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Name: Christine Joy G.

Opriasa Course, Year & Section: BSBA 2-E

Instructor: Sergio D. Ponferrada Jr.

Subject: Arts and Humanities

Module: 2


Write your answer on a short bond paper.

1. Differentiate humanities and art.


The word “Humanities” stands for the disciplines that study and explore “the human experience”. While
Art is the application of human creativity and imagination, usually in the form of a visual work, like a
painting or a sculpture, creating pieces that are valued primarily for their aesthetic appeal or emotional
impact. Humanities focus on the more man-centered disciplines compared to art. These are academic
fields in which the human condition is prioritized rather than their works.

2. Explain the importance of art in our everyday lives.


Art gives our lives purpose and helps us understand our world. It is an important component of our
culture because it helps us understand our emotions better, develops our self-awareness, and allows us
to be open to new ideas and experiences. Art is highly significant because it communicates and conveys
one's sentiments and emotions in a way that allows them to express themselves without hurting
oneself. By employing our imagination to develop concepts, the arts may transport us to the past,
present, and even the future. Art is a means of learning about and comprehending our past.

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