Theory - I Wish - If Only

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I Wish – If Only

These are used when we want to express regret or unhappiness about a situation which, we
think, will not change. This unhappiness can refer to a past, present or future situation.

Regrets about the Past: Wish + Past Perfect

We invited Joseph and he ruined our party: “I wish we hadn't invited him. (but we did)”
Sue didn't come to work today: “If only Sue had come to work! (but she didn't)”

Regrets about the Present: Wish + Simple Past

They aren't here: “I wish they were here. (but they aren't)”
He is very stubborn: “If only he wasn't so stubborn! (but he is)”
Peter smokes a lot: “I wish he didn't smoke so much. (but he does)”
I don't have any free time: “If only I had more free time! (but I don't)”
It is raining hard: “If only it wasn't raining so hard! (but it is)”
She is going to leave soon: “I wish she wasn't going to leave so soon. (but she is)”

In the case of the Going to Future, although it refers to the future, the structure of this
tense uses the present form of the verb To Be (am – are – is), so it respects the rule for the
present wishes; the same thing happens with the Present Continuous.

Regrets about the Future: Wish + Would

“I wish the teacher wouldn't come today.” (but she will)
“If only they would help me with this.” (but they won't)

The structure wish + would is also used when we regret a habit or a present situation that
occurs frequently or all the time.

He smokes a lot all the time: “If only he wouldn't smoke so much.”
The teacher constantly shouts: “I wish she wouldn't shout so much.”
It always rains: “I wish it wouldn't rain all the time.”

As it was mentioned, “I wish / If only” has a negative or pessimistic connotation. If we want

to transmit an optimistic connotation we can use “I hope + will future”. Compare:
“I wish he would stay another week.” (I think it is impossible that that happens)
“I hope he will stay another week.” (I don't think it's impossible; maybe he will)

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