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Summary of Works


GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................2

PURPOSE OF THE CALL FOR TENDERS...........................................................................................................2
PLAIN IRRIGATION SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................2

a) Distribution network....................................................................................................................................2

b) Projected layout for the collective conversion to drip irrigation.................................................................2

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA.....................................................................................................3

a) Quality of pumped water.............................................................................................................................3

b) Physical and natural environment................................................................................................................3

c) Climatic conditions of the equipment..........................................................................................................4

DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS TO BE CARRIED OUT..................................................................................4

a) Scope of Work.............................................................................................................................................4

b) Power supply................................................................................................................................................5

c) Total equipment flow rate of the station......................................................................................................6



ORMVAM, hereinafter referred to as "the Client", has received a grant from the European Union through the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, hereinafter referred to as "the Bank", and intends to use
part of the funds to cover the cost of the project for the collective modernization of the irrigation system of the
Garet plain sectors in the Moulouya perimeter in the Province of Nador, hereinafter referred to as "the Project".


The Client is launching this invitation to tender with a view to selecting a contractor for the construction and
equipping of the main pumping station for the transfer of the Moulouya Garet plain in the province of Nador,
including the civil engineering of ancillary works.

The works to be carried out within the framework of this invitation to tender are the subject of a single lot for a
period of execution of eighteen (18) months, starting from the day after the date of notification of the service
order to start the works.



a) Distribution network

The water discharged by the pressurization stations feeds the three sectors of the Garet perimeter through a
branched distribution network. It is composed of large diameter pipes (1200mm and 500mm) in pre-stressed
concrete and small diameter pipes (450mm and 80mm) in asbestos cement.

The network serves outlets installed in irrigation hydrants that supply double-blocks forming a hydraulic
network according to the B grid. As the case may be, each double-block comprises two to three irrigation
hydrants. These hydrants ensure the gating, the regulation of the supplied pressure, the limitation of the
requested flow and the counting of the consumed water volume.

b) Projected layout for the collective conversion to drip irrigation

For the conversion of the irrigation sectors of the Garet perimeter, it is planned to carry out adaptations,
rehabilitations and new developments to be made to the infrastructure and equipment of the irrigation water
distribution system.

The projected development scheme from downstream to upstream is as follows:

- The realization and equipment of irrigation hydrants (collective grouping works in each block) to
shelter the hydro-mechanical equipment common to the irrigating owners from the same hydrant. The
realization of a network of internal pipes in the blocks, ensuring the connection of the outlets owned at
the level of the irrigation terminal to the individual supply outlets of the plots.
- Partial rehabilitation of the distribution networks outside the blocks, including the hydro-mechanical
control and protection equipment, in addition to possible modifications of the diameters of some
sections of the distribution network to adapt to the new operating conditions:
 Adoption of a flow summation from downstream to upstream instead of a flow law for on-
demand irrigation adapted to localized irrigation instead of the water turn management currently
adopted in sprinkler mode;


 Adoption of an equipment flow rate of 0.52 l/s/ha at the three sectors for conversion to localized
irrigation instead of 0.39 l/s/ha for sector 1, 0.44 for sector 2 and 0.48 for sector 3 currently
adopted for sprinkler irrigation.

- The implementation of collective filtration systems upstream of the water distribution system in each
sector. Indeed, in localized irrigation, the obstruction of the distributors appears to be one of the major
difficulties in the installations at the plot level. For preventive reasons, collective filtration stations will
be planned for the three sectors of Garet. Each station will be located downstream of the existing
pumping station and will be connected to the first valve chamber of the distribution system.
- The modernization and readjustment of the pressurization stations at the head of sectors S1, S2 and S3
to the new equipment flows adopted in addition to the optimization of the regulation mode.
- The construction of a basin on the inlet canal to improve the quality of the regulation system. This basin
will also guarantee an autonomous storage for the continuity of localized irrigation in case of a
breakdown in the transfer station.
- Rehabilitation of the transfer station's discharge pipes.
- The construction and equipment of the transfer station.
- The construction of a settling basin upstream of the transfer station to alleviate the silting up of the inlet
and Garet adductor canals and improve their flow rates. This basin will also guarantee an autonomy of
storage to mitigate the disturbances between the releases of the dam and the operation with the water
tower in the Rive Gauche RG canal on one side, and the desired operation on demand from the entry
point to the transfer canal to the pressurization stations on the Garet canal on the other side.

This call for tender concerns the construction and equipment of the new main water lifting and transfer station
for the canal supplying the three irrigated sectors S1, S2 and S3 of the Garet de la Moulouya plain, including the
civil engineering of the ancillary works, under the responsibility of the Nador province.


a) Quality of pumped water

- Bicarbonate CO3 H: 4 mg/l

- Sulphates SO4 :7 mg/l
- Chlorides CI :6 mg/l
- Calcium Ca :10 mg/l
- Magnesium Mg :4,5 mg/l
- Potassium :0,24 mg/l
- Sodium :3.6 mg/l
- Conductivity :1.9 m/cm
- Ph 8.:46 mg/l
- Dry residue at 110°C: 1305 mg/l

(Source of data: ORMVAM)

b) Physical and natural environment

Given the geo-climatic situation of the project area, its climate is of the semi-arid Mediterranean type,
characterized by

- An average annual rainfall of around 293 mm, almost all of which is concentrated between the months
of October and April.
- An average annual temperature of 17°C.


- Peak rainfall is recorded in November and February, with respective monthly averages of 48.6 and 40.2
- The rainy season is between October and April.
- The average maximum and minimum temperatures recorded are 24.2°C and 12.7°C respectively,
- August is the hottest month with an average temperature of 25.5°C and an average maximum of 32.1°C,
- January is the coldest month with an average of 11.2°C and an average minimum of 6.1°C.

c) Climatic conditions of the equipment

The installations foreseen by this project will be in conformity with the recommendations of the IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission), as well as the Moroccan laws and regulations in force. The latter
will take precedence over any I.E.C. recommendations with which they may be in disagreement.

The equipment shall be designed and intended for operation in a tropical climate with the following climatic

- Operation at a maximum outdoor ambient temperature of 48°C,

- Operation at a maximum indoor ambient temperature of 50C.


a) Scope of Work

The present tender concerns the construction and equipment of the new main pumping station and the transfer of
water to the canal supplying the three irrigated sectors S1, S2 and S3 of the Moulouya Garet plain, including the
civil engineering of the ancillary works.

The works include the construction, supply, transport, assembly, testing and commissioning of the hydraulic,
electromechanical and electrical equipment of the main pumping station for the transfer of the Garet plain of the
Moulouya irrigation perimeter, including the civil engineering of the ancillary works and all the accessories
necessary for the installation, connection and proper functioning, in accordance with the contractual technical
specifications described below.

All the equipment, apparatus, tools, supplies and various accessories supplied and used by the Contractor will be
new, of good quality, of the most recent models and will come from recognised manufacturers with local
representation on the Moroccan market.

Before starting the implementation of the project, the Contractor will be responsible for the establishment of the
execution file of the works, including all the identification, definition and dimensioning studies of the equipment
and civil engineering necessary for the implementation of the planned main transfer pumping station.

The execution file for the pumping system installations and civil works will be drawn up by the contractor taking
into consideration the documents in his initial technical bid.

The services, supplies and works covered by the resulting contract, to be carried out by the Contractor, are
summarized as follows:

 Installation and reassembly of the site;

 Execution studies of the civil engineering works of the structures;
 Execution studies of the equipment;
 Civil works of the structures:


- Excavation, Backfill;
- Concrete works;
- Construction of all types of buildings;
- Structural steelwork;
- Layout of runway platform;
- Exterior fittings and green spaces;
- Etc.
 Supply and installation of equipment for the main transfer station:
- Main electric pump units;
- Valves and fittings
- Piping;
- Auxiliary equipment;
- Control and metrology instrumentation;
- Electrical equipment MT22KV;
- Transformers;
- Grounding networks;
- 5.5KV power switchboards
- LV electrical control and command panels;
- Lighting and socket systems;
- Monitoring and remote management systems;
- MV, LV electrical cables and busbars
- Office furniture;
- Spare parts for maintenance;
- Portable measuring equipment for maintenance;
- On-site training of the team in charge of the station's operation and management;
- Various services required for the acceptance of supplies in the factory and on site;
- Testing and commissioning of the station;
- Etc.

b) Power supply

The planned main transfer station will be supplied with 22 KV MV electrical energy from the national grid, via
an overhead-underground link made of four dry MV cables with PRC insulation connecting the MV overhead
line and the arrival cell inside the MV substation.

The equipment for the electrical connection of the pumping station's 22KV/5.5 KV MV substation to the MV
overhead line of the national grid will be part of the services provided under this contract.

The installed power for the electric power supply of the transfer station will be provided by two main
transformers supplying the main pump units at 5500 Vac and an auxiliary transformer supplying the auxiliary
circuits of the station at 380 Vac and 220 Vac.

The technical specifications of the equipment planned for the connection of the MV 22KV/5.5KV substation of
the transfer station to the MV overhead power line of the national grid are defined in the tender documents.

c) Total equipment flow rate of the station

The total equipment flow rate on the basis of which all the infrastructures common to the projected pumping
system will be sized, essentially constituting the hydraulic, electromechanical and electrical equipment to be
implemented for the construction of the new main transfer station, is defined as follows


- Total equipment flow rate: 6000 l/s - 21600 m3/h

- Total number of pumps: 08 including 01 emergency
- Design: 07 + 01
- Pump unit flow rate: 857 l/s - 3086 m3/h

The eight pump sets, including one emergency set, will be sized to meet the total projected equipment flow rate
at the head of the main Garet canal, taking into account a reserve flow rate margin that will be provided by the
emergency set to be used in case of failure of one of the main pump sets.

All the infrastructure common to the proposed new pumping system will be sized based on the total flow of
equipment required at the head of the Garet intake canal served by the main transfer station.

In order to satisfy the water needs of the three irrigated sectors of the Garet plain, the regulation of the operation
of the main transfer station will be of the manometric type based on the detection by an ultrasonic sensor of the
variation of the water level in the connection structure of the two delivery pipes with the main Garet canal.

The total flow rate of the equipment taken into consideration for the sizing of the new main transfer station,
provided by the eight horizontal axis surface electric pump units, including one emergency unit, will be 6000 l/s
or 21600 m3/h, with a unit flow rate per pump of 857 l/s or 3086 m3/h.


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