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Effects of Physicochemical Factors on the Adhesion to Cellulose Avicel of the

Ruminal Bacteria Ruminococcus flavefaciens and Fibrobacter succinogenes
subsp. succinogenes

Article  in  Applied and Environmental Microbiology · November 1990

DOI: 10.1128/AEM.56.10.3081-3087.1990 · Source: PubMed


121 150

4 authors, including:

Gérard Fonty Sylvie Bony

French National Centre for Scientific Research French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)


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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Oct. 1990, p. 3081-3087 Vol. 56, No. 10
Copyright C) 1990, American Society for Microbiology

Effects of Physicochemical Factors on the Adhesion to Cellulose

Avicel of the Ruminal Bacteria Ruminococcus flavefaciens and
Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. succinogenes
Laboratoire de Microbiologie, INRA, CR de Clermont-Ferrand-Theix, 63122 Ceyrat,1 Laboratoire de Biologie
Compar&e des Protistes, CNRS URA 138, Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont II, 63170 Aubiere,2
and Station de Recherches de Nutrition, INRA, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France
Received 23 March 1990/Accepted 14 July 1990

Ruminococcus flavefaciens adhered instantly to cellulose, while Fibrobacter succinogenes had the highest
percentage of adherent cells after about 25 min of contact between bacteria and cellulose. Adhesion of R.
flavefaciens was unaffected by high concentrations of sugars (5%), temperature, pH, oxygen, metabolic
inhibitors, and lack of Na+. In contrast, the attachment was affected by the removal of divalent cations (Mg2+
and Ca2+), the presence of cellulose derivatives (methylcellulose and hydroxyethylcellulose), and cystine.
Adhesion of F. succinogenes was sensitive to low and high temperatures, high concentrations of glucose and
cellobiose (5%), hydroxyethylcellulose (0.1%), redox potential, pH, lack of monovalent cations, and the
presence of an inhibitor of membrane ATPases or lasalocid and monensin. Cells of F. succinogenes heated at
100°C no longer were adherent. On the other hand, adhesion was insensitive to the lack of divalent cations
(Mg2+ and Ca2+), the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol, tetrachlorosalicylanilide, or inhibitors of the electron
transfer chains. Adhesion of F. succinogenes seems to be related to the metabolic functions of the cell. External
proteins and/or cellulases themselves might play a part in the attachment process. Several mechanisms are
probably involved in the adhesion of R. flavefaciens, the main one being the interaction between the large
glycocalyx and the divalent cations Ca2' and Mg2+. Hydrophobic bonds and enzymes may also be involved.

In the rumen, fibrolytic microorganisms rapidly colonize but not proved that they are involved in bacterial adhesion
plant particles after their ingestion (2, 19). Adhesion of (11).
cellulolytic bacteria brings the cell into close contact with its The aim of this work was to compare the effects of some
specific substrate and concentrates hydrolytic enzymes on abiotic factors on the adhesion of F. succinogenes and R.
cellulose. Several qualitative electron microscopic studies flavefaciens to cellulose.
have been done on adhesion of the three dominant ruminal
cellulolytic bacteria to cellulose and plant cell walls (3, 4, 8, MATERIALS AND METHODS
9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 22). The influence of some physicochemical
factors on the adhesion of these bacteria has been investi- Bacterial strains used. We studied the effects of all factors
gated (14, 20, 21, 24, 27, 32). The adherence process of these on R. flavefaciens 007 and F. succinogenes subsp. succino-
species, however, is still unknown. Ruminococcus albus and genes S85 (ATCC 19169), kindly provided by C. S. Stewart
Ruminococcusflavefaciens possess a large glycocalyx that is (Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
mainly glycoproteic (19). The integrity of the cell coat would and M. P. Bryant (University of Illinois, Urbana-Cham-
seem to be essential for their adhesion since the action of paign), respectively.
periodate or pepsin prevents bacterial adhesion (18). On We also investigated the effects of some of these factors
contact with the substrate, the coat is often thicker than on (see Results) on the adhesion of the following newly isolated
the free surface of the bacterium, as the result of a stretching ruminal cellulolytic strains provided by K. J. Cheng (Re-
of the extracellular material (1). The glycocalyx of Fibrobac- search Station, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada): R. flave-
ter succinogenes, formerly Bacteroides succinogenes (23), faciens 083 and F. succinogenes LRS095 isolated from a
unlike that of R. flavefaciens and R. albus, is very thin (19). steer and R. flavefaciens 131 and F. siuccinogenes LRS128
The bacterium seems to make up for the small quantity of isolated from a buffalo.
this extracellular material by the flexibility of the cell wall, Strains S85 and LRS095 were grown on Ml culture
which enables it to conform to the topography of the medium derived from that of Bryant et al. (7), modified by S.
substrate. F. succinogenes also has fine filaments that link Komisarczuk-Bony and G. Fonty in our laboratory (Table 1)
the cells and might be involved in the adhesion to cellulose (unpublished data), and strains 007 and 083 were grown on
(15). In old cultures, small vesicles deriving from the bacte- the medium of Scott and Dehority (31). Since R. flavefaciens
rial outer membrane have been observed in close contact 131 and F. succinogenes LRS128 do not grow on synthetic
with cellulose (13). These vesicles have been shown to have or semisynthetic medium, they were grown on medium
cellulase and xylanase activities, and it has been suggested RGMC (20), modified in our laboratory to contain the
following (per 100 ml): mineral solution 1, 7.5 ml; mineral
solution 2, 7.5 ml; resazurin (0.1%), 0.1 ml; NaHCO3, 0.4 g;
clarified ruminal fluid, 30 ml; cellobiose, 0.2 g; cysteine
Corresponding author. hydrochloride, 0.05 g; distilled water, 85 ml. Mineral solu-
t Present address: Laboratoire de la Chaire d'Alimentation, tions 1 and 2 were those described previously by Bryant and
Ecole Nationale Vdterinaire de Lyon, 69280 Marcy l'Etoile, France. Burkey (5).

TABLE 1. Composition of medium Ml at 100°C for 10 min. Its adhesion was then compared with
Substance or parameter Amt that of an untreated control culture.
(iii) Effects of carbohydrates. The effects of cellobiose,
Mineral Ml solution"................ 75 ml glucose, mannose, xylose, maltose, and soluble starch were
Vitamin solutionb ................ 10 ml studied at concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 5%. To
Trace mineral solution ................ 10 ml
Fatty acid solution"................ 3 ml eliminate any traces of cellobiose, which had been used as
Hemin solutione................ 1 ml energy source during culture, the bacteria were centrifuged
Resazurin solutiont ................ 1 ml at 3,500 x g for 10 min, washed in a medium of the same
Cellobiose ................ 3g composition but without cellobiose or resazurin, centrifuged
NaHCO3 ................ 4g again at the same speed, and then placed in the same medium
Cysteine hydrochloride ................ 0.6 g containing the test carbohydrate. A sugar-free control was
pHI ................ 7 also prepared.
Gas phase ................ 100% CO2 The percentage of adherent cells was also determined after
Mineral Ml solution consists of the following (grams per liter of distilled subculturing F. succinogenes S85 one, five, or ten times into
water): KH2PO4, 6; (NH4)2S04, 12; NaCI, 12; KCI, 6; MgSO4- 7H20, 1.2; 4% glucose or cellobiose. The percentage of adhesion in
CaCl,- 2H20, 0.6. these different subcultures was compared with that of a
Vitamin solution, consists of the following (milligrams per liter of distilled control containing the same sugar at a concentration of
water): biotin, 50; para-aminobenzoic acid, 100; pyridoxamine, 1.000.
' Trace mineral solution consists of the following (milligrams per liter of 0.3%.
distilled water): FeSO4 7H20, 1,000; MnSO4* H20, 150; CoCI2 6H20, 150. (iv) Effects of cellulose derivatives. The effects of methyl-
d Fatty acid solution consists of the following (milliliters): acetic acid, 17; cellulose (MC) (2% viscosity, 400 cP; Sigma Chemical Co.,
propionic acid, 6; butyric acid, 4; isobutyric acid, 1; N-valeric acid, 1; St. Louis, Mo.), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and hy-
isovaleric acid, 1; 2-methylbutyric acid, 1.
e Hemin (0.1 g) is dissolved in 10 ml of ethanol and then brought to 1,000 ml droxyethylcellulose (E. Merck AG, Darmstadt, Federal Re-
with 0.05 M NaOH. public of Germany) were studied at a concentration of 0.1%.
fResazurin (0.1 g) is dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water. The bacterial cultures were treated as above; the cells were
g Final pH 7 is adjusted with 3 M NaOH.
suspended after a second centrifugation in a sugar-free
medium of the same composition supplemented with MC,
All strains were cultured under 100% CO2 in Hungate CMC, or hydroxyethylcellulose at the required concentra-
tubes (16 by 25 mm; Bellco Glass, Inc., Vineland, N.J.) tion. Controls without cellulose derivatives were prepared at
containing 9 ml of medium and sealed with butyl stoppers. the same time.
Cellobiose was the sole energy source in the media. (v) Effect of divalent cations Mg2' and Ca2+. F. succino-
Determination of percentage of bacteria attached to cellu- genes S85 and R. flavefaciens 007 were grown on Ml culture
lose. The effects of the different factors were investigated medium (Table 1). For R. flavefaciens, an amino acid
when bacterial growth was at the end of the exponential solution containing isoleucine, leucine, and valine (100 mg of
phase. At this time, the optical density was usually between each per 100 ml of distilled water) was added at a concen-
0.6 and 0.7 for R. flavefaciens and 1.2 and 1.3 for F. tration of 1% to satisfy its nutritional requirements (6). After
succinogenes. The bacterial cultures were centrifuged at centrifugation, the pellet was resuspended in 9 ml of Ml
3,500 x g for 10 min. The supernatant was decanted, and the medium containing no resazurin or cellobiose and lacking
pellet was suspended in 9 ml of medium of the same Ca2+, Mg2+, or both. The mineral composition of the
composition containing the test factor and without cellobiose medium was as follows (grams per 100 ml): KH2PO4, 0.6;
and resazurin, which may have modified optical density (NH4)2SO4, 1.2; NaCl, 1.2; KCl, 0.6. In addition,
readings. MgSO4- 7H20 was added at a concentration of 0.12 g/100 ml
The percentage of bacteria adhering to cellulose was to the medium lacking Ca2+ and CaCl2 2H20 was added at
calculated by the method of Minato and Suto (20), which a concentration of 0.06 g/100 ml to the medium lacking
consists of measuring the optical density of the culture Mg2 . The bacterial cells were centrifuged two more times
before and after the addition of cellulose. Optical density and resuspended after each centrifugation in their respective
was read at 600 nm. We studied adhesion to microcrystalline media. At the same time, controls containing Ca2+ or Mg2+
cellulose Avicel (microcrystalline cellulose for chromatogra- were prepared.
phy; Macherey Nagel, Duren, Federal Republic of Ger- (vi) Effect of pH. Adhesion of R. flavefaciens 007 and F.
many) added at a concentration of 0.2%. At least four succinogenes S85 was studied in a pH range of 3.5 to 9 and
replicates were made for each factor. 4.5 to 7, respectively, at intervals of 0.5 unit. After centrif-
Effects of physicochemical factors on adhesion of bacteria to ugation, R. flavefac iens and F. succinogenes were sus-
cellulose Avicel. (i) Contact time between bacteria and cellu- pended in the medium of Scott and Dehority (31) and in Ml
lose. After the addition of cellulose Avicel, the following medium, respectively, containing no cellobiose, no res-
contact times between bacteria and cellulose were studied: azurin, and no buffer (NaHCO3). The medium of Scott and
1-min hand shaking (S); S + 4 min of incubation at 38°C; S + Dehority (31) was adjusted to the required pH with 3 M
14 min of incubation at 38°C; S + 29 min of incubation at NaOH or with 1 M HCI. In Ml medium, a double concen-
38°C; S + 59 min of incubation at 38°C. The cultures were tration of NaCl and 8 ml of 3 M NaOH per liter were added
hand shaken every 5 min to resuspend the cellulose. to compensate for the sodium lost by removal of the buffer.
(ii) Influence of temperature. Adhesion was measured at 4, Then the required pH was adjusted with 3 M KOH or with 1
13, 20, 30, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, and 52°C. The cultures of R. M HCl. This was done since upon total sodium deprivation
flavefaciens 007 were left for 10 min at the desired temper- F. succinogenes did not adhere at all (see Results). Experi-
ature before cellulose was added. They were then shaken for ments were done under nitrogen to avoid the variations in
1 min and immediately centrifuged at 500 x g. The cultures pH caused by the dissolution of CO2 in the medium.
of F. succinogenes S85 were left at the desired temperature (vii) Effect of oxygen. After the addition of cellulose, the
for 24 min after the addition of the cellulose and 1 min of bacterial culture was left in contact with air for 5, 15, 30, or
shaking. A bacterial culture of each species was also heated 60 min.

(viii) Effect of redox potential. Adhesion of R. flavefaciens 1,6

007 and F. succinogenes S85 was studied in media contain- 11--k
ing a reducing agent under 100% CO2, without a reducing I
agent under 100% CO2, containing a reducing agent and
prepared in aerobiosis, or without a reducing agent and
prepared in aerobiosis. Z.

Three different reducing agents (cysteine hydrochloride, Ea 40

dithiothreitol, and sodium sulfide) were used at a concentra-
tion of 0.1% for R. flavefaciens 007. With F. succinogenes * 20 I
S85, cysteine hydrochloride was the only reducing agent
studied. Both species were incubated at 38°C for 25 min after
the addition of cellulose. The redox potential was measured
with an rH meter (CG 819; Schott Gerate, Hofheim, Federal
Republic of Germany); the electrode was immersed in the Time (hours)
bacterial culture for 20 s.
(ix) Effect of sodium and gas phase. R. flavefaciens 007 was
grown on Ml medium containing amino acids as detailed
above. Two media were tested: medium Ml and medium Ml
- Na from which all sodium sources had been removed and go
the pH adjusted to 7 with 3 M KOH. Both were tested under 8

a gas phase of 100% N2 or 100% CO2.

Adhesion of F. succinogenes S85 was studied on the
following media: medium Ml - Na from which all sodium
sources had been removed; medium Ml + NaHCO3 in
which the sodium was added at a concentration of 50 mM in
the. form of NaHCO3; medium Ml + Na2CO3 in which the
sodium was added at a concentration of 50 mM in the form
of Na2CO3; medium Ml + NaCl in which the sodium was 17 22
added at a concentration of 50 mM in the form of NaCl; Time (hours)
medium Ml + KHCO3 in which no sodium ions were added
to the medium (the concentration of KHCO3 was calculated FIG. 1. Effect of the growth phase on the adhesion of F. succi-
so that the supply of HCO3- ions was the same as that in the nogenes S85 (a) and R. flavefaciens 007 (b). Symbols: A, growth
medium Ml + NaHCO3); medium Ml + LiCl in which no (A6w); *, adherent cells (%).
sodium was added to the medium and lithium was added at
a concentration of 50 mM.
All the media were prepared under 100% N2. The medium flavefaciens adhered in the early exponential phase. There-
with LiCl and those without sodium were also prepared after, the adhesion of F. succinogenes fell abruptly, whereas
under 100% CO2. When NaCl was removed from the mineral the high percentage of adherent ruminococci was maintained
solution, it was replaced by the same concentration of KCI. until the late stationary phase (Fig. la and b).
In all media, the pH was adjusted to 7 with 3 M KOH. R. flavefaciens 007 and 083 adhered rapidly to cellulose
We also studied the adhesion of the bacteria on medium Avicel; after only 1 min of contact, 80 to 90% of the bacterial
Ml under 100% N2 or 100% CO2. The latter was considered cells were adherent. For the study of other factors, this
a control. species was maintained in contact with cellulose for 5 min.
(x) Effect of metabolic inhibitors. We tested monensin and In contrast, the greatest number of adhering cells of F.
lasalocid (ionophore antibiotics) at a concentration of 0.02 succinogenes S85 was reached between 15 and 30 min of
mM, 2,4-dinitrophenol and tetrachlorosalicylanilide (proton- contact with cellulose; after 1 min of contact, only 30% of
ophores) at concentrations of 1.6 and 0.02 mM, respectively, the cells adhered (Table 2). The effects of other factors on
N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) (inhibitor of mem- this species were therefore studied with cultures harvested
brane ATPases) at a concentration of 0.02 mM, antimycin A at the end of the exponential growth phase and after 25 min
and hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide at a concentration of 0.1 of contact with cellulose.
mM, and sodium azide at a concentration of 40 mM (the Adhesion of both species was maximal at 38°C. Adhesion
latter three are all inhibitors of electron transfer chains). of F. succinogenes varied according to the temperature
These inhibitors were added to the bacterial culture and
left in contact with the bacteria for 10 min before the addition
of cellulose. Sodium azide was dissolved in distilled water, TABLE 2. Effect of contact time between cellulose and bacteria
hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide was dissolved in dimethyl sulfox- on percentage of cells adhering to cellulose Avicel
ide, and the other inhibitors were dissolved in ethanol. % of adherent cellsa
Control cultures containing ethanol or dimethyl sulfoxide at Contact time
(min) R. flavefaciens R. flavefaciens F. succinogenes
the same concentrations as in the test tubes were made to 007 083 S85
check the eventual effects of these compounds. The final
concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide or ethanol in the bacte- 1 74 4 71 3 36 1
rial culture was less than 1 or 3%, respectively. 5 81 3 82 1 57 4
15 83 2 75 8 78 5
RESULTS 30 82 7 82 2 83 3
60 80 6 89 2 83 4
F. succinogenes had the highest percentage of adherent
cells at the end of the exponential growth phase, while R. a
Average of four replicates + standard deviation.

TABLE 3. Effect of temperature on adhesion of F. succinogenes TABLE 4. Effect of sugars, cellulose derivatives, and lack of
S85 and R. flavefaciens 007 to cellulose Avicel divalent cations on adhesion of F. succinogenes S85 and
R. flavefaciens 007 to cellulose Avicel
Temp % of adherent cellsa % of adherent cellsa
(OC) R. flavefaciens F. succinogenes Factor studied
R. flavefaciens F. succinogenes
4 99±7 71±3
13 98 5 81± 2 Glucose (5%) 82 ± 4 64 ± 2
20 98 7 84 ±+5 Cellobiose (5%) 82 ± 6 54 ± 2
30 100 96 ± 3 Mannose (5%) 89 ± 1 71 ± 8
42 100 98± 3 Xylose (5%) 90 ± 1 77 ± 6
43 NDb 85 ± 6 Maltose (5%) 93 ± 2 100
44 ND 77 3 Soluble starch (5%) 90 ± 5 100
46 ND 83 6
48 ND 39 4 CMC (0.1%) 100 100
52 93 ± 3 ND HEC (0.1%) 21 3 70 ± 3
MC (0. 1%) 46 ± 4 100
Percentage of adherent cells compared with a control tube at 38°C
(average of four replicates ± standard deviation). Minus Ca2+ 91 ± 4 100
b ND, Not determined.
Minus Mg2+ 87 ± 4 100
Minus Ca2' and Mg2" 77 ± 5 100
(Table 3), while that of R. flavefaciens was unaffected. The a Percentage of adherent cells compared with a control culture containing
percentage of adhering cells of F. succinogenes decreased Ca2" and Mg2+ and without carbohydrates (average of four replicates +
markedly at 48°C. After exposure of the bacterial cuitures to standard deviation).
100°C, the adhesion of F. succinogenes S85 and LRS095 was
completely suppressed, while there was a decrease of only
15% in attachment of R. flavefaciens. hesion of R. flavefaciens was not greatly affected by redox
At low concentrations (0.1 to 1%), carbohydrates had no potential (Table 5). The presence of cysteine or Na2S under
effect on the adhesion of the two species. At a concentration aerobic conditions almost completely inhibited adhesion of
of 5%, the adhesion of R. flavefaciens was slightly depressed the ruminococci (Table 5).
while that of F. succinogenes was partly affected by xylose Under a nitrogen atmosphere and in the absence of sodium
and mannose and more by cellobiose and glucose (Table 4). ions, F. succinogenes did not adhere to cellulose (20% of
There was a considerable decrease in the adhesion of F. adherent bacteria compared with control values). An atmo-
succinogenes after it had been transferred several times on sphere of CO2 or the presence of Na+ was required for the
cellobiose or glucose at a high concentration (4%). The adhesion of this species. In its effect, Li' could substitute
number of adherent cells of F. succinogenes decreased by for Na+ (Table 6). The adhesion of the bacterium was also
60, 67, and 80% after 1, 5, and 10 transfers, respectively, on strongly inhibited by DCCD and by certain ionophore anti-
a high concentration (4%) of cellobiose. On 4% glucose, biotics (Table 7). At the same concentration, the effect of
whatever the number of transfers, there was only a 35% lasalocid was greater than that of monensin. The other
decrease. Hydroxyethylcellulose partly inhibited the adhe- protonophores and inhibitors of the electron transfer chains
sion of F. succinogenes and greatly inhibited that of R. did not significantly alter the percentage of adherent bacte-
flavefaciens, while MC only inhibited the adhesion of R. ria.
flavefaciens and CMC had no effect on either species (Table Adhesion of R. flavefaciens was little affected by the
4). absence of sodium ions in the medium (90% adherent cells
Only the attachment of R. flavefaciens was affected by a compared with the control) (Table 6) or by the action of the
lack of divalent cations (Table 4). Deprivation of either Ca2" different metabolic inhibitors tested (Table 7).
or Mg2" had little effect, but the lack of both cations
inhibited adhesion to a greater extent (Table 4). The number
of adherent cells of F. succinogenes increased regularly from DISCUSSION
pH 4.5 to 6.0 (30% of adherent cells at pH 4.5, 80% at pH From the various quantitative techniques used for the
6.0), remained stable between pH 6.0 and 7.0, and fell determination of bacterial adhesion, we chose that described
abruptly at pH 7.5 (25% of adherent bacteria). The adhesion by Minato and Suto (20) because it is simple, rapid, repro-
of R. flavefaciens was stable at pHs between 3.5 and 7.5, ducible, and allows the study of many factors. While it is
decreased at pH 8.0 (40% of adherent cells), and remained true that with this method nonadherent bacterial cells may
the same at pH 8.5 and 9.0. After 5 min of exposure to air, be entrapped within cellulose during centrifugation (27), this
80% inhibition of adherent cells of F. succinogenes S85, should not be considered a major drawback. If large num-
LRS095, and LRS128 was observed. After 1 h, adhesion was bers of cells were to be entrapped during centrifugation,
completely inhibited. Adhesion of R. flavefaciens 007 was strong inhibitory factors would never be found; yet we
little affected by the presence of oxygen, but strains 083 and observed that adhesion of R. flavefaciens in the presence of
131 were slightly inhibited: 25% after 5 min and 35% after 1 cysteine in aerobic medium and that of F. succinogenes in
h of exposure. the presence of several factors (Na+ deprivation under an
The percentage of adherent bacteria of F. succinogenes atmosphere of N2, presence of oxygen) were almost com-
decreased with oxidation of the medium compared with the pletely inhibited. Furthermore, in each assay we compared
control (medium with cysteine and under 100% CO2. -250 our results with those of controls lacking the factor the effect
mV). It decreased by 20% in medium without cysteine under of which was to be studied.
100% CO2 (-150 mV), by 80% in medium with cysteine R. flavefaciens adheres in less than 1 min to cellulose,
under aerobic conditions (-50 mV), and by 90% in medium which suggests that the adherence process involves a struc-
without cysteine under aerobic conditions (+100 mV). Ad- ture that is an integral part of the bacterial cell. The adhesion

TABLE 5. Effect of redox potential on adhesion of R. flavefaciens 007 to cellulose Avicel

Gas phase Reducing

agent Cysteine hydrochloride
% of adherent cells with Eh (mV)a
Dithiothreitol Na2S

100% C02 Used 90 ± 7 (-210 ± 88) 94 + 4 (-290 + 23) 94 + 2 (-190 ± 24)

Omitted 86 + 11 (-80 ± 38) 88 ± 8 (-180 ± 32) 95 ± 2 (-60 ± 46)
100% air Used 13 ± 10 (+40 ± 78) 60 ± 15 (-220 ± 45) 9 ± 9 (+120 ± 18)
Omitted 58 ± 18 (+140 ± 59) 56 ± 15 (+210 ± 17) 57 ± 7 (+200 ± 24)
Average of four replicates ± standard deviation.

of this bacterium, as shown for R. albus (25), occurs within albus (24), soluble starch did not inhibit adhesion to cellu-
S min after the addition of the substrate. R. flavefaciens and lose, even at high concentrations, which suggests the spec-
R. albus appear therefore to be able to colonize plant cell ificity of the binding with the substrate. Moreover, it has
tissues as soon as they arrive in the rumen and possibly been observed elsewhere (G. Fonty, I. Guerry, and P.
colonize plant tissues faster than F. succinogenes. In an Gouet, First Congress of the French Society for Microbiol-
environment in which there is strong competition from other ogy, Toulouse, 1986) that R. flavefaciens adheres weakly or
microorganisms, this may represent an ecological advan- not at all to several noncellulolytic substrates (Sephadex,
tage. Our findings are in line with those of Akin (3), who Amberlite resin, starch granules).
observed by electron microscopy a larger number of F. Unlike Minato and Suto (20), Kudo et al. (16), and
succinogenes adherent to plant cell walls during the later Rasmussen et al. (27), we observed no inhibitory effect of
stages of cellulolysis. CMC. This controversial observation might be explained by
The sudden drop in the percentage of adherent cells of F. the fact that the inhibitory activity of CMC on cellulases was
succinogenes at low and high temperatures is reminiscent of transitory, as this compound was very inhibitory in immedi-
an enzymatic type of bacterium-cellulose linkage. This is ate assays but a portion of this inhibition was relieved by
further suggested by the fact that adhesion reached its preincubating CMC with the enzyme source (26). Under our
maximum at the end of the exponential phase, i.e., when experimental conditions, F. succinogenes was in contact
enzyme production is at its maximum. with cellulose Avicel for 25 min, and this might explain why
The carbohydrates studied, all constitutive elements of the our results were different. They might also be due to the
polyosides of the plant cell walls, had an inhibitory effect on bacterial strains and the cellulose source used. Morris (24)
adhesion only at a high concentration (5%), which indicates recently observed that the adhesion of R. albus differed
that they have a weak specificity for possible receptors of the according to strains, while Wood et al. (35) have shown that
bacterial wall. The inhibitory effect of glucose and cellobiose the cellulases of this bacterium varied in size depending on
on F. succinogenes at high concentrations may be due to a the energy source. However, our results on the effect of MC
retroactive inhibitory effect of these sugars on enzymatic on R. flavefaciens are in agreement with those of Rasmussen
activity and strongly suggests that the cellulases of F. et al. (27). We also observed an eluting effect of MC (V.
succinogenes are involved in the adherence process. After Roger and G. Fonty, unpublished data) against this bacte-
10 transfers on these sugars at 4%, we observed that this rium. Rasmussen et al. (26) and White et al. (34) have
species was still able to degrade filter paper. Furthermore, recently shown that MC at a low concentration has an
Taylor et al. (33) have recently shown that these sugars can
repress certain cellulase genes of the bacterium. As for R.
TABLE 7. Effect of metabolic inhibitors on adhesion of
F. succinogenes S85 and R. flavefaciens 007 to cellulose Avicel
TABLE 6. Effect of sodium and gas phase on adhesion of % of adherent cellsb
F. succinogenes S85 and R. flavefaciens 007 to cellulose Avicel Inhibitor (mM)'
R. flavefaciens F. succinogenes
a Ion supple- cells'
mentb Metal ionophores
R. flavefaciens F. succinogenes
Lasalocid (0.02) 82 ± 14 6± 4
100% N2 Minus Na 91 5 19 7 Monensin (0.02) 85 ± 6 70 ± 8
NaHCO3 NDd 84 6
Na2CO3 ND 86 3 Proton ionophores
NaCl ND 57 4 2,4-dinitrophenol (1.6) 100 94 ± 3
KHCO3 ND 10 6 Tetrachlorosalicylanilide (0.02) 100 95 ± 4
Nae 89 5 84 ± 2
LiC1f ND 48 6 Membrane ATPase inhibitor 94 ± 1 10 ± 6
(DCCD [0.2])
100% C02 Minus Na 89 + 4 81 8
LiC1f ND 91 4 Electron transport inhibitors
Antimycin A (0.1) 87 ± 9 88 ± 10
Media prepared under either 100% N2 or 100% CO2 gas phase. Hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (0.1) 90 ± 4 90 ± 4
Na+, Li', or HC03- supplied at 50 mM concentration. NaN3 (40) 100 100
' Percentage of adherent cells compared with a control culture (average of

four replicates standard deviation). a

All factors are dissolved in ethanol except NaN3 and hydroxyquinoline-
d ND, Not determined. N-oxide, which were dissolved, respectively, in distilled water and dimethyl
eAll the sodium sources of medium Ml are present (NaCI, NaHCO3, and sulfoxide.
NaOH). b Percentage of adherent cells of a control culture (average of four repli-
f No sodium added. cates ± standard deviation).

inhibitory effect on an exo-,B-1,4-glucanase (called exo A) The effect of a reducing agent might also be explained by the
and has surfactant properties at a high concentration. These presence of the SH groups.
observations and our own results suggest that this enzyme The adherence process seems to be different for R. flave-
acts in the adherence process and that hydrophobic interac- faciens and F. succinogenes. The adhesion of the latter is
tions are involved in the adherence of R. flavefaciens. affected by low temperatures, the presence of oxygen, the
However, these statements have to be demonstrated. lack of sodium, and the inhibition of its membrane ATPases.
Unlike F. succinogenes, R. flavefaciens requires the pres- These results suggest that proteins and bacterial cellulases
ence of Ca2" and Mg2" ions for its adhesion. These cations themselves play a part in the adhesion of F. succinogenes.
might bind the large glycocalyx observed by electron micros- The proteins responsible for adhesion should now be iso-
copy (8, 19) and cellulose. However, the fact that in their lated and purified. Several mechanisms appear to be in-
absence adhesion decreased by only 20 to 30% indicates that volved in the adhesion of R.flavefaciens, the main one being
ionic interactions are not the sole mechanism of adhesion of the interaction between the bacterial cell and the divalent
this bacterial species. The greatest number of adherent cells cations Ca2" and Mg2+. Hydrophobic interactions and en-
of F. succinogenes observed at pHs between 5.5 and 7.0 is zymes may also be involved.
consistent with an enzymatic-type adhesion process since at
those pHs the different cellulases of F. succinogenes exhib- LITERATURE CITED
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