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Bài 1. Điền tính từ sở hữu

1. Where is (I) book? My
2. Here is (we)
3. She goes to school with (she) brother. Her
4. (They) father works in a car factory. Their
5. (You) laptop is very expensive. Your
6. (He) favorite hobby is tennis. Her
7. (I) husband and I want to go to Paris. My
8. We want to see (it) historical monuments. its
9. Leila likes (she) dog! Her
10. (It) name is Bobby. its

Bài 2. Điền tính từ sở hữu

1. Two students didn't do their mathematics homework.
2. I have a car. Its color is black.
3. We have a dog. Its name is Pancho.
4. Nancy is from England. Her husband is from Australia.
5. Ann and Nadia go to a high school. Their little brother goes to a primary school.
6. Alan has a van. His van is very old.
7. We go to a high school. Our high school is fantastic.:tuyệt vời
8. I like singing. My mother sings with me.
9. François and Alain are French. Their family is from France.
10. Mary likes her grandmother. She often visits her.

Bài 3. Điền đại từ sở hữu (mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hoặc hers)
1. "Dorothy don't use this towel, please. It isn't mine."
2. We gave them our phone number, and they gave us theirs.
3. Your dog isn't brown, Yours is black.
4. Where is my coat? This one isn't mine.
5. The white laptop is mine, the black one is his. (My boyfriend's)
6. My brother has got his ticket, but I can't find mine.
7. They say that this picture is theirs.
8. I can't find my eraser. Can I borrow yours?
9. I know Peter well. He's a friend of mine.
10. Which one is your sister's bag? The bigger one is mine.
11. He claims this mobile phone to be his.
12. This is not my parents' car.Theirs is blue and much bigger.
13. This isn't our son's bike. His is in the garage.
14. I don't think this umbrella is hers.(My sister's)
15. Dad, we can't find our passports. Have you taken ours?
Bài 1. Điền a little, little, a few hoặc few vào vị trí trống
1. Let's go to the movies. I have a little money.
2. I'm sorry, I can't pay for your lunch. I have little money.
3. Not many children like vegetables. For example, few children eat squash.
4. Joe is always angry. That's why he has few friends.
5. Bill didn't drink all the soda. There's a little left.
6. The party was fun. There were a few people I knew there.
7. Your house is almost empty! You have little furniture.
8. Marty : Do you need some help with your math homework?
Harry : Yes, I could sure use a little.
9. Henry : How many people were at the game last night?
Kenny : Almost none. few people want to watch a team that always loses.
10. Doris : Are Dallas and Ft. Worth very far from each other?
David: No, they're quite close. There's few distance between them.
11. There's a little milk in the refrigerator. About half a quart, I think.
12. Doctor: Have you ever been in bad health or had a serious operation?
Patient: No, I haven't. I've had a few medical problems.
13. Steve : Have you received any applications for the job that you advertised in the
paper last week?
Larry : Yes, but only a few.
14. Steve : I wonder why most people didn't apply for it?
Larry : few want to work so hard for so little money.
15. May I please have a little more coffee?
16. Greg is always busy; he has little free time.
17. few of the children were rude, but most were polite.
18. Donald doesn't care for school. He has few interest in it.
19. I need to talk to you. Do you have a few minutes?
20. Let's get together when we have a little free time.

Bài 2. Điền some hoặc any vào chỗ trống

1. Kate: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
John: No, I don't, but I have some cousins that love me like a real brother!
2. Mark: Are there any cinemas in this city? I really want to go to the movies!
Lisa: No, there aren't. But I have some movies at home if you want!
3. Rachel: I have some cereal every morning, it is good for my health.
Derek: I hate cereal!
4. Mary: Do you have any idea of how to do this exercise?
Peter: No, I have no idea, but my mum gave some books to study, maybe the answer is
5. Amy: Can you give me some of your posters? You have a lot of them!
Claire: No, they are all mine. I can't give you any poster! But I can give you some old
magazines I have...
Amy: No, thanks. You are so selfish...

Bài 3. Điền much hoặc many

1. There are many students who want to work in our school.
2. Claire has many brothers but only one sister.
3. I don't have much time, I can't wait for you.
4. Tom works many hours every day, that is why he is always tired.
5. Lisa doesn't drink much water when she eats.
6. They have much rooms in their house, it is very very big.
7. How many apples did you buy?
8. How much money do you have to buy the TV?
9. People don't write many letters nowadays, they use e-mails instead.
10. I think it is too much salt for my taste.

Bài 4. Dựa vào các từ đã cho dưới đây, điền vào vị trí thích hợp

a a lot of

a few some

any many

a little an

much a lot

1. How many children do you and Tony have?

2. I don't have much patience: sự kiên nhẫn and I find jigsaw puzzles boring.
3. We only have some carrots. We should go and buy some more.
4. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have a lot. Look, three bags!"
5. There was an explosion at the factory and a few people were injured. We don't know
how many yet.
6. When you make the pie, put a little wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really
7. When you go out, buy me a apple and a bottle of Coke.
8. I don't need any advice from you. You don't understand the problem!
9. "Do you like this programme?" "Not a lot of.You can change the channel if you want."
10. Lots of people in Spain like to take an siesta during the hottest part of the day

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