Viewing Guide For Assessment in Education

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Assessment in Education: Top 14 Examples

Kaylee Willingham (00095880)

Athens State University

SE 402

January 14, 2023

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Viewing Guide for Assessment in Education: Top 14 Examples Video

Identify each example and describe what each assesses.

1. Formative assessment is an ongoing assessment that is completed during the

acquisition of a skill. They are used to decide on re-teaching or move on from a specific

lesson. They can allow their students to rate their understanding by a scale from one to

five, so the teacher knows on where their students stand.

2. Summative assessments are used to make sure students aren’t just pushed through

a grade. These assessments are given at the end of a unit or period. The students

should have enough time to prepare and study for these assessments. These should be

based on what was covered in class, there should not be any material that was not

mentioned in class or on assignments.

3. Diagnostic assessments are used to identify if there are any student gaps to guide

future instruction. This allows the teacher to make sure that students don’t slip through a

gap in education which would push the student future back than the rest of their peers.

4. Formal assessment are developed by State or Nation which is supported by various

state by state data. These assessments have strict testing procedures, and they

measure longitudinal achievement of the student’s long-term learning and accumulation.

5. Informal assessment are often the initial means by which a student’s progress/

performance is measured by teacher made tests, quizzes. This assessment measures

shorter achievement periods and are in a normal classroom testing procedure.

6. Behavioral assessments is a multicomponent assessment to determine the purpose

of target behaviors
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7. Rating Scale states the criteria and provides three to four response selections to

describe the quality or frequency of students work. These can be given to students to

rate how much they know or feel comfortable on a lesson or assignment.

8. Emotional assessments focus on social and emotional dynamics that are important in

understanding an individual’s growth or difficulties that may be present

9. Screening is a review of records of a student’s school achievement to determine what

interventions or additional assessments are needed

10. Authentic assessment requires the student to apply knowledge in the world beyond

the classroom

11. Performance Based is used in the classroom which requires students to create a

product that demonstrates their skills or competency. It also measures a students

problem solving process and skills.

12. Group/ Individual assessments allow teachers or administration coming to evaluate

a student or students by looking and comparing students to one another. Teachers may

use group/ individual assessments for specific students to understand more about their

reading difficulties.

13. Criterion Referenced are when students are tested for mastery of a skill or an

objective. These tests compare the performance of a student to a given criterion. These

are to measure the skills and knowledge a student has mastered. Student scores are

given as percents.

14. Norm Referenced are determined on how well a student performs on tasks when

compared with students of the same age or grade level. These are meant to rank
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students based on test achievement. Scored are given as a rank, based on other

students’ scores.

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