vol. I. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
nication. Generally, we manage to exchange ― FRISCH, K. von (1957). La vida de las abejas. Barce-
information although the level of accuracy in lona: Labor.
the interpretation is not complete. ― GARFINKEL, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnometodology.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice- Hall.
In case of interpersonal communication, the ― GOFFMAN, E. (1970). Ritual de la Interacción, Bue-
problem of semantic perception is usually nos Aires: Tiempo Contemporáneo.
counterbalanced by means of receiver's ability ― HABERMAS, J. (1987). Teoría de la acción comuni-
to answer (→feedback), and emitter’s ability to cativa 1. Racionalidad de la acción y racionalización
social. Madrid: Taurus.
put him/herself in the place of the recep (role- ― HABERMAS, J. (1989). Teoría de la acción comuni-
taking function). Both functions help to avoid cativa II: Crítica de la razón funcionalista. Madrid:
-as far as possible- the semantic gap between Taurus.

glossariumBITri 39

― LORENZ, K. (1972). El comportamiento animal y hu- through the information source, to the char-
mano. Barcelona: Plaza y Janés. acteristics of the channel (which has certain
(1980). «Toward a minimal definition of animal limitations and available resources, such as the
communication». The Psychological Record, 30. bandwidth or frequency margin that can be
― MEAD, G. H. (1970). Espíritu, persona y sociedad. Bue- sent). In the analysis, Shannon distinguishes
nos Aires: Paidós. between channels without noise (which is
― PRADIER, .L. M. (1985). «Bio-logique et semio-lo-
gique». Degrés, 42-43.
nothing but a theoretical abstraction that can
― SANCHEZ, L. (2008). «El fenómeno de la comuni- approximately correspond to a situation in
cación», en Duran, J. y Sánchez, L. (eds.)Industrias de which the noise is negligible with respect to
la comunicación audiovisual. Barcelona: Publicacions i the received signals) and channels with noise
edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Col. Comu- (which is the normal situation and must espe-
nicación activa
― SEBEOK, T. A. (1972). Perspectives in Zoosemiotics, cially be taken into consideration when the
The Hague: Mouton. noise is notably present with respect to the sig-
― SHANNON, G. E. y WEAVER, W. (1981). Teoría nal).
matemática de la comunicación. Madrid: Forja.
― TINBERGEN, N. (1975). Estudios de Etología, I y II, A fundamental part of Shannon’s theory is
Madrid: Alianza Universidad. aimed at finding the limits of the →infor-
― VARELA, F. (1996). Conocer. Las ciencias cogniti- mation amount that can be sent to a channel
vas: tendencias y perspectivas. Cartografía de las
ideas actuales. Barcelona: Gedisa.
with given resources (→Shannon’s fundamental
― WATZLAWICK, P. y otros (1988). La realidad inven- theorems).
tada. Barcelona: Gedisa.
― WATZLAWICK, P., BEAVIN, J. y JACKSON, D. 2. In Channel Theory. In →channel theory a
(1981). Teoría de la comunicación humana, Barcelona, channel sets up an informative relation between
Herder. two situations. The fact that a channel relates
― WIENER, N. (1969). Cybernetics and Society, Cam- two situations, s1 and s2, is formally denoted as:
bridge, MIT Press. c

(JMA –ed.-; JMA, LS) s1  s 2

Which means that the situation s1 contains in-
COMMUNICATION CHANNEL (S. ca- formation about the situation s2, given the ex-
nal de comunicación, F. canal de communications, G. istence of channel c.
Kommunikationskanal) [transdisciplinary, MTC, The regularities of higher order, discriminated
channel theory, situation theory] concept and individualised by an agent for a given sit-
Contents.— 1) In Mathematical Theory of Communi- uation, constitute a type: the →information flow
cation, 2) In Channel theory is caused by the existence of a type T sup-
1. In Mathematical Theory of Communi- ported by situation s1 (s1  T) transmitting in-
cation. In the MTC and many other infor- formation about another type T’ supported by
mation and communication theories by exten- situation s2 (s2  T’). In this schema, situations
sion, C.C. deals with the medium (or set of s1 and s2 are respectively named signal situation
media) that allow(s) transmitting the signals and target situation with respect to c.
generated by the transmitter to the receiver. In formal terms, a channel c supports a con-
As stated by Shannon: “merely the medium straint between types T and T’, supported by
used to transmit the signal from transmitter to both signal and target situations:
receiver. It may be a pair of wires, a coaxial
cable, a band of radio frequencies, a beam of c  T→T’
light, etc”. if and only if for all situations s1 and s2, when
It could be said that the objective of the trans- s1  T and T→T’ then s2  T’.
mission codifier is to adapt the messages, sent

40 glossariumBITri

In other words, if the situation s1 supports type References

T, and there is a channel c between s1 and s2 The bibliographic resources offered by David
supporting the constraint between two types CHALMERS in his website are extremely useful:
of the respective situations (c  T→T’), then sit- <>.
uation s2 supports type T’. ― FODOR, J. (1979). The Language of Thought. Cam-
bridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
References ― FODOR, J. (1990). A Theory of Content and Other Es-
― BARWAISE, J. (1993) “Contraints, Channels and says. Cambridge: MIT Press.
the Flow of Information”. Situation Theory and its Ap- ― DENNETT, D. (1969). Content and Consciousness.
plications, 3, CSLI Lecture Notes Number 37. Stand- London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
ford, USA: CSLI Publicacitons,. ― DENNETT. D. (1978). Brainstorm: Philosophical Es-
― DEVLIN, K. (2001). Introduction to Channel Theory, says on Mind and Psychology. Montgomery: Bradford
Helsinki, Finland: ESSLLI. Books.
― SHANNON, C. E. (1948). “A Mathematical Theory ― DRETSKE, F. (1980). Knowledge and the Flow of
of Communication”. The Bell System Technical Journal, Information. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Vol. 27, pp. 379–423, 623–656, July, October. ― MILLIKAN, R. (1984). Language, Thought and
― SHANNON, C. y WEAVER, W. (1949), The mathe- Other Biological Cathegories. Cambridge: MIT
matical theory of communication. Urbana: The University Press.
of Illinois Press. ― SCHIFFER, S. (1987). Remnants of Meaning. Cam-
bridge: MIT Press.
(JMD –ed.-; JMD, CA)

CONTENT (S. Contenido, F. Contenu, G. In-

halt) [semantics, mind] concept CONTEXT (S. contexto, F. fr, G. al) [transdis-
ciplinary, communication theory] concept
In many contexts, the term “content” is syn-
onymous with “meaning”. There is content “Context” stems from the Latin verb “contex-
where it is possible to make semantic evalua- tere”, meaning ‘to weave’ or ‘to interlace’. In a
tions consisting in the attribution of properties figurative sense, it refers to the interlacing of
like reference, connotation, sense, truth, etc. the meanings contained in a text or, generally,
The three sorts of entities with the capacity to in a communication, as well as in the circum-
have content are certain mental states (beliefs, stance in which this communication occurs
desires, intentions, decisions, etc.), linguistic (e.g. physical, pragmatic and cultural environ-
entities (words, sentences, texts, etc.), and ac- ment). It is this interlacing which enables spec-
tions (and their results). In addition, a very im- ifying the meaning of what is intended to com-
portant and widespread thesis, due to Paul municate. Although the meaning of ‘context’
Grice, is that linguistic entities and actions in relation to statements is common, it is also
have content only because they are the out- applicable to the structure in which something
come of certain mental states having content. is located, and without which it would be un-
intelligible or less intelligible.
There is however another sense of the term
“content” when it is applied to mental states. A distinction can be made between situational
According to that second sense, mental states context (or non-expressive context) and ex-
could have two different kinds of contents. pressive context, in reference to the set of syn-
They could have a conceptual content or a tactically and semantically related expressions,
non-conceptual one. Non-conceptual content which, at the same time, are articulated
would be the experiential, qualitative or phe- through deixis and modal indicators in the sit-
nomenological content present in some men- uational context. Furthermore, the situational
tal states like sensations, feelings, emotions, context can be divided into: general (related to
etc. It would consist in a special way of expe- the communicational situation defined by the
riencing the world and ourselves. time, place and action within which the com-

glossariumBITri 41

munication is framed), socialand personal (de- because, in order to survive, it is the regulatory
fined by the relationship between the commu- structure of the system (underpinning purpose
nicants in their social interaction, their atti- orientation) which depends on the eventual
tudes, interests and their respective changes in the environment.
Likewise from the quantum physics point of
There is a great disparity in the analysis of con- view, information is –as stated by Mahler– a
text from the different notions of information: “contextual concept”, intrinsically linked to a
from complete oblivion (in the most objectiv- “situation”. This situation is the dynamic sce-
isable meanings of information, according to nario where an interacting system makes “de-
which information is entirely contained within cisions”, leading to a proper “information
the message) to central attention (in those per- flow”. Therefore, in accordance with current
spectives for which information makes only physics, it cannot be said that information is
sense in social frameworks or in the adapta- encoded or conveyed in physical, elementary
tion to the environment, and where the mes- components; instead, it only appears after
sage is often regarded as a key to release the measuring. (v. Mahler 1996).
information contained in the context). It is
From the analysis of the semantic aspects of in-
ironic that, while in linguistics the importance
formation there has also been a change to-
of context was highlighted, and in physics the
wards a stronger concern on contexts: from
classical conception of the outside observer
the “ideal receiver” of Bar-Hillel and Carnap
was lost, at the same time Shannon's Mathemat-
(1952), capable of assessing information in
ical Theory of Communication defined information
terms of a structure of atomic statements (in
as a typical characteristic of the information
an almost formalised language), to the situa-
source without referring to its context. Some-
tional semantics of Barwise, Perry, Israel…
thing similar can be said concerning the ori-
(1980s and 1990s) in which information is not
gins of the cognitive sciences in the 1956 Sympo-
anymore conceived as a property of events but
sium on Information Theory, where the con-
something essentially dependent on the con-
sideration of cultural and historical contexts in
text and the consistency restrictions between
which cognitive processes are immersed was
statements (→informational content). Here, it is
minimized. However, although we might
also worth pointing out the proposal of
speak about epistemological anachronism, it
Dretske that considers information in relation
also has to be acknowledged that the discus-
to a knowledge background and the proposal
sion about the hidden variables in quantum
of Floridi basing information not on truth (as
theory was alive, and the project on the unifi-
Dretske or the situationalists do, involving, in
cation of sciences of the Vienna circle was still
a certain way, a privileged view beyond any
running; on the other hand, the so-called his-
context), but on veracity, which entails the fal-
toricist turn, which would underline the im-
libility of the interpreter and the belonging to
portance of cultural contexts, was still far
a temporality and a finite knowledge (Floridi
Nevertheless, in the field of →cybernetics, the
Although, as stated above, many of the infor-
contextualization of information has been an
mation theories related to cognitive sciences
intrinsic aspect of its theory from the very be-
show a reducing tendency to minimise the role
ginning, since it is in the pragmatic situation
of context, in other fields of social science, a
(in which the environment is involved) that in-
number of approaches stressing context as an
formation gains meaning as a fundamental
essential element have arisen. Thus, while un-
means to pursue an objective. Even so, it is
der the cognitive interpretation the subject ex-
cybernetics of the second order that will stress
tracts information from the physical-chemical
its demand with regard to contextualisation,

42 glossariumBITri

properties of the sensory stimuli, in the her- ― FLORIDI, L. (2005). Semantic Conceptions of In-
meneutic, historical, critical-sociological and formation. In E. N. Zahlta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philisophy. Stanford: The Metaphysics Research
Luhmannian approach, the reference and Lab. [online] <
meaning only appear contextualised in a cul- formation-semantic/> [accessed: 12/11/09]
tural world. ― HABERMAS, J. (1981). Theorie des kommunikativen
Handelns. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
In →hermeneutics, understanding is seen as ― LUHMANN, N. (1987). Soziale Systeme. Frankfurt
something determined by schemas of pre-un- am Main: Suhrkamp.
derstanding determined by the cultural con- ― LYRE, H. (2002). Informationstheorie. Eine philo-
sophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Einführung. Mün-
text of the interpreter. In the historical ap- chen: Wilhelm Fink Verlag
proximations, information acquires the level ― MAHLER, G. (1996), “Quantum Information”, en
of genuine historical phenomena (Brown & KORNWACHS y JACOBY (Eds.), Information. New
Duguin 2000, Borgman 1999) or endowed questions to a multidisciplinary concept, pp. 103-118.
with an essential temporality, which is also ― MATSUNO, K. (2000) “The Internalist Stance. A
Linguistic Practice Enclosing Dynamics”. Annals of
concluded from strictly physical assumptions the New York Academy of Sciences, 901, pp. 332-350.
(Matsuno 2000, Lyre 2002).
In Luhmann’s →system theory, there is not
properly a transmission of information. In-
stead of a direct conveying process, the emit- CONTRADICTION (S. contradicción, F. con-
ter limits him/herself to making a suggestion tradiction, G. Widerspruch) [transdisciplinary,
for the selection within the “offer of mean- logics, semantics, critical theory] concept
ings” (Mitteilung), which defines a communi- Relationship between an affirmation and a ne-
cation process in a specific, socio-linguistic gation having the same subject and predicate.
scenario (Luhmann 1987). However, in Ha- It was traditionally studied under the “law of
bermas’ critical sociology, the subject (or re- non-contradiction” and initially formulated
ceiver) –although framed closer to a specific and studied by Aristotle as a supreme principle
life horizon– has a reflexive faculty (or com- of beings and thinking. It can be formulated
municative competence, attained by virtue of as:
being part of a certain social group). Such re-
flexivity eventually allows him/her to show “the same attribute cannot at the same time
the distortions, irregularities and censures that belong and not belong to the same subject
conditioning all factual communication pro- and in the same respect.” (Aristotle, Metaph.
cesses (Habermas 1981). Hence we might say: B.IV, §3)
Habermas’ contextual interpretation of infor- It has adopted a twofold interpretation distin-
mation enables going beyond Luhmann’s “of- guished by either a logical or an ontological
fer of meaning” or to move –by means of will- sense, even erecting as an ontological princi-
power– the hermeneutic life horizon. ple, i.e. as expression of the constituting struc-
References ture of reality. However, its fall as unquestion-
able principle can be found in Hegel’s regard
― BARWISE, J., SELIGMAN, J. (1997). Information of contradiction as a basis of reality’s internal
Flows: The Logic of Distributed Systems. Cambridge, RU:
Cambridge University Press. movement (though generally the philosopher
― BORGMAN, A. (1999). Holding on to reality. The refers more to opposing realities than contra-
nature of information at the turn of the millennium. dicting ones) (Hegel 1841). Within the dialec-
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. tic tradition of Hegelian roots, Adorno judges
― BROWN, J. S. y DUGUIN, P. (2000) The Social Life
of Information, Boston, MA, USA: Harvard Business
that there exists a link between the ontological
School Press. and logical aspects (Adorno 1966). According
― DRETSKE, F.I. (1981). Knowledge and the flow of infor- to such link the “repressive structure of real-
mation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ity” and the coercive character of survival as

glossariumBITri 43

well are reflected in the logical principle of Dretske, the ontological version of the law of
contradiction (1956). Regarding Adorno’s non-contradiction states that contradictory in-
negative dialectics, the possibility of trans- formation cannot emanate from reality, since
cending both the law of non-contradiction reality itself rejects contradiction). Therefore,
and the law of identity accounts for the capac- in case of considering the semantic content of
ity to overcome social contradictions. Gener- an informative statement as inversely related
ally according to dialectical schools, the con- to its probability –under Barwise’s inverse rela-
sideration of the logical law is just subordinate tionship principle (1997)–, the following paradox
to the need of overcoming contradictions of might arise: a contradiction provides a maxi-
reality. mum amount of information, which Floridi
(2005c) labels as the Bar-Hillel-Carnap Paradox.
This –so to speak– utilitarian regard (genetic,
Circumventing this paradox, most of semantic
following Adorno’s interpretation) of the law
approaches get somehow rid of contradic-
of non-contradiction can also be found in
some of the information theories based on self-
referential systems (→autopoiesis). For instance, Nevertheless, if a dialectical point of view is
from a cybernetic perspective, the logical law of adopted (for instance, in critical theory) con-
non-contradiction can be considered as being tradictions will not be something for turning a
a part of the regulation mechanism under nor- deaf ear, but, on the contrary, the possibility
mal conditions, whereas the overcoming of of updating the view of reality with fewer con-
such law corresponds to the need of re-adapt- tradictions. That is, contradictions might
ing the mentioned regulation to changing cir- somehow announce –so to speak- a new
cumstances (s. positive and negative →feedback, world, a new Weltanschaung. If it could be
→cybernetics). achieved, a new state of affairs could be seen,
whereas much of what was previously seen
Although the law of non-contradiction might
would dissolve with the smoke of past errors.
be easily refuted in its most brief expression
For instance, the superseding of classical phys-
(removing the italic text in the above formula-
ics due to accretion of contradictions of dif-
tion, without which it might be exposed to a
ferent nature –optical, electrical, astronomical,
large number of paradoxes), it must be
etc– can be regarded as one of these cases
pointed out that the remark of “at the same time
(Pointcaré 1904). However, it must be re-
and under the same respect” makes it less vulnera-
marked, on the one hand, that rarely the so-
ble. This remark also introduces a necessary
called contradictions follow the clause of “at
contextualization of the statements (to which we
the same time and in the same respect”, on the other
have referred to in the →context article) for a
hand, that in normal situations –or what Kuhn
correct analysis of the consistency of the se-
(1962) called, concerning research work, “nor-
mantic content of information, such as the ap-
mal science”– the contradictions serve to de-
proaches of Bar-Hillel and Carnap (1953),
tect false information, wrong interpretations,
Dretske (1982) and Situation Theory (Barwise
etc. Thus the law of non-contradiction be-
1997) propose –though only the last ones con-
comes an essential tool to receive information
sider context as a key issue– (→Situational
in normal situations, as well as for its incorpo-
ration into knowledge systems.
In any case, the claim to consistency in what is
considered →informational content means that
contradictions have no place in informational ― ARISTOTLE (350 BC), Metaphisics (translated by
context and, consequently, the probability of W. D. Ross). [online] Internet Classics Archive by
Daniel C. Stevenson, Web Atomics <http://clas-
receiving self-contradicting information> [accessed:
would be zero (according to a naturalistic ap- 12/12/2009]
proach on information, such as the one of

44 glossariumBITri

― HEGEL, G.W.F. (1841). Wissenschaft der Logik. An obvious problem with it concerns the
Erster Teil. Die objektive Logik. Berlin: Henning. value of the conditional probability of the sig-
[online] Guttemberg Project (ed. 2004) < > [accessed: nified, given the sign. In his explanation of the
12/12/2009] notion, Dretske required that this probability
― ADORNO, T.W. (1956). Zur Metakritik der Er- be of 1, which, in most cases of transmission
kenntnisstheorie. tudien über Husserl und die phä- of information, has as a consequence the need
nomenologischen Antinomien. Stuttgart: Kohlham-
for a theoretically dubious strengthening of
― ADORNO, T.W. (1966). Negative Dialectics, (trans. the channel conditions. On the other hand, if
E. B. Ashton, 1973). New York: Seabury Press. one accepts that the conditional probability
― BAR-HILLEL, Y. & Carnap, R. (1953). Semantic might be less than 1, not only a signal might
information. British Journal of Science, 4, 147-157. occur without the occurrence of its signified
― DRETSKE, F.I. (1981), Knowledge and the flow of
information. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (even with local conditions holding) −as when
― BARWISE, Jon (1997). Information and Impossibil- a beaver splashes the water with its tail in the
ities. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, 38(4), 488-515. absence of any real danger)− but we would be
― FLORIDI, L. (2005c). Semantic Conceptions of In- compelled to say, for instance, that the splash-
formation. In E. N. Zahlta (ed.) Stanford Encyclo-
pedia of Philisophy. Stanford: The Metaphysics Re-
ing of the water by the beaver informs its
search Lab [online] < group of the presence of danger even if the
tries/information-semantic/> [accessed: 12/11/09] corresponding conditional probability is low.
― KUHN, T.S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific
Revolutions. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. References
― POINCARÉ, H. (1904). The principles of Mathe- ― MILLIKAN, Ruth (2004). Varieties of Meaning: The
matical Physics. in P.L.. Williams (ed., 1968). Rela- Jean-Nicod lectures 2002. Cambridge: MIT Press.
tivity Theory. New York: J. Wiley, pp. 39-49.


CORRELATION (S. correlación, F. corrélation,
G. Korrelation) [transdisciplinary, communica-
AND TECHNOLOGY (S. teoría crítica de la
tion theory, situational theory, cognitive sci-
información, la comunicación, los medios y la tecnolo-
ence] concept
gía, F. théorie critique de l'information, communica-
There is a correlation between two factors tion, media et technologie, G. Kritische Theorie der In-
when the presence of one makes the presence formation, Kommunication, Medien und Technologie)
of the other vary with respect to the average [transdisciplinary, critical theory, information
situation. society, communication and media studies,
ICT] theory
We may obtain knowledge about the world in-
ferring, from the occurrence of a fact (the sign), The notion of critical theory has a general and
the occurrence of a different fact (the signified), a specific meaning (Maces 2001: 74f, Payne
based on the existence of a correlation be- 1997: 118). Critical theory as a general term
tween them. This correlation is supposed to means theories that are critical of capitalism
hold given certain local conditions (Dretske’s and domination. Critical Theory as a more
(1981) channel conditions). We then say that the specific term means the work of the Frankfurt
occurrence of the sign carries information on School, and particularly of Theodor W.
the occurrence of the signified, or that it is a Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Jürgen Habermas,
signal of this occurrence. Millikan (2004) calls and Herbert Marcuse. Its starting point is the
this notion of information local natural infor- work of Karl Marx (Held 1980: 15, Macey
mation. 2001: 75, Payne 1997: 118, Rush 2004: 9, Wig-
gershaus 1994: 5). For Horkheimer and his
colleagues, critical theory “was a camouflage

glossariumBITri 45

label for ‘Marxist theory’” (Wiggershaus 1994: existing differences or claim that postmoder-
5) when they were in exile from the Nazis in nity is just a matter of perspective” (Calhoun
the USA, where they were concerned about 1995: xiv, 9, 290).
being exposed as communist thinkers and
It is certainly true that critical theory focuses
therefore took care in the categories they em-
on society, wants to foster political engage-
ment, and wants to show the difference be-
First, there are definitions of critical theory tween potentiality and actuality in society. But
that remain very vague and general. So for ex- these specifications do not suffice for speak-
ample David Macey provides a definition that ing of critical theory. Further characteristics
is circular, it defines critical by being critical need to be added in order to avoid for exam-
without giving a further specification what it ple that theories, which argue for right-wing
means to be critical. By critical theory he extremist or nationalist goals, can be consid-
means “a whole range of theories which take ered as critical.
a critical view of society and the human sci-
Second, there are definitions that are so spe-
ences or which seek to explain the emergence
cific that they only consider one approach or
of their objects of knowledge“ (Macey 2001:
a few approaches as critical theories and ex-
74). Unspecific theories include those that do
clude other approaches. So for example
not define a certain normative project, but ar-
Rainer Forst gives a definition of critical the-
gue that critical theory is about political en-
ory that is clearly focusing on a strictly Haber-
gagement or showing the difference between
masian project. Critical theory would explain
potentiality and actuality. So for example Mi-
and question factors that constrain communi-
chael Payne sees political engagement as the
cation: ”As normative theory, Critical Theory
central characteristic of critical theory. He de-
thus argues for the integrity of a sphere of
fines the latter as “research projects in the so-
communicative, normative integration as well
cial sciences and/or humanities attempt to
as for the realization of the possibility of social
bring truth and political engagement into
and political discourse; as social-scientific the-
alignment” (Payne 1997: 118). Craig Calhoun
ory, it explains the factors and structures that
focuses on defining critical theory as a project
impair the communicative social infrastruc-
that shows the difference between potentiality
ture and that hinder discourse (e.g., by the ex-
and actuality and argues for potential futures:
clusion of actors from political argumentation
Critical social theory “exists largely to facilitate
and decision making); and as participant in so-
a constructive engagement with the social
cial struggles, it argues for those norms and in-
world that starts from the presumption that
stitutions that can be defended to all those
existing arrangements – including currently af-
who are ‘subjects’ of these norms and institu-
firmed identities and differences – do not ex-
tions” (Forst 1999: 143).
haust the range of possibilities. It seeks to ex-
plore the ways in which our categories of Axel Honneth puts two concepts at the heart
thought reduce our freedom by occluding of critical theory, disrespect and malrecogni-
recognition of what could be. (…) It helps tion. He sees critical theory as an analysis of
practical actors deal with social change by structures that cause disrespect and malrecog-
helping them see beyond the immediacy of nition:
what is at any particular moment to conceptu-
Critical Theory analyzes “social relations of
alize something of what could be. (…) By tak-
communication (…) primarily in terms of the
ing seriously the question of what it would
structural forms of disrespect they generate”,
mean to transcend the current epoch, critical
it focuses on “the damage and distortion of
theory opens more space for considering the
social relations of recognition” (Honneth
possibility that the world could be different
than it is than does any simple affirmation of

46 glossariumBITri

2007: 72). Honneth says that all Critical Theo- and just life. But they were aware of the many
rists share the assumption that “the process of obstacles to radical change and sought to ana-
social rationalization through the societal lyse and expose these. They were thus con-
structure unique to capitalism has become in- cerned both with interpretation and transfor-
terrupted or distorted in a way that makes pa- mation” (Held 1980: 15).
thologies that accompany the loss of a rational
Douglas Kellner defines critical theory as a
universal unavoidable” (Honneth 2004: 349).
project that confronts societal problems and
So on the one hand, if one defines critical the- domination and seeks liberation from these
ory in very broad sense, then the normative conditions: “Critical Theory is informed by
aspect of critical theory as critique of domina- multidisciplinary research, combined with the
tion becomes lost. On the other hand, if one attempt to construct a systematic, comprehen-
defines critical theory in a very strict sense fo- sive social theory that can confront the key so-
cusing on specific theories, scholars, or single cial and political problems of the day. The
concepts, then one risks advancing a narrow- work of the Critical Theorists provides criti-
minded definition that weakens the academic cisms and alternatives to traditional, or main-
and political power of critical theory by isolat- stream, social theory, philosophy and science,
ing approaches. together with a critique of a full range of ide-
ologies from mass culture to religion. At least
A third way of defining critical theory is to see
some versions of Critical Theory are moti-
it as analysis and questioning of domination,
vated by an interest in relating theory to poli-
inequality, societal problems, exploitation in
tics and an interest in the emancipation of
order to advance social struggles and the lib-
those who are oppressed and dominated. Crit-
eration from domination so that a domina-
ical Theory is thus informed by a critique of
tionless, co-operative, participatory society
domination and a theory of liberation”
can emerge. Some examples of such defini-
(Kellner 1989: 1).
tions can be given:
Alvesson and Deetz define critical studies as
Fred Rush sees critical theory as the analysis
the disruption of domination that provides
of domination and inequality for fostering so-
impulses for liberation from it: “Critical re-
cial change: “It is an account of the social
search generally aims to disrupt ongoing social
forces of domination that takes its theoretical
reality for the sake of providing impulses to
activity to be practically connected to the ob-
the liberation from or resistance to what dom-
ject of its study. In other words, Critical The-
inates and leads to constraints in human deci-
ory is not merely descriptive, it is a way to in-
sion making. (…) Critique here refers to the
stigate social change by providing knowledge
examination of social institutions, ideologies,
of the forces of social inequality that can, in
discourses (ways of constructing and reason-
turn, inform political action aimed at emanci-
ing about the world through the use of a par-
pation (or at least at diminishing domination
ticular language) and forms of consciousness
and inequality)” (Rush 2004: 9).
in terms of representation and domination.
David Held argues that the critical theorists Critique explores if and how these constrain
Adorno, Habermas, Horkheimer, and Mar- human imagination, autonomy, and decision
cuse have aimed at establishing a free society making. Attention is paid to asymmetrical re-
and at exposing the obstacles for this develop- lations of power, taken for granted assump-
ment: “Following Marx, they were preoccu- tions and beliefs. (…)” (Alvesson and Deetz
pied, especially in their early work, with the 2000: 1, 8f).
forces which moved (and might be guided to
Karl Marx provided a definition of critique
move) society towards rational institutions –
that allows us to define critical theory not just
institutions which would ensure a true, free
as critique and analysis of capitalism, but of

glossariumBITri 47

domination in general. Critical information not have linear causes and effects, but are
theory as critique of domination in the context contradictory, open, dynamic, and carry
of media, culture, and communication corre- certain development potentials in them and
spond perfectly to the understanding of cri- hence should be conceived in complex
tique given by Marx in the Introduction to the forms; 2. Based on the insight that reality
Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right in should be conceived so that there are nei-
1844: “Theory is capable of gripping the ther only opportunities nor only risks inher-
masses as soon as it demonstrates ad homi- ent in social phenomena, but contradictory
nem, and it demonstrates ad hominem as soon tendencies that pose both positive and neg-
as it becomes radical. To be radical is to grasp ative potentials at the same time that are re-
the root of the matter. But, for man, the root alized or suppressed by human social prac-
is man himself. (...) The criticism of religion tice.
ends with the teaching that man is the highest
Dialectic analysis in this context means
essence for man – hence, with the categoric
complex dynamic thinking, realism an anal-
imperative to overthrow all relations in which
ysis of real possibilities and a dialectic of
man is a debased, enslaved, abandoned, des-
pessimism and optimism. In a dialectical
picable essence, relations which cannot be bet-
analysis, phenomena are analyzed in terms
ter described than by the cry of a Frenchman
of the dialectics of agency and structures,
when it was planned to introduce a tax on
discontinuity and continuity, the one and
dogs: Poor dogs! They want to treat you as hu-
the many, potentiality and actuality, global
man beings!“ (MEW 1: 385).
and local, virtual and real, optimism and
If we conceive ontology as the philosophical pessimism, essence and existence, imma-
question about being (What exists?), episte- nence and transcendence, etc. Such an anal-
mology as the philosophical question about ysis assumes that the world is not as it is
the cognition of being (How do we conceive presented to us, but that there is a larger es-
and perceive reality?), and axiology as the phil- sence underlying existing phenomena.
osophical question about human praxis as the
2) Ontology – Dynamic Materialism: Criti-
consequence of the cognition of being (What
cal theory is materialistic in the sense that it
form of existence is desirable for humans?),
addresses phenomena and problems not in
then we can say that an academic field has
terms of absolute ideas and predetermined
three dimensions. Based on this insight and on
societal development, but in terms of re-
Marx’s notion of critique, we can identify
source distribution and social struggles. Re-
three important elements of critical theory:
ality is seen in terms that address owner-
1) Epistemology – Dialectical Realism: ship, private property, resource distribu-
Realism assumes that a world exists that is tion, social struggles, power, resource con-
larger than the human being and its imagi- trol, exploitation, and domination.
nations. The material world is seen as pri-
To make a materialistic analysis also means
mary and it is assumed that humans are able
to conceive society as an interconnected
to grasp, describe, analyze, and partly trans-
whole (totality) and as negativity, to identify
form this world in academic work. Analyses
antagonisms means to take a look at contra-
are conducted that are looking for the es-
dictory tendencies that relate to one and the
sence of societal existence by identifying
same phenomenon, create societal prob-
contradictions that lie at the heart of devel-
lems and require a fundamental systemic
opment. Critical theory analyzes social phe-
change in order to be dissolved. To analyze
nomena not based on instrumental reason
society as contradictory also means to con-
and one-dimensional logic, i.e. it operates:
1. With the assumption that phenomena do

48 glossariumBITri

sider it as dynamic system because contra- private property, resource distribution, social
dictions cause development and movement struggles, power, resource control, exploita-
of matter. tion, and domination so that at the axiological
level dominative structures are judged as being
In order to address the negativity of con-
undesirable and potential ways for alleviating
temporary society and its potential, research
suffering and establishing a co-operative, par-
also needs to be oriented on the totality.
ticipatory society are identified that can enter
That dialectics is a philosophy of totality in
as impulses into into political struggles and
this context means that society is analyzed
political transformations of society.
on a macro-scale in order to grasp its prob-
lems and that reasons for the necessity of Two central texts of Critical Theory, Hork-
positive transformations are to be given. heimer’s Traditional and Critical Theory and
Marcuse’s Philosophy and Critical Theory, can
3) Axiology – Negating the negative: All
be interpreted for not being constitutive for
critical approaches in one or the other re-
Frankfurt School Critical Theory, but for crit-
spect take the standpoint of oppressed or
ical theory in general. In these works, Hork-
exploited classes and individuals and make
heiemr and Marcuse on the one hand stress
the judgement that structures of oppression
the limits and one-dimensionality of positiv-
and exploitation benefit certain classes at
ism that they consider as stabilizing forces that
the expense of others and hence should be
neglect potential alternatives to capitalism in
radically transformed by social struggles.
their analyses. On the other hand, the most
This view constitutes a form of normativity.
important uniting feature of the two works
Critical theory does not accept existing so- that makes them grounding works for critical
cial structures as they are, it is not purely fo- theory in general is the axiological questioning
cused society as it is, but interested in what of domination and the focus on the necessity
it could be and could become. It decon- of the establishment of a non-dominative so-
structs ideologies that claim that something ciety.
cannot be changed and shows potential
For Horkheimer, the goal of critical theory is
counter-tendencies and alternative modes
the improvement of society: “In the interest of
of development. That the negative antago-
a rationally organized future society”, critical
nisms are sublated into positive results is
theory sheds “critical light on present-day so-
not an automatism, but depends on the re-
ciety (…) under the hope of radically improv-
alization of practical forces of change that
ing human existence” (Horkheimer 1937:
have a potential to rise from the inside of
233). He specifies this improvement as the
the systems in question in order to produce
right kind of society that in negative terms is
a transcendental outside that becomes a
non-exploitative: “The Marxist categories of
new whole. The axiological dimension of
class, exploitation, surplus value, profit, pau-
critique is an interface between theory and
perization, and breakdown are elements in a
political praxis. It is based on the categoric
conceptual whole, and the meaning of this
judgement that a participatory, co-operative
whole is to be sought not in the preservation
society is desirable.
of contemporary society, but in its transfor-
Critical theory is a transdisciplinary project mation into the right kind of society” (Hork-
that at the epistemological level employs heimer 1937: 218). Critical theory strives for
methods and theoretical categories that are “a state of affairs in which there will be no ex-
employed for describing reality as dialectical ploitation or oppression” (241), a “society
contradictory field that poses risks and oppor- without injustice” (221).
tunities so that at the ontological level reality
This emancipation in positive terms would
is grasped in terms that address ownership,
bring happiness and self-determination for all:

glossariumBITri 49

“Its goal is man’s emancipation from slavery” than a manipulable subject in the production
(249) and “the happiness of all individuals” process of class society” (Marcuse 1937: 152f).
(248). Critical theory advances “the idea of Critical theory’s task is “to demonstrate this
self-determination for the human race, that is possibility and lay the foundation for a trans-
the idea of a state of affairs in which man’s ac- formation” (Marcuse 1937: 142). It wants to
tions no longer flow from a mechanism but bring “to consciousness potentialities that
from his own decision” (Horkheimer 1937: have emerged within the maturing historical
229). Such a society is shaped by “reasonable- situation“(Marcuse 1937: 158).
ness, and striving for peace, freedom, and hap-
If we assume that information, media, com-
piness” (222) and the “the establishment of
munication, culture, and technology play an
justice among men” (243). Mankind will then
important role in contemporary capitalism,
become conscious of its existence: “In the
then the critique of these phenomena in con-
transition from the present form of society to
temporary society becomes one of the tasks of
a future one mankind will for the first time be
a critical theory of society. A critical theory of
a conscious subject and actively determine its
information, communication, and media
own way of life” (233). Political transfor-
therefore is a sub-domain of a contemporary
mation is a process of negation, the corre-
critical theory of society.
sponding theoretical procedure in critical the-
ory is the method of negation: “The method Based on the general notion of critical theory
of negation, the denunciation of everything that has already been outlined, we can from a
that mutilates mankind and impedes its free praxeo-onto-epistemological perspective on
development, rests on confidence in man” science (See Hofkirchner, Fuchs and Klaun-
(Horkheimer 1947/1974: 126) inger 2005: 78-81) define critical studies of in-
formation, communication, and media as
For Marcuse, critical theory is oriented against
studies that focus ontologically on the analysis
the negative totality of capitalism: “Marx’s the-
of information, media, communication, cul-
ory is a ‘critique’ in the sense that all concepts
ture, technology in the context of domination,
are an indictment of the totality of the existing
asymmetrical power relations, exploitation,
order” (Marcuse 1941a: 258). In turning nega-
oppression, and control by employing at the
tivity into a potential positive result, Marcuse
epistemological level all theoretical and/or
(1937: 135) says that critical theory is con-
empirical means that are necessary for doing
cerned “with human happiness, and the con-
so in order to contribute at the praxeological
viction that it can be attained only through a
level to the establishment of a participatory,
transformation of the material conditions of
co-operative society. Given such a definition,
existence” is a central element of critical the-
critical communication and media studies are
ory. Its goals is “the creation of a social organ-
inherently normative and political.
ization in which individuals can collectively
regulate their lives in accordance with their This definition is fairly broad and allows to
needs” (Marcuse 1937: 141f), a societal condi- combine different concepts that come from
tion, in which we find “the subordination of different critical backgrounds, such as for ex-
the economy to the individuals’ needs“ (Mar- ample – to name just some of many – audience
cuse 1937: 144). It struggles for universal free- commodity, media accumulation strategies,
dom and can therefore be considered as a uni- commodity aesthetics, culture industry, true
versalistic theory. It claims that “all, and not and false consciousness/needs, instrumental
merely this ort hat particular person, should be reason, technological rationality, manipula-
rational, free, and happy. (...) Critical theory’s tion, ideology critique, dialectical theatre, crit-
interest in the liberation of mankind binds it ical pedagogy, aura, proletarian counter-public
to certain ancient truths. It is at one with phi- sphere, multiple publics, emancipatory media
losophy in maintaining that man can be more

50 glossariumBITri

usage, repressive media usage, alternative me- radical humanism (subjective, radical change),
dia, radical media, fetish of communication, radical structuralism (objective, radical
ideological state apparatuses, the multitude, change), interpretive sociology (subjective,
the circulation of struggles, hegemony, struc- continuity), and functionalism (objective, con-
ture of feelings, articulation, dominant read- tinuity).
ing, oppositional reading, negotiated reading,
capital-accumulation function of the media,
commodity circulation function of the media,
legitimatizing function of the media, advertis-
ing- and public-relations function of the me-
dia, regenerative function of the media, prop-
aganda model of the media, communicative
action, dialogic communication, discursive
communication, communication empire,
transnational informational capitalism, work-
ing class culture, subculture, etc, under one
united umbrella definition that sees them as
differentiated unity in plurality that is termed
Figure 1: Four paradigms of social theory identified by
critical information, communication, and me- Burrell and Morgan (1979)
dia studies.
Critical studies of information, media, and The problem with this approach is that in con-
communication should be embedded into a temporary social theory there are approaches
broader social science perspective in order to that cross the boundaries between the four
show which position they occupy in the over- fields and that the four paradigms therefore
all field of the social sciences. They should can no longer be strictly separated. The dis-
therefore be connected to social theory and tinction continuity/discontinuity remains
social theory typologies. valid in political terms. So for example the ap-
proaches by Roy Bhaskar (1993), Pierre Bour-
Anthony Giddens sees the “division between dieu (1986), Anthony Giddens (1984), and
objectivism and subjectivism” (Giddens 1984, Margaret Archer (1995) have in common that
xx) as one of the central issues of social theory. they are based on a dialectical subject-object-
Subjective approaches are oriented on human integration, but Bhaskar and Bourdieu are
agents and their practices as primary object of overall critical of class society that they want
analysis, objective approaches on social struc- to abolish, whereas Giddens and Archer want
tures. Structures in this respect are institution- to transform modernity, but overall aim at its
alized relationships that are stabilized across continuation. The approaches by Bhaskar and
time and space (Giddens 1984, xxxi). Integra- Bourdieu could therefore be described as inte-
tive social theories (such as the ones by Roy grative-radical change, the ones by Giddens
Bhaskar (1993), Pierre Bourdieu (1986), An- and Archer as integrative-continuous. This re-
thony Giddens (1984), or Margaret Archer quires certain changes to the typology of Bur-
(1995)) aim at overcoming the structure- rell and Morgan that are shown in Figure 2.
agency divide.
Burrell and Morgan (1979) have combined the
distinction between subject and object with
the distinction between continuity and discon-
tinuity in order two identify two axes that set
up two dimensions so that four different ap-
proaches can be identified in social theory:

glossariumBITri 51

Table 1: Typology of communication theories accord-

ing to Craig (1999, 2007)

Type of ap- Communication Subject/ Examples

proach: theorized as: object
Rhetorical The practical art Subjective Aristotle, Lloyd F.
of discourse Bitzer, Kenneth
Burke, Thomas B.
Farrell, Sonja Foss
& Cindy Griffin,
Stephen W. Lit-
tlejohn, Plato
Semiotic Intersubjective Objective Roland Barthes,
mediation by Wendy Leeds-
signs Hurwitz, John
Figure 2: A refined version of Burrell’s and Morgan’s Locke, Charles
typology Morris, Charles
Sanders Peirce,
John Durham Pe-
A number of communication scholars have ters, Ferdinand de
stressed that it makes sense to use the typology Saussure
by Burrell and Morgan for identifying differ- Phenome-nolo- Experience of ot- Subjective Martin Buber,
ent approaches in communication studies and gical herness; dialogue Briankle G. Chang,
communication theory (Deetz 1994, McQuail Hans-Georfg Ga-
damer, Edmund
2002, Rosengren 1993, 2000). “This scheme is Husserl, Maurice
equally helpful in mapping out the main alter- Merleau-Ponty,
Joseph J. Pilotta &
native approaches to media theory and re- Algis Mickunas,
search, which have been seriously divided by John Robert Ste-
their chosen methodologies and priorities, as wart
well as by their degree of commitment to rad- Cybernetic Information pro- Objective Gregory Bateson,
ical change” (McQuail 2002: 5). “It is highly cessing Annie Lang, Ni-
klas Luhmann,
relevant when trying to understand different Claude Shannon,
traditions within the study of communication” Paul Watzlawick,
Warren Weaver,
(Rosengren 2000: 7). Norbert Wiener
Robert T. Craig (1999) has identified seven Sociopsy-cholo- Expression, in- Subjective Albert Bandura,
traditions of communication theory that are gical teraction, & in- Charles R. Berger
fluence behav- & Richard J. Cala-
based on how they communication is defined iour in communi- brese,
(See table 1). Although his approach is very cation situations Carl Hovland,
relevant and his paper (Craig 1999) has been Marshall Scott
one of the most frequently cited papers in
Socio- Symbolic process Objective Peter L. Berger,
communication studies in the past decade, he that reproduces Deborah Cam-
does not specify an underlying distinctive cri- shared sociocul- eron, Thomas
terion for his typology, which gives it a rather tural patterns Luckmann,
George Herbert
arbitrary character. Therefore it makes sense Mead, Mark
to combine his seven traditions of communi- Poster, James R.
cation theory with the refined version of Bur- Taylor
rell’s and Morgan’s typology. The results are Critical Discursive reflec- Subjec- Theodor W.
tion tive/ Ob- Adorno, Stanley A.
shown in figure 3. jective Deetz, Jürgen Ha-
bermas, Max
Horkheimer, Sue
Curry Jansen

52 glossariumBITri

Figure 3 shows that critical communication from material and ideological forces that pre-
studies are primarily characterized by their clude and distort discursive reflection. (..) Fun-
radical change perspective, i.e. the analysis of damentally, in the tradition of Marx, its point
how communication contributes to domina- is not to understand the world (…) Its point is
tion and how ways can be found that commu- to change the world through praxis, or theo-
nication can take place in a dominationless retically reflective social action” (Craig 1999,
way within a participatory society. This also 147f). Craig works out the specifics of critical
means that there are subjective, objective, and studies and other traditions in communication
subject-object-dialectical approaches within studies. However, I would add to Craig’s ac-
critical communication studies. Craig men- count of critical communication studies that it
tions several boundary-crossing approaches is not only about the analysis of those condi-
that can be considered as representing at- tions that distort communication, i.e. the ways
tempts at combining some of the four fields in how communication is embedded into rela-
figure 3: Kennth Burke, David S. Kaufer and tions of domination, but also about finding al-
Kathleen M. Carley (Rhetoric-Semiotics); Bri- ternative conditions of society and communi-
ankle Chang, Richard L. Lanigan (Phenome- cation that are non-dominative and about
nology-Semiotics), David S. Kaufer and Brian struggles for establishing such alternatives.
S. Butler (Cybernetics-Rhetoric), Klaus Krip- Craig argues that “communication theory has
pendorff (Cybernetics-Phenomenology), John not yet emerged as a coherent field study” and
C. Heritage, Gerald T. Schoening and James that this fragmentation can be overcome by
A. Anderson (Sociocultural Studies-Phenom- constructing “a dialogical-dialectical discipli-
enology-Semiotics), W. Barnett Pearce (Soci- nary matrix” (Craig 1999, 120) that enables the
ocultural Studies-Rhetoric-Cybernetics), emergence of a conversational community, “a
Rayme McKerrow (Critical Studies – Rheto- common awareness of certain complementa-
ric), Robert Hodge and Gunter Kress, Norb- rities and tensions among different types of
ert Fairclough (Critical Studies-Semiotics). communication theory, so it is commonly un-
derstood that these different types of theory
cannot legitimately develop in total isolation
from each other but must engage each other
in argument” (Craig 1999, 124). The same can
be said about critical communication studies
as a subfield of communication studies: A dis-
ciplinary matrix of critical communication
studies can enhance the dialogue between var-
ious subfields of the subfield, such as critical
theory-, critical political economy-, cultural
studies-, feminist theory-, postcolonial theory-
, queer theory-, new social movements-ap-
proaches in critical communication studies, so
Figure 3: A typology of communication theories
that common assumptions and differences
about what it means to conduct critical studies
For Craig, the characteristic that distinguishes
of communication can emerge.
critical communication studies from rhetori-
cal, semiotic, phenomenological, cybernetic, Fuchs (2010) identifies different types of crit-
sociopsychological, and sociocultural tradi- ical media, information, and communication
tions of communication theory is that for theories (See Table 2). Those approaches that
“critical communication theory, the basic see media, information, and communication
‘problem of communication’ in society arises primarily as embedded into repressive con-

glossariumBITri 53

texts, can be considered as more structural- pothesis. Such approaches have a strong sub-
istic-objectivistic approaches, they focus on jective orientation. Representatives of the re-
how media structures negatively shape hu- ception hypothesis argue that reception is a
mans and society. Those approaches that see complex and antagonistic process that pro-
media, information, and communication pri- vides potentials for oppositional interpreta-
marily as potential forms of liberation can be tions and actions. The most prominent repre-
considered as more humanistic-subjectivistic sentatives of this hypothesis can be found in
approaches, they focus on how media struc- cultural studies. The shortcomings of existing
tures positively enable human participation critical approaches can be overcome by inte-
and liberation. Integrative approaches try to grative dialectical critical media theories/stud-
blur the boundaries between subjective and ies that try to bring together some or all of the
objective theories. various levels of critical media studies. One
can identify some existing approaches that
Table 2: A typology of critical media theories point into this direction. Integration and uni-
Production Circula- Consump- fication does not mean that difference is abol-
Sphere tion tion ished at the expense of identity. It rather
Sphere means a Hegelian dialectical sublation (Auf-
Repression Commodity Hypothesis: hebung), in which old elements are preserved
Hypothesis Media as commodities for
accumulating capital
and elevated to a new level. New qualities
emerge by the interaction of the moments.
Repression Manipulation- and Ideol-
Hypothesis ogy Hypothesis: Such a dialectical integration is a differentiated
Media as means of manip- unity that is based on the principle of unity in
ulation for the ideological diversity. It is a dialectical relation of identity
enforcement of class inter-
ests and difference. Fuchs (2010) mentions the fol-
Emancipa- Alternative Media Hy- Reception
lowing example theories for integrative critical
tion Hy- pothesis: Hypothesis: media theories: Robert McChesney, Stuart
pothesis Media as spheres of grass- Media recep- Hall, Douglas Kellner, Shane Gunster, Vilém
roots production and cir- tion as con-
culation of alternative tradictory
Flusser, Herbert Marcuse. These theories
content process in- would bridge certain hypotheses of critical
volving op- media and information studies to a greater or
practices lesser degree, but an overall synthesis would
Unification Integrative critical media theories
still be missing.
One of the reasons why critical theory is im-
Representatives of the commodity hypothesis
portant for analyzing media, technology, and
argue that the media are not primarily ideolog-
information is that it allows to question and
ical means of manipulation, but spheres of
provide alternatives to technological deter-
capital accumulation. The basic contention
minism and to explain the causal relationship
underlying the manipulation and ideology hy-
of media and technology on the one hand and
pothesis is that the media are used as tools that
society on the other hand in a balanced way
manipulate people, advance ideologies, fore-
that avoids one-dimensionality and one-sided-
stall societal transformations, create false con-
ness. Technological determinism (See Figure
sciousness, false needs, and a one-dimensional
4) is a kind of explanation of the causal rela-
universe of thought, language, and action.
tionship of media/technology and society that
Scholars who argue that there are alternative
assumes that a certain media or technology has
ways of doing and making media for critical
exactly one specific effect on society and so-
ends and for fostering participatory media
cial systems. In case that this effect is assessed
practices advance the alternative media hy-
positively, we can speak of techno-optimism.
In case that the effect is assessed negatively,

54 glossariumBITri

we can speak of techno-pessimism. Techno- be at least two different modern civilizations

optimism and techno-pessimism are the nor- based on different paths of technical develop-
mative dimensions of technological determin- ment. (…) Technologies corresponding to dif-
ism. ferent civilizations this coexist uneasily within
our society” (Feenberg 2002: 15). “In sum,
A critical theory of media and technology is
modern technology opens a space within
based on dialectical reasoning. This allows to
which action can be functionalized in either
see the causal relationship of media/technol-
one of two social systems, capitalism or social-
ogy and society as multidimensional and com-
ism. It is an ambivalent or ‘multistable’ system
plex: A specific media/technology has multi-
that can be organized around at least two he-
ple, at least two, potential effects on society
gemonies, two poles of power between which
and social systems that can co-exist or stand in
it can ‘tilt’” (Feenberg 2002: 87). “Technolog-
contradiction to each other. Which potentials
ical development is overdetermined by both
are realized is based on how society, interests,
technical and social criteria of progress, and
power structures, and struggles shape the de-
can therefore branch in any of several differ-
sign and usage of technology in multiple ways
ent directions depending on the prevailing he-
that are also potentially contradictory.
gemony. (…) While social institutions adapt to
technological development, the process of ad-
aptation is reciprocal, and technology changes
in response to the conditions in which it finds
itself as much as it influences them” (Feenberg
2002: 143). Feenberg says that the critical the-
ory of technology is a dialectical theory of
technology (Feenberg 2002: 176-183). Its goal
is a transformation of technology from “reifi-
cation to reintegration” (Feenberg 2002: 183).
Feenberg’s critical theory questions techno-
logical determinism, which he defines as “the
deterministic assumption that technology has
its own autonomous logic of development.
Figure 4: Technological/media determinism and dia- According to this view, technology is an invar-
lectic of technology/media iant element that, once introduced, bends the
recipient social system to its imperatives. (…)
Andrew Feenberg argues in his critical theory Determinism is based on the following two
of technology that technology is an ambiva- theses: 1. The pattern of technological pro-
lent process: “Critical theory argues that tech- gress is fixed, moving along one and the same
nology is not a thing in the ordinary sense of track in all societies. Although political, cul-
the term, but an ‘ambivalent’ process of devel- tural, and other factors may influence the pace
opment suspended between different possibil- of change, they cannot alter the general line of
ities. This ambivalence of technology is distin- development that reflects the autonomous
guished from neutrality by the role it attributes logic of discovery. 2. Social organization must
to social values in the design, and not merely adapt to technical progress at each stage of de-
the use of technical systems. On this view, velopment according to ‘imperative’ require-
technology is not a destiny but a scene of ments of technology. The adaptation executes
struggle. It is a social battlefield, or perhaps a an underlying technical necessity. (…) Tech-
better metaphor would be a ‘parliament of nology appears to be an application of the laws
things’ in which civilizational alternatives con-
tend. (…) Critical theory holds that there can

glossariumBITri 55

of nature to problems of production, as inde- culture of information and communication in

pendent of human will as the movements of terms of interested and powerful social and
the heavenly bodies” (Feenberg 2002: 138f). historical forces is evident by even a brief
glance at journals in information management
The dialectical critical theory of technology is
or information studies or in policy papers.
grounded in the works of Karl Marx, who said
Coupled wit the dominant tendency of such
that technology has contradictory potentials
research to be ‘practical’ in the service of pro-
and that under capitalism the negative ones
fessional and business organizations and in the
predominate: “The contradictions and antag-
service of military and industrial research pro-
onisms inseparable from the capitalist applica-
jects, research in information simply shies
tion of machinery do not exist, they say, be-
away from critical engagement, as well as from
cause they do not arise out of machinery as
foundational, qualitative, or materialist anal-
such, but out of its capitalist applications!
yses, especially from that which is seen to em-
Therefore, since machinery in itself shortens
ploy ‘pretentious’, ‘political’, or, equally, ‘for-
the hours of labour, but when employed by
eign’ vocabulary, let alone philosophical or
capital it lengthens them; since in itself light-
Marxist analyses” (Day 2001: 116f). Day un-
ens labour, but when employed by capital it
derstands critical theory in a very general sense
heightens its intensity; since in itself it is a vic-
as “the deployment of concepts in critical and
tory of man over the forces of nature but in
interruptive relation to the conceptual founda-
the hands of capital it makes man the slave of
tions of commonly accepted practices” (Day
those forces; since in itself it increases the
2001: 116). The problem with such a contex-
wealth of the bourgeois economist simply
tual definition of critical theory is that it is
states that the contemplation of machinery in
purely contextual: In case that socialism be-
itself demonstrates with exactitude that all
comes a commonly accepted practice, right
these evident contradictions are a mere sem-
wing extremist theory then becomes a “criti-
blance, present in everyday reality, but not ex-
cal” theory. Therefore additional qualities for
isting in themselves, and therefore having no
defining critical theory are needed. A critical
theoretical existence either. Thus her manages
theory of information for day examines infor-
to avoid racking his brains any more, and in
mation’s “institutional, political, and social”
addition implies that his opponent is guilty of
context and its “reflexive relationships to ma-
the stupidity of contending, not against the
terial forces and productions” (Day 2001:
capitalist application of machinery, but against
118). Day (2007) argues that Rob Kling on the
machinery itself” (Marx 1867: 568f). Also Her-
one hand has defined Social Informatics as
bert Marcuse is a representative of a dialectical
empirical research, which brings forward pos-
critical theory of technology that identifies
itivistic associations, but that on the other
contradictory potentials of technology: “Tech-
hand he tried to deconstruct technological de-
nics by itself can promote authoritarianism as
terminism as ideology. Social informatics
well as liberty, scarcity as well as abundance,
would therefore be “’critical’ of the ‘uncritical’
the extension as well as the abolition of toil”
discourses about the social values and uses of
(Marcuse 1941: 41).
computers/IT/ICTs” (Day 2007: 578). He
In recent years, the possibility of combining concludes that “the heart of Kling’s concep-
critical theory and information science has tion of social informatics was a critical infor-
been stressed (Day 2001, 2005, 2007, Fuchs matics, and that the cornerstone for critical in-
2008b). Ronald E. Day argues that infor- formatics were approaches that remained a
mation science has treated information mainly minority in Kling’s overall work” (Day 2007:
as a “reified and commoditized notion” (Day 582).
2001: 120). “The unwillingness of research on
information to actually attempt to situate a

56 glossariumBITri

Ajit K. Pyati (2006) suggests that critical infor- 2008a, 2009) and a critical theory of infor-
mation studies should be based on a Marcu- mation (2009a). An objectivist notion of infor-
sean infusion because his notion of technolog- mation is for Fuchs an ideology that drives the
ical rationality allows explaining why infor- commodification of information. If infor-
mation is primarily treated as a commodity mation is seen as a thing, then it is obvious to
and thing in contemporary society and con- argue that it should be treated as a commodity.
temporary library and information studies. But also subjectivistic notions of information
Marcuse’s notion of one-dimensionality are ideologies for Fuchs: If knowledge is con-
would allow deconstructing the neoliberal dis- sidered as individual creation, then the call for
course that argues for the privatization and intellectual property rights that make sure that
commodification of information and libraries knowledge is treated as commodity that is sold
as ideologies. “An information society that is on markets in order to generate money profit,
associated with techno-capitalism, neo-liberal- can easily be legitimated. In the end, subjectiv-
ism, and ideologies of deregulation can ulti- ist notions of information turn out to be ideo-
mately undermine the basis of the public ser- logies that legitimate private property and the
vice mission of libraries. In a certain sense, li- commodity form of information. The alterna-
braries with public service mandates (particu- tive is to consider information as a dialectical
larly public and certain academic libraries) act process that establishes an interconnection of
in some degree as ‘anti-capitalist spaces’ and subjects and objects via a threefold process of
have the potential to reframe an information cognition, communication, and co-operation.
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― HONNETH, Axel. (2007). Disrespect: The norma- Κυβερνήτης, meaning the art of steering a
tive foundations of critical theory. Cambridge: Pol- ship, used by Plato in the sense of guiding or
― HORKHEIMER, Max. (1937). Traditional and criti-
governing men. Nowadays, it refers to the
cal theory. In Critical theory, 188-252. New York: study of the control and communication of
Continuum. complex systems, whether they are living or-
― HORKHEIMER, Max. (1947/1974). Eclipse of rea- ganisms, machines or organisations, paying
son. New York: Continuum. special attention to the →feedback as the main
― KELLNER, Douglas. (1989). Critical theory, Marxism
and modernity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University way of regulation. It is usually considered that
Press. cybernetics has been properly formulated in
― MACEY, David. (2001). The Penguin Dictionary of Norbert Wiener's work of 1948 ("Cybernetics,
Critical Theory. London: Penguin. or control and communication in the animal
― PAYNE, Michael, ed. (1997). A dictionary of cul-
tural and critical theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
and machine"). According to Wiener, cyber-
― MCQUAIL, Denis. (2002). Origins and develop- netics is a science devoted to the study of con-
ment of the field of study. In McQuail’s Reader in trol systems, especially, self-control systems,
Mass Communication Theory, ed. Denis McQuail, 1-19. whether in living organisms or machines, in
London: Sage which this “control is the sending of messages

58 glossariumBITri

that truly change the behaviour of the receiv- configuration and information become so im-
ing system”. Both in its genesis in the 1940s portant as matter and energy were at the be-
(with contributions coming from evolutionary ginning of this century".
biology -von Uexküll-, psychology -Anokhin-,
Von Foerster believed that cybernetics should
systems control -Wiener-, neurophysiology -
overcome this epistemological anachronism,
McCulloh and Rosenblueth-, psychiatry -
so that the observer would be part of the sys-
Ashby…– as in its last development, cybernet-
tem, asserting his own goals and his own role
ics has constitute an eminently interdiscipli-
within the system. Since then, there is a clear
nary discipline.
distinction between traditional cybernetics (or
For the epistemologist, anthropologist, and cybernetics of the first order) and cybernetics
cybernetician Gregory Bateson, "cybernetics of the second order, also named complexity
is a branch of mathematics dealing with prob- theory. Whereas cybernetics of the fist order
lems of control, recursiveness and infor- can be formulated through the question:
mation". He also considered it "the biggest "What and how are the mechanisms of feed-
bite out of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge back of the studied system?", cybernetics of
that mankind has taken in the last 2000 years" the second order entails the question: "How
(Bateson 1972). For Stafford Beer, considered are we able to control, maintain and generate
father of management cybernetics, it is “the this system through feedback?"
science of effective organisation”.
Hence, second order cybernetics is posed as
First order or classical ~ and second order an implicit theory of observation with the
~ (S. de primer y segundo orden, F. de premier et range of an epistemology. The step from first
deuxième ordre, G. erster und zweiter Ordnung). In order to second order cibernetics is in a sense
1958, Heinz von Foerster conducted a critical the step from observing systems to observing
review of Wiener's cybernetic theory, observ- observing systems (or systems with observ-
ing that though this theory was introducing ers). In the words of Pakman (Cit. in Von
significant changes with respect to previous Foerster, 1991:3): "From the very moment in
conceptions of regulation and control, it did which we quit considering the concepts we use
not involve an epistemological break with the are properties of the systems, then we observe
traditional conception of science, because the and start conceiving them as an emerging
model, in which the observer watch the object product of the interaction between us and the
or the system from outside without causing an observed systems (...) we move from ontology
influence on the observee and attaining an ob- to epistemology, from observed systems to
jective study of it, continued to be applied. In our knowledge about them".
the wors of Watzlawick, Beavin and Jackson
(1981:33): "Feedback systems are not only dif-
ferent in a quantitatively higher dregree of ― BATESON, G. (1972). Steps to an ecology of mind. New
complexity, but also qualitatively different York: Ballantine Books.
― FOERSTER, H. von (1981). Observing systems, Sea-
from everything included within the field of side. California: Intersystems Publications.
classic mechanics. Their study demands new ― FOERSTER, H. von (1991). Las semillas de la ciberné-
conceptual frameworks: their logics and epis- tica. Barcelona: Gedisa.
temology are discontinuous with regard to cer- ― WATZLAWICK, P., BEAVIN BAVELAS, J., y
JACKSON, D. (1989). Teoría de la comunicación hu-
tain traditional principles in scientific analysis, mana. Interacciones, patologías y paradojas. Barcelona:
such as 'isolating single variables' or Laplace's Herder.
criteria of given a complete knowledge of all ― WIENER, N. (1954). The human use of human beings:
facts in a specific moment all future states can Cybernetics and Society. Nueva York: Avon.
― WIENER, N. (1975). Cybernetics: or the control and com-
be predicted. Feedback systems require their
munication in the animal and the machine. Cambridge:
own philosophy, in which the concepts like MIT Press.

glossariumBITri 59

(JMA –ed.- ; JMD, JMA) But these approaches have still not satisfacto-
rily led to an understanding of why and how
certain →systems have the ability to produce
CYBERSEMIOTICS (S. cibersemiótica, F. cy-
sense experiences, awareness and meaningful
ber-sémiotique, G Kyber-Semiotik) [transdisci-
communication. The theories of the phenom-
plinary, semiotics, cybernetics] theory
enological life world and the →hermeneutics of
Contents.— 1) Observers within their universe, 2) Cy- →communication and understanding seem to
bersemiotics: a crossroad among four knowledge traditions, defy classical scientific explanations. The hu-
3) Peirce triadic semiotic process on-tology as a new view of manities therefore send another insight the
reality, 4) Cybersemiotics as an integrative transdiscipline, opposite way down the evolutionary ladder,
5) Cybersemiotics vs information the-orists and info-compu-
with questions like: What is the role of con-
sciousness, →signs and meaning in evolution?
Cybersemiotics is the attempt to provide a These are matters that the exact sciences are
transdisciplinary framework for the scholarly not constructed to answer in their present
work on information, cognition and commu- state. Phenomenology and hermeneutics point
nication coming from the natural, technical out to the sciences that the type of objective
and social sciences as well as the humanities. knowledge they produce have prerequisite
It builds on two already generated interdisci- conditions in embodied living conscious be-
plinary approaches: On the one hand cyber- ings imbued with meaningful language and a
netics and systems theory including infor- culture. One can see the world view that
mation theory and science, and on the other emerges from the work of the sciences as a re-
Peircean semiotics including phenomenology construction back into time from our present
and pragmatic aspects of linguistics. Cyberse- ecological and evolutionary self-understand-
miotics attempts to make the two interdiscipli- ing as semiotic intersubjective conscious cul-
nary paradigms – both going beyond mecha- tural, historical creatures, but unable to handle
nistic and pure constructivistic ideas - comple- the aspects of meaning and conscious aware-
ment each other in a common framework. ness. How can we integrate these two direc-
1. Observers within their universe. We need tions of explanatory efforts?
to realize that a paradigm based on the view of 2. Cybersemiotics: a crossroad among four
the universe that makes irreversible time and knowledge traditions. What makes Cyberse-
evolution fundamental, forces us to view man miotics different from other approaches at-
as a product of evolution and therefore an ob- tempting to produce a transdisciplinary theory
server from inside the universe. This changes of information, cognition and communication
the way we conceptualize the problem and is its absolute naturalism, which forces us to
role of consciousness in nature compared to view life, consciousness as well as cultural
what Descartes did with his dualistic para- meaning as a part of nature and evolution. It
digm. The theory of evolution forces us theo- thus wants to combine a number of different
retically to conceive the natural and social sci- platforms from which attempts to make uni-
ences as well as the humanities together in one versal theories of perception, cognition, con-
framework of unrestricted or absolute natural- sciousness and communication have been
ism, where consciousness is part of nature. made, by relativizing each of them as only a
This has influenced the exact sciences to pro- partial view: 1. The physico-chemical scientific
duce theories of information and self-organi- paradigm based on third person objective em-
zation in order to explain the origin of life and pirical knowledge and mathematical theory,
sense experiences, encouraged biological but with no conceptions of experiental life,
thinking to go into psychology and social sci- meaning and first person embodied con-
ence in the form of theories of selfish genes, sciousness and therefore meaningful linguistic
socio-biology and evolutionary psychology. intersubjectivity; 2. The biological and natural

60 glossariumBITri

historical science approach understood as the usually explained as originating in energy and matter, liv-
combination of genetic evolutionary theory ing systems as emerging from the development of life
processes (for instance, the first cell). Social culture is ex-
with an ecological and thermodynamic view plained as founded on the development of meaning in
based on the evolution of experiental living language and practical habits, and finally our inner men-
systems as the ground fact and engaged in a tal world is explained as deriving from the development
search for empirical truth, yet doing so with- of our individual life world and consciousness. But all
these types of knowledge have their origin in our primary
out a theory of meaning and first person em- semiotic life-world and the common sense we develop
bodied consciousness and thereby linguistic here through our cultural history (horizon). In the course
meaningful intersubjectivity; 3. The linguistic- of this development the results of the natural and social
cultural-social structuralist constructivism that sciences as well as humanities feed into our common
sees all knowledge as constructions of mean- sense horizon and expands it.
ing produced by the intersubjective web of 3. Peirce triadic semiotic process ontology
language, cultural mentality and power, but as a new view of reality. Peirce’s evolution-
with no concept of empirical truth, life, evolu- ary metaphysics has a phenomenological point
tion, ecology and a very weak concept of sub- of departure, but he frames the task differently
jective embodied first person consciousness from Husserl as well as from Hegel. Thus, it is
even while taking conscious intersubjective most relevant to hold on to the name Peirce
communication and →knowledge processes as invented for his own stance: phaneroscopy.
the basic fact to study (the linguistic turn); 4. To me, there is a basic problem in modern Eu-
Any approach which takes the qualitative dis- ropean phenomenology from Husserl and on-
tinction between subject and object as the ward, viz. that when we talk about phenome-
ground fact on which all meaningful nology, we cannot get to the world of the oth-
knowledge is based and considering all results ers and to the world of objects as they hardly
of the sciences, including linguistics and em- have any existence outside our own con-
bodiment of consciousness, as secondary sciousness. This is because it deals with a cer-
knowledge, as opposed to a phenomenologi- tain view of the pre-linguistic consciousness
cal (Husserl) or actually phaneroscopic before any distinction between object and
(Peirce) first person point of view considering subject. Peirce, however, tries to solve this
conscious meaningful experiences in advance problem by introducing his three basic catego-
of the subject/object distinction. ries of Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness
and connecting them to the sign process, thus
making a common foundation for cognition
and communication that makes his theory in-
tersubjective at the basis. First person experi-
ence then does not come from a transcenden-
tal subject, but from ’pure feeling’, or First-
ness. Thus, Firstness must be the unanalyza-
ble, inexplicable, unintellectual basis which
runs in a continuous stream through our lives
and therefore is the sum total of conscious-
ness. Thus, possibility is a good word for First-
ness. Existence is an abstract possibility (First-
ness) which is no-thing. Peirce equates being
with Firstness, as is clear from these two tri-
chotomies: (1) being, (2) actuality, (3) reality;
and (1) possibility, (2) actuality, (3) necessity.
Figure 1. The Semiotic Star: A model of how the com- Here it is important to understand that the cat-
municative social system of the embodied →mind pro-
duces four main areas of knowledge. Physical nature is

glossariumBITri 61

egories are inclusive: you cannot have Second- and qualia as Firstness. The integrative trans-
ness without Firstness or Thirdness without disciplinary synthesis of Cybersemiotics starts
Secondness. by accepting two major, but not fully explana-
tory, and very different transdisciplinary para-
Peirce is referring to Hegel’s dynamical dialec-
digms: 1. the second order →cybernetics and au-
tical thinking as a contrast to Aristotle. Where
topoietic approach united in Luhmann’s triple
Aristotle's logic is concerned with separate,
autopoietic system theory of social communi-
discrete phenomena in a deductive pattern,
cation; 2. the Peircean phaneroscopic, triadic,
Hegel in his phenomenology dissolves this
pragmaticistic, evolutionary, semiotic ap-
classical static view into a dynamic movement.
proach to meaning which has led to modern
This is caused by oppositions between the
biosemiotics, based in a phenomenological inter-
structural elements that - through their fight
subjective world of partly self-organizing tri-
with each other - develop towards a new
adic sign processes in an experiential meaning-
whole, which is usually the whole we have
ful world. The two are integrated by inserting
now. It is viewed as preserving the former el-
the modern development of information the-
ements (→contradiction) but now united into a
ory and self-organizing, emergent chemico-bi-
new higher synthesis. This dialectics is a much
ological phenomena as an aspect of a general
more organic way of thinking than the more
semiotic evolution in the Peircean framework.
mechanical classical logic. Hegel’s term for
This creates the Cybersemiotic framework
this overcoming of contradiction at a new
where evolutionary experiential and intersub-
level, which at the same time preserves the
jective sign processes become the ground re-
contradiction on a lower one, is Aufhebung.
ality on which our conceptions of ourselves,
The concept is sometimes translated as "sub-
action, meaning and the word are built. None
of the results from exact science, biology, hu-
There is a lot of Thirdness in Hegel’s phenom- manities or social sciences are considered
enology as well as an intuitive apprehension of more fundamental than the others. They con-
the total picture, or Firstness. What is missing tribute on an equal footing to our intersubjec-
- from a Peircean point of view - is then that tive, semiotic process of knowing ourselves
healthy sense of reality that Secondness pro- and the world.
vides. It is the brute facts on which everyday
Thus, all four approaches: physics, biology,
consciousness and self-conscious experience
phenomenology (awareness and intentional-
confronts in that it does not flawlessly con-
ity), and sociology/linguistics are all equally
form to our expectations. The resting of real-
important and therefore have to be united into
ity in Peirce’s analysis. We have to reflect on
a transdisciplinary theory of information, se-
what the brute facts say about Thirdness and
miotics, first person consciousness and inter-
this is the road to science. Thus Hegel does
subjective socio-cultural communication. The
not – in Peirce’s view – see that the difference
Cybersemiotic Star model illustrates this,
between Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness
while at the same time pointing to the fact that
is foundational and that there is no way in
the discussion about transdisciplinary
which one of them can be turned into one of
knowledge is conducted in a linguistic dis-
the others, nor does he realize that they cannot
course with other embodied and linguistically-
melt together into one whole.
informed consciousnesses in both a natural
4. Cybersemiotics as an integrative trans- and cultural Umwelt.
discipline. The phaneroscopic semiotics in-
Looking at The Cybersemiotic Star we see that
cludes an intersubjective base as Peirce con-
there are four forms of historical explanations
siders all knowledge to be intersubjectively
going on: 1. the cosmological, 2. the biological,
produced through signs and view emotions

62 glossariumBITri

3. the historical, and 4. the personal life his- information. In order for anything to exist for
tory. The natural sciences work towards mak- an individual, she must get information on it
ing one grand historical explanation; but so by means of perception or by re-organization
far, we have not cracked the problem of the of the existing information into new patterns.
emergence of life and consciousness in evolu- This cybernetic-computational-informational
tion, I have argued here. Thus we might have view is based on a universal and un-embodied
to accept that an all-encompassing explana- conception of information and computation,
tion of the conscious meaningful human com- which is the deep foundation of “the infor-
munication process cannot be provided from mation processing paradigm” (s. →General
any of the corners of the model alone. We can- Theory of Information, →Info-computational-
not so far reduce our scientific explanations to ism). This paradigm is vital for most versions
one grand story, but, instead, have to juggle of cognitive science and its latest develop-
with all four at the same time, as long as they ments into brain function and linguistic re-
have the present paradigmatic foundations. search. Taken to its full metaphysical scope
this paradigm views the universe as a com-
Each of the four corners of the star represents
puter, humans as dynamic systems producing
different kinds of epistemologies. In science
and being guided by computational function-
we have – as prerequisite outside the theory –
ing. Language is seen as a sort of culturally de-
several living, embodied conscious subjects
veloped algorithmic program for social infor-
linked by knowledge sharing in language con-
mation processing.
fronting one or more objects. The first person
living consciousnesses of the subject(s) as ob- What seems to be lacking is knowledge of the
servers are considered to be outside the world nature and role of embodied first person ex-
they observe. In the biological sciences the ob- perience, qualia, meaning and signification in
servers share the life experience with their ob- the evolution and development of cognition
jects that are also living and therefore experi- and language communication among self-con-
encing. It is sadly often forgotten in molecular scious social beings and formed by the gram-
definitions of life that it is a basic and common matical structure and dynamics of language
trait of all life that it senses and experiences, a and mentality. From a general epistemological
fact not easily explainable from a molecular as well as philosophy of science foundation, it
level. We can kill the life we investigate to find is argued that a transdisciplinary paradigm of
out the molecular structure, but then we are information, cognition and communication
returned to physico-chemical approaches as science needs, within its theory, to engage the
the life and the agency of the living is gone. role of first person conscious, embodied social
But when studying living beings in the state of awareness in producing signification from per-
being alive, sensing their surroundings and cepts and meaning from communication in
creating their own Umwelt, we are in a quali- any attempt to build a transdisciplinary theo-
tatively new situation, as we have to accept retical framework for information, cognition,
that the living systems experience the environ- signification and meaningful communication.
ment in a specific manner, which will most of- It has to embrace what Peirce calls cenoscopic
ten be partly different from ours. Thus we are science or, to use a modern phrase, intentional
in a second order situation of observing. sciences. If it does not do so, but bases itself
on physicalism, including physicalistic forms
5. Cybersemiotics vs information theorists
of informationalism such as →info-computation-
and info-computationalism. A common
alist naturalism, it is going to be difficult to
view among information theorists is that in-
make any real progress in the understanding of
formation integrated with entropy in some
the relation between humans, nature, compu-
way is a basic structure of the World. Compu-
tation is the process of the dynamic change of

glossariumBITri 63

tation and cultural meaning through an inte- Living Systems: Gregory Bateson as Precursor to Biosemiot-
grated information, cognition and communi- ics; Hoffmeyer, J. (Ed.), London, UK: Springer Ver-
lag, Chapter 12, pp. 229-255.
cation science. ― BRIER, S. (2009a). "The Conflict between Indian
6. Cybersemiotics groundings Vedic Mentality and Western Modernity", Durst-
Andersen and Lange, E.E. (Ed.)(2010). Mentality and
A theory of signification and how meaning is Thought: North, South, East and West, Copenhagen:
Copenhagen Business School Press, pp. 53-86.
produced through signs is needed to connect ― BRIER, S. (2009b). “Cybersemiotic Pragmaticism
human consciousness with a theory of nature and Constructivism”, Constructivist Foundations Vol. 5,
and information. For this we need to enlarge No. 1, pp. 19-38.
the picture by superimposing and integrating ― BRIER, S. (2009c). “Levels of Cybersemiotics: Pos-
an even broader foundation such as Charles sible Ontologies of signification”, Cognitive Semiotics,
Issue 4 (Spring 2009), pp. 28-62.
Sanders Peirce’s pragmaticistic semiotics in its ― BRIER, S. (2010a). “Cybersemiotics: Entropic infor-
modern development as biosemiotics. The mation, evolution and meaning: A World View be-
first ground work to explain why and how yond Entropy and Information”, Entropy (An elec-
such a combinatory framework of semiotics tronic journal), 12(8), 1902-1920; Lead article for
special issue on Cybersemiotics that author was of-
and cybernetics makes it possible to make an fered to edit. Last paper published Oct. 2010.
evolutionary based transdisciplinary theory of ― BRIER, S. (2010b). “Cybernetics” in Clarke, B. and
information, cognition, consciousness, mean- Rosini, M. (Ed.)(2010): The Routledge Companion to
ing and communication can be found in Brier Literature and Science, London and New
(2008a) and in the subsequent papers written York:Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 89-
after the book manuscript was finished (Brier ― BRIER, S. (2011a). "Cybersemiotics and the ques-
2007, 2008b, ff). tion of knowledge" Chapter 1 in Dodig-Crnkovic,
G.and Burgin, M. (Ed.) (2011). Information and Com-
References putation, World Scientific Publishing Co.
― BRIER, S. (2007). Applying Luhmann’s system the- ― BRIER, S. (2011b). “Meaning and Science: Konrad
ory as part of a transdisciplinary frame for commu- Lorenz, Thomas Sebeok and beyond”, in Deely,
nication science. Cybe. Huma. Know., Num. 14, 29-65. John, Kull, Kalevi and Petrilli, Susan (eds.), Semiotics
― BRIER, S. (2008a) Cybersemiotics: Why Information is Continues to Astonish: the Intellectual Heritage of Thomas
not Enough! Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Albert Sebeok, Peer reviewed and accepted, Paris and
Press. Den Haag: Mouton, de Gruyter.
― Brier, S. (2008b). The Peircean paradigm for biose- ― BURGIN, M. (2010). Theory of Information: Funda-
miotics. Signs 2008, pp. 30-81. mentality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore:
― BRIER, S. (2008c). Bateson and Peirce on the pat- World Scientific Publishing.
tern that connects and the sacred. In A Legacy for

64 glossariumBITri
DATA (S. dato, F. donnée, G. DatenPL, Angabe) that appear in the sky just before the storm is
[transdisciplinary, information science, com- an example of natural or non-conventional
putation science, communication theory, epis- data. Thirdly, the same data can inform an
temology] concept agent or not, as we see below, depending on
Contents.— 1) Data at organizational context, 2) Flo-
the stock prior to the staff. Fifthly, within an
ridi's Model (a. Diaphoric definition of data, b. Types of organization, data are usually of conventional
data) type and they often appear as a collection of
materialized alphanumeric characters on a
Intuitively, we can identify the data as physical document (either physical or electronic). And
events (small parts (or pieces) of reality) able finally, in the same context, in the organiza-
to carry certain associated information. They tions, the indiscriminate accumulation of data
have a material nature and can be considered does not always necessarily improve decision
as the physical support to information. In making.
other words, they are physical facts that do no
have any inherent meaning, do not necessarily We can justify this way of defining the concept
present any interpretations or opinions, and of data by reviewing how the same concept is
do not carry indicative characteristics that may understood in other contexts. For example,
reveal their importance or relevance. In this our characterization reflects the sense that no
sense, each of the statements printed in this tension is given to the concept of data in the
article can be considered as data. The custom- disciplines of information technology and tel-
er's name, the amount of the purchase or bank ecommunications: a set of associated charac-
transaction number that appears on an invoice ters of a concept. The character set
can be considered as the typical examples of "35,879,987" about the concept number of na-
data within the context of the companies. tional identification (ID) could be an example.
In an effort to systematize, we can offer the In the same vein, our proposal fits well with
proposal from the following definition: the use of the word "data" when defining cer-
tain informatic applications. A database man-
Data = physical support of information. agement system (SGBDD), without going any
1. Data at organizacional context. It is im- further, usually is defined as a resource that
portant to show some characteristics of the enables the management of records from the
data from these viewpoints. Firstly, the ques- data or sets of characters appearing in the rec-
tion of being some physical events, the data ords (numbers, words, numbers, etc..) That is
are easy to capture, structure, quantify or to say, one can defend the idea that manage-
transfer. Secondly, a datum, depending on the ment of the records of these tools is a man-
encryption key in which it is involved (as dis- agement of syntactical type (apart from char-
cussed below), it can be conventional or natu- acter sets that appear in the records) but not a
ral (not conventional).The account number on semantic one (apart from the information
the back of a credit card is an example of a content associated with these sets of charac-
conventional type of data. Looking at clouds

glossariumBITri 65

ters). A SGBDD, facing a search equation, re- Consequently, they are purely relational enti-
trieves the records where the data appear to ties.
make the equation. In the same way, a Data
According to the typological neutrality, the infor-
Mining or Text Mining system, among other
mation may consist of different data types as
things, permits to detect correlations or pat-
related: →primary, secondary, metadata, oper-
terns among data (or sets of characters) that
ational or derivative (see below, §2.b).
appear in the records which shap the system
so that later in an intellectual manner someone According to the ontological neutrality, in combi-
can decide whether this pattern is consistent nation with the rejection of information with-
or not with a genuine correlation semantics. out data -as stated by General Definition of
Information the author proposes-, there can
2. Floridi's Model.
neither be "without data representation".
a) Diaphoric definition of data (DDD). According Therefore, at the same time, this may imply
to the diafora definition of Floridi (from the different levels of ontological neutrality: 1)
Greek διαφορά, →difference, discrepancy) "a there can be no information without physical
datum is a putative fact regarding some differ- implementation (regardless of its nature), 2)
ence or lack of uniformity within some con- every elements in the physical world "derives
text." its function, its meaning, its very existence
from the appartus-elicited answer to yes-or-no
According to the author, this definition can be
questions, binary choices, bits" (i.e., what we
applied at three levels: 1) Diaphora de re: as a
call reality derives from a theoretical-interrog-
lack of uniformity in the outside world, i.e.
ative analysis), 3) information is nothing but
pure data, before any epistemological interpre-
an "exchange with the outer world as we ad-
tation (similar to Euclid's "dedomena"). 2) Di-
just to it, and make our adjustment felt upon
aphora de signo: between at least two physical
it" (Wiener, 1954). 4) "information is a differ-
states. 3) Diaphora de dicto: between two sym-
ence that makes a difference". So the meaning
becomes a potential basis accoding to its self-
Due to the stance concerning the ontological generating ability.
neutrality and the nature of environmental in-
According to the genetic neutrality, semantics
formation, (1) can be identical to (2), or make
can be independent of the informee, thus
possible the signs in (2), while those signs are
meaning does not have to be in the mind of
necessary conditions for encoding the sym-
the user; which is not the same as the realist
bols in (3).
thesis, stating that the meaning would even be
This definition has the advantage of leaving independent of the producer or informer. This
the data free from its support and considers latter assumption is made when "environmen-
four types of independence or neutrality: tax- tal information" is considered.
onomy (with regard to the classification of the
b) Types of data. Data can be of different types
relata), typological (with regard to the logical
supported by the diaphoric definition:
type); ontological (with regard to the nature of
the inequality support), genetic (regarding to Primary ~: those that are explicitly related to
the semantics of the informee). what is in question (eg. the response of an in-
formation system to the query of a user).
In turn, these four types of neutrality have im-
portant implications regarding the nature of Secondary ~: equivalent to the absence of
information and data: certain primary data (eg. administrative silence
in front of a determined petition o request).
According to the taxonomic neutrality, there is
nothing that can characterize a datum per se. Operational ~: those data relating to the op-
erations and the overall system information

66 glossariumBITri

performance (eg. an indication that the system Flusser, in his theory of communication,
is not working properly or it is busy). “Kommunikologie” (1996), warns of the dan-
ger that chiefly discursive media, in which
Derivative ~: those data that can be used as
communication is disseminated or distributed
indirect sources in inquiries different to those
(as television, radio, etc.), could end up smoth-
directly or primarily addressed by the data
ering the dialogical media. While, in the latter,
themselves (eg. "The fact that someone has
information is created (e.g. in scientific discus-
mentioned the sun twice is a sign that he is in
sions, interviews, meetings, etc.) the former
a good mood").
only disseminates it. Thus, Flusser’s warning
Meta~: information about the nature and concerns creativity. This assessment is double
characteristics of other data, usually primary faced: on the one hand, it is epistemological in
data (eg. "What he/she is saying is a lie", "this the line started by Socrates, opposing a dog-
text is stored in an extended ASCI code," "in matic and limited thinking to a dialectical and
the data received there are not any detected er- open one; on the other hand, it is socio-tech-
rors "...). nological, according to which, particularly In-
ternet might not be the genuine democratic
communication, as it pretends to be; on the
― BOISOT, Max H. (1998). Knowledge Assets. Ox- contrary, its democratic character might be
ford: Oxford University Press - Davenport, T.;
Prusak, L. (1998). Working Knowledge. Boston:
dominated by hierarchical structures condi-
Harvard Business School Press. tioning that information is to be chiefly broad-
― FLORIDI, L. (2005). “Semantic Conceptions of In- casted –sometimes in a subtle manner- from
formation”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philisophy, centres of information and power domination
Edición electrónica [online] <http://plato.stan- (→Critical Theory of Information).> [Con-
sultado: sept/2008]- A theory of information based on a commu-
― NONAKA, Ikujiro y TAKEUCHI, Hirotaka (1995). nication model as the one used in the Mathe-
The Knowledge Creating Company. Oxford: Ox-
ford University Press. matical Theory of Communication (MTC) –
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2008). rooted in semiotic theories of significant influ-
Gestión del Conocimiento en las Organizaciones. ence in the history of ideas, such as Locke´s
Gijón: Trea. ISBN 978-84-9704-376-2. theory– might better account for discursive
The Phenomenon of Information. Lanham (Mary-
communication than dialogical one (Díaz & Al
land): Scarecrow Press. Hadithi 2009, →communication). Regarding to
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2003). this –so to speak- “simple model”, infor-
“El documento como dato, conocimiento e infor- mation might be considered as transported
mación”. [Online]. Tradumática, núm. 2, 2003. properly codified and next received by means
<ática/revista> [Ac-
cessed: 30 dic. 2003]. of a pertinent decoding operation (→code): ac-
― von KROGH, Georg, ICHIJO, Kazui and NO- cording to Locke, “the idea they make it a sign
NAKA, Ikujiro (2000). Enabling Knowledge Crea- of is precisely the same” [for both the emitter
tion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. and de receiver] (Locke 2004, III-ii-4); in the
(MPM –ed-; MPM, JMD, MG) MTC, the receiver “performs the inverse op-
eration of that done by the transmitter”, and
such invertivility presupposes an isomorphic
DIALOGIC VS. DISCURSIVE (S. dialógico relation between the emitter and the receptor
vs discursivo, F. dialogique vs discursive, G. dialogik symbolic domains (Shannon 1948: 380). How-
vs. diskursive) [transdisciplinary, communica- ever, the idea that this “simple model” may be
tion and media theory, information society] con- the case of discursive communications is just
cept, problem an ingenious point of view, in the sense that
an automatic tuning between the emitter cod-
ing and receiver decoding is presupposed,

glossariumBITri 67

which is all the more difficult to admit, if the DIFFERENCE (S. diferencia, F. différence, G.
heteronomy between emitter and receiver is Unterschied) [transdisciplinary] concept
higher. In short, even though the relative au-
Difference denotes a relationship between
tonomy of both coding and decoding opera-
two entities, or objects, or between an entity
tions in discursive communications seems to
and itself in different circumstances. A and B
approach the simple model, the heteronomy
are said to be different if the same property or
of these operations –at the same time condi-
attribute, applied to both, yields non equal val-
tioned by the domination structures, referred
by Flusser- leads to a practical significant dis-
tance between them (→message). The definition of information presented by
Gregory Bateson, "a difference that makes a
Concerning dialogical communications, a
difference" is famous in the bibliography of
model able to reflect this type better has to
emphasize the procedural and cooperative
character of information as well as the prag- Floridi also uses the term difference, relating
matic situation where it takes place and in it to the most basic informational situation,
which the sense of the utterances is articu- the definition of "datum".
lated. Whereas in discursive communication
However, to use the concept of difference as
the →context (in broad sense) plays a second-
the deepest substrate of the concept of infor-
ary role and it is often ignored, in the case of
mation is dangerous, since it ignores a fact
dialogical communication the context plays a
which is even more elementary or fundamen-
crucial role. On the other hand, the referred
tal. For a difference between two things to ex-
heteronomy or emitter/receiver asymmetry of
ist, it necessarily must relate to qualities or at-
discursive communications, where the role of
tributes of both. For example, if an observer
the receiver is minimised or reduced to a pas-
reported that John is higher than William, he
sive subject, becomes a balance between par-
or she is recognizing at least three previous
takers in the dialogical ones. Here, the recep-
tion process is enhanced and the homonymy
plays a transcendental role. Finally, while dis- ― John and William are objects.
cursive communications can be related to a ― It makes sense to apply the "height" attrib-
vertical structure (from a privileged position to ute to both John and William.
a subordinated one), a more horizontal struc- ― The "height" attribute comes from a con-
ture corresponds to dialogical communica- sensus reached by a community of agents,
tions (→message). which defines the word itself, defines the
attribute as a function that assigns a real
number to material objects and defines ac-
― DÍAZ NAFRÍA, J.M. & AL HADITHI, B. (2009). ceptable forms of calculating the function.
Are “the semantic aspects” actually “irrelevant to This is all part of the common sense or on-
the engineering problem”? In special issue, Díaz &
Salto (eds.) "What is really information? An interdis- tological background of that community.
ciplinary approach". TripleC, 7(2), 300-308. [online, Only if these three facts or previous items ex-
accessed 20/02/2010].
― FLUSSER, V. (1996). Kommunikologie. Mannheim, ist the observer can state that the height of one
Germany: Bollmann. differs from the height of the other. This can
― LOCK, J. (2004). An Essay Concerning Humane Under- also be seen when someone says that there is
standing. [Online] Galaxia Gutemberg a difference between the objects A and B. It is [ac-
cessed: 20/02/2010]
very likely that anyone who is listening would
― SHANNON, C.E. (1948). "A Mathematical theory ask: "In what (quality) is it that they differ?".
of communication". The Bell System Technical Journal, Whenever A and B are different, it is because
27, pp. 379–423, 623–656. of a quality or property they both have.

68 glossariumBITri

Now, when Bateson uses the phrase above to the knowledge-based society, are the pillars
define information, probably refers to the per- where the digital divide is based upon. ICT re-
ception of a difference perceived by an ob- quires infrastructure and economic means to
server, whose state, as a result of the percep- sustain itself as well as knowing how it works,
tion, is altered, i.e. differentiated from the state the possibilities it offers and its appropriate
existing prior to it. use. This may bring about a two-sided digital
divide: on the one hand, those who have the
When Floridi mentions "difference" he refers
technological means and infrastructure and
to the difference produced in, for example a
those who do not. On the other hand, we find
sheet of paper, when somebody writes on it.
those who know how to use them and those
In other words, he points to the change of
who do not. This gap is an aspect that empha-
state of a record, between two different time
sizes the social and economic contrast that en-
points. This operation is usually used to rec-
compasses countries, communities, social
ord information, by means of consensus sym-
groups and individuals. One way to deal with
bols, and that is the relationship between dif-
this gap is through teaching and training peo-
ference and information that Floridi puts for-
ple by means of lifelong learning. In this re-
gard, the new literacies are: digital literacy,
We see that both uses of the word "difference" technology literacy, multi-literacies, and infor-
are not equal; although one could build a rela- mation literacy (INFOLIT). INFOLIT aims at
tionship between them. For example, a word training autonomous learners who will be-
written on paper might be perceived by an ob- come capable of analyzing, selecting, assessing
server and it could trigger therein a state and using information to create new content
change. However, clearly, Bateson refers to or develop their work or leisure time.
the domain of perception and knowledge,
The Organization for Economic Co-opera-
while Floridi refers to the domain of objects
tion and Development (OECD) defines the
and records.
concept of digital divide as having access to
In conclusion, supporting a definition of the computers (ICT) and Internet and knowing
concept of information only on the concept of how to use these technologies. However,
"difference" we incur the risk of forgetting OECD understands technology as a social
that first we need categories and qualities col- process which calls for exploring a wider
lectively agreed, and the risk of confusing in- meaning of this concept. Within this frame-
formation with records and representations of work, libraries are supposed to assume the re-
it. sponsibility of reducing the digital divide
through ALFIN proposals. This is understood
as considering technology means, information
― BATESON, G. (1972). Steps to an Ecology of Mind: and information management experts. None-
Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution,
and Epistemology. University Of Chicago Press.
theless, development politics has given prior-
― FLORIDI, L. (2009). Information - A very short intro- ity to digital or technology literacy without
duction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. people having the required information liter-
acy. Information literacy is a must since under-
standing and assessing information is a re-
quirement to use technology tools appropri-
DIGITAL DIVIDE (S. brecha digital, F. frac- ately and widespread to mediate information
ture numérique, G. digitalen Kluft) [Information access and use. Knowledge is a powerful tool
society, globalisation, economy] concept to fight against poverty. However, not all so-
cieties are ready to assume these changes and
The development of Information and Com-
commitments. So it is necessary to make sure
munication Technology (ICT) and the expo-
that knowledge economy does not aggravate
nential growth of information, two features of

glossariumBITri 69

inequalities between a productive sector and <

goods and services, where growth is based panol/prensa/contenidos/articulos/tecnolo-
gia/brecha.pdf> [Accessed: 11/07/09]
upon, and a periphery unable to produce ― REUNIÓN DE EXPERTOS EN ALFABETIZA-
them. CIÓN EN INFORMACIÓN. (2003) Declaración de
Praga: hacia una sociedad alfabetizada en información.
It is possible to wonder whether the increase [Online] <http://www.melange-
of information technologies generates new>
gaps locally or internationally, or whether they [Accessed: 11/07/09]
can improve the wellbeing of our societies. In ― UNESCO (s.f.) De la sociedad de la información a las so-
ciedades del conocimiento. [Online] <http://por-
this regard, UNESCO (2005) points out that
the existence of the digital divide is undenia- s_kit_es.pdf/press_kit_es.pdf> [Accessed:
ble. However, it says that there is a more trou- 11/07/09]
blesome problem: the digital divide separates ― UNESCO. (2005) Hacia las sociedades del conocimiento.
developed countries from developing ones, [Online] Paris: Ediciones Unesco. <http://unes-
especially those less privileged. This digital di- ges/0014/001419/141908s.pdf> [Accessed:
vide runs the risk of deepening while other 11/07/09]
gaps emerge or widen in different societies. It
accumulates the effects of different gaps
found in the main fields of knowledge, infor-
mation access, education, scientific research DISINFORMATION (S. desinformación, F.
and cultural and linguistic diversity. This rep- désinformation, G. Desinformation) [transdicipli-
resents the real challenge raised to build a nary, communication, medias, semantics] con-
knowledge society. This gap is based on the cept, problem
own inequality dynamics related to
Factual information that intentionally does
knowledge. These are worldwide inequalities
not comply with the facts. It refers to a false
which stem from the distribution of the po-
semantic content that, distinguishing from mis-
tential cognition (among other knowledges),
information, comes from a well informed
or the unequal appraisal of certain types of
source. It is also used in the sense of silencing
knowledges with regards to knowledge econ-
or hiding the truth of the (relevant) facts, es-
omy. This gap is apparent among countries
pecially in the context of mass media (situation
form the North and South, but it is also evi-
in which recipients do not have the possibility
dent within each society. Having access to per-
to answer the →message sent by the emitter, be-
tinent and useful knowledge does not depend
ing also unable to control its veracity).
on infrastructure, but training people in devel-
oping cognitive competencies and proper reg- For most of the approaches to semantic infor-
ulations on access to content. Keeping people mation, and even for the common notion of
in touch by means of wire and optic fiber is information concerning facts, disinformation
not enough, unless this connection goes along cannot be counted as legitimate information.
with the creation of competencies and work There are, however, some semantic interpre-
addressed to produce tations allegedly neutral with respect to the
value of truth of its contents. Nevertheless, as
Floridi states, if such neutrality position con-
― GÓMEZ, J.; CALDERÓN, A.; MAGÁN, J. cerning truth is held the following problems
(Coord.) (2008). Brecha digital y nuevas alfabetizaciones: el arise: 1) semantic value of false information; 2)
papel de las bibliotecas [Online] Madrid: Biblioteca de la
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (Documentos informative value of necessary truths -includ-
de trabajo) < ing tautologies-; 3) non redundancy of “it is
teca/0Libro.pdf> [Accessed: 11/07/09] true that p”, being p genuine semantic infor-
― VOLKOW, N. (2003) “La brecha digital, un concepto so- mation.
cial con cuatro dimensiones” [Online] Boletín de Política In-
formática, N°6.

70 glossariumBITri

In any case, as said before, disinformation is ― MATTELART, A., MATTELART, M. (1986). Pen-
not usually considered as semantic infor- ser les médias. Paris: La Découverte.
― RAMONET, I. (2002). La Tyrannie de la communica-
mation. Thereby in Dreske’s work or in →sit- tion. París: Galilée.
uation theories, disinformation is excluded as a ― SCHILLER, Dan (2002). Digital Capitalism. Network-
subset of false information, whereas genuine ing the Global Market System. Cambridge, MA: MIT
information is characterized by a requirement Press.
of truth. But more specifically, Floridi’s strongly (JMD)
semantic approach excludes disinformation un-
der its veracity requirement. Although this
might involve a certain inadequacy to the DOCUMENT (S. documento, F. document, G.
facts, it demands a strong adequacy to the re- dokument) [transdisciplinaryy, documentation,
flection of these facts in the emitter (Floridi LIS, information management] concept
2005). This truthfulness commitment has a A document is a message delivered with a
family resemblance with the pragmatic and in- communicative intention, potentially informa-
tentional approach of Grice, according to tive and reusable for the receiver. It is an in-
which an effective communication must be formative item.
regulated –among others- by a maxim of qual-
ity (truthfulness) (Grice 1989). Generally speaking, one can assert that docu-
ments have always been involved in humans’
A whole critical trend on information media, intellectual activities. From the beginning of
especially mass media, followed by a number the history of thought, man has used a number
of different schools, intends to unmask those of objects or materials where he can capture
disinformation situations, especially concern- and store his thought or feelings. There are
ing institutionalized practices. One of the are- clear examples of such objects or materials:
nas in which this concern has played a central the cave paintings, Mesopotamian clay tablets,
attention is the Frankfurt School (Hork- the walls of sacred buildings Egyptian papy-
heimer, Marcuse, Adorno and afterwards Ha- rus, the parchments and later the paper. Now-
bermas (2001), →Critical theory of information). adays, the development of communication
Also, the studies of W. Benjamin (2008), Mi- and information technologies increasingly
rin, Baudrillard, Bordieu (1999), Ramonet contributes to electronic formats in collecting
(2002), Mattelart (1986), Dan Shiller (2002), our intellectual production.
etc. have deepened in different ways the char-
acterization of dis-information in mass media, We usually use the term "document" to refer
as well as its psychological, societal, political to all such objects or materials. In other words,
and cultural consequences. we can identify any type medium that holds
some types of information as a document. In
References this sense, we can consider under the concept
― BENJAMIN, W. (2008). The work of art in the age of a document a written paper, a book, a pho-
of its technological reproducibility, and other writ- tograph, a videotape, a DVD, a file created
ings on media. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard with a word processor, a database or even a
University Press. web page. To give a definition: Document =
― BOURDIEU, Pierre (1999). On Televisión. New
York: New Press. any medium where information is repre-
― FLORIDI, L. (2005). "Semantic Conceptions of in- sented.
formation”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philisophy.
[Online]. Stanford: Standford University. [Accessed: It is clear from the definition that document
01/02/2009]. has two dimensions: on one side, it is some-
― GRICE, H. P. (1989). Studies in the way of words, Cam- thing physical/material and on the other, it
bridge, Mass.: Harvard U.Press. holds/contains an associated information or
― HABERMAS, J. (2001). Kommunikatives Handeln und
detraszendentalisierte Vernunft. Stuttgart: Philipp

glossariumBITri 71

informative content. Here we see the relation- In this regard, on one hand, the knowledge in
ship between these two dimensions with the an individual represents (is reflected) in a doc-
concepts of data, information and knowledge. ument by a code and its transmission is real-
ized by the material transmission of the docu-
The relationship between the two concepts of
ment itself. When a second individual is able
document and data seems quite simple. If we
to obtain the information associated with the
consider data is as the physical medium infor-
transmitted document to form a new state of
mation, document should be understood as (a
mind by it, we can affirm that there has been
special type of) combination of data.
a transmission of that knowledge. On the
Now, let us see what happens to its relation other hand, by the same mechanism, the
with the concept of information. If infor- preservation and storage of the document ob-
mation is understood as the semantic content tained as a fruit of representation of a concrete
of data derived from an encryption key, docu- knowledge also allows the preservation and
ment would appear to be as the material object storage of that knowledge. One can only ana-
that can represent and implement infor- lyze this document under the same codifica-
mation. tion key (or code) which used in the represen-
tation of those mental states to be able to re-
This representation and materialization helps
trieve the associated information and create
to explain several things. On the one hand, it
new mental states in other individuals after
explains how you can transmit information:
storage of the document. In this way, this
the information is represented (associated
knowledge can be retrieved by anyone who
with) in (to) a document by a code and its
needs it at the right time.
transmission is realized by the material trans-
mission of the document itself. On the other In the same vein, to give a brief outline, it is
hand, it also makes it clear that why the preser- also important to mention one more thing that
vation and storage of document means the can make clear this entire conceptual scenario.
preservation and storage of the information it We should not forget that, at certain occasions
contains therein. One can only analyze this and in colloquial terms, we often classify a
document under the same codification key (or concrete data as information or knowledge.
code) used to associate it with that particular We also, usually in an organizational context,
semantic content for retrieving the infor- use the terms "knowledge" and "information"
mation after storage of the document. to refer to physical representations of the
mental states, or the informative contents, to
Finally, we tackle the articulation of the con-
refer to documents (in any medium (paper,
cept of document against the knowledge.
electronic , optical, magnetic, etc..)) we use to
Knowledge should be understood as those of
represent and disseminate that knowledge or
mental states of an individual that is con-
information. For example, if a document (a
structed from the assimilation of information
fact, a physical occurrence) carries some infor-
and that controls the actions of the subject.
mation or is obtained as a representation of a
Document, facing these mental states and
knowledge that a subject has, in a larger sense,
from its physical dimension and ability to carry
we say also that this document is respectively
information, plays an important role: it ap-
information or knowledge.
pears as the material object, which can repre-
sent and implement those mental states resid- References
ing exclusively in the head of people. This rep- ― RODRÍGUEZ BRAVO, B. (2002). El documento:
resentation and realization, as happened in the entre la tradición y la renovación. Gijón: Trea
case of information, helps to explain the trans- ― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2008).
mission and storage of (explicit) knowledge Gestión del Conocimiento en las Organizaciones.
from the transmission and storage of docu- Gijón: Trea.
ments. “La Información en las organizaciones”. En DÍAZ

72 glossariumBITri

NAFRÍA, J. M. y SALTO ALEMANY, F. (eds.) Reasons in a world of causes (1988), Natural-

(2008). ¿Qué es información?. León: Instituto Na- izing the Mind (1995), Perception, Knowledge
cional de Tecnologías de la Comunicación (IN-
TECO). and Belief (2000).
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2006). But among all of his works there is one that
“Gestión del Conocimiento, gestión documental y
gestión de contenidos”. En TRAMULLAS, Jesús stands out, published in 1981 under the title
(Coord.) (2006). Tendencias en documentación digi- Knowledge and the Flow of Information. At
tal. Gijón: Ediciones Trea, págs. 110-133. that time he was still a professor at the Uni-
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2005). versity of Wisconsin-Madison and it was be-
“Sistemas de gestión de contenidos en la gestión del
conocimiento”. [Online]. En BiD: textos universita-
fore his collaboration at the prestigious CSLI
ris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, juny, núm. (Center for the Study of Language and Infor-
14, 2005. < mation) of Stanford University as a lecturer
los.php?fichero=14monto2.htm> [Accessed: 18 and researcher. At that time, this work at-
julio 2005]. tracted the attention of the specialized litera-
“El documento como dato, conocimiento e infor- ture and later was the backbone of a signifi-
mación”. [Online]. En Tradumática, núm. 2, 2003. cant amount of the subsequent philosophical
<ática/revista> [Ac- production. The main objective of Dretske is
cessed: 30 dic. 2003]. this book was to carry out a conceptual jour-
(BR –ed.-; MPM, BR) ney through the mental territory, trying to de-
velop a semantic theory of information that
was useful for later analysis of principal pro-
DOCUMENT CONTENT ANALYSIS cesses, such as knowledge or belief involved in
(S. análisis del contenido documental, F. analyse de our cognitive behavior.
contenu documentaire, G. urkundliche Inhaltsanalyse)
[Research] concept And to achieve this objective, it seems that the
work is divided into three distinct parts. The
Discipline devoted to the identification of the first part begins with the attempt to present a
main concepts or realities in a document and the semantic theory of information, or a theory of
representation of them in order to enable an propositional content of a sign. Then he re-
ulterior retrieval by the users. covers the notion of average amount of infor-
References mation contained in the Mathematical Theory
of Communication (Shannon and Weaver,
― MOREIRO GONZÁLEZ, J. A. (2004). El contenido
de los documentos textuales: su análisis y representación me- 1949), and from there he offers a definition
diante el lenguaje natural. Gijón: Trea. for informative content. In particular, a sign
informs about an occurrence in the world
when there is a law or regularity between them
that prevents a sign from occurring without
DRETSKE, FRED [Philosophy, epistemol- the occurrence taking place (or expressed in
ogy, philosophy of mind] author probabilistic terms: when the probability of
causing the occurrence, once the signal has oc-
American philosopher (born 1932) that, from
curred, is equal to 1). Within this conceptual
externalism, has made significant contribu-
proposal there is no place for false infor-
tions in the field of information theory, epis-
mation. False information can not be regarded
temology and philosophy of mind. Through-
as authentic information.
out his entire academic career, he has taught at
the universities of Wisconsin, Stanford and
Duke. Within his scientific works are: Seeing
and Knowing (1969), Explaining behavior:

glossariumBITri 73

― DRETSKE, Fred I. (1988). Explaining Behavior: Rea-

sons in a World of Causes. The MIT Press/Bradford
Books. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
― DRETSKE, Fred I. (1995). Naturalizing the Mind.
Cambridge: The MIT Press/Bradford Books.
― DRETSKE, Fred I. (2000). Perception, Knowledge and
Belief. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The Phenomenon of Information. Lanham (Maryland):
Scarecrow Press.
“La semántica de la información en Dretske”. Ga-
rrido, M.; Valdés, L. y Arenas, L. (eds.) (2005). El
Legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cáte-
(MPM. –ed.-; MPM., MG)

(Duke University / Faculty database Philosophy Arts &

In the second part he presents his alternative
definition of knowledge: belief caused by in-
formation. Here Dretske replaces the need for
the justification of belief in the causality of in-
formation. By this change he tries to over-
come the problems (the counter examples of
Gettier and the paradox of the lottery) that the
classical epistemological theories usually pre-
sented and also enfores a suitable argument
against the thesis of radical skepticism.
In the third and final part of the work, the au-
thor's purpose is to offer a definition of the
content of belief, explanatorily compatible
with its characterists: its intentional character,
the possibility of possessing a false content
and its determined role in the conduct. The
objective is fulfilled when it identifies the con-
tent of the belief with fully digitized infor-
mation. In the same way, the concepts are
considered as internal structures that are dis-
tinguished by their semantic content, and
when they are exemplified, they apply a con-
trol over the outputs (conducts) of the cogni-
tive system.
― DRETSKE, Fred I. (1969). Seeing and Knowing. Uni-
versity of Chicago Press, Chicago.
― DRETSKE, Fred I. (1981). Knowledge and the Flow of
Information. The MIT Press/Bradford. Books. Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts.

74 glossariumBITri
EMOTION (E. emoción, F. emotion, G. Emo- References
tion) [psicología, evolución] concepto ― BLANCHARD-FIELDS, F. (2005). Introduction to
“Do we cry because we are sad, or rather are we sad the Special Section on Emotion-Cognition Interac-
tions and the Aging Mind. Psychology and Aging, vol.
because we cry?” (W. James) 20, núm. 4, pp. 539-541.
Before answering please consider the follow- ― CHARLES, S.T. & CARSTENSEN, L.L. (2010).
Social and emotional aging. In S. Fiske and S. Taylor
ing simple experiment. In any moment you do (Eds). Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 61, 383-409.
feel sad, take a pencil and bite it for a couple [Online] <http://www-psych.stan-
of minutes. You eventually find yourself then
smiling and finishing your sad state. Now an- nurev.psych.2009.pdf> [Retrieved: 12/2009]
― DARWIN, Ch. (1984). La expresión de las emociones en
swer the previous question. los animales y en el hombre. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Emotion is the affective tone with wich organ- ― EKMAN, P.; FRIESEN, W.V. (1975). Unmasking the
Face. A Guide to recognizing emotions from facial clues.
isms respond to their circumstances. Three re- New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs.
search lines are to be highlighted in the study ― EKMAN, P.; FRIESEN, W.V.; HAGER, J.C.
of emotion, with respective antecedents in (2002). The new Facial Action Coding System (FACS).
Charles Darwin, William James and Sigmund ― JAMES W. 1884. What is an emotion? Mind, 9, 188-
Freud. ― ZACKS, R.T.; HASHER, L.; LI, K.Z.H. (2000).
Emotions arise from filogenetically selected Human memory. In: T. A. Salthouse; F.I.M. Craik
(eds.). Handbook of aging and cognition (2nd ed., pp.
behaviours. It may happen that obsolete con- 293–357). Mahwah: Erlbaum.
ducts remain, even if they are no longer fit to
present demands. For example, many persons (CR)
are still afraid of snakes, while it is so unprob-
able to find any wild snake in daily life. It ENCODER AND DECODER (S. en, F. co-
would be more fitted for us to be afraid of dificateur / decodificateur, G. Kodierer / Dekodierer)
plugs, hobs or lifts, since they really endanger [transdisciplinary, communication theory, te-
our lives. lecommunication] concept
Even if it is common to undistinctively talk Encoder is a device for converting data or sig-
about emotion and feeling, there are differ- nals by using a specific code. It is normally
ences between them, particularly as to their used with four clearly differentiated purposes:
duration. Emotion takes about miliseconds, 1) To remove redundancy or anything that is
while feelings are more durable and also later not going to be perceived by the information
result of filogeny in our brain. Emotions are receiver or remain beyond the quality goals of
located in the limbical system while feelings in the received signal, typically named source en-
the orbito ventral area. coder; 2) To increase redundancy, so that the
decoder can eventually detect and correct the
errors occurred within the reception of signals
or symbols, named channel encoder; 3) To make

glossariumBITri 75

the coded data unreadable, except if the recip- from the contradictions inherent to Shannon's
ient knows the code, by using encryptors or ci- formulation -summarized in the two italicized
phers; 4) To allow the transmission of data sentences-:
through a channel with certain resources and
«The fundamental problem of communica-
limitations, corresponding in the MTC com-
tion is that of reproducing at one point ei-
munication model to the transmitter-encoder, also
ther exactly or approximately a message se-
named modulator -especially in telecommunica-
lected at another point. Frequently the mes-
sages have meaning; that is they refer to or
The decoder (E. decodificador, F. decodifica- are correlated according to some system
teur, G. Dekodierer) is the device performing with certain physical or conceptual enti-
the inverse operation of the encoder, whatever ties.These semantic aspects of communication are
the purpose of the code: 1) the source decoder irrelevant to the engineering problem. The signifi-
tries to restore the eliminated redundancy; 2) cant aspect is that they are selected from a set of
the channel decoder removes the redundancy possible messages». (Shannon y Weaver,
that has been introduced by the corresponding 1949:31-32)
encoder, and correct those errors being de-
As Bateson (1985:413) rightly pointed out,
tected; 3) the unencryptor makes the data
«the engineers and mathematicians believe
readable; and 4) the demodulator or receiver-
that they can avoid the complexities and diffi-
decoder identifies the symbol transmitted
culties introduced into communication theory
through the channel –normally according to a
by the concept of 'Meaning'» reducing the
maximum likelihood criterion– and restate the
matter to the syntactical level and building the
data into its original form, i.e., how it was be-
concept of information from a theory of sig-
fore the modulator.
nals (von Foerster, 1991:60). However the
References idea of signal is only apparently aseptic, and
― SHANNON, C. E. (1948). “A Mathematical Theory only apparently syntactical. The signal refers
of Communication”. The Bell System Technical Journal, to a difference that is ‘out there’, but that
Vol. 27, pp. 379–423, 623–656, July, October, 1948. ‘something’ which is difference is distinguished
― SHANNON, C. y WEAVER, W. (1949). The mathe- by someone. The distinction is presupposed
matical theory of communication. Urbana: The University
of Illinois Press, 1949.
by Shannon and Weaver in the form of selec-
― SKLAR, Bernard (2001). Digital Communications. Fun- tion (see Qvortrup, 1993). The fact that infor-
damentals and Applications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. mation is defined as the probability of selec-
tion involves the observer in at least two as-
pects: first, probability implies expectation and
context of use; and second, the selection is
ENDOGENOUS INFORMATION (S. in- only conceivable on the basis of the assump-
formación endógena, F. information endogène, G. en- tion of someone who selects. In both cases there
dogen/körpereigen information) [cybernetics, epis- appears implicit semantics as a horizon of
temology, constructivism, theory of complex meaning (Brier, 1992).
systems] concept
Moreover, the development of the concept of
Contents.— 1) Difference and distinction, 2) The objec- information as a measure of order which con-
tivist position, 3) The constructivist position, 4) The radical stitutes its fundamental link with universal
constructivist position. magnitudes (such as mass or energy) presup-
1. Difference and distinction. The generali- poses the observational act as well. In Shan-
zation involved in the common use of the rei- non and Weaver’s theory, both information
fied idea of information must not hide the and noise depend on variety. If redundance is
complexity and richness of the debate it has defined according to the “adjustment” be-
produced. Debate which significantly emerges

76 glossariumBITri

tween variety and the number of elements, in- mation as an ontologically self-sufficient mag-
formation and noise are expressed in direct nitude of Nature. In this case, the information
proportion to variety. In other words, infor- is an external difference to the observer and inde-
mation and noise depend on the number of pendent from him. Without resorting to Ston-
elementsdifferent from one another. Neither of ier’s ontological exaltation in which the inde-
them can be defined in larger quantities than pendent existence of information is remarked
those allowed by the amount of variety as "a basic property of the Universe", Wiener’s
(Ashby, 1977:238). In fact, as Ashby poses, words suffice to illustrate the common de-
nominator of this approach and its cognitive-
«It must be noticed that noise is in no intrinsic
communicational derivations:
way distinguishable from any other form of variety.
Only when some recipient is given, who «Information is a name for the content of
will state which of the two is important to what is exchanged with the outer world as
him, is a distinction between message and we adjust to it, and make our adjustment
noise possible». (Ibid.:256) felt upon it. The process of receiving and
using information is the process of our liv-
The issue of the distinction between infor-
ing effectively within that environment. To
mation and noise brings us definitely to the
live effectively is to live with the adequate
problem of observation. It seems implicit in
information». (Wiener, 1954:18)
Ashby’s words that order is the cognitive con-
tribution of the observer that makes it possible 3. The constructivist position (b) intro-
to conceive the difference between infor- duces in the concept of information the obser-
mation and noise: order, as a Peircean sign, it vational instance as a result of the systematic
is so for someone in a certain circumstance. The con- reflection on the contradictions pointed out in
sequent paradox is that information is pro- the objectivist approach. The development of
posed as a universal measure of order for a the second-order cybernetics placed self-refer-
system whose activity of selection (to which ence in a privileged position within the opera-
information depends on) involves a local or- tions of the cognitive system, making impos-
der, coherent with its structure and opera- sible the conception of the informational flow
tions. From the point of view of communica- in terms of transmission of objects. The con-
tion (understood as ‘transmission’ of infor- structivist shift established thus two comple-
mation), there has to be a correspondence be- mentary options: either (b.1) reviewing the
tween the orders of selection of the observing concept of information, so that it became co-
systems involved and, therefore, there has to herent with an idea of communication under-
be an operational and structural correspond- stood as a behavioural coupling between two
ence between them (von Foerster, 1991:75). interacting systems, or (b.2) establishing the
hypothesis that the environment only exists
The epistemological contradictions of infor-
for the system as a product of its own creation.
mation ultimately refer to its condition as a
The one we call ‘constructivist position’ corre-
code of difference. Consequently, it is primar-
sponds to the first option (b.1), while the one
ily an observational problem, a problem of the
we name ‘radical constructivism’ will emerge
management of differences. In this sense, and
from the development of the second hypoth-
partially following Qvortrup’s classification
esis (b.2).
(1993), it is possible to outline at least three
differentiated positions throughout the con- The first option, derived from the incorpora-
temporary debate on the epistemological sta- tion of the observational reflexivity, com-
tus of information: pelled thus the consideration that communica-
tion did not depend so much on what ‘the en-
2. The objectivist position (a), according to
vironment gave the system’ but rather on what
what has been posed before, considers infor-
happened with the system in its interaction

glossariumBITri 77

with the environment or with another system a designation or a ‘pointing at’ with respect to
(Maturana and Varela, 1996:169). Thus infor- something external, but as a restriction of the
mation ceased to be a ‘capturable’ external dif- system operation itself. In other words, the
ference and came to be conceived as a differ- system does not select differences of the envi-
ence in the environment linked to an opera- ronment; the system is in itself a selection of
tional change (a difference) in the system. The the differences in the environment. As in the
Batesonian definition of information as the dif- previous case, the premise refers to a double
ference that makes a difference (Bateson, 1985; hypothesis: on the one hand (c.1), the consid-
1991) summarises the conception of commu- eration of the set system-environment as an
nication as operational coupling and in a way inseparable whole for the external observer -
advances the second constructivist hypothe- applicable to self-organising systems, like liv-
sis. In fact, for Bateson the difference is an ob- ing systems-; on the other hand, (c.2) the con-
servational operation that emanates from the sideration of observing systems as operation-
encounter between the perceptive structure of ally closed systems. The former line of reflec-
the system and the world as it is presented to tion (c.1) is the one developed by von Foerster
it. Implicitly the difference is neither in the (especially in von Foerster, 1981), the latter
world nor in the observer, but in the encoun- (c.2) constitutes the essence of the autopoietic
ter between them. Also implicitly (b.2): the systems theory developed by Maturana and
world can only be for the observing system de- Varela (1980, 1996 and Varela, 1979, 1996).
pending on what it is (that is, the environment
In his article Notes on an Epistemology for Living
is part of the observing system inasmuch its
Things, published in 1972, Heinz von Foerster
operational structure presupposes it). Conse-
(1991:65-78) outlines the following proposi-
quently, the difference is after all defined as a
tional chain: (1) The environment is experi-
mental issue.
enced as if it was the residence of objects, sta-
4. The radical constructivist position (c) tionary, moving or changing; (2) The logical
introduces, thus, a differential note with re- properties of “invariance” and “change” be-
spect to Bateson’s definition. Paraphrasing the long to the representations, not to the objects;
famous sentence, information would appear (3) Objects and events are not primitive repre-
from this perspective rather as the difference that sentations. They are representations of rela-
finds a difference (Qvortrup, 1993). In fact, this tions; in such a way that (4) the environment
implies an elimination of the conductist sub- is the representation of the relations between
stratum that remained in Bateson’s formula- “objects” and “events” and (5) a living organ-
tion, in the sense that it made possible glimps- ism is a third order relater (operation of rela-
ing a cause-effect coordination between the tions between relations of relations) from
difference in the environment and the differ- which the differentiation between system and
ence in the observing system. The considera- environment constitutes an emergence from
tion that the environment exists for the system that operation of relations:
depending on its operational structure obliged
«Let be D* the terminal representation
to restrict the functional determinism of the
made by an organism W*, and let it be ob-
cause-effect connection in the system-envi-
served by an organismW; let W’s internal
ronment encounter, especially when one was
representation of this description be D (W,
careful enough to highlight that communica-
D*); and, finally, let W’s internal represen-
tion was in no circumstance a traffic of differ-
ences from the environment to the system and tation of his environment be E (W, E). [...]
vice versa. The domain of relationships between D
and Ewhich are computable by W repre-
This view of information as an endogenous sents the “information” gained by W from
emergence of the operational coupling implies watching W*:
the conception of selection not in the terms of

78 glossariumBITri

Inf (W , D*)  Domain Rel  (D, E) «Autopoietic systems do not have inputs or
outputs. They can be perturbated by inde-
( = 1, 2, 3, ... m) pendent events and undergo internal struc-
The logarithm (of base 2) of the number  tural changes which compensate these per-
of relationships Rel m computable by W (or turbations». (Matura and Varela, 1980:81)
the negative mean value of the logarithmic As a consequence, what is normally perceived
probabilities of its occurrence <log2 pi =  as interaction (in the sense of an exchange of
pi log2 pi ; i = 1→m) is the “amount of in- information) is understood here as a behav-
formation, H” of the description D* with ioural coupling of operationally closed sys-
respect to W : tems perturbing each other (Qvortrup, 1993).
H (D*, W ) = log2 m This no longer involves a difference as cause
of a difference, which presupposes a certain
(or H (D*, W ) = -  pi log2 pi) » conmensurability between system and envi-
In such a way that both the descriptive ronment (or, in other words, an ontologiza-
approach to the concept of information (Inf) tion of the difference between both). It rather
and the probabilistic expression of the amount entails independent coupling changes (as part
of information (H) prove to be relative of systems’ structural drift), becoming part of
concepts (c.1), being thus impossible to affirm systems’ horizon of operations and, therefore,
that the environment “contains” information, becoming meaningful differences. Rather than
and even less that it is “able” somehow to being produced or made, differences, in that
“transmit it” to the system. The corollary case, are found by the system.
presents somehow solipsist notes that should «In the context of the autopoietical repro-
be made more precise. «The environment so as duction the environment exists as irritation,
we observe it, is our construction», concludes disturbance, noise, and it only becomes
von Foerster (1981:41). Something similar meaningful when it can be related to the
happens with Varela’s affirmation (1979:45): system's decision-making connections. This
«Information, sensu stricto, does not exist». It is is only the case when the system can under-
important, as Qvortrup (1993) recommends, stand which difference it makes for its de-
to underline the qualifications “in the way we cision-activity when the environment
observe it” and “in strict sense” modalizing each changes or doesn't change in one or the
of the two previous sentences. Both other respect. Such a difference which ex-
qualifications refer to the recursive nature of ists for the system in the environment and
observation. In von Foerster’s terms, both which for the system may imply a differ-
precisions remind us thatobservations cannot be ence for the system itself, i.e. a different de-
made without an observer, or as Varela himself cision, in accordance with Gregory Bateson
points out: we would call information. As 'difference
«The fact is that information does not exist that makes a difference' information is al-
independent of a context of organization ways the system's own product, an aspect
that generates a cognitive domain, from of the processing of decision and not a fact
which an observer community can describe in the environment which exists inde-
certain elements as informational and sym- pendently of observation and evaluation.
bolic». (Varela, 1981:45) On the other hand the system cannot freely
create information as its own product or let
From the perspective of autopoietic systems it be. The system is continuously pertur-
(c.2), the operational closure of the observing bated by the environment, and with its de-
system makes that endogenous conception of cision-network it seeks out perturbations so
information a logical requirement as to transform them into information and

glossariumBITri 79

to use them as a guide for decision-mak- Scientific Revolution. Boston, Kluwer Academic Pub-
ing.» (Luhmann cit. in Qvortrup, 1993). lishers.
― LUHMANN, N. (1991). Sistemas sociales: lineamientos
Ultimately, the two constructivist perspectives para una teoría general. Barcelona, Anthropos.
considered here link the observational prob- ― MATURANA, H. (1990). Biología y epistemología de la
cognición. Santiago de Chile, Universidad de la Fron-
lems of information to a conception of cogni- tera.
tion that, inasmuch as it is assumed as part of ― MATURANA, H. y VARELA, F. (1980). Autopoiesis
its own condition of observation, becomes and cognition: the realization of the living. Dordrecht,
necessarily a kind of epistemology. In other Reidel.
― MATURANA, H. y VARELA, F. (1996). El árbol del
words, for the constructivist perspective, cog- conocimiento. Las bases biológicas del conocimiento humano.
nition and epistemology overlap each other in Madrid, Debate.
the same operative principle: ― MEAD, G.H. (1972). Espíritu, persona y sociedad. Bar-
celona, Paidós.
«There is an external world which already ― QVORTRUP, L. (1993). «The Controversy over the
follows from the fact that understanding Concept of Information», in Cybernetics & Human
can be made as a selfcontained operation; Knowing, vol. 1, nº 4. pp. 42-66.
― SHANNON, C.E. y WEAVER, W. (1949). The
however, we do not have any direct access Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana, Illinois
to the world. Understanding cannot reach University Press.
the outsi de world without understanding. ― SHANNON, C.E. (1972). «Information Theory».
In other words, understanding is under- Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 12. Chicago et al.
standing as self-referential process». (Luh- ― VARELA, F. (1979). Principles of biological autonomy.
Amsterdam: Elsevier.
mann, 1990a:33) ― VARELA, F. (1996). Conocer. Las ciencias cognitivas:
That self-referential proposal of cognition ar- tendencias y perspectivas. Cartografía de las ideas actuales.
Barcelona, Gedisa.
ticulated upon an endogenous conception of ― VARELA, F., THOMPSON, F., y ROSCH, E.
information forces to attend to the biological (1997). De cuerpo presente. Las ciencias cognitivas y la expe-
principles implicit in observational logics and riencia humana. Barcelona, Gedisa.
ultimately poses a radical revision of the con- ― WIENER, N. (1954). The Human Use of Human Be-
ings: Cybernetics and Society. New York, Avon.
cept of communication.
― ASHBY, W.R. (1977). Introducción a la cibernética. Mé-
xico, Ediapsa. ENTROPY or AMOUNT OF INFOR-
― ATLAN, H. (1990). Entre el cristal y el humo, Madrid, MATION (S. entropía/cantidad de información,
Debate. F. entropie/quantité d’information, G. Entropie/ In-
― BATESON, G. (1985). Pasos hacia una ecología de la
mente. Buenos Aires, Carlos Lohé.
formationsgehalt) [MTC] concept
― BATESON, G. (1991). Sacred Unity: Further Steps to The entropy of amount of information of a
an Ecology of Mind. New York, E.P. Dutton.
― BRILLOUIN, L. (1956). Science and Information The-
discreet information source, characterised by
ory. New York, Academic Press. the probability pj, of sending each of its sym-
― FOERSTER, H. von (1960). Self-organizing systems, bols, j, is the statistical average:
California, Yovitz and Cameron.
― FOERSTER, H. von (1981). Observing systems, Sea- H   p j log 2 p j (bits)
side, California, Intersystems Publications.
― FOERSTER, H. von (1991). Las semillas de la ciberné-
tica, Barcelona, Gedisa.
being bounded within the limits
― KANT, E. (1970). Crítica de la razón pura, 2 vol., Ma- 0  H  log 2 N , where N is the number of
drid, Ediciones Ibéricas. symbols.
― LUHMANN, N. (1990a). Essays on self-reference, New
York, Columbia University Press. In case the source might adopt various states
― LUHMANN, N. (1990b). «The Cognitive Program i, being Pi the state probability, and pi(j) the
of Constructivism and a Reality that Remains Un- probability of sending symbol j when the
known», en KROHN, W.; GÜNTHER, K. y
NOWOTNY, H. (1990). Self-organization: Portrait of a

80 glossariumBITri

source is in state i, then the entropy is defined

as the average of the entropies of each state:
H   Pi H i    Pi p i ( j ) log 2 pi ( j ) (bits)
i i, j

According to Floridi (2005), the entropy H

might designate three equivalent quantities in
the ideal case of a noiseless channel: 1) “the
average amount of information per symbol
produced by the informer”; 2) the “average
amount of data deficit (Shannon´s uncer-
tainty) that the informee has before inspection
of the output of the informer”; 3) “informa-
tional potentiality”.
Since the first two interpretations assume that
a defined uncertainty corresponds to each
symbol (whether it is in the emission or recep-
tion), it implies a certain tactical agreement re-
garding to the →alphabet or the informational
game in which the agents are immersed. In
both cases, the information can be quantified
under the condition that the probability distri-
bution can be specified.
Concerning the third interpretation, entropy
might be understood in terms of a physical
magnitude related to the amount of disorder
in processes or systems conveying energy or
information. The larger the entropy, the
higher the number of physical states in which
the system can be found, consequently, the
more information it can refer to, or in other
words, the specification of the state in which
a certain system is requires more information
as its entropy increases. Numerically, this is
equivalent to the amount of information or
data that has to be given in order to specify the
― FLORIDI, L. (2005). Semantic Conceptions of In-
formation. In E. N. Zahlta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philisophy. Stanford: The Metaphysics Research
Lab [online]
formation-semantic/ > [accessed: 12/11/09]

glossariumBITri 81
FEEDBACK (S. realimentación / retroali- same direction. Obviously, this does not lead
mentación, F. rétroaction, G. Rückkopplung) [trans- to stability; nevertheless, it serves to explain
disciplinary, System theory, Control theory, the evolution of a system towards a new equi-
Cybernetics] concept librium state in which it can be stabilized. This
type of feedback plays a key role in morpho-
It consists of feeding back the output of a cir-
genesis, growth and organic development and,
cuit or system to its own input. Usually used
in general, in processes which are character-
in controlling the behaviour of systems, it can
ized by quick changes in their behaviour with
be found in the most complex systems such
respect to their initial conditions.
as: technical, economical, thermodynamical,
biological or social ones. In the field of social Negative ~ refers to the situation in which
groups or human organizations of functional the system output -in response to a change in
type, "feedback" is used in the sense of sharing its input- aims at reducing the variation; there-
observations, concerns, proposals (especially fore, operating in an opposite direction to the
in the opposite sense of normal circulation of change of input. In this case the feedback is
the operating instructions or orders) to regu- applied to prevent the instability of the system
late the operation of the system toward its due to external changes -which is referred as
goals. Feedback systems are also called closed- homeostasis, or maintenance of the equilibrium-
loop systems. accounting for control of organic behaviour
and the possibility of a linear operation of the
This is one of the fundamental means consid-
system. Such stability with regard to the exter-
ered by →cybernetics for the regulation, control,
nal changes enables a teleological behaviour of
and evolution (specially in second-order cy-
the system (Rosenblueth 1943).
bernetics) of complex systems. Feedback can
be divided into positive and negative depend- Bipolar ~ refers to the situation in which the
ing on whether the feedback path of the sys- system output -in response to a change in its
tem -from output to input- reinforces or coun- input- can either increase or decrease such var-
teracts the causes that create a change in the iation (depending on both the system state,
system output. In the study of stability of feed- and the variation of the input).
back electronic systems, Nyquist found the
general conditions that such feedback should
be met to ensure the stability of the system ― ASHBY, W. R. (1957). An Introduction to Cybernetics.
(based on mathematical models of the behav- London: Chapman & Hall Ltd.
― OGATA, K. (1998). Ingeniería de control Moderna. Mé-
iour of both the open-loop system -without xico D.F.: Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana.
feedback- and the feedback subsystem). ― ROSENBLUETH, Arturo; Norbert WIENER &
Julian BIGELOW (1943). Behavior, Purpose and
Positive ~ refers to the situation in which the Teleology. Philosophy of Science, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Jan.,
system output -in response to a change in its 1943), pp. 18-24.
input- tends to increase the variation in the
(BH –ed.-; JMD, BH)

glossariumBITri 83

FLOKSONOMY (S. folksonomía, F. folk- Folksonomies and ontologies. The goal of

sonomie, G. folksonomien) [social web] concept Folksontologies is to build an ontology from
a folksonomy. This implies linking every tag
Folksonomies are a set of terms (called tags)
from a folksonomy with semantic relation-
collected from the Natural Language. These
ships. This allows to achieve shared conceptu-
tags are used to describe web resources se-
alizations used by users.
Related Resources
Context. This term belongs to the Social Web
vocabulary. In social tagging, users describe ― Flicker:
their own or external social web resources ― Youtube:
with tags. ―
Advantages: References
― Easy to use. Folksonomies are a simple and ― VANDER WAL, Thomas. "Folksonomy Coinage
friendly solution to describe resources. and Definition". (Online)
<> [Con-
― Cheap. Everybody is able to employ tag- sulted 1/11/2009]
ging, without a prior training in either in- ― MORATO, J.; SÁNCHEZ-CUADRADO, S.;
dexing techniques or controlled vocabular- FRAGA, A.; MORENO, V. (2008). Hacia una web
ies. semántica social. El profesional de la Información,
Enero-febrero 2008, vol. 17, núm. 1.
― The vocabulary fits the resource, even
when the resource is quite specific. The (JAM –ed-; EC, JML)
user can describe the resources with his
own terms. Once the term is used, the folk-
sonomy includes the term as a tag.
fotoblogs y adolescentes, F. fotoblog et les adolescents,
Disadvantages: G. Fotoblogs und Jugendliche) [Information So-
ciety, ICT] problem
― Tags are ambiguous due to polisemy and
synonyms. Frequently, systems just allow Adolescents have grown up in an information
assigning simple terms instead of more spe- society where they have not needed to be ‘ed-
cific compound terms; therefore increasing ucated’ in order to learn and employ the
ambiguity. norms of use of the internet; rather, they have
― Tags might have orthographical and typing developed the norms and have adapted them
errors. to their own needs. Indeed, today's youth do
― Tags are arbitrarily assigned without an in- not use the term "new technology" when they
dexing policy. talk about issues related to computing. To
― There might be no semantic relationship them, the net is nothing new.
between terms.
The new media provide adolescents with a
Origin. Term coined by Thomas Van Der
context that allows them to create signs of
Wal, merging the terms folk (popular) and tax-
identity. Most adults are unaware of the strat-
egies, practices and codes commonly used in
Examples: chat rooms, instant messaging, SMS texting on
mobile phones or on blogs that young people
― Flicker: Application to manage, share and
routinely use in their day to day lives. Use of
retrieve photos on line. Every user de-
this technology is not just part of their lives,
scribes their own photos with relevant tags.
but a way of life. They are media which not
― Youtube: Application to share video online. only inform the users who surf the internet.
― Application to tag web pages. Us- Rather, the media shapes users and encour-
ers can index other web pages. ages them to create strategies and attitudes to

84 glossariumBITri

communicate with their peers from different defined by the presence of a plurality of cul-
virtual contexts. tures; with this statement we do not refer to
the reality of the phenomenon of immigration,
From these means of communication, the ad-
but to the multiplicity of subcultures [1], as,
olescent is projecting a representation of him-
for instance, the ones expressing adolescents'
self in which he reveals not only his personal-
own interests.
ity, his character, how he feels or what he likes,
but also reflects who he would like to be. In Adolescent's use of photoblogs shows how
this way, the photoblog is a place where con- the relationship between user and media has
nections are established with the peer group changed due to the transformations intro-
that the adolescent wishes to interact with and duced by the Internet and the processes of
belong to. With this in mind, the adolescent digitalization. If the first theoretical models of
goes about creating and shaping his identity. mass communication conceive this relation-
The interaction between subjects with similar ship as linear and unidirectional, most current
interests, ages and tastes, leads to the con- theories emphasize the active role of the re-
struction of their selves through the image, ceiver. Thus, we have moved beyond the so-
through the interface. Thus, the photoblog be- called dominant paradigm’s main theory of
comes a space of socialization. how the media influences us, to being preoc-
cupied with "what do people do with media?",
The adolescent, through the discourse estab-
or even beyond that to "what media do people
lished within the photoblog, creates a narra-
tive; one which is understood as a mental con-
struction of reality. As human beings, we seek Present day consumers not only actively use
meaning in our experiences through a process the media for the purpose of satisfying psy-
of using a language that we, as well as others, chological or emotional needs, as the Theory
understand. This language can be verbal, tex- of uses and gratifications has stressed, but ad-
tual, visual or physical. According to Bruner, ditionally people have become producers of
the meaning we give to our experience and to media and audiovisual content. The resulting
that of others depends on the public and change is not solely based, even on a primor-
shared meanings of our interaction as mem- dial level, on technological innovation per se,
bers of a culture. Today, it is a culture com- but in the creation of new socially recognized
prised of two generations, one which has communication practices (See “Las industrias
grown up with computers and another that audiovisuales y los nuevos medios” in Durán
has had to adapt to them. Young people have y Sánchez 2008). From our point of view, the
adapted media computers to their interests, use of photoblogs by adolescents demon-
whereas their predecessors rather adapted to strates this turning point that new technolo-
them. gies have generated. It is precisely this quality
we wish to demonstrate when we characterize
We live in an information and knowledge so-
photoblogs as a symbolic creative space
ciety where interests of different age and gen-
through which an adolescent defines himself
der groups and social classes, concern hobbies
as a subject via interaction with others by
and ideas that may converge as well as diverge.
means of the aesthetic use of images.
The media expose, more clearly, the character-
istics of each group. Roxana Morduchowicz Thus, adolescents use photoblogs with the in-
(2004) says that media construct myths and tention of creating new communication pro-
stories through which individuals constitute a tocols that allow them to express themselves
common culture. Thus, the identities of young not as consumers but as creators. It is about
people are drawn in the intersection of written creating a space that goes beyond posting pic-
text, electronic images and popular culture. It tures and comments in order to establish an
is true that we live in an environment that is environment that reveals their relationships,

glossariumBITri 85

moods, tastes, interests, etc. integrated into the edition of these visual forms, there is a
their daily lives. It is an environment that en- decorative aesthetic intentionality that forms
hances the subject’s creativity in an entertain- part of the content of the message. The repre-
ing way, either in the pursuit of the most fit- sentation of texts, together with the images
ting images or in the formalization of original themselves, confers a new communicative
on-screen writing. An interesting characteris- sense to words.
tic of photoblogs is that they communicate
This article doesn’t pretend to make value
that which is seen. All of this is done to estab-
judgments regarding the use of photoblogs by
lish a symbol of group identity to which the
adolescents. It just wants to present a social
teenager wishes to belong. We say “wishes”
reality and indicate some aspects that reflect
because, with every change, she is building her
the so-called digital generation gap. Carles
identity by communicating with her peers.
Feixa, among other authors, talks about the
Marc Augé (1996) affirms that individuals ac-
generation ac (after computer) and bc (before
quire existence only through the relationships
computer). While in the past, generational
among them. In the case of photoblogs, the
gaps were marked by historical events or by
teenager relates to others abiding by some
music ruptures, today, the evolution of digital
rules of use which, although not explicitly cod-
media marks the distance between genera-
ified, can be guessed through the study of the
different forms of representation.
Young people who have grown in digital envi-
On the other hand, the messages produced by
ronments are not only more skilful and effec-
teenagers by means of photoblogs cannot be
tive than their parents in the exploitation of
translated into another form of communica-
these environments, but also show differences
tion because the medium offers resources and
in their ways of accessing information and
strategies of its own, which allow the subjects
communication in general. The difference re-
to convey ideas and feelings graphically
lies not only in the fact that one generation is
through the representation on the screen.
more passive and the other commits to inter-
On photoblogs, the choice of images com- activity, but in that these processes are chang-
bined with texts written in a particular way ing traditional cognitive structures and sche-
constitute a new way of interacting; to express, mata.
proclaim, question or answer and cannot be
Applying the Uses and Gratifications theory,
translated into another mode of communica-
cited in the previous paragraph, we would say
tion because the nature of the environment fa-
that the medium is defined by the user. For
cilitates a kind of speech that is difficult to
example, the use that adolescents and their
translate into spoken language and gestures.
parents make of mobile phones can make us
Perhaps we can consider this medium as one
conclude that we are in front of a different de-
of the extensions of the body which McLuhan
vice. While the former are always connected
has spoken about (1996); the photoblog is not
through brief and trivial particularized mes-
only a means of communication, but rather it
sages or photographic snapshots, adults
is a glimpse of a new way of relating between
simply stick to the fixed phone's customary
people who live in different contexts.
The use of photoblogs allows for strategies
The same happens with the Web. Vilches
and forms of communication that define it as
speaks of "space migrants claiming the right to
a context in which feelings or ideas are ex-
live in the territory of a connected civilization"
pressed through visual forms that determine
(2001:36). This represents a paradigm shift in
the nature of the message. Hence, the message
relationships and in the construction of the so-
could not be gestated in a different way and
cial. Psychologists and sociologists study the
obtain the same reaction in the receptor. In

86 glossariumBITri

consequences that can result from being con- of digital media to suit their interests and
tinually "plugged in". However, any change or needs. A space which was initially conceived
rupture always produces arguments pro and as a means to "hang" amateur photos has be-
con. And now we are witnessing, in regard to come a medium for the exchange of opinions
the use young people make of computers, the and wishes, and the construction of personal-
same sort of debate that took place some time ity.
ago concerning television. However, there is a
fundamental difference that we mentioned at
the beginning concerning these two changes, ― AUGÉ, M. (1996). El sentido de los otros. Barcelona:
while the former TV addicts were passive, cur- Paidós. Pág. 24.
― DURAN, J. y SÁNCHEZ, L. (2008). Industrias de la
rent messenger abducted youngsters act and comunicación audiovisual. Barcelona: Publicacions i edi-
create. cions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Col. Comuni-
cación activa.
In this so-called global society, immersed in ― FEIXA, C. (2006). De jóvenes, bandas y tribus. Barce-
what Toffler called The third wave, new sys- lona: Ariel.
tems of symbols and codes have emerged, ― GIDDENS, A. (1997). Modernidad e identidad del yo.
characterized by the use of image. Young peo- El yo y la sociedad en la época contemporánea. Barcelona:
ple receive and send orders and messages ― GOFFMAN, E. (1971). La presentación de la persona en
through visual media. The photoblog is one of la vida cotidiana. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
these spaces in which the image becomes a ― GONZALES, A.L. y HANCOCK, J. (2008). “Iden-
new mode of communication. And we are not tity Shift in Computer-Mediated Environments”. En
Media Psychology 11: 167-185. Routledge. pp. 167-
referring only to iconic images themselves, but 185.
also to the many ways of producing written ― LÓPEZ GARCÍA, G. (2005). Modelos de comunicación
texts that are displayed on the interface. Such en Internet. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
"productions" are, in many cases, incompre- ― JENKINS, H. (2008). Convergente culture: La cultura de
hensible and even insipid for adults, but one la convergencia de los medios de comunicación. Barcelona:
might as well ask them how those spiral note- ― MCLUHAN, M. (1996). Comprender los medios de comu-
books and diaries they wrote and decorated nicación. Las extensiones del ser humano. Barcelona: Pai-
when they were teenagers "felt" at the time, dós.
and how they see them now. The references ― MORDUCHOWICZ, R. (2004). El capital cultural de
los jóvenes. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Econó-
and archetypes were different, but the need mica.
for "constructing one’s self" was the same. ― MURRAY, J. H. (1999). Hamlet en la holocubierta. El
futuro de la narrativa en el ciberespacio. Barcelona: Pai-
A different approach would consider these dós.
spaces as an expression of uncommitted and ― RODRIGO, M. (2001). Teorías de la comunicación. Ám-
merchandised low culture, full of banalities; bitos, métodos y perspectivas. Zaragoza: UAB, U. Jaume
however, we must insist that it is the user who I, U. Pompeu Fabra, U. Valencia.
makes the medium. There are, in the web, ― RODRIGUEZ, F. (2002). Comunicación y cultura juve-
nil. Barcelona: Ariel.
multiple collective projects with an altruistic, ― THOMPSON, J. (1998). Los media y la modernidad.
creative or informative character, induced by Una teoría de los medios de comunicación. Barcelona: Pai-
young people who, precisely, strive to avoid dós.
the systems of economic exploitation in which ― TURKLE, S. (1997). La vida en la pantalla. La construc-
ción de la identidad en la era de Internet. Barcelona: Pai-
we are immersed. dós.
To conclude, we say that adolescents’ use of ― WOOLGAR, S. (2005). ¿Sociedad virtual? Tecnología,
“cibérbole”, realidad. Barcelona: UOC.
photoblogs is part of the divers elements and
actions that help them build symbolic forms in (LS –ed.-; SBB, JMD)
order to make sense of their own experience
and of their relationship with their environ-
ment. Young subjects simply take advantage

glossariumBITri 87

FUZZY LOGIC (S. lógica borrosa, F. logique being damaged by its fuzzy or blurred charac-
floue, G. Fuzzylogik, verschwommene Logik) [trans- ter- is rooted in such fuzziness (Kosko 1995,
diciplinary, system theory, control theory, Pérez-Amat 2008).
epistemology, semantics] theory
Intending to give an account of the way of hu-
Contents.— 1) On fuzziness: thinking, language and man reasoning, which is simply inaccurate,
information, 2) Introduction to fuzzy set theory, 3) Classic flexible, analogical…, fuzzy logic has been de-
Set Theory (a. Membership Functions, b. Operations be- veloped as a logical calculus, embracing the
tween sets), 4) Fuzzy Set Theory (a. Fuzzy sets, b. Opera- classical one -though distancing from its ap-
tions between fuzzy sets, c. T-Norms and S-Norms), 5.
proaches, particularly in its way of rigid rea-
Fuzzy Systems (a. Fuzzy Relations, b. Composition of Re-
lations, c. Approximate Reasoning) soning, which has been a fundamental charac-
ter of mathematics since platonic times (Fer-
"[...] Is a fuzzy concept a concept at all? - Is a rater Mora 1994, 409s). This logical calculus
photograph that is not sharp, a picture of a person has been successfully employed in both artifi-
at all? Is it even always an advantage to replace a cial intelligence and the so-called fuzzy control
picture that is not sharp by a sharp one? Isn't one of industrial application, and it has been posed
that isn't sharp often just what we need?" (Witt- as a basis of a quantitative approach to seman-
genstein, L., Philosophical investigations, §71, tic information (Pérez-Amat 2008).
But the fuzziness that can be ascribed to in-
1. On fuzziness: thinking, language and formation does not only concern the semantic
information. “Fuzziness” is used as a visual level, which depends upon the more or less
metaphor of vagueness, inaccuracy, in opposi- contingent characteristics of human reason-
tion to sharpness or well-definiteness. ing. On the contrary, the information that can
Unlike the traditional endeavour in science be obtained from an observed reality is in-
and philosophy for avoiding vagueness (con- trinsically fuzzy: the signals that can be re-
sider, for instance, the centrality of “clearness” ceived from some object are ultimately wave
and “distinction” in Descartes and by exten- phenomena, which can only convey –due to
sion in modern science and philosophy), there its constitutive nature- a finite number of data
is a growing awareness of the fact that our over a bi-dimensional or superficial domain
knowledge of reality (or the information being bounding the observed objects. That is, the
conveyed or received about a concrete reality) whole wave phenomena outside the sources
contains a constitutive vagueness depending can be determined by a discrete distribution
on the pragmatic situation in which this over a surface surrounding the object, there-
knowledge or information is immersed. The fore the dimension of the wave distribution in
fundaments of this certainty can be found in the surrounding space cannot be bigger than
the principles of statistical and quantum me- the dimension corresponding to such 2-di-
chanics (→holographic principle), mathematics mensional discrete distribution. Thus, alt-
(→incompleteness) or scientific methodology hough the real extension of the observed ob-
(Pointcaré 1907). ject is 3-dimensional (volumetric) and it might
be continuous, just a blurred projection of the
In opposition to a negative assessment of observed object over a bounding surface can
vagueness, fuzzy logic has started to be con- be achieved based upon the observation of the
sidered as one of the fundamental features of wave phenomena. In other words, the infor-
cognitive systems, language and knowledge, mation that can be gathered about something
allowing them to achieve a plasticity and dyna- being observed is constitutively fuzzy (Díaz
mism, which are essential for the adaptation to Nafría 2008; Díaz Nafría & Pérez-Montoro
changing environments. Thus, the robustness 2010a, 2010b).
of the cognitive and linguistic system -far from

88 glossariumBITri

2. Introduction to fuzzy set theory. The completely specified by the elements it con-
fuzzy set theory was initiated by Zadeh in the tains. For example, there is no difference be-
early 1960s (1964, 1965) (see Bellman et al. tween a set which consists of 2, 3, 5 and 7 ele-
(1964)). In 1951, Menger (1951) explicitly used ments and a set of all prime numbers under
the fuzzy relation "max-product" but with 11.
probabilistic interpretation.
Let X be a universe of discourse in which the
Since 1965, fuzzy set theory has been devel- set A is a subset, i.e.
oped considerably by Zadeh and many other
researchers. This theory was started to be im- (1)
plemented in a wide range of scientific envi- In the classical set theory, any element x which
ronments. belongs to X, belongs or not to the subset A
There have been many books on fuzzy set the- clearly and undoubtedly, without any other
ory as the mathematically one by Negoita and option apart from these two ones.
Ralescu (1975). There are also two research Membership or not of an arbitrary element x
collections edited by Gupta et al. and Zadeh et to a subset A is given in most cases by check-
al. (1975) and (1977). ing whether or not a predicate that character-
Apart from the excellent research works of izes the subset A and gives rise to a bipartition
Zadeh, other introductory articles are those of the universe of discourse X.
presented by Gusev and Smirnova (1973), a) Membership Functions. The concept of
Ponsard (1975), Kandel and Byatt (1978), belonging or not of an element to a set A can
Chang (1972), Gale (1975), Watanabe (1969), be expressed numerically by membership
and Aizerman (1977). function, also sometimes called characteristic
There are several literature citations on fuzzy function. This function assigns a binary bit (1
sets written by De Kerf (1975), Kandel and or 0) to each element x of the universe of dis-
Davis (1978), Gaines and Kohout (1977) and course as x belongs or not to the set A
Kaufmann (1980).
Mathematical formulas of the fuzzy sets the-
ory will be presented in the following sections
(§ 3, § 4, § 5). The basic definitions of classical any set A ⊂ X can be defined by the pairs
sets, and the definitions and types of fuzzy which form each element x of the universe
sets, are revised. A detailed explanation of the and its membership function, as follows:
operations between fuzzy sets, rules and (3)
norms-t-s are also carried out. The properties
and the composition of fuzzy relations are re- b) Operations between sets. Given any two
viewed. The characteristics and approximate sets A and B included in X, it is possible to
reasoning are analyzed. define new sets from them or, which is the
same, it is possible to operate with them. The
3. Classic Set Theory. A classical set is a col-
basic operations between sets are described as
lection of objects of any kind. What is called
set theory was proposed by Georg Cantor
(1845-1918), a German mathematician. In set ― Intersection: is denoted by A ∩ B and is de-
theory, the set and the element are primitives. fined as the set formed by those elements
They are not defined in terms of other con- of X belonging to A and B simultaneously:
cepts. Let A be a set, "x ∈ A" means that x is
an element in the set A and "x ∉ A" means that
x does not belong to the set A. The set A is

glossariumBITri 89

― Union: it is the set formed by those elements Definition 1. Universe of Discourse is de-
that belong to A or B, or both simultane- fined as the set X of possible values that can
ously. It is denoted by A ∪ B take the variable x. It can be represented as:

― Complement: The complement of A is de- Definition 2. The membership function uA
noted by Ā, and consists of all elements of (x) of a fuzzy set A is as follows:
X that do not belong to A
Thus, any element x in X has degree of mem-
bership μA(x) ∈ [0,1]. A is completely deter-
The three operations are shown in the following mined by:
Example 1. Suppose someone wants to de-
scribe a class of fast land animals like ostrich,
cheetah, horse, spider, man, tortoise and hare.
Some of these animals definitely belongs to
this class, while others like the tortoise or the
Table 1: Operations between classical sets
spider do not belong. But there is another
4. Fuzzy Set Theory. In fuzzy set theory, group of animals where it is difficult to deter-
classical sets are called crisp sets in order to mine whether they are fast or not. Using a
distinguish them from fuzzy sets. Let A be a fuzzy set, the fuzzy set for fast animals is:
classical set defined in the universe X, then for (Cheetah, 1), (Ostrich, 0.9),
any element x in X, x ∈ A or x ∉ A. In fuzzy (Hare, 0.8), (Gazelle, 0.7), (Cat, 0.4) (10)
set theory this property is widespread, there-
i.e., the hare belongs with grade of 0.8, the ga-
fore, in a fuzzy set A, it is not necessary that x
zelle with grade of 0.7 and the cat with 0.4
∈ A or x ∉ A.
grade to the class of fast animals.
In recent years several definitions have been
If we assume that C is a classical finite set (x1,
introduced to present the generalization of
x2, ..., xn), then an alternative notation is
property membership (Dubio 1987), (Pawlak
1985), (Shafer 1976), but it seems that fuzzy
set theory is the most intuitive among the
other theories and existing theorems. where + is an enumeration.
The generalization is as follows. A part from it, Zadeh proposed a more con-
venient notation for fuzzy sets.
a) Fuzzy Sets. We can define the characteris-
tic function uA: X → (0,1) for any classic set Example 2. The set of all the fast animals, in
as shown in equation (2). In fuzzy set theory, equation (10), is described by:
the characteristic function is generalized so 1/Chetah + 0.9/Ostrich + 0.8/Hare +
that the membership function assigns a value 0.7/Gazelle + 0.4/Cat. (11)
for each x ∈ X in the interval [0,1] instead of
that is, one may describe the fuzzy set in equa-
two-element set (0,1). The set is based on this
tion (9) is as follows:
extended membership is called fuzzy sets.

90 glossariumBITri

in A , as noted above, is represented by μA (x).

The fuzzy set A is the union of the degrees of
membership for all points of the universe of
discourse X, which can also be expressed as:
where the symbol of division is only a separa- (16)
tor of sets of each pair, and the sum is the un-
Under the notation of fuzzy sets, μA(x)/x is an
ion operation between all elements of the set.
element of set A. The operation ∫x represents
The + fulfills the a / x + b / x = max (a, b) /
the union of fuzzy elements μA(x)/x. The uni-
x, i.e., if the same item has two different de-
verses of discourse with discrete elements use
grees of membership 0.8 and 0.6, then the
the symbols + and Σ to represent the union
membership degree is 0.8. Any discrete uni-
verse can be written as follows:

but when X is uncountable or continuous, the It is commonly convenient to define a fuzzy

above equation is described as: set with the help of some formula so that, for
example, all "young" could be expressed as:
(14) Definition 3. The function Γ: X → [0,1] is a
function of two parameters defined as follows:
Equations (12) and (14) can written with the
classical notation as follows:
Example 3. Figure 1 shows some fuzzy sets This function can be seen in fig. 2
defined in the universe of discourse Age. The
fuzzy set "young" represents the membership
degree with respect to the parameter youth
where individuals of every age can have.

Figure 2: An example of the function Γ

Definition 4. Let A and B be two fuzzy sets

defined respectively on the universe X and Y,
and is the fuzzy relation R defined on X × Y.
The support of a fuzzy set A is the classical set
containing all the elements of A with the
membership degrees that are not zero. This is
Figure 1: An example of fuzzy sets
defined by S (A).
It can be seen that the fuzzy sets overlap, so The support of a fuzzy set A is defined as fol-
that an individual might have a degree of lows:
membership in two groups: "young" and "ma- (19)
ture", indicating that it has qualities associated
with both sets. The membership degree of x

glossariumBITri 91

Definition 5. A fuzzy set A is convex if and traditional sets because they are used the char-
only if X is convex and acteristics of membership functions. It is pos-
sible to define operations like union, intersec-
tion and complement using the same member-
(20) ship functions. Zadeh proposed the following
Definition 6: The height of a fuzzy set A on (Zadeh 1965):
X, denoted by Alt (A) is defined as: Definition 10. The intersection between two
fuzzy sets is represented as follows:
A fuzzy set A is called normal, if Alt (A) = 1,
Definition 11. The union between two fuzzy
is subnormal if Alt (A) <1.
sets is represented as follows:
In fuzzy control theory, it is usual to deal only
with convex fuzzy sets. (26)

Definition 7. Given a number α ∈ [0,1] and Definition 12. The complement of a fuzzy set is
a fuzzy set A, we define the α-cut of A as the represented as follows:
classical set Aα which has the following mem-
bership function: (27)
Definition 13. The product of two fuzzy sets
(22) A and B is defined as
In conclusion, the α-cut consists of those ele-
ments whose membership degree exceeds or Definition 14. The sum of two fuzzy sets A
equals the threshold α. and B is defined as
4.2 Operations between Fuzzy Sets. Oper- (29)
ations such as equality, and the inclusion of
two fuzzy sets are derived from classical set Definition 15. a function n: [0,1] → [0,1] is
theory. Two fuzzy sets are equal if each ele- said that it is a negation function if and only if it
ment of the universe has the same degree of verifies the following properties:
membership in each one of them. The fuzzy
set A is a subset of fuzzy set B if every element 1) n(0) = 1, n(1) = 0 (boundary condition)
of the universe has a membership degree 2) n(x) ≤ n (y) if x ≥ y (monotone)
lower in A than in B.
It also says that n is strict if and only if
Definition 8. Two fuzzy sets are equal (A = B)
if and only if 3) n(x) is continuous
4) n(x) <n (y) if x> y ∀ x, y ∈ [0,1]
and is involutive if and only s
Definition 9. A is a subset of B (A ⊆ B) if and
only if 5) n(n(x)) = x ∀ x ∈ [0,1]

(24) c) T-Norms and S-Norms. In fact, the

above definitions are quite arbitrary and could
The fuzzy sets can be operated with each other have been defined in many other ways. This
in the same way as the classical sets, since the includes considering more other general defi-
former is a generalization of the latter. The in- nitions for the operations between fuzzy sets
terpretation with fuzzy sets is not as simple as in which they only have the same properties,

92 glossariumBITri

similar to those seen in the classical sets the- ― Associativity

ory. At present it is considered correct to de- ― Boundary conditions
fine the intersection operator by any applica-
tion t-norm and the union operator by any ap- (31)
plication s-norm (Schweitzer and Sklar 1961, The s-norms are used to express the union
1963, Weber 1983), which are non-decreasing of fuzzy sets:
functions, so increasing one of the sets, also
imply an increase its intersection or union. (32)

Definición 16. triangular Norm It can be concluded that the max operator
is a t-conorm.
A triangular norm or t-norm is a function t: [0,1]
× [0,1] → [0,1] which verifies the following ― s is an Archimedes conorm if and only if:
properties: s(x, y) is continuous
― It is nondecreasing in each argument: s(x, x)> x ∀ x ∈ (0,1)
If x ≤ y and w ≤ z then t(x, w) ≤ t (y, z) And an Archimedean t-conorm is strict if
― Commutativity and only if
t(x, y) = t(y, x), ∀ x, y ∈ [0,1] s(x′,y′)<s(x,y) si x′<x, y′<y ∀x′,y′,x,y ∈ (0,1)
― Associativity
d) Properties of Fuzzy Sets. The laws and
t(t(x, y), z) = t(x, t(y, z)), ∀ x, y, z ∈ [0,1] properties that fufill the classical sets are not
― the boundary conditions are satisfied always followed in the case of fuzzy sets. The
following sections examine what laws verify
t(x, 0) = 0, t (x, 1) = x, ∀ x ∈ [0,1] the fuzzy sets and what not:
― t is an Archimedean norm if and only if ― Commutative property: always verified, be-
cause the t-norms s-norms are commuta-
t(x, y) is continuous
tive by definition.
t(x, x) < x ∀ x ∈ (0,1) ― associative Property: is also verified as the t-
And an Archimedean t-norm is strict if and norms s-norms are associative.
only if ― Laws of idempotency: are fufilled. The mini-
mum and maximum are chosen as opera-
t(x',y')<t(x) if x'<x, y'<y ∀x',y',x,y ∈ (0,1) tors for intersection and union, respec-
The t-norms are used to express the intersec- tively.
tion of fuzzy sets: ― Laws of absorption: they are also met if the
minimum-maximum pair are selected. This
not true with other norms.
It can be said that the min operator is a t- ― Distributive property: it is also true for the
norm. minimum and maximum, but not for other
Definition 17. Triangular conorm: norms.
― minor and major Property: always fulfilled due
A triangular conorm is also called t-conorm or s- to the last property t-norms and s-norms.
norm, is an application s: [0,1] × [0,1] → [0,1]
that satisfies the following requirements: ― Complement Involution: is satisfied if we define
μĀ(x)=1−μA(x) since then:
― s is nondecreasing in each argument
― Commutativity

glossariumBITri 93

― De Morgan's laws: its fulfillness is guarantized Definition 19. Let R and S be binary relations
if the selected t-norms and s-norms are de- defined on X × Y. The intersection of R and S is
rived from each other: t (x, y) = 1-s (1-x ,1- defined by:
― complementary Laws: they are not verified in (39)
general. It is perhaps the clearest result to
introduce the concept of fuzziness in the T-norm can be used rather than the minimum.
5. Fuzzy Systems Definition 20. The union of R and S is de-
fined by:
a) Fuzzy Relations. As seen before, all the
operations of union, intersection and comple-
ment, operate in a single universe of discourse. (40)
However, the Cartesian product allows the S-norm can be used rather than the maximum.
product of universes of discourse.
Cartesian Product. Let X and Y be any two uni- Definition 21. A projection of a fuzzy relation
verses of discourse. A fuzzy relation R be- μR: X1 × ... × Xn → [0,1] on the universe of
tween X and Y is defined as a fuzzy set whose discourse Xi, is defined as
universe is the Cartesian product X × Y. That
is: (41)

(33) b) Composition of Relations. Let R be a

fuzzy relation in the product X × Y and S
(34) forms another relationship in Y × Z.
If A1 and A2 ⊂ X ⊂ Y, and if the Cartesian
product of A12 and A is defined as: Definition 22. The sup-min composition of these
two relations, denoted by R ° S, is defined as
the fuzzy relation in X × Z whose member-
It can also be expressed as: ship function is:
(36) (42)
Definition 18. Let X and Y be continuous uni-
verses of discourse. Then the function Definition 23. The inf-max composition, de-
noted by R × S, is defined as:

Definition 24. The sup-product composition as
is a binary fuzzy relation on X × Y. If X × Y fuzzy relations in X × Z whose membership
are discrete universes, then function is defined as:
(38) (44)

The integral denotes the sets of all tuples μR If we generalize the minimum and the product
(x, y) / (x, y) on X × Y. It is also possible to by a t-norm and the maximum by a s-norm,
express Equation (37) with ∫X∫Y μR(x,y)/(x,y), respectively, the compositions are obtained
,i.e., with double integral. sup-t and inf-s:

94 glossariumBITri

c) Approximate Reasoning. Unlike classical then C and then take A → B as a special case
logic, in fuzzy logic, reasoning is not precise, where C coincides with its universe of dis-
but it occurs in an approximate manner. This course,
means that one can infer a consequent alt-
hough the rule antecedent is not completely
verified (Approximate Reasoning). The higher (50)
the degree of compliance of the antecedent of
the rule, the more approximate to the original which can be written as
rule the consequent part will be. The approxi-
mate reasoning is generally summarized, by
extension of classical reasoning in the forms (51)
of "generalized modus ponens" and "general-
ized modus tollens. Finally, the conclusion B * is a fuzzy set B *=
A * ° (A → B) can be evaluated by a generali-
premise 1: Premis of the rule: zation of Modus Ponens proposed by Zadeh:
x IS A*
premise 2: rule:
Consequent: y is B*
where A, B, A* and B* are fuzzy sets defined
on the universes of discourse X, Y with mem- (53)
bership function μA(x), μB(y), μA*(x) and
μB*(y) respectively. This is the generalized modus i.e.,
ponens, which is reduced to the classical modus
ponens when A = A* and B = B*.
The function of involvement is represented by
a fuzzy relation in X × Y: R = A → B A more general case is that a system composed
(47) of r1 rules, each of which is of the form IF x
IS Ai1 THEN y IS Bi1
This function can be defined in several ways.
For example,
1) Mamdani Implication: With respect to fuzzy
control this Implication is the most important. where i1={1,…, r1} (55)
Its definition is based on the intersection op-
eration as described above,

Finally we analyze the case of rules with two
that can be represented as a t-norm antecedents. Let A, B and C defined fuzzy sets
in X, Y and Z respectively. The rules are rep-
resented as follows:
premise 1: Premisa of the rule:
2) Zadeh Implication: The most widespread im- x IS A* E and IS B*
plication. It firstly solves if A then B, if not A
premise 2: rule:

glossariumBITri 95

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representation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 23, 3-18. en analyse économieque. Rev. Econ. Polit., (1), 17--37.
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México: UNAM. (original: Philosophische Unterschuchu-
ngen. Londres: Basil Blackwell.
― ZADEH, L.A. (1964). Fuzzy sets. Memorandum ERL.
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(BH –ed.-; BH, JMD)

glossariumBITri 97
GENERAL THEORY OF INFORMA- theoretical level, the general theory of infor-
TION (GTI) (S. Teoría general d ela información, mation provides tools for measuring and eval-
F. Theórie Générale de l'Information, G. Algemaine uating information.
Theorie der Information) [Trans-disciplinary, For-
Information levels
mal theories, Mathematical theories] theory, disci-
pline In the context of GTI, the concept of infor-
mation is considered on three basic levels of
The General Theory of Information proposed
by Mark Burgin (2003, 2010) is a synthetic ap-
proach, which reveals the essence of infor- 1. Information in a broad sense is considered
mation, organizing and encompassing all main when there are no restrictions on the in-
directions in information theory. GTI has fological system.
three parts or strata:
2. Information in the strict sense is considered
 Philosophical/phenomenological, which gives a when the infological system consists of
new vision of information and its place in structural elements.
the modern world; 3. Cognitive information is considered when the
 Methodological, which studies basic princi- infological system consists of cognitive
ples of information theory and infor- structures, such as knowledge, beliefs,
mation technology (→Principles of GTI); ideas, images, etc.
 Theoretical, which is mathematically based An infological system IF(R) of the system R is
making available different mathematical called cognitive if IF(R) contains (stores) ele-
models of information, information pro- ments or constituents of cognition, such as
cesses and information processing sys- knowledge, data, ideas, fantasies, abstractions,
tems (→Mathematical stratum). beliefs, etc. A cognitive infological system of a
system R is denoted by CIF(R) and is related
Under the awareness of the irreducible variety to cognitive information.
of information kinds, instead of pursuing a
unitary definition of information, a parametric Consequently, we have three levels of infor-
definition is developed on the phenomenologi- mation understanding:
cal level of the general theory of information. 1. Information in a broad sense for a system R is
By this means, information in the strict sense a capability (potential) to change (trans-
stands in a very flexible way for a capacity to form) this system in any way.
cause changes in an infological system. It is the
adaptability of these infological systems, 2. Information in the strict sense for a system R is
which enables this approach to adapt to the a capability (potential) to change (trans-
multifaceted reality of information by means form) structural components of this sys-
of formal models. On the other hand, on the tem, e.g., cognitive information changes
knowledge of the system, affective infor-
mation changes the state of the system,

glossariumBITri 99

while effective information changes sys-

tem orientation.
3. Cognitive information for a system R is a ca-
pability (potential) to change (transform)
the cognitive subsystem of this system.
― BURGIN, M. (2010). Theory of Information: Funda-
mentality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore:
World Scientific Publishing.

100 glossariumBITri
HERMENEUTICS (S. hermenéutica, F. problem solving enterprise of our contempo-
herméneutique, G. Hermeneutik) [Philosophy of rary societies (Brier 2008).
language, semiotics, communication theory,
As mentioned above, interpretation, whose
ethical issues, information society] theory, discipline
modern sense usually refers to the going back
Contents.— 1) Is difference enough or do we also need from the sign to its sense, has a long tradition
interpretation?, 2) Roots of hermeneutics (a. Between obscu- (in the extensions of both the latin interpretatio
rity and clarity. Antiquity and Christianity, b. Modernity or its corresponding Greek term hermēnéia)
and the epistemology of clearness, c. From the evening of en- where we also might encounter a root for the
lightenment towards postmodernity), 3) Hermeneutics in the
–so to say- transparency of information.
digital era, 4) Towards a digital hermeneutics.
2. Roots of hermeneutics.
1. Is difference enough or do we also need
interpretation? Concerning hermeneutics a) Between obscurity and clarity. Antiquity and Chris-
and information theory, at the very beginning tianity. In addition to the mentioned sense in
of the former we found a reflection con- Plato’s work of interpretation as a problematic
trasting with the famous definition of the cy- apprehension of sense, we also found hermēnéia
bernetician Bateson, by whom information is in other Plato’s works as an art of accounting
“a difference what makes a difference” (Bateson for an obscure and distant meaning (Ion: 535a,
1972: 459). In contrast with this causal rela- Statesman: 260d). Such strain in the uncovering
tion, we found in Plato’s Theaetetus that “the of the hidden is to be extensibly deepened in
reason [of what is said] is an interpretation the medieval exegesis and its influence in the
(hermēnéia) of the difference” (“λόγος δέ γε ἦν ἡ humanism trends (in both positive and nega-
τῆς σῆς διαφορότητος ἑρμηνεία”, Theaetetus: tive senses).
209a). What has been understood by interpreta- Aristotle points out a connection, which is go-
tion has a long and varied history, but in any ing to maintain a long tradition in hermeneu-
case, it refers to a problematic rather than a tics: for him, hermēnéia is linked to language as
univocal process, also stressing a sense of ef- an externalist expression of thoughts (De an.
fort. Such endeavour for a problematic sense 420b). On the other hand, by using the term
clearly differs from the most common view- to name one of the treaties of the Organon,
point regarding information, for which there Perì hermēnéias, it is going to be later on identi-
is a kind of causal and blind relation between fied as a technical term.
information and its results in recipients. The
dominance of this viewpoint in information In Christian Middle Ages, two main trends
concerns –which can be for instance observed might be identified regarding the reception of
in the automatic benefits expected by the in- the holy truth, whose weight varied through-
vestment in information technologies (Pérez- out this long period, and reaching both lines
Montoro 2008)– might draw us away from the the consecutive times:
awareness of the problems regarding the un- In early high middle ages, the Agustine’s dic-
covering of sense. To this regard, Søren Brier tum “credo ut intelligam” stands for a trans-
claims that “information is not enough” in the

glossariumBITri 101

parency and clarity of the holy message, rele- an influential role in the scientific tradition –
gating interpretation just for allegorical images especially in the Anglo-Saxon world
of the old testament (Augustine 1888: §89). (Copleston, v.5, §7.8). In Locke we observe
two tendencies that we may later encounter in
From later high middle ages, such transpar-
the communication models of the Mathemat-
ency will be doubted and moved towards the
ical Theory of Communication: 1) the already
whole holy texts. In some contrast to
mentioned transparency contrasting with the
Agustine’s dictum we find Anselm of Canter-
hardness of interpretation, 2) the regardless of
bury´s assert: “Fidens quaerens intellectum”
context contrasting with the necessity to re-
(c. 1033 - 1109), remarking that the apprehen-
build the –so to speak- sense scene (Díaz and
sion has to be active (Ortega 1956, Williams
Hadithi 2009). Regarding the first, Locke con-
cludes his appraisal on general terms stating
The sense of deepening into obscure mean- that:
ings to bring them to light will be stressed to-
“[…] men making abstract ideas, and settling
wards the humanism period, where these two
them in their minds with names annexed to them,
tendencies can again be identified: on the one
do thereby enable themselves to consider things, and
hand, an ecumenical strive for an interpreta-
discourse of them, as it were in bundles, for the eas-
tion of allegorical writings of neoplatonic as-
ier and readier improvement and communication of
cendancy, as in the case of Pico della Miran-
their knowledge […]” (Locke 1690, B.III,
dola (1463-1494); on the other hand, a relative
rejection of allegoric readings in contrast with
the clarity of God’s word, which must be ac- But these general terms –supporting communi-
cessible to all men, as in Erasmus of Rotter- cation and knowledge- are bounded to general
dam (c.1466-1536). This last trend, alienated ideas which must be decontextualize:
with the Augustinian tradition can easily be
“Words become general by being made the signs of
identified with the endeavour for clarity in the
general ideas: and ideas become general, by separat-
very core of modernity, where the question of
ing from them the circumstances of time and place,
truth is not going to be tightened to religious
and any other ideas that may determine them to this
or that particular existence.” (ibidem, B.III, §3.6).
b) Modernity and the epistemology of clearness. Alt-
c) From the evening of enlightenment towards post-
hough the prevalence of the discourse of clar-
modernity. After the relative unfulfillment of the
ity, the contrasting stances regarding the re-
Enlightenment promises, right after the
ception of sense do not diminish with the ad-
French Revolution, the topic of clearness
vent of modernity, on the contrary, it some-
opens towards a deeper consideration of the
times showed an open and sharpen conflict
obscure, noteworthy in the Romanticism
between the role of authority in counter-refor-
movement as well as in the idealism. In the
mation and all men accessible strive for clarity
nineteenth century, for instance in the work of
in rationalism. While among the former, au-
Schleiermacher, the non transparency of the
thority is a mediating warranty in the hardness
text is going to be acquainted not with respect
of interpretation, in the latter, clarity is the
to a transcendental distance, but to linguistic,
main guidance for the spirit: “all the things
historical and cultural reasons. The restoration
which we clearly and distinctly conceive are
of the context comes to the first plane and the
true” (Descartes 2008, §4). This topic of clear-
interpretation aims -in Schleiermacher- to
ness is going to be dominant in the rationalist
“understand the author better than he under-
and enlightenment movement, founding an
stood himself” (Bollnow 1949), in the sense
epistemology in which the transparency of
that even something about the historical-cul-
sense and true will be, for instance, the base of
tural context can be found out in the herme-
Locke’s semiotic theory, which is going to play

102 glossariumBITri

neutical process (thus beyond author’s inten- language which is available to that existence.
tion). The historical knowledge and interpre- Interpretation in Heidegger becomes “the ar-
tation becomes two faces of a same process. ticulation of that which is understood” as well
Such identification is going to be stressed in as a constitutive dimension of the existence
Dilthey for whom interpretation is an inten- (ibidem). This existence is “being-in-the-
tional understanding (verstehen) of life mani- world with Others” and to that extend cannot
festations permanently fixed (Dilthey 1909: be fully analysed (ibidem, §34). However the
319). Such interpretation process clearly dif- original worldly pre-understanding can be
fers from the “easier and readier” “communi- grasped in the unveiled “world”, i.e. in the sys-
cation” of “knowledge” depicted by Locke. tem of semantic relations allowing us to un-
Hermeneutics become circular: the interpreta- derstand something as what can “stand out ex-
tion of a reality to be understood is based on plicitly”. Deepening in this line, Gadamer de-
some previous (contextual) data, but the sense velops (especially focusing on art, history and
of this data is at the same time given by the language, therefore in a narrower sense that
understanding of the reality being interpreted. Heidegger) a fully hermeneutical ontology (Gada-
In other words, the outer perspectives alleg- mer 1975).
edly used to ‘explain’ phenomena –usually by
But if we take a look at the Anglo-Saxon tra-
means of causal reason–, is here substituted by
dition we find out a practical absent of the in-
a inner perspective in which phenomena is re-
terpretation concept as it was generalised first
cursively grasped. A similar change in the per-
in the nineteenth century historicism and af-
spective of understanding is experienced in
terwards by Heidegger. In this tradition, inter-
the foundations of second order cybernetics. pretation has been restricted in two directions:
In the XXth century, most hermeneutical the- 1st) the comprehension of discourses and liter-
ories continue the paths opened by Schleier- ary texts, stressing devotion on literacy criti-
macher and Dilthey. If we consider the phe- cism and methodology; 2nd) pragmatism, where
nomenological reduction (epojé), through Peirce is the most relevant source. In this sec-
which phenomena should clearly manifest ond line, the influence of Peirce’s concept of
(Husserl 1970), as probably the last serious interpretation as concerning the effects con-
philosophical attempt of rebuilding the clear- veyed by signs (Peirce 1958: 5.475) has been
ness project of modernity (Marías 1967: 403ss, of major relevance in the development of
1980: 263-266), we might then regard the time communication theory and semiotics, and also
after recognising the impossibility of the phe- in several concepts of information.
nomenological reduction as post-modernity. As we posed at the beginning of this article, is
It is possible to establish a link between this there not a lack of concern in information the-
breakdown and the discovery of Godel’s in- ories with respect to the problems revealed by
completeness in formal systems or Heisen- hermeneutic? Could not an approach between
berg’s uncertainity in physics (Díaz 2003), these two lines of interpretation bring new
which might also be considered as some for- lights into information concerns?
mal foundations of post-modernity. 3. Hermeneutics in the digital era. We live
As Ortega showed in his early refutation of in societies whose political, legal, military, cul-
Husserl’s epojé (Ortega 1914) the apprehension tural and economic systems are based on digi-
can never be done without assumption. This tal communication and information networks
is the fundament of Heidegger’s hermeneutics or in societies that are making major efforts to
(Heidegger 1927: §32) for whom any existence bridge the so-called digital divide (Capurro et
has an inherent pre-understanding of the al. 2007). Maybe this is one reason why her-
world where it “is thrown” (geworfen); and meneutics, the philosophic theory dealing
such pre-understanding is embodied in the

glossariumBITri 103

with issues of interpretation and communica- philosophy that leads to the creation of a new
tion, has apparently lost the academic interest type of rationality arises usually from an out-
it had in the nineteenth century as a relevant standing scientific or technological break-
methodology in the humanities as well as a through (Bosteels 2006, p. 116). Today’s
way of understanding human existence in the global and interactive digital network, the In-
twentieth century. Santiago Zabala, editor of a ternet is one of those breakthroughs. The In-
recent book in honor of the Italian philoso- ternet’s challenge to hermeneutics concerns
pher Gianni Vattimo, quotes Hans-Georg primarily its social relevance for the creation,
Gadamer, the founding father of philosophic communication and interpretation of
hermeneutics, as follows: knowledge. This challenge implies a question-
ing of the pseudo-critical rejection of herme-
Vattimo has specifically called hermeneutics a
neutics with regard to technology in general
koiné: the common language in which philosophical
and to digital technology in particular
thought after Heidegger and Wittgenstein, after
(Capurro 1990). Facing the digital challenge
Quine, Derrida and Ricoeur, has spread every-
hermeneutics must develop a “productive
where; virtually a universal philosophical language.
logic” (Heidegger 1976, p. 10) towards under-
(Zabala 2007, p. 3)
standing the foundations of digital technology
Vattimo's hermeneutical critique of metaphys- and its interplay with human existence. A pro-
ics and his plea for "weak thinking" can be re- ductive logic “leaps ahead” (ibid.) of the estab-
lated to Turing's halting theorem, basic to lished self-understanding of a given science, in
computational theory, as well as to Gödel's in- this case of hermeneutics, in order to under-
completeness theorem (Chaitin 1982) as far as take a revision of its main concepts and dis-
these theorems state some fundamental limits close a new area of research.
to our seeking after truth, which forces us to
There is a blindness in some studies of con-
stand back from the claims to truth of moder-
temporary hermeneutics with regard to these
nity as mentioned above. According to these
challenges (Figal 2007), with a few exceptions
limits, we always make theoretical and/or
(Irrgang 2005, 2007; Fellmann 1998; Kurthen
practical presuppositions that cannot be made
1992), as well as in seemingly comprehensive
completely explicit once and for all.
encyclopaedia articles (Gadamer 1974, Gron-
As shown in Capurro’s paper “Interpreting din 1996, Ramberg and Gjesdal 2005) also
the digital human” (2008) hermeneutics is in- with a few exceptions (Introna 2005; Mallery,
timately related since the 1970s with digital Hurwitz and Duffy 1990). In their article
technology. After having passed through crit- “Hermeneutics” in the Encyclopedia of Arti-
ical theory (J. Habermas), critical rationalism ficial Intelligence Mallery et al. do speak about
(K. Popper), analytic philosophy (early L. the “precomputational nature of contempo-
Wittgenstein, Hilary Putnam, Donald Da- rary hermeneutics” and suggest “the reformu-
vidson), deconstructivism (J. Derrida), the lation and refinement of ideas about both her-
phenomenology of the symbol (P. Ricoeur), meneutics and AI.” (Mallery et al. 1990, p.
psychoanalysis (J. Lacan), dialectic materialism 374).
(A. Badiou), mediology (R. Debray), the her-
4. Towards a digital hermeneutics. As ar-
meneutics of the subject (M. Foucault) and
gued elsewhere (Capurro 2008, 2009) the task
particularly through Gianni Vattimo’s “weak
of hermeneutics in the digital age is twofold,
thought” (“pensiero debole”), to mention just
namely to think the digital and at the same
some of the prominent contemporary philo-
time to be addressed by it. The first task leads
sophic schools, Hermeneutics is facing today
to the question of the way in which the digital
the challenge arising from digital technology
code has an impact on all kinds of processes,
by becoming what Capurro calls digital herme-
particularly the societal ones. In this regard,
neutics. Every revolutionary transformation in

104 glossariumBITri

digital hermeneutics is at the core of infor- Ethics deals mainly with one question: who
mation ethics understood as the ethical reflec- am I? This question is not to be understood as
tion on rules of behaviour underlying the asked by an isolated individual but as a basic
global digital network including its interaction human question that is stated implicitly or ex-
with other social systems as well as with natu- plicitly in practical life by every human being
ral processes. The second task refers to the no less than by groups, states and today's
challenge of the digital with regard to the self- global dimension: who are we as humankind?
interpretation of human beings in all their ex- This question is anything but academic. It is a
istential dimensions, particularly their bodies, question of survival. Hermeneutics in the dig-
their autonomy, their way of conceiving and ital age must become aware of this situation in
living in time and space, their moods and un- order to make explicit the different political,
derstanding of the world, the building of social legal and cultural norms and identities, the way
structures, their understanding of history, they are affected by the digital code and the
their imagination, their conception of science, consequences for the construction of human
and their religious beliefs. identities as well as for the interaction between
nature and society. Following Foucault, ethics
According to Lawrence Lessig “code is law” can be understood as the questioning of mo-
(Lessig 1999). If this is the case then herme- rality (Foucault 1983). It works as a catalyst of
neutics must reflect on the nature of this code social processes weakening the dogmatism of
and its interaction with economics, politics morality and law without just striving towards
and morality. The balance between these their replacement through another moral
spheres, including nature, is related to what code. It is an open or free space that allows for
was often called justice (“dike”) in Greek clas- a permanent critique of all kinds of blocking
sical philosophy. This concept is broader than processes within and beyond the digital
the one applied to social interactions, particu- sphere. Who are we as a society at the local
larly with regard to the distribution of eco- and global level in the age of digital and glob-
nomic wealth. It implies the complex interplay alized communication? This question does not
between humans and nature using different address a problem of text interpretation but
programs or digital codes that interact with our own self-understanding and ‘verification’
natural processes (Eldred 2006). It would be in the sense that the media itself and the pro-
‘unjust’ if cyberspace were to dominate other cesses that are object of hermeneutical study
spheres by becoming a digital metaphysics. are at the same time existential dimensions of
The task of weakening such a project is a ma- the interpreters themselves The hermeneutic
jor task of digital hermeneutics. One example subject ‘verifies’ or makes herself a digital ob-
of a strong version of the digital is the domi- ject.
nance of mass media with their hierarchical
structures in the twentieth century. Vilém Human existence is a valuing activity but the
Flusser feared that this power would eventu- human evaluator has no value but a “dignity”
ally become the dominant one over dialogical or “Würde” as Kant called it. This is not nec-
structures of communication (Flusser 2006). essarily based on a metaphysical view of man
The Internet weakens media monopolies. The and world but arises already from the very sit-
digital code makes possible the interaction of uation of being-in-the-world itself as far as this
the human with the natural and the artificial. being itself is not something we could valuate
The digital network weakens the classic West- but is the horizon within which every valua-
ern view of an autonomous subject and makes tion takes place. Within this horizon, all be-
possible a dialogue with Taoist views of nature ings, human or not, have a dignity but non-
(Jullien 2003) as well as with Japanese Bud- human beings, as far as they are not subjects
dhism (Capurro 2006). of valuation processes, have a relative value

glossariumBITri 105

when they become object of human transac- through the digital code? What are the episte-
tions within a social process of valuation. mological, ontological and ethical conse-
From this perspective, the economy as a pro- quences? How do human cultures become hy-
cess of permanent valuation is a main trait of bridized and in which way does this hybridiza-
every human community as such. This herme- tion affect the interplay with natural processes
neutic reflection makes clear why the digital and their interplay with the production and
sphere as a product of human invention, can- use of all kind of artificial products in a digital
not become the final horizon of valuation for economy? These questions go far beyond the
all possible understanding of the world and horizon of classic hermeneutics as a theory of
human existence. Being relative, the digital be- text interpretation as well as beyond classic
comes an opportunity for the subjects of the philosophic hermeneutics dealing with the
twenty-first century to transform themselves question about human existence inde-
and their connections in and within the world pendently of the pervading impact of digital
overcoming for instance the strong metaphys- technology. We live in a world that is less and
ical concepts that were leading for the self-un- less a familiar “life-world.” We have become a
derstanding of Western societies for centuries. troublesome field that requires hard labor and
This does not mean that such concepts could heavy sweat (“factus sum mihi terra difficulta-
be set aside or just replaced by the new ones, tis et sudoris nimii”; Augustinus 1998, X, p.
but they can be hybridized with different kind 16). Hermeneutics misunderstands itself if it
of reasons, imaginations, ambitions and uto- does not take care ontically and ontologically
pias, hopes and disappointments arising from of digital technology with its overwhelming
the digital code. impact on our lives. Whereas digital technol-
ogy would pursue an empty target, if we be-
If this is the case, in different ways and inten-
lieve that “information is enough” and we ne-
sities, the digital code becomes a real contri-
glect restoring “the reasons of what is said”.
bution to humanity as well as to its interaction
Thus we might be building up a “meaning-
with non-human spheres. It could weaken the
less” Information Society.
metaphysical ambitions of (Western) logos by
making it more flexible with regard to the References
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― MALLERY, J.C., HURWITZ, R., DUFFY, G. a volume bounded by a surface of area A
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holográfico, F. principe holographique, G. Holo-
grafisches Prinzip) [theoretical physics] concept, the-

This principle, suggested by Gerard’t Hooft in

1993 and developed by Leonard Susskind
(1997), points out that the information con-
tained in a volume can be represented by in-
formation over its bounding surface.

108 glossariumBITri
IMAGE (S. imagen, F. image, G. bild) [audiovis- through different media and in diverse for-
ual, aesthetics, communication theory, cogni- mats.
tion, message] concept
But, what is a visual image?
“Image is always shaped by deep structures attached
Visual image are the ones we perceive through
to the exercise of a language, as well as to the mem-
sight, displayed in a support, material or me-
bership in a symbolic organization (a culture, a so-
dium. A visual image is a photograph, a sculp-
ciety); but image is also a means of communication
ture, painting, illustration, engraving or the in-
and representation of the world that has its place in
terface of the computer screen. Images never
all human societies”. (Jacques Aumont)
present themselves, but always re-present, be-
Hans Belting says that an image is more than cause they are displayed in a new material or
a product of perception. It manifests itself as medial dimension. This means that the refer-
a result of personal or collective symboliza- ent acquires a concrete, new, synthetic or em-
tion. We know many of the events of the past, phatic meaning when it is displayed through
present and future through images that pro- an image, which completes its full sense when
vide us, altogether, with a view, that is, with an it is interpreted by a receiver.
idea, a concept, a sense of the period or situa-
As Vilches argues, images are empty forms, and
require, if they have to transmit information,
Thus, there are images that we see, but also an observer’s interpretative competence to
mental or conceptual images that can act as complete them with contents. An image is a
benchmarks, models or diagrams helping us to proposition of which the receiver extracts the
interpret the world and our relationship with contents and meaning producing the phenom-
it. Currently, more than ever, we receive the enon of communication in time and space.
information we process, analyze and synthe- The material and the immaterial are unified in
size at different levels, through visual images the image, which always needs a context and a
that act on the receptor differently depending specific time to be interpreted accurately.
on the context and circumstances where they
Moreover, rather than the presence of an ab-
manifest themselves.
sence, the image is defined as a synthesis, as an
Logically, in turn, our mental images nourish emphasis on an intention to mean something.
themselves from the visual content circulating We say "a" synthesis and not "the" synthesis,
through the Technologies of Information and because the same image, depending on the
Communication; this provides a new para- context, the intention of the issuer, or the per-
digm for the decoding of messages, the inter- ception of the receiver, can offer many senses.
pretation of content and the development of Therefore, the sense an image can have is not
communication mediated relations, in which hermetic, but it depends on the interaction of
images are the absolute protagonist, displaying several factors. Régis Debray, in Vie et mort de
their variegated meanings and presented l’image, says that we internalize the images-

glossariumBITri 109

things and externalize mental images, so that chotomy does not occur. Any message is com-
imagery and imagination induce each other. posed with a purpose (i.e., to express, explain,
direct, incite, accept) which, to be significant,
The classification of images has been, and is, a
requires the optimization of the formal ex-
path chosen by different authors to come near
a definition of the concept of image. We can
dwell on the arguments of some of them. On the other hand, Rudolf Arnheim distin-
guishes three functions, not classes, coining
Abraham Moles establishes four features of im-
the terms of representation, symbol and sign.
ages: the degree of figuration (the representa-
However, the most interesting part of his the-
tion of objects or known beings), the degree
oretical contribution is his formulation of "vis-
of iconicity (the abstraction concerning the
ual thinking". Arnheim says that visual percep-
item represented), the degree of complexity
tion is visual thinking, taking the first to be not
(the various plastic elements) and the degree
a passive record of observed material, but an
of normalcy (which is related to diffusion or
active interest of the mind. Also, images
copying). For Moles, visual messages allow us
stored in memory are used to identify, inter-
to represente a fragment of the world, whether
pret and contribute to the perception of new
real or imaginary; the visual communication
images. Arnheim’s point can be used to con-
process is established with an exchange of sig-
nect the two sorts of images we mentioned
nals between the sender and receiver, either in
earlier in this article: visual images and mental
a purely conventional framework or exploring
an imaginary world in which different levels of
abstraction are established or schematized. Jacques Aumont also distinguishes three modes,
These different levels are what he calls the namely: the symbolic mode, as when the di-
scale of iconicity. vine presence materialized through idols ven-
erated as sensitive manifestations (although it
Martine Joly points out that there are three fac-
must be said that images, in its symbolic form,
tors that play a role in the transmission of in-
have also been used in the secularization of
formation through images: plastic signs (col-
Western societies to transmit new values); the
ors, shapes, textures and space), iconic signs
epistemic mode, as when images provide in-
(pictures and motives) and linguistic signs. Joly
formation and knowledge about the world;
starts out from the idea of analogy, and ex-
and the aesthetic mode, in which images
plains that an image is something that resem-
please the viewer and provide him specific
bles something else. Thus, in the study of the
photographic image, she establishes two dis-
tinct levels: "observation" and "interpreta- Visual studies, which have visual culture as ob-
tion", and believes that in reading an image an ject of interest, analyze the information con-
interaction between it and the reader is estab- tained in images, focusing on how technology,
lished which causes a series of expectations media and social practices of representation
such as memorization and anticipation. and reception are deeply interwoven with hu-
man societies, ethics and politics, aesthetics
For Donis A. Dondis there are three levels of
and epistemologies of seeing and being seen.
visual expression: representation, which
means particularity, abstraction, which means W.J.T. Mitchell thinks that images have "lives"
universality, and symbolism, which is conven- generated by those who created them; he fo-
tional. It must be said that these three levels of cuses not only on the field of art, but also ar-
information are interconnected. Besides pro- gues that visual culture is nourished by the
posing this general classification, she states most varied expressions from all areas. Mov-
that the content and form of an image are in- ing beyond a semiotic view, he maintains that
separable; in visual communication this di- images are presented to us, and that we can
not describe or interpret them linguistically.

110 glossariumBITri

Although they are related, words and images c) The situation s is of type S.
belong in knowledge categories that can not
be compared with each other.
― PERRY, J; ISRAEL, D. (1990). “What is infor-
The multiple visual environments of our time mation?”. Information, Language, and Cognition. P. Han-
lead us to process information in a non-linear, son, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, p.
immediate and fleeting way. In images we see, 1-19.
reflected, the environments where we operate, (LS –ed.-; CA)
but also through images what exists, which
can be intangible or, paradoxically, not visual,
manifests itself. The fact of “putting in im- INCOMPLETENESS (S. incompletud, incom-
ages” emotions, desires, arguments or differ- pletitud, F. incompletude, G. Unvollständigkeit)
ent intentions helps us discover new ways of [transdiciplinary, logics, recursiveness theory,
imagining reality. formal semantics] concept

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― BELTING, H. (2007). Antropología de la imagen. proper class of everything. We may say such a
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― MITCHELL, W. (2003). “Mostrando el ver”, en Re-
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celona: Paidós. chaos where anything expressible is expressed.
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drid: Cátedra: Universidad del País Vasco. So let's now gather, even more modestly, only
all the true sentences of a language. This is the
(LS –ed.-; SBB) first useful sense of completeness. Given a do-
main of interpretation and a language referring
INCREMENTAL INFORMATION (S. to it, a set of sentences is model-complete if it
información incremental, F. informations supplémen- contains all sentences that are true in such a
taires, G. inkrementelle Information) [Situation domain. Notice that other languages with dif-
theory] concept ferent expressive power may also contain this
set among their sentences; just as such a do-
Incremental informational content: relative to main may be described by other languages. A
constraint C’, and given event s’, a situation s mathematically precise notion of “domain of
carries the information that there is a situation interpretation” brings us to distinct semantics.
of type S’’ if and only if: It's certainly not easy to gather model com-
a) There is a constraint C’ holding between plete set of sentences. Accumulating all truths
the type that results from the conjunction about my left little finger is a huge task. Even
of S and S’, and the type S’’ (C = [S S’ => gathering all expressible truths about my left
S’’]). little finger is an impressive unprobable piece
b) The anchoring event s’ is of type S’. of work. However, there are a number of such

glossariumBITri 111

huge tasks that we perform with our tiny References

brain, poor resources and limited time. ― BOOLOS, G.; R. JEFFREY, J. BURGUESS (2002).
Learning a natural language is one of them, Computability and Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
since it involves the task of acquiring a recur- ― BORGES, J.L. (1996). “La biblioteca de Babel” en:
sive procedure to access the infinite set of all Ficciones, Obras Completas I. Barcelona: Emecé.
sentences. Another example of the application ― FITTING, M. (2007). Incompleteness in the Land
of finite rules to construct an infinite amount of Sets. New York, Berlin: Springer.
― GÖDEL, K. (1931). “Über formal unentscheidbare
of finite sequences is Babel's Library as de- Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter
scribed by Borges, which is learnable or con- Systeme”. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik,
structible with just the alphabet. 38, 173-198.
― SALTO, F. (2006). “Verdad y Recursividad.” en:
Another computable procedure with the same J.M. Méndez (ed.). Artículos de segunda mano. Sala-
recursive structure is the one constructing de- manca: Varona.
ductions or proofs from rules and axioms. In ― SMULLLYAN, R. (1992). Gödel's Incompleteness
this case sequences of sequences are recur- Theorems. New York: Oxford University Press
sively formed, in such a way that an infinite set (FS)
of truths can be condensed in a finite, even
small, set of axioms.
INDEXING LANGUAGE (S. lenguaje docu-
Is there a similar procedure to recursively ob- mental, F. langages documentaires, G. kontrolliertes
tain a model-complete set of truths?, that is, a Vokabular) [Information management, docu-
recursive or computational means to access all mentation, Library and Information Science]
truths with respect to a certain domain of in- concept
Indexing languages are a subset of natural lan-
Take for example the natural numbers, as the guages used to describe documents. These
infinite domain standardly interpreting arith- languages are part of the information science
metic. Let the language of arithmetic be given, techniques used to describe resources. The
say as was informally taught to us in school. goal is to represent information in order to im-
Moreover, we have a computational proce- prove the retrieval of relevant documents.
dure to calculate logical consequences from
There are several types of indexing languages.
basic axioms of arithmetic (as discovered by
The oldest are library classifications and sub-
Peano and Frege). Do we have then a logical
ject headings. In recent times, Computer Sci-
procedure to compute all arithmetical truths?
ence's development and changes in infor-
Gödel proofed that such a procedure does not
mation needs has brought new indexing lan-
consistently exist, the proof being the first in-
completeness theorem. This answers nega-
tively the question whether a model complete Indexing languages are concerned by two fac-
collection of truths is accessible by purely re- tors:
cursive or computational means. Notice it
― Considerations regarding linguistic aspects
does not answer the question of whether non-
― Functional considerations. In specific con-
recursive methods are available to access the
texts these tools are used to improve per-
set of all truths (arithmetical or of another na-
1. Types of Indexing languages
Annexed files include several explicit proofs
and additional materials. for the notion of in- d) Free Language: (i) Uniterm lists, (ii) Keyword
form. lists, (iii) Glossaries, (iv) →Folksonomies
e) Language codes: library classification schemes

112 glossariumBITri

f) Controlled vocabularies: (i) Based on hierar- INFO-COMPUTATIONALISM (S. Info-

chies: →Taxonomies, (ii) Based on hierar- computacionalismo, F. Info-calcul, G. Info-Berech-
chies, associations and equivalent terms: nung) [Transdiciplinary, Philosophy of infor-
Thesauri and subject headings, (iii) Based mation and computation, Computation the-
on terminology ontologies in a specific con- ory] theory
text and with associations to current re-
Info-computationalism is the view that the
sources: →Topic Maps.
physical universe can be best understood as
2. Thesaurus as a reference model. computational processes operating on infor-
Thesurus is a prototypical indexing language. mational structure. Classical matter/energy in
A thesaurus is structured as a semantic net- this model is replaced by information, while
work limited to a domain. This network is the dynamics are identified as computational
composed of nodes, and each node represents processes. In this view the universe is a gigan-
a concept. This is an agreed language, with tic computer that continuously computes its
shared definitions in the domain. It is con- next states by following physical laws. Info-
trolled in the sense that only the thesuarus' computationalism thus appears as a conjunc-
terms could be used to describe a resource. tion of two theses: one about processes (com-
This principle guarantees uniqueness in the re- putation) – pancomputationalism (see e.g.
lationship concept-term. As a tool to control Chaitin, 2009) and one about structure (infor-
terminology it has the following term types: mation) – paninformationalism (see Floridi,
― Descriptors (terms used to represent the
concepts within the domain). What makes info-computationalist naturalism
― Non-descriptors (terms from the domain a promising research programme is, according
that have an equivalent in the list of de- to (Dodig-Crnkovic and Müller, 2010):
scriptors. These terms are not used to rep-
― Unlike mechanicist paradigm, info-compu-
resent documents, using the equivalent de-
tationalist naturalism has the ability to
tackle as well fundamental physical struc-
Descriptors are related by means of: tures as life phenomena within the same
conceptual framework. The observer is an
― Hierarchical and associative relationships
integral part of the info-computational uni-
― Equivalence relationship to relate De-
verse. (See Dodig-Crnkovic, 2010)
scriptors and Non-descriptors.
― Integration of scientific understanding of
References the structures and processes of life with the
― LANCASTER, F. W. (2003) El control del vocabulario rest of natural world will help to achieve
en la recuperación de información. 2ª ed. Valencia: Uni- “the unreasonable effectiveness of mathe-
versitat de Valencia. matics” (or computing in general) even for
― MOREIRO GONZALEZ, J. A. (2004). El Contenido
de los documentos textuales: su análisis y representación me- complex phenomena of biology that today
diante el lenguaje natural. Gijón: TREA lack mathematical effectiveness (Gelfand) –
― ROE, S.; THOMAS, A. (eds.) (2004). The thesaurus: in sharp contrast to physics (Wigner).
review, renaissance and revision. New York: The
Hawoeth Information Press.
― Info-computationalism (which presup-
― SLYPE, G. Van (1991). Los lenguajes de indización: con- poses pancomputationalism and paninfor-
cepción, construcción y utilización en los sistemas documenta- mationalism) presents a unifying frame-
les. Madrid: Fundación Sánchez Ruipérez. work for common knowledge production
(JAM) in many up to know unrelated research
fields. Present day narrow specialization
into various isolated research fields has led
to the alarming impoverishment of the
common world view.

glossariumBITri 113

― Our existing computing devices are a subset ― DODIG-CRNKOVIC G. and MÜLLER V. (2010).
of a set of possible physical computing ma- A Dialogue Concerning Two World Systems: Info-
Computational vs. Mechanistic. In G. Dodig-Crn-
chines, and Turing Machine model is a sub- kovic and M. Burgin (eds.) (2010). Information and
set of envisaged more general natural com- Computation. World Scientific Publishing Co. Series
putational models. Advancement of our in Information Studies. [Online Preprint]
computing methods beyond the Turing- <
Church paradigm will result in computing [Retrieved: 30/09/2010].
capable of handling complex phenomena ― DODIG-CRNKOVIC G. (2010). The Cybersemi-
such as living organisms and processes of otics and Info-Computationalist Research Pro-
life, social dynamics, communication and grammes as Platforms for Knowledge Production in
control of large interacting networks as ad- Organisms and Machines. Entropy, 12, 878-901 2010.
― CHAITIN, G. (2007). Epistemology as information
dressed in organic computing and other theory: From Leibniz to Ω. In Dodig-Crnkovic, G.
kinds of unconventional computing. & Stuart S., (Eds.). Computation, information, cognition:
― Understanding of the semantics of infor- The nexus and the liminal. Newcastle: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing, pp. 27-51.
mation as a part of the data-information- ― FLORIDI, L. (2009). ‘Against digital ontology’. Synt-
knowledge-wisdom sequence, in which hese, 168, pp. 151-178.
more and more complex relational struc-
tures are created by computational pro- (GD)
cessing of information. An evolutionary
naturalist view of semantics of information INFORMATIVMORPHISM (E. Infomor-
in living organisms is given based on inter- fismo, F. Infomosphisme, G. Infomorphismus)
action/information exchange of an organ- [transdisciplinary, logics, semantics, situation
ism with its environment. theory] concept
― Discrete and analogue are both needed in The mathematical concept of morphism tries
physics and so in physical computing which to produce an image of a set that captures its
can help us to deeper understanding of their structure. The notion of infomorphism gener-
relationship. alizes and extends this idea by means of defin-
― Relating phenomena of information and ing certain homomorphism among structures
computation understood in interactive par- supporting infons. The concept emerged orig-
adigm will enable investigations into logical inally in situation semantics and it has been ap-
pluralism of information produced as a re- plied in distinct contexts.
sult of interactive computation. Of special
INFOMORPHISM (E. Infomorfismo, F. Info-
interest are open systems in communication
mosphisme, G. Infomorphismus) [transdisciplinary,
with the environment and related logical
logics, semantics, situation theory] concept
pluralism including paraconsistent logic.
― Of all manifestations of life, mind seems to The mathematical concept of morphism tries
be information-theoretically and philo- to produce an image of a set that captures its
sophically the most interesting one. Info- structure. The notion of infomorphism gener-
computationalist naturalism (pancomputa- alizes and extends this idea by means of defin-
tionalism + paninformationalism) has a po- ing certain homomorphism among structures
tential to support, by means of models and supporting infons. The concept emerged orig-
simulations, our effort in learning about inally in situation semantics and it has been ap-
mind and developing artifactual (artificial) plied in distinct contexts.
intelligence in the direction of organic com- Any set A includes all elements or tokens de-
puting. fining a family R of relations on A. Let us call
Referencias relational structure A the set A with these re-
lations. Let A, B respectively be relational

114 glossariumBITri

structures <A,R> y <B,S>. Taken with be- ― GUNJI, Y.P., TAKAHASHI, T. & AONO, M.
nevolence, an homomorphism from A to B is (2004) "Dynamical infomorphism: form of endo-
perspective". Chaos, Solitrons & Fractals, 22, 1077-
defined as any function f from A into B such 1101.
that: If R(a1…an), then S(f(a1)…f(an)). B is
then a homomorphic image of A. (FS)
Consider now the specific relational structure
which we may call classificatory relational INFON (S. Infón, F. Infon, G. Infon) [transdis-
structure A, taken as the result of classifying ciplinar, lógica, semántica] concepto
the elements or tokens of A by means of a set You being happy is a state of things com-
A of types. For example, the set of tokens: {a, posed by the object you instantiating the rela-
a, a} corresponds to a unique type a. We write tion being happy. State of things such as:
<<happy, you, yes>> are to be distinguished
y A x
from other realities, such as the object you
to say that the token x instantiates the type y. happy and the property of happiness-in-you.
Barwise and Seligman (1997) called classifica- An ontology composed by things as you is dis-
tions such classificatory structures tinct from another one composed by state of
A=<A, A, A >
Notice how properties and relations are in-
where A is the grounding token set, A the set stantiated in objects (your happiness, the red
of individual types and A the relation of being of my lips), while objects are not instatiated in
an instance of. other objects: they are fragments or parts, but
Let A and B both be classificatory structures: not instances. Even if there is, through-out the
milennia, no precise characterization of these
An infomorphism i relating A y B consists in basic notions of part and instance, both set
a pair of functions f+ (from A to  ) and f- (from B theory and situation theory begin with some
to A) such that, for every type  of A and every token basic assumptions about both no-tions.
 de B: f +(b)A αb B f (α). Now, situation semantics assumes that situa-
Schematically: tions are parts of reality which also have parts
being states of affairs whcih are information.
 A   B They are, it is assumed, objects instantiating
 properties and relations. Infons are the mi-ni-
A  B mal information units posed by the onto-logi-
cal and set theoretical tools of situation se-
As an homomorphism preserves structure, so
mantics. Notice that information is not only
an infomorphism preserves the instantiation
refered to a situation, but it is such situa-tion.
relation, among sets that can be quite distinct,
but informationally analogous. Therefore, infons are states of things ex-press-
ible as tuples in the form
In the references (Devlin, Gunji) you may find
relevant examples of infomorphisms. <<R, a1, a2, ..., an, 1>>, <<R, a1, a2, ..., an,0>>
References where R is a relation between n appropiate ob-
― BARWISE, J. & SELIGMAN, J. (1997). Information jects denoting that such objects are or are not
Flow. The Logic of Distributed Systems. Cambridge: in the relation. The final element is called po-
C.U.P. larity and signals the veracity <<R, a1, a2, ...,
― BREMER, M. & COHNITZ, D. (2004). Information an, 1>>, or the falsity <<R, a1, a2, ..., a, 0>>
and Information Flow. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
― DEVLIN, K. (2001). The Mathematics of Information.
of the relation R.
Lecture 4: Introduction to Channel Theory. ESSLLI Given a situation s and an infon σ, we write
2001, Helsinki, Finland

glossariumBITri 115


fr, G. al) [transdisciplinary, ICT] concept, theory, the-
if the infon σ is supported or made factual in
orem, discipline, author, resource
the situation s. In other words, the situation s
is a fragment of reality which supports or car- “Reality is a formality being present to man, not by
ries the information σ, eventually among many a concept, or by a reasoning, but -from my view-
other states of things that happen to be real in point- by an act of what I have called Sentient In-
that situation. telligence, namely by an impression.” (X. Zubiri)
Given the notion of infon, we can define the We consider aesthetics as the way in which
class of situations supporting such an infon. subjects are aware of their identity. In an active
For example, <<war making, Afghanistan, way, they try to reach the reality they belong
western countries, yes>> is supported in dis- to and with which they have an interdepend-
tinct situations through history, as in s1, the ence relationship, this means that subjects are
19th century british war making, s2 the 20th a way in which reality crystallizes. This way is
century russian war making, s3 the 21st cen- depending on a space and temporary frame-
tury US war making. Different situations in- work that expresses it in terms of action and
stantiate types of situations: given a relation R, relation. It appears as a necessity for all the
let s be an assignment of real entities instanti- formalizing synthesis and it will serve as a tool
ating R. A type of situation is a pair <<R, s>>, to approach to the information from every-
that can be satisfied or supported in different where wanting to make it of one’s own. This
situations. We write: implies a real perspectiviness, a relation be-
tween analyzing and analyzed that puts the
s  <<R, s>> known subject in a period between relation-
to indicate that the situation s supports or sat- ships, in an aesthetic space.
isfies the type <<R, s>>. Inside the concept Aesthetics of Infor-
Note that a situation not satisfying a given mation we can introduce a lot of methods and
type does not imply it satisfying that type's ne- authors belonging to different fields of
gation. knowledge. Some of them are the following:
The concept of type of situation makes it pos- In the middle of the XIXth century M. Weber
sible to introduce propositions in an in-fon established the known fraction that tried to
setting; at least some particular family of prop- emphasize a quantitative measure applied to
ositions. A simple proposition is formed by a the process of perception. For that, he used
situation s and a type of situation <<R,s>> the concept of intensity in the stimulus, some-
so that: proposition (s, <<R,s>>) is true if and thing that till that moment was a bit ambigu-
only if s <<R,s>> ous. So that, to perceive a change in a stimulus
it is necessary that it grows in a constant pro-
Finally, an infon is a fact just in case the ac- portion in relation to its true magnitude:
tual situation supports it.
∆E/E = K
This notion acquires a logarithmic form in the
― BARWISE, J. (1989). The Situation in Logic. Stanford: work of G. Fechner makes it more difficult
― DEVLIN, K. (1991). Logic and Information. Cam- adding to the term the one of intensity of the
bridge: Cambridge University Press. sensation. While this grows in an arithmetic
― GINZBURG, J. (2005) "Situation Semantics: the progression the one of the stimulus grows in a
Ontological Balance Sheet". Research on Language and geometric progression. The intensity of the
Computation, 3, pp. 363-389.
stimulus S depends on the logarithm E in re-
(FS –ed.-; CA, FS) lation to two constants K and C, where

116 glossariumBITri

S = K · ln E + C the idea of environment that functions as the

framework in which the human being devel-
S. S. Stevens, thinking about Weber’s law the
ops. For that he takes from Physics the con-
same as Fechner, ended improving the for-
cept of field, understood as the place where
mula. In his case the variation of a sensation is
the particles interplay. For him the behaviour
not constant in relation to the sensation but it
is a functionbetween the person and the envi-
is proportional to it. The intensity of the sen-
ronment: C = f(p.a). This communion shows
sation S is equals to the constant C multiplied
that it is impossible the conception of the hu-
by the intensity of the stimulus E:
man knowledge without taking into account
S = C · Ek the field, and also that it cannot be thought a
figure without a background. Köhler, in his in-
But in all cases if the stimulus is any element
vestigations about the primate reasoning, con-
or agent that stimulates, provoking a reaction
cludes that learning is not the result of a
in the body, whereas sensation in the impres-
method of experiment and error, as the behav-
sion produced, then it is expected that any
iourist thesis said. On the contrary it showed
quantitative formula intending to measure
spontaneously and suddenly.
sensation will reduce its applicability hindering
any comparison between stimulus (the ap- Karl Bühler, who had also been formed in the
plicability depends on the determination of Weimar school, develops a complete theory
the field, which nowaday runs the risk to be about language. He analyzes the sign from the
restricted to the fields of media and ICTs). point of view of the speaker, of the listener
and the referent and he established three re-
A bit later, W. Wundt, follower of the ideas
spective functions of language: the representa-
of Helmholtz, gave the first steps through the
tion, expression, and appeal. His pupil Karl
door that the previous physiological method
Popper adds a new one: the argumentative.
has opened. He not only gave psychology a
As they established relations on the way the
method but also he gave it the scientific char-
brain orders thought, the development of the
acter that it has currently. On the one hand he
structuralism was near.
analyzes the sensations with comparative sys-
tems that play with a reality that is supposed The analysis of the configurations through
to be objective, and on the other one he ana- which the human being discovers reality is sci-
lyzes the subjective sensation that provokes in entific, but we cannot forget that to do it we
people. His new structuralist idea would gen- need to leave the logic of the speech. That is
erate a long list of followers. to say, formal analysis needs to be articulated
by rules that are beyond it for both, Science
While this was happening in Leipzig, in Wei-
and Language, need rules to be articulated and
mar the chool of psychology of the Gestalt
because of it they have a determinist character.
was being founded: M. Wertheimer, W. Köh-
The basis of the problem is in the final profile
ler, K. Koffka and K. Lewin will say to the
of some tools that are really hermetic, in the
world that perceptions are not a group of iso-
case of the formal definitions in general as well
lated images but they consist of configurations
as in their symbolic side. R. Jakobson, using
that function as structured unities. Max
again the mathematic theories of information
Wertheimer, creator of the school, shows a
of Shannon and Weaver and influenced by
whole series of innate laws that organize per-
Bühler’s ideas, develops a linear model of
ception. Koffka analyzes the way in which the
communication where he describes six func-
human being and the environment interplay to
tions of language (referential, emotive, cona-
develop a theory of the human behaviour. K.
tive, phatic, metalingual, and poetic) related to
Lewin starts from the idea of gestalt, which
the six basic elements of the communicative
first differentiates the figure from the back-
process (context, sender, receiver, message,
ground. He develops his theory according to
common code and contact)

glossariumBITri 117

It is from scientific and mathematical theories redundancy. His gestalt approach of the form
and languages that E. Cassirer takes the con- develops a sense of unity that follows param-
cept of function to develop a philosophy of eters contrary to chance. His structuralist
symbolic forms. The human capability of be- method analyzes the communicative action
ing able to name, turns reality into a symbolic within a context in which he places a sender
concept and becomes part of it. That data and a receiver that share the same language
originates complex symbolic forms integrated and, for that, the same index and a common
in all areas and functions of the human being. code, emphasizing original, understandable
This integration creates perceptions which and foreseeable elements.
separate from prior data. Critical thinking does
For M. Bense the aesthetic aspect of the com-
not come with reason but with its cultural as-
municative process belongs to its own physi-
pect. It is a criticism to knowledge which is
cal support. In his Aesthetic of information he
created as a historic criticism that enriches pre-
criticizes the arbitrariness and limits that the
vious meanings constantly.
application of Birkhoff’s formula shows, em-
G. Birkhoff approaches to aesthetics through phasizing the order version of S. Maser. In the
mathematical studies on music and geometric. new formula the amount of complexity as-
In the thirties, he published his book Aesthetic pects will be taken into account. His work is
Measure that shows the quotient between the completed by a theory about text, chosen as
order and the complexity: an example of order and display of aesthetic
Both notions come from a rereading of the
idea of symmetry, of repetition, of regularity.
If order refers to the regularity of elements of
an image, the complexity refers to the number
of elements that form that image. His work
begins the interest for the quantitative and
mathematic formalization of the aesthetic as-
pects generating a way that will be followed by
authors such as A. Moles, M. Bense o R. Arn-
heim, among others.
Regarding A. Moles, he mixes technical, phys- Figure 1: Communicative system taken of A. Moles; B.
ical and philosophical knowledge with some Vallancien (1963)
aspects of structuralism with the human be-
haviour in the communicative process to de-
velop his sociological and statistical studies. In
his book The physical structure of the musical and
phonetic signal, of the year 1952, he analyzed
how a signal becomes lower till it isn’t per-
ceived. Six years later he published Theory of
the information and aesthetic perception
where his deductions began in the road of
measurability designed by Weber and in the
theory of behaviour of Pavlov. In his work it
is shown up the interaction between the se-
mantic and static aspects of the message. He Figure 2: Communicative system in M. Bense (1972).
works on concepts such as the greatest infor-
mation, the originality, the complexity and the

118 glossariumBITri

The anthropological turning is due to H.-G. H.-R. Jauss, influenced by structuralism,

Gadamer based on Dilthey, Husserl or shows how meanings separate from the per-
Heidegger´s phenomenology. From his her- son through history. That is why he explains
meneutic perspective, he criticizes the limits of the need of an interpretive hermeneutic
the scientific method when being applied to method which provides the text with sense
the study of interactions within the communi- away from a historic vision.
cative process. Understanding stops being an
The second half of the XXth century brings
aspect of behavior to become the individual
out some different points of view about the
behavior of a person who is trying to interpret
aesthetic information. In psychology, R. Arn-
his reality. He looks into the sifnificant struc-
heim says that the human being approaches
tures on knowledge, analyses the person´s ex-
to reality through his senses thanks to forms
istence and leaves behind the exact method,
of perception. In fact, perception and
inflexible and out of its context.
knowledge are deeply united. The very sensi-
In the 60s the Frankfurt School is formed. A tivity is the one that develops intelligence.
group of left-wing thinkers from different dis-
In the semiotic method data do not have im-
ciplines, Th. W. Adorno, J. Habermas, M.
portance or order till they do not have mean-
Horkheimer and F. Oppenheimer, who un-
ing. Ch. Morris studies the role of the receiver
dertake some social studies which criticize the
as the one who interprets the signs of lan-
political tradition of the time, although with
guage. If the aesthetic measure of Birkhoff
no common criteria. Th. W. Adorno, who be-
seemed a bit simple, the value of the iconic
longs to the dialectical method, studies the
sign of Morris is quite complicated. His quali-
limits of critical thinking, taking into account
tative analysis is left for the aspects of the
the media pressure that the person has to un-
speech. As the study begins to take into ac-
dergo in an industrialized society, which is cul-
count the figure of the person who interprets,
turally deshumanized and which creates a gen-
his behaviour starts to be more important and
uine pressure that deprives ideologies. Follow-
impairs the semantic aspect of the study. U.
ing Horkheimer, he forms a social criticism in
Eco develops and generalizes the semiotic an-
which he confronts the ideal being with the
alyzes as communicative facts related to all so-
real one. Reason can´t be historic, there´s al-
ways a criticism.
J. Habermas goes further. He creates the
Theory of Communicative Action confront- ― ADORNO, TH. W. (1970). Ästhetische Theorie.
ing two rationalities: on the one hand, the sub- Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
― ARNHEIM, R. (1969). Visual Thinking. California:
stantive according to the internal perspective University of California Press, Berkeley & Los
of the human being and, on the other, the in- Ángeles.
stitutionalized system according to an external ― ABRIL, G. (1997). Teoría general de la Información. Ma-
perspective, which is shown through its struc- drid: Cátedra.
― ÁLVAREZ, LL. X. (1986). Signos estéticos y teoría
tures and complex formal processes. In this crítica de las ciencias del arte. Barcelona: Anthropos.
framework the rules of the communicative ac- ― BENSE, M. (1969). Einführung in die informations-
tion show behaviours which must be analysed theoretische Äesthetik. Hamburg: Rowohlt.
from the different positions of the subjectivist ― BIRKHOFF, G. D. (1933). Aesthetic Measure. Cam-
methods. bridge: Harvard University Press.
― BÜHLER, K. (1934). Sprachtheorie. Die Darstellungs-
The Constance School, with Jauss and other funktion der Sprache. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer.
― BÜRGER, P. et al. (1987). Estética de la recepción. Ma-
researchers, will study the texts focusing on drid: ARCO.
the analysis of form and content. It is not a ― CASSIRER, E. (1923-1929). Philosophie der sym-
matter of reaching a unique truth; the commu- bolischen Formen. (1. Die Sprache, 1923; 2. Das
nicative process constantly enriches reality. mythische Denken, 1925; 3. Phänomenologie der
Erkenntnis, 1929). Berlin: B. Cassirer.

glossariumBITri 119

― DRETSKE, F. I. (1981). Knowledge and the Flow of In- through the application of information and
formation. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press/Brad- communication technology (ICT). ICT is a set
― EAGLETON, T. (1990). The Ideology of the Aesthetic. of advanced techniques, developments and
Oxford: Blackwell. devices that integrate functionalities to infor-
― GADAMER, H.-G. (1964). “Ästhetik und Herme- mation storage, processing and transmission.
neutik”. Gesammelte Werke 8. Mohr: Tübingen. This term is used to refer to informatics con-
M. (1972). Art, Perception and Reality. Baltimore: The
nected to the Internet and especially the social
Johns Hopkins University Press. aspect. These technologies can be used for ed-
― GUSKI, R. (2000 [1989]). Wahrnehmung. Eine ucational purposes and cultural global promo-
Einführung in die Psychologie der menschlichen In- tion as well.
formationsaufnahme. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
― HABERMAS, J. (1981). Theorie des kommunikativen Technologies dealing with the treatment of in-
Handelns (I y II). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. formation offer a special service to society
― JAUSS, H. R. (1977). Ästhetische Erfahrung und Li- since they make possible activities like re-
terarische Hermeneutik. München: Fink.
― MAQUET, J. (1986). The Aesthetic Experience. An searching, organizing, and handling data, in-
Anthropologist Looks at the Visual Arts. Yale: Yale formation and knowledge along with other
University Press. electronic media like the cell phone, fax, Inter-
― MCLUHAN, M. (1964). Understanding media; the ex- net and television. This media have produced
tensions of man. New York: McGraw-Hill.
― MOLES, A. (1972). Théorie de l’information et per-
a significantcultural change as long as -in prin-
ception esthétique. Paris: Denoël. ciple- people have access to real knowledge,
― MUKAROVSKI, J. (1936). Aesthetic Function, Norm assets and intangible cultural values. ICT is not
and Value as Social Facts. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic egalitarian. It is prevalent in wealthy countries,
Publications. especially among upscale social groups as a
― PERNIOLA, M. (1997). L’estética del Novecento. Bo-
logna: Il Mulino. mechanism to replicate inequality. However,
― PLAZAOLA, J. (1999). Introducción a la estética. Histo- there is a difference with regards to traditional
ria, Teoría, Textos. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. inequalities: ICT penetrates faster and
― POPPER, K. R. (1973). Objective Knowledge: An Evolu- stronger among young people. What we know
tionary Approach. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
― SCHAEFFER J.-M. (2000). Adieu à l’esthétique. Paris:
as the →digital divide does express these ine-
PUF. qualities. This information society exclusion is
― VILLAFAÑE, J. y MÍNGUEZ, N. (2000). Principios no other than a new way to segregate people.
de la Teoría General de la Imagen. Madrid: Pirámide. This can be called digital marginalization. This
(JGS –ed-; JGS, JMD) marginalization is the result of the technology
revolution. Evidently, this is not resolved by
connecting computers in a network since core
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICA- problems may remain the same. These prob-
TION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) (S. Tecno- lems are amplified by the access to different
logías de la Información y las Comunicaciones –TICs, avenues to grow faster excluding even more
F. Technologies de l'Information et de Communication developing countries. This asks for resolving
-, G. Information- und Kommunikationstechnologien) essential rights to favour integral individual
[Transdisciplinar, Information Society] concept, self-improvement allowing the participation in
discipline, resource current changes in nourishment, education,
Currently, our society is characterized by a health, and work rights.
growing and determinant emphasis on infor- Knowledge production, diffusion and use
mation and knowledge in wealth production. should be transformed into the main growth
This constitutes the so-called information age, opportunity as farming or industrial produc-
information society or knowledge-based soci- tions once were. Otherwise, we will have no
ety. This information age is characterized by other chance to participate in the knowledge
the use, distribution, storage and creation of society and we will only become mere specta-
new information and knowledge resources tors. This issue is not really new. We have

120 glossariumBITri

found out that the development is the result the discipline of the Organization and Repre-
of the knowledge that countries are able to sentation of Knowledge). In a technical sense,
generate, diffuse and manage. Nowadays, this it is a discipline (and at the same time a com-
is so evident that differences are still raised ex- munity of practice) focused on design princi-
ponentially. ples and architecture of digital spaces in such
a way that they comply with criteria of usabil-
Our times are the current stage of transfor-
ity and information retrieval. In other words,
mations and radical changes so relevant that
it is a discipline that deals with structuring, or-
some people do not hesitate to claim we are
ganizing and tagging elements of informa-
living a third industrial revolution. This is no
tional environments to facilitate searching and
other than the so-called technology and com-
retrieval of the contained information, thus
munication information revolution. It goes
improving the usefulness of information envi-
along with a change in the knowledge system.
ronments by users.
For several decades now, the extent of tech-
nology transformation has been influencing One of the main characteristics of the infor-
the means for the creation, treatment and dif- mation architecture in an information envi-
fusion of knowledge. We believe this may ronment (for instance, a web page) is that it is
bring about a new digital knowledge age. usually not recognizable by the users. In other
words, such architecture is invisible to the
user, though there are in fact a number of (not
― Becerra, M. (s.f.) La sociedad de la información: lección bá- visible) articulated systems or structures, de-
sica. Portal de la Comunicación, Universidad Autó- fining the information architecture of, for ex-
noma de Barcelona, UAB. [En línea]
<http://www.portalcomunica- ample, a web page. These systems or struc-> [Con- tures are called components of the Information
sulta: 09/09/09] Architecture of a web or also anatomy of the
― CEPAL. (2005) Indicadores clave de las tecnologías Information Architecture of a web. Among
de la información y de las comunicaciones: part-
nership para la medición de las TIC para el desarro-
these systems or structures that build the in-
llo. Santiago de Chile: Naciones Unidas. [En línea] formation architecture there are systems such
<http://new.un- as: organization systems, labeling systems, navigation systems, search systems and con-
tors_Esp.pdf> [Consulta: 09/09/09] trolled vocabularies.
― UNESCO (s.f.) De la sociedad de la información a las so-
ciedades del conocimiento. [En línea] <http://por- Organization systems are classifications that al-
low structuring and organizing the contents of
s.pdf> [Consulta: 11/07/09] a website. The labeling systems, however, define
― UNESCO. (2005) Hacia las sociedades del conocimiento. the terms used to name the categories, options
[En línea] Paris: Ediciones Unesco. [En línea] and links used on the web with a useful lan-
< guage for users. Navigation systems permit to
ges/0014/001419/141908s.pdf> [Consulta:
09/09/09] navigate or move through a site to find the in-
formation we need; showing us where we are
(EM) and where we can go inside the structure of a
site. Search systems enable the retrieval of infor-
INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE (S. mation within the website using tools such as
arquitectura de la información, F. Architecture de l'in- indexes. Finally, in this context, controlled vocab-
formation, G. Informations-Architektur) [Research ularies are documental resources designed to
and practice] concept articulate other systems and to facilitate infor-
mation searches and retrievals.
Information Architecture is born in the late
1990s, based on the classical principles of solid
traditional Information Science (mainly from

glossariumBITri 121

References focused on the moral responsibility of com-

― GARRETT, Jesse James (2002). The Elements of puter professionals. But for scientists like Wie-
User Experience: User-Centered Design for the ner and Weizenbaum the impact of computer
Web. Indianapolis: New Riders Publishing, technology was understood to be something
― MORROGH, Earl (2002). Information Architec- that concerned society as a whole.
ture: an Emerging 21st Century Profession. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Half a century after Wiener’s seminal work the
― MORVILLE, Peter and ROSENFELD, Louis World Summit on the Information Society
(2006). Information Architecture for the World
Wide Web. 3rd Edition. Sebastopol (CA): O’Reilly
(WSIS) developed the vision
Media Inc. “[…] to build a people-centred, inclusive and devel-
― PÉREZ-MONTORO, Mario (2010). Arquitectura
de la Información en entornos web. Gijón: Trea.
opment-oriented Information Society, where every-
― WODTKE, Cristina (2002). Information Architec- one can create, access, utilize and share information
ture: Blueprints for the Web. Boston: New Riders and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities
Publishing. and peoples to achieve their full potential in promot-
(MPM. –ed.-; MPM., MG) ing their sustainable development and improving
their quality of life, premised on the purposes and
principles of the Charter of the United Nations and
INFORMATION ETHICS (S. ética de la in- respecting fully and upholding the Universal Decla-
formación, F. étique de l'information, G. Informa- ration of Human Rights.” (WSIS 2003).
tionethik) [information society] discipline
The WSIS also proposed a political agenda,
Contents.— 1) Introduction, 2) The Global Impact of namely
ICT on Society and the Environment, 3) Digital Media
Ethics: an intercultural concern, 4) Towards a common “[…] to harness the potential of information and
world: new risks, new responsability communication technology to promote the develop-
Digital ethics or information ethics in a broader sense ment goals of the Millennium Declaration, namely
deals with the impact of digital Information the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger;
and Communication Technologies (ICT) on achievement of universal primary education; promo-
our societies and the environment at large. In tion of gender equality and empowerment of women;
a narrower sense information ethics (or digital reduction of child mortality; improvement of mater-
media ethics) addresses ethical questions deal- nal health; to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and
ing with the internet and internet-worked in- other diseases; ensuring environmental sustainabil-
formation and communication media such as ity; and development of global partnerships for de-
mobile phones and navigation services. As we velopment for the attainment of a more peaceful, just
will argue, issues such as privacy, information and prosperous world.” (WSIS 2003).
overload, internet addiction, digital divide, The academic as well as the social debates on
surveillance and robotics, which are topics of these issues have increased rapidly particularly
prevailing discussion, requires an intercultural since the rise of the Internet. Digital ethics or
scrutiny. Information Ethics is posed as an en- information ethics can be considered in a narrower
deavour to cope with the challenging prob- sense as dealing with the impact of digital ICT
lems of our digital age. on society and the environment at large as well
1. Introduction. Since the second half of the as with ethical questions dealing with the In-
last century computer scientists, such as Norb- ternet digital information and communication
ert Wiener (1989/1950) and Joseph Weizen- media (digital media ethics) in particular. In-
baum (1976), called public’s attention to the formation ethics in a broader sense deals with in-
ethical challenges immanent in computer tech- formation and communication including -but
nology that can be compared in their social rel- not limited to- the digital media.
evance to the ambivalent promises of nuclear 2. The global impact of ICT on society and
energy. In the beginning the discussion was the environment. Economic, political and

122 glossariumBITri

ecological activities of modern societies rely pacity to become senders and not “just” re-
heavily on digital communication networks. ceivers of messages (→message, dialogic vs discur-
The relevance of digital ICT on the economy
became obvious with the burst of the 2000 We live in message societies. I call the science bubble. Its close dependence with the dealing with messages and messengers angelet-
financialisation of economy as well as the ics (from Greek: άγγελία/άγγελος = message/
transformation of economical activities in the messenger) (Capurro 2003, →angeletics). New
last two decades leading to a increasing glob- ICTs are widely used for political participation
alisation of the economical structure and grass-roots protest groups as well as by
(Estefanía 1996, Ramonet 2004, Castells 2007) liberation and peace movements. By the same
lead us to consider ICT as one of the main fac- token, digital communication networks make
tors leading to the recent world economic cri- possible new structures of political surveil-
sis (Bond 2008). Beyond the moral individual lance, censorship and control on individuals
responsibility of politicians, bankers and man- and whole societies. Digital ethics should ad-
agers, there is a systemic issue that has to do dress the question of the human right to com-
with the digitalization of communication and municate (→Critical Theory of Information).
information in finances and economics. Digi-
The Internet has become a local and global
tal capitalism was and is still able to bypass na-
basic social communication infrastructure.
tional and international law, control and mon-
Freedom of access should be considered a
itoring institutions and mechanisms as well as
fundamental ethical principle similar to free-
codes of practice and good governance lead-
dom of speech and freedom of the press.
ing to a global crisis of trust not only within
Some of the rights stated in the Universal Dec-
the system but with regard to the system itself.
laration of Human Rights such as the right to
Many experts in politics and economic agree freedom of thought, conscience and religion
that in order to develop a people-oriented and (Art. 18), the right to freedom of opinion and
sustainable world economic system, national expression (Art. 19), and the right to peaceful
and international monitoring agencies as well assembly and association (Art. 20) need to be
as international laws and self-binding rules are explicitly interpreted and defined taking the
needed. Academic research in digital ethics new and unique affordances of internet-
should become a core mandatory issue of eco- worked digital media into consideration. Law-
nomics and business studies. Similarly to the rence Lessig (1999) envisaged a situation in
already well established bioethics committees, which the universality of Cyberspace is endan-
ethical issues of ICT should be addressed tak- gered by local codes of the market, the soft-
ing as a model for instance the European ware industry, the laws of nation states, and
Group on Ethics in Science and New Tech- moral traditions. He writes:
nologies to the European Commission (EGE;
“If we do nothing, the code of cyberspace will change.
Capurro 2004).
The invisible hand will change it in a predictable
ICT has a deep impact on politics leading to way. To do nothing is to embrace at least that. It is
a transformation of 20th century broadcast to accept the changes that this change in code will
mass media based democracy, or mediocracy, on bring about. It is to accept a cyberspace that is less
the basis of new kinds of digital-mediated in- free, or differently free, than the space it was before.”
teractive participation. New interactive media (Lessig 1999, 109)
weakens the hierarchical one-to-many struc-
A free Internet can foster peace and democ-
ture of traditional global mass-media, giving
racy but it can also be used for manipulation
individuals, groups, and whole societies the ca-
and control. For this reason, a necessity to
strive for a future internet governance regime

glossariumBITri 123

on the basis of intercultural deliberation, dem- One important challenge in this regard is the
ocratic values and human rights has been question about how human cultures can flour-
pointed out (Senges and Horner 2009, ish in a global digital environment while avoid-
Capurro 2010). ing uniformity or isolation. Research networks
on Information Ethics are flourishing in Af-
Another issue arisen in contemporary societies
rica (ANIE: African Network for Information
concerns the impact of the materialities of
Ethics: ANIE) and Latin America (RELEI:
ICT on nature and natural resources. Elec-
Red Latinoamericana de Ética de la Infor-
tronic waste has become major issue of digital
ethics (IRIE 2009). It deals with the disposal
and recycling of all kinds of ICT devices that An example of the relevance of the intercul-
already today have devastating consequences tural approach in digital media ethics is the dis-
on humans and the environment particularly cussion on the concept of privacy from a
when exported to Third World countries. Is- Western vs. a Buddhist perspective. While in
sues of sustainability and global justice should Western cultures privacy is closely related to
be urgently addressed together with the op- the self having an intrinsic value, Buddhism re-
portunities offered by the same media to pro- lies on the tenet of non-selfand therefore the so-
mote better shelter, less hunger and combat cial perception as well as the concept of pri-
diseases. In other words, I advocate for the ex- vacy are different (Nakada and Tamura 2005;
pansion of the human rights discourse to in- Capurro 2005). However, a justification of pri-
clude the rights of non-human life and nature. vacy from a Buddhist perspective based on the
The present ecological crisis is a clear sign that concept of compassion seems possible and plau-
we have to change our lives in order to be- sible (Hongladarom 2007).
come not masters but stewards of natural en-
Digital surveillance of public spaces is sup-
posed to ensure safety and security facing un-
3. Digital media ethics: an intercultural intentional or intentional dangers for instance
concerní. The main topics of digital media from criminal or terrorist attacks. But at the
ethics or digital (information) ethics com- same time it threatens autonomy, anonymity
monly addressed are: intellectual property, pri- and trust that build the basis of democratic so-
vacy, security, information overload, digital di- cieties (RISEPTS 2009). New technologies al-
vide, gender discrimination, and censorship lowing the tracking of individuals through
(Ess, 2009; Himma and Tavani 2008). How- RFID or ICT implants are similarly ambigu-
ever a more critical reflection -as previously ar- ous with regard to the implicit dangers and
gued- should also embrace issues concerning: benefits. Therefore they need special scrutiny
economical responsibility, political participa- and monitoring (EGE 2005).
tion and materialities of ICT.
Recent advances in robotics show a wide
All these topics are objects of ethical scrutiny range of applications in everyday lives beyond
not only on the basis of universal rights and their industrial and military applications
principles but also with regard to cultural dif- (ETHICBOTS 2008). Robots are mirrors of
ferences as well as to historical and geograph- ourselves. What concepts of sociality are con-
ical singularities leading to different kinds of ceptualized and instantiated by robotics? An
theoretical foundations and practical options. intercultural ethical dialogue – beyond the
This field of ethics research is now being question of a code of ethics to become part of
called intercultural information ethics robots making out of them “moral machines”
(Capurro 2008; Hongladarom and Ess 2007; (Wallach and Allen 2009) – on human-robot
Capurro 2006; →Intercultural Information Eth- interaction is still in its infancy (Capurro and
ics). Nagenborg 2009, →roboethics).

124 glossariumBITri

Another example is the question of infor- new interactive digital media avoiding the dan-
mation overload, which has a major impact gers of cultural exploitation, homogenization,
in the everyday life of millions of people in in- colonialism, and discrimination. Individuals as
formation-rich societies (Capurro 2005b) giv- well as societies must become aware of differ-
ing rise to new kinds of diseases and challeng- ent kinds of assemblages between traditional
ing also medical practice (Capurro 2009). We and digital media according to their needs, in-
lack a systematic pathology of information so- terests and cultural backgrounds (Ong and
cieties. Similarly the question of internet ad- Collier 2005). An inclusive information society
diction particularly in young generations, is as developed during the WSIS must be global
worrisome. For example there is a growing and plural at the same time. Concepts likehy-
need for cell-phones-free times and places, in bridization or polyphony are ethical markers that
order to protect ourselves from the imperative should be taken into account when envisaging
of being permanently available. new possibilities of freedom and peace in a
world shaped more and more by digital tech-
The ethical reflection on these issues belongs
to a theory of the art of living following some
paths of thought by French philosopher In a recent report on “Being Human: Human-
Michel Foucault. He distinguishes the follow- computer interaction in the year 2020,” a re-
ing kinds of technologies, namely: sult of a meeting organized by Microsoft Re-
search in 2007, the editors write:
"technologies of production, which permit us to
produce, transform, or manipulate things," “The new technologies allow new forms of
control or decentralisation, encouraging some
"technologies of sign systems, which permit us to
forms of social interaction at the expense of
use signs, meanings, symbols, or significa-
others, and promoting certain values while
dismissing alternatives. For instance, the iPod
"technologies of power which determine the con- can be seen as a device for urban indifference,
duct of individuals and submit them to certain the mobile phone as promoting addiction to
ends or domination, an social contact and the Web as subverting tra-
ditional forms of governmental and media au-
"technologies of the self, which permit individuals
thority. Neural networks, recognition algo-
to effect by their own means or with the help
rithms and data-mining all have cultural impli-
of others a certain number of operations on
cations that need to be understood in the
their own bodies and souls, thoughts, conduct,
wider context beyond their technical capabili-
and way of being, so as to transform them-
ties. The bottom line is that computer technol-
selves in order to attain a certain state of hap-
ogies are not neutral – they are laden with hu-
piness, purity, wisdom, perfection, or immor-
man, cultural and social values. These can be
tality." (Foucault 1988, 18)
anticipated and designed for, or can emerge
How can we ensure that the benefits of infor- and evolve through use and abuse. In a multi-
mation technology are not only distributed eq- cultural world, too, we have to acknowledge
uitably, but that they can also be used by the that there will often be conflicting value sys-
people to shape their own lives? (Capurro tems, where design in one part of the world
2005a; See also Capurro 1996; 1995; 1995a). becomes something quite different in another,
Another important issue of digital media eth- and where the meaning and value of a technol-
ics concerns the so-called digital divide ogy are manifest in diverse ways. Future re-
should not be considered just a problem of search needs to address a broader richer con-
technical access to the Internet but an issue of cept of what it means to be human in the flux
how people can better manage their lives using of the transformation taking place.” (Harper,
Rodden, Rogers and Sellen 2008, 57)

glossariumBITri 125

This remarkable quote from a meeting orga- ogy. This relativization of the digital perspec-
nized not by anti-tech humanists, but by one tive has been called digital ontology (Capurro
of the leading IT companies, summarizes the 2006).
main present and future tasks of digital ethics
Who are we in the digital age? As human cul-
as a critical interdisciplinary and intercultural
tures become digitally hybridized this process
on-going reflection on the transformation of
affects social life in all its dimensions as well
humanity through computer technology.
as our interplay with nature. The key task of
4. Towards a common world: new risks, digital ethics is to make us aware of the chal-
new responsibility. Humanity is experienc- lenges and options for individual and social
ing itself particularly through the digital me- life design. The digital medium is an oppor-
dium as a totality or system of interrelations. tunity for the subjects of the 21stcentury to
Who are we and what do we want to be as hu- transform themselves and their relations in
manity? This question asks for a historical not and with the world. This implies allowing each
a metaphysical answer. A negative vision of other to articulate ourselves in the digital net-
such unity are balkanisations and imperialisms work, while taking care of historical, cultural
of all kinds, including digital ones. and geographical singularities. An ethical in-
tercultural dialogue is needed in order to un-
Whereas the digital technologies might dimin-
derstand and foster human cultural diversity.
ish “vulnerability and commitment” (Dreyfus
Hereby we must look for common ethical
2001), the global challenges (as those gathered
principles so that digital cultures can become
in the UN Millennium Goals), bring about un-
a genuine expression of human liberty and cre-
predictable dangers in which information
technologies are undoubtedly involved (in
both positive and negative aspects), and claim References
for a renewal of responsibility, regarding what
technology we want, how we develop it, how ― ANIE (African Network for Information Ethics)
we share it, how we use it. We might cope with
all these challenges, which include inequalities, ― BOND, P. (2008). Post-imperialist north-south fi-
nancial relations? Studies in Political Economy, 81, 77-
divides and injustices of many types, if we 97.
jump over the human wall, i.e. we consider our ― CAPURRO, Rafael and NAGENBORG, Michael
endeavour for human rights as a part of a wider (Eds.) (2009). Ethics and Robotics. Heidelberg: Akade-
objective for a common world where careful- mische Verlagsanstalt.
ness extends towards nature. And this careful- ― CAPURRO, R. (2010). Medicina 2.0. Reflexiones
ness itself, should jump over a formal strive sobre una patología de la sociedad de la informa-
for rights, probably needing a rebirth of care- ción. [Medicine 2.0: Reflections over a pathology of
the Information Society] Humanitas, 48, 1-12.
fulness -for instance in health care (Kleinman
et al. 2006), for which a critical appraisal ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2009). Leben in der message
society. Eine medizinethische Perspektive. [online]
within digital environment is needed (Capurro <> [acces-
2010)- since needs, human or not, are much sed: 9/3/2010]
more than simple collections of data, requiring ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2008). Intercultural Informa-
a careful interpretation process, a closer interplay tion Ethics. In: Kenneth E. Himma, Kenneth Einar
among partakers (→Hermeneutics). and Herman Tavani (Eds.): The Handbook of Infor-
mation and Computer Ethics. Hoboken, New Jersey:
Digital globalization should make us aware of Wiley, 639-665.
the human interplay with each other in such a ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2006). Towards an Ontological
common world instead of making of the digi- Foundation of Information Ethics. In: Ethics and In-
tal perspective over our lives and over reality a formation Technology, vol. 8, Nr.4, 175-186.
kind of digital metaphysics or (political) ideol- ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2006a). Ethik der Informationsge-
sellschaft. Ein interkultureller Versuch [Ethics of the In-
formation Society. An intercultural approach].

126 glossariumBITri

[online] <> Gutman, P. H. Hutton. The University of Massa-

[accessed: 8/3/2010] chusetts Press.
― CAPURRO, Rafael (2005). Privacy. An intercultural ― HARPER, Richard; RODDEN, Tom; ROGERS,
perspective. Ethics and Information Technology, 7, 37-47. Yvonne; SELLEN, Abigail (2008). Being Human: Hu-
― CAPURRO, Rafael (2005a). Passions of the Inter- man-Computer Interaction in the Year 2020. Microsoft
net. In: Wolfgang Palaver, Petra Steinmair-Pösel Corporation.
(Eds.): Passions in Economy, Politics, and the Media in ― HIMMA, Kenneth Einar and TAVANI, Herman
Discussion with Christian Theology. Vienna: Lit Verlag, (Eds.) (2008).The Handbook of Information and Com-
331-343. puter Ethics. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
― CAPURRO, Rafael (2005b). Between Trust and ― HONGLADAROM, Soraj and Ess, Charles (Eds.)
Anxiety. On the moods of information society. In: (2007). Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspec-
Richard Keeble (ed.): Communication Ethics Today. tives. Hershey: Idea Group.
Leicester: Troubadour Publishing Ltd., 2005, 187- ― HONGLADAROM, Soraj (2007). Analysis and Jus-
196. tification of Privacy from a Buddhist Perspective.
― CAPURRO, Rafael (2004). Ethics between Law and In: Soraj Hongladarom and Charles Ess (Eds.): Infor-
Public Policy. Journal of International Biotechnology Law mation Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives. Hershey:
(JIBL) Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2004, 62-66. Idea Group, 108-122.
― CAPURRO, Rafael (2003). Angeletics – A Message ― IRIE (2009). Network Ecologies: Ethics of Waste in the
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ferent scales and levels. ZKM - Center for Art and Me- (2006). Culture, Illness, and Care: Clinical Lessons
dia, Karlsruhe, Germany July 4-6, 2003. Karlsruhe: From Anthropologic and Cross-Cultural Research.
Verlag ZKM, 58-71. The Journal of Lifelong Learning Psychiatry, 4(1), 140-
― CAPURRO, Rafael (1995). Leben im Informationszeital- 149.
ter. Berlin: Akademie Verlag ― LESSIG, Lawrence (1999). Code and Other Laws of
― CAPURRO, Rafael (1995a). Information Technolo- Cyberspace. New York: Basic Books.
gies and Technologies of the Self. Journal of Infor- ― NAKADA, Makoto and TAMURA, Takanori
mation Ethics 1996, Vol. 5, No.2, 19-28. (2005). Japanese conceptions of privacy: An inter-
― CASTELLS, M. (2007). Communication, Power and cultural perspective. Ethics and Information Technology,
Counter-power in the Network Society. International 7, 27-36.
Journal of Communication, 1(2007), 238-266. ― ONG, Aihwa and COLLIER, Stephen J. (Eds.)
― DREYFUS, H.L. (2001) On the Intenet. New York: (2005). Global Assemblages. Technology, Politics
Routledge and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. Malden,
― ESTEFANÍA, J. (1996). La nueva economía. La globali- MA: Blackwell.
zación. [The new economy. The Globalisation] Bar- ― RAMONET, I. (2004). Wars of the 21st Century: New
celona: Debate. Threats New Fears. Melbourne, Australia: Ocean
― ETHICBOTS (2008). Emerging Technoethics of Press.
Human Interaction with Communication, Bionic ― RELEI (Red Latinoamericana de Etica de la Infor-
and Robotic Systems. [online] <http://ethic- mación) [Online] <http://redeticainforma-> [accessed: 8/3/2010]> [Accessed: 02/2010]
― EGE (European Group on Ethics in Science and ― RISEPTIS (2009). Trust in the information society. Re-
New Technologies). [online] < port of the Advisory board RISEPTIS (Research> and Innovation on Security Privacy and Trustwor-
[accessed: 8/3/2010] thiness in the Information Society). European Com-
― EGE (2005). Ethical Aspects of ICI Implants in the mission’s 7th Framework. [Online]
Human Body. Opinion No. 20 [online] <> [ac-
< cessed: 28/11/2009]
ics/avis/index_en.htm> [accessed: 8/3/2010] ― SENGES, Max and Horner, Lisa (2009). Values,
― ESS, Charles (2009). Digital Media Ethics. Cambridge, principles and rights in internet governance. Report
UK: Polity Books. for the Freedom of Expression Project. Global
Parnters & Associates
― FOUCAULT, Michel (1988). Technologies of the Self. A
Seminar with Michel Foucault. Ed. by L. H. Martin, H.

glossariumBITri 127

― UNITED NATIONS (2008). Millenium Goals. people to manage information needs to

[Online] < search, assess, use and optimize information
umgoals/2008highlevel/> [accessed: 8/3/2010] to solve problems and make decisions. IN-
― WALLACH, Wendall and Allen, Colin (2009). Moral FOLIT is considered a pre-requisite to partic-
Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong. Oxford: ipate actively and effectively in the knowledge
Oxford University Pres..
society. Furthermore, it is part of the basic hu-
― WEIZENBAUM, Josef (1976). Computer Power man rights for long life learning and promotes
and Human Reason: From Judgement to Calcula-
tion. San Francisco: Freeman. social inclusion in every nation. OECD and
European Space of Higher Education include
― WIENER, Norbert (1989). The Human Use of Human information literacy as one of the basic com-
Beings. Cybernetics and Society. London: Free Assoc.
Books (First published in 1950) petencies for any citizen.
― WSIS (2003). Declaration of Principles. [online] INFOLIT is understood as the knowledge
<> [accessed:
and capacity to use in a reflective fashion, in-
tentionally and ethically, the set of concepts,
(RC –ed.-; RC, JMD) procedures, and attitudes involved in the pro-
cess of searching, obtaining, assessing, using
INFORMATION LITERACY (S. alfa- and communicating information through
betización informacional, F. Maîtrise de l'information, online and mainstream media. Literacy in in-
G. Informationskompetenz) [ICT, information formation is a set of abilities that enable peo-
society, globalisation, education] concept ple “to recognize when information is needed
and have the capacity to locate, evaluate and
Several terms such as information literacy, lit- use effectively the needed information” (ALA,
eracy in information and development of in- 1989). Literacy in information exceeds the
formation skills or information competencies concept related to user training and it affects
are used interchangeably to identify compe- content as well as pedagogy. It entails the de-
tencies, skills, aptitudes, knowledge, personal velopment of technical skills required to ac-
experiences and required values to access, use, cess, analyze and assess information (Aragón,
and communicate information in any medium 2005).
(digital or paper) for academic, research, pro-
fessional or entertainment purposes. Overall, the term “alfabetización”, a transla-
tion from the English word “literacy”, is ap-
Translating this term into Spanish has brought plied to the capacity to use different media,
about different concepts and definitions such technologies or languages. Thus, we can talk
as information competencies (competencias about technology literacy (capacity to handle
informacionales), information literacy information technology and communication),
(alfabetización informacional), literacy in in- digital (hypertext media domain and Internet),
formation (alfabetización en información). audiovisual literacy (capacity to understand
However, the term most frequently used in and criticize audiovisual media and languages),
Spanish is “desarrollo de habilidades informa- scientific literacy (science domain and its
tivas” (development of information skills) mechanisms to create, transmit and apply in-
(Lau, 2006). To refer to information literacy in formation) among others. A crucial objective
Spanish, the acronym ALFIN is generally of lifelong literacy entails digital and IN-
used. This acronym was coined by Félix Be- FOLIT basic read-write literacy integrating
nito in 1995. In English, the acronym IN- this with lifelong learning.
FOLIT is generally used.
Information literacy is considered a means to
develop one of UNESCO’s four pillars for ed- DENTIAL COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION
ucation in the 21st century: learning to know LITERACY. (1989). Final Report 1989. [Online]
about something, long life learning, training

128 glossariumBITri

< acquisition cost, processing and use of infor-

pers/presidential.htm> [Accessed: 19/05/09] mation, identify responsibilities for the effec-
― ARAGÓN, I. (2005) "Formación de usuarios y alfa-
betización en información". L. ORERA O. (ed) La tive, efficient and economic use of infor-
biblioteca universitaria: análisis en su entorno híbrido.. Ma- mation and ensure a continuous supply of in-
drid: Editorial Síntesis. formation.
EDUCACIÓN PARA EL SIGLO XXI; DELORS, The Information Management has a close re-
J., PRES. (2000). La educación encierra un tesoro. [On- lationship with the discipline of Knowledge
line] París: Unesco. < Management in the organizational context.
tion/pdf/DELORS_S.PDF> [Accessed: 19/05/09]
― LAU, J. (2000). Desarrollo de habilidades informativas en
The objectives of the Information Manage-
instituciones de educación superior. México: Universidad ment focus on those processes related to stor-
Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. age, processing and dissemination of explicit
― LAU, J. (2004) Directrices internacionales para la al- knowledge that is represented in the docu-
fabetización informativa: propuesta. [Online] Mé- ments. However, in this context, knowledge
xico: IFLA, Universidad Veracruzana. <http://bi- management goes a little beyond the Infor-
trices.pdf > [Accessed: 19/05/09] mation Management. This would be in charge
― LAU, J. (2006). Directrices sobre el desarrollo de habilida- of making all knowledge into corporative
des informativas para el aprendizaje permanente. La Haya: knowledge and disseminate it appropriately. It
― PINTO, M; SALES, D.; OSORIO, P. (2008). Biblio-
mainly deals with the pragmatic and strategic
teca universitaria, CRAI y alfabetización informacional. Gi- decisions relating to the creation, identifica-
jón: Ediciones Trea. tion, capture, storage and dissemination the
― UNESCO. (1998) Declaración Mundial sobre la integrated knowledge in an organization. And
Educación Superior en el Siglo XXI: visión y ac- finally, the development of these operations
ción.Conferencia Mundial sobre la Educación Supe-
rior. [Online] would be implemented in tume with the hu-
<ís1.htm> man dimension of these processes, respecting
[Accessed: 21/09/09] and redesigning the necessary organizational
― UNESCO-IFLA. (2005) Declaración de Alejandría elements.
sobre la alfabetización informacional y el aprendi-
zaje a lo largo de la vida. [Online] References
es.html> [Accessed: 21/09/09] ― CORNELLA, Alfons (1999). Gestió de recursos
d’informació. Barcelona: EdiUOC.
(EM) ― CRONIN, Blaise (1985). Information Management:
From Strategies to Action. London: ASLIB.
― ORNA, Elizabeth (1999). Practical Information Pol-
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (S. icies. Aldershot: Gower.
gestion de la información, F. gestion de l'information, ― ORNA, Elizabeth (2004). Information Strategy in
G. informationsmanagement) [Business Informat- Practice. Aldershot: Gower
ics, Bussiness Management, Information Soci- Gestión del Conocimiento en las Organizaciones.
ety, TIC] discipline Gijón: Trea.
Information management, in the context of “La Información en las organizaciones”. Díaz Na-
organizations, can be identified as the disci- fría, J. M. y Salto Alemany, F. (eds.) (2008). ¿Qué es
pline that deals with everything related to ob- información?. León: Instituto Nacional de Tecnolo-
taining the appropriate information in the gías de la Comunicación (INTECO).
right way, for the right person, at the good “El documento como dato, conocimiento e infor-
cost, at the appropriate moment, in the right mación”. [Online]. Tradumática, núm. 2, 2003.
place and articulating all these operations for <ática/revista> [Ac-
the development of correct action. In this con- cessed: 30 dic. 2003].
― PONJUÁN DANTE, Gloria (2007). Gestión de la
text, the main objectives of the Information Información. Gijón: Trea.
Management are: maximizing the value and
benefits of use of information, minimizing the

glossariumBITri 129

― SOY, Cristina (2003). Auditoria de la información: state of affairs carries information about the
análisis de la información generada en la empresa. second one. Example: the fact that the wait-
Barcelona: EdiUOC.
ress' hands are muddy carries the information
(MPM. –ed.-; MPM, MG) that my plate is possibly muddy.
In theories prior to situation theory this dis-
INFORMATION FLOW (S. flujo de infor- tinction was not always taken into account.
mación, F. flux d'information, G. Informationsfluss) Neither it is clearly stated in recent proposals
[transdiciplinary, semantics, situation the- like that of Floridi (2005). On the other hand,
ory] concept, metaphor whenever the flow of information is on the fo-
Contents.— 1) Information and information flow, 2) cus two typical problems arise immediately:
Defining information flow. Is it required the existence of agents for the
There is no standard definition of "infor- flow of information to take place? Usually this
mation flow", and neither there is of "infor- question is answered in an affirmative manner.
mation". Nevertheless, in ordinary life we Situation theory gives for granted their exist-
seem to be in agreement with the meanings of ence in despite of some occasional debate on
information and information flow. A major this matter. Channel theory (Barwise and
problem is to know whether information flow Seligman 1997), on the contrary, doesn't men-
is a concept or a metaphor. Here we are going tion agents very frequently. Dretske (1981) is
to assume it is a concept. not completely clear. On the one hand he de-
fines the flow of information through the no-
While the concept of information is quite dif- tion of an external observer: "A state of affairs
ficult to grasp, a definition of information flow contains information about X to just that ex-
in terms of information should not be that tent of which a suitable placed observer could
hard. Therefore, in this entry we propose an learn something about X by consulting it"
informal definition of information flow from (Dretske 1981: 45); on the other hand, he
the starting point of some elementary con- states that information is an agent-independ-
cepts in a well-established theory of semantic ent phenomenon. Floridi (2005) distinguishes
information: situation theory (Barwise and between semantic information (which is agent-de-
Perry 1983; Barwise 1989; Devlin 1991). pendent) and environmental information (which is
1. Information and information flow. Situa- agent-independent).
tion theory distinguishes between information How to explain the properties of the flow of
and information flow (Devlin 1991: 142-144). information? Pérez-Montoro (2007) offers a
The basic assumption is that information is comprehensive discussion of both these prop-
abstract and can be used for classifying con- erties: relativity (the same state of affairs might
crete states of affairs. On this assumption is carry different pieces of information to differ-
built up the following distinction: ent agents), and fallibility (sometimes a state of
There is information about a state of affairs as affairs do not carry the information it is sup-
long as we can classify it by means of abstract posed to carry). Almost any author tries to ex-
states, such as vectors, time periods or logical plain those properties, which in turn exhibit
formulae. We then say that the state of af- different names as well as diverse formula-
fairssupports certain information. Example: we tions.
have information about the waitress in that we 2. Defining information flow. Now then,
know that his hands are muddy. neither in situation theory nor in further theo-
There is flow of information from one state of af- ries information flow is defined as such. It is
fairs to another as long as some way of classi- only said that there is flow of information
fying the first one indicates some way of clas- whenever some states of affairs carry infor-
sifying the second. Then we say that the first

130 glossariumBITri

mation about each other. A definition of in- report in which either the noun "information"
formation flow must be therefore based on or the verb "to inform" or the adjective "in-
the concept of information. formative" or some other derivative appears.
(ii) A report that can be paraphrased into a re-
If we call "distributed system" to any collec-
port of the first sort.
tion of states of affairs that are able of carrying
information about each other (Barwise and Examples: "a informs to b about p", "database
Seligman 1997), and we call "information DB1 contains more information than database
transfer" to the fact that -with respect to a dis- DB2", "information source S1 is less reliable
tributed system- a state of affairs actually in- than information source S2", "it is illegal that
forms about another one, then we can define the a conceals from b the information p".
flow of information within a distributed system as the
In a narrow sense, an information report is any
class of all its information transfers with respect to cer-
report that (iii) either exhibits the form "signal
tain analysis of the system as well as certain period of
s carries the information p", (iv) or can be re-
time. This definition has the advantage of con-
phrased in such a form.
forming with common sense and with some
basic yet fundamental concepts of situation 2. Remarks. We are not dealing with standard
theory. defitinitons as there is not a well established
theory on information reports and their se-
mantics. The definition in a broad sense tries
― BARWISE, J. (1989). The situation in logic. Stanford: to gather diverse contributions of the tech-
CSLI Publications. nical literature since at least Fox (1983).
― BARWISE, J. & PERRY, J. (1983). Situations and At-
titudes. Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books / The MIT An information report in a narrow sense is but
Press. a variety of information report in a broad
― BARWISE, J. & SELIGMAN, J. (1997). Information
Flow. The Logic of Distributed Systems. Cambridge: sense. But the influence of Israel and Perry
Cambridge University Press. (1991), where the former are defined, justifies
― DEVLIN, K. (1991). Logic and Information. Cam- the distinction.
bridge: Cambridge University Press.
― DRETSKE, F. (1981). Knowledge and the Flow of Infor- The reduction from (ii) to (i) and from (iv) to
mation. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (iii) is not always so clear, therefore it is con-
― FLORIDI, L. (2005). Semantic Conceptions of Infor- venient to center on (i) and (iii) up to grasping
mation. [Online]. Stanford: Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. [En línea] <http://plato.stan- well the information concept. However, there> [Consul- are clear cases of possible reduction, as it hap-
ted: 08/11/2009]. pens with reports like "s means p" as they are
― PÉREZ-MONTORO, M. (2007). The Phenome- studied in Grice (1957) or Barwise and Perry
non of Information. A Conceptual Approach to In-
formation Flow. Medford, NJ: The Scarecrow Press,
Inc. 3. Methodological relevance. In analytical
(JO) philosophy it is usually argued for (Fox 1983:
20-29) that any conceptual investigation on in-
formation must begin with a prior study re-
INFORMATION REPORTS (S. enunciados garding information reports. This does not
de información, F. rapports d'information, G. Infor- imply resigning from the study of concepts
mationsberichte) [transdiciplinary, semantics, si- and realities in favor of a mere study of lan-
tuation theory] concept guage. The strategy is to take the language as a
Contents.— 1) Definition, 2) Remarks, 3) Methodolog- starting point. First it is agreed that reality X is
ical relevance, 4) Examples. the meaning of expression "X". Then the lin-
guistic uses of "X" are discussed, since this is
1. Definition. In a broad sense, an infor-
a more objective field than that of the direct
mation report is one of these two things: (i) A
discussion about X. Finally we come back to

glossariumBITri 131

the study of X, this time from an intersubjec- They do not distribute across disjunction:
tiveagreement and conceptual delimitation given "sinforms that p or q", one does not con-
that stems from the previous discussion about clude "s informs that p or s informs that q".
the uses of "X".
They are opaque with respect to definite de-
4. Examples. Since there is no standard the- scriptions: given "s informs that c holds the
ory regarding information reports, it is more property P" and the equality c = "the x that
secure to introduce them trough concrete ex- holds Q", one does not conclude "s informs
amples instead of displaying from the very be- that the xthat holds Q also holds P".
ginning a tentative classification. Let's see two
Some analyses of information reports based
of them. The first one comes from Israel and
on Israel and Perry (1991), like e.g. Barwise
Perry (1991), the second from Floridi (2006).
and Seligman (1997: 12-13), take any report of
The former example assumes some
type (1) to be an abbreviation of some report
knowledge on propositional attitude reports
of type (2). Such analyses are usually based on
(McKay y Nelson 2008). The latter requires
Dretske (1981).
some basics on modal epistemic logic (Hen-
dricks and Symons 2009). Example 2: "agent a is informed that p"
Example 1: "signal s carries the information that p" Floridi (2006) establishes three different ways
in which an agent a can be related to an infor-
Israel and Perry (1991) devotes its first section
mation piece p, the latter being a contingently
to the logical-linguistic study of information
true proposition. These three relations can be
reports. Paradigmatic examples are:
seen like interpretations of the expression "the
(1) "The x-rays indicates that Jackie has a bro- agent a is informed about p".
ken leg."
Being informative: Evaluation of that situation in
(2) "The fact that the x-ray has such and such which p brings information to the agent.
a pattern indicates that Jackie has a broken
Becoming informed: The process by which the
agent gets the information p. The result of this
Both in (1) and in (2) the initial noun phrase process is the situation in which the agent is
plus the verb or verb phrase form the informa- informed.
tional context; the proposition designated by the
Being informed: The cognitive state of the agent
that-clause is theinformational content. The ob-
by virtue of which it possesses the information
ject designated by the initial noun phrase of (1)
p. It can be seen as the result of the action of
is the carrier of the information; the fact desig-
becoming informed.
nated by the initial noun phrase of (2) is the
indicating fact. Of these three interpretations Floridi (2006)
focuses only on the third one. He wonders if
Some important properties of informational
there exist modal logics whose modal operator
Iap could be read as "the agent ais informed
They are factive: if an information report is that p". If that is the case, those logics would
true, its informational content is true too. be comparable to the modal doxastic logics
KD, KD4 and KD45 (where Bap means that a
They are not truth-functional: given "s in-
believes that p), as well as to the modal epis-
forms that p" and the logical equivalence be-
temic logics KT, S4 and S5 (where Kap means
tween p and q, one does not conclude "s in-
that a knows that p). The proposal of Floridi
forms that q".
(2006) is to interpret the modal logic KTB as
They distribute across conjunction: if "s in- the best formal model for the relation of "be-
forms that p and q", then "s informs that p and ing informed".
s informs that q".

132 glossariumBITri

References 1. Changes in the meaning of the term. In

― BARWISE, J. & PERRY, J. (1983). Situations and At- the first place, the term only was used to de-
titudes. Cambridge: Cambridge (Massachusetts): The note the set of techniques and process aimed
MIT Press. to retrieve data from data bases in computer
― BARWISE, J. & SELIGMAN, J. (1997). Information systems. In the early nineties, with the increas-
Flow. The Logic of Distributed Systems. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
ing amount of text documents in the Web, text
― DRETSKE, F. I. (1981). Knowledge and the Flow of In- retrieval becomes the main goal of these tech-
formation. Cambridge (Massachusetts): The MIT niques. Most of these tools look for finding
Press. words in common between the textual query
― FLORIDI, L. (2006). "The logic of being in- and textual documents. As multimedia re-
formed".Logique et Analyse, Vol. 49(196), pp. 433-
460. sources growths in Internet, search engines
― FOX, C. J. (1983). Information and Misinformation. begin to search audio, images, and video re-
An Investigation of the Notions of Information, sources. In the literature, document retrieval,
Misinformation, Informing, and Misinforming. text retrieval, information retrieval, and data
Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press.
― GRICE, P. (1957). "Meaning". The Philosophical Re-
retrieval are often employed as equivalents,
view, Vol. 66, pp. 377-388. although, indeed, each one has a specific
― HENDRICKS, V. & SYMONS, J. (2009). Epistemic meaning.
Logic. [Online]. Stanford: The Stanford Encyclope-
dia of Philosophy (Spring 2009 Edition). Traditionally, in the Web context the answer
< to a query is a set of documents that probably
mic/>. [Consulted: 18/12/2009]. have relevant data about the topic. Another re-
― ISRAEL, D. & PERRY, J. (1991). "What is infor- lated area is question-answering systems that
mation?". In Philip Hanson (ed.). Information, Lan-
guage and Cognition. Vancouver: University of British answer to a query just with a specific data, and
Columbia. not with a set of documents.
― McKAY, T. & NELSON, M. (2008). Propositional
Attitude Reports. [Online]. Stanford: The Stanford 2. Information Retrieval and Knowledge
Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition). Retrieval. Usually, information regards to
< what is and which properties has something.
reports/>. [Consulted: 18/12/2009]. In other words Information is related to defi-
(JO) nitions. But Information seldom cares about
how relate with other information elements, in
a specific context. The integration of infor-
INFORMATION RETRIVAL (S. recupera- mation items among them is what is regarded
ción de información, F. recherche d'information, G. in- as knowledge. So, an explicitation of know-
formationswiedergewinnung) [information mana- how has to define how the items are related
gement, LIS, linguistics, Informatics] concept and how the process is developed. This ap-
Contents. 1) Changes in the meaning of the proach assumes two important concepts to
term, 2) Information Retrieval and Knowledge Re- perform a task: the existence of a goal and the
trieval, 3) Information Retrieval Language and In- existence of relationships in the system among
formation Retrieval Systems, 4) Metadata, de- the concepts. On one hand, the existence of
scriptors, and indexing, 5) Information retrieval by goal implies a purpose and necessity to achieve
controlled vo-cabularies, 6) Relevance, 7) Retrieval a goal. This goal only exists in living beings.
Measures, 8) Retrieval Models. Therefore the Knowledge retrieval has sense
Information retrieval is the set of activities just in the brain of the human being that per-
that facilitates the searching and retrieval of forms the query. On the other hand,
data. Information retrieval comprises tech- knowledge implies that the information is in-
niques from linguistics, computer science, in- terrelated to archive the goal. So, the infor-
formation science, and text mining. mation is related by means of a set of rules and
restrictions. The inclusion of these rules in
computer applications is the reason to change

glossariumBITri 133

the name from Information Retrieval Systems from a specific domain often are listed, in a
to Knowledge Retrieval Systems. These sys- normalized way. This list is called controlled
tems have their origin in the Artificial Intellin- vocabulary, and each descriptor is known as
gence (AI) field. AI tries to emulate human descriptor. This vocabulary could present re-
reasoning, and this involves having finalities, lationships among terms. Vocabulary control
rules, and relationships. Intelligent agents and tries to avoid typical problems in natural lan-
ontologies are necessary resources to emulate guage: polysemy, homonyms, and synonyms.
the human brain. These resources induce to
Relationship types in these vocabularies might
rename information retrieval to knowledge re-
present different nature. In thesaurus relation-
trieval. Knowledge Retrieval Systems tries to
ship are equivalence, hierarchy, and semantic
implement search engine that search not only
relatedness. Faceted thesaurus shows different
words in the documents, but process, and
scopes to facilitate retrieval.
even inference data.
6. Relevance. Relevance is a measure about
3. Information Retrieval Language and In-
the degree a certain element answer to a query.
formation Retrieval Systems. The fact that
This measure is subjective, in the sense that
Information Retrieval regards to computer
depends on the knowledge of the person who
systems (in contrast with library methods that
assesses the relevancy.
have a wider meaning) causes that some re-
trieval languages are linked with a specific 7. Retrieval Measures. Performance of an
technology or system. Some well-known re- information retrieval system might be meas-
trieval languages are SQL, SPARQL, Boolean, ured by the retrieved data/documents. There
etc. are two coefficients:
4. Metadata, descriptors, and indexing. In ― Precision: proportion of relevant data re-
the 60s and 70s, computers had a limited stor- trieved from the total data retrieved.
age capacity and the speed to compute was ― Recall: extend of relevant data retrieved
low. Document in these systems need to rep- from the total of data relevant in the Data
resent its content with metadata and a small Base.
set of terms, called descriptors. Metadata used
to be author, title, source, and date. Metadata Both measures have an inverse relationship
and descriptors assignment was by-hand. (Cleverdon Law). Increase precision produces
a decrease in recall. These coefficients meas-
Nowadays, these metadata are used in the Se-
ure two different factors: noise and silence.
mantic Web because of their simplicity, facili-
tating its interoperability and navigation in the
― Noise: non-relevant data retrieved
― Silence: relevant data that have not been re-
Automatic indexing deals with the techniques trieved from the data base
to assign automatically relevant terms to a
Compute recall implies to know how many el-
document. Relevance is computed by means
ements are relevant to a specific query in the
of statistics and the term location in the docu-
data base. This relevance list is called test col-
ment. Examples are term frequency and In-
lection, and it is made by-hand. Test-collec-
verse Document Frequency (known as tf-
tions are used in international competitions to
IDF), stop-word removal or, higher weight of
test retrieval systems. TREC (Text Retrieval
the words from the title or with stressed typo-
Conference) is the best known conference
graphically (e.g. bold letters). Most of these
about retrieval.
factors are used in web search engines.
8. Retrieval Models. Retrieval models com-
5. Information retrieval by controlled vo-
pute the degree that certain elements answer
cabularies. In Information Science, terms
to a query. As a general rule it is computed by

134 glossariumBITri

means of a similarity coefficient (Cosine, Phi, References

etc). Most popular models are: ― SPENCE, Robert (2000). Information Visualization.
― Boolean: only two values are computed, rel- Pearson Education.
― CHEN, Chaomei (1999). Information Visualisation
evant/non-relevant. Only relevant docu- and Virtual Environments. Springer Verlag
ment are retrieved without any order. An ― WARE, Colin (2000). Information Visualization:
example is SQL in relational data bases. Alt- Perception for Design. Morgan Kaufmann.
hough there is an extended boolean model ― FEW, Stephen (2004). Show Me the Numbers. Oa-
kland: Analytics Press.
to provide a way to sort results. ― FEW, Stephen (2006). Information Dashboard De-
― Vectorial: A vector is built to represent the sign. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
terms that every item has. The query vector ― TUFTE, Edward (1983). The Visual Display of
and every document vector are compared, Quantitative Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics
measuring the grades that are between Press.
― TUFTE, Edward (1990). Envisioning Information.
them. Cheshire, CT:Graphics Press.
― Probabilistic: the probability of a document ― TUFTE, Edward (1997). Visual Explanations.
to answer to a query is computed. Often is Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.
used retrieval feedback to improve the ― TUFTE, Edward (2006). Beautiful Evidence.
Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.
probability estimate. Feedback is based in
user judgments about the set of document (MPM. –ed.-; MPM, MG)
retrieved. Words from positive results are
given a higher value when the query is
tenido informacional, F. contenu informationelle, G.
References Informationeller Inhalt) [semantics of infor-
― ANTONIOU, G., VAN HARMELEN, F. (2004). mation, situation theory] concepto
A semantic Web Primer. Massachussets: MIT, 2004 The main references for the notion of infor-
Modern information retrieval. New York: ACM Press; mational content are the works of Fred
New York: Addison-Wesley. Dretske. According to him, the ideas of Shan-
― CLEVERDON, C.W. (1972). “On the inverse rela- non and Weber can be adapted in order to
tionship of recall and precision”. Journal of Documen- characterize what can be the informational
tation, Vol. 28, pp. 195-201.
― SPARK-JONES, K. (1997). Readings in information re-
content of a given signal. Dretske’s proposal is
trieval. edited by Karen Sparck Jones, Peter Willett. the following one. A signal s coming from a
San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. certain source S and registered by a certain sys-
tem R having some knowledge K about S (for
instance, that S can be F or G or H) would
have the informational content that S is F if
INFORMATION VISUALIZATION (S. and only if the probability that S is F, given s
visualización de información, F. affichage d'informa- and K, is equal to 1. Other proposals have
tions, G. anzeigen von Informationen) [Research been made in the context of teleosemantical
and practices] concept approaches, like the one favoured by Millikan,
Information Visualization is the discipline that and in the context of the “situation theory”
deals with the visual representation of propo- elaborated by Barwise and Perry.
sitional content by using charts, graphs and di- Because of the way they are defined, informa-
agrams in order to facilitate the apprehension, tional contents would be very wide and they
interpretation, transformation and communi- cannot be erroneous. In contrast with infor-
cation of those contents through these visual mational content, →semantic content is very spe-
representations. cific and it can be erroneous. In particular, that
would be so with respect to the semantic con-
tents associated with propositional attitudes.

glossariumBITri 135

Informational content would be converted the brain as tiny impulses –quanta or useful in-
into a semantic content through the interven- formation–, hitting and activating the neu-
tion of functions. When there is the function rones; as a consequence becoming quanta of
of bearing some information in particular, useful information. Among other matters, hu-
then informational content can be made nar- man neural evolution due to information, as
row and the relevant information can be acti- well as other neural information theories are
vated in an erroneous way. Dretske’s approach studied.
considers three ways in which such functions
1. Introduction. In these historic times of
can be introduced: 1) as some sorts of natural
change in social structures, a transmutation
functions selected by biological evolution, 2)
process is taking place which affects all human
as some sorts of attributed functions created
manifestations. Its main influence can be seen
by artificial design, and 3) as some sorts of
in the conceptual principles related to the the-
functions acquired by individual learning.
oretical basis of many scientific disciplines.
References Considered as a whole as an essential element,
― BARWISE, J. et al. (1991) Situation Theory and its information is also affected by the transmuta-
Architecture. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press. tions that are currently taking place. Neuronal
― BAR-HILLEL, Y. (1955) “An Examination of In- Information Assimilation theories are studied.
formation Theory”, Philosophy of Science, 22.
― DRETSKE, F. (1980) Knowledge and the Flow of 2. Historic evolution. Descartes (1596- 1650
Information, Cambridge, MIT Press. AD) in his famous statement “I think,there-
― DRETSKE, F. (1988) Explaining Behaviour. Rea- fore I am”, he grants an absolute value to hu-
sons in a World of Causes. Cambridge: MIT Press.
― DRETSKE, F. (1997) Naturalizing the Mind.
man thinking, valid by itself; which confers na-
Cambridge: MIT Press. ture to the being. This “thinking” is reached
― FLORIDI, L. (ed.) (2004) The Blackwell Guide to through a process of assimilation of infor-
the Philosophy of Computing and Information. mation producing knowledge. The point of
London: Blackwell. view of Cristoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813
― MCLAUGHLIN, B. (ed.) (1991) Dretske and his
Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell. AD) which deals with information, with the
― MILLIKAN, R. (1984) Language, Thought and understanding and the information of the
Other Biological Categories. Cambridge: MIT Press. heart is also interesting.
― SHANNON, C. (1949) The Mathematical Theory
of Communication. Champaingn-Urbana: Univ. of In the Oxford English Dictionary, there is a
Illinois Press. great deal of definitions for information, da-
― VILLANUEVA, E. (ed.) (1990) Information, Se- ting from the XIV century. Apart from point-
mantics and Epistemology. Oxford: Blackwell.
ing out information as an element to form the
(ML) mind, to teach and to learn, it mentions its
function as an advice,as a warning; as well as
in legal terms.
INFORMATIONISM (S. informacionismo, F.
Informationism, G. informationismswissenschaft) 3. Evolution in the XIX, XX and XXI cen-
[transdisciplinary, ICT] theory turies. It may have been at the end of the 80’s
Contents.— 1) Introduction, 2) Historic evolution, 3) in the XX century, - one has to be cautious
Evolution in the XIX, XX and XXI centuries, 4) What with these statements - when the neurological
is understood by “information”, 5) Neuronal theory: quanta connotations of information started to be
of useful information. 6) Neuronal theories of information, studied as such - neural assimilation -, along
7) Other interesting theories, 8) Informationism: former the- with its connection with theology and herme-
ories, 9) Informationism: a new theory of knowledge, 10) neutics.
All these studies are carried out at the same
An epistemology, based on the information time as the development of computerized
that rules our lives, is stated –Informationism-
. Information, or perhaps the message, reaches

136 glossariumBITri

communication techniques, computer science, when C. E. Shannon published his Theory of

and all that is related to computational science. Information, which can be considered as the
starting point. Somewhat later, in 1988, I had
4. What is understood by “information”.
the satisfaction of releasing my theory of the
Information is both “everything” and “noth-
quanta of useful information. Since then,
ing” at the same time. On the one hand, it is
many different theories have been developed.
indeed “everything”, due to the fact that,
Most of them try to find some parallelism be-
through its mental or physical use, one can
tween the processes occurring in the brain and
reach knowledge and, from that, taking as an
the mechanisms carried out by computers; in
example its most pragmatic sense, research,
accordance with some programmes prepared
science, wisdom and the truth - objective, rel-
beforehand, in order to have the machine car-
ative and conditioned truth -. From this rea-
rying out the function for which it was manu-
soning, it can be concluded that information
factured (– by human beings – note of the au-
has a transcendental connotation, given that,
thor). Some authors think that the process has
following the same line of thought; from truth
been carried out the other way round; i.e. it
one can reach evidence and certainty.
was the machines’ operation that induced the
5. Neuronal theory: quanta of useful infor- thought of a similar operation in the brain. In
mation. The theories stated the fact that im- any case, these theories have been developed
pulses from the outside are received by neu- by different specialists and researchers of the
rons, which thus start their activity. In other field of information science.
words, neurons are activated, giving the indi-
In order to study the mentioned process of
vidual – the human being – a higher reasoning
neuronal assimilation, we will expound some
capacity and intelligence.
relevant opinions, considered as the starting
The signals coming from outside the brain point of subsequent researches. On the one
formed small “quanta of information” which hand, John McHale considers information is a
were immediately followed by the processes consumer good, which humans should use to
mentioned above to develop knowledge and their benefit and to obtain better living stand-
subsequently ideas, becoming “quanta of use- ards. He assumes living beings use their senses
ful information”. And this is a phenomenon to collect information from the environment
that has been occurring since Man became and the difference between human beings and
Man, or maybe even before that. Helmut other living beings is that man can “process”
Anntz affirms that hominid became human information consciously; humans use a system
exactly due to the consecutive reception and of symbols to communicate with fellow men.
assimilation of information, reaching its brain The author also mentions the changing and
from the outside, from its environment. changeable environment of information - note
of the author -; since he assumes that it is due
6. Neuronal theories of information.
to its influence and use that our life condi-
Therefore, we know that information is pro-
tions, basic principles, cultural manifestations
cessed - neuronal assimilation - when certain
and so on vary. The use of information to a
impulses, or quanta of useful information,
greater or lesser extent measures the level of
reach the brain, thus giving rise to knowledge:
evolution of the human race. More informed
a useable product. Several authors have done
societies will have more possibilities for
research on this significant subject and have
developed different theories which I can today
describe as “neuronal theories of infor- On the other hand, Fred I. Dretske grants in-
mation”. formation a holistic, primal and basic nature.
He states that, in the beginning, there was in-
In order to study some neuronal theories, one
formation and the world came after it. The
has to go back to the middle of the XX century
transition, (perhaps better transmutation –

glossariumBITri 137

note of the author), was carried out through and thus comparing information with energy.
the development of organisms with the ability The informative capacity of the brain, within
of exploiting information in a selective way, the brain structure, is estimated to be gener-
with the purpose of being able to survive and ated at approximately 109 bits/sec. However,
endure as a species. Information reaches the when it reaches the conscious level it is only
brain and affects and activates the neurons. about 100 bits/sec, which means there is a loss
For a reaction to happen, the brain needs a of 107 bits/sec when going from the physio-
reference scale; which is built through consec- logical to the psychological level. Human be-
utive information reaching it from the outside ings have the capacity for a higher brain devel-
world. These theories seem somehow inco- opment; to be more intelligent. The mecha-
herent to me, since the question about the nism to go from the sphere of the “uncon-
origin of information arises. If the world has scious” to the sphere of the “conscious” is
risen from information, perhaps the idea of an missing.
all-embracing creator loses strength… or is in-
The theories of Brier will now be considered.
formation then the creator?
He deals with the interpretation of the mes-
Another interesting researcher is Thomas J. sage, different from the information; in order
Froelich, who deals with information as an el- to make it understandable and comprehensi-
ement to develop knowledge, subsequently ble by the receiver. The brain, together with
studying the latter. He states thought is not ab- the machine, is responsible for this compre-
solute; it depends on the nature of each indi- hension, in which a cognitive process is in-
vidual, on its reference system and on its set cluded. Brier, together with M. Leupolt and
of values. Nothing new so far; but he carries other researchers, amongst whom I am in-
on with the statement that thought can always cluded, is of the opinion that this cognitive
and only be valid from the point of view of the process should be extended to every living be-
individual thinking it. Therefore the famous ing, i.e. plants and animals.
sentence of Descartes needs to be inverted,
Alexander King assumes there is a series of
thus considering: “I am, therefore I think”.
phenomena, events and stages of understand-
Thinking is a human activity and it implies in-
ing, each of them at a higher and more com-
formation as an element, cause and effect.
plex level of abstraction, in order to reach the
This activity grants a social function to think-
“knowledge” of the world we live in, and to
ing. Each society - social group - creates a dif-
adapt our acts to this world. Information is in
ferent form of knowledge and thought.
every one of these stages, either as a base or as
7. Other interesting theories. Similarly, the a vehicle to pass from one level to the other.
theories of R.M Berstrom are interesting. Ac- These theories are actually shared nowadays
cording to him, humans behave as a commu- by several specialists and researchers. What
nication system, at the centre of which is the was new about them was the historic moment
brain. Here, the signals are received from the in which they appeared. Alexander King was
outside and emitted to the outside. Infor- one of the pioneers and he is well known for
mation is supposed to be the raw material to his many works and papers.
develop these abilities. The author also states
From the principal theories of Norbert Hen-
one needs to make the difference between in-
richs, it is worth mentioning here his interest
formation and the processing of it. Through
in the creative ability of human beings, which
subsequent reasoning, the difference between
enables them to reach science and, therefore,
“information” and “information science” can
wisdom. This author also focuses on the spir-
be established. As several other authors main-
itual attributes of information and, to a certain
tain, Bergstom compares the brain with the
degree, grants it theological connotations.
machine - perhaps the computer -, stating that
information is the raw material driving both

138 glossariumBITri

Amongst other opinions and research from mationism are now considered. Firstly, “cau-
the theories of Peter Ingwersen, we could salism” which states there is no effect without
stress those in which research is considered as a cause: effect = quanta of useful information
the result of a modification of the structures reaching the brain; cause = knowledge. Real-
of knowledge of who receives the information ism states that real objects are the base for
– supposedly a human being. knowledge. Here, an idea corresponds to an
object and the former has its origin in infor-
From either point of view, neuronal theories
mation, which will thus become the object.
are based on the same principles and follow
Positivism is the theory which matches the
almost identical reasoning. Perhaps A. N. Le-
best. It was devised by August Comte, and
ontiev contributes with something new, by re-
based on the concept that only the facts, im-
lating information to conscience, and assum-
mediately received by the senses and quantita-
ing information is in fact the way in which
tively verified, can generate knowledge. This
conscience exist for the others. Apart from
author also allows for a social attitude, given
that, information is the link between individu-
that the perception of the outside world may
als; obviously in a process of communication.
condition our behaviour.
8. Informationism: former theories. After
In the past, perhaps since 1980 to mention a
what has been written until now, it would
guiding date, the chemical and spiritual com-
seem unnecessary to continue justifying the
ponents of human beings have been being
possibility of formulating a new epistemology
considered; this implies a change in the postu-
based on information: informationism. How-
lation of such theories. A modern theory of
ever, it may be convenient to establish rela-
knowledge has subsequently risen, based on
tionships with other theories on knowledge
the principle of “get to know you”, which has
organization, in order to observe perhaps the
lately gained great importance. This principle
parallelism between these and information,
studies and examines in human beings, both
taken now as a mental process.
physically and psychologically, in a neo-realis-
On the one hand, information arrives to the tic attempt to turn the activities of the spirit
brain, and activates a mental process which into mere equations, and chemical and physi-
starts with the seizure, reaching knowledge cal formulae; arguing that a human being is
and then comprehension, to end up with a to- formed by chemical elements and com-
tal understanding of whatever was involved by pounds.
the information in the origin. All this implies
More recently, a turn towards a more human-
a process of organization of knowledge itself.
izing position is being observed. Let us, for in-
On the other hand, information is considered
stance, quote Fernando de Elzaburu, who ba-
to be the connecting thread which affects the
ses his theory of knowledge organization on
brain of human beings, helping them to form
the change of paradigm of his new “vision of
their intelligence. Each historical period has
reality”. We live in a transmutation period and,
based its knowledge theories on a different
therefore, old reference parameters are no
principle, which is itself influenced by the
longer valid. Other more highly abstracted pa-
stage of the actual evolution of mankind. Sim-
rameters, based on system theory, should be
ilarly, the philosophical trends being studied
accepted. Norbert Henrichs also develops his
by men from different points of view have had
theory from a change of paradigm, by adding
an influence; different theories have thus
a phylo-theological connotation to infor-
raised, such as causalism, empiricalism, posi-
mation, based on obtaining “wisdom” –more
tivism, historicism, physicism and so on.
complex than “knowledge”-; subjective and
The relationships that may be applied between relative knowledge, since it is human, but ob-
some of these known theories and infor- jective and absolute with respect to its rela-
tionship with science –note of the author–. Jirî

glossariumBITri 139

Cejpek’s sets his paradigm on human con- Universe, within which is Planet Earth and
science, as a psycho-physical phenomenon the rest of the cosmos, leads one to consider
carried out in the brain when it receives infor- Informationism from its pantheistic aspect, of
mation. Many other formulations, by many globalizing connotations, considering this as a
other authors, and deducible from the ones al- positive view. Informationism can thus be
ready mentioned, could be quoted here. considered to have positivistic attributes.
9. Informationism: a new theory of It is deduced that Informationism can be de-
knowledge. Even though it is widely admit- scribed as human, objective, realistic, optimis-
ted that we are currently living in the Age of tic, globalizing, philosophical, scientific, prag-
Communication, given that information flows matic ,real, terrestrial, cosmic… pantheistic; all
back and forth through communication; it is “good” qualities anyway. Some researchers
obvious that information surrounds and in- and specialists may not agree with this classifi-
vades us. Not even on a desert island could cation and theories… let us await their reac-
we escape its influence. Information is the ba-
sis for any human activity, for all our reason- In any case, it can be stated that Information-
ing, the origin of any social attitude; it is the ism period has arrived.
basis… It is the basis on which to formulate a
10. Conclusions. We live in a constantly
theory of knowledge, which takes information
evolving world, which leads to a continuous
as fundamental paradigm, and which I call
transmutation as well. In the past twenty years
or so, to set a date, there have been greater
On the one hand, Informationism entails an transmutations than in the fifty years before.
optimistic viewpoint, through the belief that a Information technology has been the cause of
more equal and homogeneous world can be all these changes. We do not even know our-
achieved, if its paradigms are correctly applied. selves, neither do we get to specify our atti-
On the other hand it implies a waiting and tudes towards machines, faced with a com-
hoping attitude, given that it implies an uncer- puter for instance. What an amazing change in
tainty before the truth is revealed. Infor- the way we do some research, write a confer-
mationism also assumes a functional principle ence paper or send a letter to a friend! Ma-
of thinking, a philosophic and scientific activ- chines and electronic devices would not have
ity, with its repercussion on scientific develop- gained such importance in our lives… if it
ment. Moreover, it affects daily activities, such were not for the influence of a driving force…
as trade and industry. Its influence can be ob- towards change. Here is just where infor-
served in ethical and cultural behaviours. It mation has its place, exactly in this driving
also has an effect on pragmatic activities such force, which is mainly determined by two spe-
as decision-making, for instance. Having an at- cific factors: quantity on the one hand, and
titude based on Informationism means per- speed on the other, in which human beings are
ceiving the world from a higher level, on immersed. We live rushed lives. We are in a
which a broader range of concepts is ob- hurry to do everything; even, or maybe due to
served; a higher level of abstraction. that, to control the amount of information
surrounding us.
Informationism is an objective in itself. It re-
lies, in each particular case, on real and objec- Ours is a changing world, influenced by infor-
tive reasoning, based on the existence of also mation. It is information itself which leads us
real and objective information, hence true in- to understand that our fields of consideration;
formation. Therefore, Informationism is also our points of view must be broadened. Every-
true and real. These rather deterministic atti- thing is related to everything; and to be able to
tudes; stating a totalitarian view of infor- distinguish what captures the relevance, the at-
mation as the seed of “all” that happens in the

140 glossariumBITri

tention or the interest, a higher degree of ab- ― COBOS, R.; ALAMÁN, X.; ESQUIVEL, J.A.
straction needs to be reached. Things need to KNOWCAT (2001-2002): Catalizador de conoci-
miento. KnowCat: Knowledge Catalyser. RedIRIS,
be looked upon from higher above; a higher Boletín de la red nacional de I+D. Nº 58-59 (Diciembre
level of thought needs to be reached… Like- 2001-Enero 2002), pp.7-10.
wise, there should be the aspiration of reach- ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1981). ¿Estaremos en la Época
ing a Cosmo vision… with higher level of ab- del Informacionismo?. Rev. Univ. Complutense, 2, pp.
straction. ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1983). Ciertos Principios Cientí-
Since the appearance of information was fico-Filosóficos de las Ciencias de la Documenta-
ción. Rev. Univ. Complutense. Vol.1, nº 4, pp. 83-88.
shown up: due to the influence on the brain of ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1985-86). La Información como
impulses coming from the outside - quanta of Cuarto Elemento Vital y su Influencia en la Cultura
useful information -, thus reaching the neu- de los Pueblos. Toletum. Año LXIX, 2ª época, 20, pp.
rons and activating them, nearly all definitions 27-46.
found consider this aspect; and then the an- ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1988). La información en sus nuevos
aspectos. Madrid: Paraninfo.
thropological, neurological, biological, onto- ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1989). El Metabolismo Neuronal
genetical, epistemological, and theological de la Información. Conferencia pronunciada en la
connotations appeared. Regarding this, our Real Academia de Farmacia, 1989, y en el ATE-
colleague A. García Gutiérrez mentions “bio NEO de Madrid. Texto mecanografiado.
― CURRÁS, Emilia (1990). Un nuevo concepto de In-
information”. formación en la Integración Científica. Libro actas
Information, as an all-time route of civiliza- 45th Conference and Congress of FID. La Habana: FID
(septiembre 1990) pp. 19-38.
tion, is also analyzed. It is supposed to belong ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1994). An Approach to Applica-
to the mesosystem, within the noosystems. tion of Systematics to Knowledge Organization,
And there is also here an induction to consider Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Li-
the validity of Informationism: a new episte- bro actas 47th FID Conference and Congress. Omiya,
Saitama, Japan: FID.
mology, based on the paradigm of the univer- ― CURRÁS, Emilia (1999). Dialéctica en la Organiza-
sality of information. ción del Conocimiento. Organ. Conoc. Sist. Inf. Doc. 3,
pp. 23-43.
A new area of knowledge is emerging, inde- ― CURRÁS, Emilia (2002). Vertical Integration of Sci-
pendent in itself, but systematic and vertically ences: an Approach to a Different View of
related to the rest of the scientific areas of Knowledge Organization. Journal of Information
knowledge; that is to say, Information as a sci- Science. Vol. 28, nº 5, pp. 417-426.
ence in itself. ― ELZABURU, F.; MARTINTEGUI, J. (1987). De la
incertidumbre a la esperanza. Madrid: AINPA.
References ― HENRICHS, Norbert (1997). Informationswissen-
schaft.Grundlage des praktischen Information und
― ARNTZ, Helmut (1983). Information und Homini- Dokumentation, 4 Aufl. Munchen, Seit 945-957.
sation: Grenzlinie der Entwicklung. Vorstudie zu ei- ― HENRICHS, Norbert: Informationswissenschaft als
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627. In :Bücher für die Wissenschaft.Festschrift für Gün-
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― BUCKLAND, Michael (1981). Information and Infor- logischen Informationsverarbeitung des Menschen.
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― McHALE, John (1981). El entorno cambiante de la in- tion, investment, foreign trade) on total out-
formación. Madrid: Técnos. put. Economical input-output analysis goes
― MIKHAILOV, Alexander I. (1982). Science as a
System of ciclic Process of generation, Processing, back to Francois Quesnay (1694-1774) who as
Accumulation and Transfer of Scientific Infor- surgeon in ordinary to king Louis XV of
mation. Theoretical Problems of Informatics: Place of Infor- France was inspired by blood circulation and
mation in the Global Problems of the World, Moscow: developed the first tables of an economy. Le-
― SHANON, C.E; WEAVER, W. (1949). The Mathe-
ontief did not start from scratch. He expanded
matical Theory of communication. Urban Univ. of Illinois Marx' reproduction schemes and the planning
Press. tools of the former Soviet Union up to a point
where Input-Output Analysis became applica-
ble empirically.
INPUT vs OUTPUT (S. entrada vs salida, F.
entrée vs sortie, G. Eingabe vs Ausgabe) [System ― LEONTIEF, W. W. (1928). “Die Wirtschaft als
Theory, economics] concept Kreislauf". Archiv f. Sozialwiss. u. Sozialpolitik", Vol.
60, pp. 577-623.
Input and Output represent the (unidirec-
tional) connections of a dynamic system resp.
of its elements with its environment. Usually
there is more than one input and output of a INTERCULTURAL INFORMATION
system. While inputs represent influences ETHICS (S. ética intercultural de la información,
from the environment to the system, outputs F. Éthique interculturel de l'information, G. Inter-
represent the effects of the system on its envi- kulturelle Informationethik) [Information ethics,
ronment. If there is no connection between Information Society] discipline
the system and its environment, the system is Contents.— 1) Erecting a new discipline, 2) The foun-
called closed. dational debate (2.1 On the Sources of Morality, 2.2 On
The relation between input and output of a the Foundation of IIE –Charles Ess, Toru Nishigaki,
Terrell Ward Bynum, Bernd Forman, Luciano Floridi,
system is of particular interest. By the assump-
Philip Brey, Rafael Capurro), 3) Debate on IIE
tion of the black box hypothesis (ignoring the
inner structure and relations of the system) Intercultural Information Ethics (IIE) can be
one can try to analyze the output of the system defined in a narrow or in a broad sense. In a
in its response to a change in the input. If a narrow sense it focuses on the impact of in-
deterministic system always responds to all formation and communication technology
certain inputs in the same way the system is (ICT) on different cultures as well as on how
called passive, if not, it is called active. If the specific issues are understood from different
relations between input and output are sto- cultural traditions. In a broad sense it deals not
chastic in nature, one can study the condi- only with intercultural issues raised by ICT but
tional probability distributions of the output by other media as well allowing a large histor-
to get more information on the system. ical comparative view. IIE explores these is-
sues under descriptive and normative perspec-
Input-Output Analysis, developed by Nobel
tives. Such comparative studies can be done
Laureate Wassily Leontief (1905-1999), is a
either at a concrete or ontic level or at the level
method to study economic systems on a local,
of ontological or structural presuppositions.
regional, (mainly) national or global basis.
With the help of an Input-Output Table (list- 1. Erecting a new discipline. The interna-
ing the value of intermediary goods and the tional debate on →information ethics started
value added for each firm or industry) one can with the “First International Congress on Eth-
predict the effects of final demand (consump- ical, Legal, and Societal Aspects of Digital In-
formation” organized by UNESCO in 1997.

142 glossariumBITri

Subsequent UN conferences culminated in philosophy in general as well as with IIE in

the World Summit on the Information Soci- particular.
ety. The academic debate on intercultural is-
2. The foundational debate
sues of ICT takes place in the biennial confer-
ences on “Cultural attitudes towards technol- 2.1 On the Sources of Morality. There is a
ogy and communication” organized by classic debate in moral philosophy between
Charles Ess and Fay Sudweeks since 1998. But cognitivism and non-cognitivism with regard
intercultural issues are also raised in the ETH- to the truth-value of moral claims. This dis-
ICOMP conferences organized by Simon tinction presupposes that human emotions
Rogerson since 1995, the conferences on have no cognitive value and vice versa, that
“Ethics of Electronic Information in the 21st human cognition has a truth-value if and only
Century” at the University of Memphis since if it is free of emotions. According to Capurro
1997, and the CEPE conferences (Computer (2009), this is a wrong alternative since, on the
Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry) since 1997. one hand, there is no emotion-free cognition;
on the other hand, emotions have a cognitive
The first international symposium dealing ex-
value as demonstrated by neurobiologist An-
plicitly with intercultural information ethics
tonio Damasio (1994).
was organized by the International Center for
Information Ethics entitled “Localizing the One classical answer to the question of the
Internet. Ethical Issues in Intercultural Per- foundation of morality is that moral claims re-
spective.” It took place in Karlsruhe (Ger- late to the basic moral principle “do no harm,
many) in 2004 (Capurro et al. 2007). The Ox- help where you can”. Capurro believes that
ford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics orga- even if we can give good reasons for such a
nized an international conference, entitled fundamental moral principle, the knowledge
“Information Ethics: Agents, Artefacts and of such reasons is not enough to move the will
New Cultural Perspectives” that took place in in order to do (or not) the good. Is there a
2005 at St Cross College Oxford. This confer- foundation for this principle?
ence addressed cultural questions of the glob-
According to Karl Baier (2006), basic moods
alization of information processes and flows,
through which the uniqueness of the world
particularly “whether information ethics in a
and the finitude of our existence become man-
global sense may be biased in favour of West-
ifest, are a transcultural experience common
ern values and interests and whether far-east-
to all human beings. They concern our aware-
ern cultures may provide new perspectives
ness of the common world. It is on the basis
and heuristics for a successful development of
of the mood of anxiety, for instance, that we
the information society.” (Floridi/Savulescu
are aware of death and finitude or in the mood
2006, 155). Soraj Hongladarom and Charles
of “being born” in which we feel ourselves
Ess have edited a book with the title “Infor-
open for new possibilities of being. According
mation Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspec-
to Heidegger (1987, 228ff) fear is a mood in
tives” (Hongladarom/Ess 2007). The book
which one is afraid about something fearsome,
puts together a selection of contributions on
while anxiety, in contrast, faces us with our be-
what Western and non-Western intellectual
ing-in-the-world itself. Wittgenstein describes
traditions have to say on various issues in in-
his “key experience” (“mein Erlebnis par ex-
formation ethics, as well as theoretical debates
cellence”) in the "Lecture on Ethics" with the
offering proposals for new synthesis between
following words:
Western and Eastern traditions.
“This experience, in case I have it, can be described
In the following, an overview on IIE as dis-
most properly, I believe, with the words I am
cussed in some of these sources is presented,
amazed about the existence of the world. Then I
dealing with the foundational debate in moral
tend to use formulations like these ones: 'How

glossariumBITri 143

strange that something exists at all' or 'How foundation, which would negate the phenom-
strange that the world exists'". (Wittgenstein enon of the call as originating such utterance.
1989, 14, trans. Capurro)
Our being-in-the-world is the ‘first call’ or pri-
According to Wittgenstein we have really no mum movens of our will. This might provide
appropriate expression for this experience – a universal non-metaphysical frame of refer-
other than the existence of language itself. On ence for different experiences and ethical the-
December 30, 1929 he writes: ories. Buddhism, for instance, experiences the
world in all its transitoriness in a mood of sad-
“I can imagine what Heidegger means with being
ness and happiness being also deeply moved
and anxiety. Human beings have the tendency to
by suffering. This mood grasps the world in a
run against the boundaries of language. Think for
specific way. There is something common to
instance about the astonishment that something at
all human beings in the basic moods but at the
all exists. […] Ethics is this run against the
same time there are specific moods at the be-
boundaries of language.” (Wittgenstein 1984, 68,
ginning of human cultures, such as astonish-
trans. Capurro)
ment (“thaumazein”) in the Greek experience
In other words, the primum movens of moral of the world. Karl Baier points to the danger
actions lies in the call coming from the unique- of building stereotypes particularly when deal-
ness of the world and the finitude of human ing with the differences between East and
existence that are disclosed through moods. West with regard, for instance, to the search
According to Heidegger we are “indebted” or for harmony as an apparently typical and
“guilty” towards the calling of the world, in unique mood of Asian cultures or the opposi-
the various senses of the word “guilty” such as tion between collectivity and individuality
‘having debts to someone’ or ‘being responsi- (Baier 2006). As there are no absolute differ-
ble for’ (Heidegger 1987, 325ff) We are pri- ences between cultures there are also no ex-
mordially “guilty” in the sense that we are in- clusive moods. Experiences such as nausea,
debted to the “there” of our existence, be- pangs of moral conscience or the ‘great doubt’
tween birth and death. Our existence is basi- are common to Japanese Buddhism and mod-
cally “care” of our given and limited possibili- ern Western nihilism. A future intercultural
ties that manifest themselves within the frame- philosophy should look for textual basis from
work of the uniqueness of the world and hu- literature, art, religion and everyday culture
man existence. paying attention to complex phenomena and
to the interaction between moods and under-
Morality arises from (Greek: “hothen”) the
standing. If there is a danger of building stere-
awareness and respect for both the uniqueness
otypes, there is also one of overlooking not
of the world itself and human existence which
only concrete or ontic but also structural or
are the invaluable and theoretically non prov-
ontological differences by claiming a single
able truth-values on which all moral claims
world culture that mostly reflects the interests
rest. The moral imperative is the call for care
and global life style of a small portion of hu-
of our lives in a common world. It is a cate-
gorical imperative since there is no way to
avoid caring for our lives, but it allows at the 2.2 On the Foundation of IIE
same time different interpretations that we ac-
a) Charles Ess’ “global information ethics”
cumulate as individuals as well as societies
seeks to avoid imperialistic homogenization
building a dynamic cultural memory. Such re-
while simultaneously preserving the irreduci-
flection does not provide a sufficient reason
ble differences between cultures and peoples
for doing the good, just because any linguistic
(Ess 2006). He analyzes the connections of
utterance would be insufficient without the
such an ethical pluralism between contempo-
experience of the call itself. A theory can only
rary Western ethics and Confucian thought.
point to such call without being able to give a

144 glossariumBITri

Both traditions invoke notions of resonance concern, for instance, the Western idea of a
and harmony to articulate pluralistic structures “coherent self” being questioned by infor-
of connection alongside irreducible differ- mation processing in robots. While this
ences. Ess explores such a pros hen ("towards change may lead from a Western perspective
one") pluralism in Eastern and Western con- to nihilism, Buddhist philosophy teaches that
ceptions of privacy and data privacy protec- there is no such a thing as a “coherent self”
tion. This kind of pluralism is the opposite to ethics having to do with compassion as well as
a purely modus vivendi pluralism that leaves ten- with the relationship between the individual
sions and conflicts unresolved and giving thus and the community. The key ethical question
rise to a cycle of violence. Another more ro- might be how our communities are changing
bust form of pluralism presupposes a shared instead of how far the “self” is endangered. As
set of ethical norms and standards but without Nishigaki remarks: “It is possible to say, there-
overcoming deeply contradictions. An even fore, that in a sense the West now stands in
stronger form of pluralism does not search need of Eastern ethics, while the East stands
identity but only some kind of coherence or, in need of Western ethics” (Nishigaki 2006,
as Ess suggests, complementarity between two 238). Nishigaki stresses at the same time, that
irreducible different entities. there is no “easy bridge” between IT and East-
ern philosophy. IT as looked from a cultural
There are pitfalls of prima facie convergences,
standpoint “has a strong affinity with the
analogies and family resemblances that may be
Judeo-Christian pursuit for a universal inter-
oversimplified by a pros hen strategy. In many
pretation of sacred texts.”
cases we should try to dig into deeper layers in
order to understand where these claims origi- While we in the West look for some kind of
nate or simply accept the limits of human the- unchanged meaning of terms, such as in
oretical reason by celebrating the richness of Charles Ess’ pros hen search for shared values
human experience. As Kei Hiruta rightly and a tolerant or benevolent view on judgment
stresses (Hiruta 2006), it is not clear what the diversity, the ZEN master is eager to exercise
points of shared ethical agreements are and himself in his disciple “by doing away with
how this call for unity fits with a call for diver- universal or conventional interpretations of
sity concerning the judgements of such ethical the meanings of words” (Nishigaki 2006, 238).
perspectives. According to Hiruta, the advo- In other words, the Buddhist stance teaches
cates of ethical pluralism would like to avoid us, Westerners, another strategy beyond the
the untolerable, such as child pornography in controversy between monism and pluralism,
the Internet, working on the basis of a prag- by way of a different kind of practice than the
matic problem-solving strategy leading to Socratic dialogue. Nishigaki points to the con-
“points of agreement” or “responses” on the troversy in the West between cognitive science
basis of Socratic dialogue. Socratic dialogue is and its view of cognition as a “representation”
based on the spirit of parrhesia or “direct of the “outer world” and the view shared by
speech” which is a key feature of Western phi- our everyday experience as well as, for in-
losophy (Capurro 2006a). stance, phenomenology. Biologist Francisco
Varela’s theory of autopoiesis offers an alter-
b) Toru Nishigaki. In his contribution on infor-
native based on the Buddhist view on cogni-
mation ethics in Japan, Toru Nishigaki makes
tion as “a history of actions performed by a
a difference between the search of ethical
subject in the world” being then not represen-
norms in the context of new information tech-
tation of a pregiven world by a pregiven mind
nologies on the one hand, and the changes “on
but “enactment” of such a history in the
our views of human beings and society” be-
coming “necessary to accompany the emer-
gence of the information society” on the other
hand (Nishigaki 2006, 237). Such changes

glossariumBITri 145

c) Terrell Ward Bynum. ‘The’ information soci- ’mode of subjectivation’ not eclipsed by the
ety is and has always been culturally frag- will to truth’s drive to knowledge, transcend-
mented into different information societies. ence, and universality. A philosophical ethos
Consequently, what is morally good for one seeks contingencies and singularities rather
information society may be considered as less than universal determinants, which block the
appropriate in another one. Terrell Ward aim of getting ‘free of oneself’” (Frohmann
Bynum advocates, borrowing insights from 2007, 64-65). This is a plea for a kind of Inter-
Aristotle, Norbert Wiener, and James Moor, cultural Information Ethics that focuses on a
for a “flourishing ethics” which means that careful situational analysis starting with the lo-
“the overall purpose of a human life is to cal conditions which does not mean mono-
flourish as a person” according to the basic cultural chauvinism but critical appraisal of the
principles of freedom, equality and benevo- way(s) computers control societies and the
lence and the principle of minimum infringe- strategies people can develop in order to be-
ment of freedom (Bynum 2006). If the goal is coming “digitally imperceptible.” Frohmann
to maximize the opportunities of all humans asks for strategies of “escaping” the Internet
to exercise their autonomy – a conception of rather than “localizing” it as far as it can be-
human existence that is culturally grounded in come a local instrument of oppression.
Western social philosophy – Bynum rightly
e) Luciano Floridi. Distinguishing between “eth-
follows that “many different cultures, with a
ics of global communication” and “global in-
wide diversity of customs, religions, languages
formation ethics”, Luciano Floridi addresses
and practices, can provide a conductive con-
respectively: on the one hand, the pragmatic
text for human flourishing” (Bynum 2006,
dialog in the interaction between different cul-
163). In other words, Wiener’s principles pro-
tures and generations, on the other hand, the
vide a foundation for a non-relativistic global
foundational questions regarding the possibil-
ethics that is friendly to cultural diversity.
ity of common principles allowing such dialog,
Bynum widens the scope of this human-cen-
or the existence of a macro-ethic in the sense
tered ethics into a “general theory of Flourish-
of some kind of consesualism or deontolo-
ing Ethics” which includes the question of del-
gismo or contractualism (Floridi 2009: 222).
egation of responsibility to ‘artificial agents’
and the consequent need for ethical rules for A key issue in Floridi’s theory is the “shared
such agents. Although Bynum welcomes dif- ontology” as a mean to overcome in global in-
ferent ethical traditions, he is well aware that formation concerns Wittgenstein’s problem of
some of them would not be compatible with the lion: “if a lion could talk, we wouldn’t be
“General Flourishing Ethics”. able to understand it” (Wittgenstein 1953,
§568). As a basis for common understanding
d) Bernd Frohmann. Following Michel Foucault
Floridi proposes a basic ontology of life and
and Gilles Deleuze, Bernd Frohmann pro-
death, food and shelter, anguish and protec-
poses a philosophical interrogation of the lo-
tion (Floridi 2009, 224), i.e. whatever allows us
cal effects of the Internet through three main
to support life and avoid suffering or destruc-
concepts, namely effect, locality, and ethics
tion of any entity, since – based on the very
(Frohmann 2007). He discusses the relation-
fact of being - every entity has a right for be-
ships between the global and the local or,
ing. The most elemental opposition is being vs
more specifically, between the flows of capital,
entropy, or the “flourishing of entities” in their
information, technology, and organizational
global environment vs the “destruction”,
interaction by pointing to the similarities and
“corruption” or “impoverishment of being”
difference of today’s “space of flow” (Manuel
(Floridi 2008). He names this minimal ontol-
Castells) with some of its predecessors for in-
ogy “ontocentric” –aparently more radical
stance in England’s global empire. According
than, for instance, biocentric or anthropocen-
to Frohmann, “ethical action consists in a
tric. In the center, we find the patient of an

146 glossariumBITri

action instead of the agent. He opposes both might be a lack to overcome some avoidable
a metaphysical theory stating something about cultural relativism, since some cultural clo-
the being of entities –as a kind of ontological sures might have arisen within the tensions re-
imperialism- and a plain relativism unable to garding oppression and freedom, which can
suggest any effective interaction regarding in- easily be connected to the “suffering” vs
tercultural problems. Without imposing hier- “flourishing” –posed, as seen before, as a basis
archies of common values, “global infor- of mutual understanding-. In clear opposition
mation ethics” should allow them to embed to Brey’s stance, the The North American phi-
them within particular situation and natures losopher Ken Himma argues for an objectiv-
(“embeddedness” and “embodiement”). This ist moral, which should be comparative and a
light and horizontal ontology aims at bridging part of social sciences (Himma 2008). The en-
cultures, which in their vertical and thick den- deavor of EII is not just interaction –as in
sity are often irreconcilable. Brey- but agreement. However, although he
provides good arguments to defend objectiv-
However, we might ask: this “light” and “hor-
ism, he does not develop a system of objective
izontal” approach is enough to face the prag-
norms for information ethics.
matic problems arisen in intercultural interac-
tion or we also need a thick and vertical anal- g) Rafael Capurro. In today’s information soci-
ysis to overcome them? How could this mini- ety we form ourselves and our selves mainly
mal ontology be politically accepted? The through digital media. The power of digital
“dignity of being” does not pose a minimal networks does not lead necessarily to slavery
metaphysical ontology? and oppression but also to reciprocity and mu-
tual obligation. Globalisation gives rise to the
f) Philip Brey. For the Netherlander philoso-
question of what does locally matter. Cyber-
pher Philip Brey, an ethical dialog thoughtfully
space vanishes into the diversity of complex
considering cultural differences is necessary to
real/virtual space-time connections of all
cope with intercultural information ethical
kinds which are not any more separable from
problems (Brey 2007). He includes in infor-
everyday life and its materiality. The bounda-
mation ethics issues related to ICTs, compu-
ries of language against which we are driven
tation and mass media, distinguishing between
appear now as the boundaries of digital net-
a moral descriptive relativism and a normative
works which not only pervade but accelerate
level, named meta-ethical. The latter faces the
all relationships between humans as well as be-
question about the existence of universal val-
tween all kinds of natural phenomena and ar-
ues and principles or the cultural relativity of
tificial things.
IE, but the problems should be first reflected
in a descriptive relativity for afterwards Following Michael Walzer (1994) and Soraj
searching for differences and commonalities. Hongladarom (2001), Capurro conceives
He analyses relativism in privacy, intellectual moral arguments as “thick” or “thin” regard-
property rights, information freedom and the ing whether they are contextualized or not but
difference between moralities centered in hu- questioning the view that there is no third al-
man rights in Western societies and centered ternative between mono- and meta-cultural
in virtues in Far-east societies influenced by ethical claims (Capurro 2007). A purely meta-
Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Mao- cultural information ethics remains abstract if
ism superimposing social harmony to individ- it is not inter-culturally reflected. The task of
ual welfare. Intercultural Information Ethics is to inter-
twin “thick” and “think” ethical arguments in
He leaves to social science the question of the
the information field. The analysis by Michel
usage of ICT as instruments of oppression or
Foucault on the Western tradition of parrhesia
freedom, just focusing on the comparative
or ‘direct speech’ shows that it as a special trait
analysis of moral systems. This limitation
of Western moral behaviour and democratic

glossariumBITri 147

practice in contrast to the importance of ‘indi- cault, ethics can be understood as the “prob-
rect speech’ in Eastern traditions (Foucault lematization” of morality. Intercultural Infor-
1983). We should develop this difference for mation Ethics has a critical task to achieve
instance with regard to Confucian and Daoist when it compares information moralities. This
thought and their relevance for the develop- concerns the ontological or structural as well
ment of information societies in Asia. In reso- as the ontic or empirical levels of analysis. One
nance to Charles Ess’ concept of an ethical important issue in this regard is the question
pros hen (“towards one”) that looks for a plu- of the universality of values vs. the locality of
ralist interpretation and application of shared cultures and vice versa which is related to the
ethical norms (Ess 2006), Capurro argues in problem of their homogenization or hybridi-
favor of a hothen (“from which”) approach that zation.
turns the attention to the question of the
source(s) of ethical norms including the mul-
tiple cognitive-emotional experience of such ― BAIER, Karl (2006). Welterschliessung durch
source(s). The task of IIE is not only to de- Grundstimmungen als Problem interkultureller Pha-
enomenologie. Daseinsanalyse, 22, 99-109.
scribe them, but to open the endless task of ― BREY, Philip (2007). Global Information Ethics
translation between them (→hermeneutics). As and the Challenge of Cultural Relativism. In: Euro-
Susan Sontag suggests (Sontag 2004), the task pean regional Conference on the “ethical dimensions of the in-
of the translator can be seen as an ethical task formation society”. [online] <http://por-
if we conceive it as the experience of the oth- URL_ID=25455&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_
erness of other languages that moves us to SECTION=201.html> [accessed: 10/10/2010]
transform our mother tongue – including the ― BYNUM, Terrell Ward (2006). Flourishing Ethics.
terminologies used by different philosophic Ethics and Information Technology, 8, 157-173.
schools – instead of just preserving it from ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2010). Desafíos teóricos y prác-
ticos de la ética intercultural de la información.
foreign or heretic influences. Open speech of the I Simpósio Brasileiro de Ética da In-
formação, Paraíba, 18 de marzo de 2010.
The concrete impact of information and com- ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2009). Digital Ethics. In Proceed-
munication technologies on different cultures ings del 2009 Global Forum Civilization and Peace. The
and particularly on their moral foundations Academy of Korean Studies and Korean National
has been discussed elsewhere (Capurro 2009, Academy for UNESCO (Eds.), pp. 207-216.
2010) ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2007). Intercultural Informa-
tion Ethics. In: Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johan-
3. Debate on IIE. IIE is an emerging disci- nes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.): Localizing the
pline. The present debate shows a variety of Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Mu-
nich: Fink, 21-38. [Online]
foundational perspectives as well as a prefer- <> [accessed:
ence for the narrow view that focuses IIE on 10/10/2010]
ICT (Capurro 2008, 2009). Consequently ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2006a). Ethik der Informati-
comparative studies with other media and onsgesellschaft. Ein interkultureller Versuch. [On-
line] < [ac-
epochs are mostly not being considered so far. cessed on April 21, 2008]
With regard to IIE issues in today’s infor- ― CAPURRO, Rafael (2005a). Privacy. An intercultu-
mation societies, there are a lot of cultures and ral perspective. In Ethics and Information Technol-
regions that have not been analyzed so far. Pri- ogy 7: 37-47. [Online]
vacy as well as online communities, govern- <> [accessed:
ance, gender issues, mobile phones, health ― CAPURRO, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Haus-
care, and, last but not least, the digital divide manninger, Thomas (Eds.) (2007). Localizing the Inter-
are on the agenda. New issues such as blogs, net. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich:
wikis and “Second Life” are arising. We have Fink.
― DAMASIO, Antonio (1994). Descartes’ Error:
to deepen the foundational debate on the Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. Putnam
sources of morality. According to Michel Fou- Publishing.

148 glossariumBITri

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calizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspec-
tive. Munich: Fink, 57-68. (RC –ed.-; RC, JMD)
― GRODZINSKY, Frances S., TAVANI, Herman T.
(2007). The Internet and Community Building at the
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― HEIDEGGER, Martin (1987). Being and Time.
Translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robin-
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― HIMMA, Kenneth Einar (2008). The intercultural
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jectivist. En Journal of Information, Communication &
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― HIRUTA, Kei (2006). What pluralism, why plural-
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glossariumBITri 149
KNOWLEDGE (S. conocimiento, F. connais- him, that what he thinks is true and that this
sances, G. erkenntniss, Wissen) [transdiscipinary, person is justified in believing in it (that this
philosophy, epistemology, cognitive science, attributed belief has to be reasoned, not arbi-
semantic] concept trary).
Contents. 1) Classical epistemologic model, 2) 2. Dretske's informational model. Fred
Dretske's informational model, 3) Floridi's seman- Dretske, the American philosopher, intro-
tic model, 4) Systemic model of the UTI, 5) Con- duced Knowledge in informational terms in
ductual model, 6) Knowledge and near concepts, 1981. He provides, from his definition of in-
(a. Knowledge vs. information, b. Knowledge and formative content, a definition of knowledge
mental states, c. Knowledge vs. experience, truth,
in informative terms: K knows that s is F and
belief and values).
only if K's belief that s is F is caused (or is
Throughout the history of thought countless causally sustained) by the information that s is
words have been written concerning what F.
knowledge is. There are innumerous pro-
Within this definition must be understood the
posals, from different philosophical precepts,
terms "belief caused by information" as that
that have attempted to answer this question.
belief caused by the information contained in
In this sense, if we review the literature on
the fact that s is F.
Cognitive Science and epistemology, we can
figure out that there are several theoretical In short, restoring the definition of informa-
models that can meet the goal of offering an tive content, so that K knows something, K
adequete definition of knowledge. should have information of that something
with probability equal to 1, therefore, knowing
1. Classical epistemologic model. The pro-
that s is F requires not only certain infor-
posal of classical epistemology advocates a
mation about s (an appropriate or sufficient
definition of knowledge from the notions of
quantity), but the information that s is F.
belief, truth value and justification (or argu-
ment). In this sense, a person A knows that P Two important theoretical benefits can be
if and only if it fulfills the following three con- drawn from this Dreskian proposal on
ditions: (a) A believes that P, (b) P is true and knowledge:
(c) is justified in believing that P.
The first of these benefits is found in the fact
At the first glance, the classical epistemologi- that this definition allows us to explain the
cal proposal provides a solid base to approach possibility of transmission of knowledge:
the identification process and knowledge rep- when a speaker K knows that s is F and,
resentation in the context of an organization. among other things, ii sincerely asserts that s
In this sense, in order to conclude that a per- is F, the listeners will come to know that s is F
son knows a concrete thing (has a concrete from what the speaker says (respecting the
knowledge), we only have to verify that this principle of the introduced copy in the previ-
person has a belief; the belief that coincides ous section). This communicative fact is met,
with this supposed knowledge we attribute to according to Drestkian definition of

glossariumBITri 150

knowledge, if K knows that s is F from the of the studied system, or it must not be di-
information that s is F, and if the transmission rectly related to the system by means of a
of this information is done with an ambiguity causal chain; instead, it will depend on the pro-
equal to 0. cessing of data by knowledge. In turn, data are
conceived as the resources and restrictions al-
The second benefit is something beyond the
lowing the construction of information.
possibility of transmission of knowledge.
Therefore, it can be stated that Floridi pro-
What this definition mainly pursues is to reach
poses an architectural relationship between
the goal of distancing from those clasical epis-
knowledge, information and data, being
temological theories that had presented
knowledge on the summit and data on the
knowledge as a justified and true belief.
base. At the same time and as a result of such
Dretske replaces the necessity for the justifica-
interrelationship, he replaces Dretske’s re-
tion of belief with causality of information. He
quirement of truth of (which is also subscribed
seeks, in making such a change, to overcome
by the situation theory) by a requirement of
the problems usually presented by these clas-
truthfulness, i.e. instead of searching for a cor-
sical theories (the paradoxes of Gettier and
respondence between the statement and what
lottery), and also gets an adequate argument
the information is about, the attention is ra-
against the radical scepticism thesis.
ther paid in the correspondence between what
Dretske defends himself from the thesis of is reported and the informer.
radical skepticism (that supports the impossi-
4. Systemic model of the Unified Theory
bility of knowledge) clearly distinguishing the
of Information (UTI). From a detailed ap-
conditions of an information source from
proach to system theory considering different
what is called the conditions of an information
self-organization levels (from self-restructur-
channel. While a source generates infor-
ing to self-re-creation), knowledge is consti-
mation, the conditions of a channel, although
tuted in the →UTI by means of interpreting
it is crucial for the transmission of infor-
data (or meaning assignment) and is the basis
mation, do not affect the information circulat-
for decision-making, which shapes “practical
ing within it. In this respect, the communica-
wisdom” (Hofkirchner 1999).
tion channel should be considered as a series
of conditions which the sign depends on, that UTI refers to different levels of information
either does not generate (relevant) infor- rather than dependency relationships, i.e. in-
mation, or only generates redundant infor- formation is gradually processed: first, at the
mation. In short, the channel offers no rele- syntactic or structural level there is data, then
vant alternatives to the source, and what at the semantic or state level there is
makes an information channel to be ambigu- knowledge, and, finally, at the pragmatic or be-
ous is its charateristics, not the suspicions that havioural level there is practical wisdom. The
may or may not circulate information within information processing is performed by
it. means of interrelationship and reciprocal ac-
tion between adjacent strata and not in terms
3. Floridi's semantic model. According to
of a casual progression (as in Dretske’s natu-
Floridi´s semantic approach (2005a, 2005b),
ralism). In other terms, between micro- and
knowledge is constituted in terms of justifiable
macro-leves there are upwards- and down-
semantic information, i.e. information consti-
wards causations (regarded as information
tutes the elements for further inquiry. At the
processes) cooperating in the self-organizing
same time, information is the result of a data
modelling process. But unlike Dretske’s natu-
ralistic assumption, this data modelling does 5. Conductual model. For example, it is ar-
not necessarily represent the intrinsic nature gued that, relating to the conduct and actions

glossariumBITri 151

of an agent, knowledge is the potential capac- ‘nourish’ the latter. However, this connection
ity that an actor poseses to act effectively. The is disregarded in cases of a radical syntactic ap-
effectiveness means to compare the behavior proach, in which the relationship question is
and potential outcomes with the objectives avoided just addressing to the technical di-
and values of both the actor and those of his mension (as in the MTC), or in a radical prag-
community or the communities that he be- matic approach in which only what-is-being-
longs to. done is posed, that is, information is consid-
ered as a mere instrument of the action and,
Within this conceptual framework one argues
therefore, the problem of whether the infor-
that there are various types of knowledge. The
mation refers to states of affairs is ignored (ei-
first one is the knowledge of internal infor-
ther dealing with a correct apprehension or
mation. In this type of knowledge is the po-
knowing that p is the case).
tential capacity of answering questions with
correct answers; usually, the questions on real Although there have been throughout the his-
objectives, about the state of one part of the tory of thought countless approaches to
world in some time. For this kind of knowledge concerning its definition, possibil-
knowledge, it is a precondition that the actor ity, basis and modes, two fundamental models
answers without resorting to any external have prevailed: 1) the iconic model, according
sources of information. Typically, any answers to which knowledge is an accurate picture (of
can be registered in records, which can be used mental nature) of the object of knowledge,
by other actors. and 2) the propositional model, whereby
knowledge is a truthful proposition. In the
The second type of knowledge is knowledge
iconic model, where perception and appre-
of external information. This is like the previ-
hension play a key role, the main problems lie
ous one with the exception that in this case the
in both the specification of the limits between
access to other sources of information is per-
object and subject, and the explanation of
non-iconic knowledge (such as logical, mathe-
In the third place, thinking is also a way of ef- matical and logical “truths”). However, in the
fective action. In this case, starting from avail- propositional model, where scientific state-
able information, a process of creating new in- ments play an exemplary role, the unavoidable
formation takes place, which may become the circle of the justification of knowledge be-
answer to new questions or the spontaneous comes problematic (→Gödel´s incompleteness the-
production of information by a thinking agent. orem). Nevertheless, whatever the model of
representation, knowledge is distinguished
Finally, there is a non-informative knowledge;
from a true opinion, insofar as only the former
the capacity of effective action is not related
knows how to justify itself (though its justifi-
to information. It is something that one usu-
cation might be partial or problematic).
ally sees in artists and athletes. They can have
a highly effective conduct most of the time, According to the above, the relationship be-
but they are unable to explain or articulate tween information and knowledge must evi-
their knowledge on recorded information. dently appear in all those informational ap-
proaches considering the semantic dimension,
6. Knowledge and near concepts
usually adopting a more analytic notion with
a) Knowledge vs. information. From most points respect to information, and a more synthetic
of view regarding information and knowledge, one with respect to knowledge. Furthermore,
there are close relationships between these a closer proximity to the object is used in in-
two concepts, especially as far as the common formation concerns, and to the subject in
use of both terms is concerned. Usually, infor- knowledge concerns.
mation occupies a lower position than
knowledge, and the former –so to speak-

152 glossariumBITri

For Dretske -as mentioned above-, of new knowledge-; and often it is continu-
"Knowledge is information-produced belief" ously restructured by the entries of new assim-
(Dretske 1981, 91-92) and belief always relates ilated information.
to "a receiver's background knowledge" (pp.
c) Knowledge vs. experience, truth, belief and values.
80-81). From a naturalistic perspective, in
Nonetheless, it is not sufficient to provide a
which there is a casual dependence between
definition of knowledge and explain it with a
the external conditions of a living being and
couple of examples to have a better understan-
and its internal states, information for Dretske
ing of it. It is also necessary to deal with a
creates experience (sensorial representations)
number of related and interrelated concepts.
and originates beliefs (cognitive experiences),
which underlie the sedimentation of In this vein, we should not forget a concept
knowledge. very close to knowledge, and which partly al-
lows its acquisition: experience. Experience
b) Knowledge and mental states. We can agree,
can be defined as the set of living-experiences
leaving aside the existing alternative defini-
that each individual has been through. And as
tions, that knowledge must be identified with
such, it makes possible the creation of new
a special kind of mental states (neuronal ar-
knowledge through enabling the understand-
rangements), presenting a set of particular
ing of new situations from others that have
characteristics, which an individual possesses.
been experienced, and to find new answers al-
On the one hand, they are mental states
lowing us to adapt to new scenarios.
achieved by the individual from a process of
information assimilation or metabolism. This We should neither forget the concept of truth.
characteristic helps to distinguish those men- As it has been defended since Classical
tal states of the subject corresponding to Greece, knowledge (or at least a special type
knowledge from those corresponding to mere of knowledge, as we wil see) implies truth: if A
beliefs, which do not reach the necessary epis- (an individual) knows P, then it is true that P.
temic level to be identified as knowledge. If anyone knows that the water molecule con-
sists of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms,
In this sense, the semantic content of those
then it is true that this molecule presents the
mental states coincides with this assimilated
arrangement of atoms. And it is knowledge
information. And the mental states, con-
and its arising actions that have to be in tune
versely, act as a guide for actions and conduct
with what really happens. Reality deals with re-
of that individual; in other words, they control
fining and improving knowledge, rejecting and
the decisions made by the subject.
cleaning our heads from this supposed
We can reflect this characterization in the fol- knowledge (pseudo-knowledge) that does not
lowing synthetic expresion: Knowledge = the work and is not attuned.
mental states of an individual constructed
Another closely related concept is belief, un-
from the assimilation of information, which
derstood as the mental state that an individual
steer the actions performed by the subject.
possesses. Because knowledge (or at least one
However, the characteristics of knowledge do type of knowledge), besides truth, implies
not end here. We can elaborate a little more judgement or belief: in order that someone
about this special kind of mental states. knows P, this someone has to believe that P.
Knowledge, unlike data and information, is That is, knowledge must maintain a commit-
closely related to the actions and decisions of ment to the truth of P. If someone knows that
the subject, we can even evaluate this the water molecule consists of two atoms of
knowledge using as indicators such actions hydrogen and one of oxygen, then that some-
and decisions. Moreover, knowledge is the one must believe that this molecule presents
critical factor that permits the holder to assim- the arrangement of atoms.
ilate new information -therefore, the creation

glossariumBITri 153

And finally, when we are talking about G. Wissensmanagement [business management,

knowledge, we can not avoid the realm of val- ICT, Information Society] discipline
ues. Values determine the background that
In the last decade, a strong movement con-
governs our actions and therefore our way of
cerning a new discipline has emerged and de-
knowing and our knowledge.
veloped, focused on the scope of organiza-
References tions: Knowledge Management. This disci-
― DRETSKE, Fred I. (1981). Knowledge and the pline deals with designing systems and strate-
Flow of Information. Cambridge: The MIT gies to systematically use the knowledge in-
Press/Bradford. Books. volved in an organization. Applying the con-
― FLORIDI, Luciano (2005a). Is Semantic Infor- cept of Knowledge Management to the con-
mation Meaningful Data? in Philosophy and Phe-
nomenological Research, 70(2), 351-370.
text of companies has been an important
― FLORIDI, Luciano (2005b). Semantic Conceptions source of competitive advantage that can en-
of Information. In E. N. Zahlta (ed.) Stanford En- sure the proper functioning and survival of the
cyclopedia of Philisophy. Stanford: The Metaphysics companies in the present economic scenario
Research Lab. [Online] <http://plato.stan- characterized by tough competition and mar-> [ac-
cessed: 12/11/09] ket globalization.
― GETTIER, Edmund (1983). “Is Justified True Be- It is not easy to define Knowledge Manage-
lief Knowledge?”. Analysis, vol. 23, págs. 121-123.
― HOFKIRCHNER, Wolfgang (1999). Towards a ment. There is no agreed or shared definition
Unified Theory of Information. The Merging of among the entire scientific community (No-
Second-Order Cybernetics and Semiotics into a Sin- naka and Takeuchi, 1995; Davenport and
gle and Comprehensive Information Science. In: 15e Prusack, 1998; Boisot, 1998; Sveiby, 2001,
Congrès International de Cybernétique, Namur 1998, Na-
mur, pp. 175-180.
Wilson 2002).
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2007). As a starting point, it should be clarified that
The Phenomenon of Information. Lanham (Maryland):
Scarecrow Press.
it is not easy to speak of Knowledge Manage-
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario ment in the abstract. Strictly speaking, only in
(2004d). “Identificación y representación del conoci- the context of an organization does it make
miento organizacional: la propuesta epistemológica sense to deal with Knowledge Management.
clásica”. [Online]. Barcelona: IN3-UOC (Discussion
Paper Series; DP04-01). 29 págs. In a broader sense, each organization is a com-
<>. [Ac- munity or a group of individuals whose mem-
cessed: 20, septiembre, 2004].
bers are structured and framed to meet some
“La información como fundamento cognitivo de certain targets. The paradigm of an organiza-
una definición adecuada de conocimiento”. Extre- tion is usually a company (firm), but with this
meño Placer, Ana (ed.) (2001). La representación y orga- description one can consider other communi-
nización del conocimiento: metodologías, modelos y aplicacio- ties of individuals as organizations (not with
nes. Alcalá de Henares, págs. 79-87.
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario y such financial targets), communities such as a
CAMPOS HAVIDICH, Manuel (2002). Representa- hospital, an NGO, an educative center, a min-
ción y procesamiento del conocimiento. Barcelona: istry, a research center or a political party.
― STURGEON, S., MARTIN, G. G. F. and CRAY- Given this, Knowledge Management, in an in-
LING, A. C. (1998). “Epistemology”. En Crayling, tuitive sense, deals with designing and imple-
A. C. (ed.) (1998) Philosophy 1. Oxford: Oxford Uni- menting systems whose goal is to identify, cap-
versity Press. Capítulo 1, págs. 7-26.
ture and share systematically the involved
(MPM –ed.-; MPM, JMD, RG) knowledge in an organization in such a way
that it can be converted into a value for the
organization. Knowledge, in this context, is all
the information assimilated by a subject and
gestión del conocimiento, F. Gestion des connaissances,
oriented toward action. In other words,

154 glossariumBITri

knowledge is any mental state of a subject (in accessible to other individuals directly. To
short, a concrete neuronal provision) that has show that someone, A, has knowledge of this
been caused by a determined information and type we usually use the expression "A knows
which allows the subject in question to make that P" (where P is usually a statement). There-
certain adequate decisions and carry out prac- fore, knowing that water is H2O or knowing
tical action derived from the decisions (Audi, that when the photocopying machine has the
1988; Crayling, 1998). On the other hand, red light on someone should change the car-
knowledge becomes a value to an organization tridge are two examples of this type of
when it has a clear contribution in achieving knowledge.
the goals of the organization.
Let us go to the second group of knowledge.
It is possible to enrich and make more opera- For individual knowledge we can understand
tional and functional this first intuitive defini- all knowledge which an individual of an organ-
tion of Knowledge Management if we keep in ization possesses. Therefore, the individual
our mind the existence of different types of knowledge of a person consists of all explicit
knowledge within an organization, and that, and tacit knowledge possessed by this mem-
therefore, it is essential to respect the special ber. Individual skills, personal contacts and re-
nature of each in order to design the most ap- lationships or technical knowledge that a per-
propriate management. son posseses can be identified as a part of the
individual knowledge that he has.
In this sense, it is possible to distinguish 6
types of knowledge within an organization. Conversely, corporate or organizational
These 6 types can be grouped together in the knowledge is the knowledge that can be at-
following three pairs: tributed to an organization, the owner of the
organization. This knowledge is usually physi-
a) Tacit Knowledge / Explicit Knowledge
cally presented in some kind of document.
b) Individual Knowledge / Organizational or The databases purchased by an organization
Corporate Knowledge or intellectual property and patents that they
c) Internal Knowledge / External develop are two clear examples of this type of
Knowledge knowledge.
Let us begin with the first pair. Tacit Finally we have the third last group. The inter-
knowledge is the knowledge that is based on nal knowledge is that knowledge which is crit-
personal experience and in many cases is iden- ical for the appropriate functioning of an or-
tified with the skills of the subject. Its main ganization. In other words: the knowledge
feature is that it is hardly transmissible or com- without which it would be impossible for the
municable; therefore, it is not accessible to the organization to operate. If we identify a chem-
other individuals in a direct way. To show that ical laboratory as an organization, the
someone, A, has knowledge of this type, we knowledge possessed by the chemists of this
normally use the expression "A knows P" laboratory or the patents developed by them
(where P is usually a verb). In the same way, are two good examples of internal knowledge
there are several examples of such knowledge: of the organization.
knowing how to swim, knowing to ride a bicy-
External knowledge, however, is that
cle, knowing to drive a car, knowing to speak
knowledge that an organization uses to inter-
in public or to articulate and lead a group of
act with other organizations. The knowledge
in the published reports of the organization or
Explicit knowledge, in contrast, is character- on its external website are examples of this last
ized by being directly encoded in a representa- type of knowledge.
tion system such as natural language. Thus, it
is easily transmitted or communicated and it is

glossariumBITri 155

With the definition of these six types of Tarapanoff, Kira (org.) (2006). Inteligência, infor-
knowledge in hand we can propose a much mação e conhecimento. Brasilia: IBICT-UNESCO,
págs 117-138.
more complex second definition of ― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2005).
Knowledge Management in organizations. “Sistemas de gestión de contenidos en la gestión del
conocimiento”. [Online]. BiD: textos universitaris
In this sense, Knowledge Management within de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, juny, núm. 14,
an organization may be understood as the dis- 2005. <
cipline that deals with designing and imple- los.php?fichero=14monto2.htm> [Accesed:
menting a system whose main objective is that 18/07/2005].
all tacit, explicit, individual, internal and exter- (2008). “Success Factors of Communities of Prac-
nal knowledge involved in the organization tice in Public Administration: the Case of Catalo-
can be converted systematically to an organi- nia’s Government”. O’Sullivan, Kevin. (ed.) (2008).
zational or corporative knowledge, in such a ICICKM 2008. 5th International Conference on In-
way that the corporate knowledge, being ac- tellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Or-
ganisational Learning. London: Academic Conferen-
cessible and shared, allows the increase in the ces Limited Reading, vol. II, págs. 407-414.
individual knowledge of all its members and ― SENGE, Peter M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The
improves the contribution of these individuals Age and Practice of the Learning Organization.Lon-
in achieving the goals of their organization di- don: Century Business.
― STEWART, T. A. (1997). Intellectual Capital: The
rectly. New Wealth of Organizations. New York: Cu-
References rrency/Doubleday.
― SVEIBY, K. E. (1997). The New Organizational
― ARROW, K. (1962). “The Economic Implication of Wealth: Managing and Measuring Knowledge-Based
Learning by Doing”. Rewiew of Economic Studies, Assets. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
29(3), 153-173. ― SVEIBY, K. E. (2001). What is Knowledge Manage-
― AUDI, R. (1988). Belief, Justification and ment? Brisbane: Sveiby Knowledge Associates.
Knowledge. London: Wadsworth Publishing Com- ― TIWANA, A. (ed.) (2002). The Knowledge Manage-
pany. ment toolkit. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Educa-
― BOISOT, M. (1998). Knowledge Assets. Oxford: tion.
Oxford University Press. ― von KROGH, G., ICHIJO, K. & NONAKA, I.
― CRAYLING, A. C. (ed.) (1998). Philosophy. Ox- (2000). Enabling Knowledge Creation. Oxford: Ox-
ford: Oxford University Press. ford University Press.
― DAVENPORT, T. (1997). Information Ecology. ― WILSON, J. (ed.) (2002). The Practitioner’s Guide
Oxford: Oxford University Press. to Effective Knowledge Management. Chicago:
― DAVENPORT, T. & Prusak, L. (1998). Working Melcrum Publishing.
Knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business School
Press. (MPM. –ed.-; MPM., MG)
― NONAKA, I. & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The
Knowledge Creating Company. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION (S. or-
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2008). ganización del conocimiento, F. organisation de la con-
“Knowledge Management in Organizations”. naissances, G. WissensOrganisation [LIS, infor-
Torres-Coronas, T. and Arias-Oliva, M. (eds.) mation society, knowledge management] disci-
(2008). Encyclopedia of Human Resources Infor-
mation Systems: Challenges in e-HRM.Hershey pline
(Pennsylvania): Information Science Reference (Idea
Knowledge Organization (KO) is a field of
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2008). study that comprises techniques to organize
Gestión del Conocimiento en las Organizaciones. documents, concepts, and relationships
Gijón: Trea. among them. One of the tasks that KO carries
― PÉREZ-MONTORO GUTIÉRREZ, Mario (2006). out is to increase the interoperability mecha-
“Gestión del Conocimiento, gestión documental y
gestión de contenidos”. Tramullas, Jesús (Coord.) nisms to enable a way to employ these tech-
(2006). Tendencias en documentación digital. Gijón: niques in a worldwide media. Related fields are
Ediciones Trea, págs. 110-133.
“O Conhecimento e sua Gestão em Organizações”.

156 glossariumBITri

information classification, information re- KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION SYS-

trieval, information visualization, and TEM (S. sistemanas de organización del conoci-
knowledge acquisition, amongst others. miento, F. Systèmes de organisation de la connais-
sances, G. WissensOrganisation Systeme [informa-
It should not be confused with knowledge
tion science] concpet
management (KM), since the latter is focused
on the field of organizations, whereas KO has The concept Knowledge Organization System
a more general orientation, less focused on the (aka KOS) group different classification
concrete returns of organizations, which ob- schemes used to organize knowledge. Some
jectives are more concrete and explicit. Never- KOSs are library classifications, taxonomies,
theless, KM is supported by KO as one of its subject headings, thesauri, ontologies, etc.
basic processes and techniques. KOS is a corner stone in Knowledge Organi-
zation tools.
A great number of methods to organize
knowledge are based on principles stated by Knowledge Organization techniques are used
librarians. Some librarian resources used in to build KOSs. These techniques outline prin-
KO are controlled vocabularies and classifica- ciples to build, manage, and visualize KOS.
tion schemes (v. indexing language, thesaurus, Knowledge Organization Systems show a sim-
and taxonomy). plified view of the concepts of a domain. The
goal is provide a way to improve the under-
Fields related are often overlapped, some of
standing and the management of a field of
these fields and the resources that they de-
velop are:
On account of the variety of disciplines needs
Linguistics: NLP tools like taggers, stem-
to facilitate their understanding, KO Systems
mers, terminological and lexical databases, etc.
are present in a wide range of fields of
Artificial Intelligence: ontologies, neural knowledge. There are examples of KOS in e-
networks, and reasoning engines. learning, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engi-
neering, and Information Science. Each of
Statistics and data mining: classifier and
these fields gives to KO Systems one or more
clustering algorithms.
different names, and design these KOS in a
Information Extraction and Retrieval: different way, according its specific goals. In
named entities recognition and classification, this manner, e-learning talks about mind maps
correference resolution, etc. and concept maps; Artificial Intelligence ad-
Librarian and information science: re- dress ontologies and semantic networks; Soft-
sources controlled vocabularies and classifica- ware Engineering talks about UML diagrams;
tion schemes, indexing techniques, metadata and Information Science use thesauri, subject
vocabularies. headings, library classifications, etc. Although,
each approach has different semantic struc-
Computer science: design applications to or- tures depending on its goals, all of them col-
ganize and retrieve. lect a domain vocabulary to represent con-
References cepts, and semantic relationships among these
― ZENG, M.L. & CHAN, L.M. (2004) Trends and is-
sues in establishing interoperability among The construction of a KOS requires a high in-
knowledge organization systems. Journal of the Ameri- tellectual effort to reach an agreement about
can Society for Information Science and Technology, 55 (5), the representation. This implies to analyze the
pp. 377-395.
domain to extract the main concepts and rela-
(SSC. –ed.-; SSC, JML) tionships and to agree these analyses in order
to show a shared representation. This is a la-
borious and exhausting work with frequent

glossariumBITri 157

delays. These problems might be minimized KOLMOGOROV COMPLEXITY (S. Com-

with a systematic methodology to develop plejidad de Kolmogorov, F. Complexité de Kolmogo-
these models. Examples came from Software rov, G. Kolmogorow-Komplexität) [AIT, computer
Engineering and Ontology Engineering. Sev- science, complexity theory, coding theory] con-
eral software applications have been imple- cept
mented to easy these tasks.
Contents. 1) Absolute and relative complexity
One of the main bottlenecks is knowledge ac- measures; 2) Complexity with respect to an algorithm; 3)
quisition. This phase tries to identify the main Absolute Kolmogorov complexity; 4) Diversity of naming,
concepts, by different information sources approaches and applications.
and experts. Next step, it is conceptualization, 1. Absolute and relative complexity
that is structure the domain. This implies ana- measures. Kolmogorov complexity is an al-
lyze terminology, synonyms, hierarchical, and gorithmic measure or measure of algorithmic
associative structures. Besides these structures information. It is defined for constructive ob-
it is important to identify the constraints that jects, such as words in some alphabet. If x is a
present each relation or attribute. word, then the original Kolmogorov complex-
Some approaches have been made to group ity C(x) of a word x (also denoted by K(x)) is
different KOSs. In this regard and from the taken to be equal to:
ontology engineering point of view, thesauri the size of the shortest program (in number
and other library classification are called light of symbols) for a universal Turing ma-
ontologies, in contrast to true ontologies chine U that without additional data, com-
(Daconta et al., 2003; 157; Lassila, O. y putes the string x and terminates.
McGuinness, D. L., 2001; Gruninger y
Uschold, 2002). As Turing machines are recursive algorithms,
the original Kolmogorov complexity C(x) is
References a recursive complexity measure.
― ZENG, M.L. & CHAN, L.M. (2004). Trends and is-
sues in establishing interoperability among
This measure is called absolute Kolmogorov com-
knowledge organization systems. Journal of the Ameri- plexity because Kolmogorov complexity has
can Society for Information Science and Technology, 55 (5), also a relative form C(x | y). Namely, the rela-
pp. 377-395. tive Kolmogorov complexity C(x | y) of the
― LASSILA, Ora y MCGUINNESS, Deborah (2009). word x relative to the word y is taken to be
The Role of Frame-Based Representation on the Se-
mantic Web. KSL Tech Report Number KSL-01-02. equal to:
< the size of the shortest program (in number of
sw.html>[28/09/2009] symbols) for a universal Turing ma-
― GRUNINGER, M. y USCHOLD, M. (2002). Ontol- chine U that with y as its input, computes the
ogies and Semantic Integration to appear in Software Agents string x and terminates.
for the Warfighter, the first in a series of reports sponsored by
the US Government Information Technology Assessment The relative Kolmogorov complexity C(x | y)
Consortium (ITAC). Edited by Jeff Bradshaw, Insti- allows one to find the algorithmic quantity
tute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), I(y ; x) of information in a word y about a word x.
University of West Florida.
― DACONTA, Michael C.; OBRST, Leo J. y SMITH,
Namely, we have
Kevin T. (2003).The Semantic Web. A guide to the future I(y ; x) = C(x) - C(x | y)
of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management. Indi-
anapolis: Wiley. 2. Complexity with respect to an algo-
rithm. The Kolmogorov complexity CA(x) of
(SSC. –ed.-; SSC, JML) an object (word) x with respect to an algo-
rithm A is defined as
CA(x) = min {l(p); A(p) = x}

158 glossariumBITri

in the case when there is a word p such program length, algorithmic randomness, stochastic
that A(p) = x; complexity, information-theoretic complexity, complex-
ity, randomness, KCS (Kolmogorov-Chaitin-Sol-
otherwise CA(x) is not defined.
omonoff) complexity, information size, and algo-
If the Church-Turing Thesis (Turing Halting rithmic entropy.
Theorem) is accepted, then any algorithm is Different names reflect different approaches
modeled by a Turing machine and Kolmogo- to the concept. When we want to know how
rov complexity is considered only for Turing difficult it might be computing or constructing
machines. some object x with recursive algorithms, Kol-
3. Absolute Kolmogorov complexity. Solo- mogorov or algorithmic complexity is an appropriate
monoff (1964), Kolmogorov (1965), and name. When the question is how much infor-
Chaitin (1969) proved that there is an invariant mation we need to build or compute x with
up to some additive constant Kolmogorov given algorithms, the name information size of x
complexity C(x). It is called absolute Kolmogorov better reflects the situation. When we consider
complexity because there is also relative Kolmogo- probabilistic aspects of x, e.g., randomness, al-
rov complexity C(x|y). Namely, there is a Turing gorithmic entropy might be the best name.
machine U such that for any Turing ma- Many versions of Kolmogorov complexity
chine T, there is a constant cUT such that for all have been introduced. The most known of
words x, we have them are: uniform complexity KR(x), prefix com-
CU(x)  CT(x) + cUT plexity or prefix-free complexity K(x), monotone com-
plexity Km(x), conditional Kolmogorov complexity
The machine U is a universal Turing machine. CD(x), time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity Ct(x),
This makes the concept of Kolmogorov com- space-bounded Kolmogorov complexity Cs(x), and re-
plexity invariant up to an additive constant if source-bounded Kolmogorov complexity Ct,s(x). In
we put C(x) = CU(x). addition, Kolmogorov complexity has been
However, it is necessary to understand that extended to infinite processes, infinite words
this invariance is not absolute because the (Chaitin, 1976; 1977), super-recursive algo-
value of the constant cUT depends on the rithms (Burgin, 1995; 2005; Schmidhuber,
choice of the universal Turing ma- 2002), quantum computations (Svozil, 1996)
chine U (Weinstein, 2003; Burgin, 2005). and algorithmic problems (Burgin, 2010a).

It was demonstrated that Kolmogorov com- Existence of different versions of Kolmogo-

plexity cannot be computed by a Turing ma- rov complexity caused a necessity to build a
chine or by any other recursive algorithm unified algorithmic information measure.
(Kolmogorov, 1965) but can be computed by Such a theory has been developed as an ax-
an inductive Turing machine (Burgin, 1982). iomatic algorithmic complexity (Burgin, 1982;
When the length of a word tends to infinity, 1990; 2005; 2010).
its Kolmogorov complexity also tends to in- References
― BURGIN, M. (1982). Generalized Kolmogorov
4. Diversity of naming, approaches and complexity and duality in theory of computations.
applications. Although the majority of re- Soviet Math. Dokl., v.25, No. 3, pp. 19–23
― BURGIN, M. (1990). Generalized Kolmogorov
searchers use Kolmogorov complexity as the stand- Complexity and other Dual Complexity Measures.
ard name for this measure, there are authors Cybernetics, No. 4, pp. 21–29
who prefer a different name. In particular, the ― BURGIN, M. (1995). Algorithmic Approach in
following names of this concept are used: algo- the Dynamic Theory of Information. Notices of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, v. 342, No. 1, pp. 7-10
rithmic information content, algorithmic information, ― BURGIN, M. (2005). Super-recursive algorithms, Mono-
program-size complexity, information content, shortest graphs in computer science, Springer.

glossariumBITri 159

― BURGIN, M. (2010). Theory of Information: Fundamen- ― SCHMIDHUBER, J. (2002). Hierarchies of Gener-

tality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore: World Sci- alized Kolmogorov Complexities and Nonenumera-
entific Publishing ble Universal Measures Computable in the Limit. In-
― BURGIN, M. (2010). Algorithmic Complexity of ternational Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, v.
Computational Problems. International Journal of Com- 3, No. 4, pp. 587-612
puting & Information Technology, 2010, v. 2, No. 1, pp. ― SOLOMONOFF, R. (June 1964). "A Formal The-
149-187 ory of Inductive Inference Part II". Information and
― CHAITIN, G. J. (1969). "On the Simplicity and Control 7 (2): 224–254.
Speed of Programs for Computing Infinite Sets of ― SOLOMONOFF, R. (March 1964). "A Formal
Natural Numbers" (PDF). Journal of the ACM, Vol. Theory of Inductive Inference Part I". Information
16, pp. 407-422. and Control, Vol. 7, pp. 1–22.
― CHAITIN, G.J. (1976). Information theoretic char- ― SVOZIL. K. (1996). Quantum Algorithmic Infor-
acterizations of recursive infinite strings. Theoretical mation Theory. Journal of Universal Computer Science, v.
Computer Science, v. 2, pp. 45–48 2, pp. 311-346
― CHAITIN, G.J. (1977). Algorithmic information ― WEINSTEIN, S. Objectivity, information, and Maxwell's
theory. IBM Journal of Research and Development, v.21, demon, Preprint, PhilSci-Archive, 2003. [Online]
No. 4, pp. 350-359 <> [accessed:
― KOLMOGOROV, A.N. (1965). "Three Ap- 14/3/2015]
proaches to the Quantitative Definition of Infor-
mation". Problems Inform. Transmission, Vol. 1, pp. 1– (MB)

160 glossariumBITri
glossariumBITri 161
LIBRARY SCIENCE (S. biblioteconomçia, F. psychology, subjective idealism and methodo-
sciences des bibliothèques, bibliothéconomie, G. Biblio- logical individualism. But simultaneously, an
theks-, Dokumentations- wissenschaft [research, in- intermediate approach emerged which could
formation management] concept be branded as a neutral specialisation (even
formal or abstract), the domain-analytic approach,
Branch of the information sciences devoted to
related to hermeneutics, semiotics and social
the theoretical and technical knowledge con-
constructivism (Capurro & Hjørland 2003).
cerning organization and administration of li-
braries. It deals with the managing of collec- According to Griffith’s definition (1980), “In-
tions and information resources, and the pro- formation Science is concerned with the gen-
vision of user access. eration, collection, organisation, interpreta-
tion, storage, retrieval, dissemination, trans-
At the beginning of the 20th century, the term
formation and use of information, with particu-
"information" was frequently linked to Special
lar emphasis on the applications of modern
Librarianship in the English speaking world. In
technologies in these areas”. The objective of
the 1960s and after a period in which this ac-
its disciplinary framework is “to create and
tivity was associated to Documentation, it
structure a body of scientific, technological
converged with what was labelled as Infor-
and system knowledge related to information
mation Science (which in some Latin-American
transfer”. Thus –despite the problematic or
countries has been translated into “Ciencia de
contingent linkage to used tools made by Grif-
la Información”, with a sense close to the
English usage). According to Capurro and fith– it can be stated that we are dealing with
Hjørland (2003), this was motivated by: (i) the a science which contains elements being theo-
growing interest in computer applications, (ii) retical (except for its specific application) and
the influence of Shannon’s theory, and (iii) the applied (aimed at services and products).
current information processing paradigm in Regarding the conceptualisation of infor-
cognitive sciences. mation carried out in this field, it can be stated
Considering Library Science as academic dis- that special focus is put on two confronted
cipline related to librarians and documental- meanings: 1) the information as an object in
ists, two clear trends have been distinguished: documents and 2) its radical subjectivisation,
the general approach, mainly focused on public i.e. information as everything “that can be in-
libraries with emphasis in general education formative to someone”.
and significantly detached from the References
knowledge it serves; and the specialised approach, ― CAPURRO, R. & HJORLAND, B. (2003). The
aimed at specific knowledge domains. How- Concept of Information. Annual Review of Information
ever, although this second approach was rela- Science and Technology, Ed. B. Cronin, 37(8), 343-411.
tively dominant until the 1970s, thereafter it [Draft version available online]
lost its leading position as education tended to <> [Ac-
cessed: 12/11/2009].
become more general and oriented towards

glossariumBITri 163
― GRIFFITH, B. C. (Ed.) (1980). Key papers in infor-
mation science. New York: Knowledge Industry Publi-
― MARTÍNEZ DE SOUSA, J. (1993). Diccionario de bi-
bliología y ciencias afines. Madrid: Fundación Sánchez
― RODRÍGUEZ BRAVO, B. (2002). El documento: en-
tre la tradición y la renovación. Gijón: Trea.
― WILSON, J. (ed.) (2002). The Practitioner’s Guide
to Effective Knowledge Management. Chicago:
Melcrum Publishing.
(BR –ed.- ; JMD, BR)

164 glossariumBITri
MATHEMATICAL STRATUM OF THE (Burgin 2010b). There are two forms of infor-
GTI (S. Sustrato matemático de la TGI,, F. La mation dynamics depiction in categories: the
strate mathématique de la TGI, G Die mathematische categorical and functorial representa-
Substrat der GTI) [General Theory of Informa- tions. The categorical representation of infor-
tion] theory mation dynamics preserves internal structures
of information spaces associated with in-
The mathematical stratum of the →General Theory
fological systems as their state or phase spaces.
of Information (GTI) builds mathematical mod-
In it, portions of information are modeled by
els of information, information processes and
categorical information operators. The functo-
information processing systems. According to
rial representation of information dynamics pre-
the basic principles of GTI, information is in-
serves external structures of information
trinsically related to transformations. That is
spaces associated with infological systems as
why portions of information are modeled by
their state or phase spaces. In it, portions of
information operators in infological system
information are modeled by functorial infor-
representation spaces or simply in information
mation operators.
spaces. Informally, an information space is a
space where information functions (acts). In References
the formalized approach, information spaces ― BURGIN, M. (2010a). Theory of Information: Fun-
are constructed as state or phase spaces of in- damentality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore:
fological systems. It is possible to use different World Scientific Publishing.
mathematical structures for state/phase repre- ― BURGIN, M. (2010b). Information Operators in
Categorical Information Spaces. Information, 1(1), 119-
sentation. Thus, the mathematical stratum of 152. [Online]
the GTI is build as an operator theory in in- 2489/1/2/119/ [Accessed: 27/02/2011]
formation spaces based on principles of this
theory, which are translated into postulates (MB)
and axioms.
There are two types of mathematical models MENTAL CONTENT (S. contenido mental,
of information: (1) information processes and F. contenú mentale, G. mentaler Inhalt) [mind, se-
(2) information processing systems. This sep- mantics, psicology, cognitive science] concept
aration results in two approaches: functional It is commonly assumed that mental states can
and categorical. be characterized by a certain psychological at-
In the functional approach, the information titude and a certain content. The content of a
space is represented by functional spaces, mental state is a mental content. A precedent
such as Hilbert spaces or Banach spaces, while of that analysis can be found in Russell. Be-
portions of information are modeled by oper- lieving, desiring, remembering, feeling, per-
ators in these spaces. ceiving, etc., are examples of psychological at-
titudes. What is believed, what is desired, what
In the categorical approach, information is remembered, what is felt, what is perceived,
spaces are represented by abstract categories

glossariumBITri 165

etc., would be the mental content that in each experts would use certain terms, and the rela-
case is associated with those attitudes. tionships with the external world. Descartes
and Frege are two paradigmatic classical exam-
Very often, it is also assumed that there are
ples of internism. Externism was introduced
two big classes of mental contents: conceptual
by authors like Putnam, Burge and Kripke.
and non-conceptual ones. Conceptual content
is the semantic content that we can find in References
words, expressions and sentences of a lan- The bibliographic resources offered by David Chalmers
guage. The content that beliefs, desires, re- in his website are extremely useful:
memberings, etc., typically have is the same as <>
the content of certain sentences. Mental states ― BURGE, T. (1992) “Philosophy of Language and
with conceptual content are also called “prop- Mind 1950-1990”, Philosophical Review, 95.
ositional attitudes”, their content being a par- ― CRANE, T. (1992). The Contents of Experience. Cam-
ticular proposition that could be expressed by bridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
― DRETSKE, F. (1980). Knowledge and the Flow of Infor-
a certain sentence. mation. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Non-conceptual content is an experiential, ― DRETSKE, F. (1988). Explaining Behavior. Cam-
bridge: MIT Press.
qualitative or phenomenological content. It is ― FODOR, J. (1987). Psychosemantics, The Problem of
eventually the content that feelings, percep- Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: MIT
tions and sensations typically have. Whereas Press.
conceptual content is semantically evaluable in ― KRIPKE, S. (1980). Naming and Necessity. Cam-
bridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
a quite direct way, non-conceptual content is ― LYCAN, W, (ed.) (2008). Mind and Cognition. Cam-
not so. However, non-conceptual content can bridge: Basil Blackwell.
be evaluated as more or less correct or incor- ― MCGINN, C. (1989). Mental Content. New York,
rect, or as more or less adequate or inadequate, Blackwell.
etc. Mental states with non-conceptual con- ― MILLIKAN, R. (1984). Language, Thought and Other
Biological Categories. Cambridge: MIT Press.
tent are usually called “qualitative states”, “ex- ― PETTIT, Ph. & J. McDowell (eds.) (1986). Subject,
periential states” or “phenomenal states”. Thought and Content. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Their content would be a qualitative, experi- ― PUTNAM, H. (1975). “The meaning of ‘meaning’ ”,
ential, or phenomenal character not identifia- in: Mind, Language and Reality. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge: Univ. Press.
ble with any proposition. ― PUTNAM, H. (1988). Representation and Reality. Cam-
A very important thesis with respect to the dis- bridge: MIT Press.
― RICHARD, M. (1990). Propositional Attitudes. Cam-
tinction between conceptual and non-concep- bridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
tual content is that perhaps there are mental ― STALNAKER, R. (1999). Context and Content. Ox-
states with both conceptual content and non- ford: Oxford Univ. Press.
conceptual content. Another not least im- ― WOODFIELD, A. (ed.) (1982). Thought and Object.
portant thesis is that perhaps every mental Essays on Intentionality. New York: Oxford Univ.
state with conceptual content has also some
kind of non-conceptual content. (ML)
The contrast between internism and externism
has given place to one of the more dramatic MESSAGE (S. mensaje, F. message, G. Botchaft,
discussions about mental content in recent Nachricht) [transdiciplinary, communication
years. Internism claims that mental contents – theory, angeletics] concept
and mental states-- only depend on factors in- Contents.— 1) Introduction, 2) Message and infor-
ternal to the mind of the subjects. Externism mation, from Shannon’s confusion towards a systematic dis-
claims that mental contents –and mental
states-- essentially depend on factors external
to their minds. Those external factors may in-
clude linguistic norms of the community, how

166 glossariumBITri

tinction, 3) Analysis of Messages, 4) Fallibility and effi- Message and information are related but not
ciency of messages, 5) Beyond human contexts: a crossroad identical concepts:
between biology and hermeneutics
― a message is sender-dependent, i.e. it is
1. Introduction. The message plays such a based on a heteronomic or asymmetric
central role in communication processes that structure. This is not the case of infor-
“the Theory of Communication is largely a mation: we receive a message, but we ask
theory of messages” (Ferrater Mora 1994). for information,
However, the common direct association be-
― a message is supposed to bring something
tween message and information arises from a
new and/or relevant to the receiver. This is
confusion –even a conceptual void- which
also the case of information,
source can be found in Shannon’s communi-
cation model. For the sake of improving our ― a message can be coded and transmitted
understanding of both message and infor- through different media or messengers.
mation, a clarification is needed in order to ad- This is also the case of information,
dress the involved phenomena better. ― a message is an utterance that gives rise to
the receiver's selection through a release
If communication requires at least a sender,
mechanism or interpretation.
receiver, a medium and a message, but regard-
ing McLuhan famous dictum “the medium is Thus, we observe they are interrelated con-
the message”, what is then a message? Bring- cepts but clearly not coincident. How might
ing here some clarity, restoring its importance, they be distinguished? The theory of social
is perhaps a way to circumvent the “disange- systems provides us here some insights. Fol-
lium of current times” referred by Sloterdijk lowing Luhmann, a communication process
(1997) or the “phantasmagorical” character of within a social system is a three dimensional
new media evoked by Zizek (1997). juncture of a meaning offer, selection of
meaning and understanding (Luhmann 1987,
2. Message and information, from Shan-
196, →Autopoiesis). Considering message as
non’s confusion towards a systematic dis-
meaning offer, and information as its selec-
tinction. Claude Shannon's theory of commu-
tion, we already have a distinction: message
nication (Shannon 1948) is not a theory about
("Mitteilung") is the action of offering some-
information transmission but about message
thing (potentially) meaningful to a social sys-
transmission. Shannon uses the term 'message'
tem ("Sinnangebot"); information ("Infor-
instead of 'information' in its usual meaning as
mation") is the process of selecting meaning
'knowledge communicated'. The concept of
from different possibilities offered by a mes-
information within this theory refers to the
sage; and understanding ("Verstehen") is the in-
number of binary choices in order to create or
tegration of the selected meaning within the
codify – a message. In reality – as it was con-
system. Communication melts these differ-
ceived and applied – the theory is about signal
ences towards a unity.
transmission and the ways in which to make it
more reliable. Shannon correlates information Message, as meaning offer is sender depend-
and uncertainty, as opposed to the everyday ent, therefore heteronomous. We receive mes-
meaning of information. The semantic and sages, but we look for information, which we
pragmatic aspects are excluded from this engi- can only do if a meaning offer exists. A mes-
neering perspective of communication. War- sage brings to the recipient something new or
ren Weaver found Shannon's definition of in- surprising, causing uncertainty. It can be
formation as counterintuitive (Shannon & through different means codified and trans-
Weaver 1972). But Shannon had indeed sub- mitted, arriving to recipients somehow dis-
stituted the everyday meaning by using the torted. Finally, the selection of meanings of-
word message. fered by the message always takes place over

glossariumBITri 167

the background of a pre-understanding. Re- a sender of messages within a dialogical system

cipients understand messages distinguishing remains a subordinate option. Since the rise of
between the meanings offered and selected. the Internet things started to change, at least
The Recipient can doubt about the message, concerning the easier and cheaper possibility
interpreting either way or even neglecting it. for many receivers to become senders, includ-
The heteronomy of the message stands there- ing such hierarchical distribution options as
fore against the autonomy of interpreting. one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many and
3. Analysis of Messages. Messages admit an
Aristotelian analysis in terms of form, goal, These distribution hierarchies also correspond
content, producers (and recipients). to power constellations, which play a crucial role
determining contents, producers and recipi-
Regarding its form, messages can be primarily
ents: Who is allowed to send and preserve?
distinguished between: imperatives, indicatives
What messages can be sent? Which recipients
and optionals. However, from the point of view
can be addressed? How can it be done (includ-
of the message directivity, two extreme forms
ing technical conditions)? What purposes are
can also be identified: 1) a human sender, an
allowed? Whereas in the antiquity the dissem-
individual or a group, may believe to have a
ination of messages was a sign of god and
message for everybody and for all times, and
power, with the advent of philosophy the le-
vice versa, 2) someone may think everything is
gitimacy of this right came into question. His-
a message to him/her. Between these two
torically a change from a vertical message
poles there are several possible hierarchies.
structure to a horizontal one can be observed
The form of the message has a basic constraint (Capurro 2003a, Díaz & Al Hadithi 2009). The
related to the effectiveness: in order to select heteronomous determination of messages
or interpret a message the receiver must have gives rise to its vertical character; however,
some kind of common pre-understanding philosophical and scientific discourses are ex-
with the sender of the message, for instance a amples of how a heteronomous message can
similar form or (linguistic) code. be embedded into a horizontal structure, i.e.
In his theory of communication or "com-
municology" Vilem Flusser makes a basic dis- Concerning the possibilities and constraints of
tinction concerning two goals of communica- digital media with respect to power constella-
tion: tion and the resulting verticality or horizontal-
ity of communication, there is an ongoing de-
― the dialogical goal, aiming at the creation of
bate on the future structure of the Internet.
new information,
The pressure of established information oli-
― the discursive goal, aiming at the distribution gopoles (= concentration of power in few
of information (Flusser 1996, →Dialogic vs. hands) will not vanish although it may de-
Discursive). crease. At the same time new forms of domi-
A third goal related to the preservation of in- nation and exclusion arise (Capurro et al 2007,
formation could be added, namely conserva- →Critical Theory of Information, Fuchs 2009).
tional, embracing librarian and archivist activi- A thorough analysis of messages (regarding
ties. production, transmission and reception) con-
According to Flusser the age of mass media cern different aspects such as origin, purpose,
with their hierarchical one-to-many structure and content of messages, power structures,
of information distributors –we could call this techniques and means of diffusion, history of
the CNN-principle– would finally dominate messages and messengers, coding and inter-
all forms of information creation. In other preting messages, as well as psychological, po-
words, the possibility for a receiver to become

168 glossariumBITri

litical, economic, aesthetic, ethical and reli- The different theories on the production of
gious aspects. Therefore an interdisciplinary messages generally agree on the idea that par-
stage, named →angeletics, has been postulated takers are subject to the same kind of cognitive
where media studies, the study of signs (semi- dynamics at the planning of messages.
otics) and their interpretation (→hermeneutics)
Regarding the more or less interactive charac-
are specifically convened.
ter of communication, which depends on the
4. Fallibility and efficiency of messages. form and related power constellations men-
What kind of specific criteria can be postu- tioned above, the message production can be
lated concerning the way a sender, a medium more or less cooperative. Indeed, the repre-
and a receiver of messages should act in order sentations produced by the sender do not "in-
to be successful under finite conditions? By fi- ject" a certain meaning in a passive receptor.
nite conditions we mean that neither the The simultaneous and interactive character of
sender, nor the messenger, nor the receiver communication (if it is horizontal as argued
have any kind of certainty that their actions above), as well as the constant exchange of
will fit the ideal situation in which: roles between sender and receiver, leads to a
model where the message is produced as a re-
― a sender addresses a receiver, sending
sult of the collaboration of the partakers. The
him/her a message that is new and relevant
different plans at stake when transmitting and
for him/her, i.e., he/she follows the princi-
interpreting a message must adapt instantane-
ple of respect,
ously to the speech situation, forcing the
― a messenger brings the message undistorted agents to adapt their messages to the different
to the receiver, i.e., he/she follows the prin- constraints of the communicative context.
ciple of faithfulness,
5. Beyond human contexts: a crossroad
― a receiver reserves judgement, based on a
between biology and hermeneutics. The
process of interpretation, about whether
concept of message has also been frequently
the message is true or not, i.e., he/she fol-
used in non-human contexts, especially in bi-
lows the principle of reservation.
ology (genetics, molecular biology). However,
In order to achieve the goals pursued in mes- the communication model used above to
sage production (mentioned above), the make a distinction between message and in-
sender requires a strategy and planning on formation, as well as the analysis used to get a
how messages should be generated, structured deeper understanding of messages has to be
and released. The cognitive processes in- simplified. Considering the original twofold
volved in the planning of a message addressed meaning of the term 'information' as 'mould-
to a certain target may be conscious or uncon- ing matter' and as 'knowledge communicated'
scious. The main objective of the sender as he we can say that a cell or, more generally, a liv-
intends to send a message is to affect the con- ing system, is in-formed on the basis of message
duct and/or mental architecture of the re- selection in order to satisfy its constraints. More-
ceiver. The design of the message may differ over, a self-organizing system can be seen as a
depending on which subsidiary goals are pur- system able to make a good behavioural selec-
sued (e.g., the desire to be polite), and may also tion among the offer of behaviours within the
vary depending on the cognitive, rhetorical, received messages and with respect to its sur-
social, strategic, etc. capacities of the individu- vival (→autopoiesis). The dynamics of the selec-
als involved. As a result, several plans are exe- tion mechanism has to be understood in a di-
cuted simultaneously when a message is pro- achronic perspective.
duced, transmitted and interpreted.
The physicist Carl-Friedrich von Weiszäcker
remarks that the modern concept of infor-
mation is a new way of asking for what Plato

glossariumBITri 169

and Aristotle called idéa or morphé (Weizsäcker ― WEIZSÄCKER, C.F. von (1974). Die Einheit der Natur.
1974). But what is the main difference be- ― ZIZEK, S. (1997). Die Pest der Phantasmen. Vienna: Passa-
tween Plato's concept of participation (me- gen Verlag.
thexis) as in-formation and today's view of (RC –ed.-; JMD, RC)
communication? Answer: the inversion of the
relation between time and form. According to
today's evolutionary perspective forms evolve MIND (S. mente, F. esprit, G. Geist) [transdisci-
within the horizon of time not the other way plinar, semántica] concept
round (Matsuno 1998). The process of mes- The notions of mind, psyche, soul, even con-
sages interpretation also evolves in time. Un- sciousness, can be considered equivalent. Per-
derstanding means originally the very fact of ceiving, remembering, believing, desiring, rea-
being able to provide a correct answer to given soning, taking decisions, imagining, under-
possibilities (or messages). This capability standing, having emotions and feelings, etc.,
evolves “in time” from a very elementary way are examples of mental states and processes.
of responding to messages to a more complex The scientific discipline directly concerned
way of interpreting messages (Capurro with the mind is psychology, and the philo-
2003b). sophical discipline concerned with the mind is
References the philosophy of mind. There is, however, an
― CAPURRO, R. (2003a). Theorie der Botschaft, in Ethik im
area of knowledge interested in mind more
Netz. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 105-122. generally –both human and animal, natural
<>, accessed: and artificial, etc.—and in a very interdiscipli-
― CAPURRO, R. (2003b). “Angeletics. A message theory”.
nary sense. That area is known as “cognitive
In Hans H. Diebner, Lehan Ramsay (Eds.). Hierarchies of sciences”, or as “cognitive science” in a more
Communication. An inter-institutional and international ambitious interpretation. Artificial intelligence
symposium on aspects of communication on different
scales and levels. Karlsruhe: Verlag ZKM, 58-71. [Online] would belong to that area. Moreover, it has
<> [acces- been argued many times that the philosophy
sed: 20/02/2010] of mind would also belong to it.
― FERRATER MORA, J. (1994). Diccionario de Filosofía. Bar-
celona: Ariel.
― FLUSSER, V. (1996). Kommunikologie. Frankfurt am Main:
Very often, mind is contrasted with the physi-
Surkamp. cal world and with the external world. Mind
― FUCHS, C. (2009). “Towards a critical theory of infor- seems to constitute some kind of non-physical
mation”. Triple C Cognition-Communication-Cooperation, 7(2),
243-292. [Online] < internal world. In relation with that contrast,
pleC/article/view/91/131> [accessed: 20/02/2010] the notion of mind involves three important
― CAPURRO, R., FRÜHBAUER, J., HAUSMANNIGER, problems: 1) a serious problem of localization
T. (Eds.) (2007). Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in inter-
cultural perspective München: Fink Verlag, 2007. [Online] (Where is the mind located?), 2) a serious
<> [accessed: problem of connection (How does the mind
― DÍAZ NAFRÍA, J.M., Al HADITHI, B. (2009). “Are «the
connect with the physical world and with the
semantic aspects» actually «irrelevant to the engineering external world?), and 3) a serious problem of
problem»?”. Triple C-Cognition Communication Cooperation, epistemic access (How can we come to know
7(2), 300-308. [Online] <
pleC/article/view/107/145> [accessed: 20/02/2010] something about our own mind? How can we
― LUHMANN, N. (1987). Soziale Systeme. Frankfurt am come to know something about other
Main. minds?).
― MATSUNO, K. (1998). Dynamics of time and information
in a dynamic time. Bio Systems 46, 57-71. There are three crucial aspects of the mind: in-
― SHANNON, C. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Com-
munication. In: Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 379-423, tentionality, qualitative character and personal iden-
623-656. tity. Intentionality is what makes possible that
― SHANNON, C., Weaver, W. (1972). The mathematical theory
of communication. University of Illinois Press (Original work
the mind is related with objects and states of
published in 1949). actual or possible affairs. Intentionality is ex-
― SLOTERDIJK, P. (1997). Kantilenen der Zeit. In: Lettre hibited in propositional attitudes, mental
International, 36, 71-77.

170 glossariumBITri

states –beliefs, desires, memories, etc.- with a References

semantic content able to represent objects and The bibliographic resources offered by David
states of affairs. Qualitative character is a peculiar Chalmers in his website are extremely useful:
quality or phenomenological feature. It is <>
manifest in mental states with a content full of
― CHALMERS, D. (1996). The Conscious Mind. Ox-
experiential ingredients. Finally, personal identity ford: Oxford Univ. Press.
makes reference to our enduring existence as ― CHALMERS, D. (2002). Philosophy of Mind. Clas-
persons with a “self”, or an “ego”. The three sical and Contemporary Readings. Oxford: Oxford
aspects entail very hard problems, both scien- Univ. Press.
tific and philosophical. ― CHURCHLAND, P. (1984). Matter and Conscious-
ness. A Contemporary Introduction to the Philoso-
We need to make reference to another field of phy of Mind. Cambridge: MIT Press.
― DENNETT, D. (1996). Kinds of Minds. New York:
problems. The mind can be considered: a sub- Basic Books.
stance, a set of properties or attributes, or the ― FLANAGAN, O. (1984). The Science of the Mind.
result of quite a peculiar sort of description. Cambridge: MIT Press.
The realistic compromises of the first option ― GREGORY, R. (ed.) (1987). The Oxford Compan-
are stronger that those of the second option, ion to the Mind. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
― GUTTENPLAN, S. (ed.) (1996). A Companion to
and these ones are stronger than those of the the Philosophy of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell.
third one. The first option is the one of Platon ― HAUGELAND, J. (ed.) (1981). Mind Design. Cam-
and Descartes, a dualism of substances –the bridge: MIT Press.
mind as a different substance than the physi- ― HAUGELAND, J. (ed.) (1985). Artificial Intelli-
gence, The Very Idea. Cambridge: MIT Press.
cal, material or extensive substance. The sec- ― HAUGELAND, J. (ed.) (1997). Mind Design II.
ond option is maintained by Aristotle and by Cambridge: MIT Press.
many contemporary authors. The third option ― HEIL, J. (2004). Philosophy of Mind. A Guide and
is favoured by eliminativism. According to Onthology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
eliminativism, the mind would not have an ob- ― KIM, J. (1996). Philosophy of Mind. Oxford: West-
view Press.
jective reality with independence of a certain ― LYCAN, W. (ed.) (1990). Mind and Cognition.
way of describing and interpreting some sorts Cambridge: Blackwell.
of phenomena, including here a certain way of ― NAGEL, T. (1986). The View from Nowhere. New
describing and interpreting some phenomena York: Oxford Univ. Press.
― O’HEAR, A. (1998). Current Issues in Philosophy
having to do with our own body and our be- of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
haviour. ― OSHERSON, D. (1990). An Invitation to Cognitive
Science, 3 vols. Cambridge: MIT Press.
The last point worthy of mention is that per- ― ROSENTHAL, D. (ed.) (1991). The Nature of
haps we would not have to speak of “the Mind. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
mind” in general, but of different “kinds of ― SEARLE, J. (1983). Intentionality. An Essay in the
minds”. There could be purely semantic, con- Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
ceptual, or cognitive minds in contrast with Press.
― SEARLE, J. (1992). The Rediscovery of Mind. Cam-
other much more qualitative, non-conceptual, bridge: The MIT Press.
or experiential minds. There could be natural ― SOSA, E. & VILLANUEVA, E. (2003). The Philos-
and artificial minds. There could be very sim- ophy of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell.
ple minds and very sophisticated minds. There ― STICH, S. (2003) The Blackwell Guide to Philoso-
phy of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell.
could be human minds and non-human ― TYE, M. (1995). Ten Problems of Consciousness. A
minds, etc. Representational Theory of the Phenomenal Mind.
Cambridge: MIT Press.

glossariumBITri 171
glossariumBITri 172
NEGANTROPY (S. negantropía, F. néguentro- ― SCHRÖDINGER, E. (1944). What is life? The physi-
pie, G. Negentropie) [statistical physics, biology] cal aspect of the living cell. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
concept ― WEIZSÄCKER, C.F. von. (1985). Aufbau der Physik.
Negantropy is the negative value of the →en- Munich: Hanser.
tropy. Although the concept was first used by (JMD)
Erwin Schrödinger in 1943, who stated that
“life feeds on negative entropy” (1944), the
term “negantropy” was first coined by the
acceso no informacional, F. schéma conceptuel, G. Be-
French physicist Léon Brillouin (1953), who
griffslandkarte) [philosophy of mind, cognition]
generalised the second law of thermodynam-
ics as: in any transformation of a closed sys-
tem, the quantity “entropy minus infor- A non-informational access is an access that is
mation” must always increase over time or not informational. Non-informational access
may, at best, remain constant. Moreover, Bril- may be physical or experiential. In that sense,
louin’s theory of information is considered as informational access is in contrast both with
a consequence of the negentropy principle, physical access and with experiential –or qual-
which might be illustrated by the negentropy itative- access. To have informational access
cicle: negentropy–information–decision– to a certain amount of money is not the same
negentropy. as to have physical access to that amount of
money. To have informational access to a cer-
Criticizing the use of this term, Carl Friedrich
tain state of pain is not the same either than to
von Weizsäcker stated: “Information has been
have an experiential access to that state of
correlated with knowledge, entropy with igno-
rance and consequently information has been
labelled as negentropy. But this is a conceptual Of course, we can elaborate theories about in-
or verbal lack of clarity” (1985). To overcome formation according to which information is
such obscurity he distinguished between poten- identified with certain physical states or prop-
tial information (designated by Shannon’s en- erties. In addition, we can elaborate theories
tropy) and actual information, which is factual about experience according to which experi-
and present. By knowing the macro-state of an ence is identified with some sorts of informa-
object, the potential information is bounded; tional states. However, examples as those
while the specification of its microstate is ac- above presented show that such identifica-
tual information (Lyre 2002). tions would always involve very strong onto-
logical compromises. Informational relations
seem to be very different from physical rela-
― BRILLOUIN, L. (1953). The negentropy principle tions, and very different too from qualitative,
of information. Journal of Applied Physics, 24, 1152-
experiential or fenomenological relations.
― LYRE, H. (2002). Informationstheorie. Eine philosophisch-
naturwissenschftliche Einführung. Munich: W.Fink Ver-

glossariumBITri 173

― CHURCHLAND, P. (1984). Matter and Conciousness.
A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
― DRETSKE, F. (1980). Knowledge and the Flow of Infor-
mation. Cambridge: MIT Press.
― DRETSKE, F. (1988). Explaining Behaviour. Reasons
in a World of Causes. Cambridge: MIT Press.
― DRETSKE, F. (1997). Naturalizing the Mind. Cam-
bridge: MIT Press.
― FLORIDI, L. (ed.) (2004). The Blackwell Guide to the
Philosophy of Computing and Information. London:
― KIM, J. (1996). Philosophy of Mind. Oxford: Westview
― MCLAUGHLIN, B. (ed.) (1991). Dretske and his Crit-
ics. Cambridge: Blackwell.
― SEARLE, J. (1983). Intentionality. An Essay in the Phi-
losophy of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
― SEARLE, J. (1992). The Rediscovery of Mind. Cam-
bridge: The MIT Press.
― TYE, M. (1995). Ten Problems of Consciousness. A Rep-
resentational Theory of the Phenomenal Mind. Cambridge:
MIT Press.


ONTOLOGY (S. ontologia, F. onmtologie, G. on- ― Classes: It is a set of similar individuals.
tologie [Artificial Intelligence; Semantic Web] re- These sets represent the main concepts of
source, concept the domain. These concepts are often ar-
Contents.— 1) Modelling techniques, 2) Ontology ele-
ranged in a hierarchical way. Classes might
ments, 3) Ontology principles, 4) Ontology types have attributes and functions and can be
linked to another class by relations.
According to Gomez-Perez (2004), Ontology
― Relations: Relationships to link classes and
definition has evolved during the last twenty
years. In 1995, Guarino collects seven defini-
tions about this concept to propose a new one. ― Attributes: properties or slots those classes
This author defines ontology as “a set of logi- and its individuals can have.
cal axioms designed to account for the in- ― Functions
tended meaning of a vocabulary” (Guarino, ― Individuals: instances or objects of a class.
To perform inference, the existence of asser-
One of the reasons for the disagreement is the tions considered true is needed: these asser-
broad definition that has been proposed to tions are used to express restrictions, rules and
group all current ontologies. Wikipedia de- axioms.
fines ontology as a “Formal representation of
a set of concepts within a domain and the re- Finally, the Events are a way to represent how
lationships between those concepts”. These the value of attributes and the relationships
definitions might be right even for any other might change.
Knowledge Organization Systems or termino- First order usually calls these elements: classes,
logical resource. Wikipedia adds that ontolo- relations, attributes (slots), functions, in-
gies are “used to reason about the properties stances, and axioms.
of that domain, and may be used to define the
domain”. Description Logic uses the following ele-
ments: concepts (equivalent to classes); roles
The best known definition was proposed by (equivalent to relations and properties of con-
Gruber: “a formal, explicit specification of a cepts); and Individuals (equivalent to the in-
shared ontology.” (1991). stances of concepts and their properties).
1. Modeling techniques. Two are the most 3. Ontologies principles. To be able to share
commonly used techniques: knowledge, interoperability is required. Many
― First-order logic principles have been proposed (Gruber 1993):
― Description logic ― Clarity: objective definitions, formalized
with axioms, and complete (necessary and
2. Ontology elements. Depending on the sufficient conditions).
technique that has been used, the vocabulary
to design some elements might be different. ― Minimal Encoding Bias
― Extendibility

glossariumBITri 175

― Minimal ontological commitments ― GRUBER, T.R. (1993) "A translation approach to

portable ontologies". Knowledge Acquisition, 5(2):199-
Gomez-Perez (2004) adds to this list: 220, 1993
― GRUBER, T.R. (1993) "Toward principles for the
― Representing disjoints and exhaustive knowledge design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing".
― Minimizing distance between siblings Int. Workshop on Formal Ontology in Conceptual Analysis.
Padova 1993.
― Standardizing names in a clear form ― GOMEZ-PEREZ, A.; FERNANDEZ-LOPEZ,
M.; CORCHO, O. (2004) Ontological engineering: with
4. Types of Ontologies. There are different examples from the areas of knowleddge management, e-com-
types of ontologies: merce and the Semantic Web. London: Springer.
Upper ~ (top ~ or foundational ~): describe (SSC –ed.-; JML)
very general concepts that are common to all
the ontologies. Other ontologies can be
OPEN ACCESS (S. acceso abierto, F. accès ou-
aligned with these concepts by their root term.
vert, G. offener Zugang) [research] theory
Examples are DOLCE, Proton, SUMO, and
CYC Contents.— 1) The Budapest account, 2) The Bethesda
account, 3) The Berlin account, 4) Other accounts.
Task ~: describe the vocabulary related to
some generic task or activity. There are three important definitions of Open
Access, steemed from the declarations of Bu-
Domain ~: concepts of a domain and their dapest, Bethesda and Berlin. The combination
relationships. of these three accounts is regarded as the BBB
Common ~(generic ontologies): common definition of open access.
knowledge reusable in different domains. Ex- 1. The Budapest account. According to the
amples are ontologies about time or space. Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI 2002): "by
Knowledge Representation ~: primitives to 'open access' to this literature, we mean its free
express knowledge in a formalized way. availability on the public internet, permitting
any users to read, download, copy, distribute,
Application ~: it is an ontology adapted to a print, search, or link to the full texts of these
specific application. articles, scroll them for indexing, pass them as
Regarding the reusabilitity and usability, more data to software, or use them for any other
abstract ontologies are highly reusable lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or
(Knowledge Representation Ontologies and technical barriers other than those inseparable
Upper ontologies) but their usability is poor. from gaining access to the internet itself. The
Application and Domain Ontologies have a only constraint on reproduction and distribu-
low reusability but a high level of usability. tion, and the only role for copyright in this do-
main, should be to give authors control over
5. Languages. Modeling choices are attached the integrity of their work and the right to be
to different languages. As an example, one of properly acknowledged and cited".
the languages related to first order logic is
KIF; OWL is usually related to frame logic. 2. The Bethesda account. The Bethesda State-
OWL is a language widely used to represent ment on Open Access Publishing (2003) adds that
ontologies in the Web. OWL serialization is "An Open Access Publication is one that
based on RDF/RDFS. meets the following two conditions:
References (i) The author(s) and copyright holder(s)
grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, world-
― GUARINO, N. (1998) "Formal Ontology in Infor-
mation Systems". In: GUARINO N (ed). FOIS 98. wide, perpetual right of access to, and a license
Trento: IOS Press. Pp. 3-15 to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display
the work publicly and to make and distribute
derivative works, in any digital medium for any

176 glossariumBITri

responsible purpose, subject to proper attrib- Kingdom’s largest non-governmental source

ution of authorship, as well as the right to of funds for biomedical research) offers his
make small numbers of printed copies for own point of view: "we want the digital ver-
their personal use. sions of papers to be available to all in an un-
restricted way and for them to be available for-
(ii) A complete version of the work and all
ever by putting it in an archive or institutional
supplemental materials, including a copy of
repository. Anyone who receives one of our
the permission as stated above, in a suitable
grants has to put the digital versions of their
standard electronic format is deposited imme-
published articles in PubMed Central (or in
diately upon initial publication in at least one
UK PubMed Central once it has been devel-
online repository that is supported by an aca-
oped) on the day of publication or no later
demic institution, scholarly society, govern-
than six months after publication" (Harris
ment agency, or other well-established organ-
ization that seeks to enable open access, unre-
stricted distribution, interoperability, and Martin Richardson, managing director of Ox-
long-term archiving. ford Journals, a division of Oxford University
Press, states "our definition is freely-accessible
3. The Berlin account. Berlin Declaration on
online at point of publication without any
Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Hu-
charges to readers. Open access for me is
manities (2003) confirms the above and offers
much wider than just readers not paying"
the most theoretic perspective: "Our mission
(Harris 2006).
of disseminating knowledge is only half com-
plete if the information is not made widely and Finally, Michael Mabe (who has been Elsevier's
readily available to society. New possibilities director of academic relations for the past
of knowledge dissemination not only through seven years, and has now become chief exec-
the classical form but also and increasingly utive officer of the International Association
through the open access paradigm via the In- of Science, Technical and Medical Publishers
ternet have to be supported. We define open -STM) states that "giving a definition goes to
access as a comprehensive source of human the heart of the problem with open access. In
knowledge and cultural heritage that has been principle it is free availability to everybody on
approved by the scientific community. In or- the world-wide web. However, many academ-
der to realize the vision of a global and acces- ics think they are accessing open-access mate-
sible representation of knowledge, the future rial or publishing in open-access journals.
Web has to be sustainable, interactive, and They have not any barriers because their li-
transparent. Content and software tools must brary has already paid for the subscription. In
be openly accessible and compatible". the industry as a whole there has not been an
appreciable increase in downloads for open-
4. Other accounts. Besides these most influ-
access articles. This demonstrates that re-
ential accounts, it is also worth mentioning the
search papers are generally by academics for
following ones:
academics and they have access anyway" (Har-
Steven Harnard, considered to be one of the ris 2006).
founders of the Initiative, says "my definition
is the same as that of the Budapest conven-
tion: «open access gives free online full-text ― Budapest Open Access Initiative (2002) [Online].
access to peer-reviewed literature». This defi- <>. [Accessed:
nition is lacking two important words though, ― Declaración de Berlín sobre el Acceso Abierto al Conoci-
immediate and permanent" (Harris 2006). miento en Ciencias y Humanidades (2003) [Online].
Robert Terry from Wellcome Trust (an inde- lin_declaration.pdf>. [Accessed: 19/08/2009]
pendent charity funding research and United

glossariumBITri 177

― Declaración de Bethesda sobre Publicación de Acceso Abierto

(2003). [Online] <
ters/fos/bethesda.htm>. [Accessed: 19/08/2009]
― HARRIS, S. (2006). Consensus is difficult in Open-Access
debate [Online]. Research Information.
<http://www.researchinfor-> [Accessed:

178 glossariumBITri
PARADOX (S. paradoja, F. paradoxe, G. Para- PRINCIPLES OF THE GTI (S. principios de
dox, Paradoxon) [transdiciplinary, philosophy, la teoría genral de la información, F. Principes de
logic] concept la Theórie Générale de l'Information, G. Grundsätze
der Algemaine Theorie der Information) [General
A paradox is a conflict between reasons: those
Theory of Information] theory
grounding it and those refuting it. The more
solid the reasons in conflict, the greater the The methodological stratum of the →General
philosophical interest of the paradox. In this Theory of Information (GTI) studies basic princi-
general sense there are paradoxes of very dif- ples of information theory and information
ferent genres: (a) paradoxes challenging the in- technology.
telligibility of particularly basic notions, such
Ontological Principle O1
as: infinite, time, space, identity, etc.; (b) para-
doxes challenging the rationality of our action (The Locality Principle). It is necessary to sepa-
or decision strategies: Newcomb's, Gaifman's rate information in general from information
paradoxes, prisioner's dilemma, etc.; (c) para- (or a portion of information) for a system R.
doxes challenging the rationality of our bodies
In other words, empirically, it is possible to
of belief: selfdeceiving paradoxes, Goodman's
speak only about information (or a portion of
, knower's paradoxes, etc.; among other many
information) for a system. This principle sep-
paradoxes, more or less important and more
arates local and global approaches to infor-
or less funny.
mation definition, i.e., in what context infor-
Logical paradoxes or antinomies are logically mation is defined.
valid reasonings with non reasonable conclu-
The Locality Principle explicates an important
sions. Therefore we call antinomy any deduc-
property of information, but says nothing
tively valid reasoning driving to a contradic-
what information is. The essence of infor-
tion from rationally justified, highly acceptable
mation is described by the second ontological
or assertable premisses.ones…
principle, which has several forms.
Ontological Principle O2
― McGEE, V. (1993). Truth, Vagueness and Paradox. In-
dianapolis: Hackett. (The General Transformation Principle). In abroad
― QUINE, W. (1976). The Ways of Paradox and other es- sense, information for a system R is a capacity
says (rev. ed.). Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard Univer- to cause changes in the system R.
sity Press.
― SALTO, F. (2005). "Verdad y recursividad", in J.M. Thus, we may understand information in a
MÉNDEZ (ed.). Artículos de Segunda Mano. Sala- broad sense as a capacity (ability or potency)
manca: Varona, pp.51-156.
of things, both material and abstract, to
(MV) change other things. Information exists in the
form of portions of information.
Information in a proper sense is defined of
structural infological systems. In essence, any

glossariumBITri 179
subsystem of a system may be considered as Ontological Principle O3
its infological system. However, information
(The Embodiment Principle). For any portion of
in a strict sense acts on structural infological
information I, there is always a carrier C of this
systems where an infological system is struc-
portion of information for a system R.
tural if all its elements are structures. For ex-
ample, systems of knowledge are structures. The substance C that is a carrier of the portion
of information I is called the physical, or ma-
Ontological Principle O2g
terial, carrier ofI.
(The Relativized Transformation Principle). Infor-
Ontological Principle O4
mation for a system R relative to the infologi-
cal system IF(R) is a capacity to cause changes (The Representability Principle). For any portion
in the system IF(R). of information I, there is always a representa-
tion Cof this portion of information for a sys-
Elements from IF(R) are called infological el-
tem R.
Ontological Principle O5
Ontological Principle O2a
(The Interaction Principle). A transaction/transi-
(The Special Transformation Principle). Infor-
tion/transmission of information goes on
mation in the strict sense or proper infor-
only in some interaction of C with R.
mation or, simply, information for a system R,
is a capacity to change structural infological el- Ontological Principle O6
ements from an infological system IF(R) of
(The Actuality Principle). A system R accepts a
the system R.
portion of information I only if the transac-
An infological system IF(R) of the system R is tion/transition/transmission causes corre-
called cognitive if IF(R) contains (stores) ele- sponding transformations in R.
ments or constituents of cognition, such as
Ontological Principle O7
knowledge, data, ideas, fantasies, abstractions,
beliefs, etc. A cognitive infological system of a (The Multiplicity Principle). One and the same
system R is denoted by CIF(R) and is related carrier C can contain different portions of in-
to cognitive information. formation for one and the same system R.
Ontological Principle O2c References
(The Cognitive Transformation Principle).Cogni- ― BURGIN, M. (2010). Theory of Information: Fundamen-
tality, Diversity and Unification. Singapore: World Scien-
tive information for a system R, is a capacity tific Publishing.
to cause changes in the cognitive infological
system IFC(R) of the system R. (MB)

180 glossariumBITri
RECORD (S. registro, F. record, G. Rekord, Re- two persons chatting verbally. This conversa-
gister, Eintragung) [general, information ma- tion is performed interchanging auditive rec-
nagement] concept ords, perturbations in the state of the air in
which both persons are immersed. When a
Records emerge in communities made up by
large number of records accumulate, they
autonomous agents, with limited memory ca-
need organization and classification to make
pacities and in need of mutual coordination.
sure they are useful. This requirement is the
To overcome such limitations of their memo-
basis of the Library and Information Systems
ries and achieve effective coordination acts,
such as contracts or agreements, agents need
to set informations, definitions, ideas and Records are not the same as information. They
meanings, in a way external to themselves and may represent it, but they are not information.
to their memories. The same information may be represented
with many different record types. If all rec-
To achieve that, agents use records, physical
ords representing a given information are de-
systems whose state they may change. They
stroyed, that information does not dissipate, it
define a convention that establishes two rule
only gets more difficult (or infeasible) to ac-
types. The first rule type defines how to mod-
cess it.
ify a record's state starting from an infor-
mation, a definition, an idea, etc., in order for A record may be false or true; exact or less ex-
the record to represent it. The second rule act; precise or less precise; valid or not valid.
type defines how to interpret the information, However, an information, taken as an abstract
definition, idea, etc., that the author had the object, free of any representation form, is al-
intention to record, from the state of that rec- ways true, exact, precise and valid.
In human communities and given the fact that ― Buckland, M. (1994) "On the Nature of Records
with very simple elements it is feasible to pro- Management Theory", American Archivist, vol 57,
duce an overwhelming amount of states (for pp. 346-351.
example, a sheet of paper with a pencil), con- ― Gejman, R. (2009). "An integrated framework for
ventions must reduce the allowed states to a information, communication and knowledge defini-
tions." tripleC - Cognition, Communication, Co-operation,
very limited fraction of all feasible states. Gen- North America, 718 11 2009.
erally, then, languages used are based on finite ― International Organization for Standardization,
alphabets, words and grammars; and texts are (2001), Information and documentation -- Records
written sequentially, and in parallel lines or management, ISO/TR 15489-1 and ISO/TR
15489/TR-2, Geneva, Switzerland
rows, either vertically or horizontally, from left
to right or in the opposite direction. (RG)
Records may be stable and have a long dura-
tion, as with books and CDs, or they may last
only for short periods of time, as is the case of

glossariumBITri 181

REFERENTIAL ABILITY (S. capacidad ref- mination of reference. Truth value can be de-
erencial, F. capacité référentielle, G. Referenzielle termined by the way things are. The world also
Fähigkeit) [semantics, logic] concept can determine the references of our languages
and thoughts. And references can determine
Referential ability is the capability of referring.
truth values. There is, however, a radical inde-
We refer to something when we think or say
termination of reference by truth values. Truth
something about it. Hence, we can refer to
values do not determine references. Moreo-
both existing and non-existing things (for in-
ver, truth values do not determine that we get
stance, we can say many things about uni-
to refer. All the truth contained in an ideal de-
corns, and refer to them, even though they do
scription of the world would be compatible
not exist). In the same way, we can refer to
with the non-existence of such a world.
properties, relations, events, states of affairs,
etc. References
Is our referential ability something always me- ― CAMPBELL, J. (2002). Reference and Consciousness.
diated by some sort of descriptions, senses, in- Oxford: Clarendon Press.
― DONNELLAN, K. (1966) “Reference and Definite
tensions, connotations, etc.? Does it have Descriptions”, Philosophical Review, 77.
sense to say that, at least in some cases, we get ― FREGE, G. (1892) “On Sense and Meaning”, in
to refer to the world in a direct, non-mediated Gottlob Frege: Collected Papers on Mathematics,
way? An affirmative answer to the first ques- Logic and Philosophy, Brian Mc Guiness et al. (eds.)
Oxford, Blackwell, 1984.
tion gives place to the so called “descriptivist ― FRENCH, P. et al. (eds.) (1979). Contemporary Per-
theories of reference”. An affirmative answer spectives in Philosophy of Language. Minneapolis:
to the second one gives place to “non-descrip- Univ. of Minnesota Press.
tivist theories of reference”, also called “theo- ― EVANS, G. (1982). The Varieties of Reference, Ox-
ries of direct reference”. Frege is the paradig- ford: Clarendon Press.
― KRIPLE, S. (1972). Naming and Necessity. Oxford:
matic example of descriptivism. Russell and Blackwell.
Kripke are paradigmatic examples of non-de- ― LEPORE, E. & B. Smith (2006). The Oxford
scriptivism. Stuart Mill also defended a non- Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford:
descriptivis position. For that reason, being Clarendon Press.
― RECANATI, F. (1993). Direct Reference. Oxford:
non-descriptivist is “to maintain a Millean the- Blackwell.
ory of reference”. ― RUSSELL, B. (1905). “On Denoting”. Mind, 14.
― STRAWSON, P. (1950). “On Referring”. Mind, 59.
Orthogonal to the mentioned tension between
descriptivist and non-descriptivist theories of (ML)
reference, there are two main ways of explain-
ing our referential ability. We can try to explain
REGULARITY (S. regularidad, F. régularité, G.
it as derived from some intentions or we can
Regelmäßigkeit) [transdisciplinaryy, statistics,
try to explain it as derived from some objec-
epistemology] concept
tive facts (for instance, causal facts, informa-
tional facts, etc.). The problem is that even if ~ Strict: there is a strict regularity (Hume’s
we were in the ideal situation of knowing all constant conjunction) when each fact of a cer-
the possible truths about us ourselves and tain type A is accompanied by a fact of a cer-
about the world, the references of the terms of tain type B. These types are determined by the
our languages, and the references of our own universals instantiated in the facts.
thought, would remain indetermined. Refer- ~ Statistical: →correlation.
ences could change without any change in the
truth values of the sentences. References
The situation we have just described would be ― MILLIKAN, Ruth (2004). Varieties of Meaning: The
Jean-Nicod lectures 2002. Cambridge: MIT Press.
a version of Quine’s thesis about the indeter-

182 glossariumBITri

REPOSITORY (S. repositorio, F. dépôt, référen- institution and its community members. It is
tiel, G. Aufbewahrungsort) [scientific research, most essentially an organizational commit-
information society] concept ment to the stewardship of these digital mate-
rials, including long-term preservation where
There is a wide variety of definitions of repos-
appropriate, as well as organization and access
itory, but according to Melero (2005, p. 260),
or distribution."
repositories can just be conceived as archives
where people can store digital materials (text, López Medina (2003) ascribes the following
images, sound). They emerge from the -so functions to institutional repositories:
named- e-print community worried about the im-
― They are a shared tool for managing digital
pact and dissemination of scholarly communi-
content in universities and other research
Repositories are digital archives containing ― A road to Open Access.
scholarly information, generated from univer-
― A space for storage and preservation.
sities and other research institutions, that is
open and accessible through the Internet. Re- Melero (2005), in turn, ascribes them the fol-
positories provide benefits to the scientific lowing functions:
world and they are supported by a large num-
― They serve as a quality guarantee for the in-
ber of institutions of many countries. They re-
trieve, reuse and preserve research outputs
and promote disseminations and visibility of ― They contribute to the dissemination, visi-
scholarly information, guaranteeing the ad- bility, impact and preservation of the schol-
vancement of Science. arly information.

López Medina (2007, p. 3) defines digital re- Interoperability is another technical charac-
pository as a networking system constituted by teristics of institutional repositories. "The
hardware, software, data and processes with Open Archives Initiative (OAI) develops and
the following features: promotes interoperability standards that aim
to facilitate the efficient dissemination of con-
― It contains digital objects and metadata. tent. OAI has its roots in the open access and
― It guarantees the persistent identification of institutional repository movements. Contin-
the object. ued support of this work remains a corner-
― It offers some roles of management, ar- stone of the Open Archives program. Over
chive and preservation. time, however, the work of OAI has expanded
to promote broad access to digital resources
― It provides easy and standardized access to
for eScholarship, eLearning, and eScience”.
the digital objects.
― It offers safe system of objects and As Melero (2005, p. 261) states, the OAI pro-
metadata. motes the building of open and distributed re-
positories containing, at least, descriptive
― It is sustainable over time.
metadata of their digital objects. It aims at cre-
Most authors agree that there are two kinds of ating and furthering interoperability standards,
digital repositories: discipline or subject based re- which contribute to an effective dissemination
positories, and institutional repositories. The of the contents of the archives. The OAI-
first type include contents depending on the PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for
subjects or knowledge areas. Lynch (2003) de- Metadata Harvesting) "is a low-barrier mecha-
fines institutional repository as "a set of ser- nism for repository interoperability. Data Pro-
vices that a university offers to the members viders are repositories offering structured
of its community for the management and dis- metadata via OAI-PMH; whereas Service Pro-
semination of digital materials created by the

glossariumBITri 183

viders make OAI-PMH service requests to har- successful, to express a content or proposi-
vest such metadata. OAI-PMH is a set of six tion. We may call them propositional repre-
verbs or services that are invoked within sentations.
A second (see correlation) and more frequent
The history of this protocol is described by use of the term “information” concerns the
Barrueco and Subirats (2003). The version 1.0 contents expressed by declarative tokens of
was published in 2001, and version 2.0 came languages or codes. We may call these tokens
out one year later. Its architecture is formed by propositional representations. The content of
service providers based on metadata harvested by a propositional representation −i.e., the prop-
means of the OAI metadata harvesting proto- osition expressed by it, or what it says to com-
col (OAI-PMH) and data providers which are petent users of the language− is frequently re-
the specific repositories. All this information ferred to as the information carried by the rep-
can be codified in Simple Dublin Core resentation. In contrast with what happens
Metadata. with the former notion of information, the
content carried by a propositional representa-
tion doesn’t depend on the existence of any
― BARRUECO CRUZ, J. M.; SUBIRATS COLL, I. correlation, but on the design history of the
(2003). Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Meta- corresponding language or code. In this view,
data Harvesting (OAI-PMH): descripción, funciones
y aplicaciones de un protocolo [Online]. El profesional also, contents can be false, and a propositional
de la Información, 2003, vol. 12, n. 2, p. 99-106. [on- representation may thus carry false infor-
line] <http://www.elprofesionaldelainforma- mation.> [acces-
sed: 03/02/2009] While in the case of the first notion of infor-
― LÓPEZ MEDINA, A. (2007). Guía para la puesta en mation, it seems that it could be reduced to the
marcha de un repositorio institucional. Madrid: SEDIC. idea of correlation, in the case of the second
― LYNCH, C. A. (2003). Institutional repositories: es-
sential infraestructure for scholarship in the Digital notion, it seems that it could be reduced to the
Age [Én línea]. ARL: Bimonthly report, 2003, n. 226. idea of content.
[online] <
sources/pubs/br/br226/br226ir.shtml>. [accessed: References
03/02/2009] ― MILLIKAN, Ruth (2004). Varieties of Meaning: The
― MELERO, R. (2005). Acceso abierto a las publica- Jean-Nicod lectures 2002, Cambridge: MIT Press.
ciones científicas: definición, recursos, copyright e
impacto [Online]. El profesional de la información, 2005, (MC)
vol. 14, n. 4 (jul.-ago.), p. 255-266. [online]
chive/00004371/01/EPI-rmelero.pdf>. [accessed: REVERSIBILITY vs NON-REVERSI-
03/02/2009] BILITY (S. Reversibilidad vs Irreversibilidad, F.
<> [accessed:
Reversibilité vs Ireversibilité, G. Reversibilität vs Un-
03/02/2009] reversibilität) [transdisciplinary, System theory]
Reversibility and Non-reversibility or Irreversi-
bility are properties of systems with respect to
REPRESENTATION (S. representaciónt) inner changes. In a rigid analysis there is never
[transdisciplinaryy, epistemology] concept such a thing like complete reversibility, be-
Of all the things dubbed “representations” in cause on the macro-level and for physical sys-
ordinary language, we will be interested in the tems the stream of time cannot be reverted,
ones that, by design, are supposed, if they are i.e. in the space-time continuum only move-
ments toward increasing points in time are
possible. If we abstract from time, still pure
reversibility is impossible in closed systems –

184 glossariumBITri

as we know from thermodynamics-because rise to countless utopian and dystopian stories,

any change which is accompanied by a differ- songs, movies, and video games.
ence cannot be performed without a loss of
Human-robot interaction raises serious ethical
energy, and, in general, with an increase of en-
questions right now that are theoretically less
tropy (although according to Ilya Prigogine a
ambitious but practically more important than
decrease of entropy = an increase of order
the possibility of the creation of moral ma-
could be possible locally). As far as we know
chines that would be more than machines with
today, irreversibility is a general property of all
an ethical code. But, even when the process of
processes in evolution: on the cosmic, geolog-
invention and development of robotic tech-
ical, phylo-genetic, onto-genetic, social or eco-
nologies take place in a global level, in which
nomic levels. Reversibility can only happen if
diverse cultures, therefore also diverse systems
we abstract from energy/entropy changes.
of values, beliefs and expectations are in-
For practical purposes it is important to know volved, intercultural roboethics is still in its in-
if qualitative or quantitative changes can be fancy, no less than intercultural robotics (→In-
compensated or not. (e.g. pathological tercultural Information Ethics).
changes in tissue or organs, chemical reac-
Rougly speaking, the following ethical theories
tions). Jacob Segal (1958) gives the following
and moral values as well as principles are pre-
degrees of reversibility:
dominant in Western and Eastern traditions
1) spontaneous and directly revertible pro- rising different questions with regard to hu-
cesses (with losses in time and energy) man-robot interaction such as:
2) spontaneous and indirectly revertible pro- ― Europe: Deontology (Autonomy, Human
cesses (on different pathways than under 1.) Dignity, Privacy, Anthropocentrism): Scep-
3) non-spontaneous, but directly revertible ticism with regard to robots
processes (additional energy necessary) ― USA (and anglo-saxon tradition): Utilitarian
4) non-spontaneous, but indirectly revertible Ethics: will robots make “us” more happy?
processes (new side-conditions needed) ― Eastern Tradition (Buddhism): Robots as
5) absolutely irreversibility one more partner in the global interaction
of things
― SEGAL, Jacob (1958). Die dialektische Methode in der The difference morality and ethics should be
Biologie. Berlin: Dietz Verlag. understood as follows:
(PF) ― Ethics as critical reflection (or problemati-
zation) of morality
ROBOETHICS (S. roboética, F. roboéthique, G. ― Ethics is the science of morals as robotics
Roboethik) [Information ethics] theory is the science of robots

As Capurro and Nagenborg (2009) state, eth- Different ontic or concrete historical moral
ics and robotics are two academic disciplines, traditions are for instance
one dealing with the moral norms and values ― in Japan: Seken (trad. Japanese morality),
underlying implicitly or explicitly human be- Shakai (imported Western morality) and
haviour and the other aiming at the produc- Ikai (old animistic tradition)
tion of artificial agents, mostly as physical de- ― In the „Far West“: Ethics of the Good
vices, with some degree of autonomy based on (Plato, Aristotle), Christian Ethics, Utilitar-
rules and programmes set up by their creators. ian Ethics, Deontological Ethics (Kant)
Since the first robots arrived on the stage in
the play by Karel Čapek (1921) visions of a The ontological dimension, Being or (Bud-
world inhabited by humans and robots gave dhist) Nothingness, can be conceived as the

glossariumBITri 185

space of open possibilities that allow us to crit- found in the mentioned book, edited by
icize concrete or ‘ontic’ moralities. The human Capurro and Nagenborg.
relation to such ontological dimension is al-
ways based on basic moods (like sadness, hap-
piness, astonishment etc.) through which the ― ČAPEK, Karel (1920). R.U.R. (Rossumovi univerzální
uniqueness of the world and human existence roboti) [English translation: R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal
Robots), New York: Pocket Books, 1970.
is experienced differently in different cultures. ― CAPURRO, Rafael and NAGENBORG, Michael
A future intercultural roboethics should re- (Eds.) (2009). Introduction. In: Ethics and Robotics.
flect on the ontic as well as on the ontological Berlin: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.
dimensions for creating and using robots in (RC)
different cultural contexts and with regard to
different goals. Trends, contributions and bib-
liography focused in this crossroad can be

186 glossariumBITri
SELF-RE-CREATION (S. auto-re-creación, F. evaluation of the interpretations that cause an-
auto-ré-création, G. Selbst-Re-Kreation) [UTI] concept other sign to emerge, by means of which the
system -as subject- completes its meaning,
Used in the →Unified Theory of Information
considering the object as an initial state to
(UTI) as one of the three basic processes of
reach the end and affects the behaviour of the
information systems –the most advanced one.
system so that it can be modified.
Self-recreation is a more elaborated type of
The sign, in each of these three levels, is called
→self-reproducing processes and refers to the ca-
(in UTI) →data, →knowledge and wisdom (or
pacity of self-organizing systems to create the
practical wisdom), respectively, each one cor-
necessary conditions, not only for their repro-
responding to the field of the perceptive, cog-
duction, but also to create themselves accord-
nitive and evaluative capacities, which to-
ing to the objectives that they have established
gether make up the characteristics of con-
themselves. In their capacity to change the en-
science, which appears in systems. In each
vironment for their own settlement, they show
stage, a break in the self-organisation occurs,
an even bigger capacity to adapt than the sys-
which is a starting point for another one to oc-
tems that are merely biotic (→self-reproducing)
cur (or not occur) afterwards.
of which they are part. Thus they involve the
most advanced evolutionary stage (or stage of Self-organising systems on the human, social,
cultural evolution). cultural level are capable of constructing
themselves anew, inventing themselves, creat-
They can be classified as self-determining insofar
ing themselves again and again. Erich Jantsch
as their self-organising capacities offer, under
called this capability "re-creative". Thus "re-
certain circumstances, a set of possibilities,
creative systems" are a branch of autopoietic
which can be chosen by themselves. Given the
systems that leads to a new level: (Self-)Re-cre-
fact that such a choice takes the form of a de-
ation is a refinement of, and further develop-
cision adopted under the condition of an irre-
ment in, autopoietic self-organisation (self-re-
ducible freedom of choice, the pragmatic and
semantic levels are separated. Consequently,
in the stage of social, self-recreating and self- References
determining systems, the semiotic relationship ― FENZL, N., HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1997). "Infor-
spreads in its three levels of sign production, mation Processing in Evolutionary Systems. An
which can be described in terms of the crea- Outline Conceptual Framework for a Unified Infor-
tion of ideas. Such creation happens in three mation Theory". Schweitzer, F. (ed.), Self-Organization
of Complex Structures: From Individual to Collective Dy-
stages: 1st) the perception of signals from out- namics, Foreword by Hermann Haken. London: Gordon
side the system causes the appearance of a and Breach, pp. 59-70.
sign, which is a modification of the system’s ― FLEISSNER, P., HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1996).
structure; 2nd) the interpretation of the percep- "Emergent Information. Towards a unified infor-
tions by which the system’s state is modified mation theory". BioSystems, 2-3 (38), pp. 243-248.
― HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1998). "Information und
and another sign emerges, meaning something Selbstorganisation – Zwei Seiten einer Medaille".
that is given to the system as its object; 3rd) the

glossariumBITri 187

Fenzl, N., Hofkirchner, W., Stockinger, G. (eds.): well-known for their smart mechanical crea-
Information und Selbstorganisation. Annäherungen tures.
an eine vereinheitlichte Theorie der Information. In-
nsbruck: Studienverlag, pp. 69-99. Some of the first automata utilized feedback
― JANTSCH, E. (1987). "Erkenntnistheoretische As- mechanisms to reduce errors, mechanisms
pekte der Selbstorganisation natürlicher Systeme".
Schmidt, S. J. (ed.): Der Diskurs des Radikalen Konstruk- that are still used nowadays. Among the first
tivismus. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, pp. 159-191. devices of automatic control registered in the
literature, we found in Heron's Pneumatica
(WH –ed.-; JMD, WH)
(c.150 b.C.) a control for the liquid level in a
tank which is similar to what is currently used
SELF-REGULATION VS AUTOMATIC in toilette's tanks. The Greek-Byzantine tradi-
REGULATION (S. auto-regulación vs. regulación tion -symbolised by Hero and the School of
automática, F. Autorégulation vs. régulation automa- Alexandria- was developed in the Islamic
tic, G. Selbstregelung vs. automatische Regelung) world, going significantly beyond (Rashed &
[System Theory, Cybernetics, Control The- Morelon 1996). Some relevant automatic reg-
ory] concept ulated systems can be found in the literature,
Contents.— 1) The semantic field of self-regulation, 2)
for instance, from the inventor and scientist
Brief history of automatic regulation, 3) Industrial automa- Al-Jazari (c.1206), whose water clocks repre-
tion, 4) Social regulation of automation. sent a distinguished evolution of Hero's level
control, or the Andalusian engineer Ibn Kha-
1. The semantic field of self-regulation. laf al-Muradi, who invented segmental and ep-
Self-regulation (or automatic regulation) is used icyclic gears employed in clocks. These devel-
in systems theory and cybernetics in the sense opments influenced in Christian Middle Ages,
of homeostasis (→feedback), namely the ca- where some relevant inventors, who some-
pacity of a system to maintain itself in a bal- times had to hide their artefacts, might be con-
anced situation. sidered as predecessors of automation, as Al-
In this sense the term is very commonly used bertus Magnus, Pierre de Maricourt or Roger
in psychology, though not in the meaning of Bacon (Bacon 1859).
"automatic regulation", but as "regulation of the However, there was a lack of theoretical and
self", also named self-control (i.e. the ability to mathematical development behind all these in-
control one´s emotions, desires or actions by ventions. The first work of what can be called
one's own will). Since automatic is used in a a classical control theory is to be found in a signif-
sense of acting without volition or conscious icant work concerning the centrifugal gober-
control, there is a certain semantic opposition nor of Boulton and Watt designed in 1788
between the psychological meaning of "self- (Rumford 1798). This device consisted of two
regulation" or "self-control", on one hand, metal balls attached to the drive shaft of a
and "automatic regulation" or "automatic con- steam engine and connected to a valve regu-
trol", on the other hand. lating the flow of steam. As the speed of the
Automatic regulation, also used in the sense of an steam engine is increased, the balls are moving
autonomous maintenance of a balanced situa- out of the shaft because of centrifugal force,
tion, is mainly found in the field of electronic thereby closing the valve. This caused a de-
systems and control engineering (control theory). cline in the flow of steam to the engine and
therefore the speed will be reduced.
2. Brief history of automatic regulation.
The concept of automated machines goes 3. Industrial Automation. The feedback
back to ancient times, related to myths of liv- control, the development of specialized tools
ing mechanical beings. Automata, or machines and distribution of work into smaller tasks that
like people, appeared in clocks of medieval workers or machines might handle, were es-
churches, being 18th century watchmakers

188 glossariumBITri

sential ingredients in the automation of indus- social problems arisen from this perspective
try in the eighteenth century. As technology should also be tackled in a wide critical assess-
improved, specialized machines were devel- ment, reflection and decision-making on auto-
oped for tasks such as putting caps on bottles mation of any kind (Chollet and Rivière 2010).
or pour liquid into molds for rubber tires. Both ethics and critical theory has been posed
However, none of these machines have the as stages for these social endeavours (→Critical
versatility and efficiency of the human arm theory of information, →information ethics, →ro-
and could not reach distant objects and place boethics).
them in the required position.
An automated manufacturing system is designed to ― AL-JAZARÍ (c. 1206), trans. (1973), The Book of
use the capacity of machines to perform cer- Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices: Kitáb
fí ma'rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya. Berlin: Springer.
tain tasks previously tackled by humans, and ― BACON, Rogerio (1859). "Epistula de secretis
to control the sequence of operations without operibus artis naturae". in Opera quaedam hactenus
human intervention. The term automation has inedita. London: Brewer.
also been used to describe non-manufacturing ― CHOLLET, M. and P. RIVIÈRE (coor.) (2010). In-
systems in which programmed or automated ternet: révolution culturelle. Manier de voir, 109.-
OGATA, K. (1998). Ingeniería de control Moderna, Mé-
devices can operate independently or semi-in- xico D.F.: Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana.
dependently of human control. In communi- ― DIANI, M. (1996). Individualisation at work: office
cations, aviation and astronautics, devices automation and occupational identity. in S. Lash, B.
such as automatic telephone switching equip- Szerszynski and B. Wynne (editors) (1996). Risk, En-
vironment and Modernity: Towards a New Ecology. Lon-
ment, autopilots, and automated systems guid- don: Sage Publications, 154-168.
ance and control are used to perform different ― HABERMAS, Jürgen (1970). "Technology and Sci-
tasks faster or better than human beings. ence as Ideology". in Toward a Rational Society. J.
Shapiro (trans.). Boston: Beacon Press.
4. Social regulation of automation. Follow- ― HERO of Alexandria (c.150 b.C.); Bennet Wood-
ing an uncritical dominant concept of social croft (trans.) (1851). Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria.
progress, automation is considered as one of London: Taylor Walton and Maberly. [online] Roch-
ester, NY: University of Rochester
their pillars, increasing productivity and reduc- <
ing human drudgery, therefore improving gen- dex.html> [Retrieved 10/3/2010]
eral welfare. Nevertheless, the political, socie- ― HOA, W. K., HONGA, Y., HANSSON, A.,
tal and anthropological problems arisen with HJALMARSSON, H, DENGA, J.W. (2003), “Relay
industrial automation –as early warned by auto-tuning of PID controllers using iterative feed-
back tuning”. Automatica, 39(2003), 149-157.
Norbert Wiener (1989)- must be considered in ― NOBLE, David F. (1993). Automation Madness, or the
order to evaluate and steer the paths of auto- unautomatic history of automation. Chicago: Charles H.
mation. This critical appraisal might be con- Kerr.
ceived as a means to achieve a social self-reg- ― RASHED, Roshdi; MORELON, Régis (1996). Ency-
clopedia of the History of Arabic Science. New York:
ulation (in the sense stressed above) to this Routledge.
concern. However, as Noble (1993) argues in ― RUMFORD, B. C. (1798) "An Enquiry concerning
his Automation Madness, such a critical stance the Source of Heat which is excited by Friction", A
has been systematically evaded as well as en- Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts,
capsulated in technological ideology (Haber- vol. 2 (April 1798-March 1799), pp.106-118
― WIENER, Norbert (1989). The Human Use of Human
mas 1970). According to Noble analysis, the Beings. Cybernetics and Society. London: Free Assoc.
adoption of automation did not really account Books (First published in 1950).
for economical benefits, but for military,
power and class interests. (BH –ed.-; JMD, BH)

Going beyond industrial automation, new

→information technologies have been posed as the
automation of intellectual work (Diani 1996). New

glossariumBITri 189

SELF-REPRODUCTION (S. autoreproduc- ronmental conditions (whereas in the self-re-

ción, F. autoreproduction, G. Selbstreproduktion) structuring systems one talks about reflection,
[UTI] concept one could talk here about representation).
Used in the →Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Self-organising systems on the biotic level are ca-
as an intermediate process -in evolutionary pable of reproducing themselves. Notice that
sense- of information systems "reproduction" in that context is not the same
as to what biologists are used to referring. The
Self-reproduction is a more elaborated type of
notion here includes the narrow biological
self-restructuring processes and refers to the
meaning of reproduction but goes beyond
capacity of self-organising systems, which do
that. It refers to the capability of the system to
not only change their structure into another
maintain itself – a meaning that usually comes
one more or less chosen by themselves, but
with the notion in sociological context only.
they also insert these modified structures into
This kind of reproduction can be called after
a wider context: that of helping them to keep
Maturana and Varela "→autopoiesis". There-
their own existence. Here, a functional struc-
fore living systems can be called "autopoeitic
ture is not a simple pattern any more, but a
systems". Autopoiesis is a refinement of, and
‘thing’ that has meaning, and this ‘thing’ will
further development in, dissipative self-organ-
be called here a symbol, so that the production
isation (self-restructuring).
of signs in this evolutionary stage of living sys-
tems changes from creating patterns to creat- References
ing symbols. ― FENZL, N., HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1997). "Infor-
The self-reproducing systems are considered mation Processing in Evolutionary Systems. An
Outline Conceptual Framework for a Unified Infor-
an evolutionary stage (called biotic or living) mation Theory". Schweitzer, F. (ed.), Self-Organization
among the →self-restructuring and the →self-rec- of Complex Structures: From Individual to Collective Dy-
reating ones, so that they involve a special case namics, Foreword by Hermann Haken. London: Gordon
of self-restructuring systems, as well as a more and Breach, pp. 59-70.
general case than the self-recreating ones. "Emergent Information. Towards a unified infor-
As far as the evolution of the semiotic relation mation theory".BioSystems, 2-3 (38), pp. 243-248.
― HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1998). "Information und
is concerned, one can observe here a ramifica- Selbstorganisation – Zwei Seiten einer Medaille".
tion in which the syntactic level is separated Fenzl, N., Hofkirchner, W., Stockinger, G. (eds.):
from the semantic-pragmatic one, regarding Information und Selbstorganisation. Annäherungen
the former just to the sensations of the living an eine vereinheitlichte Theorie der Information. In-
systems. These sensations -on the syntactic nsbruck: Studienverlag, pp. 69-99.
level- consist of self-organised restructurings (WH –ed.-; JMD, WH)
evoked by the environmental disruptions and
limited by the “offer of sensitive mechanisms”
SELF-RESTRUCTURING (S. auto-restruc-
in a recursive process of symbolic production.
turación, F. autorestructuration, G. Selbst-re-
However, on the semantic-pragmatic level, ac-
strukturierung) [UTI] concept
tions are developed according to sensations.
Since living systems act according to what Used in the →Unified Theory of Information as
such sensations mean in terms of relevance for the lowest capacity of information systems.
survival, we could talk about both meaning
Self-restructuring is the most primitive type of
and action, although in an indissoluble man-
self-organising processes, in which the most primi-
ner. The syntactic difference means -in prac-
tive manifestation of signs also occurs. This
tice- a difference with regard to the objective
type of systems is also called dissipative, be-
of the survival, so that the signs now represent
cause, in thermodynamic terms, they dissipate
the aptitude of the system towards the envi-

190 glossariumBITri

the entropy as a sub-product of the work car- of Complex Structures: From Individual to Collective Dy-
ried out during the restructuration, in which, namics, Foreword by Hermann Haken. London: Gordon
and Breach, pp. 59-70.
at the same time that the energy degrades, the ― FLEISSNER, P., HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1996).
system manages to get rid of it. This is neces- "Emergent Information. Towards a unified infor-
sary for the new structure to be considered a mation theory".BioSystems, 2-3 (38), pp. 243-248.
creation of a superior order, instead of a deg- ― HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1998). "Information und
Selbstorganisation – Zwei Seiten einer Medaille".
radation of the system. The structuring pro- FENZL, N., HOFKIRCHNER, W., STOCKIN-
cess leads to a special and/or temporal pat- GER, G. (eds.): Information und Selbstorganisation. An-
tern. näherungen an eine vereinheitlichte Theorie der Information.
Innsbruck: Studienverlag, pp. 69-99.
Understood as information processing, the
creation of patterns is the rudimentary way of (WH –ed.-; JMD, WH)
producing signals, being the pattern the dis-
tinction carried out by the system in which the SEMANTIC CONTENT (S. contenido
three semiotic relations can be found (→sign): semántico, F. contenú sémantique, G. semantischer In-
1st) a syntactic relation can be observed, inso- halt) [semantics] concept
far as the creation of the pattern is a type of
recursive process which builds on the previ- Semantic content, conceptual content, propo-
ous pattern and chooses one amongst various sitional content and cognitive content are syn-
possible patterns; 2nd) as far as the incoming onymous in many contexts. It is a kind of con-
energy allows the system to change its pattern, tent directly valuable in semantic terms (as
the input becomes a signal that makes the new having a reference, a sense, some truth values,
pattern arise, although it does not establish it etc.). It is a content made of concepts. More-
completely. The state adopted by the system over, it is a content identifiable with a certain
when creating a new pattern can be inter- proposition. In addition, it is a kind of content
preted as a representation of the input, thus it able of having cognitive relevance. It makes a
can be said it is a semantic relationship. 3rd) As difference in the premises, or consequences,
long as the new pattern corresponds to the ob- of our theoretical or practical reasoning.
servable behaviour in which the system ex- The three kinds of entities able of having se-
presses its activity, the pragmatic relation re- mantic content are linguistic items, actions
mains also thematised here. and psychological entities. Sentences and cer-
However, the three semiotic relationships co- tain parts of sentences of natural languages
incide with the pattern and, therefore, they are may bear semantic content. Actions, in partic-
not differentiated yet. It can be said that the ular speech acts, also would have semantic
pattern reflects the conditions of its environ- content. Finally, the mental states that are usu-
ment, as the pattern depends on it. Such re- ally called “propositional attitudes” (beliefs,
flection of the environment constitutes a pre- desires, memories, etc.) also would have se-
condition for the appearance of a sphere of in- mantic content.
fluence in which the behaviour of the system It is very difficult to determine whether the se-
launches that of the adjacent ones, so that the mantic content in each one of those three
appropriate conditions can emerge for the cases can be independent of the semantic con-
maintenance and improvement of the system, tent of the other ones. Both the so called Gri-
which will be possible in →self-reproducing sys- cean program and informational accounts of
tems. semantic content make any semantic content
References dependent on the semantic content that we
can find in some mental states, and the seman-
― FENZL, N., HOFKIRCHNER, W. (1997). "Infor-
mation Processing in Evolutionary Systems. An
tic content of mental states dependent on ob-
Outline Conceptual Framework for a Unified Infor- jective informational relations.
mation Theory". Schweitzer, F. (ed.), Self-Organization

glossariumBITri 191

References because this forward-looking approach impli-

― DRETSKE, F. (1980) Knowledge and the Flow of Infor- cates a “technical construct of protocols, pro-
mation, Cambridge, MIT Press. cess, languages, and tools.
― FODOR, J. (1987) Psychosemantics, The Problem
of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind, Cambridge, However, three factors present Semantic Web
MIT Press. as an attractive solution; these are the interop-
― FODOR, J. (1990) A Theory of Content and Other Es- erability and the creation of semantic re-
says, Cambridge, MIT Press. sources with the common domain knowledge:
― DRETSKE, F. (1988) Explaining Behaviour. Rea-
sons in a World of Causes, Cambridge, MIT Press. i) Interoperability: some authors consider the Se-
― DRETSKE, F. (1997) Naturalizing the Mind, Cam- mantic Web as a project for creating a univer-
bridge, MIT Press.
― GRICE, H. (1957) “Meaning”, Philosophical Review,
sal mediator for information interchange (Kal-
68. foglou, 2007). This would be possible through
― GRICE, H. (1969) “Utterer’s Meaning and Inten- the creation of interoperable documents se-
tions”, Philosophical Review, 78. mantically well defined for the computer ap-
― LEPORE, E. & B. Smith (2006) The Oxford Hand- plications of the World Wide Web. In other
book of Philosophy of Language, Oxford, Clarendon
Press. words, it is about converting the Web, and its
― MILLIKAN, R. (1984) Language, Thought and distributed databases, into a great database. In-
Other Biological Cathegories, Cambridge, MIT teroperability between the documents is sus-
Press. tained through the use of a common language
― SEARLE, J. (1969) Speech Acts. An Essay in the Philos-
ophy of Language, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press.
based on RDF (Resource Description Frame-
― SEARLE, J. (1979) Expression and Meaning, Cam- work) (W3C, 2005), a language which is based
bridge, Cambridge Univ. Press. on XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(W3C, 2006). The advantages of obtaining this
interoperability are obvious for knowledge re-
use (Russ, Jones and Fineman, 2006), concep-
SEMANTIC WEB (S. web semantica, F. web sé- tual navigation, and the fusion of Knowledge
mantique, G. semantisches Web) [Web] concept Organization Systems (KOS) through multi-
Contenidos.— 1) Evolución, limitaciones y virtu- ple domains (W3C, 2006; Zeng, 2004).
des de la propuesta, 2) Capas de la Web Semántica, ii) Semantic Resources: Semantic Web requires
3) El Estándar Topic Map y la Web Se-mántica. that the semantic knowledge should be ex-
1. Evolution, limitations and advantages of pressed in documents written in a Web lan-
the proposal. Tim Berners-Lee created this guage oriented to knowledge modeling, like
concept by proposing a network in which in- RDF. These documents model KOS and its
formation and services are semantically de- instances. KOS have an important role in the
fined so that requests of people and machines Semantic Web because they support the se-
could be understood and satisfied. Computers mantic knowledge management. This is neces-
would be able to analyze all Web data: content, sary to perform indexing and retrieval tasks,
links, transactions between persons and com- giving as a result more relevant and noiseless
puters. A Semantic Web that could be able to information for the user. KOS define the con-
do this is emerging, and this way, when this is cepts utilized for describing and representing
possible there will be a qualitative leap in the an area of knowledge (Daconta, Smith and
interconnection between multiple reposito- Obrst, 2003; Gruber, 2005). These resources
ries, electronic commerce, semantic queries are used by persons, databases, and applica-
and automatic question-answer systems. tions that need to share information on a spe-
cific domain, considering for every domain the
Semantic Web has already been with us for a specification of a knowledge area, such as
decade and a great effort has been invested for medicine, real estate, commercial manage-
its development by private and academic enti- ment, etc.
ties, but regretfully results are currently scarce,

192 glossariumBITri

2. Semantic Web Layers. Semantic Web ― BERNERS-LEE, T., HENDLER, J., LASSILA, O.
proposal suggests a seven layer “cake” for its (2001), "The Semantic Web," Scientific American.
[Online] <http://www.per-
implementation. Each layer has to be compat-
ible with previous ones. For instance, the layer ings/In_Out_and_Beyond/Semantic_Web.pdf>
three -RDF/RDFS- must be understood by [visited 01/11/2009]
XML applications, while the next layer, usually ― BRATT, S. "Semantic Web, and Other Technologies
to Watch". [Online]
encoded by OWL, must be able to extract in- <
formation from RDF documents. W3CTechSemWeb/#(24)> [visited 01/04/2010]
Although the following layer scheme corre- (2003) The Semantic Web: a Guide to the Future of Xml,
spond to the most well known version of the Web Services, and Knowledge Management. 1. John Wiley
cake, other versions has also been proposed & Sons, Inc.
(Bratt, 2007): ― KALFOGLOU Y (2007) “Knowledge society argu-
ments revisited in the semantic technologies era”. Int.
1) Unicode-URI: basic coding and resource J. of Knowledge and Learning - Vol. 3, No.2/3 p. 225 –
identification. 244
― MORATO, Jorge, et al. (2008) Hacia una web semán-
2) XML-NS-XMLSchema: syntax and its re- ticasocial. El profesional de la información, Enero-fe-
lationship with name-spaces, also express- brero, v. 17, n. 1, pp. 78-85.
ing XML structure. ― RUSS, M., JONES, J.K., FINEMAN, R. (2006) “To-
ward a taxonomy of knowledge-based strategies:
3) RDF+RDFSchema: RDF/RDFS shows early findings”. Int. J. Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 2, 1-
primitives to represent knowledge. 2: 1-40
― W3C (2005). Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic
4) Ontology Vocabulary: structuring and Web using N3. (Online)
classifying concepts by an ontology. [visited
5) Logic: axioms and monotonic rules. 01/11/2009]
― W3C (2006). Extensible Markup Language (XML)
6) Proof: to validate assertions [Online] <> [visited
7) Trust: trustworthiness of the data. 01/11/2009]
― W3C (2007). Ontologies. [Online]
3. Topic Map Standard and Semantic <
Web. Topic Maps standard constitutes a pro- ciones/es/SW/2005/owlfaq> [visited 01/11/2009]
― ZENG, M. L. CHAN, L. M. (2004). “Trends and is-
posal similar in purpose but earlier in its roots. sues in establishing interoperability among
This standard was proposed at the beginning knowledge organization systems”. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci.
of the 1990s. Nowadays the proposal have Technol., 55(5) (Mar. 2004), 377-395. [Online]
been updated to recommend XML encoding <> [visited
and other improvements. Although this pro- 01/11/2009]
posal has lower inference capabilities, it is (SSC –ed.-; JML, YA, AFV)
more intuitive. With the same objective of
metadata vocabularies, this standard initially
used Public Subject Indicators (PSI). SHANNON, CLAUDE ELWOOD [MTC,
Information theory, engineering, communica-
Related Resources tion, cryptography] author
― Swoogle Contents.— 1) Formative years, 2) The impact of World
― Hakia War II, 3) From Cryptography to Communication Theory,
― Eyeplorer 4) Entropy and Information, 5) Shannon as a Pioneer in
― World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Artificial Intelligence, 6) A Complex Legacy.

References (b. Petoskey, Michigan, 30 April 1916, d. Med-

ford, Massachusetts, 24 February 2001).
― BERNERS-LEE, T., FISCHETTI, M. (1999). Weav-
ing the Web: the Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the Shannon is first and foremost known as a pi-
World Wide Web by its Inventor. 1st. San Francisco: Har- oneer of the information age, ever since he

glossariumBITri 193

demonstrated in his seminal paper “A Mathe- been constructed by Vannevar Bush (1890–
matical Theory of Communication” (1948) 1974). Bush was to become his mentor over
that information could be defined and meas- the next decades. It was in Bush’s department
ured as a scientific notion. The paper gave rise that Shannon wrote his master’s thesis, titled
to “information theory,” which includes met- “Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching
aphorical applications in very different disci- Circuits,” which he submitted on 10 August
plines, ranging from biology to linguistics via 1937. In an interview, Shannon recalled in
thermodynamics or quantum physics on the 1987:
one hand, and a technical discipline of mathe-
"The main machine was mechanical with spinning
matical essence, based on crucial concepts like
disks and integrators, and there was a complicated
that of channel capacity, on the other. Shan-
control circuit with relays. I had to understand both
non never showed much enthusiasm for the
of these. The relay part got me interested. I knew
first kind of informal applications. He focused
about symbolic logic at the time from a course at
on the technical aspects and also contributed
Michigan, and I realized that Boolean algebra was
significantly to other fields such as cryptog-
just the thing to take care of relay circuits and
raphy, artificial intelligence, and domains
switching circuits. I went to the library and got all
where his ideas had their roots and could be
the books I could on symbolic logic and Boolean al-
readily applied in a strict fashion, that is, tele-
gebra, started interplaying the two, and wrote my
communications and coding theory.
Master’s thesis on it. That was the beginning of my
1. Formative Years. Claude Elwood Shan- great career!" (Sloane and Wyner, eds., 1993, p.
non was the son of Claude Shannon Sr. (1862– xxv)
1934), a businessman who was also a judge of
The insight was decisive: It constituted “a
probate, and Mabel Wolf Shannon (1880–
landmark in that it helped to change digital cir-
1945), a high school principal. Until the age of
cuit design from an art to a science” (Gold-
sixteen, he lived in Gaylord, Michigan, where
stine, 1972, p. 119). His study dealt with the
his mother worked. His youth was to prove a
circuits based on relays and switching units,
decisive influence on his life as a scientist: his
such as automatic telephone exchange systems
grandfather was a tinkerer, possessed a patent
or industrial motor equipment. He developed
on a washing machine, and created various—
rigorous methods for both analysis and syn-
sometimes nonsensical—objects. By the time
thesis of circuits, showing how they could be
he graduated from high school, the young
simplified. At this time, he probably had his
Shannon had already built a radio-controlled
first intuitions on the relations between redun-
boat and a telegraphic system to communicate
dancy and reliability, which he was to deepen
with a friend nearly a mile away, using barbed
later. That his stance was both theoretical and
wires. He made some pocket money by fixing
practical becomes clear at the end of his mas-
various electrical devices, such as radios, and
ter’s thesis, where he illustrated his approach
he admired Edison, with whom he discovered
with five circuits: a selective circuit, an elec-
later that he shared a common ancestor.
tronic combination lock, a vote counting cir-
Shannon left Gaylord in 1932 for the Univer- cuit, a base-two adder, and a factor table ma-
sity of Michigan, where he studied both elec- chine.
trical engineering and mathematics, obtaining
This dual approach was also revealed in an im-
in 1936 a bachelor of science degree in both
portant letter that Shannon sent to Bush in
fields. He then found a way to match his tink-
February 1939. He wrote that “Off and on [he
ering capacities with his knowledge in electri-
had] been working on an analysis of some of
cal engineering, working in the Department of
the fundamental properties of general systems
Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts
for the transmission of intelligence, including
Institute of Technology (MIT) on the mainte-
telephony, radio, television, telegraphy, etc.”
nance of the differential analyzer that had

194 glossariumBITri

He stated that “Practically all systems of com- flew twice as high and twice as fast as those of
munication may be thrown into the following World War I, the fire control parameters had
form: f1(t) → T → F(t) → R → f2(t); f1(t) is to be automatically determined by means of
a general function of time (arbitrary except for radar data. Shannon was hired by Warren
certain frequency limitations) representing the Weaver, at the time also head of the Natural
intelligence to be transmitted. It represents for Sciences Division of the Rockefeller Founda-
example, the pressure-time function in radio tion. He worked with Richard B. Blackman
and telephony, or the voltage-time curve out- and Hendrik Bode, also from Bell Labs. Their
put of an iconoscope in television.” report, “Data Smoothing and Prediction in
Fire-Control Systems,” pointed in the direc-
Shannon was awarded the Alfred Noble Prize tion of generality in signal processing. Fire
of the American Society of Civil Engineers for control was seen as “a special case of the trans-
his master’s thesis in 1940. He continued to mission, manipulation, and utilization of intel-
work on the use of algebra to deepen analogies ligence.” They stated that there was “an obvi-
and began his doctoral studies in mathematics, ous analogy between the problem of smooth-
with the same supervisor, the algebraist Frank ing the data to eliminate or reduce the effect
L. Hitchcock. The topic, however, stemmed of tracking errors and the problem of separat-
from Bush, who suggested that Shannon apply ing a signal from interfering noise in commu-
Boolean algebra to genetics, as he had to cir- nications systems” (Mindell, Gerovitch, and
cuits. The result of his research was submitted Segal,2003, p. 73).
in the spring of 1940 in his thesis “An Algebra
for Theoretical Genetics.” Meanwhile, Shan- The second project was in the field of cryptog-
non had also published his “Mathematical raphy. At the outbreak of the war, communi-
Theory of the Differential Analyzer” (1941) cations could be easily intercepted. The main
and during the summer of 1940 had started transatlantic communication means for confi-
working at the Bell Laboratories, where he ap- dential messages was the A3 telephone system
plied the ideas contained in his master’s thesis. developed at Bell Labs, which simply inverted
He also spent a few months at the Institute for parts of the bandwidth and was easily deci-
Advanced Study in Princeton working under phered by the Germans.Shannon worked on
Hermann Weyl thanks to a National Research the X-System, which solved this problem, and
Fellowship, and he then returned to the Bell met British mathematician Alan Turing during
Labs, where he worked from 1941 to 1956. this time. Turing had come to Bell Labs to co-
ordinate British and American research on
2. The Impact of World War II. Any scien- jamming, but the “need-to-know” rule that
tist who worked in public institutions, private prevailed prevented them from engaging in a
companies, or universities at this time became real exchange on these issues. The quintes-
increasingly engaged in the war effort. From sence of Shannon’s contribution to war cryp-
1940 onward, interdisciplinary organizations tography can be found in a 1945 report (de-
were founded: first the National Defense Re- classified in 1957) titled “A Mathematical The-
search Committee (NDRC, June 1940), under ory of Cryptography,” which outlined the first
the supervision of Vannevar Bush, and later theory, relying on both algebraic and probabil-
the Office of Scientific Research and Devel- istic theories. Shannon explained that he was
opment (May 1941), which included the interested in discrete information consisting
NDRC and medical research. Shannon soon of sequences of discrete symbols chosen from
became involved in this war-related research, a finite set. He gave definitions of redundancy
mainly with two projects. The first project fo- and equivocation, and also of “information.”
cused on anti-aircraft guns, which were so im- Trying to quantify the uncertainty related to
portant in defending Great Britain under the the realization of an event chosen among n
V1 bombs and V2 rockets and more generally events for which a probability pi is known, he
for air defense. Because World War II planes

glossariumBITri 195

proposed the formula H=Σi(i=1..n){pi log pi} study “the savings due to statistical structure
where H was at first merely a measure of un- of the original message” (1948, p. 379), and for
certainty. He then showed that this formula that purpose, he had to neglect the semantic
verified eleven properties such as additivity aspects of information, as Hartley did for “in-
(information brought by two selections of an telligence” twenty years before (Hartley, 1928,
outcome equals the sum of the information p. 1). For Shannon, the communication pro-
brought by each event) or the fact that H was cess was stochastic in nature, and the great im-
maximum when all the events had the same pact of his work, which accounts for the ap-
probability (which corresponds to the worst plications in other fields, was due to the sche-
case for deciphering). For the choice of the matic diagram of a general communication
letter H, obviously referring to Boltzmann’s system that he proposed. An information
H-Theorem, he explained that “most of the source” outputs a “message,” which is en-
entropy formulas contain terms of this type” coded by a “transmitter” into the transmitted
(Sloane and Wyner, 1993, pp. 84–142). Ac- “signal.” The received signal is the sum of the
cording to some authors, it might have been transmitted signal and unavoidable “noise.” It
John von Neumann who gave Shannon the is recovered as a decoded message, which is
following hint: delivered to the “destination.” The received
signal, which is the sum between the signal
"You should call it entropy, for two reasons. In the
and the “noise,” is decoded in the “receiver”
first place your uncertainty function has been used
that gives the message to destination. His the-
in statistical mechanics under that name, so it al-
ory showed that choosing a good combination
ready has a name. In the second place, and more
of transmitter and receiver makes it possible
important, no one really knows what entropy really
to send the message with arbitrarily high accu-
is, so in a debate you will always have the ad-
racy and reliability, provided the information
vantage." (Tribus, 1971, p. 179)
rate does not exceed a fundamental limit,
3. From Cryptography to Communication named the “channel capacity.” The proof of
Theory. In his 1945 memorandum, Shannon this result was, however, nonconstructive,
also developed a general schema for a secured leaving open the problem of designing codes
communication. The key source was repre- and decoding means that were able to ap-
sented as a disturbing element conceptualize proach this limit (→Shannon's fundamental theo-
as a “noise,” similar to the message, but apart rems).
from that, the schema was similar to the one
The paper was presented as an ensemble of
he described in 1939 in his letter to Bush.
twentythree theorems that were mostly rigor-
Shannon always kept this goal in mind, even
ously proven (but not always, hence the work
when he worked in cryptology. In 1985, Shan-
of A. I. Khinchin and later A. N. Kolmogorov,
non declared to Price “My first getting at that
who based a new probability theory on the in-
was information theory, and I used cryptog-
formation concept). Shannon’s paper was di-
raphy as a way of legitimizing the work. … For
vided into four parts, differentiating between
cryptography you could write up anything in
discrete or continuous sources of information
any shape, which I did” (Price, 1985, p. 169)
and the presence or absence of noise. In the
Relying on his experience in Bell Laboratories, simplest case (discrete source without noise),
where he had become acquainted with the Shannon presented the H formula he had al-
work of other telecommunication engineers ready defined in his mathematical theory of
such as Harry Nyquist and Ralph Hartley, cryptography,which in fact can be reduced to
Shannon published in two issues of the Bell a logarithmic mean. He defined the bit, the
System Technical Journal his paper “A Math- contraction of “binary digit” (as suggested by
ematical Theory of Communication.” The John W. Tukey, his colleague at Bell Labs) as
general approach was pragmatic; he wanted to the unit for information. Concepts such as

196 glossariumBITri

“redundancy,” “equivocation,” or channel results hat appeared during the war effort,
“capacity,” which existed as common notions, namely the idea of a general theory for “Con-
were defined as scientific concepts. Shannon trol and Communication in the Animal and
stated a fundamental source-coding theorem, the Machine,” which is the subtitle of Cyber-
showing that the mean length of a message has netics, a book Norbert Wiener published in
a lower limit proportional to the entropy of 1948. Shannon, von Neumann, Wiener, and
the source. When noise is introduced, the others were later called “cyberneticians” dur-
channel-coding theorem stated that when the ing the ten meetings sponsored by the Macy
entropy of the source is less than the capacity Foundation, which took place between 1946
of the channel, a code exists that allows one to and 1953. Shannon and Weaver’s 1949 book,
transmit a message “so that the output of the along with the work by Wiener, brought forth
source can be transmitted over the channel a so-called “information theory.”
with an arbitrarily small frequency of errors.”
Rapidly, connections were made between in-
This programmatic part of Shannon’s work
formation theory and various fields, for in-
explains the success and impact it had in tele-
stance in linguistics, where influences went in
communications engineering. The turbo
both directions. In order to be able to consider
codes (error correction codes) achieved a low
“natural written languages such as English,
error probability at information rates close to
German, Chinese” as stochastic processes de-
the channel capacity, with reasonable com-
fined by a set of selection probabilities, Shan-
plexity of implementation, thus providing for
non relied on the work of linguists, who, in
the first time experimental evidence of the
turn, were vitally interested in the calculus of
channel capacity theorem (Berrou and
the entropy of a language to gain a better un-
Glavieux, 1996).
derstanding of concepts like that of redun-
Another important result of the mathematical dancy (Shannon, 1951). Roman Jakobson was
theory of communication was, in the case of a among the most enthusiastic linguists; he had
continuous source, the definition of the capac- participated in one of the Macy meetings in
ity of a channel of band W perturbed by white March 1948. At the very beginning of the
thermal noise power N when the average 1950s, in most disciplines, new works were
transmitter power is limited to P, given by presented as “applications” of information
theory, even if sometimes the application only
C=W log{(P+N)/N}
consisted of the use of logarithmic mean. Try-
which is the formula reproduced on Shan- ing to understand the connections between
non’s gravestone. The 1948 paper rapidly be- molecular structure and genetic infor-
came very famous; it was published one year mation—a couple of months before the dis-
later as a book, with a postscript by Warren covery of the double helix for the structure of
Weaver regarding the semantic aspects of in- DNA—Herman Branson calculated, in a sym-
formation. posium entitled “The Use of Information
Theory in Biology,” the information quantity
4. Entropy and Information. There were
(H) contained in a human. He gave the expres-
two different readings of this book. Some en-
sion “H (food and environment) = H (biolog-
gineers became interested in the program-
ical function) + H (maintenance and repair) +
matic value of Shannon’s writings, mostly to
H (growth, differentiation, memory)”
develop new coding techniques, whereas
(Quastler, 1953, p. 39). Henry Quastler came
other scientists used the mathematical theory
to the conclusion, as did Sidney Dancoff, that
of communication for two reasons: on one
“H (man)” was about 2 x 10 28 bits (p. 167).
hand, a general model of communication; and
on the other, the mathematical definition of Taking issue with these different kinds of ap-
information, called “entropy” by Shannon. plications, Shannon in 1956 wrote a famous
Those ideas coalesced with other theoretical editorial, published in the Transactions of the

glossariumBITri 197

Institute of Radio Engineers, with the title problem to which John von Neumann de-
“The Bandwagon.” As he stated, referring to voted considerable attention. Starting from
his 1948 paper, “Starting as a technical tool for this parallel, notions such as redundancy and
the communication engineer, it has received channel capacity were to be used to improve
an extraordinary amount of publicity in the the architecture of computing machines.
popular as well as the scientific press. In part,
The second topic dealt with the way in which
this has been due to connections with such
a “brain model” can adapt to its environment.
fashionable fields as computing machines, cy-
This had no direct link with information the-
bernetics, and automation; and in part, to the
ory but was more related to the work Shannon
novelty of its subject matter. As a conse-
had presented during the eighth Macy meet-
quence, it has perhaps been ballooned to an
ing, in March 1951, where he gathered with
importance beyond its actual accomplish-
other cyberneticians. Shannon demonstrated
ments.” At this time, some applications of in-
an electromechanical mouse he called The-
formation theory already reflected a mood, es-
seus, which would be “taught” to find its way
sentially based on a loose, rather than a scien-
in a labyrinth. In his Dartmouth proposal,
tific definition of information. Forty years
Shannon put the emphasis on “clarifying the
later, the project of “information highways,”
environmental model, and representing it as a
presented to promote the Internet, partly re-
mathematical structure.” He had already no-
lied on the same idea.
ticed that “in discussing mechanized intelli-
5. Shannon as a Pioneer in Artificial Intel- gence, we think of machines performing the
ligence. At the time Shannon published his most advanced human thought activities—
relatively pessimistic editorial, he was already proving theorems, writing music, or playing
engaged in other research, typically related to chess.” He posited a bottom-up approach in
his ability to combine mathematical theories, the “direction of these advanced activities,”
electrical engineering, and “tinkering,” starting with simpler models, as he had done
namely, artificial intelligence. Shannon coau- in his 1950 paper entitled “Programming a
thored the 1955 “Proposal for the Dartmouth Computer for Playing Chess.” In this first
Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelli- published article on computer chess, Shannon
gence,” which marked the debut of the term offered the key elements for writing a “pro-
“artificial intelligence.” Together with Na- gram,” such as an “evaluation function” or a
thaniel Rochester, John McCarthy, and “minimax procedure.”
Marvin L. Minsky, he obtained support from
the Rockefeller Foundation to “proceed on
the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of
learning or any other feature of intelligence
can in principle be so precisely described that
a machine can be made to simulate it.” In ex-
plaining his own goal, Shannon named two
The first topic, presented as an “application of
information theory,” was based on an analogy:
in the same way that information theory was
concerned with the reliable transmission of in-
formation over a noisy channel, he wanted to
tackle the structure of computing machines in Claude Shannon with an electronic mouse which has a “super”
which reliable computing is supposed to be memory and can learn its way round a maze without a mistake
achieved using some unreliable elements, a after only one “training” run. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images).

198 glossariumBITri

6. A Complex Legacy. Shannon’s contribu- many of which he kept at his home: among
tions to artificial intelligence have often been others, a tiny stage on which three clowns
neglected because of the enormous aura. He is could juggle with eleven rings, seven balls, and
so well known for his work on information five clubs, all driven by an invisible mecha-
theory that his credit for AI is often ignored. nism of clockwork and rods. Juggling was one
Most history of AI does not even mention his of his passions, which also included playing
presence at the Dartmouth meeting of infor- chess, riding a unicycle, and playing to clarinet.
mation theory. None of the works he wrote In the early 1980s Shannon began writing an
after the 1950s received such recognition. He article for Scientific American called scientific
left Bell Labs for the Massachusetts Institute Aspects of Juggling,” which he never finished
of Technology (MIT) in 1956, first as a visiting (Sloane and Wyner, 1993, pp. 850–864).
professor; he was a permanent member of the
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, Shan-
Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT
non’s contributions are manifold. Whereas
for twenty years, starting in 1958, after he had
there are still applications that only consist of
spent a year as a fellow at the Center for Ad-
using the logarithmic mean or the schematic
vanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in
diagram of a general communication system
Palo Alto.
(applications he condemned in his 1956 edito-
Most of his scientific work was devoted to the rial, “The Bandwagon”), there are also numer-
promotion and deepening of information the- ous new fields that could not be defined with-
ory. Shannon was invited to many countries, out referring to his work. In the field of tech-
including the Soviet Union in 1965. While nology, coding theories that are applied to
there, giving a lecture at an engineering con- compact discs or deep-space communication
ference, he had an opportunity to play a chess are merely developments of information the-
match against Mikhail Botvinik. He tackled ory. In mathematics, entire parts of algorith-
the case of transmission with a memoryless mic complexity theory (Algorithmic Infor-
channel (a noisy channel where the noise acts mation Theory) can be seen as resulting from the
independently on each symbol transmitted development of Shannon’s theory. In biology,
through the channel). It is on this topic that he the protean use made of the expression “ge-
published his last paper related to information netic information” explains the development
theory, as early as 1967, with Robert G. Gal- of molecular biology (Fox Keller, Kay and
lager and Elwyn R. Berlekamp. Yockey). From the 1990s onward, in physics,
In the late 1960s and 1970s, Shannon became the domain of “quantum information” took
interested in portfolio management and, more off around the definition of qubits, which ex-
generally, investment theory. One of his col- tended the bit initially used by Shannon to
leagues at Bell Labs, John L. Kelly, had shown measure information. Shannon unfortunately
in 1956 how information theory could be ap- could not take part in these developments nor
plied to gambling. Together with Ed Thorp, take them into account; from the mid-1990s
Shannon went to Las Vegas to test their ideas. he struggled with Alzheimer’s disease, to
In 1966 they also invented the first wearable which he succumbed in February 2001.
computer at MIT that was able to predict rou- References
lette wheels.
A comprehensive bibliography appears in:
Shannon never gave up constructing eccentric ― NEIL J. A. SLOANE and AAARON D. WYNER,
machines, like the THROBAC (THrifty RO- eds., Claude Elwood Shannon: Collected Papers, Pisca-
man-numeral BAckward-looking Computer) taway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1993.
he built in the 1950s, the rocket-powered Fris- These collected papers include the 1937 master’s thesis
bee, or a device that could solve the Rubik’s ( ; the “Letter to Vannevar
Cube puzzle. He developed many automata, Bush, Feb. 16, 1939”; and the 1940 PhD dissertation

glossariumBITri 199

The master’s and PhD essays are also available at the ― KELLY, John L. (1956). “A New Interpretation of
MIT’s online institutional repository: the Information Rate.” Bell System Technical Journal
35: 917–925.
― <> ― MINDELL, D., S. GEROVITCH, and J. Segal
― <> (2003). “From Communications Engineering to
The 1939 letter was first reproduced in Hagmeyer’s Communications Science: Cybernetics and Infor-
doctoral dissertation (see below). Shannon’s archives mation Theory in the United States, France, and the
are at the Bell Laboratories Archives and at the Na- Soviet Union.” In Science and Ideology: A Comparative
tional Archives in Washington, DC. History, edited by Mark Walker, pp. 66–96. London:
Works by Shannon ― PIAS, Claus (2003 and 2004). Cybernetics/Kybernetik.
― (1948) “A Mathematical Theory of Communica- The Macy-Conferences, 1946–1953. Transactions/Proto-
tion.” Bell System Technical Journal 27: 379–423, 623– kolle. 2 vol. Fernwald, Germany: Diaphanes.
656. ― PRICE, Robert (1985). “A Conversation with
― (1949). “Communication in the Presence of Noise.” Claude Shannon: One Man’s Approach to Problem
Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 37: 10–21. Solving.”Cryptologia 9: 167–175.
― (1949) “Communication Theory of Secrecy Sys- ― QUASTLER, Henry, ed. (1953). Essays on the Use of
tems.” Bell System Technical Journal 28: 656–715. Information Theory in Biology. Urbana: University of Il-
― (1949) With Warren WEAVER. The Mathematical linois Press.
Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois ― SEGAL, Jérôme (2003). Le Zéro et le un: Histoire de la
Press. notion scientifique d’information. Paris: Syllepse.
― (1950). “Programming a Computer for Playing ― TRIBUS, Myron, and E. C. McIrvine (1971). “En-
Chess.” Philosophical Magazine 41: 256–275. ergy and Information.” Scientific American 224: 178–
― (1951) “Prediction and Entropy in Printed Eng- 184.
lish.”Bell System Technical Journal 30: 50–64. ― VERDU, Sergio (1998). “Fifty Years of Shannon
― (1956). “The Bandwagon.” IRE Transactions on Infor- Theory.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44:
mation Theory 2: 3. 2057–2078.
― (1967). Con Robert G. GALLAGER y Elwyn R. ― WIENER, Norbert (1948). Cybernetics, or Control and
BERLEKAMP. “Lower Bounds to Error Probabil- Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Paris,
ity for Coding on Discrete Memorylless Channels.” France: Hermann et Cie.
Information and Control 10: 65-103. ― YOCKEY, Hubert P. (1992). Information Theory and
Molecular Biology. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Uni-
Other sources versity Press.
― YOCKEY, Hubert P. (2005). Information Theory, Evo-
― BERROU, Claude, and Alain GLAVIEUX (1996). lution, and the Origin of Life. Cambridge, U.K.: Cam-
“Near Optimum Error Correcting Coding and De- bridge University Press.
coding: Turbo-Codes.” IEEE Transactions on Commu-
nications 44: 1261–1271. (JS)
― FOERSTER, Heinz von (1952). Cybernetics, Circular
Causal and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological and Social
Systems. New York: Macy Foundation. SHANNON´S FUNDAMENTAL THE-
― FOX KELLER, Evelyn (2000). The Century of the OREMS (S. teoremas fundamentals de Shannon, F.
Gene. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
― GOLDSTINE, Herman H. (1972). The Computer théorèmes fondamental de Shannon, G. Shannon-
from Pascal to von Neumann. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Grundsätze) [MTC] theorem
University Press.
― HAGEMEYER, Friedrich W. (1979). Die Entstehung Contents.— 1) Fundamental theorem for a noiseless
von Informationskonzepten in der Nachrichtentechnik. Dok- channel, 2) Fundamental theorem for a discrete channel with
torarbeit an der Freie Universität Berlin (PhD), FB noise, 3) Complementarity of both theorems.
11 Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften.
― HARTLEY, Ralph V. L. (1928). “Transmission of 1. Fundamental theorem for a noiseless
Information.” Bell System Technical Journal 7: 535–563. channel. Let a source have entropy H (bits
― HODGES, Andrew. (1983). Alan Turing: The per symbol) and a channel have a capacity C
Enigma. London: Burnett Books. (bits per second). Then it is possible to encode
― HORGAN, John (1990). “Claude E. Shannon: Uni-
cyclist, Juggler and Father of Information Theory.”
the output of the source in such a way as to
Scientific American 242: 20–22B. transmit at the average rate C/H–ε symbols
― KAY, Lily E. (2000). Who Wrote the Book of Life? A per second over a channel where ε is arbitrary
History of the Genetic Code. Chicago: University of small. It is not possible to transmit at an aver-
Chicago Press. age rate greater than C/H. (Shannon 1948: 16)

200 glossariumBITri

Shannon probes here the existence of a limit with an arbitrarily small frequency of errors (or
to the efficiency of what has been called source an arbitrary small equivocation). If H>C it is
coding (→encoder). If the entropy of a source – possible to encode the source so that the
characterised by the emission of a finite set of equivocation is less than H–C+ε where ε is ar-
symbols– can be determined, then we know H bitrarily small. There is no method of encod-
(in bit/symbol) would correspond to the min- ing which gives an equivocation less than H–
imum binary digits to be used for its coding. C. (Shannon 1948: 22)
Any move to this limit translates into a grow-
Since here the source is characterised by its in-
ing complexity (in operational and/or circuital
formation transmission rate (according to
costs). As in other fundamental results of the
Shannon’s definition of entropy), this theorem
MTC, it deals with a non constructive conclu-
warns us that the transmission of this infor-
sion “leaving open the problem of designing
mation flow requires at least a channel of ca-
codes” (→Shannon, C.E.).
pacity bigger than H. We might vainly try to
In technical practice, source coding is not only transmit it through a channel of lesser capac-
attained to the statistical level addressed by ity, any excess of source entropy with respect
Shannon. The most sophisticated techniques to channel capacity will imply a corresponding
of source coding are actually a combination of: increase in the rate of error reception. On the
other hand, approaching to the threshold
1) predictive coding, in which the sender only
(C≈H) leads to an increase in (operational/cir-
conveys what cannot be predicted from previ-
cuital) complexity.
ous sendings, achieving optimal results if
source peculiarities and pragmatic context are How can the distance between source entropy
analysed in depth (e.g. for the reproduction of H and channel capacity C be employed? Re-
a piano playing, keyboard touching is just reg- dundancy might be employed in order to facil-
istered). itate recipients identification and correction of
transmission errors. This kind of coding in
2) Transformational coding (especially applicable
named channel coding (→encoder). There are
for signals addressed to sensory organs), in
several techniques to add redundancy, which
which a linear transformation is applied to sig-
can be classified in block codes and convolutional
nals to be conveyed (reversible) enabling to
codes. In the former, consecutive data blocks
distinguish ranges of different sensibility. This
are used to determine the added redundancy;
makes possible to leave out data being imper-
in the convolutional ones, state machines are
ceptible or under certain quality thresholds
used, which output depends on the coder state
(operation entailing an irreversible loss of data
and entry data. Error correction looks in the
–not necessarily information, as it is com-
former for the most similar valid block, in the
monly said, if this data is not able in the least
later for the most similar sequence of valid
to ‘inform’ recipients). In that coding, effi-
ciency is achieved through an analysis in depth
of the sensory perception. 3. Complementarity of both theorems.
Thus, there is a certain practical complemen-
3) Statistical coding, in the sense pointed out by
tarity between these two theorems: the former
the MTC where source emissions are regarded
indicates how far we can compress the code
as ergodic and stationary processes.
for conveying source messages (maximally re-
2. Fundamental theorem for a discrete moving redundancy); the second shows us the
channel with noise. Let a discrete channel redundancy the system could use in order to
have the capacity C and a discrete source the facilitate error correction.
entropy per second H. If H≤C there exist a
At a glance, source coding tries to equate bi-
coding system such that the output of the
nary digits to bits, maximizing entropy and
source can be transmitted over the channel

glossariumBITri 201

eliminating whatever is non entropic and use- Peirce designates as sign “an object which
less for decoding purposes, whereas channel stands for another to some mind”. He distin-
coding adds non entropic digits that can be guishes three points of view: 1) as being signs
recognized by recipients to eliminate transmis- in themselves (dealt with in grammar); 2) as
sion errors. being related with an object (dealt with in
logics); 3) as being related to subjects or “in-
terpretants” (dealt with in pure rhetoric). He
― SHANNON, C. E. (1948). “A Mathematical Theory also distinguishes, depending on the relation
of Communication”. The Bell System Technical Journal, with three types of signs: iconic (which are sig-
Vol. 27, pp. 379–423, 623–656, July, October.
― SHANNON, C. y WEAVER, W. (1949). The mathe- nificant even if the object does not exist); in-
matical theory of communication. Urbana: The University dexes (which loss their constituting character if
of Illinois Press. its object is suppressed, but not if the inter-
― SKLAR, Bernard (2001). Digital Communications. Fun- preter is missing); and symbols (which loss their
damentals and Applications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
constituting character if its interpreter is miss-
(JMD) ing). Structuralism develops an even more
elaborated classification, in which these three
types pointed out by Peirce reappear, based on
SIGN (S. signo, F. signe, G. Zeichen) [transdisci-
the established relationship between signifi-
plinary, semiotics, communication theory] con-
cant and signified (arbitrary, metaphoric, met-
onymic, etc.).
The use frequently given in antiquity to the
Morris –following Pierce- states that the sign
word sign, σημεῖον, corresponds to a signal, usu-
is what supports a triadic relation: with other
ally verbal, through which something is repre-
signs, with designated objects and with the
sented. However, it was also used in a number
subjects using the sign. Syntactics, semiotics and
of more technical meanings -sometimes con-
pragmatics are concerned with the study of each
fronted-, such as in the realist and nominalism
of these relations respectively, whereas semiot-
positions. In modernity, especially among ra-
ics or semiology deal with the general study of
cionalists, a sign tends to refer to ideas. How-
the sign.
ever, in Empiricism, the word sign gains a sig-
nificant relevancy, distinguishing its suggestive Husserl makes a fundamental distinction be-
dimension –already pointed out in antiquity tween sign and signification, according to
and medieval nominalism-. In current times, which, even though every sign is a sign of
the most influential trends are perhaps the something, not all signs have signification, i.e.,
ones started by Saussure, Peirce and Husserl, be- it does not necessarily comprise a sense being
ing the first two more influential in linguistics, expressed by it. Sometimes, we cannot even
semiotics and anthropology, whereas Hus- say that a sign designates that of which it is
serl’s influence was driven by phenomenology called a sign. For Husserl, signs can be indica-
and →hermeneutics into a wide spectrum of so- tive (limited to indicate, but not to signify) and
cial sciences. significative (or expressions pointing to a signi-
fication, which is one of the elements of the
For Saussure, the sign (seen from a linguistic
intentional act, usually wider than effectua-
point of view) is a non-separable double-faced
tions or fulfillments, and only matching up
“psychic entity”: the acoustic image (named
such act if a complete adequacy is given be-
signifier –“significant”) and the concept (signi-
tween signification and what is signified, the
fied –“signifié”), where its bonding link is arbi-
intentional object). With this characterization,
trary. Structuralism extended Saussure’s con-
a stance is taken up rejecting both the signic
cept of sign to non verbal phenomena.
arbitrariness of nominalism and the expressive
naturalness of realism, clarifying the “ambigu-
ous significative situation”.

202 glossariumBITri

References objects are in relation or they are not. The last

― ECO, U. (1973). "Social Life as Sign System”. In D. element (1 or 0) is called “polarity” and is the
Robey (ed.). Structuralism, an Introduction. Oxford: Ox- one that shows the veracity if polarity is 1, or
ford University Press. falseness if polarity is 0, of the relation R.
― FERRATER MORA, J. (1994). "Signo" y "Sím-
bolo", in Diccionario de filosofía. Barcelona: Ariel. In terms of the Situation Theory, infons are
― LEACH, E. (1976). Culture and Communication: semantic objects within the mathematical the-
The Logic by Which Symbols are Connected. Cam- ory. They are not phrases in some language
bridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
― MORRIS, C.W. (1938). Foundations of the theory of
that require an interpretation. Infons are the
signs. Chicago, Ill: The University of Chicago Press. minimum units of the information.
― PEIRCE, Charles S. (1873). On the Nature of Signs.
MS 214 (Robin 381): Writings 3, 66-68. [Online] Ar-
Infons can be referred to more than a relation
isbe: The Peirce Gateway [Online] by means of operations of conjunction and
<> [accessed: 10/10/09] disjunction. These infons are labeled "com-
pounds infons", e.g. the one obtained repre-
senting the infon that characterizes the shout
of the word fire.
SITUATIONAL LOGIC (S. lógica situacional,
F. logic situationnel, G. situative Logik) [Situ-
acional Semantics] theory
The infons can include parameters as in the
Situation Theory is an attempt to provide with previous example are a and t , in this case of
a mathematical formulation the Situational Se- spatial and temporary type respectively. The
mantics developed by Braswise and Perry parameters indicate elements that do not be-
(1983). Keith Devlin (1991) in Logic and In- come informational until they are anchored*
formation dressed the Situation Theory with to a concrete situation.
the mathematical necessary apparatus to be
able to treat it from an own, solid and mathe- Given a situation s and an infon σ we wrote:
matically coherent perspective. sσ
The basic ontology of the Situation Theory in order to indicate that the infon σ is a “fac-
forms those organizations that a mental agent, tual fact” for the situation s. Expressed in
with his limitations, is able to individualize other words, we can say that σ is a information
and/or to discriminate. Among the objects, item that is a truth in the situation s. There-
also known as uniformities (or regularities) we fore, from the situational perspective the in-
found individuals in the situational ontology, formation is treated like merchandise. Mer-
relations, locations, temporary locations, situ- chandise that, in addition, doesn’t have to rep-
ations, types and parameters. resent always a “true” value, because for each
The framework regarding to the agent who infon exists its dual negative that can be un-
gathers the ontology denominates “individual- derstood as their opposite informational one
ization scheme” (appropriate for the study of and both cannot be “true”.
the flow of information of an agent). The in- Situations that share common characteristics
formation always must be information refer- are gather in Types, giving place to entities of
ring to a certain situation, and it takes in the higher-order, situation-types. This one is an
form of well-known discreet items, like “in- abstract concept that gathers elements with
fons”. An infon is an object of the form: common characteristics and always belongs
relative to the agent.
Constraints are abstract bonds between types
where R denotes a relation among n appropri-
of situations. They can be of diverse types:
ate objects to describe it and denotes if these
natural laws, linguistic, empirical conventions,

glossariumBITri 203

relations logics, rules, or of any other type. Its such as Flick or YouTube demonstrate the
paper in the chain of the information is well great acceptance and vitality of this platform.
gathered in Israel and Perry (1990) by the The approach is based on the involvement
word “meaning”. and collaboration of users for the manage-
ment of resources, using friendly and well de-
The constraint between two types T and T' in-
signed user interfaces. The architecture of
dicates that an element of type t, will carry in-
these applications permits to users to describe
formation of an element of the type t' within
resources with tags. In contrast to Semantic
the terms determined by the situation that in-
Web, this approach lacks a central authority to
cludes them.
organize and standardize the way that the Web
In order to be able to construct the meaning, is managed, and hinders progress towards gen-
the agent must be able to settle down con- eral acceptance by other software developers.
straints between each one of the identified sit-
1. History of the term Web 2.0. Dale
uations type, in the context of the situation.
Dougherty from O’Reilly Media was the per-
The representation of Infon gathering the
son that invented the term Web 2.0 at a con-
constraint between two situations type s and s'
ference with Craig Cline from MediaLive.
is the following one:
During the speech on the evolution of the In-
ternet they realized the numerous collabora-
tive services that had emerged, as well as the
References will of the users to share resources. The term
― DEVLIN, Keith (1991). Logic and Information. Cam- was affirmed in the 2004 Web 2.0 Conference;
bridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. within one year the term Web 2.0 already had
― BARWISE, J. and PERRY, J. (1983). Situations and 10 millions references in Google, even though
Attitudes; Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press.
― ISRAEL, D. y PERRY, J. (1990). What is infor- its significance remained vague. In contrast
mation? In Philip Hanson (Ed.). Information, Language with the Semantic Web, its appearance was
and Cognition. Vancouver: University of British Co- not in response to a planned and coordinated
lumbia Press, pp. 1-19 effort, neither the assumption on behalf of the
(CA) experts that the Web was evolving autono-
mously, was suggesting such a proposal.
SOCIAL WEB (S. Web social, F. Web Social, G. 2. Semantic Web and Social Web. Web 2.0
Soziales Netzwerk) [Web, Information Society, and Semantic Web (SW) are technologies with
ICT] concept, resource a great potential for the network and ulti-
mately, for the final user. Both aim to improv-
Contents.— 1) History of the term, 2) Semantic Web
ing the mechanisms for sharing information
and Social Web, 3) Social Web and Semantic Web Com-
parison, 4) Conversion of folksonomies into more complex and resources. Frequently, Web 2.0 is pre-
KOS. sented as an intermediate stage to future Web
3.0 (called Semantic Web). Web 2.0 is oriented
Social Web is a set of resources and practices to persons, while the Semantic Web is ori-
that enable the users to socialize with each ented to applications; this stems from the fact
other. In the literature, Web 2.0 is usually em- that the first employs a free language and the
ployed as a synonym. latter a controlled language. Web 2.0 attempts
Also Web 2.0 is used to refer to the set of tech- to give the users a legible and usable semantic,
nologies focused on social interaction. Most while the Semantic Web projects the correct
of these tools are free. interpretation of the semantic for computer
Web 2.0 is a platform, where users are the
principal centre of attention; the user decides 3. Social Web and Semantic Web compar-
what to use and how to use it. Applications ison. To explain why the Social Web is more

204 glossariumBITri

popular than the Semantic Web, at the mo- (JML)

ment, we analyze and compare some charac-
teristics between both webs according to dif-
ferent criteria. Some of them demonstrate that
COMPLEXITY (S. complejidad de Kolmogorov
they treat the two concepts with different ap-
super-recursiva; F. Complexité de Kolmogorov super-
récursif; G. Superrekursive Kolmogorow-Komplexität)
At first glance, it could be assumed that both [AIT, computer science, complexity theory,
the Social Web and the Semantic Web could coding theory]concept
be in conflict. At the same time, though, they Contents.— 1) Absolute and relative super-recursive
could be viewed as two complementary as- complexity; 2) Inductive Kolmogorov complexity
pects of the Web which, by operating syner-
gistically, could increase the potential of both. 1. Absolute and relative super-recursive
complexity. Super-recursive Kolmogorov
Therefore, after questioning the reason for complexity is an algorithmic measure or meas-
their mutual existence and why the Social Web ure of algorithmic information. It is defined
has had such success compared with the Se- for constructive objects, such as words in
mantic Web, it becomes evident that they treat some alphabet. If x is a word and K is a class
two independent necessities as being equally of super-recursive algorithms, then, as in the
indispensable. case of recursive algorithms, we have two
4. Conversion of folksonomies into more types of super-recursive Kolmogorov com-
complex KOS. Some Web resources are un- plexity.
der analysis for their evolution to KOS com- The Kolmogorov complexity CB(x) of an ob-
plexes, e.g. the folkontologies, which study ject (word) x with respect to an algo-
evolution mechanisms starting from a folk- rithm B from K is defined as
CB(x) = min {l(p); B(p) = x}
References in the case when there is a word p such
― O'REALLY, T. (2005). “What Is Web 2.0. Design that B(p) = x;
Patterns and Business Models for the Next Genera- otherwise CB(x) is not defined.
tion of Software” <>
[Consulted: 01/01/09]. When K has universal algorithms, Burgin
― GRUBER, T. (2005) "Ontology of Folksonomy: A (1982; 2005) proved that there is an invariant
Mash-Up of Apples and Oranges", Int’l J. Semantic up to some additive constant super-recur-
Web and Information Systems, vol. 3, nº1, pp. 1-11.
― MORATO, J., SANCHEZ-CUADRADO, S., sive Kolmogorov complexity KC(x). It is
FRAGA, A., ANDREADAKIS, Y. (2008). "Seman- called absolute super-recursive Kolmogorov
tic Web or Web 2.0? Socialization of the Semantic complexity because there is also relative su-
Web". First World Summit on the Knowledge Soci- per-recursive Kolmogorov complexity
ety. Athens, Sept. 2008 [http://www.informatik.uni-]
KC(x|y). Namely, there is an algorithm U such
― TREESE, W. (2006). “Web 2.0: is it really differ- that for any Turing machine T, there is a con-
ent?. netWorker 10, 2 (Jun. 2006), 15-17. stant cUT such that for all words x, we have
― VAN DAMME, C., HEPP, M., SIORPAES, K. CU(x)  CT(x) + cUT
(2007). “FolksOntology: An Integrated Approach
for Turning Folksonomies into Ontologies”. ESWC The machine U is a universal in K algorithm.
2007. Proceedings of the Workshop Bridging the Gap be- This makes the concept of super-recur-
tween Semantic Web and Web 2.0, Innsbruck, Austria. sive Kolmogorov complexity invariant up to
― VAN DER HENST, C. (2006) “¿Qué es la Web an additive constant if we put KC(x) = CU(x).
2.0?”. <>
[Consulted: 01/01/09].
― VANDER WAL, T. (2004) Folksonomy.
<> [Consulted: 01/01/09].

glossariumBITri 205

Thus, the super-recursive Kolmogorov com- the size of the shortest program (in number of
plexity KC(x) of a word x is taken to be equal symbols) for a universal inductive Turing ma-
to: chine U that with y as its input, computes the
string x and terminates.
the size of the shortest program (in number
of symbols) for a universal in K algorithm The inductive relative Kolmogorov complex-
U that without additional data, computes ity IC(x | y) allows one to find the algorithmic
the string x and terminates. quantity IC(y ; x) of inductive information
in a word y about a word x, i.e., information
This measure is called absolute super-recur-
that can be extracted by inductive algorithms.
sive Kolmogorov complexity because super-
Namely, we have
recursive Kolmogorov complexity has also a
relative form KC(x | y). IC(y ; x) = C(x) - C(x | y)
There are many different classes of super-re- The inductive Kolmogorov complexity of
cursive algorithms: limiting recursive func- an object (word) x with respect to an induc-
tions and limiting partial recursive func- tive Turing machine T is defined as
tions introduced by Gold, trial and error pred-
ICT(x) = min { l(p); T(p) = x}
icates introduced by Hilary Putnam, inductive
in the case when there is a word p such
Turing machines of different orders and limit
that T(p) = x;
Turing machines of different orders intro-
otherwise ICT(x) is not defined.
duced by Burgin, trial-and-error machines in-
troduced by Hintikka and Mutanen, general Burgin (1990; 1995) proved that there is an in-
Turing machines introduced by Schmidhuber, variant inductive Kolmogorov complex-
etc. Each of these classes defines its own su- ity IC(x). Namely, there is an inductive Turing
per-recursive Kolmogorov complexity. machine U such that for any inductive Turing
machine T, there is a constant cT such that for
2. Inductive Kolmogorov Complexity. In-
all words x, we have
ductive Turing machines form the class of su-
per-recursive algorithms closest to the con- ICU(x)  ICT(x) + cT
ventional classes of algorithms, such as the
class of all Turing machines. As a result, the The machine U is a universal inductive Turing
closest to the conventional (recursive) Kolmo- machine. This makes the concept of inductive
gorov complexity C(x) is inductive Kolmogo- Kolmogorov complexity invariant up to an
rov complexity IC(x). If x is a word, then the additive constant.
original Kolmogorov complexity IC(x) of a It is proved (Burgin, 2005) that inductive Kol-
word x is taken to be equal to mogorov complexity for a word x is usually
the size of the shortest program (in number much less than recursive (conventional) Kol-
of symbols) for a universal inductive Turing mogorov complexity for the same word. It
machine of the first order U that without means that to build a constructive object, e.g.,
additional data, computes the string x. a word, it is necessary to have much less in-
ductive algorithmic information than recur-
This measure is called absolute inductive sive algorithmic information.
Kolmogorov complexity because inductive
Kolmogorov complexity has also a relative At the same time, many properties of induc-
form IC(x | y). Namely, the relative induc- tive Kolmogorov complexity are similar to the
tive Kolmogorov complexity IC(x | y) of properties of the conventional Kolmogorov
the word x relative to the word y is taken to be complexity For instance, when the length of a
equal to: word tends to infinity, its inductive Kolmogo-
rov complexity also tends to infinity.

206 glossariumBITri

References complexity of the systems, about the relation-

ships between systems and their models, etc.
― BURGIN, M. (1982). Generalized Kolmogorov
complexity and duality in theory of computations. The concept of system goes usually associated
Soviet Math. Dokl., Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 19–23 with the concepts of model and simulation. A
― BURGIN, M. (1990). Generalized Kolmogorov meaning of the term model is that of a simu-
Complexity and other Dual Complexity Measures.
Cybernetics, No. 4, pp. 21–29
lated system. There are different systems mod-
― BURGIN, M. (1995). Algorithmic Approach in elling techniques (for example, System Dy-
the Dynamic Theory of Information. Notices of the namics).
Russian Academy of Sciences, V. 342, No. 1, pp. 7-10
― BURGIN, M. (2005). Super-recursive algorithms, Mono-
graphs in computer science, Heidelberg: Springer. ― ARACIL, J. (1986). Máquinas, sistemas y modelos. Un
ensayo sobre sistémica. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos.
(MB) ― BERTALANFFY, L. (1967). General System Theory.
New York: George Braziller.
― BUNGE, M. (1979). Treatise on Basic Philosophy. Vol.
SYSTEM (S. sistema; F. système; G. System) 4, Ontology II: A World of Systems. Dordrecht & Bos-
[transdiciplinary, system theory] concept ton: Reidel Publishing Company.
― HALL, N. (1999). How To Set A Surprise Exam.
The idea of viewing reality as a whole, or as a Mind, 108, 647-703.
series of interconnected structures or systems,
is perhaps as old as mankind. And it appears (MV)
to be deeply rooted in our ordinary
knowledge. SYSTEM THEORY (S. teoría de sistema; F.
Théorie des Systêmes; G. Systemstheorie) [transdi-
The history of ideas has left us an amount of
ciplinary] theory
problems closely related to the notion of sys-
tem (for example, the relationship between the Systems theory (ST) is a specific way of how
whole and its parts, or the relationship be- to reflect the totality of material or mental ob-
tween the causes and the goals). Nowadays, jects, their structures, their quantitative and
Bertalanffy, Wiener, Thom, Prigogine, Man- qualitative change and their relations to their
delbrot… have highlighted the need for a sys- environment. It represents the structured por-
tems approach in science. Bertalanffy is well traying, designing, reifying and interpreting of
known as the creator of the Theory of Sys- this totality. By portraying ST picks up certain
tems. A system is defined as a complex object essential aspects of perceived reality; by de-
of interacting elements. Given some condi- signing ST (re)constructs this totality in a cer-
tions, an element will behave in a certain way. tain way; by reifying it transforms the mental
When these conditions change, the behaviour image into scientific language and/or into
will also change. Bertalanffy thinks the main mathematical expressions; by interpreting ST
characteristic of a system is that the whole links the totality to the philosophical, political
contributes more tan the separate parts, taken or scientific context.
in isolation, due to interactions among them.
ST deals with the relations between structure,
The meaning of the term “system” is not un- function and dynamics of a system, with the
ambiguous, but each author seems to give a relations between its elements or parts and the
different meaning. That is why different for- total system, with the relations between the
malizations have been proposed (Klir, Bunge, system and its environment, and with the
Zeigler…). These formalizations help to clar- identification and classification of systems.
ify many of the intuitive notions about the re-
The vibrant development of the productive
lationships between systems and their envi-
forces in the last century based on scientific
ronment, about the distinction between natu-
revolutions provides the basis for a deepened
ral and artificial systems, about the structural
understanding of totalities. At the same time,

glossariumBITri 207

extreme specialization of science and research

generates a growing need for ST to handle
complex practical problems of contemporary
Although systems thinking can be traced back
to ancient Egypt, ST as an area of study was
developed by the works of Ludwig von Ber-
talanffy, William Ross Ashby, Gregory
Bateson, Kenneth E. Boulding, C. West
Churchman, Heinz von Förster, Paul Lazars-
feld, Kurt Lewin, Warren McCulloch, John
von Neumann, Margaret Mead, Anatol
Rapoport, Norbert Wiener and others in the
1950s. Between 1946 and 1953 ST was specif-
ically catalyzed by the Society for General Sys-
tems Research and the Macy Conferences (or-
ganized in the US by the Josiah Macy, Jr.
Specific versions of Systems Theories exist in
cybernetics and in the theory of adaptive sys-
tems. Applications can be found in mathemat-
ics and computing (control theory), system dy-
namics (Jay Forrester), agent based modeling,
systems engineering, biochemistry, theories of
living systems, anthropology, sociology and
social cybernetics, economics, ecology, politi-
cal sciences, history, archeology, systems psy-
chology, group dynamics and theories of or-
ganization etc.
― BERTALANFFY, L. von (1950). "An Outline for
General Systems Theory". British Journal for the Philos-
ophy of Science, Vol 1, No. 2, pp. 134-165.
― FLOOD, R.L.; CARSON, E.R. (1993). Dealing with
Complexity. An Introduction to the Theory and Application
of Systems Science. New York: Springer.
― WIKIPEDIA (2009). Systems Theory.
[Online] <
tems_theory> [Consulted: 02/11/09].

208 glossariumBITri
TAXONOMY (S. taxonomía, F. Taxinomie, G. 5) Navigation through the hierarchical struc-
Taxonomie) [Knowledge Management, ture.
Knowledge organization, semiotics] concept 6) Specification of the query, thus narrowing
Taxonomy is a classification or categorization the used terms.
of a set of objects in a hierarchical way. A ge- 7) Organisation on internal business needs.
neric-specific relationship is established be- Users arrange terms in a meaningful way.
tween pairs of terms. This hierarchical ar- 8) Development and updating of the struc-
rangement is present in every Knowledge Or- ture, according to changing business re-
ganization System (SKOS): thesaurus, concept quirements.
model, or ontology.
Taxonomy organizes not only the vocabulary
The main components of taxonomies are: of an organization, but also its output and re-
― Hierarchical structure (specific context) with sources, including its know-how. Taxonomies
different levels of specificity. inherit the hierarchical classification from
SKOS and the descriptors from the thesaurus.
― Labels (names that label each concept).
They are used to organize large amounts of
They are the elements in the structure,
data, with the help of a controlled vocabulary.
grouped in thematic sets.
― Faceted. Every concept might belong to a In short, taxonomy arranges its hierarchical
different facet. These facets enable han- structure in accordance with a context and a
dling sets of terms grouped by attributes. group of users. This resource merges an in-
This approach facilitates indexing and re- dexing language with a specific vocabulary, re-
trieval tasks. flecting in its structure both the domain and
information needs of an organization.
Taxonomies are used in companies and organ-
izations to manage and organize their infor- References
mation resources. This facilitates searching, ― DACONTA, M.; OBRST, L; & SMITH, K. (2003).
browsing and navigation in the hierarchy. The Semantic Web. A guide to the future of XML,
Some applications allow: Web services, and Knowledge management. Indian-
apolis: Wiley Publishing
1) Arrangement of the company vocabulary in ― CONWAY, S. & SLIGAR C. (2002). Building taxon-
domains that are not important enough to omies, en su Unlocking knowledge assets. Redmont: Mi-
crosoft Press, pp. 105-124.
have their own public controlled vocabu- ― GILCHRIST, A. (2003). "Thesauri, taxonomies and
lary. ontologies: an etymological note", en Journal of Docu-
2) Representation of the terms that the organ- mentation, Vol. 59, n 1, pp. 7-18.
ization employs every day. SANCHEZ-CUADRADO, S.; RODRIGUEZ
3) Completion of terms with definitions about BARQUIN, B.A. (2006) "Categorización de los con-
their specific use. ceptos en el análisis de contenid2o: su señalamiento
desde la Retórica clásica hasta los Topic Maps", Revista
4) User orientation.

glossariumBITri 209

Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e Presently, hybrid temporal logic systems are
información , Vol. 20, n. 40, pp. 13-31. being developed. These systems increase the
KHOO, C. (2006). "Potential and prospects of tax- expressive power of temporal logic, because
onomies for content organization", Knowledge Organi- they allow making reference in the syntax to
zation, Vol. 33, n. 3, pp. 160-169. the moments.
(JAM) References
― PRIOR, A. (1967). Past, Present and Future. Oxford:
TEMPORAL LOGIC (S. lógica temporal, F. ta- Oxford University Press.
― BLACKBURN, P. (1994) "Tense, Temporal Refer-
xonomie, G. taxonomie) [logic] concepto ence and Tense Logic". Journal of Semantics, 11, pp.
Ever since Aristotle (and even before him, see 83-101.
the stoics), philosophers have tried to formal- NOLDS, M. (1994). Temporal Logic. Mathematical
ize time. It is only around the fifties, starting Foundations and Computational Aspects. Volume 1.
with the work of Arthur Prior, when temporal Oxford: Oxford University Press.
logic is developed considerably with the devel-
opment of new systems used to represent dif-
ferent types of time (linear time, infinite time,
branching time, etc.). The foundation of pos- THESAURUS (S. tesauro, F. thésaurus, G. the-
sible worlds semantics was vital for the seman- saurus) [Information retrieval] concept
tics of such systems. These systems have Contents.— 1) Thesaurus elements, 2) Thesaurus fea-
found applications in a variety of fields, the tures, 3) Differences between Ontologies and Thesauri, 4)
most representative being those of linguistics Methodologies to build Thesauri, 5) Some Thesauri online,
and computer science. 6) Software to edit and manage Thesauri, 7) Standards
Temporal logic systems can be based on prop- A thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary used to
ositional logic or on first order logic. On both represent the concepts of a specific domain
cases operators are added to represent the past systematically. The thesaurus identifies the re-
(P and H) and the future (F and G). It is also lationships between concepts. Every concept
possible to include operators to represent in- is represented by a single term, called a de-
tervals. The most common semantics is based scriptor. Thesauri are resources developed to
on the notion of moment. These moments are index documents by these descriptors.
organized through an ulteriority relation (be-
1. Thesaurus elements. The thesaurus con-
fore/after). Hence, if I claim that m0 < m1 I
sists of:
am claiming that moment m0 is previous to
moment m1. This ulteriority relation has dif- Descriptors: normalized terms. Descriptors rep-
ferent properties depending on the type of resent a relevant concept in the domain.
time we are working with, although it is always
Non-descriptor: Some descriptors might have an
irreflexive. Thus, for instance, if time is transi-
equivalent term, called a non-descriptor. A
tive, the ulteriority relation will have the tran-
non-descriptor can only address one de-
sitive property and syntactically transitivity ax-
scriptor in the thesaurus. These terms repre-
ioms will be introduced (FFA→FA and
sent an equivalence relationship with a single
descriptor in the domain; they could be used
There are multimodal and bidimensional sys- to expand the query.
tems of temporal logic, such as the system of
Hierarchical relationships: they represent the rela-
indeterministic time HN1, which combines
tion between a generic concept and a specific
temporal and modal operators and in whose
concept. This relationship includes: Broader-
semantic, evaluation is made in two indices
Narrower Concepts; Genus-Species; Whole-
(moment and history).
Parts; and Class-Instances. Polyhierarchies, a

210 glossariumBITri

specific concept with two or more generic 3. Differences between Ontologies and
concepts are allowed Thesauri. The thesaurus has a few predefined
elements. It has a lexical nature, and its main
Associative relationship: This is a relationship to
applications are in natural language. The origin
link concepts semantically. It is used when
of the thesaurus was on paper, nowadays the
there is no hierarchical or equivalence relation
thesaurus has moved to digital media. This im-
Scope notes: This is an explanatory note about plies the codification of thesauri using web
the scope and utilization of a descriptor. languages, like RDF or XML, and expressing
thesaurus elements with metadata vocabular-
ies, like SKOS.
Ontology has a semantic nature. Its origin was
BT automotive vehicle
NT ambulance
in philosophy, logical mathematics and artifi-
NT cab cial intelligence. It enables inference by a set
RT driver of rules, axioms, and restrictions. The current
RT road success of ontologies is due to their presence
UF automobile in the Semantic Web. In this context, they pro-
SN Regarding part of a train, see railcar
vide a necessary way to share knowledge on
where BT stands for Broader Term; NT Narrower the Web. One of the main concerns is interop-
Term; RT Related Term; UF Use For; and SN Scope erability, which is a property that ensures that
unknown software will be able to work with
2. Thesaurus features ontologies all over the Web. Interoperability
Domain coverage. Some thesauri are multidisci- needs to represent knowledge in a formalized
plinary; others just cover a specific domain. way, like RDF or OWL. Primitives of ontolo-
Multidisciplinary contexts increase the ambi- gies are properties (slots), instances, hierar-
guity. This is due to a higher probability of chies, and relationships.
polysemes and homonyms. An important difference with ontologies is
Output formats: Usually, a thesaurus layout has that thesauri are built to facilitate an existing
two output formats on paper: alphabetic and information need. Ontologies have a proactive
systematic (hierarchical). The rise of the web origin. They are often built before the need
has produced an increase in web formats, arises.
XML or RDF, both with the metadata vocab- Both, ontologies and thesauri, represent the
ulary SKOS. Other vocabularies have been main concepts of a domain, and its relation-
proposed like Zthes, BS8723, MADS, or ships. Methodologies to build ontologies and
Topic Maps' PSI. thesauri share their first steps, but the higher
Monolingual/Multilingual: Multilingual contexts semantic and logic load nature of ontologies
have the same problems as multidisciplinary divides later stages in their respective develop-
context. ments. In the ontology literature, thesauri are
called light ontologies. Building ontologies is a
Polyhierarchies/Monohierarchies: problems with laborious task, and to work with a natural lan-
polyhierarchies are due to query expansion in guage thesaurus represents a more efficient
a random way. and simple approach.
Uniterms/Compound terms. Compound terms 4. Methodologies to build thesaurus
are usually nouns, but some thesauri have ad-
jectives (as part of compound terms), acro- 1) Firstly, identify the information needs that
nyms, verbs and proper nouns. the thesaurus will satisfy and the domain to
be covered.

glossariumBITri 211

2) Next, similar thesauri and resources must Domain Reuse: This suite has some tools to
be analyzed to see if they can be utilized. perform term filtering and to identify relation-
3) Select software to edit and codify the the- ships between terms.
saurus. User interfaces to manage and query TemaTres: A free platform to edit and man-
must be as intuitive and friendly as possible. age thesauri on the Web. It can export to sev-
4) Main terms must be selected. Typically, re- eral Web formats and use different metadata
sources needed to identify these terms are vocabularies.
domain experts or specialized literature.
ThManager: a tool to edit and manage the-
5) Define a small number of seed terms in the sauri, free, and multilingual. It exports with
thesaurus. Usually, around 10 is enough. Dublin Core and SKOS formats. This soft-
6) Terms must be arranged in a hierarchical ware can extract terms with WordNet.
way. Usually, new terms are included to
7. Standards
avoid gaps in the hierarchical structure.
7) Relationships between concepts must be ISO 2788 (1986) Guidelines for the Establish-
defined. ment and Development of Monolingual The-
8) Train Indexers to use the thesaurus.
9) Maintain, update and improve the thesau- Z39.19 (2005) Guidelines for the Construc-
rus. tion, Format, and Management of Monolin-
gual Thesauri
5. Some thesaurus online
ISO 5964 (1985) Guidelines for the Establish-
Agrovoc: multilingual thesaurus developed by ment and Development of Multilingual The-
FAO and focused on agriculture. It has an sauri. It is one of the first standards to talk
equivalent thesaurus in NALT. about the alignment problems.
CAB Thesaurus: focused on life sciences ISO 13250 (2003) Topic Maps, were devel-
Canadian literacy thesaurus: literature the- oped to merge index of words, and its Pub-
saurus, bilingual. lished Subject Indicators (PSIs) about thesauri
are strongly related to the SKOS proposal.
Eurovoc: multilingual thesaurus, developed
by EU to manage administrative documents Related Resources:
― Cab thesaurus. [Online] <>
Mesh: Medical Subject Headings, one of the [Consulted 1/7/2009]
largest, centered on the medical domain and ― Canadian literacy thesaurus. [Online]
used to index the Medline database. <> [Consulted
Wordnet: lexical database, centered on the ― Domain Reuse. [Online] <
English language. There are other versions in
other languages. It is widely used in ontology daProducto.aspx?id=13&demo=1> [Consulted
construction, word sense disambiguation 1/7/2009]
― TCS-10 [Online] <http://www.web-
(WSD), merging, retrieval, translation, and> [Consulted
other Natural Language Processing (NLP) ap- 1/11/2009]
plications. ― Thmanager. [Online] <http://thmanager.source-> [Consulted 1/7/2009]
6. Software to edit and manage thesauri: ― Tematres [Online] <http://te-> [Consulted
TCS: thorough and flexible software. It has 1/11/2009]
suitable features to adapt thesauri to the Web.
It has a good set of export formats References
― AICHINSON, J. and DEXTRE, S. (2004). The
Thesaurus: A Historical Viewpoint with a Look to

212 glossariumBITri

the Future. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, vol. expressed in XML to improve intereroperabil-
37, nº 3/4, pp. 5-21. ity. Despite the name, graphic representation
― LANCASTER, F. W. (1995) El control del vocabulario
en la recuperación de la información. València : Universi- is not the main concern of this standard.
tat de València, , p. 286 UML and Entity Relationships Diagrams:
― SLYPE, G. van. (1991). Lenguajes de indización : concep-
ción, construcción y utilización en los sistemas documentales. UML stands for Unified Modeling Language,
Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. P 200. together with Entity Relationship Diagrams, it
― PÉREZ AGÜERA, J.R. (2004). Automatización de is the most popular graphical resource in Soft-
tesauros y su utilización en la Web Semántica. BID: ware Engineering. Their combined goal is to
textos universitaris de biblioteconomía i documentació,
Desembe 2004, nº 13. [Online]
improve the communication between non
<> [Accessed: technical clients and software developers.
11/2010] There are several types of diagrams: 1) Struc-
― ISO-2788: 1986. Guidelines for theEstablishment tural Diagrams: Class diagrams, components
and Development of Monolingual Thesauri. Interna- diagrams, object diagrams, deployment dia-
tional Organization for Standardization, Second edition -
11-15 UDC 025.48. Geneva: ISO, 1986. grams, and package diagrams. 2) Behavior in-
― SÁNCHEZ-CUADRADO, S., MORATO, J., [et. formation is represented by: activity diagrams,
al.] (2007).Definición de una metodología para la state diagrams; 3) Interaction Diagrams are
construcción de Sistemas de Organización del Co- represented by sequence diagrams. UML is
nocimiento a partir de un corpus documental en
Lenguaje Natural. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural,
supported by the Object Management Group
nº 39, pp. 213-220. (OMG). When compared with ontologies, a
particular strength is that it is possible to spec-
(SSC –ed.-; EC, JML) ify activities and processes in a way that is un-
derstood by both software developers and
TOPIC MAPS (S. mapas conceptuales F. schéma their clients.
conceptuel, G. Begriffslandkarte) [Praxis, e-learn- 2. Related Proposals
ing, Technical communication] concept
Semantic Networks: This is a network show-
Contents.— 1) Standards related to Concept Maps, 2)
ing semantic relationships. The main differ-
Related proposals, 3) Concept map editors.
ence from concept maps is the origin. Concept
A concept map is a graphic resource to repre- maps were developed with a pedagogical goal,
sent the knowledge within a specific context. emphasizing graphical understanding; seman-
Originally, it is a learning resource to improve tic networks had their oringins in computer
understanding about a process, subject or engineering and artificial intelligence, stressing
topic (Novak). Concept maps have a set of la- process like inference and codification. So the
beled nodes, linked among them. These links edges of semantic networks are usually labeled
might be labeled, to improve the understand- with weights. These weights express the close-
ing of the graph. Neither, the graphical repre- ness between the nodes.
sentation nor the types of relationships are
standardized. Mind Maps or memories: This is a type of
concept map centered on a single node/con-
1. Standards related to Concept Maps cept. Related concepts or ideas are linked with
Topic Maps: The standard Topic Map (ISO this central node, in a shape similar to a star
13250:2003) is a scheme to formalize the rep- (radial hierarchies or tree structures). Brain
resentation of concepts and relationships of a storming sessions usually express the outputs
domain. Concepts (called “topics”) are related with mind maps.
(by “associations”), and referenced to infor- Social Networks: This is a type of semantic
mation resources (“occurrences”). TopicMaps network, where the nodes are individuals or
is part of the Semantic Web. These maps are organizations. The Erdős number (also

glossariumBITri 213

known as the Bacon number) is one of its met- Conceptuales". Revista De Informática Educativa, Vol.
rics. This number computes the coauthorship 13, n. 2, 2000, pp. 145-158.
distance between the mathematician Erdős (1998). The Unified Software Development Process. Addi-
and another author. Other measures are cen- son Wesley Longman.
trality and cohesion. ― MOREIRO, J.A.; SANCHEZ-CUADRADO, S.;
MORATO, J. (2003). "Panorámica y tendencias en
Web Concept Navigation: Navigation by Topic Maps"., 2003, nº 1.
web links is one of the most important devel- ― NOVAK, J.D.; GOWIN, D.B. (1988). Aprendiendo a
opments of concept maps. This topic is taken aprender. Martinez Roca: Barcelona. [Online]
< k-
into account when planning the site architec- Gowin_Unidad_1.doc> [Consulted: 1/1/2009].
ture and is quite close to the Topic Maps
Standard. (JML)
3. Concept maps editors TRUTH VALUE (S. valor de verdad, F. valeur
de vérité, G. Wahrheitswert) [semantics, episte-
Most of these editors enable the linking of sev- mology, knowledge theory] concept
eral graphic resources (images, emoticons,
shapes …). Successful propositional representations ex-
press conditions on the world that may or may
― DigiDocMap: free tool developed by not be satisfied by it. If they are satisfied, we
Pompeu Fabra University say the representations are true. If not, we say
― CMapTools: developed by the Institute they are false. Failed propositional representa-
for Human and machine cognition (Univer- tions may not express any condition on the
sity of West Florida). It has functionalities world and, thus, lack truth-value.
to merge concept maps and to export to the
Topic Maps standard. References
― Mindman: Allows accessing simultane- ― MILLIKAN, Ruth (2004). Varieties of Meaning: The
ously several users to the same map. Jean-Nicod lectures 2002. Cambridge: MIT Press.
― Inspiration (MC)
― DigiDoc Map (Online) <http://www.mapasconcep- TURING’S HALTING THEOREM (S. te-> [Consulted: 1/9/2009] orema de parada de Turing, F. Indecibilité de l'ar-
― CMapTools (Online) <http://www.cmap-> [Consulted: 1/9/2009]
rêt, G. Unentscheidbarkeit von Turings
― Mindman (Online) <> Halteproblem) [Logic, computability] theorem, con-
[Consulted: 1/9/2009] cept
― Inspiration (Online) < Contents.— 1) Basic idea, 2) Concepts, 3) Proofs.
panol/ index.cfm> [Consulted: 1/9/2009]
References 1. Basic idea. Many problems around us in
ordinary life do not seem to have a computa-
― ALLAN, M.; QUILLIAN, M.R. (1969). "Retrieval tional solution. More interestingly, some pre-
time from semantic memory". Journal of verbal learning
and verbal behavior Vol. 8, n. 2, pp. 240–248 cisely formulated theoretical and scientific
― CAÑAS, A.J.; KENNETH, M.F.; COFFEY, J., et problems are also seemingly insoluble in com-
al. (2000). "Herramientas Para Construir y Compar- putational terms. By “computable” we shall
tir Modelos de Conocimiento Basados en Mapas understand here computable in its standard
sense, that is, able to be solved by the finite,
precise and recursive means of any Turing Ma-
However, it is indeed surprising and theoreti-
cally highly interesting that certain arithmeti-
cally formulated problems are insoluble by any

214 glossariumBITri

standard computation. Imagine we introduce or a language) is recursive if and only if both

arbitrary finite sequences in a system under the itself and its complement are recursively enu-
following rules: (1) answer “yes” if the se- merable.
quence codes a program which terminates, (2)
For example, consider the problem TERMI-
answer “no” if it doesn't (does not codify a
NATES, posing the task of determining, given
programm or does not terminate).This is Tu-
a program with code m and an input n for it,
ring's Halting problem, for which he proofed
if the program terminates or not at n. The
the inexistence of any algorithmical decision
problem TERMINATES(m,n) is recursively
procedure. The interest of this undecidability
enumerable, since there is a program accepting
result lies in the purely logical reasons sup-
TERMINATES, that is, a program terminat-
porting it and exporting its uncomputability
ing whenever its input is in TERMINATES,
results to any procedure able to answer it.
and not doing it in any contrary case. A pro-
Moreover, Rice generalizes and extends Tu-
gram computing TERMINATES terminates
ring's results for any non-trivial property of
at some input n.
partial functions.
Let us now consider the complement NON-
It is important to notice that this and other
TERMINATES of the problem TERMI-
limitative results from logic, such as incom-
NATES. If there is a program for it, it will ter-
pleteness, do not teach us that we are able to
minate if its input is in NONTERMINATES,
proof results that are beyond any computer.
and in any contrary case it won’t terminate. As
We can, but this is not surprising, belief them.
we shall see, NONTERMINATES is not re-
2. Concepts. The general notion of computa- cursively enumerable, and hence TERMI-
tion is usually made precise by means of the NATES is not recursive. This is, informally
concept of recursion. Church's Thesis states summarized, the course of the following argu-
that all computable functions are recursive. ment.
Under this asumption, all computable fun-
3. Proofs
cions are definable in a fragment of the lan-
guage of formal arithmetic, or, equivalently, by Enumeration Theorem. There is a dyadic re-
means of Turing's Machine Algorithms. lation T(x,y) which is recursively enumerable
and recursively enumerates all recursive enu-
In this way, to each program or computation
merable sets. That is, for any recursively enu-
M corresponds a natural number n which is its
merable set C there is a code e such that
code or index Mn. The result of introducing
an input k in the machine M, gives as a result
a sequence M(k). Since computation languages Proof: Let Re be the set {x:T(e,x)}. Te is recur-
are themselves sequences, they apply to them- sively enumerable, since both T and e are de-
selves, just as a calculation can be applied over finable in the language RE. Now, C being bt
its own code (Mm(m)). This is the source ot hypothesis also enumerable recursive, it is de-
may fruitful applications and also of some cru- fined by a formula in a free variable x. Let e be
cial limitations of computability. the code or Gödel number of such formula.
Hence, C=Te.
A set is recursively enumerable whenever it is
definable in the language RE of formal first Certain “diagonal” theorem. The diagonal
order Arithmetic (basicly the standard lan- relation is not computable (recursive).
guage of formal arithmetic without negation
Proof: Let K be the set {x:T(x,x)}. K is recur-
and with bounded cuantificación). Equiva-
sively enumerable, but its complement –K it's
lently, we call a language recursively enumera-
not. If it were, -K=Te for some e. But for all
ble if it contains all finite sequences codifying
x, by the definition of complement, x belongs
a Turing machine and an input, so that the ma-
to –K if and only if x does not belong to Tx.
chine stops at that input. A set (or a problem,

glossariumBITri 215

In the particular case of e, we have e belongs ― BOOLOS, G., BURGUESS, J. & JEFFREY, R.
to –K if and only if e does not belong to Te, (2003). Computability and Logic. Cambridge: Uni-
versity Press.
that is, e does not belong to –K, which is a ― COPELAND, J. (2009). The Turing Archive. [on
classical contradiction. line]
[visited: 20/12/2009]
Halting Theorem. TERMINATES is not ― FITTING, M. (2000). Notes on Incompleteness and
computable (recursive). Undecidability. New York: CUNY.
― KRIPKE, S. (1995). Elementary Recursion Theory
Proof: Suppose for reductio that the two argu- and its applications to formal Systems. Princeton,
ment function t (m,n) were computable being MS.
t(m,n)=1 or =0 depending on whether the ma- ― PAPADIMITRIOU (1995). Computacional Com-
chine m with n as input terminates or not. Un- plexity. Reading (Mass.): Addison Wesley.
― SALTO, F. (2006). “Verdad y Recursividad”, in J.
der this assumption, the diagonal function Méndez (ed.) Artículos de segunda Mano, Sala-
t(n,n)=t’(n) is also computable, which is im- manca: Varona. pp. 51-156
possible by the previous diagonal theorem. ― SMULLYAN, R. (1994). Diagonalization and Self-
reference. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
References ― TURING, A. (1937). “Computability and l-Defina-
bility”. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2, 153-163.

216 glossariumBITri
UNIFIED THEORY OF INFORMA- of the scholars named above have been con-
TION (UTI) (S. Teoría Unificada de la Infor- tributing to the building up of a new Science of
mación, F. Théorie Unifiée de l'Information, G. Ver- Information, though they might differ in the fea-
einheitlichte Theorie der Information) [Research and sibility of a unified theory (Capurro et al. 1999,
practice] theory Hofkirchner 2008, Marijuán 2008).
Although the Anglo-Saxon term was used by Capurro and Hjørland (2003) criticize this ap-
Kerns Powers (1956) "to provide a unified proach as having a metaphysical rather than a
mathematical theory for the treatment of the scientific status insofar as “a view of the whole
statistical processes by which information is of reality that is not possible for a finite ob-
conveyed in communication systems", it is server” is assumed.
now used in a more ambitious proposal that in
contrast to Power is not limited to the syntac-
tical level. The UTI aims at a theoretical artic- ― CAPURRO, R., FLEISSNER, P., & HOFKIRCH-
ulation embracing all processes and structures NER, W. (1999). "Is a Unified Theory of Infor-
mation Feasible? A Trialogue". In Hofkirchner, W.
related to the creation, transformation and the (Ed.), The quest for a unified theory of information. Am-
crystallizing out of information in cognitive, sterdam: Gordon and Breach. pp. 9-30. [Online]
communicative and cooperative contexts, by <> [Consulted:
means of (a supposedly feasible) blending of 10/07/2007]
― CAPURRO, R., HJØRLAND, B. (2003). "The Con-
the concepts of self-organization and semio- cept of Information", Annual Review of Information Sci-
sis (self-re-structuring, self-reproduction, self-re-crea- ence and Technology, Ed. B. Cronin, 37(8), 343-411.
tion). ― HOFKIRCHNER, W. (Ed.). (1999) The quest for a
unified theory of information. Proceedings of the Second Inter-
The purpose of achieving a comprehensive national Conference on the Foundations of Information Sci-
theory is to enable society to cope with the ence. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach.
challenges of the so-called information soci- ― HOFKIRCHNER, W., STOCKINGER, G. (2003).
"Towards a Unified Theory of Information". In:
ety. A transdisciplinary development is pur- 404nOtF0und, 1(24). [Online] <http://car-
sued – nourished by notions developed in the
cross-disciplines of informatics, cybernetics, chner/papers/InfoConcept/article/article.html>
systemics and evolutionary theory, as well as [Consulted: 20/07/2009]
in disciplines of life sciences, psychology, and ― HOFKIRCHNER, W. (2008). "How to Achieve a
Unified Theory of Information". In: Díaz Nafría, J.
social and human sciences like semiotics. This M., Salto Alemany, F. (eds.), ¿Qué es información?,
approach has been advanced by Peter Fleiss- León: Universidad de León.
ner, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Norbert Fenzl, ― MARIJUÁN, P. (2008). "The advancement of In-
Gottfried Stockinger and Christian Fuchs. formation Science. Is a new way of thinking neces-
sary?". In: Díaz Nafría, J. M., Salto Alemany, F.
They did so by taking up, while modifying, po- (eds.), ¿Qué es información?, León: Universidad de
sitions of Michael Conrad, Pedro Marijuán, León.
Koichiro Matsuno, Tom Stonier, Søren Brier,
John Collier, Dail Doucette, and others. Most

glossariumBITri 217

― POWERS, Kerns (1956). A Unified Theory of Infor- ― Dix, Alan (2004). Human-Computer Interaction. 3rd ed.
mation. Cambridge. USA: Massachusetts Institute of Harlow [etc.]: Pearson Education.
Technology. ― Nielsen, Jacob (1993). Usability Engineering. London:
Academic Press.
(WH –ed.-; JMD, WH) ― Nielsen, Jacob (2000). Designing Web Usability: The
Practice of Simplicity. Indianapolis: New Riders Publis-
USABILITY (S. usabilidad, F. utilisabilité, usa- ― Nielsen, Jacob and Tahir, Marie (2001). Homepage
bilité, G. Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Benutzungsfreund- Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed. Indianapolis: New
lichkeit) [Engineering, Information manage- Riders Publishing.
ment, ICTs] concept, discipline ― Nielsen, Jacob and Loranger, Hoa (2006). Prioritizing
Web Usability. Berkeley CA: New Riders Press,
Usability is a discipline whose primary goal is ― Norman, Donald (1990). The Design of Everyday
Things. Nova York: Doubleday.
to be involved in the design of objects and re- ― Rubin, Jeffrey (1994). Handbook of Usability Testing:
sources in order to make them more conven- How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests. New
ient and easy to use. York: John Wiley.
― Spence, Robert (2007). Information Visualization. Har-
In the context of software and web pages, the low, England: Addison-Wesley.
term "usability" is used to describe the disci- ― Thatcher, Jim (2002). Constructing Accessible Web Sites.
pline concerned with controlling how easily a Birmingham: Glasshaus.
digital resource can be used; that is to say, it (MPM –ed.-; MPM, MG)
assesses how this resource facilitates or hin-
ders the use of it.
― CLARK, Joe (2003). Building Accessible Websites. In-
dianapolis, Ind: New Riders.

VIRTUAL (E. vitrual, F. virtual(elle), A. virtuell) of what is lived when simulating a model than
[transdisciplinary, semantics, epistemology]con- when experimenting with virtual realities?
Virtual can also be interpreted as having some
If we look up “virtual” on the dictionary we sort of misleading element, for instance, as-
will find: “1. Existing or resulting in essence or sumed reconstructions of the past or future
effect though not in actual fact, form, or name: predictions that are said to be inevitable. It is
the virtual extinction of the buffalo. 2. Exist- a case of virtual reality when, in order for a city
ing in the mind, especially as a product of the to obtain the UNESCO world heritage recog-
imagination. Used in literary criticism of a text. nition, it is not enough to have beautiful
3. Computer Science Created, simulated, or streets or well kept houses, but rather it is re-
carried on by means of a computer or com- quired that it has an idea behind it. Things like
puter network: virtual conversations in a cha- being designed according to the mentality of
troom.” the Enlightment could be enough and so, the
past is reconstructed so that it becomes suita-
So we understand virtual as potentiality, ability
ble. It is enough for the idea to be believable,
to be. Things experienced as they could possi-
and if it is indeed the case, most people will
bly be. Something absurd can never be virtual.
end up believing it (regardless of whether it is
To be considered as virtual, something has to
true or not). Recently television (“National
be plausible in experience. It is similar to the
Geographic” and others), is full of documen-
case of perceptual illusions, even when it is ex-
taries where the past and the future are recon-
plained to us that something is a perceptual il-
structed. We see programs about evolution
lusion, we cannot help perceiving it (the oppo-
made with amazing techniques or investiga-
site occurs with, for instance, logical fallacies).
tion programs about the murder of some
Moreover, with regard to the virtual, even
Egyptian emperor. When we see them, we get
though we know it is a fiction, it is not possible
the impression of watching something real, of
to avoid the feeling of reality.
seeing the truth about things. Even though we
Virtual is a special type of simulation. The dif- know there is not enough information to
ference between the virtual and other types of know what really happened, we believe what
simulations can be located on the way of per- they tell us, these programs are appealing, be-
ceiving what we experience. Whereas with a cause they tell us the story on an entertaining
simulation model, one is normally aware that and didactical way. Also, it is announced on
one is presenting hypotheses and checking the news that we can now see the real face of
what happens with them, thinking of different Jesus Christ (or Nefertiti) and they show it to
scenarios to choose a line of action, with the us, but if we listen closely we realize it is a mere
virtual one normally tries to live experiences in reconstruction from the heads of people from
a new scenario (like in the case of games, now the same age and time. As if they could not be
so popular, involving virtual life). The prob- different from their kind. In some cases, like
lem is whether these experiences are lived as when predicting facts about the future
real or not. Do we have the same perception

glossariumBITri 219

through a series of data, we do not have im- ― VÁZQUEZ, M. (1995). "En torno a los conceptos
ages. It would seem that without images we de modelo, sistema y simulación". BRONCANO, F.
(ed). Nuevas meditaciones sobre la técnica. Madrid:
cannot have virtual reality. I do not think so. I Trotta, pp. 81-97.
believe that what is characteristic about the ― VÁZQUEZ, M., LIZ, M. & ARACIL, J. (1996).
virtual is the perception from the user of that "Knowledge and Reality: Some Conceptual Issues in
as real. If a series of fictional data is perceived System Dynamics Modelling". System Dynamics Re-
view, Vol. xii (1), pp. 21-37.CHEN, Chaomei
as real, then it is up to a certain extent a virtual (1999). Information Visualisation and Virtual Environ-
reality. ments. Springer Verlag
References (MV)
― SIMON, H. (1973). The Sciences of the Artificial. Bos-
ton: MIT Press.

220 glossariumBITri
Table of contents
A......................................................................... 17  E .........................................................................75 
Algorithmic information ................................ 17  Emotion ............................................................75 
Algorithmic Information Theory .................. 17  Encoder and Decoder.....................................75 
Alphabet ............................................................ 20  Endogenous Information ...............................76 
Angeletics .......................................................... 21  Entropy or amount of information ..............80 
Audio-visual content ....................................... 23  F .........................................................................83 
Autopoiesis ....................................................... 24  Feedback ...........................................................83 
Axiomatics for Algorithmic Information .... 25  Floksonomy ......................................................84 
C ......................................................................... 29  Fotoblogs and Adolescents ............................84 
Channel theory ................................................. 29  FUZZY Logic ..................................................88 
Code................................................................... 35  G.........................................................................99 
Commodification ............................................. 36  General Theory of Information (GTI) ........99 
Communication ............................................... 37  H ..................................................................... 101 
Communication Channel ............................... 40  Hermeneutics ................................................ 101 
Content.............................................................. 41  Holographic Principle .................................. 108 
Context .............................................................. 41  I ....................................................................... 109 
Contradiction ................................................... 43  Image .............................................................. 109 
Correlation ........................................................ 45  Incremental Information ............................. 111 
Critical theory of information, Incompleteness ............................................. 111 
communication, media and technology ....... 45 
Indexing Language ....................................... 112 
Cybernetics ....................................................... 58 
Info-computationalism ................................ 113 
D ........................................................................ 65 
InfoRMATIVmorphism .............................. 114 
Data ................................................................... 65 
Infomorphism ............................................... 114 
Dialogic vs. discursive..................................... 67 
Infon ............................................................... 115 
Difference ......................................................... 68 
Information Aesthetics ................................ 116 
Digital divide .................................................... 69 
Information and Communication
Disinformation................................................. 70  Technologies (ICT) ...................................... 120 
Document ......................................................... 71  Information Architecture ............................ 121 
Document Content Analysis ......................... 73  Information Ethics ....................................... 122 
Dretske, Fred.................................................... 73  Information Literacy .................................... 128 

glossariumBITri 221
Information Management ............................129  Regularity ....................................................... 182 
Information Flow ..........................................130  Repository ...................................................... 183 
Information Reports .....................................131  Representation .............................................. 184 
Information Retrival .....................................133  Reversibility vs Non-Reversi-bility ............ 184 
Information Visualization ............................135  Roboethics ..................................................... 185 
Informational Content ..................................135  S ...................................................................... 187 
Informationism ..............................................136  Self-re-creation .............................................. 187 
Input vs Output .............................................142  Self-regulation vs Automatic Regulation .. 188 
Intercultural Information Ethics .................142  Self-reproduction .......................................... 190 
K ......................................................................150  Self-restructuring .......................................... 190 
Knowledge ......................................................150  Semantic Content ......................................... 191 
Knowledge Management..............................154  Semantic Web................................................ 192 
Knowledge Organization .............................156  Shannon, Claude Elwood ............................ 193 
Knowledge Organization System................157  Shannon´s fundamental theorems ............. 200 
Kolmogorov complexity ..............................158  Sign ................................................................. 202 
L .......................................................................163  Situational Logic ........................................... 203 
Library Science ...............................................163  Social Web ..................................................... 204 
M .....................................................................165  Super-Recursive Kolmogorov Complexity205 
Mathematical stratum of the GTI ...............165  System............................................................. 207 
Mental Content ..............................................165  System Theory............................................... 207 
Message ...........................................................166  T ...................................................................... 209 
Mind.................................................................170  Taxonomy ...................................................... 209 
N ......................................................................173  Temporal Logic............................................. 210 
Negantropy .....................................................173  Thesaurus ....................................................... 210 
Non-Informational Access ..........................173  Topic Maps .................................................... 213 
O ......................................................................175  Truth Value.................................................... 214 
Ontology .........................................................175  Turing’s halting theorem ............................. 214 
Open Access...................................................176  U...................................................................... 217 
P ......................................................................179  Unified Theory of Informa-tion (UTI) ..... 217 
Paradox............................................................179  Usability.......................................................... 218 
R ......................................................................181  V...................................................................... 219 
Record .............................................................181  Virtual ............................................................. 219 
Referential Ability ..........................................182 

222 glossariumBITri

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