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Get WOKE as antichrist plots your dismal fate, TrumpZoid’s

Zombies will mesmerize you back to your deathful sleep . . .

Gary R Boyd,

Judge Cannon Snuffs Out Trump’s Hope
for trial after 2024 presidential election*.
KATHERINE FUNG July 21, 2023

Trump’s trial date for classified documents probe

set for next May GOP’s nightmare scenario*.
J O S H G E RS TE I N a n d KYLE CHE NEY July 21, 2023

Judge sets May 2024 trial date for

Donald Trump in documents case*.
Katelyn Polantz, Tierney Sneed & Kara Scannell, CNN July 21, 2023



A wise old holy man, Pemapomay prophesieth the future:
Whilst TrumpZoid standeth faithfully by Vladimir Putin, the Moscow-funded NRA’s
radical right wing of the Republican Party still standeth behind the author of American
autocracy, the much-feared sociopathic monster TrumpZoid, for they believeth TrumpZoid
the Spoiler shall leadeth them to their haughty rapture. Yet following the formidable parade
of invincible indictments being dealteth unto TrumpZoid, he shall loseth all again whence
the people finally chooseth their leader at last. Thence the spoiled heirs of the kingdom shall
be cast out into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

Following the Arrest of Michigan’s Fake Electors,
‘Sneaky Gin’, Wife of SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas,
is placed Under the spot lamp of Scrutiny*.
Ewan Palmer • Newsweek • July 19, 202
Always wearing a non-stop smile, Ginni was instrumental
in coordinating the fake elector conspiracy.
Special counsel cites three federal statutes in target
letter to Trump in 2020 election probe* .
TRUMP INVESTIGATIONS Adam Reiss and Rebecca Shabad July 19, 2023
Trump decision whether to testify to the grand jury investigating the case.
Trump deprived rights, conspired to defraud the US and tampered with
a witness among the 37 alleged criminal violations of law.
My guess is he will . . . NOT!

Free Pop Shots at Big Mouth Baby Hitler!
America wins & gets freedom. Trump loses & gets captivity!
Trump says he is a target in US 2020 election probe*!
Sarah N. Lynch and Jacqueline Thomsen Reuters United States July 18, 2023

By Jared’s saying spells perjury &
Trump didn’t know maybe prison time
he lost the election, for patsy Jared!

Kushner shows loyalty to Trump so one could presume that he lied to

the grand jury to protect Trump by saying “Trump didn’t know he’d lost”.
With crime boss Trump still at the helm of the GOP, the pro-crime party
now wants to defund the police, the FBI & the DOJ for the simple reason of
protecting the sacred cow crime boss at the top*. Nicole Narea Jul 13, 2023
Jared Kushner testified to the grand jury about
Trump's crimes. But did he speak the truth*?
Democratic Underground July 15, 2023
Glenn Kirschner talks about Kushner’s testimony on You Tube*.
JULY 16, 2023

If Kushner Lied to Grand Jury it would mean a slam dunk

for Jack Smith: Kirschner*! THOMAS KIKA POLITICS JULY 16, 2023
Trump pulls a GA trial stunt on Fani Willis & so the
top prosecutor drops bad news on Dear Ole’ Donnie*:
The show must go on! Brian Tyler Cohen July 16, 2023
Trump asks Georgia Supreme Court to disqualify election
probe prosecutor and toss out grand jury report*

Georgia prosecutor fights back against Trump’s attempt

to remove her from election probe. KATE BRUMBACK May 16, 2023

Trump Stands by Putin & Russia. Biden Stands by the U.S. & the NATO alliance.
Trump met Putin at the Helsinki, Finland Biden met with NATO members for the
for the summit on July 16, 2018*. summit at Vilnius, Lithuania on July 11, 2023*.

Trump joined Russia in 2018 & even backed Russian intel over US intel*!

Trouble in
Times Union Editorial Board July 14, 2023

Tommy hems and haws when asked about it but he actually promotes white nationalism. He
and DeSantis are calling “wokeness” when Americans wake up & realize what the radical right is
actually promoting that the vainglorious Trump become a king instead of president. Just one thick-
skulled senator, Tommy Tuberville holds up hundreds of high-level military promotions and he
obstinately jeopardizes US national security that is right now costing American lives simply for
his notion of what had ever happened since Putin’s underling, Trump became the focal point of
the radical right wing’s self-serving agenda which is precisely by supporting Russia in Ukraine!

Biden left the NATO summit getting what he wanted at Vilnius*.

CNN July
13, 2023

Poland's ruling party uses the theme of the Nazi German extermination camp at
Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oswiecim, Poland, to discourage participation in an upcoming
anti-government march. People visited the Nazi camp, on Friday, Feb. 15th of 2019.
The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum denounced the ruling party’s political ad.
(AP Photo/Michael Sohn, File)
Human cruelty knows no bounds to the sadistic pleasure it derives from the suffering
of others. “Deathcamp Donnie” is conspiring to reconstitute death camps as his major
means of deriving his personal pleasure for revenge by the torture of his enemies.
Trump will get money from selling the belongings and body parts of the corpses from
the mass deaths he plans to be delving out to his mile-long shit list of undesirables.

Trump is ‘Sadistic, Tyrannical & Cruel’

Just Like His Father was*.
MSNBC Lawrence O’Donnell July 15, 2022+

Trump supporter cites internment camps as

precedent for Muslim registry on Fox News*.
Edition July 13, 2023 Brian Murphy Update Nov 18, 2016

Fired host, Tucker Carlson sues

Fox News over Jan. 6 lies*.
MSNBC Ari Melber July 12, 2023

‘Smoking gun’ criminal case

deals Trump a fatal blow*.
MSNBC Brian Tyler Cohen July 11, 2023

Without his even being aware of it, this useful moron
is promoting the extermination of his own race!
Pictured above is one, absolutely gullible idiot who, when Trump
returns for his retribution against America, Taranto is likely to be on
Trump’s shit list of undesirables. Taranto had been planning to kill
ex-Prez Obama for TrumpZoid (Brad Reed July 12, 2023) who, once
Taranto’s usefulness was expended, his idol would promptly dispose
of him like trash. Taranto would get executed because he is dark
complected and is not of the ‘superior white-Aryan’ master race.
Evangelicals once had a plastic Jesus on the dashboard of
the car to worship and Taylor Taranto, a TrumpZoid Zombie, now
has a cardboard TrumpZoid to bring home with him to coddle, to
keep it warm and to take pictures with. It is to the bane of mankind
that inane fools such as Taranto look for an idol to worship as a god.
It is just too bad that Trumpers chose a deranged genocidal
monster like TrumpZoid, a Nazi iron man with a heart of iron,
who would burn Taranto’s babies alive. Taranto’s execution
would be by gas chamber, firing squad, by slow torture
or even by his being burned alive in an oven!
Rudy Giuliani Should Get ‘Severe Sanctions’
For His Gross ‘Misconduct’ in His 2020
Defamation Case, Say Georgia Election Workers*.
Alison Durkee Forbes Staff July 12, 2023

The DC Bar’s Brutal Beating up of a
Seditionist clown named Rudy Giuliani*!

If wealthy Jews generously keep funding the oppressor TrumpZoid
simply for tax breaks, then on his American carnage tour, the sociopath
TrumpZoid could conceivably even enact mass purges of undesirable Americans
that could even end up burning your own babies alive! Get WOKE up to the
deathcamps that TrumpZoid’s GOP Nazis are plotting to imprison you with!
Don’t return like loyally mindless zombies to your idolatrously
deathful sleep! Like the minorities & wealthy Jews of
Deutschland that supported Adolf Hitler into power, if you
support your idol TrumpZoid, then pictured here will be what:
America’s minorities got coming ahead in the next few years!

Band of Brothers Concentration Camp Final History*

(You Tube video)

“very fine people*”!

TrumpZoid Wants You!
Vlad is destroying the US through his puppet TrumpZoid & his Nazi allies.

*! Furtherglory 5/25/13

the the
*. U.S. Army/National Archives

June 8, 2023: Miami grand jury indicts Trump & Nauta*.
Ryan Mackey, Digital Journalist Michelle Solomon, Podcast Producer/Reporter
LOCAL 10.COM NATIONAL June 8, 2023 Updated: June 9, 2023

Special counsel, Jack Smith will likely

charge Trump with about 45 more criminal
violations of law in classified docs case*!
Dave Goldiner New York Daily News June 29, 2023

Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith Prepares to Additionally

Charge Ex-Prez and Allies in Classified Docs Probe*.
MEGA; Connor Surmonte CNN Jun. 30 2023

Damning Additional Audio Tapes of Ex-prez Will Be

Used as Evidence in Classified Documents Case*.
Haley Gunn Radaronline Jun. 22 2023

Craig Ruttle/AP Photo

New Poll on the Trump Indictment*!


A POLITICO Magazine/Ipsos poll finds:

49% of respondents think Trump is guilty.
62% of respondents want Trump's trial
over before the 2024 election.
43% want to see Trump imprisoned!
41% of respondents would be
less likely to support Trump
if he gets convicted

TrumpZoid’s most rabid backers are hypnotized to see this evil harbinger of
death & destruction, TrumpZoid, as Jesus Christ about to be persecuted, yet
before our very eyes, we are witnessing the inevitable unraveling and, legally,
the dismemberment of the prophesied antichrist who really is TrumpZoid and
we determine our own destiny of mankind by failing to support the antichrist!
TrumpZoid’s most violent backers, if they don’t get their way, are right now
plotting to kill Americans or force the rest of us to worship their false idol, Trump,
as Jesus Christ*. Chanting “USA! USA! USA!” ironically, these lunatic members of
TrumpZoid’s death cult will, maim, torture and kill Americans in support of Russia!


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