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Mechanical Design in Robots Engineering

Talal Fahad Alosaimi

Haitham Zainy Alhebshy

Anmar khalid Zarra

Hashem Fahad Al-Qurashi

Students at Mechanical Department

College of Engineering and Islamic architecture

Umm Al-Qura University

3 April 2021

Writing technical reports 8042111-1

Dr. Abdulmuin Abdullah


This report talks about robotics, the most popular robots, and what they are used for. We also talked

about the arm robot, its types and the way it was designed as well.

When the first advanced robots were built, we classified the kinematics of mobile robots and the

benefits of using a virtual model

It also talks about how to overcome obstacles in the normal course

Table of Contents

List of Figures..............................................................................................................................................iii

1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 What is a robot?.................................................................................................................................1

1.2 What are the types of Robots?..........................................................................................................1

1.2.1 Industrial Robots.............................................................................................................................1

1.2.2 Domestic Robots.............................................................................................................................2

1.2.3 Military and Emergency Response Robots......................................................................................2

1.2.4 Medical Robots...............................................................................................................................3

1.2.5 Service Robots.................................................................................................................................3

1.2.6 Security Robots...............................................................................................................................4

2 Background on robotics........................................................................................................................5

2.1 Types of Robotic Arms.......................................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Articulated Arm...............................................................................................................................6

2.1.2 Dual Arm.........................................................................................................................................6

2.1.3 Parallel Link Arm.............................................................................................................................7

2.1.4 Other Robotic Arms........................................................................................................................8

2.2 How Does Robotic Arm Work?...........................................................................................................8

3 Mechanical design of the arm.............................................................................................................10

3.1 For mechanical design.........................................................................................................................11

3.2 Classification of mobile robot kinematics and comparison methodology...........................................12

4 The Ingredients...................................................................................................................................13

5 Robot mechanical system modeling...................................................................................................14

6 The benefits of using the hypothetical model and performing a simulation on it..............................15

7 Dynamic modeling and results............................................................................................................15

8 Overcoming obstacles in the normal course.......................................................................................16

9 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................18

10 Recommendation..............................................................................................................................19

11 Acknowledgements...........................................................................................................................20

12 Appendices........................................................................................................................................21

12.1 How to select an industrial robot?.................................................................................................21

13 References List..................................................................................................................................25

List of Figures

Figure 1........................................................................................................................................................2

Figure 2........................................................................................................................................................2

Figure 3 Figure 4...............................................................3

Figure 5........................................................................................................................................................3

Figure 6........................................................................................................................................................4

Figure 7........................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 8........................................................................................................................................................6

Figure 9........................................................................................................................................................7

Figure 10......................................................................................................................................................7

Figure 11......................................................................................................................................................9

Figure 12....................................................................................................................................................10

Figure 13....................................................................................................................................................10

Figure 14....................................................................................................................................................11

Figure 15....................................................................................................................................................11

Figure 16....................................................................................................................................................12

Figure 17....................................................................................................................................................13

Figure 18....................................................................................................................................................14

Figure 19....................................................................................................................................................16

Figure 20....................................................................................................................................................17

Figure 21....................................................................................................................................................22

Figure 22....................................................................................................................................................22

Figure 23....................................................................................................................................................23

Figure 24....................................................................................................................................................23

Figure 25....................................................................................................................................................24
1 Introduction

Robots are mechatronic systems whose functionalities and tasks are mechanical actions and interactions either

with humans or with other systems. Therefore, mechanical design can be considered fundamental to ensure that a

robot can perform a given task. In this special issue, attention is paid to the design and development of robots,

examining advances in solutions and procedures that provide enhancements to robot structures and functionalities.

1.1 What is a robot?

A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices

through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

1.2 What are the types of Robots?

We can already see a variety of robots used for different applications in the world today, and as technology advances,

robots are likely to play a greater and greater role in our lives. The different types of robots and their applications vary

greatly, we will take a closer look at common types of robots and their functions in use today and their mechanical

designs :

1.2.1 Industrial Robots

The types of industrial robots in service today vary greatly, but they are usually programmable, articulated arms that

are stationary yet capable of moving on various axes. They are used in a number of applications in the manufacture of

goods, such as welding, painting and assembly. Industrial robots are extremely quick and precise and offer

manufacturers great cost-saving benefits. Figure 1

Figure 1

1.2.2 Domestic Robots

No doubt you will have seen some domestic robots for sale in stores. These robots are used to perform

household chores and include pool cleaning robots, robot vacuum cleaners and gutter cleaning robots.

Figure 2

Figure 2

1.2.3 Military and Emergency Response Robots

Robots are ideal for use in the military or for emergency response where the situation may be too dangerous for

humans. The military use bomb disposal robots and drones among others, and emergency response teams use aerial,

ground and underwater search and rescue robots. Figures 3 & 4

Figure 3 Figure 4

1.2.4 Medical Robots

The most common type of medical robot you will see is a surgery robot. In robot-assisted surgery, the surgeon controls

a robot, either through a telemanipulator or computer, to perform very delicate medical procedures; therefore,

reducing the risks involved. In the future, a surgeon may even be able to perform robot-assisted operations remotely

from anywhere in the world. Figure 5

Figure 5

1.2.5 Service Robots

Service robots are a broad category of robots used to perform various service-related tasks. The most common types of

service robots you will see are concierge robots and hospitality robots. Figure 6

Figure 6

1.2.6 Security Robots

Security robots offer significant advantages as they are able to operate 24/7, day or night and in adverse weather

conditions. Security robots patrol on preset routes, provide remote CCTV surveillance with facial recognition, supply

information and can even detect abnormal temperatures and gas leaks among many other functions – this makes them

perfect for monitoring industrial parks, power plants, malls, campuses, residential developments and chemical storage

facilities. They come in various configurations to fit the location and application needs, and they allow for significant

savings on manpower costs. Figure 7

Figure 7

So, those are some of the most common types of robots and their applications. There are other robots used for

research purposes or by hobbyists, but these are the main types in use today. In the next few years, it is likely you will

come in contact with more and more of these technological wonders, and the future of robotics looks bright.
2 Background on robotics

The history of robots has its origins in the ancient world. During the industrial revolution, humans developed the

structural engineering capability to control electricity so that machines could be powered with small motors. In the

early 20th century, the notion of a humanoid machine was developed.

The first uses of modern robots were in factories as industrial robots. These industrial robots were fixed machines

capable of manufacturing tasks which allowed production with less human work. Digitally programmed industrial robots

with artificial intelligence have been built since the 2000s.

The earliest robots as we know them were created in the early 1950s by George C. Devol, an inventor from Louisville,

Kentucky. He invented and patented a reprogrammable manipulator called "Unimate," from "Universal Automation."

For the next decade, he attempted to sell his product in the industry, but did not succeed. In the late 1960s,

businessman/engineer Joseph Engleberger acquired Devol's robot patent and was able to modify it into an industrial

robot and form a company called Unimation to produce and market the robots. For his efforts and successes,

Engleberger is known in the industry as "the Father of Robotics."

Academia also made much progress in the creation new robots. In 1958 at the Stanford Research Institute, Charles

Rosen led a research team in developing a robot called "Shakey." Shakey was far more advanced than the original

Unimate, which was designed for specialized, industrial applications.

Robots are designed to be suitable for the environment in which they work and able to work without any problems, and

one of the most popular types of these robots is the arm robot.

2.1 Types of Robotic Arms

The robotic manipulator arm is one of the main parts of an industrial robot and is sometimes referred to as the robotic

manipulator. Robotic arms are programmable, mechanical devices connected by joints or axes that allow for rotational

or linear movement. Robotic arms are responsible for moving and controlling the end-effector in order to complete a

specific application. There are several types of robotic arms available for industrial automation, they include:

2.1.1 Articulated Arm

• Articulated Arm - The articulated robotic arm is the most common for industrial automation. Articulated robotic arms

are designed to look and mimic the movements of a human arm. They feature a single mechanical arm that is attached

to a rotating base. Since articulated arms closely resemble human arms, they are able to automate many different

manufacturing processes, which is why they are popular. Articulated robots typically have between four to six axes

allowing for a greater range of motion, with six axis robots being the most popular. They can automate arc welding,

spot welding, painting, assembly, material removal, material handling, palletizing, and many more types of robotic

applications. Popular articulated robots include the Motoman HP20 which is ideal for material handling automation and

the FANUC Arcmate 120ic designed for arc welding. Figure 8

Figure 8

2.1.2 Dual Arm

• Dual Arm - Dual arm robots, as the name implies, are configured with two mechanical arms instead of one. The arms

extend out from each side of the robotic body. Dual arm robots can have between four to fifteen axes. Each arm can

work separately from one another for increased productivity or they can work together on the same task. Top robotic

manufacturers Yaskawa Motoman and ABB Robotics both produce dual arm robots. Dual arm robots are typically

deployed to automate material handling processes such as assembly, machine tending, part transfer, and packaging.

The main advantage of dual robotic arms is they provide functionality that is most similar to humans than other types of

robotic arms. Figure 9

Figure 9

2.1.3 Parallel Link Arm

• Parallel Link Arm - Parallel link robotic arms consist of three slender and lightweight arms that extend downward
from the robot body. All three arms attach to a single end-effector. Parallel link robotic arms work in a dome shape

since all three control the EOAT. Unlike other robotic arms, the motors are located above the arms in the robot body

instead of inside the robotic arms themselves. This allows for precise, high-speed, agile operation. Delta robots are

configured with parallel link arms. They can be used to automate high speed and light payload applications including

automated assembly, pick and place, and dispensing. The FANUC M2ia is one of the most well-known parallel link

robots. Figure 10

Figure 10

2.1.4 Other Robotic Arms

• Other Robotic Arms - Other types of robotic arms are less common than the ones mentioned above. These include

cartesian, SCARA, cylindrical, and polar. Cartesian robotic arms feature three linear axes that are located at right angles

to one another for straight line movement. SCARA robotic arms can operate on three axes and excel in lateral

movements. Cylindrical arms extend perpendicular to a rotating pole. The movement of the pole allows the arm to

operate in a vertical and sliding motion. Polar robotic arms consist of two rotating joints, one linear that is attached to a

base and a rotational joint attached to the end of the linear joint creating a spherical work envelope.

2.2 How Does Robotic Arm Work?

A robotic manipulator arm is one of the main parts of an industrial robot. It is a mechanical arm that can be

programmed to perform a variety of production related tasks. Each robotic arm contains several segments that are

attached together by joints also referred to as axes. Each joint contains a step motor that allows the robotic arm to

complete a specific motion. The more joints or axes a robotic arm has the greater its range of motion. Robotic arms are

able to operate in precise movements with high repetition because of their motorized axes. Step motors allow each axis

to move in exact increments for incredible accuracy.

There are many different configurations of robotic arms. The most common type is the six-axis articulated arm. This

type of robotic arm closely resembles the human arm in both its appearance and movements. It is made up of seven

segments with six axes. Six-axis robotic arms have a shoulder, elbow, and wrist just like a human. The FANUC M10ia is

an example of a six-axis robotic arm.

Articulated robotic arms are responsible for positioning the industrial robot to access workpieces. A six-axis robotic arm

has six degrees of freedom allowing it to move in six different directions for greater flexibility. All robotic arms have a

certain amount of space they can operate in, which is known as their work envelope. The work envelope of a robotic

arm is defined by its reach and axes. The longer the reach and the more axes a robotic arm has the wider its work

envelope. The FANUC M710ic/20L is a six-axis robot with an extended reach, making it ideal for covering large work

areas. Most industrial robotic arms operate in a spherical work envelope.

Robotic arms are also responsible for controlling the end-effector. The end-effector is the device attached to the wrist

of the robotic arm that interacts directly with workpieces. There are many different types of end-effectors that can be

integrated with robotic arms. These include grippers, welding torches, drills, sprayers, and cutters. During operation the

robotic arm will position its self to access workpieces and then execute the movements of the end-effector to complete

a task. For example, a ABB 2600-12 integrated with a gripper for automated material handling will position its arm over

the part, lower its arm towards the part, open and close the gripper around the part, and then move the part to a


In order to be able to perform manufacturing applications, robotic arms must be programmed. This is typically done

through a controller and teach pendant. To start, an operator will enter the program instructions through the teach

pendant. The coded application instructions are sent to the controller which then interprets the application program

and communicates the steps to the robot’s CPU. The CPU processes the program code and guides the robotic arm

through the application. Some robotic arms can be programmed through manual movement. This is a common feature

of collaborative robots. The arm of the FANUC Cr15ia can be programmed by this method. Robotic arms are capable of

being programmed for a variety of applications ranging from assembly to welding to even inspection.

Figure 11

3 Mechanical design of the arm

The arm consists of two parts that are linked by the rotary ligament shown in Figure 12, and the part is also connected

The first part is connected with the base by a rotating link, and the second part is connected at its end with the

handpiece by a rotating link.

The last two ties have passive wheels to facilitate movement while leaning on the arm, and all links allow

0 rotational rotation.

360 The motors for the first and second parts of the boom are housed within the movable base

To reduce the weight of the boom, the movement is transferred to the axles of the rotary wheel by means of chains.

When designing the arm, it was done Taking into account the need for its ability to be folded within the movable base

as in suspicion . Figure 13

Figure 12

Figure 13

3.1 For mechanical design

The wheeled hybrid robot consists of three main parts as shown in Figure 14 : the movable base (1), the arm (2) and the

fist (3).

Figure 14

The parts of the robot are linked with each other by rotating ties, as shown in Figure 15, these links allow a 360-degree


Figure 15

3.2 Classification of mobile robot kinematics and comparison methodology

We'll only look at the motion systems of autonomous land-based mobile robots, which fall into three main categories:

Wheeled robots (W)

Tracked robots (T)

Legged robots (L)

In addition to the above, there are also robots known as hybrid robots, which are a mixture of the previous categories

that lead to the following four hybrid motion systems: leg-wheel (LW), leg-track (LT), wheel-track (WT), and leg-wheel-

track (LWT). (1-2) The three classes and the resulting hybrid classes. Figure 16

Figure 16

4 The Ingredients

The great complexity in the structure of robots and their control leads to complex programs. Therefore, the program is

divided into small independent components. Each component consists of a communicating interface and its own


Where its software components can be developed independently from other components, and it is responsible for

solving a specific problem, the components interact with each other allowing to build complex systems and facilitate

dealing with complexity in the design stage.

This method allows designers to focus on the work of each component separately, regardless of other components, so

any component can be developed or replaced without affecting the rest of the components, and new components can

be added easily.

This method is used to build the supervisory control and control system in many systems, such as the International

Thermal Nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER RH) (70), which is a subsystem of ITER, which contains the software

responsible for planning maintenance operations, which is a set of required tasks and each task It consists of a group of

sub-tasks, which in turn consist of a set of procedures, and the control system is divided into two layers (Figure 17) :

Figure 17

5 Robot mechanical system modeling

In traditional modeling and simulation, the mechanical system is assumed to be perfect, and therefore there are many

parameters that are not taken into consideration, so Different environments is used in building the dynamic model of

the robot, this environments is able to provide an accurate hypothetical model that simulates the physical model. It

provides a static, kinematic and dynamic. In view of the complexity of the dynamic study of the robot, especially while

overcoming obstacles and the presence of more than one dynamic model, the use of Different environments is

considered is the best solution for real mechanical system modeling.

Using the Different environments when developing mechanical designs and analyzing system behavior allows us to test

hypothetical models and improve designs and performance, without the need to build the physical model, which

greatly reduced development time and cost.

Figures 18 illustrate the process of developing the hypothetical model.

Figure 18

6 The benefits of using the hypothetical model and performing a simulation on it

1. Verifying the different mobility states of the robot (ground scenarios) in order to establish its functions and then

improve the design. The process of improving the design includes the optimal distribution of weights, selection of

suitable components for transmission, and the reduction ratio to secure the required torques.

2.Conduct various experiments and perform analyzes of the results without the need to provide material equipment.

3.Conduct boundary experiments with a robot without fear of it breaking or being damaged.

4.Verify the functioning of each mechanism within the robot and its ability to implement the required.

5.Verify the ability of the different robot mechanisms to work together to carry out the required tasks.

6.Study the feasibility of making modifications to the design easily, quickly and in a low cost.

7.Improving the quality of the final product by analyzing different designs and selecting the best and most appropriate.

8.It allows the modeling of the environment surrounding the robot and the establishment of the robot's interaction

with it, the ability to work in different environments, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

9.It allows designers to see the performance of the robot and its work in different environments, which allows it to form

a better idea of the performance and ways to improve it.

7 Dynamic modeling and results

After the mechanical design of the robot is placed in appropriateness environment, the model is sent to the


. After that, the form is completed with the following steps, as shown in Figure 19 :

Addition of aperture: acceleration of gravity, type of materials used .........

Addition of restraints and ties: that bind the parts of the robot to each other and restrict their relative movement.

Find the movements required of each part of the robot to carry out all the required tasks

Determine the torque required at each hinge to implement the required movements for constant angle velocity,

determine the transmission ratios of the gears and chains, and then select the required motors.

Find the maximum grip load corresponding to each robot configuration.

Figure 19

In addition to modeling all parts of the solid body in the robot, one of the main challenges that Engineers faced was

defining the bonds between the wheels and the ground, as many experiments and measurements were conducted on

manufactured wheels to determine the best parameters that allow them to be modeled in shape. Best.

8 Overcoming obstacles in the normal course

In the normal course of the robot, it can overcome a number of obstacles without the need to turn the

robot over, and this case is represented by the following points:

Obstacle height less than 16cm:

It represents operating in the normal state of the robot without the need to use the arm to overcome obstacles and the

movement on a level ground containing obstacles in the form of a degree with a height ranging between 10 cm and 18

cm as shown in figure 20.

Figure 20

9 Conclusion

We discussed the process of building and modeling robots as a complex mechatronic systems where multiple disciplines

such as electronics, mechanics and software are combined.

We presented the basic principles of robot design and the challenges that must be overcome, especially when operating

the robot in rough terrain, and building a control system.

- Identifying the movement systems of the main mobile robots, including hybrids, and methodologies for comparison

between them, and the development of control structures for robots until reaching the use of components in building

control structures was used. The most important challenges in building component-based systems.

10 Recommendation

We highly admire the effort the Umm Al-Qura University is doing in order to improve the quality of education in its

students and we wish they never stop doing their good work. We wish Courses Related in Robotics.

And we hope the Umm Al-Qura University will continue their collaboration.

11 Acknowledgements

We would like to express Our sincere gratitude for the support and encouragement We have received from many

people including Our professors, friends, and family.

12 Appendices

Here we will talk about the topic that those wishing to buy industrial robots should know :

12.1 How to select an industrial robot?

When selecting an industrial robot there are many factors that must be considered in order to choose the industrial

robot that will be best for your application needs. Robot specifications help define the capabilities and limitations of a

given robot. One of the main specifications used to define an industrial robot is their structure.

Robot structure references the type of robot one is. There are several different robot structures with each having their

own benefits. The type of application you are automating will often determine the robot structure needed as payload

capacity, reach, work envelope, etc. depend upon a robot’s structure. The most common robot structures for robotic

automation include:

 Articulated

Articulated robot structures feature a serial link jointed arm that is attached to a rotating base. Articulated structures

are the most popular since they closely resemble and function similarly to a human arm. Due to their human arm-like

resemblance they are able to take over most production tasks from humans, but with better accuracy. Six-axis robot

configurations are the most common for articulated structures since they have a range of motion that is comparable to

a human. Four-axis and five axis robots are also fairly common for articulated structures as they are often used to

automate tasks requiring simple movements such as robotic palletizing. There is a wide variety of articulated robots

from small robots with payloads as little as 0.5 kg to large robots with payloads for heavy lifting applications. Due to the

wide-ranging capabilities, articulated robots can automate most industrial applications including welding, material

handling, assembly, material removal, and painting. The FANUC R2000ib is ideal for spot welding automation. While the

FANUC M10ia is a compact articulated robot that is often used for lightweight material handling. Figure 21

Figure 21

 Delta

Delta robots feature a parallel link arm structure. They often consist of three slim arms that extend downward from

their body where they are all connected together by the end-effector. Some delta robots may have a fourth arm. Delta

robots are often deployed when speed and precision are needed. If you need a heavy payload robot, this robot

structure will not be for you as most delta robots have payloads under 10 kg. FANUC’s spider series, which features the

M-2ia, are some of the most well-known delta robots. Figure 22

Figure 22

 Gantry

Gantry robot structures feature a serial link robotic manipulator that is mounted to a track system. This robot structure

can also be referred to as a cartesian robot. The FANUC M20ia/20T is an example of an industrial robot with a gantry

structure. This structure is ideal for applications requiring a large work envelope since they can travel great distances

quickly. Most gantry style robots are used to automate pick and place applications or for robotic machine tending.

Figures 23 & 24

Figure 23

Figure 24


SCARA robot structures consist of a jointed two-link arm that operates on a single plane. This robot structure is mainly

used to automate simple assembly or pick and place applications due to the limited range of motion. What SCARA

robots lack in their movement capabilities they make up for with their incredibly fast speeds. Figure 25

Figure 25

13 References List


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