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Colossians 1:10 says, "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of

the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing
in the knowledge of God."

This verse reminds us of the importance of living a life that is worthy of the Lord
and pleases him. This means living a life that is characterized by good works and a
growing knowledge of God.

First, the verse emphasizes the importance of bearing fruit in every good work.
This means that as believers, we should be actively seeking to serve and bless
others. We should be looking for opportunities to show love and compassion, to
serve and help those in need, and to spread the good news of the gospel. We should
be doing these things not for our own benefit or for the praise of others, but for
the glory of God.

One way we can bear fruit in every good work is by serving in our church. There are
many different ways to serve in a church, from leading a small group or Bible
study, to volunteering in the children's ministry or youth ministry, to helping
with worship or administration. By serving in our church, we can use our talents
and gifts to bless others and to advance the kingdom of God.

Another way we can bear fruit in every good work is by serving in our community.
There are many opportunities to serve and help others in our communities, whether
it is through volunteering at a local shelter or food bank, participating in a
community service project, or simply being a good neighbor and friend. By serving
in our community, we can show the love of Christ to others and make a positive
impact in the world around us.

Second, the verse also emphasizes the importance of growing in the knowledge of
God. This means that as believers, we should be constantly seeking to deepen our
relationship with God and to grow in our understanding of his word. We should be
studying the Bible, praying, and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We should
be seeking to know God better and to live our lives in a way that is consistent
with his will and his ways.

So what does this mean for us as believers? It means that we should be constantly
striving to live a life that is worthy of the Lord and pleases him. We should be
actively seeking to bear fruit in every good work, and to grow in our knowledge of
God. It also means that we should be looking for opportunities to serve and bless
others, and to deepen our relationship with God. By living a life that is worthy of
the Lord and pleases him, we can bring glory to God and make a positive impact in
the world around us.

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