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A. What is your name?

My Name is Iyanuoluwa mercy Shonde.

B. Why did you decide to join this VA program?

I decided to join VA program because I wanted to learn a new skill for myself development

And also use it to inspire others who think they can't make it.

C. What excites you most about becoming a VA?

Actually, nobody I saw the advert on Instagram so I read about and I just got the determination to learn
about it.

D. Did you login to Slack and introduce yourself to your squad? (If your answer is no, please share why
not and what you plan to do to get on Slack as soon as possible)

Yes,I have done that excited to meet new people in my country and outside.

E. Who is one person you can talk to if you are feeling stressed or need support during this program?

Well, I will talk to God and the expert or advisor who is putting us through.

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