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‘suopeniosq Mareg| va vw SPD INT Px]

that it dove swing and strike somebody Plan out where cableines wil be paced. Keep walking Take rig up equpmentto rig [Geting weight line tangles ox tpeng overt Pan out Mere CaMeNTES Wl be aces eet ee de lnoce [Gating Rand caugntin tring sheave [Follow Hand Proteaion Hand) Procedures, HSES-EOC: Jane [Fingec7 hand eaoght in cevi orchain —|Folow Hand Proteaion Han) Procedures, HSES EOC: Jaren iting botom sheave. Folow preb eaupmen preparation ane WS oparaions JOamaaing the cable or ther emis when Hceuesed in BHOS Doo: OPS.GLB.WS- 103411 ‘Operations icing up the op sheave Ria-sRg-Dom Flow grejeb equipment proparaton and WS eparaions fsctiom sheave coming loose iecussed in BHOS Dos: OPS-CLB-WS-103411 "Operations Rig sR. Dom Lnertres wn pte. Con te cae eins so ster gee Concent 2010 201¢ baw hughes newts Reve ay 20 Version A HSES-FMORA.OO8 OPERATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT (ORA) FORM [ae ocean eine Sevees ‘ati Tene Tyr Rig up for Wireline Operations equred PPE pannel rout Goer eisaayeon Sygnes | BOKer Hughes 53 Toeaon |e Tre Taner Ther re vo RK Level GavaTicnons [RLY ang RUA] andy ae aT 'RLI~ Immediately Dangerous to Life or Heath (DL), Lie Crea, major envronmantl ime, Process Safely series injury, explosion, drop ‘objects, oss of well conte, oss of primary containment. major property damage great han $25000 [RLZ~Allromaning HSE and ServiceDelivery impacts not sted RL. NOTE: Addtional information and guidance on Service Delvry impacts canbe viewedin the Rolabilly Assurance __ incident Impact Defrion procaduve Jceting finger eauchtin the cevis frantone [Smashing inger ar hand by droppin toa! |Folow Hand Prtodion Hand) Procedures. HSES-E festora ists Juano.oot Pick up to0 sting [Smashing inger ar hand between the war [Folow Hand Protodion Hand) Procedures, ASES EOC Jang rig structure once i fed lzno.oot ‘low rep equpren preparation ang WS operons sing suck avinging tel once Rhss ered n BHOS Dox OPS LBINS103411 “Operant igi Dow [Smashing inger ar hand between the ool [Foon Hand Protodion and) Procedures, HSES EOS Jam and the tool sand lHano-oot [Smashing finger beween the fols being — |Folow Hand Proiedion ard) Procedures, NSESEOT made up JHaND.oot Jrotow pre. equipment preparation ana WS operations |iscussed mn BHOS Doc: OPS-GLB.WS-103411 "Operations Not making up toos tight enough [Rie upRis Down |Fatow BHOS HSE Dropped Objecs Preventan (DROPS) ake up tools oon cp te wall covered. Al fams going backs the catwalk |srous go nto the rig up basket Keep area cea’ of personnel [aren towering equipment [Fotow BHOS HSe Droppad Objects Preventan (DROPS) Jerocecures [icppingovertions on te dl Toor op to rl Foor area Gar of Wp Pasa [seus ten fling U2 Jahon Radon Sty RAD) BHOS HOES 10028 [Dropping RIA sources, tok, or other Jeaurment sown the well or V-coor, [vies tne toate and cabie to ensure that hey dont get eaugre Hanging up on something ust below the fon tre sip join rl vale, ec. other possible catch pints. [roo Ge. sip joint elit vale, etc) Heep geod cammialion al al Umes Wile pulling up and out JRun in hte Lr te we Use eauson when Tower WIG Ws BOP. Have somone Jon te rit oor that sn good communion with the host. man to notfy when te tools ae potrtaly not moving fecly [as tey snout JHancing up nthe BOPS nse wept. Cont ie cares een ed as hn Conta toto aa bar ughes nema ested bate 70a 20 Version A HSES-FM-ORA.OD3 OPERATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT (ORA) FORM roses [virelne Serices ‘ety Sere Type! Rig-down for Wireline Operations ponent linn soot ominy Oneie\ayeon cam gama | BOKer Hughes 53 [wetste Immeciatoly Dangerous t Life or Heath (DUH), Life Creal major envgonmntal mpact, Process Setty secu injury, explosion, dropped ‘objets, loss of wel conta, los of primary containment major property damage grater than $250,000. FRLE—Al remaining HSE and Servic Delivery pacts not ted RL NOTE: Additonal infomation and guidance on Service Delvry impacts canbe vewedintheRaiabity Aeeurance Incident impact Defnton process FFoiow BHOS HSE Dropped Objects Prevarion (OROPS] Procedures, aw Mana HanaNG OUP Fr .c0% in the bushing or dvater valve or other possi catches. keep good communeation tal imes whe puling up and out Pling te surface with host Jerre wa. [Know the ine and oo wali at each depth and do nop more tan the recommended tension onthe ine ave someone onthe ail sloor hat i in ood communication itn tre roist man natty whan the tools are at sutsca, [Use exons cauton when paling rough the BOPS and when] nearing the di or [Keep gooe communication a al ies whe pling up and out or ne wa ie caution when spoalg he nets aver Becoming WISE laced Slow Hard Pree (Hanah PISceauTes SES EOC JHanb.oot [reo catching en BOP, sip joint, cverter aie, or Bushing [Sp00t cable badly and damageit [Smash Tnger orhend between Tre ood liam and the tool sand Secceston i aosrct ome dom [ERAS ORI HH we PORTE Beles EHTS HET |Proonged exposure to radiation remove [Pian ahead beloreremovina sources and inou where Tey g0 Jasurcee rem tools [Foon "RA Usage at Ri rk assessment JReep the ell oor area clean~ bath of equprentand oT mid lorctner substances that can cause siping jurg washing a tls, don use such high pressure hat |samages to's or inure somebody, pont nose down, towards ne wanes Jrotow BHOS HSE Dropped Objecs Prevention (OROPS) Jerocecures [repping hazards on ae foor |rnury rom blastby igh pressure water Breaking down co's |eing tool wash down, Svar we Fae TOE Jorop hans tonls, RIA sources, or logging_|itremoving sources use source catcher and source handing foots cauin hole or on rig oor ots use prone technique for removing sources, ensure resvicie areais extabishes and PA announcements made are sure he Toa Gap & secure borers Sang He TOTO ne tool etna ere ne pt Cone cares onsen sod Bote pes Corte (aor0201¢ Bowe Mies nepon vende Way 208 Version A HSES-FM-ORAO0S OPERATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT (ORA) FORM. Seen ——— comnrmantttt lan wnt Goes Sas) eum Sy ge) BOKer Hughes S3 Toco: | eta [Esch Thvent Hazara and fapoct hes bean Caselica wih a Risv Love. Tove avo Wo aK Love) cussTicobone NLT avd RL] afd Wy ae Geta ae RL nmodately Oangerove to Lie or Heath (DLA, Lie Creal, major envronmantal impact, Procets Safely, serous injury, explosion, dropped ‘objects toss of wel corttel oss of primary contalament major property damage rear than $2000 FRLZ~Alemaining HSE ane Service Delivery pacts not ted i RL NOTE: Adional information and guidance on ServiceDelivery impacts canbe vewedin the Raliabilly Assurance incident impact Definition srocedre Fetuckby foo! evinging by taper ane on [Steady tous once hey ate ree fom hetoolssitin he Pole rit ica Jo tat doesn't swing and stike somebody [Finger smashed Between the foo'S]™ |rtoy Hand Proteton Hand) Procedures, HSES-EOC. Jandtne tol stand fpcked up before |clow Han Jeomgleeybackes of Finer caught n devs Wtugger peted up Follow Hand Pretedion [Hand] Prosedures, HSES EOC Jctors too released when oncatwatk_ |HAND-0Ot Stain back when puling tools of the Gt Ensure tol ay down area fs dleah and os nee as foc ay them down. Tripping or slipping. possible before pushing tools of fatienpung tats of the di oor olay" |Use two cen members when pushing heany Tom of be Gr nem dow loo ao Hand FOTSHTON at) POCO SES EOS lwano-001 [Keep the cabie secure and reop hands avay forthe heaves when lowering top sheave an ou wer re cable willbe HaCaTOr COVeU WENT TD heave s owered |Gabie ead ratneis when towering too —JLeave Cabiehead hanging on Vdoorandols wine wile [sneave and sips up tone sheave lowering op sheave [reeeing over equipmentiiems one Jl cen tne art or area doa ofp nazarde [isc Keep he wal covered Al Fem ooma back o te caval |srouc go intone ng up basket Keep area cear-of personnel Littoots ofthe dil floor and lay down Jane caugit in turning sheave whee! Jcatiekirked when towering top sheave Fig Gown the sheaves ana ‘ner equipment repping RIA sources, tls or omer [resent con te Wal or con: Folow BHOS HS= Dropped Objs Prevention (OROPS] [stain nack when ing tons he rack nur to nanahinger, foot. by rapping too [nem Use vo people when naceseary it tele an use too) Rack tools and ig up gear Jcarts when possible. Use Rig crane t pick up and rack heawer tots Not doanin tools and equpment propery_|Alvays clean ard do slandard pevenive naanance oF for next vse anc missing a possiby cols anc equipment so asto eaten any damages befor he amages piace of aquipment rent oo rca wane Cane care eon ued oer us Corer [2er0ante Bake Hughes newport evsedOne Woy Z018 Version A HSES-FNM-ORA.02 OPERATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT (ORA) FORM Wiratne Senioes “Rey [Sees Typ Radioacive Source Usage onthe ig ren pts a pred Techy Gos (TS see Sly sen Toeaton| Wee [Each Tiron Pasar, nd Aapect Pas Deon caneiied wih a aK Lava There Wve Rak Cael Cations TRL 'RL1 = Immetlatly Dangerous to Life Heat (IDLH), Life Criesl, major onvronmental impact, Process Safty, serious injury, explosion, dropped ‘objects, fos of wel conto lose of primary contaiamont, major property damage grata tran $250,00, RL2~Ailremaining HSE and Serves Delivery impact nt ated in RLS NOTE: Additonal information end guidance on Service Deivory impacts canbe vewed in the Relabllly Assurance Incident Impact Defintlon procedur Follow pelo equipment preparation and iS operators Jalscussed in HOS Doe: OPS-GLB.WS-1034"1 "Operations Rig upRig-Dow’. Incudng UPS WS Bow Tie chackists and [ancicabie HSE Operational Contos, Personnel walking or prosent inside area ‘shen Radioactive sources are boing [Follow BHOS HS= Dropped Objecis Prevention (OROPS] romeved, cared, and paced inlout of tcole|Procedure. Hod JSA to make people ‘and protective pigs. Follow Hand Pretecion (Hand) Procedures, Hi ‘aware of the fact that sources Kano.c01 are in use andthe potential risks involved [Ensure necessary work perils Rave boon oblaived Flow Manual Handing (WH) Procedures, BHOS. HSES~ JEoc-194-00% [Use wo peopie oi heary objects and use Tool cas oF Jeane o move tools when possible. [Clear path or walk prior fo executing Tbe aware oT suroundings Nake PA annauncement baTore removing RA sores, The [announcement should advise non-escental personnal fa stay Personnel may be unawere that RA _|oler ofthe mecn pool 2s wots rig foor ass. Jeources aren use and unknowingly |Ciear the rig floor area, Place baer and warning signe at Jexpose themselves to ionizing radiation Jal enry points. Estabish a resisted area wih bare ape around he area lobe used to install the sources ise correct handing foals as pernarmal operating procedures. Remove sources rom taximize distance from the source Minimize the ime spent shipping shields and nett in Jexposes to te source. Maximize shielding rom the sou, ‘eo Place source catcher st [rom shiping shite. Oni special trained personnel (engineer) to handle sources [Exposure to vorizing radiation Foote with [Run in le To 100m depth as soon as possible afer the Jscurces installed are eR hanging in the engineer Is satisfied the sources are securely instaled. Then strain back or rms wile ing [Fring over tools or equipment Propare to remove RA sources from shipping shields exposure ofningracation. oo BETS TENG FOUTS Lose of eource downhole Buin tes Jaerick any longer than absoliey Jake aPA announcement to ive the Vall cea”, necessary. ine solely bamers, [Exposure toTonizing radiation #10018 8° Vw/nan too at 100m make anolher PA announcement ang suouortioe [PUGH 10 surface witn sources installed, nino Yoon msi Fula Hon itheu informing personnel re-establish safety be [Dropping RIA sources in the wal Flow Radiation Safely (RAD) BHOS.HSES-100287 (S10 286 Bakr ater eared once oats Rig-Up Checklist -26.inch G1 Sheave Wheel Doe Number OPS-GLB-WE-102013 Rew A tect Dat: 27-J02015 Well Name, br 09q0 JDS Reference Number inal oa Ss ‘No ocal mesificationsto | SeeondaryRetention [XJ Sheave Wheel | installed and elevator ) assemblies are | Seeured/dsabled don't use 1~-bar permed Hooktcraner r adaower @ All safety lips and retainer wires must be Inspected | Load Cell installed in Top Sheave safety clip and retainer wire OA (Preferred Lofation) ‘levis pn secured with Ld safety lip and retziner wire “aE 3 castle Nut secured with Cotter Pin eal heave Door secured { with safety ip. ‘le secured with nut and Sirtn eS ihe K _A\[hwteetoe sting rope in sroove and ‘Sheave wheel in good ~ ‘not contacting cable shroud Ef conation. Door latching \=y SSoeernoe sme: ECE EE sheave Hanger secures to Tueger tine 7 fe-piee sacle must be secured Gwithbatngwite) tana le secured with nut and fon - Zl) wiretine siting propertyin ‘groove and not contacting cable shroud ‘Castle Nut secured with Cotter Pin ‘heave wheel in good [condition Door latching ‘assembly in good condition. Hand Guards Installed ‘heave Door secured withsafety ip.) \ ushings Toad Cal intaedin Boom Sheave (Alternate Location) smaaascaee Zo Elton ca evs rnin got arin asetoner Se eueae tn at Soeur Tie Down Shackle Secured With Spit Pinto “DD suitably rated pad eye or fixed structure a Uncontralad when printed Page 20f2 Baker Hughes—Company Confidental Doc Number : OPS-GLB-WS-104414 Rev. A Pre-Job Wireline and Drum effective Date: 24 Jl 2037 Checklist Drogo 21231 lweune Tyee: __ 3 aeupte DRUMNUMBER 1.4 2536 unre 2006246 JWIRELINE NUMBER: 190A OPERATORNAME __ Siephany Gomer EM SN ST Frerat © m.G000 CONDITEN- NO SGNS GF FLUD NGRESS OR RUST dom [REATHERPROGF CaP AVALABLEFOR COLLEGTOR LUG Joece —_[ReMeaen. He MECHANICAL a lr usno ROLEX onOuLOFAVEAT LEASTSFT GSM OF INOMAGEDWRENESECORED] cgogcx | WRELNETS RINOANENTALTO Inece senooxer Nv svcceserut orenamion [NO Visuat ona OFTOS LATER OF CHGLEOF CARTE WEN PRACTICAL PERFORWA COMPLETE THESE CHECKS TH fneap esr ow ouren wices I a‘wine aneacSDURNSTINS TEST SOT BAG foe ame err asm ano res aGun vcs ccc wReuNe RsuUION @ 120v0 5YO.L9 BoM GHG -nO EXCEPTIONS ewer rove canes 0 courox ON. RTE ACTA ALUES) \WREUNE CONTNUITY (RTE ACTA. VALLE waa] a 7 ConoeT Gein ago aa Cono#2->cund “aga Pre ofyiG a Cono#3->crcund ug a asiqal sig alyig Conoes->ind “Iago Dig af>ie-afyig aps Cono#5->cound 1a ahs1g a] 316 al sig 8 sig af 51g & Cono#s->cund pup —a > 1a-o}>16-0131g 0] >1G-of p60] s1G-@ ono#7->6eaind 339 SiG ay 1g app 1g ofS 16 af pte af 1g aL 1G TESS ee INEFROMO.CPTOCOUECTORANG. CHECKUNE SYSTEMINTEGRTY USING THEDICP ne resren, LINE SYSTEM CONTINUITY (WRITE ACTUAL VALUES) ona] z = z z = z 1 TonoeT >Geund ge zhane: cono#2->Ground 1 Qz 0 3]3S9m a] > sor 0 cono#s->croud 1 ¢2 50 4[>soma[>son a] 580m & conor4-sround 189 a sosom al >soma|ssom a|>som a) cono#s->Ground 185 a 6] spr a[>s0m a] >s0m a]>som a] >spm a cono#s.>Groued 4821-0 7I>s0m a>som a] >soea|>som af soma] soma conon7->Ground y 97 0 Tere eae VERIFY THAT SAFETY SWITCH 1 ISOLATING THE SURFACE SYSTEM FROM THE CABLE HEAD TAN SAFETY SWATH TO SAFE AND MEASURE THE CONTINUITY FROM THE UCP TOCRBIE HERD THE {IES SHOULD INDICATE OL (OVERLORD) ve TAGE ONE LEAD ON THE CABLEHEAD GROUNO, CONNECT THE OTHER LEAD OPIN, 2 NDT. THE VAIUES SHOULD INDICATE KO -15540. “ [FOLLOW THE STEPSAS ABOVE FOR PING 5 AND VALUES OrPENOWNG UPON MODEL SASHA 8 /AC EVA BE x SUUSHC RE Wa Stephany Gomer 04 (0312023 LUncontaled when printed ‘Boker Hughes, a GE Compeny Page 1 0f3 ‘Company Confertal ‘Doe Number : OPS-GLE-WS-104424 Rev. A Pre-Job Wireline and Drum Effective Date: 24 Jul 2017 Checklist PERFORM DRUM CHECK 4A or 48 AS APPROPRIATE FOR UNIT DRIVE SYSTEM TYPE [GHcoKonaxe eanb TENSION. BEARING LOCK wasiRS in PLACE NCLUDING WTERNAL DGS [Gian TENSION apPROMWATELY PLAY UP AND DOWN NON ExGANSION BEARING ON SPROCRET SOE EXPANSION BEARING ON O®POSTE SDE OST Faawe BOLTS THT BEARINGS RECENTLY GREASED BEARING GREASE NIPPLES CAPSFTTED Malye isthle (EnECK ORUM ALIGNMENT WITH DRIVE SPROCKET [HAIN TENSION RPPROMMATEIYT PLAY UP ANO DOWN [NON EXPANSION BEARING ONSPAOCRET SDE EXPANSION BARING ON OFFOSTE SDE BEARINGS RECENTLY GREASED Beans GREASE nPPLESCAPSTTTED [DRUM MAGNETISM CHECKED. tephany Gomez 0410312023 ast Four Form Revisions: “Amonamont Dtat ‘aprover | enecwe Dae En aT [neat Reese Copyright 2017 Baer Hughes, GE company, LLC~Al gle eseree. Boker Hughes, «GE company, LLC ands flats (SHE proves this formation on Sniaei’ aie geraral imation purpates and belewes tl be snus he Gate cl abeeaben. BSE does nt make ary revesenaion 2 e [carey or empieress one Prater ar makes No wate ar Kd, fot, mples oo, oe lest oe permis law, eng ose ot ‘oraraiy ana fnes re prtour purpose er use BHOE herby dscilms ay ara ably fer ny arer dec, ansequebal pec mages (Sse fore paso espa clams arang ar he ue fhe ermaon, tera aims ssaed contact tor, oaeuse The BHGE ego's 2 ‘acon of ner Mages, «GE eampary. ULC GE anathe GE mansgyam ata Mademaf f Gera less CamparyUse unser seat ere UUncortrotes wen printed Baker Hughes, aGE Company Page 203 ‘Compary Confertal BakerHughes S3 Serica order 212314 __ Seno Paomedicg .cu,201.SP, HON, CAL Sable Troe: HH RO Sare heer 19 BA Wet Dr99q0. iKracirr_4. 243 C1 0°) NesswedDeph eT: NOT TAGGED Wm 7 0G8s0! Weak Pont Fine La Ti Nest atone: nu Fine Foviiae Gre WA Downhole Too! Information Toot VegHt nA 2.4 Max tpeee,Rike 30 $+ rnin Mex Teo Dane ae Logg Se ‘Atpste Mas Toul Teen 2004 1b ax pee, POOH a ‘Winehman’s Instructions DONOT descend below (0.0 _F1(W)atany tne nen pling outof nos, STOP at 1-0 —Ft(N} pt and noty BH Wlne Engler. STOP and nouy 5H Yretne Engineer if oveension of “OOO its over ine weight cecurs. ‘STOP and not BH Wiratine Engineer underonton of und atal weig ceure ‘Stoo and not BH Wire alpmont i inaesurateormaltunetioning. [STOP i'you ere unclear f tens tpn tho opratin. Wanythng appears ual, STOP! *- is irene on ningars _sLEACTOR.OTE,TTEU ALIEN 0 SOONG MUST EST e108 TO MITA Px vo Finn, cour og ‘Wfiuuasumsues ane bert oe REGURANENT Poca riven] Be | change n = va | corr cup) |e WH) Weg | Charge Roma ren 220GZIOO 22d {gon |Z 180) Zasd ZO | 2oG 4 Maxtensen cusses: 2360 pas__04 1/03/2023 Leas enanee: any Gd extent: allo Jur & Baker Hughes S =UNIT CHECKLIST vols: UNIT: Performer: Date: Note: Checks applied on HELI for Power Pack, Generator and Compressor YIN Prom - Level Correct. Add as required re - Engine lub oil on dipstick rs | Air system lubricator level i [Sight tube clear and indicating high. Py akelme|- Remove Cap Drivers Side Cupboard SSSI Fan Belts in good order, tension correct. |- ZONE POWER: Clean Flame Traps and Record Time [-THELI] VENT SYSTEM: FIRE DAMPERS open and fan RUNS smoothly wh - MEASURE DEVICE: Clean, rotates freely. Correct encoder installed, z Isten Olen “POWER: Vollage 117 41-5. AC OO Hz4/-0.5 LIGHTS: Aliamps fanetioing |- AC: Cool air circulating. Panel blanks in place. |- AUX CABLES: Load cell, Speaker, Encoder and earth points. ours fEngine Hours RPM [1100 - 2200] Revs set at 2500 +/- 250 rpm FTemp [205f max} [Oi Pressure 20 -70 psi Hyd Oil [180F max] HTemperature 60 - 80 C [System Pressure [5000psi max] [LH Exhaust temp. 200.G max Hoist Charge [350 - 425 psi IRH Exhaust temp. 200 6 max [Air Pressure [120 ¥- 10 psi] fair Pressure 120 +/- 10 psi [Gen Charge Pres [515 - 425 psi [Control air pres ZO} 10 psi el Fe Sf 4 [= S i bs fry PN areas TRUCKIDATA SPLI ydroic 1 480 115F Engine Temp 78 C170 F Exhaust Temp 125 C7200 F [Air Pressure 120 47-10 psi ay NSS € zawow AUDYDaLS Pounbew emieabig rpuvosiog paeubisea a Teun pue dey s0wors09 Tae eH 3ok TOUS PUTT FUSUBT AUG Siea SORT SOK TPoMIOHST _parSsy_aiysoard SuTsDs ay] 4NAWAD135 8 ONISYO (9 Sak DUST WT SoyoMID AUS SITE ST aah Tats FO paredaya paw TT ST 08 EpIwopiad Fa WAT 5} Nwmo9 aims (8 Sh Enom oyF TOU oF —FUaITIFAS pin Sp OR TRAUMAS sUBUAVIT _ITT ST Tor TDaSy doe SUF 408 ONITINA (y Sak 7TpsIsID Uaea _AINSSaIG HM BYy SOR bail on / 594 SuORSOMD UOReDUIEND vonaips9q 391769 RT RTT ULE] 3TOH NadO - SNITaYIM FUTATITG | T ToT Se ow aL al Fersus _UdoOTT Fara R DRAG] Taw sy KUOGTaTS Tauoareg para PaBUBISSO as TAO HHOT ae yeang BELLE) "aA BAT ny Boi aA] 6g ToReTeAT| Tao eRe INNO4 493HO MAIN TWOISAHd S soyBny 10408 ses-FMRAD-oo4 Radiation Safety Survey Checklist Baker Hughes SS (Seated Sources) RSF 1222 Dothaki Sea Teciro 219 | OrOGGO 212314 0410312023, Fr rns of Tone Csr acaee rein lo every ev elas Raa] BHO EUG are rontved Wan Dar Vaspe alanis adios wae jecono sources ae oer sores ater use base an tate cslns), ing os calbaton, seats. These dst ae measirenets ao ensure that rarspon reo 6 for Vanegas fe ste Battery Survey Motor Mako Aodoi | Sia! No. Calirstion Dve Date esstoeeee eal Check ue, 23486) PS /CPM ySvihe/ mRem uno Todiom 3 213 BS! a1 jun 12023 ma Rom | no Ludiym 12-4 01 EXYRTTYETIEY i Tason For Sourcals) Usage of Task (Wark Applicable) ClJobate Garston Laak Test_ Other {ackgroun (at Base or JoDste) of alibatono: Leak Test Location (at Bas ata (st Jobst) or Tool Makeup Aes a Dil Floor at Jobst) T Drill Ficor Aer Source Load Dr Fior After Souree Down Load (Density Source Port (st ace or Jobe} ‘Neviron Source Port [at Base or Jobe) rz iMod Pit (f Fluid Creulated Daring Le ni ruciJUDI at Base or Jobe), == ApDICSoe oor ree Senes Type (.8, S1/S1SRF, $5120, FEMAD) 1348 aU2ND ri Number (N86, 207TW wazose |—?_ ues and Container in Good CondIGn Mane vn Ofna 7 Imam Iwake_Y CTR Locked with High Securiy Padlock? Mae YET [mark EIN OT [war NC Mark YN {Label Conditions - New of ko New? Tar EIN CO [MarkY ESRC ark YEN Mark ontact Dose Rate on Conainer (Before Tas) c ontact Dose Rato on Container (tr Tash) = vert For Al Responses Checked No (¥] Above. Pravda Dalal in tha Comments Section of his Form [Restictod Area Baricadeg? (Unauthorized Personnel Outside Baier? I Radintion Workers Wearing thei Aasigned Rasation Badga? onion of Source Fort on Dans Too!? ondlion of Soures Port on Neuron Too!” ongon of Density Handling Tool onion of Neviron Handing Too!” (WL) (Coniton of Handling Tao (05) SI [Conation of Handing Foo? (05) iN isthe Emergency Handling Kk complet and in good condition? Is the soure catcher (orig loo skit} n good condition and propery Inetlld to prevent a dropped source fling into the wol bore? (Commenter i Comments Wil Be Addressed With and Corrected By the Base RPS Prior othe Next Jb. Noi 1 investigate Futter the Dose Rate nA oa Exceeds SX Background Note 2: Reterto the Responding to an Emergency Work Inston # te Survey Indeates Contamination INote 3: Perm a Leak Tel onthe Scuve Pot You Suspect he Sauce Might be Damages. nore: | S4@PRANY Co mer = oa to3/200?| crate Mae cney ond sabthh peo Sanaa Sts St Canin tote Rien niente Sg Unontoe when pre, Conf the covet even we sakes Hughes Cofidetial (©7012-2015 ake pes coported Giecive ate 25 Sep 2055, Baker Hughes S3 Shipping Paper for Radio Active Materials RSF-1317 [am | sna e409 Toeb Ste low EHEC Putra: Oo thraki Sea Ths ioctty hath above named males we pany Geil paagedmaned anlubaed ad ara h pepe condo Fanpelon scorn he apple epaions oe Depatmartat arson lspuive___Siephany Gomez O~L oe 0410312023 Rowen To Shop low Ootnaraks sea strat HEC iso cary le ave named ae ope oie padaghd nave andaboed nd wen Ge Cnn tarpon ccnp iobe pice easton the Dette " lease stephany Gomer oe: 0410312023 Sonica Order uber 22314 [Netto Unt umber 9 SOY idetcsen | Pow Sippog Kane [iss] Radoouce | fom | Aevy | abn [Tompod] Nao Poow| Soc Te] CoteriD ‘noe ina |Pesoae| ye” | Seah Crna fe tae remeera| seer | fe a ROIS | Reece Tess CERPat 72 add Picbl yaa saa] O88 [etoer| TSS | Le (Orton 007 Nae ‘atieirint [cs )"Rasomne |eeccra| Mae | etn |. | nay Sonten Content |[scapecon| OR tae | oy [uN josctive Mato en Rese war ere aa Spee! 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