Epson 019

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Mahi Mohamed High School – Blida

Level: 1st year

Duration: 2 hours

Part One: Reading (15pts)

Stream: Sciences & Technology Common Stream March the
3rd, 2021
First Term English Language Exam

Read the text carefully, then do the following activities.

A survey was conducted to find out how part-time jobs and

full-part jobs affect students' life. The research was done by
asking students, living in a university campus, to complete a
questionnaire. Fifty per cent (50%) of them were
questioned on Saturday, January 23rd, with
approximately equal numbers of male and female students.

Of the respondents, thirty per cent (30%) currently had part-time

jobs, twenty per cent (20 %) had full-time jobs, but half had
never done any work during university semesters. Interviewees
who were working or who had worked were next asked about the
reasons for taking jobs. Fifty-six per cent (56%) of the informants
who worked replied that the most common reason was lack of
money. The other forty- four per cent (44%) mentioned the
importance of social benefits. But, all the students who
worked previously said that they found the work a useful
The survey showed that the university students were flexible in
dealing with life problems. It also showed how much ready they
were to fully integrate society.

Adapted from:

A/ Comprehension

I- The text is :
a- an interview
b-a letter c-a report. (1pt)

2- Are these statements true or false according to the text?

Write T or F next to the corresponding letter. (2pts)
- Only male students were questioned.
b- Less than half of the respondents had part-time jobs.
c- A few informants worked because they needed money.
d- All the students who worked appreciated the experience.

3-In which paragraph are the reasons for taking jobs

mentioned? (1pt)
4-Answer the following questions according to the text. (3
a- What was the survey conducted for?
b- Were only 40% of the campus students questioned ? Justify
your answer. c- Why did the students get jobs?

5-Who or what do the underlined words refer to? (1pt)

a- them (§1):................
b- who (§2):...

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