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* Alundra - Un-Worked Design Patch *

* Version 1 (4 Mar. 2017) *
* by Supper ( *

This is a patch that fixes issues introduced in the US version of the

PlayStation game Alundra by its publisher, Working Designs. The US version of
the game increases the HP and sometimes other stats of nearly all enemies and
bosses, adding needless tedium to the gameplay. This patch restores the enemy
stats to what they were in the Japanese version, and also reverts some less
noticeable tweaks.

* Changes *

* All enemies have their stats restored to what they were in the Japanese
* The timing of the disappearing switch puzzle in Elene's dream has been
reverted to its original, harder difficulty from the Japanese version.

Other changes in the US version (e.g. the new intro video, the altered button
assignments, the horrible horrible made-up script) have been kept.

For specific details on the alterations in the US version, see this page (though
depending on when you're reading this, the Regional Differences section may not
have been added yet):

* Patching Instructions *


* A BIN format disc image of Alundra (PlayStation). All versions and languages
except French are supported, including:
* USA 1.0
* USA 1.1
* European (English)
* European (Italian)
* European (German)
* European (Spanish)
If you have the USA version but don't know if it's 1.0 or 1.1, it's probably
* If you're on Windows, the xdelta patching utility ( is
provided in this distribution. On other platforms, you'll need to acquire
version 3.0.8 or later on your own.


If you're using Windows, move your disc image file into the same directory as
the program, then drag-and-drop the BIN file onto the appropriate BAT file for
your version of the game:
* USA 1.0: binpatch_US1.0.bat
* USA 1.1: binpatch_US1.1.bat
* European (English): binpatch_EU.bat
* European (Italian): binpatch_I.bat
* European (German): binpatch_G.bat
* European (Spanish): binpatch_S.bat
If everything works, this should produce the patched game in the same directory
with a name like "AlundraUnWorked_US1.1.bin". If you're playing on an emulator,
you should be able to simply load the patched BIN file and play, but a CUE file
for each version is bundled with this patch in case you need one.

If this doesn't work, try using the manual patching method below to diagnose the



1. First, !!!***verify that your BIN has the correct MD5 hash***!!! If it
doesn't, the patch almost certainly won't work. You can obtain your file's MD5
hash by using the md5sum utility on *nix, or the FCIV utility
( on Windows.

These are the expected MD5 hashes for each original, unpatched version of the
* USA 1.0: b07d3c76fe4f4c2614a12ac943693ade
* USA 1.1: f53cf9f7b01fc2db1f8c26f1b447bef5
* European (English): fdc0f0ab1f22f3e12b9f3c4ae0ccb509
* European (Italian): 1a5a3a8cb1658d35194952cc6e555165
* European (German): d871d110f20ae667e1c09b854d513302
* European (Spanish): 0f31b77d56750c08e55b8436413397d2

2. Use xdelta to apply the appropriate version of AlundraUnWorked_XX.xdelta to

your BIN. If you're using the command line, this would look something like:

xdelta3 -d -s AlundraUnWorked_US1.1.xdelta AlundraUS1.1.bin


If you use a GUI wrapper, it should be self-explanatory.

3. Load up the BIN file in an emulator (or on hardware, if you're so inclined)

and see if it works.


* If the patched BIN won't run, check the MD5 hashes of your BIN against those
given in step 1 above. If they don't match, try using a BIN generated by a
different program.

* Known Issues *

Nothing, yet...

* Version History *

Version 1 (3/4/17)
* Added support for Italian, German, and Spanish versions. Patch content is

Version 0 (2/8/17)
* Initial release.
* Special Thanks *

* Cebix, whose excellent psximager utilities made producing this hack relatively
* elmer
* Everyone on who provided feedback and support

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