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Proc. 4th Eur. Conf. on Arti cial Life (ECAL97), Husbands, P. and Harvey, I. (eds.

), 388-397, MIT Press 1997.

Temperature in Natural and Arti cial Systems

Adrian Thompson
Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics,
University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK.

Abstract are strong correspondences between the natural and elec-

tronic cases at every stage of the discussion, with highly
Recent experiments in evolutionary electronics suggestive consequences.
have shown how arti cial evolution can craft ex- The motivation behind this research is to improve evo-
tremely ecient electronic circuits by manipulat- lutionary electronics as an engineering technique. How-
ing a real physical silicon medium. Each individ- ever, there are broader implications for ALife researchers,
ual circuit is physically instantiated in a recon- and these will be identi ed in the penultimate section.
gurable chip (FPGA) for its tness evaluation, There is a lot of biology in this paper, but I am not a
so evolution can exploit all of the natural physi- biologist. The biological information is taken from [1]
cal properties exhibited by the electronic medium, except where indicated otherwise by citations, but any
resulting in circuits well tailored to it. This can errors are my own responsibility.
only be done properly by rigorously rejecting con- The next section summarises a recent experiment in
ventional design methods. Arti cial evolution is evolutionary electronics to illustrate the motivation for
then faced with a similar problem to that encoun- this research. We then consider the fundamentals of
tered in nature: how to construct a system from how temperature in uences biological and silicon sys-
processes which all vary with temperature, such tems. The subsequent sections consider rst how a sys-
that the system can perform adequately over a tem may cope with temperature change (`Temperature
wide range of temperatures? It is bene cial to Compensation') and then how a system's internal tem-
do this in a more natural way than simply for- perature can be stabilised (`Thermal Regulation'). Both
bidding all analogue continuous-time dynamics, are e ective methods of sustaining operationality in the
as conventional digital design does. Engineering face of changing external temperature, and they can be
proposals are formulated by analysing the corre- used together. Finally, some implications for ALife mod-
spondences between nature and evolutionary elec- elling are noted.
tronics | some of these are promising and sur-
prising. There are wider implications for ALife,
in that thermal considerations cannot be as eas-
2 Motivation: Evolutionary Electronics
ily ignored as `implementation details' as might A Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a Very-
have been thought. Large Scale Integration (VLSI) silicon chip. It consists
of an undedicated array of components interspersed with
1 Introduction wires of various lengths. Within the components are elec-
tronic switches which control their behaviour, and elec-
It is now possible to allow arti cial evolution to manip- tronic switches also control how the inputs and outputs
ulate directly a real physical semiconductor medium to of the components connect to the wires. A particular set-
construct automatically electronic circuits that satisfy ting of the switches de nes which out of the vast range
an engineering speci cation. Once preconceptions from of possible electronic circuits is physically instantiated
conventional design methods are rigorously rejected, the on the chip at any one time. Recent advances in FPGA
silicon electronic medium can be exploited in a way that technology make it possible to place the settings of the
is truly natural to its properties, resulting in highly ef- switches (and hence the physical circuit) directly under
cient circuits. Freely exploiting the physical properties the control of an evolutionary algorithm | previously
of a medium has its pitfalls, and one is that the evolved there were technical diculties due to limitations of the
circuit may be unable to operate over a sucient range chips [2]. With the newly introduced XC6216 device
of temperatures to be of wide applicability. Natural evo- from Xilinx [3], the switch settings can be partially or
lution must have faced the same problem, and this pa- completely recon gured in a negligible amount of time,
per aims to learn lessons from it. We shall see that there there is no limit on the number of recon gurations, and
the chip's architecture is such that it can never be inter- 1kHz 10kHz
nally damaged by any con guration. In this experiment,
only a subset of the chip's capabilities was enabled: each IN
component performed a single function of three inputs,
and only nearest-neighbour connections were used.
The settings of the switches are determined by the
contents of bits of RAM spread throughout the chip.

This RAM can be written to as easily as conventional
computer memory. Thus, any appropriate avour of
evolutionary algorithm can easily be implemented on a

3500 1400
standard desktop computer and allowed to manipulate
the physical circuit instantiated in silicon on the FPGA.
Fitness evaluations can be the measurement of the per-
formance of an evolved con guration as a real physical
electronic circuit, behaving in real-time according to the
laws of semiconductor physics. This means that evolu-
tion can be free to explore all possible con gurations,
and hence all possible behaviours in the repertoire of Figure 1: The voltage waveforms of the two di erent
the FPGA. There is no need to constrain evolution to tones presented to the input (top row), and of the cor-
work only within the relatively small subset of circuits responding output produced by the best of the population
we know how to design, analyse or feasibly simulate. In- after 0, 1400 and 3500 generations (the three rows be-
stead, evolution can be allowed to explore beyond the low). These are photographs of the oscilloscope screen,
scope of conventional design methodologies, exploiting with the probes directly attached to the input pin and the
richer architectures and dynamical behaviours, and us- output pin of the FPGA. See text for interpretation.
ing complex aspects of semiconductor physics.
In this spirit, the con guration bits of a 10  10 corner ponents | intended to be used to perform operations of
of the XC6216 FPGA were directly encoded as a linear Boolean logic | are really just high-gain con gurations
bit-string genotype of 1800 bits, and allowed to evolve of transistors, and in the absence of the constraints of
without constraint using a fairly conventional genetic al- a digital design methodology, this is just how evolution
gorithm. The individuals were evaluated one-at-a-time treats them. Finally, the best circuit of generation 3500
as con gurations of a real FPGA chip. The task was a gives the desired behaviour, showing the `digital-looking'
simple rst-step towards signal-processing and pattern- output demanded by the tness function, though it is
recognition applications. A single input was driven with certain that complex dynamics are still used internally.
a sequence of audio tones of 1kHz and 10kHz frequency, The nal circuit is shown in Fig. 2. Note the highly
presented in a random order. The target behaviour was recurrent structure. It behaves in continuous-time as an
for the single output immediately to go to a steady 5V unfolding of the laws of semiconductor physics: the chip
level as soon as one frequency was present, and to go is a dynamical system, not a computational one. The
to 0V for the other one. Such a circuit might be used components shaded gray are part of the circuit's func-
to demodulate binary data sent over a telephone line. tion even though they appear to be disconnected from
The task might sound trivially easy until it is remem- it: they must be interacting by some subtle property of
bered that there are no external timing components: semiconductor physics such as electromagnetic coupling
evolution must craft a continuous-time arbitrarily recur- or interaction through the power-supply wiring. As a
rent network of 100 components (each of which has an result of this rich unconstrained architecture, dynamics,
input)output time delay of only a few nanoseconds) to and use of physical resources, the circuit is incredibly
distinguish between input periods that are on a timescale ecient: using just 32 cells it is one or two orders of
ve orders of magnitude slower. If achieved, this would magnitude smaller than one would expect from conven-
be a signi cant feat, because this corner of the chip is tional methods. See [4] for full details of the experiment
only 1mm2 in area, and requires no external components. and the theory behind it. To many people, the experi-
Fig. 1 shows the progress of evolution. In the initial ment seems somewhat akin to the evolution of physical
random population of 50 individuals (generation 0), all nervous systems in nature.
the circuits happened to be as bad as possible, for exam- The circuit operates perfectly over the 5 C range
ple maintaining a constant output voltage irrespective of temperatures that the population experienced dur-
of the input. After 1400 generations, a promising par- ing evolution. However, the more the temperature de-
tial solution is shown: the rich continuous-time analogue viates from this range, the more the circuit malfunc-
dynamics of the circuit are evident. The FPGA's com- tions. Conventional digital design, in forbidding the use
Out In practice, the interaction of several potentially rate-
limiting processes (physical as well as chemical) can lead
to gradual, rather than sharp, changes in  and Q10 with
temperature. Even for a single biochemical reaction, the
rate increase with temperature falls o as temperature
increases, presumably because of the destruction of en-
In zymes on which they depend [5]. Nevertheless, the Ar-
rhenius relationship holds for many biological phenom-
ena under temperature ranges of interest, and is even re-
ected in behaviours such as the rate of creeping of ants,
the chirping of crickets, the ashing of re ies, the beat-
ing of cilia, and some respiratory and cardiac rhythms.
`The slope of the linear relationship between the log of
the rate of most biological reactions and the reciprocal of
absolute temperature is the Arrhenius  divided by ap-
Figure 2: The functional part of the nal evolved circuit. proximately 4:6, with  de ned by the limiting step.' [6,
The large boxes represent the components, the inputs of Chap. 37]. For thermochemical (enzymatic) reactions,
which are marked with small squares. Q10 in typically somewhere between 2 and 3 : they often
go about twice as fast for every 10C rise in temperature.
The temperature dependencies of neural systems also
of continuous-time analogue dynamics, can produce cir- arise from physical, as well as chemical, origins; in semi-
cuits with much greater ranges of operating temperature conductors the processes are entirely physical. In gen-
| at the expense of less ecient utilisation of the physi- eral, the Q10 values associated with physical processes
cal resources. How can evolution be allowed to naturally (such as for di usion or conductivity), and also of those
exploit the physical medium, and thus reap the bene ts associated with photochemical reactions, are less than
seen above, but yet produce circuits able to operate in 1.5. The operation of both neurons and semiconductor
a wide range of temperatures? Natural evolution must devices is to a large extent based upon the movement
have faced the same problem: can we draw some inspi- of charge-carriers in an electric eld (at a speed propor-
ration from it? That is the purpose of this paper. To tional to their mobility) and the interplay between this
begin, the next section considers the roots of tempera- and the di usion of those particles (at a speed propor-
ture's in uence on biological and silicon systems. tional to their di usion constant ) in the concentration-
gradient which is in uenced by that movement. In neu-
3 The e ect of Temperature upon Rate rons and semiconductors, the charge-carriers are di er-
The rate of chemical reactions increases with tempera- ent, and the processes establishing electric elds and con-
ture. This is described by the Arrhenius relationship, centration gradients are di erent, but the link between
which can be written in the form: di usion and the electric eld is fundamental to both.

1 1
 The Einstein relationship is crucial to this link: the
ln k = R T T (1) di usion constant is proportional to the mobility multi-
1 1 2 plied by the absolute temperature, so temperature ap-
where T1 and T2 are the absolute temperatures corre- pears in many of the fundamental equations of neurons
sponding to reaction velocities k1 and k2, R is the gas and semiconductors (eg. the Nernst equation for equi-
constant, and  is the critical thermal increment : a con- librium potentials at neuron membranes, and | via the
stant characterising the particular reaction. When this Boltzmann distribution | basic equations in semicon-
relationship holds, a more friendly measure can be cal- ductor physics) [7, 8]. The rest of this section will now
culated: Q10 = kt+10=kt, where kt is the rate at tem- give some examples of how these temperature dependen-
perature t, and kt+10 is the rate at 10 C higher. So Q10 cies are manifested in neural and electronic systems.
simply tells us by what factor a rate increases for a 10 C The refractory period for nerve impulses increases for
rise in temperature. lower temperatures [5]. Mammals (which have nerves
In biochemical processes, often composed of a com- capable of propagating impulses at speeds ranging all
plex pathway of many intermediate reactions,  is only a the way from 0:3ms 1 to 100ms 1 ) have a Q10 for the
constant over a limited temperature range, which might speed of nerve impulse propagation of around 1.7, with a
be smaller than that of the phenomenon under study. lower bound of 5C below which propagation ceases. In
A change in temperature can change which of the steps fact, the Q10 is higher at low temperatures: at high tem-
in the pathway is the rate-limiting one, resulting in a peratures cell-membrane permeability changes become
sharp change in  (and Q10) at particular temperatures. so fast that discharging of the cell membrane capaci-
tance by fully activated permeability mechanisms begins cal processes display adaptation to temperature, coping
to be rate-limiting. Conduction velocity in cold-blooded with seasonal changes and di erent latitudes. How?
animals is less temperature-sensitive than in mammals. As temperature goes down, the primary thing to avoid
Conduction velocity can also change with acclimation1 or cope with is ice crystal formation | the crystals can
and seasons [7, Chap. 4] | see the next section. cause mechanical damage to the cell membranes, and
As well as a ecting the rate of action potential propa- can have drastic e ects on the vital osmotic and liquid
gation, temperature in uences the rate of neuron ring: balances as liquid water is removed. There are many
`The changes of action potential frequencies with temper- wonderful ways in which this is achieved (eg. through
ature are associated, although not in a simple manner, supercooling [6, Chap. 21 ]). Of particular interest is the
with changes in resting potentials. Cooling reduces the use of antifreeze substances; it appears that these can
resting potential (depolarization) and this leads to a rise also prevent low-temperature changes in protein struc-
in action potential frequencies; but certain nerve cells ture. In this way, important enzymes may be maintained
show a frequency increase when temperature is raised.' in the active state even at low temperatures, partly es-
[9] caping from the Arrhenius equation.
A similarly changeable situation prevails in VLSI `Acclimation depends on exploitation of the accelera-
chips such as the FPGAs used in evolutionary elec- tions and maintenance of the independence of the limita-
tronics. These devices are made in complementary tions of the Arrhenius equation.' [6, Chap. 37]. Inspec-
metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, where tion of the change in the rate-temperature curve before
the rate-limiting factor is the time taken for a eld-e ect and after acclimation indicates that one, or most com-
transistor's `ON' resistance to charge or discharge the monly both, of the following is responsible: (1) `altered
gate capacitances of the transistors connected to it and enzyme activity due to changes in concentration, pH, wa-
the parasitic capacitance of the interconnections. The ter activity, or relation among enzymes'; (2) `a change in
overall outcome is that delays increase by about 0.3% activation energy due to alteration of enzyme protein, a
per  C, which translates to a Q10 of 1.03. This sounds cofactor, or shift to alternate pathways.' [6, Chap. 37].
very good compared to the biological case, until we re- Thus, in response to a temperature change, the bio-
member that electronic circuits are commonly expected chemical reaction pathway responsible for a particular
to work with no observable change in performance over function may be altered in mechanism to use reactions
a very wide range of ambient temperatures | typically which are suited to the new conditions. It is conceivable
40 C to 85 C or even 125 C. that this strategy could be applied to silicon: the system
Clearly, both biological evolution and evolutionary could be composed of many alternative low-level mech-
electronics has a challenging task in producing systems anisms for each sub-function which automatically come
with adequate thermal stability. How does nature do it? into play as appropriate for the current temperature.
The rest of the paper addresses this question, attempt- Antifreeze (and potentially all the above mechanisms)
ing to apply the ndings to evolutionary electronics along can be regulated by (possibly seasonal) patterns of neu-
the way, before nally commenting on the implications roendocrine activity, as well as being directly in uenced
for ALife modelling studies. There are two complemen- by temperature. Particular physiological processes can
tary possibilities: the rst is to produce a system that be indicated as being concerned with compensation by
works even when the temperature changes, which I will identifying temperature-dependent changes in the spe-
call compensation. The second is to produce a system ci c enzymes associated with them. Acetylcholinesterase
that regulates its internal temperature to be within lim- activity points to nervous tissues or processes as the
its it can cope with. Many animals do both. site of compensation or lethal collapse. It has long
4 Temperature Compensation been known that heat-death in some animals is due to
nervous-system failure with a loss of indispensable re-
4.1 Cellular and Biochemical Compensation exes such as cardiac and respiratory rhythm. Other
studies (eg. in sh) have indicated that the nervous sys-
If one were to go out in summer and measure the Q10 of tem is also the locus most sensitive to cold.
some property of a cold-blooded animal one might infer These observations suggest that there is a useful role
that in winter that process will come to a complete stand- for the nervous system in partially controlling low-level
still. Returning in winter to repeat the measurement, biochemical adaptation. In the silicon scheme, then,
however, it may be found that the process is proceeding perhaps some high-level controller should also in uence
at the same rate as it did in summer. Many biologi- the choice of ne-grained mechanisms to be invoked by
1 The word `acclimation' refers to the laboratory-equivalent of
the current temperature. However, that controller it-
acclimatisation: temperature is manipulated, but other environ- self might demand particular thermal precautions, as in
mental factors which might simultaneously change in signi cant the case of the nervous system. Note that, using an
ways in the natural environment are held constant. FPGA capable of rapid partial recon guration, the al-
ternative mechanisms in the above scheme need not all mutants lack temperature compensation in a particular
be present on the silicon simultaneously: sub-circuits can circadian rhythm that is otherwise normal [12].
be `swapped' in and out of the chip as appropriate for How can such compensation be achieved? If the os-
the current temperature. Indeed, several entire systems cillation arises from the interaction of two or more pro-
could be evolved, each for a di erent temperature range, cesses, each of which is a ected by temperature, then
the entire circuit being swapped to cope with a tempera- the interactions can be arranged so as to give an over-
ture change. There is a biological analogy: `The seasonal all stability in period. For example, the period might
development of arthropods, particularly those with one depend on the products of a biochemical reaction which
generation per year, has usually evolved in such a way increases in rate with temperature; there could be a sec-
that only one speci c stage is capable of hibernating suc- ond reaction which inhibits the rst one, and which also
cessfully.' [6, Chap. 21]. Here, the genotype speci es increases in rate with temperature. Another possibil-
several di erent structures, only one of which behaves ity is to take the net e ect of processes having recipro-
appropriately in low temperatures (by hibernating). cal temperature coecients: this could even be applied
to the mutual entrainment of multiple oscillators [13].
4.2 Compensation in Behavioural Timescales Note that even one-celled animals have temperature-
Numerous circadian (daily) rhythms have been docu- independent endogenous rhythms (ibid.). Some progress
mented in a wide range of behavioural and physiological has been made towards postulating neural bases for cir-
variables.2 For example, they play a role in thermal reg- cadian rhythms, but this is still far from understood [12].
ulation, sleep, feeding and drinking behaviours, and en- In an fascinating duality with the solar navigation of
docrine, renal and reproductive function. In some cases birds mentioned above, a prize of $20000 was o ered
the rhythm needs to be equivalent to an internal clock of in 1714 for the maker of a time-piece suciently accu-
considerable precision, for example it is widely believed rate to enable longitude to be ascertained at sea. One of
that migratory birds use such a clock to correct for the the problems was the variation with temperature of the
sun's movement across the sky to allow it to be used as lengths of pendulums and of balance-springs [14]. The
a compass. Rhythms on shorter timescales (eg. cardiac solution was to use the net e ect of two di erent metals
and respiratory patterns) and on the longer timescales having di erent thermal properties: this ts into the gen-
of seasons and years are also important. eral scheme above. Presumably compensation schemes
Some biological rhythms are directly derived from of an analogous nature can be built into electronics, or
environmental cues, but others result from some sort could arise through evolution given appropriate primi-
of `endogenous' oscillator in the animal. Such oscilla- tives and a selection pressure.
tors are capable of free-running in the absence of en- In evolutionary electronics, the thermal stability of in-
vironmental cues but can also be entrained by multi- ternal timescales could also be achieved through inter-
ple `timegivers'3 in the environment such as light-dark action with external timegivers, as in entrainment. For
cycles, food-availability cycles, temperature cycles, and example, if the 1kHz/10kHz discriminator is given a se-
social and acoustic cues. `Entrainment' means a grad- quence of inputs consisting of both frequencies, then it
ual and ongoing resynchronisation to the environmental is constantly being `reminded' of what the two periods
timegiver (rather than a sudden resetting). Ongoing in- are: the inputs are themselves timegivers. The circuit
teraction with timegivers can result in a di erent period need only say whether the current input corresponds to
of oscillation than the free-running period would be in the higher or lower of the two frequencies it has received
the absence of cues. It has been shown that, apart from in the past. One way of doing this would be to use en-
entrainment, circadian rhythms are not learnt phenom- dogenous entrained oscillators, but other mechanisms are
ena, but are genetically speci ed. possible.
In studies of the circadian rhythms of plants and in- In applications where the inputs do not implicitly con-
sects, the Q10 of the free-running period's alteration with tain appropriate time cues, they could be augmented by
temperature has been found to be typically in the range an extra input which does. For example, an extra input
0.85{1.3, where something in the range 2{3 would be ex- could be driven by an external crystal oscillator (cheap,
pected from consideration of the Arrhenius equation (see accurate, and temperature stable). This is super cially
also [11, pp23{27]). This is in the absence of environ- similar to the `clock' used by digital designers to globally
mental timegivers, and appears to be the result of active synchronise their circuits, with the subcircuits changing
compensation, rather than some inherent insensitivity in in lock-step on the beating of the clock. However, there
the mechanism. There is some evidence that the temper- is a fundamental di erence: now the external oscillator
ature compensating mechanism may not be an inherent is truly a timegiver, to be exploited by evolution in any
feature of the oscillatory mechanism: certain Neurospora way, and is not an enforced constraint on the system's
2 The biology of circadian rhythms given here is taken from [10]. dynamical behaviour. Evolution could totally ignore the
3 Sometimes referred to as zeitgebers , even in English texts. clock input if it chose, or it could be used as a subtle in-
uence on the circuit's dynamics. In this way, evolution 5.1.2 Heat Exchange
remains free to explore rich architectures and dynamics
beyond the scope of human design, but has appropriate Internal temperature can be controlled by regulating the
resources to evolve thermal stability if there is a selection amount of radiation, conduction and convection near the
pressure for it. physical interface between body and environment (the
integument). These can be altered by varying the area,
I have suggested two mechanisms here (compensation orientation with respect to the sun and wind, posture
and interaction with external timegivers) which could with respect to the ground, colour, texture, re ectivity
allow the evolution of temperature-stable circuits. In and thermal resistance of the exposed surfaces, and the
each case, though, there needs to be a selection pressure use of insulation (hair, feathers, and layers of super cial
for evolution to favour temperature-stability. I propose tissue). Note that the integument does not necessarily
to arrange for this by evaluating each individual circuit have to be at the same temperature as the core of the
on several di erent FPGA chips in parallel, each being body. Varying the integument's temperature not only di-
held at a di erent temperature (using Peltier-e ect heat- rectly in uences the rate of heat transfer between body
pumps | see x5.1.2 | and hand-designed thermostatic and environment (Fourier's law of heat ow [13]), but
control). An individual's tness score will then re ect its also indirectly a ects the amount of convection in the
ability to perform the desired behaviour in all of these air surrounding the body [6, Chap. 33](which is also de-
di erent conditions. pendent on posture).
The above applies to both the cooling and heating
5 Thermal Regulation of the body; for cooling only, the evaporation of liquid
(eg. water, saliva, sweat, or urine) from the body (skin,
Having dealt with ways of coping with temperature vari- mouth, respiratory system) or the adjacent environment
ations, I now wish to consider the complementary strat- is extensively used by animals. `Forced air' cooling is
egy of stabilising internal temperature by some method also used by panting, uttering of the mouth and throat
of regulation. In order to do this, we rst look at the [18], or fanning with wings.
means by which the internal temperature can be varied An important strategy in temperature regulation is to
with respect to the ambience: these mechanisms are the control the ow of blood between parts of the body at
`actuators' of the thermal regulation control system. The di erent temperatures; a typical example is the restric-
control system itself will then be considered. tion of blood ow between cold extremities and the core.
Some animals have a specialised arrangement of blood
5.1 Temperature-altering Mechanisms vessels to perform countercurrent heat exchange, allow-
ing parts of the body to be at di erent temperatures even
5.1.1 Behavioural when there is a considerable blood ow between them.
Examples include maintenance of the core at a higher
Faced with a sharp temperature change, many animals temperature than the gills, legs, or tail; allowing partic-
make an immediate behavioural response (seeking a more ular organs to be held at a di erent temperature to the
equitable environment). Placed in a temperature gra- core (eg. testes), or to have their temperature regulated
dient, most cold-blooded animals will move about and more precisely than the rest of the body (eg. brain).
gradually spend more time around a preferred temper- The analogies with thermal management in present-
ature, which is a function both of the animal's species day electronics are strong. The design procedure is typi-
and of its thermal history. As temperature varies over cally as follows. Firstly, the designer calculates the power
the course of the day, behaviours include selecting suit- consumption ( ' heat generation) of the silicon chip,
able micro-habitats, basking, seeking shade, burrowing which is a at thin slice of silicon of about 1cm2 area,
(which protects from both extremes of outside temper- stuck to the inside of a cavity inside a larger plastic or
ature), aggregation with conspeci cs [15]; appropriate ceramic package (which allows for the mounting of the
alternation between these can achieve a remarkably con- device on a circuit-board). For a particular packaging
stant body temperature. On a longer timescale, tem- method, a `thermal resistance from junction to ambient'
perature may alter the activity of endocrine organs and is speci ed, where `junction' refers to the transistors on
become a part of the complex stimulus of migration. Sili- the silicon. This allows the temperature of the silicon
con systems controlling an autonomous mobile robot [16] to be calculated for a given ambient air temperature. If
might be at liberty to use such behaviours, but in general the silicon would be too hot (the silicon being cold is
there is no escape for electronics from its given environ- not normally a problem), then either a di erent type of
ment. There also seems to be no electronic counterpart package is used or the heat transfer between the outside
for temperature-related activities such as nest-building, of the package (or case) and the ambient must be im-
or the rather unique strategies of Homo sapiens . .. such proved. The latter is done by mounting a heatsink onto
as inventing air-conditioners [17]. the case using a paste of high thermal conductivity. The
heatsink is usually a matt-black nned metal structure The heat generated in the brain is a signi cant compo-
of large surface area, giving a very low thermal resistance nent of non-shivering thermogenesis, and a major part of
to the ambience. Using the sum of the junction-to-case this originates from neural activity; mostly arising from
thermal resistance (also speci ed for the package) and the metabolic processes needed to run the sodium-pump
the heatsink-to-ambient resistance, the silicon temper- to restore ion concentrations after ring [7, Chap. 5].
ature can again be calculated, and a suitable heatsink There is a strong analogy with electronics here. Al-
selected. though there are research projects on reversible comput-
Often forced-air cooling is used by mounting a fan on ing (using almost zero energy, thus generating almost no
the heatsink or nearby to the package (sometimes there is heat), current technologies are far less ecient than this.
just one fan blowing air through a large box of electron- If used to perform digital operations, the CMOS FPGA
ics), which e ectively decreases the thermal resistance chips used in evolutionary electronics generate heat at a
to the ambience [19]. A uid other than air can also rate proportional to the speed of logic switching (there
be used (water or freons; the latter are electrical insu- is negligible heat generation when there is no activity in
lators and can be allowed direct contact with the chip), the circuit). This heat must be dissipated, as seen in the
and this uid can be refrigerated rather than at ambi- previous section.
ent temperature: such methods are currently only used In the type of unconstrained evolutionary electronics
in rather exotic applications. Finally, it is possible to which motivates this paper, the circuit instantiated on
mount a Peltier-e ect heat-pump [20] in the form of a the FPGA is a continuous-time dynamical analogue sys-
wafer between the case and the heatsink. These electri- tem, and is probably not `doing' logic. Nevertheless, it
cally powered devices are used to pump heat from the is still true that the rate of heat generation rises with in-
case to the heatsink: the heatsink gets hotter with re- creasing frequency of activity in the circuit. This raises
spect to the surrounding uid, accelerating its heat-loss, an interesting possibility | could a circuit evolve such
and the case becomes cooler. Note that these devices can that the heat produced by its activity maintains it at
also operate in reverse to heat the case, and can be elec- a preferred temperature? The circuit could potentially
tronically controlled to maintain the silicon at a constant even adapt its levels of activity in response to a change
temperature: both are currently unusual. in ambient temperature.
The analogies with nature are obvious. The main dif- It turns out that there is not a known biological prece-
ference is that silicon chips are normally just kept be- dent for this: in contrast to an increase in tissue respi-
low a maximum temperature: we have seen that digi- ration of liver, heart, and skeletal muscle, the O2 con-
tal systems become slower with rising temperature. For sumption of brain tissue remains constant during the de-
conventional digital design methodologies, faster opera- velopment of non-shivering thermogenesis [6, Chap. 5].
tion at low temperatures is not a problem. Another con- Of course, the lack of a biological counterpart need not
sideration is that the ageing mechanisms leading to de- necessarily discount it in engineering systems. If there
vice failure accelerate with temperature. Consequently, existed parts of the circuit (possibly distributed through-
the amount of cooling is kept xed at that necessary to out a large system) which played no other role than to
guarantee a particular maximumtemperature, and is not be highly active and generate heat to maintain vital sub-
adaptive. A nal di erence is that evaporative cooling circuits at a preferred temperature, then these would be
| extremely e ective in nature | would be inconvenient analogous to brown fat in mammals. This is not an idle
(though theoretically possible) in electronic systems. speculation, but a serious proposal: such thermogenic
circuits could be built-in by hand, could be encouraged
to evolve, or could be searched for in the analysis of a
5.1.3 Heat Generation thermally stable evolved circuit.
In stabilising internal temperature, many animals (eg. 5.2 Homeostatic Control Systems
insects, sh, birds, mammals) use the heat generated by
all metabolizing tissues (endothermy). In many cases, Di erent species use di erent combinations of the
this can be adaptively controlled (perhaps via the neu- temperature-altering mechanisms studied above, and ac-
roendocrine system), not only by shivering or otherwise cording to di erent adaptive strategies, to maintain a
activating muscles, but also non-shivering thermogene- relatively constant internal temperature. Species are
sis. Some mammals even have a specialised thermogenic often categorised as hot-blooded (homeotherms), cold-
tissue (brown fat) for producing bursts of heat in re- blooded (poikilotherms), endotherms, ectotherms, reg-
sponse to cold stress: it serves no other function. `The ulators, compensators, or conformers. These classi ca-
tissue is strategically localized in the neck and thoracic tions of species are sometimes used inconsistently in the
regions in relation to major blood vessels so that its heat literature, and in ways potentially misleading for this
is quickly transported to those organs (brain and heart) paper, so I have avoided them until now. `Homeotherm'
whose continuous high temperatures are vital... ' [1]. means mammals and birds. The others | cold-blooded
animals or poikilotherms | di er from homeotherms through the primitive mammals (monotremes | platy-
in lacking the central autonomic thermal controls (the puses and spiny ant-eaters | and marsupials) to the Eu-
hypothalamus in mammals, and the spinal cord in theria (placental mammals). `Increasing complexity of
birds), the continuously high body temperatures, and organization (especially behavioural organization) makes
the emphasis on thermoregulation as a balance between homeothermy a necessity; or conversely, one may argue
metabolic heat and insulation (in the form of feathers or that complexity, both physiological and behavioural, be-
fur). However, poikilotherms can use many of the mech- comes progressively more feasible as the internal envi-
anisms detailed above to maintain a remarkably constant ronmental temperature, especially that of the nervous
body temperature in their natural environments [21, 22]. system, is stabilized.' [1]
Both homeotherms and poikilotherms have biological These observations are tremendously suggestive for
stabilisation in the face of changing external tempera- evolutionary electronics. Should we accept that the in-
ture by homeostatic feed-back control mechanisms: in clusion of a thermostatic control system is the price to
homeotherms it is the temperatures of particular parts be paid for an ecient complex `electronic nervous sys-
of the body which are the controlled variables, whereas tem' able to operate in a wide range of ambient temper-
in poikilotherms the controlled variable might be, for ex- atures? For thermostatic regulation is indeed costly: in
ample, metabolic rate [6, Chap. 5]. This does not neces- nature we even see animals prepared to give up activ-
sarily imply a reduced involvement of the nervous system ity altogether in order to abandon homeothermy when it
in the thermal regulation of poikilotherms. For example, becomes too costly to maintain (eg. hibernation). The
adaptive responses in the thermal resistance of tissue in cost of regulation depends on the degree to which con-
several poikilotherms have been found to be regulated formity with the ambient temperature must be resisted:
by photoperiod (not by heat), indicating involvement of various trade-o s are found even within mammals [25].
photoreceptors and the neuroendocrine system even in In electronics, there would be the cost of the thermal
this compensatory adaptation [1]. sensors, the feedback controller, the actuators, and the
The hypothalamic thermal control in mammals is re- energy required by these. Such a system is quite simple
exly activated by thermoreceptors of skin and mucous to build, however, and the components are only expen-
membranes, and by temperature change in the hypotha- sive in relation to the incredibly low cost of electronics
lamus itself, or the blood circulating through it. E er- currently achieved through economies of scale.
ent nerves control muscles (eg. for panting or shiver- Thermal sensing might be done by measuring time-
ing), and, via other organs, the cutaneous blood vessels, delays on the silicon (see x3), measuring the current
the sweat glands, and the piloerector muscles (for raising through a slightly forward-biased electrostatic-discharge
hairs); the response via the endocrine system can also be (ESD) protection diode (present around the edges of the
on a much longer timescale, as we have seen. This does silicon), or by mounting a thermocouple on the outside
not mean that these things are solely under hypothalamic of the case. Use of both internal and surface thermosen-
control, for example cutaneous vessels are also directly sors can enable more sophisticated control strategies [26].
in uenced by temperature. A simple feedback controller is easy to construct using
Hypothalamic control, then, can be viewed as a dis- conventional electronic design principles, and a suitable
continuous nonlinear negative-feedback control system, actuator would be a Peltier-e ect heat-pump used as de-
with a limited range of operation, aiming to maintain scribed in x5.1.2 (or even the thermogenic subcircuits
the temperature of various parts of the body at their proposed in x5.1.3). All of this could be provided with-
particular set-points (which can be altered, eg. during out having to try to evolve it, once one was convinced
exercise or by fever). Note that not all observations are that thermostatic control was appropriate.
easily explained from this viewpoint. See [23] for de- The energy consumption of thermostatic regulation
tails of various control-theoretic models. They model could be prohibitive in many electronics applications. It
response close to the set-points: further away, less- nely is conceivable that in some situations the circuit could go
controlled emergency responses (such as massive shiver- into dormancy during periods of extreme ambient tem-
ing independent of skin temperature) come into play. perature when the costs of cooling/heating would out-
Mammals (derived from ancient poikilothermic rep- weigh the bene ts of continued operation. As in ani-
tiles) are often considered the most highly developed an- mals, some minimal capabilities would have to remain,
imals, breaking shackles of innate habits, and being able to `wake up' in an emergency or when conditions are
to adapt behaviour to changing circumstances. They are more comfortable, and to maintain functions that are
aided in both by the constancy of their internal environ- indispensable (the equivalent of cardiac and respiratory
ments [24]. Hoar notes that `. .. there is a good general rhythms in animals). It seems ludicrous to think of a
correlation between the precision of temperature con- hibernating circuit; however, some small-bodied animals
trol and the complexity of behavioural organisation.' [1] (which can rapidly change body temperature) abandon
There is a graded series from the poikilothermic reptiles homeothermy while asleep at night, and resume it dur-
ing daytime. It is easy to think of applications where It can be concluded that there is a wide range of bio-
a piece of electronics could be allowed to do the same. logical phenomena within the scope of ALife which can
Note that this idea can apply to both hot and cold ex- only be fully understood with reference to animals' ther-
tremes (in nature the summer equivalent of hibernation mal responses.
is estivation, and less profound forms of torpor also ex-
ist). Shutting-down of electronic sub-systems when they 7 Summary and Conclusion
are not required is already widely used when power con-
sumption is crucial, and indeed dormancy is also used by Arti cial evolution, when freely allowed to manipulate a
animals when food or water is scarce. physical silicon medium, does indeed share many of the
In an electronic system made of many parts, ther- same problems that natural evolution faces in crafting
moregulation of the whole could emerge from the individ- systems able to operate over a wide range of ambient
ual actions of the parts. There is a biological precedent temperatures. A number of engineering proposals have
for this: `Colony activity resulting in some temperature been constructed by analysing these correspondences.
control is common at least among some insects: avoid- In analogy to biochemical compensation, it was sug-
ance and preference, shivering and quieting, fasting and gested that an electronic system could be composed of
feeding, varying metabolic water production, clustering many subcircuits, and that there be alternatives for each
and dispersal of swarms, nest placement and structure, subcircuit. For a particular subcircuit, the alternatives
opening and closing nest entrances, fetching water into would operate over di erent ranges of temperature, and
the nest and fanning to ventilate and evaporatively cool would automatically come into play as appropriate. All
it. Appropriate ones of these mechanisms are e ective in the alternative subcircuits need not reside on the sili-
maintaining quite narrow ranges.' [6, Chap. 37]. con simultaneously: the fast recon guration of an FPGA
could be used to `swap' them in and out, possibly with
6 Implications for ALife Modelling the intervention of a high-level controller. Indeed, several
whole systems could be evolved for di erent temperature
Part of the ALife enterprise is to use computer simula- ranges, and the system in its entirety swapped with an-
tions as a tool in theoretical biology [27]. Animal be- other in response to a temperature change (there is even
haviour, evolution, and neuroethology are studied. As a biological counterpart for that). It was also seen how
is essential in any model, some of the complexity of the a system can stabilise its behavioural timescales by in-
real system is left behind, and it might be thought that teraction with external timegivers, either implicit in the
thermal considerations can safely be ignored as a `mere input, or explicitly supplied.
implementation detail' with no impact on the essence of Temperature-altering mechanisms were discussed.
behaviour and evolution. It seems clear from the biolog- The behavioural responses heavily relied upon by many
ical literature summarised here that this is not the case. animals are to a large extent not applicable in electronic
Behavioural mechanisms for thermal regulation are ubiq- applications other than autonomous mobile robotics.
uitous and can be a signi cant component of an animal's Several of the most important heat-exchange mecha-
lifestyle. This is especially the case when water economy, nisms found in nature are already in use in the elec-
not considered above, is taken into account: to use evap- tronics industry, with the exception of evaporative cool-
orative cooling, one must have drunk suciently or be ing, which seems inappropriate. The use of circuit ac-
adjacent to an external liquid source. tivity adaptively to generate heat in analogy with ther-
We have even seen that thermal considerations can mogenic tissues in animals is highly promising, though
have an in uence on the evolution of body size: small an- there seems to be no precedent for the case where sub-
imals have a greater surface-area to volume ratio, which circuits with `nervous' function also adapt their activity
a ects heat transfer with the environment [6, Chap. 32 ]. for thermal considerations.
They also have smaller reserves of food, water, or energy The most radical suggestion to come from the bio-
(important for dormancy), but can easily seek thermal logical literature was that precise homeostatic control
shelter by behaviours like burrowing [28]. Small animals of internal temperature is almost essential for a com-
can change their body temperature more rapidly than plex behavioural and physiological organisation. It is
larger ones, so can suspend or resume thermoregulation straightforward to arrange for this in electronic systems,
relatively rapidly. but in the current climate of extreme low cost and low
Thermal considerations can even in uence macroevo- power consumption, the bene ts will need to be great for
lution. Recently, physiological and morphological adap- commercial acceptance. Dormancy, and the use of collec-
tations to climatic conditions in the house sparrow tive regulation behaviours, are possibilities for reducing
(Passer domesticus) in N. America have led to the di er- the power consumption of a homeostatically thermoreg-
entiation of new sub-species living at distinct localities ulated electronic system.
[15]. Such population dynamics cannot be understood In conclusion, biology provides a wealth of new ideas
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