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Subj: Follow-up on Rollout Expansion - Input Needed

Dear Seydou,

I hope this email finds you well. I want to express my gratitude for the meeting we had
yesterday and the valuable input you provided regarding the expanded rollout.

I want to address our concern about expanding the rollout beyond the bar sections of our
restaurants. While Omar has proposed including all dining sections in the Downtown & North
locations, I believe it might deviate from our original intentions. Based on my experience with
similar projects, an incremental approach offers a more controlled risk, allowing our staff to
problem solve with fewer consequences.

To safeguard customer satisfaction, which is the key driver of our revenue, I share your
concern that an extensive rollout may have adverse effects. I value your expertise, and I
would appreciate it if you could share a list of your major rollout expansion concerns. This will
enable me to have a productive discussion with Omar & Deanna to explore the best approach
moving forward.

Ultimately, my goal is to reach a consensus within our team and gain the support of both
Omar and Deanna for a gradual approach, which I believe will yield the best results for
sustainable revenue growth. By presenting a united front, we can effectively advocate for this

Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to receiving your insights.

Best regards,


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