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Bahria University Karachi Campus BES-103: Critical Thinking

Department of Computer Science Semester04 (Spring 2023)


Marks: 05
Based on [CLO-2, PLO-7, A-2]

Name: Hoondraj
Enrollment: 02-134212-108
Class: BSCS(4B)

Marks Obtained:


The deadline for this assignment is before or on 29-March-2023.

• It’s group assignment
• Every student have to submit their assigned work on LMS individually

WARNING: No copying is allowed. Any form of plagiarism will result in receiving zero in the assignment.

WARNING: Late submission will not be accepted. Any assignment submitted after the cutoff time will receive

• You have to answer and submit in SOFTCOPY of the given draft on your LMS in word format only. In case if
LMS is down submit your assignment to your following faculty on her given address:

Ms Hadiqua Fazal
Problem no. 08
Lack of education about efficient water usage.
Karachi’s water supply and sewage system needs immediate attention from the government and
adequate planning to accommodate the rapidly increasing population and urbanization of the city to
avoid a severe crisis in the future. The lack of education about efficient water usage in Karachi can
have serious consequences, including water scarcity, increased demand on water resources, and
environmental degradation. To address this issue, here are some potential solutions:

Educational programs: The first step towards efficient water usage is education. Government
organizations, non-profit organizations, and private institutions can develop and implement
educational programs that teach people about the importance of water conservation and efficient usage.

Awareness campaigns: Awareness campaigns can be used to raise public awareness about the issue
and encourage people to conserve water. This can include public service announcements, billboards,
and social media campaigns.

Implementation of water-saving technologies: Technologies such as low-flow showerheads, water-

efficient toilets, and rainwater harvesting systems can significantly reduce water consumption. These
technologies can be made available to the public at subsidized rates to encourage their adoption.

Water pricing policies: Water pricing policies that charge higher rates for excessive water usage can
help discourage wasteful water consumption.

Water management infrastructure: Improving the water management infrastructure in Karachi can
help reduce water wastage and ensure efficient distribution of water resources.

Community participation: Encouraging community participation in water conservation efforts can

also be an effective strategy. This can include organizing community clean-up campaigns, establishing
community gardens, and implementing water recycling projects.

Storyboard link:

Source: Google, Wikipedia and own critical thinking

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