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Module: 17 Electromagnetism [Elementary]

17.3-Alternating current!
School of Science and Applied
Management Economics In engineering, the type of electricity produced by the sun or sunlight is also known as
alternating current [A.C] due to the way its produced [twinkling] and also the way it
travels [radiation] or in serries or patterns of equal hot and cold waves creating an [s]
>>[MODULE:-17]<< Like wave thus alternating current A.C or sunlight is measured in waves where each
wave is a circle half way hot and half way cold and complies to all characteristics of a

Learning objectives!
17.4-Sine wave!
To understand the relationship between Capital and labour Fig:3

Hot air

There earth’s is made up of dead plants and animals known as matter! Its
suspended in an open air between two natural giants [1] the sun in the east [+]
and [2] the atmosphere in the west. The area facing the sun is known as
northern hemisphere and the one facing the atmosphere as southern
hemisphere [-]
Northern Hemisphere Cold air


The Sun Atmosphere 17.5-Characteristic of a sine wave!

Est West
Hot Cold The sine wave has[1] two radiuses a hot [+] radius and a cold [-] radius [2] it has two
[Positive] [Negative] diameters [1] a hot diameter and a [2] cold diameter
Southern Hemisphere

The sun produces electricity which is a combination of [1] hot air and [2] cold
air also known as sunlight. Which fills up the entire northern hemisphere [+] Height
[+] Radius
in degrees

[-] Height [-] Radius

Sun-light in degrees
[+] [-] [+] [-] [+] [-] [+] [-] [+] [-]

[+] diameter [-] diameter

Hot-wave Cold-wave
[+] [-]
Module: 17 Electromagnetism [Elementary]
Sunlight =Hot +cold air 17.8-Temperature changes!

In engineering 37 degrees [+] or [-] is taken to be the normal temperature any changes
are either above or below 37 [+] or 37 [-]
17.6-Temperature Hotness and coldness will affect the radius and diameter of the sine wave in a different
way. While hotness causes and expansion of the radius of the sine wave i.e from 37 to
40, coldness will cause a contraction i.e from 37 to 30. In return this will affect the
Temperature is a numerical measure of the degree of hotness or coldness diameter of the wave also in different way.
the height of two radiuses [+] or [-] determined the degree of hotness or When hotness Expands the radius, the diameter reduces, and when coldness contracts
coldness A thermometer is numerical or mathematical instrument used for the radius, the diameter increases
measuring temperature.

[+] Height
in degrees Fig:7

50 65
45 60
40 55
35 50
37 45
10 40
[+] Radius
5 37
[-] Radius 20
5 15
10 10
45 10
[+37] [-37]
50 15
Diameter in diameter in
seconds seconds
[-] Height 25
in degrees 30
17.7 Room Temperature 45
Sunlight or electricity reaches the earth [ equator] at a standard 60
temperature of 37degrees . 37 is also known as body temperature because 65
it supports the existence of life on earth. Plants and animals use electricity.
Thus at room temperature the sine wave has a [+] Radius of 37 and a [-] [74] [44 [24
Radius of 37 since diameter is twice the radius at room temperature a sine
wave has a [+] diameter of 74 and a [-] diameter of 74 . Remember sunlight
is produced by sun through twinkling ON and OFF the time taken between
the ON and Off is The diameter of a wave. Thus [+] 74 and [-] 74 is a With hotness, radius expands and diameter reduces. When diameter reaches zero the
measured in seconds wave goos flat or dry
Module: 17 Electromagnetism [Elementary]
Sunlight =Hot +cold air 17.12-Magnetism

Hotness attracts coldness. Magnetism is the power of attraction between hot and cold
air as in air [invisible] or as energy embedded within a solid. It's a sine wave and will
17.10-Day time/ Sunvity and the earth reduce when the wave go flat since unlike poles attract and like poles repel


The sun breaks down the earth into minute particles filled with hot and cold
air, now blended with air they get attracted to each other . During the day
[+] [-] [+] [-] [+] [-] [+] [-] [+] [-] ++++++++
the earth on the equator receives sunlight with an average radius of
37degrees [+] and 37 degrees [-] in intervals of 74 seconds [+] and 74
seconds [-] or [diameter]
As sunlight enters into the earth supply of cold air reduces thus
temperatures keep on increasing until when the earths becomes Hot-wave Cold-wave
completely hot and the sine wave drops to a flat line [+] [-]

Fig:8 17.13-Vaccum

Since a magnet doesn't contain cold air it can also be called a vacuum thus during the
day it attracts extreme degrees of hotness and at night it becomes extremely cold at
room temperature due to the presence of hot and cold air at 37+ and 37- the magnet will
partly be hot and partly cold the part which faces the sun will be hot known as magnetic
37+ NORTH [+] while the one facing the south will be cold known as magnetic SOUTH [-]
37- Fig:10

Sunvity South
North [-]

[A [B [C
17.14-Natural magnets

Fig:11 Natural Magnet

+-+-+-+-+ ++++
17.11 Period table Night time
Day time
The earth is classified by temperature or energy received at a given level so
far the earth has been analysed to a depth of 118 degrees [+] and 118[-]
+ -
pieces of the earth found with stable amounts of temperature i.e [+1] and [-]
are called elements. Thus we have 118 known elements named after
people and places of those who discovered them i.e gold, copper etc soon
we shall have Joseph. Uganda added on the list science is unlimited see The centre of the earth is a magnet [vaccum] during the day its extremely hot and
periodic table extremely cold at night
Module: 17 Electromagnetism [Elementary]
Sunlight =Hot +cold air 17.17-Electromagnetism!

Electromagnetism is the natural process through which sun power at 37degrees [+]
and 37 degrees [-] turns into solid heat at 37 degrees [+] and 37 degrees [-]. By placing a
metal into a magnetic field, the metal will be charged positively or negatively at room
temperature which is 37degree [+] and 37 degrees [-]
17.15 Magnet field

On the periodic table, natural magnets are elements with temperature

between [57 and 71] also known as lanthanides. Thus magnets contain Fig:13 A.C [+] Heat
energy above room temperature which is 37. At room temperature a
magnet will try to neutralise or dump or throw away its excessive positive A.C [-] Power
and negative energy by attracting hotness and coldness from the area
around to a temperature level of 57[+] and 57[-] which creates an invisible Neutral
circle of hot and cold air around it known as magnetic field lines A.C [-] Heat
Fig:12 [-57] [+57] [-57] [+57] 37degrees A.C Heat

A.C Power


+ - Atmoshpere

AIR [+] [-] AIR

South North

A.C [+]Power

A.C [+]Heat

A.C [-] Heat

Magnetic field
17.18-Power and Heat

17.16 Direct Electricity [Parallel] Sunlight is hot and cold air which makes it invisible and can travel through an open air by
radiation thus known as power. The same electricity is known as heat when it enters into
a solid thus the terms A.C Power reflect hot and cold while A.C heat also mean hot and
From the above its now clear that a magnet produces hot and cold air cold but in a solid form while A.C [+] refer to hot solid while A.C [-] to cold solid same time
similar to what the sun does but the difference here is that the produces [+] A.C [+] power refers to hot air and finaly A.C [-] Power refers to cold air.
and [-] is serries creating an Alternating current , while the magnet
produces both hot and cold at once which makes them RUN PARALLEL to
each other which is known as Direct Current [D.C] The amount of electricity 17.19-Warning
produced by a magnet is limited to its strength and covers only the area
surrounding a magnet
Magnetic fields or A.C [+] POWER and A.C[-] POWER are highly dangerous!

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