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AQ010-3-1-MCFC Set Theory

(1) List the elements of the following sets

a) {x | x N and 3 < x < 12}
b) {x | x is an even positive integer less than 12}
c) {x | x is the square of an integer and x < 100}
d) {x | x is an integer such that x2 = 2}

(2) Consider the set A = {{1,2,3}, {4,5}, {6,7,8}}. Determine whether each of the
following is true or false.
(a) 1 A (c) {6,7,8} A (e) A
(b) {1,2,3} A (d) {{4,5}} A (f) A

(3) Consider the following sets,

A={1} B={1,3} C={1,5,9} D={1,2,3,4,5}
E={1,3,5,7,9} U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
(i) Insert the correct symbol or between each pair of sets.
(a) and A (b) B and C (c) C and E (d) D and E
(e) A and B (f) B and E (g) D and U
(ii) Find
(a) D E (b) D E (c) A (B E)
(d) (A\E)’ (e) (A D)\B (f) (B D) (C E)

(4) Find the power set of each of these sets.

a) {a} b) {1, 2, 4}

(5) How many subsets does each of these sets have?

a) n(P({a, b, {a, b}}))
b) n(P({c, a, {a,c}, {{a,c}}}))
c) n(P(P({1})))

(6) Given the following universal set U and its two subsets P and Q,
U = {x: x is an integer, 0  x  10}
P = {x: x is prime number}
Q = {x: x is an integer and x2 < 60}
(a) Draw a Venn diagram for the above sets.
(b) List the element in P’  Q.
(c) Find n(P  Q)’

(7) Given that A = {2}, B = {2, 3}, C = {4, 5, 6}.

(i) Represent the above sets using Venn diagram.
(ii) Find
(a) P(B) (b) P(P(A)) (c) n(C  B) (d) n(P(P(B \ C)))

(8) Draw the Venn diagram for each of the combinations of set A, B and C.
a) A (B – C) b) A  ( B  C )' c) (A B’) (A C’)
d) A  (B  C), given that A  C = Ø e) A  B’, given that B  A

(9) A group of college students are questioned about their favorite music
performers, and the following information is produced:
33 like Brooks. 32 like Ricky.
28 like Shania. 11 like Brooks and Ricky.
15 like Brooks and Shania. 14 like Ricky and Shania.

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AQ010-3-1-MCFC Set Theory

5 like all three performers. 7 like none of these performers.

Represent the above information in a Venn diagram. How many students were

(10) In a survey of 65 students, it was found that 25 like to watch news, 26 like to watch
cartoons and 26 like to watch sports. Also 9 like to watch news and cartoons, 11 like
to watch both cartoons and sports, 8 like to watch both news and sports. 13 dislike
watching the three programs.
(i) Represent the above information in a Venn diagram.
(ii) How many students like to watch not more than two of the three programmes?

(11) Suppose that 40 of students in a class read three types of magazines and at least one of
them read one magazine. Given that the number of students who read educational
magazines only is the same as the number of students who read health magazines
only. Also,
10 students read sports magazines only.
11 students read sports and health magazines.
6 students read educational and health magazines.
7 students read educational and sports magazines.
4 students read all three magazines.
(i) Represent the above information in a Venn diagram.
(ii) Find the number of students who read two magazines only.

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