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Although many criminal organizations operate across the globe, the subjects in this doc are those SHIELD
considers both persistent and international in their influence. Other groups tend to be either focused in
one region of the world, or quickly dissolve as fast as they emerged. The following have had global
criminal networks for at least a decade or more, and even under the most successful of counteractions
will likely take years to completely dismantle by law enforcement.

The Hand

Often mistakenly thought to have originated in Japan, the Hand is a continuation of the Order of
Assassins in Iran. After the Order’s base was laid siege by Genghis Khan in 1090 AD, the Order reformed
under the name of the Hand, and continued operations with smaller cells around the world. The Hand
has adopted assassination methods from all corners of the globe, including ninjitsu and magic. The Hand
is also a cult, worshipping a dimensional being called “The Beast.” This faction both takes jobs of
assassination while working on its own designs for this Demon that defy rational analysis. The Hand’s
leaders are unknown, but there are five commanders (fingers) and one central leader (the fist).

The Maggia

The Sicilian Mafia, Cosa Nostra, or the more formal Maggia have been active since the 19 th Century.
Originally from Sicily, the Maggia has spread to have significant influence in North America and across
Europe. Although Sicily is still considered sacred and the Maggia have near complete control of the
criminal element there, the center of the Maggia gradually shifted to Chicago. Power follows money, and
more money was to be made in America. The Maggia has several super-powered individuals in its
employ, including Joseph Martello, nicknamed Hammerhead for his famously bullet-proof skull, who
manages Maggia operations in NYC. The Maggia leadership is believed to have recently co-opted by an
individual known as “Joe Fixit,” but little is known of where this grey-skinned behemoth of a man

Advanced Idea Mechanics

Better known by the acronym A.I.M. This non-profit organization was originally a collection of scientists
who had no interest in criminality. However, it gradually attracted people of science who were rejected
from government and corporate funding for… unethical forms of experimentation. A.I.M. instead attracts
investors from the criminal element and from radical regimes internationally and believes that all and
any lines can be crossed in pursuit of scientific advancement. The leader of A.I.M. goes by the title
“Scientist Supreme,” and it is unknown how many individuals have held the position.

The Ten Rings

Founded in the Middle Ages, this criminal society has absorbed the Chinesa Triad, Arab terrorist
networks, and Central Asian smuggling in a pursuit to dominant the most violent iterations of crime in
Asia. Their leader, Xu Wenwu (referred to as “The Mandarin” by his enemies) is believed to be possibly
immortal, who founded the Ten Rings and is centuries old. Each of the Rings represents a different cell
that operate independently of one other, though Wenwu orchestrates their actions in a macro scale.
Clan Yashida

The Yashida Clan dominates organized crime in Japan, by being the most established and entrenched
family within the Yakuza. The Yashida family goes back to the Sengoku Jidai warring states period, and
values tradition above all else. Therefore they purposefully move most aggressively against foreign and
mutant interests, and have a strong nationalist bent. The Yashida Clan also controls its own network of
companies within the country, its own keiretsu, that shields the family from political interference. The
Yashida Clan’s chief enforcer is known as the Silver Samurai, Shingen Harada, a warrior who is a bastard
child of Shingen Yashida, the clan patriarch.


At its inception, HYDRA was a branch of military science for Nazi Germany during World War II. Led by
Johann Schmidt, HYDRA intended to create a super soldier serum to aide in the war effort. Initial trials
allowed the development of a flawed serum, which Schmidt used to become the infamous Red Skull.
Late in the war, the Red Skull was thrown into a portal created by the Cosmic Cube, and his status is
unknown. HYDRA survived the downfall of Nazi Germany, and infiltrated several governments over
decades of infiltration. Captain Carter led a counter-intelligence effort that struck several key blows to
the fascist network, but HYDRA has evaded destruction. Today, HYDRA’s newest leader claims to be the
daughter of the Red Skull, but how this could even be possible is unknown. The organization is not an
acronym but instead named after the mythical Hydra, with the group’s motto being “Cut off one head,
and two more shall take its place!”

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