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Sketchy Pharm

Nafcillin (staph), Oxacillin, Methicillin, Dicloxacillin

 Beta lactam ring – ringed planet.

 Death Coccocus wall=PPG cell wall with repeating D-alanyl-D-alanine
oligopeptidesD-ALA-D-ALA pattern
 Planetary building project worker: penicillin binding protein form PPG
 Inactivated PBP worker: beta-lactam ABx covalently bind PBPs (halting
cell and killing)
 Protective armor: bulky-R groups prevent beta lactase binding.
 Staff pencil: nafcillin
 Ox horns: Oxacillin (narrow spectrum)
 Purple coccoid space station cluster: activity against staphylococci/step
 Red Hump: empiric Tx for skin and soft tissue infections (i.e. folliculitis,
 Tricuspid pyramids: Txs Staph endocarditis
 Fish bones: Txs Staph osteomyleitis
 MRSA: altered PBP’s
o Altered wall builder: altered PBPs resistant to beta-lactams
 Merciless dark lord MRSA: methicillin resistant staph aureus.

Summary- Antistaph penicillins more resistant to beta lactamases. Can be used for
localized and system infection but not active against MRSA.

X1.3 Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Pipercillin, Ticarcillin

 Ringed planet- Beta lactam ring

 Unfinished death coccus: binds PBPs halting PPG wall synthesis
 Purple coccoid space station cluster: activity against staphylococci/step
 Red color : improved activity against g- bacteria.
 Prism: broad spectrum
 Ammo box: amoxicillin
 Open mouth: amoxicillin – oral availability
 Red bandana: amoxicillin and ampicillin treats streptococcal
 Plugged ears: amoxicillin treats otitis media and sinusitis caused by
Step Pneumo, Haemophilus Influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis.
 Rusty chest plate: amox and amp treat pneumonia caused by Step
Pneumo and Haemoph. Influenza
 H wing ship: activity against Haemophilus Infuenzae.
 Helicopter: amoxicillin is part of a triple therapy (with clarithromycin
and a PPI) for Helicobacter pylori infection.
 Robin of Ixodes: amoxicillin treats Lyme diseases caused by Borrelia
 Amp: Ampicillin
 Ivy: ampicillin- IV administration
 Gas Mask : ampicillin treats anaerobic infections (aspiration
 Purple Diplococcus rock drums: ampicillin treats Enterococcus
 Knocked over amp: ampicillin resistant strains of Enterococcus due to
beta-lactmase production.
 Set List: ampicillin treats meningitis caused by Listeria monocytogenes
 Bar spouts: Activity against GI and UTI gram negative rods (E. coli)
 Beta bouncer: sensitivity to beta lactmases
 Distracting clarinet: clavulanate –beta-lactamase inhibitor
 Tambourines back to back: tazobactam and sulbactam – beta-
lactamase inhibitors

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