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Wagner Chief’s Mutiny in Russia: Cautionary

Notes on Early Assessments
by Viola Gienger
June 26, 2023

Today brought new twists in the evolving drama of an apparently attempted mutiny
against Russia’s military leadership and President Vladimir Putin. The developments
illustrate the difficulty of quickly or easily assessing who has the upper hand in Russia’s
opaque and disinformation-fueled system, especially considering the absence of reliable
independent news reporting on the ground. Initial assessments also may be clouded by
wishful thinking about Putin’s odds in Ukraine or his chances of political survival at

The revolt on June 24 by Yevgeny Prigozhin and his paramilitary Wagner Group had
seemed to come to an anticlimactic resolution with public announcements by both sides
of a deal brokered by Belarusian strongman and Putin ally Aleksandr Lukashenka. It
included dropping criminal charges of rebellion against Prigozhin and letting him “leave
for Belarus.” Prigozhin himself seemed to publicly agree to the deal, declaring his “march
for justice” to be over, turning around the Wagner convoy that had rolled within 125
miles of Moscow, and leaving the Russian Southern District Military Headquarters with
smiles and waves streamed on video. 

But after a day of silence and mystery yesterday surrounding the whereabouts of Putin,
Prigozhin, and the officials Prigozhin had sought to oust – Defense Minister Sergei
Shoigu and Army Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov – signs of a possibly more
protracted power struggle emerged. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office declared
today that the investigation of Prigozhin was in fact ongoing. Then, Shoigu resurfaced in
state-distributed video, though undated, apparently intended to show him still firmly in
charge. Even Putin was seen in a video congratulating young engineers at an industry
forum, notably in a city south of Moscow that lies along the route Prigozhin’s convoy was
taking to the capital just two days ago. More cryptically, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
gave remarks that seemed aimed at reassuring regimes in Mali and the Central African
Republic that “Russian instructors,” which in the past referred to Wagner forces but is
now less clear, would continue their work there, which had focused on countering
insurgencies. “These relationships are beyond the scope of internal issues within the
Wagner Group,” Lavrov said. “The recent upheaval within the group’s leadership will not
have any bearing on our collaboration with our partners and friends.”

And then Prigozhin himself finally resurfaced, if reported audio is to be believed. An

early translation generated by artificial intelligence and distributed by Russia watcher
Kevin Rothrock on Twitter, as well as emerging news reporting, has Prigozhin defending
his Wagner Group and his mutiny. He confirmed that the impetus for the revolt was two-
fold: 1) a Russian Defense Ministry plan to wrest Wagner paramilitaries formally into the
regular military as of July 1 and disband Wagner, and 2) an alleged air strike on a Wagner
camp by regular Russian military forces that Prigozhin says killed 30 of his soldiers.
Though Wagner had long been an auxiliary force and dependent on the Ministry of
Defense for ammunition, they began acting increasingly independently as Prigozhin’s
vehement criticism of the military’s poor performance in Ukraine escalated in the past

But Prigozhin also seemed to try to assuage Putin’s ire over the rebellion, claiming today
that Wagner’s takeover of the southern headquarters and its convoy streaming toward
Moscow two days ago was intended as a “protest” rather than a coup of what Prigozhin
called a “legally elected government.” He noted, too, the ease with which they moved and
the gaps it exposed in the regular military’s security.

What’s Actually Going On and How Weak is Putin Really?

The shifting scenarios and statements, interspersed by long silences, and the notorious
unreliability of any information emanating from Putin’s camp or from Prigozhin
highlight the difficulty of discerning what’s really going on behind the scenes – or even
knowing where those scenes are playing out. Prigozhin didn’t say where he was – is he
indeed in Belarus? If so, under what circumstances? A generally reliable Russian media
outlet today was reporting that camps were being built in Belarus, supposedly to hold
detained Wagner forces. Or did Prigozhin escape the Kremlin’s clutches and go into
hiding somewhere else, waiting to record a message until he had “proper
communications” that could not be geolocated? (Prigozhin’s company had explained his
absence yesterday by saying he would “answer questions when he will have access to
proper communications,” possibly suggesting he may be concerned for his safety or
perhaps in custody.) Likewise, the Shoigu video was undated and not independently

While Prigozhin’s rebellion was indeed the most serious challenge yet to Putin’s more
than two decades in power and  exposes “real cracks” – as U.S. Secretary of State Antony
Blinken put it yesterday – in Russia’s leadership structures, predictions that Putin has
been significantly weakened should be taken with a measure of caution. It’s still early,
and there are many potential theories about what has happened and what is to come.
Beware also comparisons to Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev – he was far weaker
throughout his tenure than Putin ever was. 

Furthermore, most of Putin’s visible acolytes remained on his side during the standoff
with Prigozhin, and the president (once prime minister) has perpetuated his power for
many years with a brutal carrot-stick combination of illegal largesse and well-founded
fears of persecution – even death. An unidentified senior western official told the
Washington Post: “If Prigozhin intended to drive a wedge between the command of
Russian Federation Armed Forces and the Kremlin he failed.” Andrei Kolesnikov of the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told the Post that the ease with which the
Wagner convoy pushed north toward Moscow from Rostov was more a factor of what the
journalists paraphrased as “the fear and apathy of local officials rather than active
support for Prigozhin.”

It is also too soon to draw the conclusion from this episode that Putin backs down when
confronted. That depends on the veracity of the deal with Lukashenka, and whether
Prigozhin is captured or killed by Kremlin forces.  

Still, it seems inevitable that Putin’s exposure – and that of his inner circle – to this kind
of global embarrassment and the underlying instability it reflects will plant additional
seeds of doubt internally about his strength and viability in the long run, not to mention
about the viability of the war effort itself. Washington Post reporters Catherine Belton
(the author of the book “Putin’s People”) and Robyn Dixon wrote: “A recent sign that
tension was mounting within the Russian elite was the public declaration earlier this
month by an influential Russian MP — Konstantin Zatulin, close to senior members of
Russia’s FSB security agency — that Moscow had failed to achieve any of its war aims and
that many of them had become `senseless.’” Mikhail Zygar,  former editor-in-chief of
now-exiled Russian independent channel TV Rain and author of the 2016 book “All the
Kremlin’s Men,” described in The New Yorker “all the different clans,” within the Russian
government and its military and security apparatuses. He observed, “There is the
growing feeling that [Putin] is a lame duck, and they have to prepare for Russia after

Harvard University Russian Studies Professor Timothy Colton floated one scenario for
what could happen next time:

It is an open secret in Moscow that, whatever the complexities of public opinion at

the mass level, many members of the Russian elite harbor deep misgivings about
the war. This time, once it was clear which way the wind was blowing, they lined up
with their absentee boss. How they will make future choices may be another matter.
No more than ten or twelve members of Putin’s inner circle – if they could agree
among themselves, demonstrate Prigozhin’s appetite for risk, and contrive an
institutional formula for a national-unity government – could bring an end to the
Putin era. The Russian precedent is the ouster of Nikita Khrushchev by the Soviet
leadership in October 1964 and the initiation of a generation of oligarchic rule.

As for Lukashenka’s role, he is highly dependent on Putin, and Belarus is teeming with
Russian forces, especially since Putin aided Lukashenka’s crackdown on street protests
by millions of Belarusians after his regime falsified election results in 2020. So it’s hard
to imagine Prigozhin would really feel safe in Belarus, if he had a choice of whether to go
at all. And considering Putin’s documented penchant for domestic and transnational
repression/assassination, including in the United States, Prigozhin may be safe only as
long as Putin wants him to be.

Implications for Ukraine and Africa

As the saga continues to unfold, one of the key unanswered questions is what will be the
impact on the Russian war effort in Ukraine and Russian-sponsored military operations
Christopher Miller, a journalist with the Financial Times, reported yesterday that
“Ukrainian officials said the power struggle in Russia brought no dramatic changes at the
frontline but created opportunities to exploit the distraction and damaged morale of
their enemy.” One Ukrainian soldier returning from the direction of Bakhmut, where the
Wagner Group had been crucial to Russia’s extended and brutal capture of the city, told
French news agency AFP, according to The Guardian: “As it attacked yesterday, Russia
continued to attack today.”

If Prigozhin indeed manages to stay alive, ends up in Belarus, and solidifies his deal by
continuing to aid Putin and his war in Ukraine, that could escalate the risk to NATO’s
eastern flank. Lithuania’s president noted as much: “If Prigozhin or part of the Wagner
group ends up in Belarus with unclear plans and unclear intentions, it will only mean
that we need to further strengthen the security of our eastern borders.”

Another wild card in how all this plays out is the ramifications for Russian operations in
Africa. The Wagner Group has been involved in Mali and the Central African Republic,
under invitations from the governments to Russia to help fight insurgencies. The
arrangements have dismayed western countries that were trying to provide support but
have largely exited as a result of the Russian involvement. Earlier this year, United
Nations experts called for an investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against
humanity by forces of Mali’s military junta and the Wagner Group. Separately, Open
Source Intelligence Monitor reported on Twitter that the negotiations that led to the
Putin-Prigozhin stand-down (if that’s what it really is) “are also reported to have
included a ‘Stipulation’ that the Majority of Wagner PMC Forces will be Redeployed out
of Russia and Ukraine to Africa.” That, too, could have significant ramifications for
Russia’s strength on the frontlines in Ukraine.

Stepping back even further, while the Biden administration was admirably on top of
Russia’s evolving plans for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the preceding months, and
has gathered impressive allied support for Ukraine since then, any analysis of how the
Russian power struggle plays out must take into account the initial overestimation of
Russia’s military strength and organization. Just as the Russian military’s failures in
Ukraine and Putin’s often bizarre behavior have exposed the underlying weaknesses of
Putin’s regime, so too do they undermine arguments in favor of embracing autocrats
based on a deluded impression of their “stability.” But how authoritarian regimes fall
apart can vary tremendously and most often comes as a surprise, despite the world’s
many years of experience with failed dictatorships. 

In any case, the fact that so much remains in flux in Russia’s leadership and that Wagner
forces may be out of commission for the fight in Ukraine at least temporarily must be
creating even more disarray than usual in the Russian war effort. But sheer numbers
count, both in weapons and personnel, and Russia still exceeds Ukraine quantitatively.
One question will be whether Ukraine can wield the new and improved weaponry flowing
from the West and take advantage of the chaos in the Kremlin to resume outsmarting its
foe, as it has so unexpectedly at so many junctures in the past 16 months.

IMAGE: Members of the Wagner group prepare to pull out from the headquarters of the Southern Military District to return to
their base in Rostov-on-Don late on June 24, 2023. (Photo by ROMAN ROMOKHOV/AFP via Getty Images)

About the Author(s)

Viola Gienger
Washington Senior Editor for Just Security and research scholar at NYU School of Law. Follow her on
Twitter (@violagienger).

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