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 Introduction to areas &  Planimeters – principles &
volume. use.
 Areas enclosed by  Zero circle application
straight lines  Calculations of volume
 Areas from Triangles Method. from cross & longitudinal
 Areas from Coordinates sections.
Method.  Areas from cross-sections
 Areas enclosed by  Calculations of volume
irregular lines. from spot height &
 Give and take lines. contours.
 Graphical Method.  Mass-haul diagram.
 Mathematical Method
 Uses of mass-haul diagram
 Areas by Trapezoidal &
Simpson’s formulae.
Introduction to Areas
 The term ‘area’ in the context of surveying refers to
the area of a tract of land projected upon the
horizontal plane.
 Area may be expressed in the following units:
 Square-metres
 Hectares (1 hectare = 10,000 m2)
 Square-feet
 Acres (1 acre = 43560 sq ft)
 The areas of any surveyed figure can be calculated
 The field notes
 The plotted plan
Introduction to Areas (Cont…)
 Examples of area measurement:

 The plan area of parcels of land at the planning

stage of construction project
 Plan or cross-section areas for volume calculation.

 Areas can be divided into 3 types:

 Areas enclosed by straight lines

 Areas enclosed by irregular lines
 Areas enclosed by combination of straight and
irregular lines
Areas enclosed by straight lines

a h


a) Areas from Triangles

1) Area = ½ (bh) where b=base; h=height
2) Area = ½ (ba sin C)
where: when b becomes base, so h = a sin C
3) A = s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) where length of side (a,b,c)
and s = ½ (a+b+c)
Areas from Coordinates
Using Formula of Trapezium
Area trapezium = (mean height x width) B

Area ABQP = ½ (NA+NB)(EB- EA)

Area BCRQ = ½ (NB+NC)(EC- EB)
Area ACRP = ½ (NA+NC)(EC- EA) Figure 5.1

Area ABC = Area ABQP + Area BCRQ - Area ACRP

= ½ (NA+NB)(EB- EA) + ½ (NB+NC)(EC- EB) - ½ (NA+NC)(EC- EA)
B Length of PQ = h = EB –EA
Length of AP = NA
A Length of BQ = NB
Area of ABQP = ½ (h) (AP+BQ))
P Q = ½ (EB –EA)(NA+NB)
B Length of RQ = h = EC –EB

C Length of BR = NB
Length of CQ = NC
Area of ABCQ = ½ (h) (BR+CQ))
R Q = ½ (EC –EB)(NB+NC)
Length of PR = h = EC –EA
Length of AP = NA
Length of CR = NC
P R Area of ACRP = ½ (h) (AP+CR))
= ½ (EC –EA)(NA+NC)
Using Cross Coordinate Method
The coordinates area arranged in determinant form as follows:

The sum of products of coordinates joined by solid lines

The sum of products of coordinates joined by dotted lines

2 x Area = -

Area ABC = ½ [ - ]
Example: Using Cross Coordinate Method

Figure 5.1


A = ½ [(EANB + EBNC + ECNA) – (EBNA + ECNB + EANC)]

Areas enclosed by irregular lines
Give & Take Lines
 An irregular sided figure is divided into triangles or trapezia.
 The irregular boundaries being replaced by straight lines.
 Small areas excluded from the lines are balanced by other small
areas outside the survey but included.
 The positions of these lines can be estimated by eye on a survey
 This area is then calculated using one of the straight method.
Graphical Method
 Involves the use of transparent overlay of squared paper which
is laid over the drawing or plan.
 The number of squares & parts of squares which are enclosed by
the area is counted.
 Knowing the plan scale, the area represented by each square is
known hence the total area can be computed.
 This can be a very accurate method if a small grid is used.
Graphical Method
Mathematical method
 Two mathematical method can be applied to calculate the area of
an irregular-sided figure.
 Trapezoidal Rule
 Simpson’s Rule

Trapezoidal Rule
 Used when the interval of L between the offset is small.
 Thus the areas enclosed between the base line and the irregular
boundary line are considered as series of trapezia.
 Therefore,

 Hence, for N offsets, the total area (A) is given by

 Which leads to the general trapezoidal rule shown below

A = L/2 {[(O1 + ON)]+2 ( O2+O3 +04……..ON-1)}

 The trapezoidal rule applies to any number of offsets.

Areas by Trapezoidal & Simpson’s
Simpson’s Rule
 The Simpson’s Rule assumes that the boundary consists of a
series of parabolic arcs.
 More accurate areas since a better approximation of the true
shape of the irregular boundary is achieved.
 Simpson’s rule consider offsets in sets of three & it can be shown
that the area between offset 1 & 3 is given by

 Similarly

 Hence, in general

 N must be an ODD number.

Comparisons between Trapezoidal
and Simpson’s Method
Trapezoidal rule Simpson’s rule
1. The boundary between 1. The boundary between
the ordinates is the ordinates is
considered to be considered to be an arc of
straight. a parabola.
2. There is no limitation. It 2. To apply this rule, the
can be applied for any number of ordinates must
number of ordinates. be odd. That is, the
number of divisions must
be even.
3. It gives an approximate 3. It gives a more accurate
result result.


Planimeter – Principle & Use

 Areas from plotted plan can be measures using planimeter.

 A planimeter is an instrument which automatically measures the
area of any irregular sided plane figure.
 Two (2) types of planimeter:
 Mechanical planimeter
 Consists of pole & tracing arm which are joined by pivot. The tracing arm
also incorporates a measuring units which contains an integrating disc.
 The area is obtained from the integrating disc which resolves & alters the
reading on the measuring unit as the tracing point is moved round the
perimeter of the figure.
 Digital Planimeter
 Area can be measured with pole block outside or inside the
figure. Measuring area with pole block inside the figure based on
zero area application.
The procedure of finding an area using a
planimeter based on zero circle application.
 When the tracing point is moved along a circle without rotation
of the wheel, the circle is known as zero circle.
 The zero circle is obtained by moving the tracing point is such a
way that the tracing arm makes an angle of 90º with the pole
 To find area of zero circle, the radius (R) of zero circle is
 The tracing point is moved clockwise round the perimeter of the
figure back to point A and the scale is again read.
 The difference between two readings (actual area – area
computed by planimeter) would be the constant which is given
by planimeter.

Zero circle A
Introduction to Volumes
Surveyors are required to measure volumes of earthwork
when planning a highway system. Contractor paid the
amount of earth moved.
Unit of volumes : m3

Why we need to measure volumes:

1) Earthwork measurement for design and payment
2) Construction materials measurement for design,
ordering and payment purposes.
3) Water measurement for reservoir calculations.
Calculation of Volume from Cross &
Longitudinal Sections
1) Cross section Method
 One-Level Sections
 Two-level Cross-sections CH40

 Three-level Cross-sections CH20

2) Spot Level Method

3) Contour Method
Areas from Cross-Sections
 One-Level cross-sections
Depth at CL =h
Side slopes = 1:n
W Formation width = b
Side width = W/2
hn g1 Plan width =W
Ground Level =g

h Side slope 1 vertical

Original ground in n horizontal
W = hn+hn+b = 2hn+b

Formation level b
Area = (h/2)(b+W) or

Area = (h/2)(2hn+b+b)
= (h/2)(2hn+2b)
= h(hn + b)
For an embankment, the diagram is inverted & the same formula apply.
Example 1

0.687 1
A1 = 0.687(0.687)(1)+ 4)
1 CH00
= 3.22m2
2 2

A2 = 1.198(1.198)(1)+ 4)
1.198 1 = 6.23m2
2 2
Example 2
Side slope = 1:n = 1:2
b (formation width) = 6 m

Chainage Reduced Level Formation Level h hn h(hn+b)(m2)

0 35.10 38.20 3.10 6.20 37.82

30 36.20 38.40 2.20 4.40 22.88

60 35.80 38.60 2.80 5.60 32.48

Volume = (30/3)(37.82+4(22.88)+32.48 = 1618.2m3 (Simpson’s Rule)


Volume = 30 [(37.82+32.48)/2 + 22.88) = 1740.9 m3 (Trapezoidal’s Rule)

Volumes from Cross Sections
 Volume by Average End Areas

 Also known as Trapezoidal Method

 For two cross-sectional areas (A1 & A2) with horizontal

distance d1, the volume contained between them is given

 General End Areas Formula for a series of N cross-sections

 Prismoidal Formula
 Also known as Simpson’s Rule for areas.
 More accurate than end areas method.
 For a series of three-cross-sections, the volume V1-3
contained between them is given by

 General Prismoidal Formula for a series of N cross-

sections are:
Volumes from Spot Height
 Calculations of volume from spot height
 Using grid of spot height to calculate volumes of
h1 h2 h3 h4
4.76 5.14 6.72 8.10

h5 h6 h7 h8
3.21 4.77 5.82 6.07

Plan area of each

h9 h10 h11
grid square
1.98 2.31 3.55


 Volume calculation for a square grid
METHOD 2 : h1 h2 h3 h4
4.76 5.14 6.72 8.10
Using Formulae
h5 h6 h7 h8
3.21 4.77 5.82 6.07

Plan area of each

h9 h10 h11
grid square
1.98 2.31 3.55

 Calculate area of the square
 Substitute spot height value into formulae:

Where :
A = plan area of each square
single depths = depths such as h1 & h4, which are used once
double depths = depths such as h2 & h3, which are used twice
triple depths = depths such as h7, which are used three times
quadruple depths = depths such as h6, which are four times
V = total volume outside the grid
Example (1) 46.1 47.4 48.4 47.2

Figure shows spot levels at 20 metre intervals

over a site which is to be excavated to 47m to
accommodate 3 tennis courts. Calculate the 47.8 50.1 47.7 46.1

volume of material to be removed.


49.5 50.1 47.3 44.8

Height above Number of  
formation level (A) times used (B) AxB
46.1 - 47.0 = -0.9 1 -0.9
47.4 - 47.0 = 0.4 2 0.8
Mean height of excavation = (25/24) = 1.042m
48.4 - 47.0 = 1.4 2 2.8
47.2 - 47.0 = 0.2 1 0.2
Total Area of Site = (20 x 20)(6) = 2400 m2
47.8 - 47.0 = 0.8 2 1.6
50.1 - 47.0 = 3.1 4 12.4 Volume of Excavation = 1.042 x 2400
47.7 - 47.0 = 0.7 4 2.8 = 2500m3
46.1 - 47.0 = -0.9 2 -1.8
49.5 - 47.0 = 2.5 1 2.5
50.1 - 47.0 = 3.1 2 6.2
47.3 - 47.0 = 0.3 2 0.6
44.8 - 47.0 = -2.2 1 -2.2
  24 25
Example (2) 46.1 47.4 48.4 47.2

Figure shows spot levels at 20 metre intervals

over a site which is to be excavated to 47m to
accommodate 3 tennis courts. Calculate the 47.8 50.1 47.7 46.1

volume of material to be removed.


  Number of   49.5 50.1 47.3 44.8

Reduced Level times used

(A) (B) AxB 20m
46.1 1 46.1
47.4 2 94.8
Mean Level = (1153/24) = 48.042m
48.4 2 96.8
47.2 1 47.2 Depth of Excavation = 48.042 – 47.0 = 1.042m
47.8 2 95.6
50.1 4 200.4 Total Area = (20 x 20)(6) = 2400 m2
47.7 4 190.8
46.1 2 92.2 Volume of Excavation = 1.042m x 2400m2
= 2500m3
49.5 1 49.5
50.1 2 100.2
47.3 2 94.6
44.8 1 44.8
  24 1153
Using table & formulae (without earth excavation)
Station Reduced No of used Product
Level RL (n) (RL x n)
H1 4.76 1 4.76
H2 5.14 2 10.28
H3 6.72 2 13.44
H4 8.10 1 8.10
H5 3.21 2 6.42
H6 4.77 4 19.08
H7 5.82 3 17.46
H8 6.07 1 6.07
H9 1.98 1 1.98
H10 2.31 2 4.62
H11 3.55 1 3.55
n = 20 RL x n = 95.76

Volume of earth = [(A/4) x ( RLx n)]

= [(10x10) x 95.76]
= 2394 m3
METHOD 3b(i) :
Using table & formulae (with Station
earth excavation)
Reduced Level No of used Product
(m) RL (n) (RL x n)

H1 4.76 1 4.76
 Example : site to be excavated H2 5.14 2 10.28
to 1 m formation level above
H3 6.72 2 13.44
H4 8.10 1 8.10

H5 3.21 2 6.42

H6 4.77 4 19.08

H7 5.82 3 17.46

H8 6.07 1 6.07

H9 1.98 1 1.98

H10 2.31 2 4.62

H11 3.55 1 3.55

n = 20 RL x n = 95.76

Vol of earth = [(A/4) x ( RLx n)]- no of grid (total area x formation level above datum)

= [(10x10) x 95.76] – 5 (10x10x1)

= 2394 – 500 m3
= 1894 m3
Volumes from Contours
 The plan area contained by each contour can
be measured using:
 Planimeter
 Mathematical methods
 End areas method

 Prismoidal method
 Calculate the volume
between the 145m and
120m contour by using
end areas method;

 Answer:-
Volume =
11200+9800+7100) ]
= 247 750 m3
Mass haul diagrams (MHD)
 Mass-haul diagram is a useful method to graphically
represent the amount of material that will be cut and used
for fill on any earthwork job, particularly for highway or
railway projects.

 Graph of volume against chainage

 It illustrates the location of the mass balance points, the

direction of haul, and the amount of earth to be taken to or
from any location along the alignment.

 Mass diagrams are also extremely useful in determining

the most economical distribution of material.
Mass haul diagrams (MHD) Cont…
 X-axis represents the chainage along the project from
the position of zero chainage.

 Y-axis represents the aggregate volume of material

 Upward sloping curves indicate (rising left to right)

indicate a cut

 Downward sloping (falling left to right) curves occur in

a fill section

 Peaks indicate a change from cut to fill and valleys

occur when the earthwork changes from fill to cut
End of section in cut
(max point)
End of section in fill
(min point)
Volume of embankment
gh + kj

Volume of a cutting
ef + kj
Maximum Haul Distance
chainage c – chainage b

Balancing line
a to d
Terminology of MHD
 Haul Distance
Actual distance from the point of cut to the point of fill.
 Free Haul Distance
The distance the contractor has agreed to move earth
without additional fees.
When material is excavated, construction contractors will
normally move it over an established distance free of charge.
This distance is the "free haul", and is normally agreed upon
between the client and builder.
 Over Haul Distance
Distances along the project that do not fall into a free haul
area. Material in this area may be borrowed or wasted if it is
more economical for the contractor.
Terminology of MHD (Cont…)
 Waste
Cut material that cannot be used on the project site,
either because it is unsuitable material or because it is
outside of a free haul distance.

 Borrow
Fill material that was not initially excavated from the
project site (Material taken from outside of project).

 Balancing line
Anywhere the mass haul line crosses the 0 (zero)
cumulative volume line on a mass haul diagram. This
indicates that up to this station the cumulative cut and
fill volumes are equal.
Uses of MHD
 In Design
 Several formation levels would be used on MHD for
comparisons purposes.
 Gives the most economical results & maintains any
stipulated standards can be used.
 MHD tends to be produced using computer software

 In financing
 Once the formation level has been designed, the
MHD can be used to indicate the most economical
method of moving the earth around the project.
 Good estimate of the overall cost of the earth
moving can be calculated.
Uses of MHD (Cont…)
 In construction
 The required of material are known before
construction begins.
 Enable suitable plant & machinery to be chosen

 In forward planning
 Can be used to indicate the effects that other
engineering works within the overall project
(tunnels & bridge will have on the earth-moving).
Excavation Equipment
Excavation Equipment
Excavation Equipment
Excavation Equipment
Hauling Equipment
Compaction Equipment

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