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UNIT - 4 Requirement Analysis and Specification

1. Write functional and non - functional requirements of Hotel Management


 Functional Requirements
Make Reservation

Input: Member Code, Total Persons, Check-in date, Check-out Date, status, number ofnights.

Output: Database Record, Database fully pop-up.

Work Flow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.

Search Rooms

Input : Period, Check-in, Check-out, Guest.

Output : Display a pop-up with available room details.

Workflow: Validate the given details and check for the available rooms in the given time

Add Payment

Input: Total, Pay time, credit card details.

Output: Database Record, Database successfully updated pop-up.

Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.

Issue Bills

-Input: Billing no, Quantity, Price, Taxes, Date, Services, unit.

Output: Printed version of the bill.

Workflow: Validate the given details and total cost is calculated according to theservices
gained by the customer.

Manage Guest (Add, Update, Delete)

Input: Member Code, Contact, Name, Company, Email, Gender, Address.

Output: Database Record, Database fully pop-up.

Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.

Manage Room Detail (Add, Update, Delete)

Input: Room no, Availability.

Output: Database Record, Database fully pop-up.

Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.

Manage Staff (Add, Update, Delete, View)

Input: Employee Code, Employee Name, Employee Address, NIC, Salary, Age,Occupation,

Output: Database Record, Database successfully updated pop-up.

Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.

Set Rates

-Input: Check-in, Check-out, Day, No. of Guests, First night price, Extension price.

Output: Database Record, Database successfully updated pop-up.

Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.

Retrieve Report (Staff Payment, Income)

Input: Employee code, Employee Name, Salary. Sum of all Salary, Total Income.

Output: Database Record, Database fully pop-up.

Workflow: sValidate the given details and view the information for the database.

 Non Functional Requirements

Safety Requirements

-There are several user levels in

Hotel Management System.

Access to the various ssubsystems will be protected by a user login screen that requires a
username and password. This gives view and accessible functions of user level through the

Security Requirements

-Customer Service representatives , managers and owner will be able to log in to the

Hotel Management System

. Customer Service representatives will have access to the Reservation/Booking and

subsystems. Managers will have the access of management system as well as the
reservation/booking subsystems. Owner has the maximum privilege to all sub systems.
Access to the various subsystems will be protected by a user log in screen that requires a
username and password.

2) Enlist characteristic of SRS. Write a SRS for Hospital management system .

Characteristic of good SRS.

 Correct: SRS is correct when all user requirements are stated in the requirements

 Unambiguous: SRS is unambiguous when every stated requirement has only one


 Complete: SRS is complete when the requirements clearly define what the

software is required to do

 Ranked for Importance/Stability: All requirements are not equally important,

hence each requirement is identified to make differences among other

 Modifiable: The requirements of the user can change, hence requirements

document should be created in such a manner that those changes can be modified

 Traceable: SRS is traceable when the source of each requirement is clear and

facilitates the reference of each requirement in future.
 Verifiable: SRS is verifiable when the specified requirements can be verified with
a cost-effective process to check whether the final software meets those

 Consistent: SRS is consistent when the subsets of individual requirements

defined do not conflict with each other.

SRS for Hospital management system .

 This hospital has required a system that maintains its hospital management system as
well as keep the record of the hospital in database.
 This software manage all information about patient name,patient address,doctor
information, staff information etc.
 it also store daily information of patient which is done by doctor. Also store
information abut billing, finaly it calculate totl bill of patient.
 The current system in use is a paper based system. It is too slow and cannot provide
updated lists of patient within a responable timefrom.
1. Purpose :-
The main purpose of our system is to make hospital task easy and is to develop
software that replaces the manual hospital system into automated hospital
management system.
2. Scope:-
The document only the requirement Specification for the hospital
management system .
3. Feasibility :-
The overall scop of the feasibility study was to provide sufficient information
to allow a decision to be made as to whether the hospital management system.
4. Definition , acronyms, abbreviations :-
CFD: - context flow diagram
DFD: -data flow diagram
IDE: - integrated development environment
SQL: -structured query language
SRS :- software requirement specification
5. Reference:-
Java – Balaguruswamy
6. Overview:-
Hospital management system is a process of implementing all the activity of
the hospital in a computerized automated way to fastem the performance.

3) List five functional requirement of Library management System .

The Librarian: -

       Add Article
 New entries must be entered in database

       Update Article
  Any changes in articles should be updated in case of update3.

       Delete Article
 Wrong entry must be removed from system

       Inquiry Members
   Inquiry all current enrolled members to view their details

       Inquiry Issuance

   Inquiry all database articles6.

       Check out Article

 To issue any article must be checked out

       Check In article

 o   After receiving any article system will reenter article by


       Set user Permission

 From this user case Librarian can give permission
categorically, also enabling/disabling of user permission can
be set through this use case


       Authentication
 User must authenticated before accessing system.

       Search Article

 User can search any article

Asst. Librarian :-

       Prepare Library database

 All data base must be prepared

Guest: -

       Register user

   User must full fill all application form for registration

4) Explain Requirement Engineering Tasks ?

Requirement Engineering Tasks :-

 Inception:-

̶ Establish a basic understanding of the problem and the nature of the solution.

̶ In project inception, you establish a basic understanding of the problem, the

people who want a solution,

- the nature of the solution that is desired, and the effectiveness of preliminary

communication and collaboration and collaboration between the other

stakeholders and the software team.

 Elicitation:-

̶ Draw out the requirements from stakeholders.

̶ Number of problems that are encountered as elicitation occurs are problems of

scope, problems of understanding, problems of volatility

 Elaboration (Highly structured)

- Create an analysis model that represents information, functional, and
behavioral aspects of the requirements.

-Elaboration is driven by the creation and refinement of user scenarios that

describe how the and user (and other actors) will interact with the system.

-Each user scenario is parsed to extract analysis classes—business domain

entities that are visible to the end user.

 Negotiation:-

- Agree on a deliverable system that is realistic for developers and


-The best negotiations strive for a “win-win” result.

-activities in negotiation are,

 Specification:-

- Describe the requirements formally or informally.

̶ A specification can be a written document,

 Validation :-

-Reviw the requirement specification for errors, ambiguities, omissions, and


-Requirements validation examines the specification to ensure that all

software requirements have been stared unambiguously;

 Requirements management:-

- Manage changing requirements.

- Requirements management is a set of activities that help the project team

identify, control, and track requirements and changes to requirements at
any time as the project process.

5) Write a short note on Requirement Engineering.

 Short note on requirement engineering.

-Tasks and techniques that lead to an understanding of requirements is called requirement

-Requirement engineering provides the appropriate mechanism for understanding

 What customer wants

 Analyzing needs
 Analyzing needs
 Assessing feasibility
 Negotiating a reasonable solution
 Specifying solution unambiguously
 Managing requirements

 Requirements generally fall into two types:

1.Functional requirements

2.Non-Functional requirements

1.Functional requirements:-

 Any requirement which specifies what the system should do.

 A functional requirement will describe a particular behaviour of function of the

system when certain conditions are met, for example: “Send email when a
new customer signs up” or “Open a new account”.

 Below area consider for functional requirement

-Business Rules

-Transaction corrections, adjustments and cancellations


-Authorization levels

Non-Functional requirements:-
 Inception:
o Roughly define scope. A basic understanding of a problem, people who
want a solution, the nature of solution desired.

 Elicitation (Requirement Gathering):

- Define requirements. The practice of collecting the requirements of a
system from users, customers and other stakeholders.

 Elaboration:

-Further define requirements. Expand and refine requirements obtained

from inception & elicitation. Creation of User scenarios, extract analysis
class and business domain entities

 Specification:

-Create analysis model. It may be written document, set of graphical models,

formal mathematical model, collection of user scenarios, prototype or collection of

 Requirements Management:

-Activities to identify, control & trace requirements (Umbrella Activities)

6) What is activity diagram and Swim - lane ? Draw activity diagram

for billing Counter of a shopping mall . (w 17, 18)

 Activity diagram

-A UML activity diagram depicts the dynamic behavior of a system or part of a

system through the flow of control between actions that the system performs.

-It is similar to a flowchart except that an activity diagram can show concurrent

Swim-lane diagram

-A swim-lane diagram is a type of activity diagram. Like activity diagram, it diagrams

a process from start to finish, but it also divides these steps into categories to help
distinguish which departments or employees are responsible for each set of actions

-A swim-lane diagram is also useful in helping clarify responsibilities and help

departments work together in a world where departments often don't understand
what the other departments do
7).Draw the Data Flow Diagram for Hotel Management System.
8.) Draw the ER diagram for the system that is known to you.

9. Draw E - R Diagram for Online Shopping System.

10).What is SRS ? What are the key elements of it ? What are the qualities of a
good SRS ?

-System Requirements Specification (SRS) or a Software Requirements Specification

is a document or set of documents that describe the features of a system or software
application. It includes a variety of elements which define the intended functionality
required by the stakeholders and customer to satisfy the end users.

-In addition to that, an SRS provides a high-level idea of the system and its behavior,
the main supported business processes, the assumptions and the key performance
parameters for the system. The key elements of an SRS are:

 Scope of Work
 Functional Requirements
 Non-Functional Requirements

 Dependencies
 Assumptions
 Constraints

 the qualities of a good SRS:-d

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